i r 6" .V.V 1 . (4 "'II V I 1 i -i.v '-i a ' 4 .ilTi'l&J'Hi.. (f 0 t r AAvartiaaaHBU will ko I nor lock, c - liiloeUaoi " Oooaq0 " raboonmoat laoertUia , oas,tkas a waak,. M7"r- I qaaro, 1 eaak, $ lMt sqnajo, i aaoo. . rn daosotk, I0tl '1" ka.St - .woikJiTt'.ari. TIM Dan Ivmab wffl ho deHTored hi . oAf f.taf ratt Wn" MAN DAY. r APmt. 26l'-lt4i.l."o'JmM llt"fi23 Ut'"". rifOO.oir,iiiafoiici rn omo r port eta at rumwfCMw rw . s rniT.TTLlTITb it 1; : 1 ; I 9 .H II B If I Jrl'l M I Mil I I li f I3 r 71 1 1 r f 1 1 1 if . I triV-i VOL. X. ,111 I a Mil 1 - w 14.0011 11 . J I .' f . 0 O tl !'' M MVt CI. .HUUi . I- t ,.' ' ..." COTrOIT MABClTi. , !::. Bamm ou. April SI, tour 3tMr'Mrfiwt t-4io aiddliag It; good OrxUaary Wf-f Wtutumoa. Aprlitt. rotten oalet aad ottltil, xkddjiic 13 l-j; low atldduag 13; good, otdisary 11 I U I 1 Maw Tom, April lU Cot too aabt, sole 891 boM M II M rotates elooed enlot, ee felWwas , April Ml-SalMII; MJ lll-W. JO'tlf 141 -ft, It 'ten WJ.'nnn;.; for kaetr, qeoted At H M 1 1 ' l'.k Iraw at Slid .-.flO i.,vrriA-U . H.eJe 10t rusuo M.jikiT. (.. da.l aad eater i- middling ap- load 7 7-S tanning urieaas a .. NEW ADyKUTISEMENTS. "ITALCABLS GOLD HOT FOB SAUL I t0 nf UMCoort ftoo do to too ton of Moon, N. C'.,l MMie Aoctloo to lH Mile Cm, cm vhlck la (Masted tin Cl- In(r4 HOWIK ' OB - STOCKTON GOLD MINK, Md knows m Um Howie or Rocktoo Uod Mine Tract, eooUlalng - roTMitMnUrtoOMMnM ql mi OuOtfi oiitK)tTc..pplyu, tlua ... N. DAVIS, OMft.( -Ctrr. MrVcMUT A PaH Coriolto, X C. Hr l-U gl.KT R KOTIOft ' 'i J . lr . o ill ok of k lOoaonl rmIMHof K.trkV ntl0 oo U i bl WW IKT M O, IO WCTIOO Wul b M w Dm itr o taMiirk na th tri 4 ..f wtj. I8T for UM porsntO of toloctlnK rMii Aldvnroo lortk viral wrd la mm cf . ko h t I w iIm l4, fed. Ilk od 5lk Voids AMnaMM (Ma, aoMI tor IMI , ji Ikal ! k Mo oa a Wabyapoa d J i of la-tl.wo lo ov4 Wo'oo, aod n4iiaa' paro aoiaoiV iwivwot R T I Ml., HaoL KbodM f. i . fi 4oo-H"l a1.ooo; Motot I t l a tlBma aaO Jtarajaik i-i I .a.ifkV Voii d l. A. Wlekor f i.' o taoaJoklo' koi, B'ot It a. I L U 1 ar0 if jr .IT it r 4trr . Mjka. 2rary Ul IH)i ' O Ori I If tawat 4 i- I 3?-' t -;) . '"ti .h!i ' "" oontor! Of 1im. ii-tM.Dl atlMwU, , ; R. a, kw j.rafiO . jrarrk, Jk Mkk. ocliko e We, Rrmo old ttoN a -r Wii"rT aod L oo latrwtrtr. 0NKE& kO UCM'TOMI0NKEl i .?,!-?!! lit I A M ACT TO A8CMTAIK TBB IW liUxT'g, CTlk AND TOWN OF 1Hii TA'I. ANII JO PSUC1UBS A ' ATU ! K LIMITATIONS. botkmi t. Toot ail ckloMOcalort Iho mt niliOMtlr. olioi MA Utwoa of lW Mato, wactkar 17 kd or cUorwIao, okaU k tro taafadt iko itataoa oftto Board od toaay 0 bm'm ooara r to tko oblot offisar or lit hi aodtowoa.MtkoearaMV ko, wlthlo too rran otter 1W autor tt of sack tW-r or a or tba kolteaot oockUla o o'o om, (kail o forotrr kamd frooi rconr ar I V:ldad, Tkat dalow Whlek km alrooft o aUrad, ood k.o"oio do akaU ko protoatad 1 bafora to I rat day or Janaary, A. IX, T, at tkat o'dwa thartof aluUl ko fotoroi karrad oik roeorarr taaroei t M r': H roo H Tito ItaL ilta t ty Of Ui 0. atnaaa of lot Vo I ( Cvnn'f t-'omtan tloaaaaof Utanwa.l o Voa-or iaocklat ottotraof tkaotTorol dUoo aa4 toaa, to eaoartkooatara, aaaoaat, datooad tloMOf atarii of alt rlo aaaao arai ootid to ko ro oor Jad lo 0 book to 00 kept for tkat parpoaa, ad to ka ealUd Tao VmUrt of CloioM.''