1 IA1.UT Oo. 1 I la r j r t kkr I . "7 " Jrr- :1m iitJ . !: c tf , j k&i if4F if- 2?w Hate. Comu AmiI r ritatiittftk'''r'eiii4J no 2tawlJTa sad ;MrtioMrojUf,jtb clt,f Jtw llvcf x Ap H110 - ed Bbeut 1.S1K) rote orer bit fat joriiyfrfthu city last year, s "iargiTylJwfiiwetf pvhibTtlofole7 kbs total W'tfu Wete' being efl-ff. I vff I eVB60 pott last yesnf lin J'Ari pile aaiaiti! vr ? -t J CtSCISKAn, April ...ai'wiie cTttMj Osikj-AprH v;i6pwivwtihMi wit rtbs- sseepibkn Pallee -Judge-by BoO ..iaio.liy.r r . v tj& Z TT J .eWTh mowU"V(J ' Ibeir llator. ' u)joi-.i wiTt, Vic; Apr 4. , . 0 - The Democrat elected their If y or j Airwnrr ilJoumiOBUhfc April i T.Tfi'-rwn.3i:-j!n-rrT".irfi m)ofll.l wtit urjfj hj .) l 1 ; -' '' "ijit1' ' ' i- : 0'.18 Jlvl i( Ktaf ji CLAIXS IN FAVOR OF A VORTH '''rftWnt.tttA Yaw I . &AIV.S IN FAVOR OF A VOKI tfotAD: :it. I'tbCt' .CliiiMt At. Mdod tl nT fUtnh la ft IffMM. unlflOk.' tffliait . . . . i . i a -al n it . ktp;ty,oftn!tU clrlt jrur. ."bj tU kttC !? h :lh, applies - I reatt eolltcteii and paid lit h Pub ft Jflly; 18C3, by wy gtnU p- Un forncr k),u tM fthMnruili tbfi - urbt (4 tctluo i;io fct tb et of Mtrch . 13th, lC3, doe awt jipplj pmoted l bepropertywbck ,wu 5ptortd M land by military aad aaral !rctrtbf Ua atw Dd,moadJno a loyal 8Ut by aaid torca,,; ai) liballcd la a r Diaviet Cowl balura paaMf l tba act ad Ua prooardi 4btraoli pal4 faito tba ' 'nbll 'j'ff udry befora tbf Tpaaugt ol the art. , J :,) U r J FROM MARYLAND. - j , 1 1 AMA1V14B, Jf9t April Tbe ttatemeot talrgrapbcd ia regard to the BMortaaate dittarbaaoe at tbe katla correct. A Bambef of -not- re- l! .eietple a4 lafliential cit were at - the poll at tbe tiaae,- aad - aU- agree (hal the a greet were agteteort, bad It Ji pec! tireiy atterted tbat wultama, who com- (' ' taeacrd tbe flriair, arae tint knocked dwa .J? aaJKiu(('akAaUrda; pwtol, bad .US tf lwur loU, : both. ; Ukiflg (fT f. Afui ward the MCoad eeeault wee euade . .. by a aegro npoa a wbhe an Vitb a cudgel, aad aa iodlacriminat Brlcg be twtea the black aid white took place; 'fwojrblte eab aid eight ttcgrcea being ahoC o( the latter,' Wot. Dortry Wan -Mf Wd eui4 teren other, wounded. t j , 4 Tb dittorbaBce w fietlly ejnelle by tbe whllci of both piriie tffactoally lc- terfcriDg to catwe a ceeiatloa, alter which Me t pegroe .retired vOiberwlH j, 8ey would htteWeW lotlowed by an exaipe late jrpf d, ,.aid; ptora. neiiotu, coiue u nqneeoea woold bare lollowedrf t 'i ::( u i (..o i i a - A talld anarlant and eeotle tnmQw re " eoaaieaded for tbe ear of all dertaeeaaeet . the toMch, Urer ard bowala. By ttetr to WaulT -aa atckaa ia ffiaataa. ' Tk Wtof BMajyeara hT protaa tkaai t be ih.iJtke eafeit, tare aad beet of aU the pill r: -taretterd bathe WBblla.' They parify tbe ;',; .bleed,, raoioT alt corraptloaa and restore th digued (Tstem to perfect beal'b, Aa aa Aatio uis 6 tiillle and Ferer tbey bare ao ;n aal. For Dnnepaiar theyara a pJOe u Jfor flick Bedab aud Btiioa ColU taey are a tar care. For CxBtipUoa, Bbeamatlsm riles, PalDiUtlon of tb Heart, fsla In the tHd. Jack aad tVotna, Unroinaa a poal tt rexedy. For Female , irregalariUea. ' wltliCat a rttal. J "Wkea one doe aot "tl .-aery aralU' a alncie doM etlraaUtae th !aaaiei aad bowla,'itBM tbe appetite, aad tiarart vlgur to the eveteat i Bold ea erjwbcre. Office 1 ht array Street few Tork. ,,. 