v THE Mill IM . 1 WV : ' '' I JLECTION NOTICKt .rVToarderi ra be rcommodit- Tha very eoIb! tod practical new. abla I wrd at are. h ii. Maalf'a cunth. By virtue of tbe power coi (erred paper tht New Tork Juummhf Comnurc r im . meror tionni ana ui aw aet'a, I " .1 V !T, " . r i llao .orki f om ) yrtt "Bk.at.)' , I by Act of the fer.r,Aa wbty . tf A -.nUr .a aU fcl- t ran - U j I tied "Aa Ac! -c .iglt t Vii, (of , H farelkued wi rextiar Otari at ,a j :. ca I .uielcb." wa d t reby ;iv I titice bat I t AaftofaaLhaMa., ,r. v , tf B-uka af JU'-gletr aa ,1 u pe-ec or 'iTTn f . . ,x a k a ts r h A t,t takee tb following loKicml tie f free 'c- rosun TonKyra.rj.v. paaaee to irgielator had frig. fflc.!a In fm,U hv-fi mX JHr 1 ' tbeir tiaral over railreedi: . the elecliKB ol IM Vi I 1 jltriw to I Iff 11.1 Itegieier tb.re. bhlrgXi I 1 III tree at tba f.How pUceeia tbe re-1 af U i ipeetlve ward. toCaitr i 4 Ill UXl ,. 'aaa PiMB.Mr. Ceosv L Goodwin, """vTtujW'i "an unit' s.,'. I : . . Bauwoao Jt. C 1 . Batwuiamau ia miaa reed jog I tulg better ibaB tbe toeeleat alur eeet Tbe Thirty Breaad BoMloa of tba VUaaa NaU A Mine AoUoeh'a school anil efwa fridayeth Fabraary, 1875 aad eontlaue 19 ;.. riaa waBD.. -Bw lb reg u. paruerp who. i lpot. Wn v- u. iWdaot of the New "JJ CbriatopberC TfccUtrar.at A Up-1 9 t Ia.!I'1 artllll t I on mij'J Mmt la ' n'l u riii I --. .Z7JOV ... : - ''""Wjy''w'ii' 'l!?!2zL- c''iJtlmrJml.-. '-"-J iXr-' " i ' i Viii" 'iimwii'i' '' 1 'ii . i ' iii - '.V-:r ii ' ' ' , m nun Ui i mmnu im.ii liiui.m , i. i,., " t i , '.. t , ,,,..,., ' i ' ,o , i ' nj y, "iTi i Ti rtant i i 1 ' '" .1'. '"" ' ' J , ha.le.a I. Pkilaaalphle at lMt. that ryad lw f itiiif , fi. p-f eiiuagrjwr"j P1"P 1 PT f r?TT I la mtmUil of LgUllura aid; T CoB Spooney yeuag eeaple ead old md Ib 1 nubile official fro the "iuirr'aW"o4llf-iKtt4 1WIT with tha eharm of the thine: ud iBrowe It baaid I -Amm nmmAiA liuIHi Inff V.ffhL VTIn I -". - - - "T I bhadJbld himself a aa to akal oat D I diatnittog irlwfc i!a kfaai nf ataaa and theO UlaO M Ml OMd Ol I tba oaraoa la bla aad dlraeta hia to I flt tooagbla MMW Cttla aaol UiatlaiaUbad f& m th aljAcroplaloji kola traTamai iablwM mom aaotatboald aot baeallad mlad raadlattM thatockbo!deiby a d.ranri,uul- bt tballt U Ibata.UoUry acttoa otl,,, -j,, 4taeOBUuaoea 'of-daad-bea thaaiaaoUa obatrTad bfuaa wbakw lua-wrallraada. Hithlagia ''jfa' ada a atedr of tb lablect, aad ka eitol I -.,1,1 ..(hunt ftlna recalTad or UMdaWWdaab, aad aka eouW alia I oMW'H'H. fwrv af i t aaaaa. aaa aot ,ae w &4tiaaga alHiWMWJlteTWjB,, lailraadaaUTaroffsiareatigaUoaa, rtb,M, aad tbal ,a.oatb ,bf or; , 1 w procera faTocbl leglalatb . Tha ..aboald twaa; Ma wr , ,mn. t"Mf ;, ,BB ,B? "7 """"T , " - '7 1 ft 1 ty i Waaof arhat iba atoat waa taiaUag. Taa I baaaaa Jfaea p a -bop bal UI opaa w i tba pf taa aoal witbia dliaoU aad tba au who eaanot aadaratofd ita laagaaga abaald begla, $ aca toara btaalpba bat I" baaita aatara. It waft 7 tha) I tbar lay a Irlaod. blaaard U blaavrav I oty, aaa of