. Sao. 1 ItikiU kotko duty Ot tkodoera , Uryof aUUtokaMak tkiaaet foraitcoo--aaoottt 1 ojrafca lo tr Dart Kaarm- Kr aa4 Baatlaol aoo-traper W Dakod aa tka oi of KobJBTk. tka doorool t 4 001101 rro, put ttaood lo tko eltr vf Maobm, tho Uallt Jooraal, MMIakad to lk mj of Wdmlac too, tko Oaoriott OWorrar. pU to tko Hof Ch vlotU. tko O omaaoro. fatrUA pakllaood la tb otv of iaotwro, too AiaorUla CttUa 1, pokllak d la tbatnoaof Aa arUla, Tko Nortklfcrolla-. 0 Uo. poo aov 1 Tkiaaet aball aot 0ly 'o atr oaatjokoaodabtaarr alroauy kdit4 ad aMortalaodV ,,4- -f --v ao. 1 ,1 kl AH akJl tak to aod attar tta ikUtteatlvM.- '- r- 'T ia Ocncral AaMaibly road tkroa t'woa aod rat tat tko Slid day of Mink a. D . WTV TAT Or? B6HTB CAkOLINA. 1 kr; arrUfj tbat'tko forrgo of lo a Irarohpfof Ik ofgaol art on alohitklf . . t. koerourrof rtto N OTICC. Br vlrtno1 of A A A' rt mrlAM aaanllatl bjr J. V. MeNamara 00 taa tat day ot Jaaaary ank a . . . 1 a 1 a., a m . ra .avwRiAOri oo 01 paca . 10 tka otnaa of KapiaaoT ot Dooaa for Waba oooty.tkelotof load la aaid amrtiraao Ao (!riba4oHltioayldforraakat pabtlc Outert fi.. Ik. QiMft. A XJ .... . ,a 1 l- wuwinmama natewo aw 1M mm iwa ncor tno aoatera Umttaof ai tea aatoMorbooe of tao Hork aod adJcriaJnc; ako taodo of kLkt i. - Wt A 1 WaUoo aad otbera. It ..JOBiC OATH2I0. , ,au. : Attomit AID AeiATt. r prl$4di .v,, f. . 4 Dnraiux chool; ; JaUtoa aad W C- J pox .aaaawa. Jlo im hinff twoif OO' (M wutm ojr OtJU. UwJaltoarte m opMtP hrioactoff ilMwUlaof J. CtntMti rML(Tk: A B'waro Qoarry, T"PPar, The City. ; The t'lTTjiciiCT'Ytov alf 1 know UMtn ir?ho - add, "tbry arc govtl Aim) iiffe J't lnduatriooa, oober, rood tnAnatenJ'idi boneat aa tho dar. not iaX J9U ctjU.Sood felkwa,M bat they axa know aa good men, and buaW tieaa men,, and will put find keep our dtj aflalra In decent . ahape. d t Dower muiri wttn pouuca, wu wnen OO glT trW A ticker UU' Uia, duaO buck to It In mt own ward, for, I am trying to thro honeatljr and at peac with J1 men, and I. know; that ncttjr la aa a dtj dora and I don't like the ilo toga" we hare had here under the Tom and Dkk aa "ar ruk.'l (And here la the ticket he talte about ( , f ' - J AXDIBXai t JOUlt a AEMdTRONO, . J"- lAa.VcKtl, if lit' 1 i ILJ.HAJfMSL. ' ' " J.V.H UTTLK, '' ' .1. ! r. J ainuAat u.i It H.BRADLKT. ( H"' . fK CDO.Ja. fr 4 , ') FiriaT WAun .i J jrttf J.HUITW WILLIAM?, P 0 FLlklNO ' .Hear lliee Annatrong on temperance at CMnmonalIal tonight. J TV , C'mrenator 1 Worthy Moore county'a encetlent Senator, hi 111 the city to-day . Y . r : - - - m. f -' llwtFT CstSK. The cold weather killed elf the Iriah POkttoea for R. J ITarrlaon on Kwift Creek and he had to dig np and plant orer. Vnoriomm TKVKxa Dkad. We leern aa we'go k" preaa thedeatfi Tof Profeaaor Btevena of the Peace Inatltute. lie tiled tlila Virening Another good man gnne.,ui1-"fS -f,- " 1 " a-aokTdBoaOB BBBaaf 4 I'iilji Iv thk VI ijjc li'8tXKHa. We learn that Cpti !VMtt of anford in Moore county haa determined to move to New York City and establish there whole sale milk depot and to ran m connection thereto a cheese tetory, Grnrwo Rkadv. It b now the time that editora k the SUte leave the foreman ht charge of their .officea and wander Into the silent woods to 'areak oyer" the BttW reception apeechee they have rpared to apeak to the hthatri tanta at Wilmington. The .Preaa Coiv ventjon meets the JSttj of May.id ( ' - v ... DKAti.