'it dk. TOITB HA18 DIB. j to ruHy applted, kooart a beaatifal black r brown, aad aete like itk: The beat la the world. BOia ey au araepaoh rnee f l,iw li'nn'l iiiii'" i . if-t Ttti t- -Till f haitfy record ot daaln that riaaU iroa) palvonary atiectioM Is frichUsl. Tbara Mlfi ; M IV WKWUMIil Hi I'lWUHUM IM " : . . i 1 1 A .. 1 I. - iars s i oonsampuou. j uw nm si u'jtiI ''slight cold" they ooa becotse drp Mated .iu and dcly maadit whiek. If appUed at the , ontst, would bare avartad all diBKsr.r Dr. JTaU'a kxpsetoiial. kss provta llstll tb piaan! Ttlusbl Luvt Bitlsua ever dlaoarerad. U; A -dUUuKaUhad fcnrjriaB1ol. fcew .fork, ), proaenaot it the . 'Vrcateet bktiag ot th i ... BiaatssaLk rratsry,'' aad aya "ao Itaall ,), ,beuidk without it", .It U pUastat to.t , lasta, sad aslagla doa a ill of tea laataae; e t j, oatobUoU eoagh. , Offloa, , Mr. JsifJ t U9)''it7.Xort. ti-is t'.tMN 1 I Ihal-J 9 Udtl ut, w r 7 w-S. a ? - ; n.iltiw ,-" ' ' ' i i in -i ii), w )T U1II UHIII UXI II l.;-J - ;.' n -okJLJ vi- r-" ?( t-'-w er t .' - . . .ISOBsrreUHo. I fmhbnrat Lte't Dt ,i't Jjkh and to arriee direct from the Urn Work--ande "rd atredaeed pitoe at depot In larg :'7--'.4antitflak1,- - ; : -. : .x' tumH-V dAKkS IL TOWLtt. cunco I tarn Headache, rues, Spraln&a TocQaelie, Colle, Old Sore? All Ilemorrhages. K "BUrrhasa, T ALOABL fKOMUTT FOR f ALi IS 2 STiZad 7pVhki Vufc&uA hoa m and to teaaUfnUf atlafta la a Saalrabia iiorUoa at tin to a Ceald a4lly ba eooTwtod Inia a aorarortawa wuot. If mol aooavr dtoootal ol prtvately, I toill Mil aald pmrartj at pnblla aneUoa. 1 Tmi : Half -iiaaa. raoiaiadar ka lizvnaUu Vtik taurtaw J v a COUVA. WAN -, L TtJ, Actin lineal aad Diatriet Ageata itb direct contract f the Prtiu Mntwal Lilt IoaarDV Fhiladelphia.iy N. Q.,.., DirPiR1 aauojf uuTAURAiiti .-..,rv. Wit Fault, Wojtpkrtoa.Br, ..-- . .) r i . blaold 8'ai raw kaowa ata 1 ! h mlaa Buat,N. W. R. rwoar. tba wojt akttixal.lm Qm irriaia rpau, ii pwanit arw rvo a'lUiari , IillUirflBT flair y f ttamai B4atlbpwVsnMiip la f per bert la . Iirroik Oyt If ala at mil anar. I UOlfboro' Aacordar aad Uurtum Tobaec) pcViJx- Vick' ',!J:.'j' By Tirtae of tba, power eoakrred ' oe i bj Aci' Wb Oeaeral AsMmb'yW titled A Act coocerning tba City t Raleigh we do Hereby give not use that Booka of Reffietratioa will be ODeaed Ibr 4 the electora of the, at; of Raleigh to BrtrT&.rlKM tb4rlAwftfif RegUl ftn4 4beoMeWrieiHyiatlM i4 pec tire wsrde, to-wits nurviin .... i r i J X Christoher. AwiMtacat A tii cbj'JCekeVfiboprobillslgwtt ' afCOXD WABO. Th tC MiHy, Registrar at Orsoge Hotel, corner ol Wilmington nnd DavteBt. : . vmiuit ano'Aita I J J Lewie, Rcgietrar, at Coort;;Honi. VOOBTK WABIk ' ' I .. S O Uscey, Itrgistrar at th Office; of tba Uae Company earner or Uawenn had Cabarfot gtiaeta. ?",-.. tit, ' ItVTS WAttD. i ! Goonre IT. Wiiliane, 7Zgirr at Jlha W.Biown'B korepn-.iiMnaie IfalL MnriraaBt. . I .j Tneee hnoke will be oueoed on tbe 13 dey td Match, 1875, end will cloee April 48ra," S7A,'"-'--'- , BOA RD OF COMMIONIiW ( mar M23 " I BKBXK84 . ITKA1I WABBtR AMD ,.t U; ii m BUUCBIK. f TBB LAI 1ST. BIST AMD CBBAFF4T irttn.'l ABHB MADE. j That Steam Waabsr are haUar tkaa othan la now t-aaurally eoaceded. That the Caar lea to the beet of Bteam f 'shars wlUhaas raadll adailtied byevaty aha who eae it Bad trie It with thra. - ...,- IU eoastractioa to sack a to rash the largeet aaaatlty of watart .tarosfh the cloth lex be th ahMtakt 'ttoaa, 'Bad to eompeil a. tbe water to ao where t to desired, aad br He (nine aarwaera else. .It has aa baagllng Tslse to atake ih water low by It ad re to litw at Intarrsla bat cease It to low steadily soaring slsteee atieaaw on tbe whole urfae of th clotb.ag. Thea tbe water he ret to deeeeed to -tbe eeotre or uoth end ot the tale boUoss to et back te It etartinf uolat butgoe Ualbt down Iron kjrekrktfclbvwaettltraltoartsof thawiotk. l,Vow uvoa.