tbaaa ftieaiuat faiMBMa, 01 1 aua wponaw awipa wiwwwwm.., 1 "'P,l,Tom4W W UU a good tblag" wltbaat maoh langb to I tM;:MVf ," M4 uaiaaaa !. .. '.ri wa aoan saaw , uaam aaaaaaio wm i aotbioc bat a coodHioa of tba aaort I r"T "r T, ,u'v""" ai ,Wag OtoilaaUag ffooi tba it: . I I. I. . ft - i fooadad atralaed, bat ba arorriad tbroogb I to tba cad aad tbtra wu aa tgaaiaiag " i7 i. 7 . ! UagbAaad away 'aad altbo1 I: , . .T7 . . . : -T " I fba fread aa waft bafora ba read ar faoe. f i,u TOO MUCH JiBDOR. 4p .foM, lady onca remarked to , bar iaagbtar la tba writarw baarlag aefer to marry a aua, waa waa tary aroeat u praTataiag hir tora. The aiaa la tow ,wa Jo.i wM aad aawraa kie d.rliaa, ho htoyeict trrmbtov that;uo"ld ebeerfally dbj tor bar. la tba rer; raasai ihlt il mofetiia aAr akuru;. .ill awe fioea hoaae to aaa tba clrla to a eaa eai daaea. ee Iaa do aa bad br caUlai I drank doratraat aad baetag bla fheadi I troei the clab hoato to lead blai borne. ad at la (ore ao ia war ot "o J bwt aad rabid war m wa mnember la Tilxthia la m wai a p rfietty hetlthy I yeaag auay who wbea Ue wwaaaaa oa I gat JJf parte to sake bin a poataafter, I rediton of the biak were earliled to.m aad heahielded bla precloaicerua) aatil I toreat ob tbeir claim, from the filing pj the Jaat f!goa, waa fired at Appomattoi. I r.?, ,TV JT, . T- little wuc, , , Tha article gee at to aay I that tba weak ' aad fickle Jereoie eooa I forgot hi fdaar Ilttla wife,- aa ha oae -ZZJZrZZlTZ TV j T r . , T r.,.u...H-ae ..ue wife waa tha aola abject of all bla lore,! wwft01", HS0W M P I bUW: latoatbatbof Oefbtr, 78v9, k1 .wrote to her froia Parle : -,My dear aad aalMieloved wife, lib le aalMpg to mi without the end my aaa. - Ba traaail, thj . b a bead will aot abaa doath" a , Oa tbe 10th of tba tana moath ba wrote to her' eaala i . .4.TrWia iftm, my good wiia Ibara heter bad, that fefal tboagbt j I act u a bat I lor tent 'ei'a' maa who, acco. I tomed to tear aithiBg; aertr lorgeta that I I , wt wj wwMii i. a nil aHjr T : ha la tba tuber of Jerome N.poleoa aad tba batbead ( SOm.i I embrace rot aa I I lore joa, aadJbTyoa oa u my Hfe.? I aaiZ --------- I ,mmm aaaaiw aer I m Ia. aaotbar.: latter j Jei tttww,.-A&,ff I I 1 ba writee to her : t.u4 I mini H m ' vit k.. ... I -gketoawkaatolaO. -taoagbala a wakaalag, aa-my-laatla lagaalerp, i alwaye af tbae; aad If II a war aot tare of toe heppiaeei af Moia-1 U. . -.n.k-u'4 Liu i .k..u ' 1. 1 'Hieorea repealed determiaatioa "aeirer I to abeadoa hie beaatiral joaag Wife" melted away totore the Irowae ead bril I tetna raaK. or . aaqttrai, la the rreach I aery, uiih jw. i Aifw, iw,, aa i aaa aamai aa raa rnaoan utlwlll ol I Waitaabarg, wjtk aH tbe poaip aad ctr i aoenn aad et.. amoay. wita.waica .nepMeea kaew jrell bow to dPft Ue Frraeh aaopla. Meel kaew ao tl.et promiartj of . Kepofeoa.