-Tlli man Tmnmla Tmmua tiled m thia county last ftetttrday m Oak Grove !townahip aged S7- yean' The writer made1 pleading reference to ancle Totnmle laat, 8ummer aa to the agility with whkh he could run 4 rce jdth (he youngest man, and he went the rotrnds of the preMj aa a uuatf ahot rith rifle It waa ail even so, but alaa, uncle Tomf mie haa run hk last race;- ' BVILDIKO riBEPLACKB. A atibocrl- ber, Inlorms ua that the ' house burnt dowtf In thU dty on Friday evening hut caught fire front the chimney;" having been built upon the' atO directly beneath the fireplace; We pubUftr Ihe fact for the benefit of our houaebuilders. Don't build your flrtplacea on wooden allla but iriitiiimBwAy gttara apunttt any accident of thla kind. H 8of.VE!T Cbki.it A!0 XatiojIai, the very great difference of , opinion nmong tax payers In this Stete, eape clally m aorrie locaUtiea, respecting the right of the State to tax money on hand or on ilcpaatt and aotvenc redita, the Treasurer of Mate haa Issued A letter of hwtroctioue lo. connty teotmrUMkmers and townaltlp trusteea calling , their at tention to the decision of the. Supreme Court of tiua State. June term 3 m the Case of Kufflu against ComnuM-onera of urange in winch the; liahuity or these subjects to taxation , U Clearly shown. The circular haa gone forth and Ibrtnnate owners of money aitd, solvent credits ww take due Vt t A Mas Tbai.M Salinbury1 street hi rear of Framta old beersarden fttiUids an old Ice house over an excavation of twenty or twenty-five feet. ' On ttor. day night man stepped m the alley neiweeu tne ice uotwe, ana n uuamaatb Vprhurch and Thomas cotton yard, and fell to the bottom through 4 hole Caved m from the side of the lee cellar. ' A he dropped In earTy at candle light hU cries of -inip, help," were fortunatelv overheard ; and he was pulled wut not much hurt, but later at night he might have Teinained there till. morning and mugn ine nay lever like jJeecner Has si from cold fat the head. lhrt It'a no Jokmgteatter. -Vho runs tlds city ma chine, to give men aaa saiiiitg at nigbi. and naavnunat open ee liars and ho loo ou the eidewayatJ anere ae two ankle Ufakerr iuV nj HlllMboro anvet."' ! i Suhdat IX BAUtiQH. It la a lovely day thoogh If was cool enongh . ocfore breakfast for a aervant at Mr. Barnes IJtchford'ei corner ofNewbem Avenue, to buiU a good aised fire which caught thd rooflrom the chlmnry and ket the bells to ringing and the people to run ning. But John Weir chanced on hand, as good ad a fjM eompany," ami he , with some of tlie neigftbors put out tlie fire with bokeU, and friend, jUtchford ap peared at rhiorh thla morning ad usual. TImwo jaroa no preaclung at the Treahy terianchnn-h eratthe Edenton Krect MeUlkW ltb i. Atklwon and Mr. Manamm m-ing absent from the dty. - V , artlaWlU.'2'ji fAjjX - At the KaptlHt eMh .lhU moniliitf ermoji froaa olatlita itMi w t tore the law wao ear aehoolmaeter to bring ui unto Chrlut, that we inlght be Jus tided by faith.'' Speaking of reform ing and men "nieiiiruig; Oielr. wayaT W Doctor oaid that a eun'aleavkig offeld habits ani putting on a near morality would no more of itself lead him to heaven than he could pay off old debtt by ceasing to make rtcw ones, .Dr. Pritchard will preach a sermon, to-night