-kua.j UtavUmrraut. it rusbee through the cloihing many times par minate aad elean tbem la It to W mlaatae I IU cost of tL Biachia msr be mead sen eooa m difiareace la wear of the clothes. ' It BUT baasTed aerr aooa ta the dlHrroe Of labor required. - a BoacBwr man w to, eaa beasad rltk ay store boiler or the boiler foi tbe mm-hio 'a other parpoaa, sail fur . .leas thea ens of Hi kind, aad will a tbe work tiuickei'snd more ttioroaahlr. , As IU aara-ladleata.lt kf f l'J.k.ltL&&9 AUUMU ALU ) ' The are Baade of bast Ua. Tha hotiat with cslTsalard boa bottom, will tost Ban years sod araaoldatth foLowiag low - i For the Waabar" aad BoUer. (ataal aiat m, For tha washer aloac, (aal iaa.) , A For tb W asber and Boiler (extra lam) td.W. Fee the Washar aloee, (aitratorna) . au7a 11 Jaobee: wilofty M long Tbe extarurge II lachae wid br M fenir U 1-Sdeep. . . " , , teat ear a here nor uwh, am rMlni at Prieeby ' " 7 d. A JVflU, rroprvstorj w luurwiWTJ ' 3 Mbit in I Cabtbb, Annaici L. Cameb. CaHTICH Sc carter j Atr6aiiiti( iVTLAW, A - - - - tt fk free I ice la the beprrme Ccart at Bsl ttk. and ta tee aM ale aad Federal Ouarts.of IVaj! tarn Worth Urollca. vMft f - Claim eollecttd an aay eotjoty of: tk N - -. HI iJU'j u-ik. I Will Mil SO Towa Lota at HertavUU. '' ' eoasttr. tytmUce Cttef Wakaforaat pepot 1 desire a pirtaer la the eslablUhamnt ot rpoaa waa aM naadla Factor aa UtU Beer, wkere 1 owe a rood mill algbtaad w uuurt ir iee ousiaaaa. - . t For trtk alar addrnav j at; F. J. BAKTJFIaXH. k ccttt-d,wwlm BolesTlle, f. U. o HrwGLU isn i iTnt - wiT fJi?-"i r,',i .4)c ? . 'i The Uar Khtrurl Co.. ia aow imiuiJ In tarnish shir rlf aad llatha ta aa oailltlM deatrad. Tbeaa ablccle ire tbe beet In th "fkeC'tf ddrta. J I W . . 14 ' , V 3 It 1 - - - 1 J I y a tjs'vsJ poods rAq4sijLt;: Al.l ', It II- Jlr. I J J ; VIJ ) Creech's: . anorai me mors man oraiuary t!(-ur laoSvftOtlie trail !iJ coniumi r of pry (iuodi, 4ccaJt'ick Uoti'it wliljia tliUt few fiuvt in New lork,, i.a,' U1 fca ol at prtco Wc! tuuUv, e to at.k'eortntltloa , My .tot U bi UlHm"a W and eomplet llua Of .txutirij hftdi ) colon, froat low price to flue 'fabric.- lily ftwk ofPlrr noI, Bit, Bool, '8tiSa, Carpets, I Mkea Xiotton, tc, isoodououili hHrtjaetaebafavBdla -tna ctt?, ind to a kick 1 would call tba (pectal attentlua of IcIom eoyera, aad Beraattuw b l MjrtbaUIj d aot proponto cloa orud op aitr ban ut on tfc tontniry ta xuad it. bo bear tat Bind CrcU' I th pUee. . f ; f iaoe wao tuay eeonomr aad profltabia fcTeteaent ea do a better baa teigiTe bm a rBelnf trolr ..v to the denuida of jtbe lonr, pui ..." to ecnre a large trade, elalin to put tH ore the publie tUe lrgri pour, l alia E awe loBBd la Ut city t ( : 9d3m. , t- A-CBIKCW TTIA IK dbMVMavaViL BALK. 4 t IvIUtetiiL'rfaib. Cl Ae 1r from tiy-3ltlegH1 eoalrilBg-g3 acrce;a 0000 DWELL NO Xii tmttY All la food i rep.:. Fie K"d 1XNAJJT lmiTRT? fiuir nt thrnn n I ' . Af1OyEU0VSE,aDjxFl- hwitMandj ' U4ag A((9od iMMinem j ' "Tb plabbttion T ia good order foe anitar iuul 1bm . w ... " Ur BV-ClNTKmiAVUUUUlBl i I BK I A .ftf B1 . I 4 , a . w TioH of i3ie.e r w. -AXbcal t Axs( and BabeerlpUon Ballcllorl,' id "ttoaitoataa I good i addreee uai ana wmimw -at aooa i la KaMich aad cacb Towa and Ciunty la Martk Uarolln, a year w vrk at I1S.C0 a weak CkMENX a-BtOtiCUfn N KUREAtf, auaet ray aoMpua, ra.