- U a lee TSSJ'C ilVMaf aatUal.eri.Ua.Tfrom har.tLiZ VrtZl, tL. kua haeoaemtad to ad Torce. Aiare- tkaeMatao W. i. Caietoa,. aeo'd, isi A ward tor hie ' Maillaataity Jeroaae we of Lead lying la l aloa eoontr, N. C, an I Pr-gldaat BMbrroUfd "Btilrt dH- ...j :nul..ikwt un President t.l Ml. V.V.I.. tm n.tra Mmaatf ,11. OUUWBi " BIVIMVII W u0goUb.d." QU rati bect, w abould Bor 4SharlUbl toy, la to eat off aeetem .i... ' t ..J iha In MkuM tha a mmmm vi iuwii p -r-- lhi Wdtf Md taralaata a pallo aa.; M far u tbat Ilia W concrwd. baa tha Naar Ilavaa Hail autribatat lra pwaax to tba QaoaacUeol MgiaUtaia, It aail pja la ,alaooa ft pbao, golag to tka LeglaWnra aad pc ttlolf tot lava to raatiaia or icxaUti rallroadt, pad tbat b nil alraidf Jwogkl ftr''lo Ifca otbar alda It U tot oo.i.tr M( wit bamaa litoia tbat a aa abptdd M atriadl raad wbaaa yaarlf h-p-Mtot blauair aad faainy ka eairWa to hhi packlfbk. Ta tba avartn hsj Waur. aaaoibmooa of bmj atrikaal gMM apuila, tbla bit of paatabaard M immiE,a r.or:nJ bolrTo be rwoi pmA b0(Ill YOt0. ((jj.t lb jaao Mt. t Shravd taOfoad ataatra well aadarttaad tbla aad dWtribatt U Uokata ptaatllalli at tba opeaiag of tea. daafc aad m aecara tba defaat boatila taglaTatloa.. ;Tba oompaaleii w MTH b, dapae.4ed . m . to abaadaa . , , ...u.,.,,,. two ago, bat it wa aaoa aMertoiaed that mr. MIBMa, broka iuoV. talaad r r torea wltk trta tlckata bow ia ogaa werjwberetucept ootbieoaa ?.wiastl- iaurrcattta of tba oalr power eooal to tba anppraauoa of tha ell Wa lean tiwa tba Patriti tbat la tba federal court at Ureeoiberu ia tba eaat ol tha Uaitad 8ttee tb. Blonat Judge n 01 " - ftcue, that iae aeieaaan waa I" ! w.w," "P"r ""F,f V"H f?,to'fF" I Itotlooa. Ia tha aa of Bcaach ; va. tba " varonaa nm tm. wa jooge U order torlajoactloa. ; . c Tha Wealera Ballroad ceae wa ceev a State will beeoauf tha pdf. " I IN JMeoo ' Bbober Km Baak of North Oellaa, apoa appeal from Judge, Brooke wko decided that tha -i Btawart gara a dialog at wkiob aat dowa p.Ml!llt. ui V- . b.wJ D i.j w rJLmkmA u . Tutka.n iw. JwiuMr,;cbud m ud Xtiiagtoa aad tb tea table WM UWBi)1e1, te-eatiat. , . -; Tl " ,a, i ;"- jj There era tweatr orphan, la tl a branch M,lnni HonUTllle U Madiaoa. fountj aad tba number 1 daily lacreulor. V; i - wew tf.' SwH 1 Mr. jtlbright of tba Qreeoaboro Tiitritt ia nntioatiBg with hia wife aad family ta eaatora Virginia. , , , .V ;..AL m ' o 'is BOSS QA.wcnta . BOSS BWlCPSON . J AHlBOS3 TWXED.' Yr- ' -i Th a tkaaa 1 Kim Am tl. $1M0 to Joia hie big ring la New Tork. e rio,g . 5toWw" nfw Irrtiaa Iflaa ll Hmlai Una Im frhaa eawat- am a . uner. lum Taraiui ttaid Ueatlary la JUw York. Booms rugVao Jim Unit aay. pat 10,000 la the Ral. 'w, tbioogb the- egeoey of two hriadle - taU lawyer. Dr. Uawkine waa B, vVi ' aat ika Aiatvan1 aad , Boaaoke Bailroad orporatiea aa ba wrwrea to have pat to eeeeral tbua eaad.' waeat b aer be do make ao tba ifeJ or I eaak. Tbeae fad twthowerwHbottt aqir. Two, j'anMymea prLateiecAi aoa eueiaiaaa. f w.ow to raa a aewe. PP ia Worth Caroliae. eicept tbix.oeh eaBaEsaneaH VU 00LD MISI TOB 8ALt I win eeU U the Ooait Hoaae door at the wine .. .k. u. a.k- om Mbm Tract, ralaluhig UUO Mm eHpi ror paraeaiate aa ta tanaa at