from the text, "Do thyself no- harnt, aereral wQl bebaptked, and among them a number of deaf mutes. ..At the BaptJat Sunday School thla morning 410 were present counting visitors and all The superintendent announced l.thal fourteen of . the oA1eers vand teachers were ' absent and "f r marked that while it might be ' hardship to some of the teachers to, get trp soon and step over . to f school, that there sat a boy (pointings to a manly looking youngater) who ..walked, seven miles every Sunday morning to get . to this school. " Three hundredi dollara was rabed, the sum heesary, so ju'Jk inakiog oat the aonuai report, to. report the school out of debt, tnakhig the , ex penses of the school for the last year ear four thousand' do!lan.'Sterphig bto the room of the infant class the re porter shook' hands , with 'little ' Tom Pritchard, a chubby looking little fellow and a baby that wiD do to brag on. Be fore closing the achbot the superintend ent stated he had received a tetter' front Mrs TumeV Morehead that they had at last gotten an organ for their school Jin Rockingham county near BeklsvUle and were as happy as' could he and "would all get around the organ after lessons were BAid and ahig and alng aad airtg." He proposed as they all knew' what a noble woman Mrs. Morehead was, and how hard ahe had worked for that organ. that .the, school subscribe for twenty copies of "Kind Words", for six months and send them to that school. f ' - - 4 ! '' f - '"V 1 Jiit !'!'' i Sjksjsv-j i5 BPiaOOPAL.i sat At Christ church thls morning Bev. Mr. Marshall preached from Romans xlUXT i . "Itejoice with them that do re joice, and weep with them that weep. We hear , the sermon highly, spoken of. ' jii the Free Church ef, the Good Shep herd Rev. RB. Rich preached from St. James txll t Vi-very good gift and every perfect sift Is from above, and cometh down from th Father of lights, with whom b hp yariablenesa,' ixettber' ehad ow of turalng.n; The congregation her wait so largo' that 1 chair had' to be brottght m. An Important feature of thla church b ItA chouy'they are faithful In pnwUcerand - ererjf "SnitdAf-: ahowi marked Improvement in the music. - ? : ! k. ' , MKTHOOI8T. . '1 k 1 At Person Street church In the morn ing Rev. i B. Bobbitt preached from 1st pormthlani hU ;44Grace W unto you, and peace; from fktd our Father, and from the ta-d Jeaua Chrlat.''., IBs sermon wm on: (rfotlan experience, lie aald ho did not know what aanctifi eatioV wa trorq experience, btH our fathers knew, Wesley, Whitfeld and Hummerfkikl, nnd It was a duty. a we5 M a privilege' to go- on ht ;' this good work.' It wait announced that !i"'tf t BISHOP MABVIX ( WOTLD PEDICATR the church on the second Sunday in June. At the close of the sermon seven persona Joined ,n. church. !; A coUec tioa waa taken up and respondedto lib erally, we hear, near fire hunrtreif dol lars was given. 