- t iFoy preapecta joaraaU eaelo XtaBtan. i. .,..,... ..... . hi V 4ACKUS. MOKTU-i f UAHnuNAi Frartlea la aU the Coarta ot Morthamptda, BaJifat. BafU aad Hartford eoaatlaaiia aaa 0tpnM UaaAJil R,ertfe tfcl aad ia )be Federal Coart. 4- P. n. B?r bu :d W 1 u E . i t;-SMtTOBMkr! At liw.a Iff t ' ert. "i-rrf ,u,.il,iii..,..i.g1i ... , "T TRWi CLA8 WATUHMAKtB -M. "pi UMtlon 10 Boy Sonthtfn trrtt n A flrl Ibm Welch repairer alto of Jrencb nnd SagUah , ClockATi Alott MtiaUotory rafmeecegiTen, 'itppry bw tottr ve i T. BXDAiLLt, cat ot.Mr: Kpiier,'witcii JtwtlI)tsl.6CiN' .ftoo 1. Haw York CityT bo4rtrisr ,apak Italian, French and English fluent ly.L IrcnintlioIJlood ittsll sd Solution of the lyrtixUUi of IroHt is eo combined a$ to hapa th ehnrmcter of em ailment, aa MtUg digested and autmUatott ttith the blood am tho almolent x food. It increase the ouantltrt. s or iatmre'e uum j ritaiuetntr Agent, iron fie the aiooa, am cure 'a thousand W$," slmplff by Toning mn,Invtaormttng and VUallxina the System., Thetfv riched and vitalized blood pet meatee every part of the oodi repairing damage and toaei arcAti9 ( .ejerMe! oeci Hons, and leaving nothing fOk ' Uttease to feed upon -"--".. 'Thi4 the secret of the tvo Dderfattuaeess ofthUrtmedg 4 . plaint, Dropay,-' Cfcionlo D14 rborIlLsNcrTOUsAifbcUoiLB, . Clillln ab1 " Fevers. Ilamprs, IVmii of Constittitlonal VlffOr;ijl sJMntdtug erf, Ote IPUlpeyi and Bladder, Female Complaints. , and all disease orlpinatlna, il aa oaa state or me booa, or ao- -' cotnpanied btf debility or a foto 7 fato tA ettetenu Being free from Alcohol, in cmy form, its , energizing effects are not fol , towed by Corresponding reaef tlon but are permanent, in fit. i fiMfy strength, vigor, and nem life into all parts af the system, ; and building op am Jr Con- ' stltmion. .-.f-'.rwi oi I " Thousands have been changed u: by Vie use of this remedy, from , weak, sickly, suffering crea- - havrni men, and tooment and invalids cannot reasonably ftev" Mate to give it a trial. TT i ' See that eachbottte has PERU IVIAN i SYRUP StfH W. FOWU 4 SONS. Proprieiai k.fUrate g JUlaaat Wan, eetew' 7 jn ng paeeeieea tmii- ' m O. TUB PUBLIC. . .. . ' 1 ..' A'l ysT;i7..T i; ',. 'a- I At tba repeated aad nrgeat oUcttatldn of y friaad Bad th elttsea gcaUy of Kal sigh, 1 bare nonetaded to rcsataa tbe tKeal Bakste Bamaeav k this cltr. Aoo will be happy Bawn da all tba- aasisuaee for ; bay ing, aellijig, laying oat, r iapreataK all kiadfewf arobrttr. 1 latter mraaU 'hat ni loaapM!caoe, both hlerth aad oath. ia this llaaof baalBee.bu gte a a thonragh kaowledB ot the asasa. sal I fsji fajU capa ble of tlrtaj general mtktantoa to all. that BMy ptoreaaintB m my hand 1 f .i. t W ,4. hAAt. iatAlB AaSBT, I ' rsaW,raoreafa tsotaj , 00140 WUOD FUKIAUKW ,14 k j "100 Contoot , Meaadplaeattl p aellTcrad., ,t .., , j.i I A good ttroog 4 horse ' wat-on or ssl Apv'T t II la' bter on UiUtkotV e tract, eec lltf . . . . . I. DA VIA. AT J . -V I I Ml - r Tb only known rmedy for , j lllllGnt'DDISIiiM