aaK aaawii tioe) of propei nnwertv Ac anolv to. - Care. MrMraaT A Dtw. CtHuMtak M f , TJ KFFIB'ft lAllobN 'Bt kxaTATJUANI , warra raoar. wtitaeriw pt SeebiidDoorjaatb of BkiicaU tttreci; f " ' hUaJd ataad. to knowa latlia l. i:farataaBaaee,1 Jt:- i W4 B. Pepper, tba ami Utlatraiabad C. lerar ia ue aonin, iu open au aaw oaioua aad taetearant. ae abora. tester, Tbarad ay Uetonar tat. ,lbe hart eft areritajn la tos i UUlaboro' Seeorder. aad Pnrtuua Tohawa r?" ?rty " "rT: tl - r.Tf t"AMDRBWaT tlfbtavt vndiT.T DBAiaa im Fashionable Millinery 'U v 'ill ,1 V .( ').-, ; Raleigh, X. C " , r - Woald taferta her fHeadt had public real eralljrtbat aha le aow reeaivlaa: her epnat eooda. aaa reiraeuaii iaita inem to sail aad tea her Hock, wlJl ehow them ' all the aaw etylaeel the leaaoa. n,,.: , i : :DRI8-XAKIK0, ' 1 have aaeared tbe oerviet f a BraUclaa Dreee-Maker. (from the North with the beat raferraeei aad acail carry oa ejeatHMBini tofrther wiib aiy other baalaeei, and would Be kiraavd le receita orean ataej timet: TM BOI COTTON ') i rf' J 'i1 uae ea saw uia, ran to aaaa ai taie jaaue aabnlad ihawaa Wla., The teeileaoVy i aalabraied aaanlntoaa that they Ula faater aad aukael hotter eaaapla thea aa -otbar ever aaadaj Price 14 par aaw aad traaeportatloa. ' n m i iAitlualL T0WLX8. , jhBir AMajfpXULOTTKRlEsi : U,00O," ' 'for ,;"3 00 alt.000 ''for '' J."' 13 00 f 100,000. rin S-fotr -" Laooo 1100,000 y, r - i tot ; f, 920 00 MISSOURI STATE LOTTAIHESf ' ! Oa tbe 15th day of each month' juring 4l--. laioy'wiu oa arawB tnefa flV ffoHf : A .vii idt 'rf i'- : . . ervnr wmrnvn iattviiv .. Mii "a'ifyf ar wmi r1 r,- ? Cbpltal WtA;llWt! 10, fM priioa. amounttnir to t lorfte. TkkeU only ' , i Try a ticket la thin liberal ecbeme, ; 1.300.000 IS PRIZES. Capital trizc, $100,000, 11;5fl0 prizea, WiB be 'drawn'5 'W ' "Is June 80. 18T3. Will bedravmrfo d ai Sept. W.-187R WW, jm rawa,mftii, MV. WJSBX WholoticketaiaO; Halvea $10 Qnar Prize payaldain full andao poatponer mfrrt of drawinn take' place. V Addrem tor ticket and Mwulan, " MURRAY, MILLER A OtX,i Q, UrB0K 44 Bt. Louia, a. Nones. :u ml I: Bt virtue ore deed ot mortgage esecnted r J. V. McNamaraoa the let day of Jannary 7S. and meorded In Book No. of aaee 138 In tbe office ot Beirtatar of Deede for Wake eoaaty; tbe lot af land la aald nmrtm aaribed vfll be eold for ealh at nahUo at the Court Hoaae door in Raleigh on 8atur- aeyraebwtaaeyoff uy aext at Vi o'rlock Tbe land bee near the anaUm limit of nee itaieign in tne aergnDornooa or me tux-K , ana adjointae the hutdi of H. M, -i i " - NntiiM mknifft t.A imih . " v v. t . n i . t, i-'.i ArrpaaaT AcaAoaar. : .aprJ.Srtd, !,-,,,,-.: v,.',;ti " " ' " 1 1 ' "' 1 OTOAW fi AND .'flTlUB SUMMER ! Lajg Stock ever purehaied. . , . .