Aad a potiUre remadf tor . r. , i: o a a OUPT, OR-iVrU tTRICICKKB. v r , BtT PJ SrsiA, KBVoUT Wia jwUiullna or Imnnnm h aB-Urf. tkri u Aeuoa, .BiwiaiaauoB eiMUieerauoB oi vm Bladder & Eidneyi Uaoorrha ot WbMea. IMa el the Pro( (jCalcnlas Ornral or Hrlckdaat papoalt Be? ,., y, Feraja-wnUy Care aU Oiae of tke BLADDER, jUDNKYS, AKD DROPBt--: i Tr OAJ. UWILUNOoV ) "w TtwUtJog ra M eaj. Werae) aad Ckndreai ' 9t A10 J1AT1JCR WlLAfTilB AOE' A IVli U"ViW eni vuew vx.nv vt w-aa frr' Flum kitrtct BSelm H worth nlor QtsB allosBBehaaoomoia.'' "ii M i"J i - rWi'OaeBonwMrnVAUi'orBlrBote for Five DflCkvrtt. tk r- ' rwvf-r Depot, 104 Doina St, Kew Ytjrk. ' A Vhysletoa In attendaaeeta answer roerae poodeaeeend RitMaAmsanai .'uvin Ik fcadaplorfampbkMitp xieiTcnis ana JJsciimtci ''" " OF BQTlX BXXES.q'm I ni ;;'' pi- .vi ;if inli 1 11 1 :fmirr-4 w4 4"- . iMt J Dtorr. gradnata af JaBam n.Hed leal Uollaar, rbUadelphla, aatbor of eeawral TalaabI works, can be eonaaitad onaUdie e-eet th Baxnal or Urinary Urewna, ( wbieb ba baa made an eapectal atady) either ha ma?' or teaaale, bo matter nrom what eaaawrgtt. stlae or of boajJoag tfadlng. A practice ot W year tosblea him to treat disaatee With aaere. Care gaaraataed. Caargaa raa sotMble. Tkasa at dtotinee eaa forward tatter dnwlljmg eymakiiBBB ami awelrwai' tantaca nosUra. - -. .: . . .. , , i rWd io teQuibumitX: rxlceihe. - t n nrriTT i r' i i .in. i . i .i....ll.ii,e..lii..... i Tn atore n B of the be. Xj Mili' Ur ntHprietrMlt3ll, STary farmar who ha an arckard abovld kaTeoBe."":'r - " i - Alan, toet referred anew enpplTof Sinclair and Amah's tatting Fa!. & beat m ana, - ' JAJtuld. T0WLE8, PERSONAL RKltlNISCENCENCKS, BCDUTES AMD LETTXRS OF AN at Oca. Robert D. Itoo, By Rer. J. Wlf. JONES, D. D., formerly ft aau u vnepnua Amy noruieni innnia, a Waahington Collere, Va. fPabll and of t ' red by aathorit of tbeUe mmOy, A'f Ad of the Faculty of Wash- I ' ., .j togton snLee CnlTeratty. ' J sixtsbb srunpiB roam ait aw korat: 'rice, ht Cloth, 13.50; Sheen. ABO; aU luney, o.om? ruu lorary, .au. r i o , u. ArrutTOM a uu., rubuabara, oe enqoo 1 oroad wy, e w T01 A v, Mas 8. X. WEVKEE, Asbbt. 4t dee b. rt a Tom. Seirtl.'18TA rpBElrm ol Webb AY Ronatiea todlacolfed -a. oy mataai coaaent, aiuier or n n asBO tU'&fm"! gf2HTBB. !i. j(ut4 i Omns n Law Warm. 1, WU '.' M 1 k k"- Mil WMI't" I t . 1, reartBUaetHeW TorlC'' T 'SUALL oaa'ro- the tienaral OomniUdoB Aj. bad bus in all It aarioa braaeh. Con- sixBmeais ot uouua. narai eaarat, mm., auu Utad. I Ibvral adraacea nisdeo ahjpmeot. all orders (or aaodanccninl I BUeit. i t ' i kwi. wBTut! yi octlO-lm PoetOffieeBoiae 1 0 i0 BOIBUOTTON OI. I t it One 46 Bkw eiiL'ititt W band Of thto inttTr eelebratad Alabama, tila.. Tha tettimony a BaanimoB that taey 4ita fatr aad soakeat seuer aampie uan bb), etaer cTar nta Price 14 Mr aaw and trenatoortatton. , i - KKUJ'd . FATEXT ITKBKf LLA-QnL. For namea. wwona. noata. naeaiae ana other opea Vehicle. ?bto ezceediajtly la ganlon and neat nl laeeaUon sappliee a waat ioBg let.oy roose wbo not m open renmiea. It to o ahnule In ria construction tbat s child eaa maaag l after once oastrrmg the appe rata, it can be aciewea sowa to aay reueie wiihoat bKOarecience If doe aot disfigure tbe appearaaee of any wacoa Or baggy. It can be pUead at any leTallon. or Incused ia any dlrecUoa with perfect eaa ia a Bsnmant tlm WhenSot la B It eaa be so dtspoeed between tbe Cushions, by tbe aimple lornlnx of a thamb ecrww, aa 10 beeatlrely out ad the way. aad will tuoject persona ruing to no la eonreBlenc whalf rer. Aa person f ordi nary mind can adapt it to hii t chicle without th aid of direction. , It price to within the reach of all. Erery owner of aa one, vehicle should hereon. Aay kind of an Umbrella win aajuaw ' laey eaa oe pnrcnasea, wnote esit and Man, at JULIUS IS WW CO' A tl. . ua.Ii CtO a a e ,' a-- ,ki . A . A. aVaVlaAaA. rftlieWMsfn Tit: At 1 A- at It. .4k.i. Bm B w.'B S, lf" 1 , " Itl "''--I j ; -7. T , 4 r.' l ) y1 .-'.ifl -' 1:.. t f , . . .: : ( Make and elean clothe ta the beat aad cheapest style, on Koodworth St t j ',,"'l"rt4t'WTntt af n ' - 'Ml sua f'i - Lsr rrsci cc u ail IB OLa'a Lonru aiecil BttrntioB tiTea tew matter 'coh- nacted with leeentetata UgUlattoa. . ! iMQics; s ooorssboT iubcirotJoB;. m rhetf tf'-vA3iA n, f : i ; y,. . ,1 .1 1 B OABDlNO BorAS. ' i .... WT1 , I bar rooms tor ieur or 1 famllle and wui boa-d tbem cW liberal term and ' aire tb m tbe brat the msrket aflords. Ilowaa oa tbe eoracr IhtIb sad Wilmlpgtoa hUeeta, AiAAAia A marS-tf Proprietor. Tf ". Corr.tr X.birr) Irtsts aci Tertoi It4 : Two BquAiki East of Ml CAriwu rnia n. w. killer, ... Beqeaat the patroaatf ot tb manbote of the Letrt daUre aad tha pabik ajearraJly. Bar loaiinpartoaeelBkaeplaga bowdtaf boasa, Biaca lik4 toatatticieat gaaraa ea Hut the boat will be Irak ciaak b ery partieBlar. Bar prices eoaform to tboeeot other boereV tee beeemin the city. - (''" j ; Cow'fnDmvp'iii oMivtrrri lode iioello E,, i. Aatiniak ' Soa ' TBbUaber. - Frio f.te, eitra tiotB BMomgki' i Tblsto a Senthem aVoakJ. toaadadaai oteantoeea lately transpired la Oeergtaaad Alabama, ia which torn , North (.BmliiateM mmt iMmlHBt aetata. , -Jl ' ' I . , ror sal at in noon wore or - t , " , ( AUTEkD WI1XIAXI. -I CONCCLIDATDDJ Tu Mabobiio UoaiTOA ,u .IBB BA109T.M (ABONf if tW'l j:?::' -ft. J -A; '.r:HMt!-.ri1 V i i :0 tf i ' I" Tb Coneoljdation ot the MASONIC HOI ITUJiaaJ the hkiunt mbbuw, maae ... -Tun Blilt AT MAaoMiZr i " Uaacd tk Vary beat htaeeait Jenrnak la the atoatbem Attoatto KUtea. It to no w pnbllab ed I Markjuo Form, at th tow price of Use pollers Tear. 7. V. 7" , -i SCBdCRIBB KOTf. Jtawmt JngoedeUad bg erery wheaa are a readied to act as Ag eutt UakaafTaaor or only net. . i .w, i EarThe ahola Qnb need not noase from ceieF.ti.. name mar n added at any time at tA atuh nimoevtm . jjiji, . T liJ.J h;.vi5 1 ;'! i'.t i t its Coae -rd. H.IX tarike'. kedlnuw tot. ,.laertor M tbr Aoakk. I '1 jj 11 1, 1 v i t.: . ti ' ... mar Utf - - ' . W B.kAlN VKApbl j kKAMj SCITH1 JastraeaiTad it (SPjiiylrf ilaeUTra'Tekbrnle Aoathara Cradle, l.n Beat It tll UalUtBT. Wamated to g1e eUfactlon., ' k t .,; martf r,,t . - , - -, r - ;- r ',? , , r .7.' i TATKNT CHAPi6kl f AFES , 4oa a ew ik- - .i- : j i btoUbkeC more than a third of a Ceiitary, ' sir 31 REDUCED III PRICE ' f . io ' .n- .1 I 1 J .In, e- .k .Tfi'i AJo two handrad aaoikBd-haad 8a fee. (or tv..vtoutvery pneea. '-'' . al wvUiif aufW''" -: ' sJJuaus -.-m t 1 .V tSt and SSI Baoaowati New York, - - M aad (0 cudbobt Br4 Btoa. i'leb IBeVSef-r-n S tt X re ..in, r i ' ... .HA r4 ,'i ' ,T'J mBv aatioet tv-lJ t'ff ' 1-JPiS fi'iir.