- r i ' Mi- .. . BLACK STRAW P0R CLEUGYME2I, 1 Jalinf v KlIivtflUMw ' I hi The Ventilator, ' t a ' The WlndwhwUer,--?,, -. Ujheju opener,- - v M . Tim Pinlwtnr ii. " Tmt "Zrao Jrfgt TlirtrvBD ' And an immense eioclc of Hiirh Crown rwkic iiata. -rnii iinpe rnr Ynutna ami Boy Itata. "AT ILL OWBKC4 WBOBAY xj.u A pair fl orS lfl (aot; Burr Milt Stoaae for aelc . ' . Addreaa, JOHN A. McMANflBM, Durham, N. C. QTATI OF KOSTS CAROLlItA, I O HaaTroaB Covbttd 1 E. A. larrett, adott, of Thoaiai BveretW agalaet hlartha W bamf, wtf ot R, 4. Bae- ratt, Abaer Carter aad Bailie - bla wlfM, Jaatea T. Hill aad w fa KlUabeth T B. Fae aaaoa ead hie wife Vlrrlnia, Joeeph tllliam ad Tbomaa GUliao, defearfanU. . , 0; " Baaaona ta the abora caaa hart riff beea kaard to tbt Bbariffof Uertrord eea ? aad r bla returned aot to fa loan, aa to arlba r Barrett wife of B, A Barrett. Jan. T HW oad hta wife- Ellaabeth Jaeepk Sllllaa aad Taomaa Oilliaa ; end It appear tmg loih aaUafartloa of tba 0ert Uat the aid eereadaeta, t tevvad the H.i IU of tbt Bute $ it le thai etore. ordarrd that pnb Uaatloa ba made aa the Kalehrh Beetieel for rU arccke aueotiaivalT, notify luff tne aald d fendaata af tha Bllagot tkl pebUoaaad IbU anleaetheyeiptaratUe -olAeeof tba dark of tbe ai erkor Ooart of ald eoaaty, arltbia ta amrtlad and aaaaree tb tettttea tha auae will be take pre eoaiateo aa btard ea parte ee to tbea. Wttaean W i Oat. Oct of aald Coart, at office la Wlntoa, thai 8U ot March, 1375. ':" .-. r , ii rtotawyataaatahlmdOa w . tMui.ietu,'- lulnaM will be found at r PPerfc aerred op hlPapper'K.t at.la. T ?-uiu.tT-NorfolkOYatera, Keele et n bnare, i I et l ka ";1 w. v tteriR. " We have ntf Mis.4 or Lodic a? w; it. ft R. 8. tucker.;: ' April is, wu: " .- ' ,l U 0 Miulf , BugUUBt ai 6iuit Hunt earner, o .Wijmingtoa aad Rb8i' J tita.!lUKietraK' at ' CJortf tloa THIaD WABD. r ir.il-. t . voomwaaBna ;K Q aces. Uegiatrar at i iba OffloaTia tbe 01 Compen coroer.of Jaweua aa I ; ,Oeorte Hv Williama, JBegktmr at Johe W.B-own tor, eppoteaoiiic,l4Jt Thcee booka will ba orjeaed ott tba'l day af. Kaichj 1S75, ead will oioee Apt I ' .,, ,V im, UiVf I)' ft Mil I'tiL rf:.A UiV,.r . f bfakrt and eleaM etethea h the beet iux eheaptet etyle, oa lloodworth 8t '.' QA PltCIS BLACK ALPACA POUALg OV nee, Havea biara,at awe: t oreter pnea waoam. P.AvR!!,TIi8-, K,t lOOP.TJl ." A.J .. r T7'!,i?5i tm-tmmwf !. nym ,a bought elD Jenaary. r- TJteggTBOOT ba eoaae to the eoiclaalo ; aaarfU . ; ,.!! W. a. . a.TUCJtAJLl aaa. B tu.na... I ... s ... a war " t 1514 ' VfgmJAyrUtfif?rMVi1 T-" BamwllS to taw 'bApitzi iioojooo l'f JlieSOURI 8TATE, LOTTEBIXB, jSJ- i libbVittUAaiu'ovky' , MURRAY, MILLnjn A ttaaagara, 1 Prtte 1 PrUe 1 Prlaa 1 PrUe S Prlzetof 0.KO.-;1I4, 10 000 iv rnaeaoi. -. - j t : a,uv &.U0 uPrlaeof . x -f7,l And 11,461 other Priiee ot from fl.BCO ta M peyabli aad poe.poaefaeat of dnwlnke Uke place 1-krtTa.d CbcnUra. -t r ,al4raa.lor T. O. Box. ? . Lovia,M H '! HI ?!l -mi uuu hub 111- tl . )il I .iTfll MOBTPltWBKrUUUKALUfOI --.' :,A8NT VIB DlaWVBKKl). ,7- - The weaderfal tsalerlU' with whlebf thl bf-'-' J 3 DOOiMo Whereeaoa, the 4lttb dey , at Oetobar I W4. f i :i . (60.000 4ba a,W. Browa the aiecntor thereto ofCr aamweVyiatoaadad darttoto etora-aaa at "? Sm mopeacoartaaoflleef hv nraaavlUo, JatUe Aaioantlng In tbe AnrecaU) to " II If liitw U.-,.4W 5. :.. . O i'iTr jaeataaamwrnaaa. i ' a n n . n n n t il Joba Browa aad It dull i!j iJ . Wcfu X; YJA Jtvi.Te i.-ua-ji! 1. Browa aad doeey' . n !Lj.r J beVo4 tbe thai U Of Ui PHa pavabla la fall eontblaatlop of Carbolic add with oherlvim..- eoothlng and curative emottante es-..i: If '-;'; !.! in 1, it, si. J." t.1. iJ HAULB THB htOBT 'IHUIJtMT UkK .m :4; I i'jSUW.:,?-,!, H abmetMne; akla totha'aamktai ou i' , It la with pride that tne Proprleton aaUat) isaUoato theirrBtlfvluit fact t at '', . ... ,j . .;".. :nl. , v. ;!i!; PBTA Cf A eilVB IT THB BMBIaT mu or rtuuaa, . 1 POINTB TO BB fiORSB Iff MIKtf: sat ft t.:! t.i.i mwjo lisvcfle OarhoUe Balve poaiUvely iarae the worateera Jleaalv, te!H,.-.( CarboUe Salve eaK all rataaeeu erapctoee, irboUe Salve nnke, at Ue head of all Jvea, xAntinaatU or' Other Healing Com Balve, xAntineatU or Other Healing Con-1 pomad. nd baa achieved a greater repatoi Uob and taa aaa a lancer tela thaa eov othet anal tor preparattoa of eoateaponaeoaa lavea tioa. Bold evenrwhere. Prlee US eenU. i i JOHM P. IU MKT, OUBBAM A CO..W ' i'and.'WPlaerCt'- iaaalA-Ua Wtt.fctJiJ...'- :ii.,i - I t-q The eveMaereaalnK eli ealatloa of thle e eallant monUJy prevee IU eootlnaed adapt tloa to popular dealree aad need. Indeed, arhea we think fate how aaay hoaea it peaat tratee every month, we nut aonalder it ea one of tr e educator aa well aa entertainer of tha pablio ealnd, tor Be veal popabuity haa beea woa by no appeal to etapid pre ndlew ordepravad tetea.BM QUb p The eharaetat which thai Manalaa noeaea. areforvartatj, eaierprlee, artlaUe wealth, aad literary culture that baa kept pace with, if tt ha aot led tba time, aboald eaaaeita eonduetore to regard It with JaUflabl com-1 nluMr, It aillllu lk 1. . I claim aiion tbe pabllc natitada. Tha Mace. I alee hat done rood aad aot evil all the da I of IU UfeaWhtaw JbpK I ?ritoil free to'aU Butoeribe; la the t.alL id BUtee, if .- iw9,t: ,l!m isel- -.l t1 I HAarrB'a IfAOABiaa. oaeaew . 0a I w nmaaee preparmeni or u. a. Dot I- 1 1 vT.. ...Weekly 'vaar.'SHk ac 07 aaa vawiaoem -j j, . ; BunecrcHioae ta Harper aitgtitna, aaa near. i o Mdraaa Tor eea Tnr. 00; or too of Harper ' PerioeWa. b addrea for one year, 17 00 : poaUe "Aa extra CopV of eiUar tb ifanaiaa, Weeklr. or Raa ir will be eaoolled erati for every Club of fire Bttbeertber at tl-0 each, in oae realttanw 1 or, Bla Ooptea far S.e wimounin myji poktaaw irea. bac noaianriMi 1 luepiied etaaytuae. UoanlLte Mat rf lluWi U..!. u eomprlilne 4tt Volume. In neat cloth Uad.. laaTj wui ae mi oy expreK, fNbrht at ea- gene of rurehaeer, or tK4 per cvHiBe. Inirle rolnmee. be trail mtnall tun aothreara. for Mndlag; W eenta, by aaU, aamai,MiiU, - Auurvaaa f," ( . 1-. a ) a - " - At ik tt.b Xf uLi - wi-uJii. a PaUoaoaeCir load of (addle aad Hameeil, '..-'. - wi r, Buvits. i BOBTi h. rABatillia 1 A UllUAUW A 1 . ilU, 1 . jrr f tit niii rii'vf'Q JJioi iK.1t lit Jrjfr -v.'4Mli . .. 