-MUw- iilaftokJ ;i IW l. HOT RTl'1''1 P' 0 silt v.'l t "l o st.sli .1 ) I1 f-C'- tT( ,-itU4t HfSb tC II l-O AIIO,UaL'L, ii t-..'l ;J a3 I'M. u'M'-''.4' kfcl f.iJl f,'nriog paichsffd ib entire furoiiere i' . t 1 1. r. ' m . bqu skBfB a -wo jiw. mis magntnceai hotoL 1 Astra adatUtdd JU. eamoel M Toroerf formerly' of .the okl 'Treaimt Hoase ibd 'late 'nf the Plmeri Houae, PbJctftoAort Ur. Tltor B,GMklII1orMej. if 04.4IM tiercre . Uoum, itrwaton.. td as istereat in tkebeBe, wbtcb will eonductrd idder the bain f md ' .5 k i ;it t-d 0HK. Bv D EASE A Ct j ( n -t(f SfeNtliiH mi tttff i -turn vt 1 Ht iidii-rrrBi trnnaw r0i i iin CoTerf one 'cntiie block, kiring i)iKtl ago south nd raat of or .00 (oat. It admirably located, for the eoarcwioacd of gtrtt;t tbiitttgbiy t)olll 18 th bent mtooer, witb sit. ojo1ctb ffiprOTemeeta .yert.B'B inm tussrme&t. ta roL en. chiew s foactnek layer of cmet.t.:;wnick With other al gu.rd; 'ftader 1t ' fJracll cany nfc-pMf r. tb reotiisnon. t pr lect, er)d the MiiH ,M being h fitted with Mi uuiu .tl aan 'ClOKa! tore rrOubtrt.-' n ;u ; F "" Tni rrVli'c, tabic and other' ccomuin- datlODl belDif the tame to all gaeeta,rwil be maiatainad fully tip to the bigtr at sa ri ard ol their predecettor, and eoiai to any hoot in tbie or any otbtr eunatry, bat the proprietor he decided to meet tne jam ,accti iocs hi tit pnoii ip these timre of floancial 'depreesioB by gradoatiag pnae at from $3 00 to 14 SO pet day, according t tbe location or the rNpii occu pled, -' 1 lv. leb S3-8t j V j- SA8B, BOORS, BUNDS, b .,. v . , Palate, Otto. Ac t. mucfe AtfA UrJCLlfJS LEWIS AOO ' Dralar In csl Uarebaadl a. - Kara! Stojm, Urns' r, Si.laKlrs and Wowd.. Apes, ik .., ; -. .i.Vri :4,. ' A0 ODD OPPORTUMItT. We are doiatrsa estenalT baalaem1 la CLOTttiBS And CiietOBt Taoobuo, threaKb Loral aaeata. h ar ui)uied wl k aamnl ehowtocoBr Beidjmede and Custom Petee Gooda Strek. Tbe plaa la woiking well for Uoasaawfi AATBta, aad ewnelre. We de alrtBBtBA ar kusiaem ht lata line, aad tor tbat pan ore will correspond with noaa IdaamlBMfamerancc.! Bcwe real Bame d lfrao as te sharuater; o"f j . t, i (nw -twd mn'DBVUB.dt iXXJ r. Ol IMS Wiw Vols' CiTf, r nth IMF n ' f. r ' 1 ' wtV 01US UriNO AND1 OU1 DEAD--FAR Ufci & oifMi t' 1 !T TB present week fto-ej riorllenl itoie to rerw tstMrrrptrnne to ",0 UYINO AND VV A- DEAD. (Joti ' A. - J. Fool Bad :T. B. Klaitbary, Be. , would be pleeeed to ie tkrtr Iriebds, at the fair tiroaBda.se attha lBca oa door routh Of tba Ym boro Bona aad rereire acw anbaerlpUoe, ar reaewai. lit object for 'which tbe sTsrasIra to pan- kl-LJ - I. ..141. Im ft a fte. .ki.ULk ki. ehouia eommeae; uie pbtcbuoa to ew Nrntb t'aroliniaA. ..Trmi, si paryvsr B AAKETStBABEETSIt: ' jnt wrgam ssaortmeat m ma km bi at' NAT. U BROWJfS. 4 MTfm,f!w' pll BtUatloagWoBtASavlBrwf Hot amaai, ia view oi ue iai neairwa of the eu pram Court of tbe Unite I Eto m e the eat. III'.'"1." .') t. M " " I , I I. - ThVtWfaersbIs haewke'are ltlkf a. der the aUla of AUlaeoa dk Ultra, Ape , U , to tbl day dewlred by matnal rSi-M U, BfWhomaneeeeds the rm and w.ii eoBtlrse bualaes at the Mai pee air i. tere-t to inrrei dered o blta"with nr., wbhes, baUernig kka ta.be watt nortki tW BeAroWkft ad coetdeace of thefubtte - net T-tmBtwM','.