1- Bill to f..o aid -.Ti?rfT'jr,iKl ' I T iTf. ' Jarf tei.i nr -i f r:n Lr.r ot- law Ito the pcia attaaMo of e Mcrcbaur4 tfr tfeCarolma to' tbeir tUx k HAT3,6TRAflrdOODS,PARA5dLS perior ladacemaatoj ' i : Paiaaola a anacfautf witb at taie teaaeB. .,Jaa 8-sm f pi i.mi if k. ' ri .-im Hi a wt ' eiil ; J.oliuston iJoiies fr- Attormey At tnf ai 1 1 . . LY at!ea la aH tka Aat Conrta ., Il Hitmlil ill Mm il.i. Ii.jiii 'in with awratat toirWetloa. ',4 lumeaia I doon above X arboro Uoote.l , a , .; t.. ,,....! I M j T I iTUlkl 111' I ej t.7?4fyia.j. aMaalKaMaa - A DmWi W I itreaU Betoa. I iB1WI I ..anaciai mivaiariui Jia aaaiia aiua. M NeefrlBa Cbroaaoe In deatrlaa' Cbnaa la aaaalit. KlaaWePBwlm'M.-. Tbd Brief DwelMaf. aAthttore an Ma- the lot Me oaoo Mell at water. Uteheav Md AtaMaa. aU I la tnt-rate order. The proputy - area)y I . ... u u, m. a iWitniriti- av i-t i: -:i t w m a . jvvm STAtB Of NORTH CAROLINA, ! aiTi'-!'. timtf' aUirrt 0 PlTf.J -.. la vna Paoaava Oovar. . ' i.t.b la tba BMtter of , the. Probata of tot but will and tealeaeat a: 4oaa vrowa aeeaaaaa. 1 1 To Jaater-a. awwavweeev aaa Tatai la ooea eoart e at 1 eoaaty aforeaald a paper writing; parporui f I to be to taat arm aac tettaaarat ee eoaa Brow a dtaeaed Wherenpoa Jaaaa.Kelaoa i?.1' .H?.u IJ!Fmal r oaaa ffVi 'T.YTZT Wineprooaia Uflrai. ana ear iae aaaaw teetaiMut oi ua aaia i appeaiinc bat Jaa. Ana Tatna rat Idea Bute, therefore tbe I rT JtttI "TTi " tt .i. iTTI.tT" . ITz 1 P tawt Wbe held far Ua oa.ly of Pitt, at toe Coart Hoaae hi tivteavlUe ea the ecoaa aocaaj anar too xuiru aenaav.ua rabiaaiyilttoVhea ad tbare ie-eaepra. iian ana aua uuswint paru o utm batoen aad there aaad U They aball think fjaaea then and ther aaad If They proper to do ae. v ' . i-' . lee' 1 nitnea n. jparriw.-ia of Pre- bite at office la Greenville, tbla 17ta dav ot Jaoamber, US4, jii VLi8HPPa, GKO..A,pigieCO.. ki W-wT;-.t 'A t-. "1 flM.ai V. Waluluno lBi ,,Ve"eMa ea) 1 awwwwwei-i4- j ; Tee OUeeVLere'ett aad Moat Perfect Weaa1--iwiaa .tosWjryto the IWud Btetee..,-irrt-.-ni fcKTtain't feeto.BB4V4'tt'-rf f' lto either Meilcel IntraaKt ever obUined r ,.,! , e aaaae rormtaWdj: u t: .-, " .oil a t iM f I beeat beardaaaat haaiwi aeeoaaodate a aaa. bee: wait knew board bat hoaaaea Bawnena Araaaaii Jteanbera af taa Qeneral AMerably WUhlna: to aecara roOa I aroald do well to aaka early eppUcatloBi the I hoaea ta deliithtfnUv ettaated iia of tb I moetpeaaaat portioaa of the elty,- witbia ' i'i'vii'--uiMTNckl)'UM eapttei. .TeraMlae.reaaooM abl aa eaa be had anywhere, . aove-u :fj!ii s I A XOV1L . y ... g 11 W l,A ,, ff . f IJJLL eY f,i ''Aatiornrd 'The iaaal la'The tVaV J ' 'if -, I , i T!ii: 4.'..'1i: lim,;;iv.' t' Ni l- ii t-s yrh'.. .ol.rBXU WlU.IAw - .: .ort.1- Book ,, ! i . .jt -'Hir "ui r.tJi j .1: Pi 11 1 n 11 n ' ea 111 B II D : .... tuIum ' . , ' ,PKMTiaT. Hee renovad hie offiee to the raoea over Caratar Oraa; aHoree reyettevilM Btreet. aol-U; S ,,.,, . 