-;-.,' W. AtE.NMlv. k2;ttl1ItX'S''0 t .t trM-r.M- All ewtaaeoae amptioa on tha fee or boj. ladicauAnlJiroBA tsomiirios or tbi Buh, u aad thk may, or may aot a bobos-ju, 0, bteitbar cea the dlaes sets Bthhur mortUu: an tnaUMOVB foiboh that- ' - BURNS LUK A TEEBiBLE FIRE, sa lt eeViWthravj-k' rju yelnii, sowtog M ( Aeaah with eeary paiaaAosv . ,, In tbtoeoodlUon. ot , thiogt aomeUilBx Bet fed if oacB, t0 OLBawsb tna blood : . SCOVILL'S BLOOD AND UVEA 811? Will roarriTBLr fleet this desldaratata, n palMng erery trice of dtomee from the blu.ni andatasX'SadltnrtB ; ' . soft, fair And BEtuiirc.. HaBdradaaf aerilBeatas sttwt iu .U.. if tdtff s a JOBS F BENRT1 CU KRAS A O . P-o'r. e euu wwn riaca aaw tu, i. 't it t ALSO FROFRIETOkAOF" Bsir BAlsata tor th L.bbics, Caraolie ( dey' CarttoUc Troche. xriio.l-. Bitter for Dyspepsia, Dr. Molt', 1 ' v p m runt Dr. kWmaf VawubW il? 'di Wce Bpnp,. Jr. , Beanett's ; r . Burn Death Id EU. Mice. T-iti sad Verwrfn, Rasste . , , BlrDk.gte..Etc ' ft R SALE BT A JL Ot Ufl t lata '. J.;C, 8. iVCUSDBXr 1 l 4 "t IW 'J AOlk 1 - MannfaetnrerBnd tNaler 1 Tie tad -. Iron Ware Btouewall stores, ft u ,t tL il, world, none like them,. - Tia Rooth uui tariag rsd nping. a Bpeclality. F.i..uui St. oppoaltt tbeMtrkt-t Fame ...'.ilV .,1 -iii; . kleWh, N I. HAItf Q RAND GIFT CONCERT wtS be glean In the City of Greenboro, N. 1 . for the purpose of smcting an Odd Tellows Temple. .. l t l Tka Oraad Gift ia tbr '' - U RAND 0 AS R (ill , Bir ; 1 irt itr-m .. S1O000. Real lUtsllQii;ir, - - f!l I V10 HH lilMI CsAb, i OfU.T,10P.OOO f ICKSTa TO SB I'kUMi f I f ..ra 'Prbjsi Taeksta, $2 30. ,,, AOkTNTa V1ATKI For further trtla ara. addi tkr M.i. agar. Box 8, ftrerokboro, N. C. I. MENDENilAI I.. MnaaKitr. i'S-ft ftdo H.BRADIKY.-I . '. NaT. L BROWN. ' r- Kaleigh N (' ,.!' "" lit. ;i" .i1 TTALUAtLR C1TT PUoPSKlY , . PAUL , VsFBIDJT, TBEiii.k Day ot r.lru.r, aest. I will asll to th llnhi bit der .1 ti. Courthout d. or I the City ot KaleiKk, Ihr bona sad lot oa hill bo re etrret, at Jimiiur that of C. B. Root and kuwwn mtuaai.r.aiii property. -. j "i . . ..n m Tare. ats-thlrd the pBrck woiirr n cash, owa-balf tberesidBe la tlx and tat . month. ParcBuer giyuig aord ard tn u- ty lor tse oerenee psymaam i v le p . ben Ue leal pa) isest to made. Jaatt-dui kVKV H.JOl- 'i i- ht f,.r.'i ii.ni l,i.,i.i.ii t..,i - TjVe.'CaSUTOPHE,''n -jrii.kajOki . tk.. .m nojrsBi na iuvbh i I ,.V tlllll ,. tun u. j, GROCER AMU! eJBNBRAL COB MIS- HOM MERCHA&Ti ' 0-i i .''il.' Ule -tcsst : i. UNO. 4 ABB' d, MoMH BfOA AlABkkT. it-:.ii tiifsttil'W to JO-MUt' t.A fUi'line ot Qrocerien fbrthe JoUinK- 1 tads, price ts uit the timee. ; COFFEE ' AKD 1 800 ARi OF A IX UK "It . 1 .Hi.) I , J J I t ej SktiK'i rdJaTADlliVsKiac-- lr !.i to n.OVMIfLVUJt1 '.Tiro Ilosdrril'jiUircW'of .all gradu. cheaper liaar,() ;,, ... Jt.iffrj. s'l'i'l Lower. 1 -" 1 I'm , " ' . .. u; BUITKR I iJCTTEHt! i ! !'! 'Ml I i- 1 ' 1. Five hsndrsd Dound of Fine Orttsm eonnty Batter, lor tale by Kitsnd Krtail. 1 : 1 .1 i lit 1 H By bo abd Retail ol kit 9rd. Baonel of ll KtAlA -i" -r'UanMl liana t " t ''. Old end Hear P.k tlsn.r i lAAuiiiJ?! Corded Jrk sBpn.-iai'.- Orde? aited'ior Corn Tsliewed t Afaiket Priok. ConaisiUBeiit ft' i kiod "l!M ' prompt ret orns' made stid stiaf'" , JHcsaia. u ,r. Firacnam sou Dnone. silk F. 0. Cbjistopbrr, woti tir pleased to wait os their ftirad at . ..aCUBlMOPUEK' liit ir:m, , JK0..A SNlt.k. 1. xnoK 1 SAUL) 1: . . eadrrd aafl tis acrea m mtaerai 14 1M nil tk at A A. Lisa R. lie frem Ssnrvro as 1 . BUaoalalalac a rich d - poelta of Iioa ore, aad .bout f." UorlrtDBl srowtk, Fur f Bhr lalw mailo applyU MIinw-. jat Atf KaleigB, W. t. n K try. Wake tto., .'C. 7