1 l,nnTdnhu!e y U n, , ' 'HILLBB0110''-Jl.1lV": '"' v 1..". -"- w m.mi. fnae the exerelaea of their aebpol wa Friday UtlllVPH 7 Wrcalaea forwarded oa, apptltaUv-. , ;iWULr'f - illy t'i; 'r.: Uf f ',:ui ' 'if. BttU HlERN 8 TEAM SA UstAOS 1 :-u 1 tuTtai. tvitiv -li -i. .111- hi in I.-' -3-j;i f td H ht O N Oi'"tW -Thv mBaactttre"of Baa wa of alibied Hide a avert llif fur the Boatbera 'Mark. eeadfae hwalar aad price Bat. AU aHae addmerd to-.l vuU ivD. B. UKCtlA.kU, n 4 vOetHMa r ,;,Kuflba Mar4tat, ' "j ' Birxeanaa f.vh inrr-r TheecUeaale aeae'-eeoi4 AfuLdaf J. H Ho. Hoeae;'. M, 0Beva.j A. AL, Pnoclpala. tTrrtiiare euat uaaprncaoea. 4mli!iiVrT:-s SlU. II 1 JL !lfl!U MaVaAitbrlfi lto.'-l t Miffc- .':iT)fii.M !uyi?i ray) i ' .ltf,-t-v.. tttaoiaibtaaK-t!-: ANDUNBnELLAS, aaauripg tbem of I .... t Jtm-.iU t. . -I.I Hj i!ijK .JtMv n-tt ri;i. t(Htevb COrXTJECTCUEITJTUAl ' .m il -r taealchaat 'Bpi.CY. fhe iMimbM af tawtaw aaewu or n aaoQcooo UOJMBtMtCraae forasearity ; u btt tox aeverloat a dollar Oft laveatnMnt. iu f D P R L U 8 '-.1: la larger thaa that of ear other Cwp., -IthMa aMaabarehlp of over osoou triiot Ra ratio for the entire i7ieri of iu I. naiur haebeeabat 87ia CENT of ItereeelpU. Ithae aeBtoafehpldri. Kvci Hollar ot envlng orpqlt bvlouici aolrl) tn Uk wOLIC Y- IIOL D Ell. a retort? oae eaa. well yadiee al.rn tolnaare with lafoty end tbr aiuallnl i- biaeoat. H. JD. XV AIX. Gen't. A ,,4iuBWu,..i.u. l880Lirj;or. W T Roea e ' Tb firm of Rogere A ilnii haa l-K-n diotolved tbie day by Kk butioic ui thelatereet of Herrie in thecopartnerohip. All debta of tba firtn will be promptly Pl,b,l'!ff' T "J,et. ''l !l drb'e hnd accouatadue tbe firm suit be pu) to him.:)- - -; ' .' -v Marsh 19, t6TSr vfTT lw if?) !? 'f Mi rHMA- jWliotesale Grocers lo !. fm i.!f,!i ,leW,:'; -Li 9-i I- -v 1 "".! . . cyxmpsiow :wwn v NTs, -t: U ,1 -till id it.. ' 1 . W ni.m 1 1 a 1 1 .. I bra. til ."' ? T ' (1 py" I't e W rt- ep ! I taa II ;;i;Aill?li;tC, ' ill. 'm. p. WILLI A VK- N. r , , w. . vrf'Hi- UI iiuhu.d - -eaakr aTTrtr. mii Jra Bram, V. T. M (t1pne waa by wU. AB pereone' ntdebted U the undented are hereby notMod to eoae forward and -t-tla,aa I aa boaad to have atoary to o adnrt my baainaae tueoeaaf aly. -"-. TOMT ICRNS. T7T 'VTO RTfl CAROL I N ;' I Hit: ''itiLKaii.'k'd' ' OapitaU - B800,tl0 rxui :i,i,M.yi" At end of flrtt Pineal Tear aaa laaaadloTi-r 900 Police wtlhoat awutatag a alai low Pradent. eeonoalcal wail aaercetle in an ,' meet aaa made It (X)R)RATlo . ThlaOoapaay iatuea every desirable f f Pottekeata tow rateeee aay otber K Fint Clam Company. Iwoaaaae nulla raetrlctiea utioa ml denea or travel. ; fnu.nied value oa all puliclrt f tartwoanaaai payaenU. i.iji j it 1 i - -Ita entire abaU are loaned aad invretnl AT HOhUL to foator ead loooara. bowe 44 T r -. lnirtrdai raee aUe-ed le payawut f premium. , With the facU before then eill the l-'l'1 of Berth Varottaa eoatteae to pay annam y apoa Ihoaaaaa of evtlaie. if fen aa Porebra UeaBaaaea.: wkea Ohry - a - oar loearaace ta a mnueflj eoaally reliaue, and awe dollar'a aramliia tbey l be dead ia nested la oar owe But, en eoeua Kalwah- 4 I 1