5Ji f. ; T !) ' 1 ; fatKxp or au. wmiitiir thk At tlx Edenton Street Sumfay School till morning tho following resolutions were passed In honor to the1 me mory of ur. w.uuam uu Aickee 1 1 a n . a J j Whebcas, In the providence of that God who doeUi all things well, lie has bden pleased to remove from our midst tliat good and charitable man Dr. M'H liarn II, McKce 1 the friend of all esptv ctally the poor 1 Tberefore. lltcsolved,' That we the oflVersVteticb. en- and echolara of ldenton streef lM: . Sabbath School, wLHe we deplore the kma of the good man bw with humble ubnuskhnlo the will of God, in litis sad bereavement to our corrnnunitt, Resolved, That we extend to the fam fly of our departed friend our heartfelt sympathy and condolence Beeolved, That a copy of these7 fes& lunons ne runibci to tne rumuy .or uie deceased and that the city papers be re quested to publish the same, i Tho)' res oluaomi were drawn ; Mr. 7 RW. "U' ' FUWEBAI. Or DB. HCKKkV ' ; What means that long line of people, people of all laeo and colore,' and children ef all oiaf a, CCX can' get hi thd church,' the 'church' Is pocked from top to Douom, and they throng the streets and apitol square, waiting to move on with the body to the. grave, what 'does It jnean t lias a governor or some other great power died t lCo, for better IhAk C eitbeh JV. WUHara II. McEee W dead, th; niau ; who proved his love to God by bis charity and kind ness to his fellow men.' Ilia funeral took place from Christ EtyWpal church at four o'clock this evening. - He was buried with honors by the odd fellows. The coffin was a metalic bnrial ease of handsome rosewood finish' with' platcd screws and stiver handlea and was beau tifully festooned and covered with 'flow ers.V All the physlriana of the city In cluding Dr.' Eugene Grisisom and Dr. George W, Graham acted aa pall bear era. At the cemetery inch kwarmsof the living among the. dead , looked 'like memorial day,, ',,.-.,; -.Woi-, Ileny how It touched tlm.T., At the Exchange hotel, Mturday morning, an old country woman 'with a basket on her am renuuted'.rve got no doctor now, he haa tended . my family and given 94 the medicine for flC teen years,'' and ahe pulled her bonnet ever her eyes and walked down atreet, At the grave when all had left we stood looking at the flowers that covered it, a most superb crown of calls lilies and there was one wreath of fifteen Japont ess, when a Mr. Crowder and bla littlo boy came up and etood over the grave 8ald he, "The people are saddened, air; t told a eotmtiy woman "tub morning tlmt Dr.' McKee wu dr and she turai ktto teaxa aud said 'he ; waa a mighty good doctor to me" then pointing to the grave, aald he, "ah me, sir, that man didn't know how to be ; Bnything else than kind." AH the fine carriages had rolled off, from, the grounds but .the hearts of die people still lingered round the grave. 1 " ;' '"' TOTJfO . MGX'M CHBISTIAX ANHOOA- tios. ',: Dr. Pritcliard gave notice thia morn ing of a union meeting of tlie, Treabyte rian and Methodbt and Baptist congre gations at the Baptist church next . Sun day night In reference to ' fitting but a tyndsoma hau In the seeond atory of the Briggi new .building for- the -Young Men'a Chriatiaa Association of this city. An axldrepl will be delh-ered by the Bev. A. W. Mangum. jitteiust txaiKAAixo. j Tlie 'revival at Person, street. Metlio- dbt church took a fresh start hvnightJ- Aftraseruinn from Rev. ,Mr. Raven, and a snort exhortation irotn -Mrr JuN, ney fifteen penitents flocked to i the altitr,. and on "a aecorid !nrritation'' "fVotir; Mr,' Bobbitt ' tcu young men', end, ladle joined them, making- twenty -flv lenl- tnW t-'j x . JIjjj tdx ' J A Good KKsotVlc Our-otBce Wa visited toy!by Mr.W; X Andrews of this city, Oneof theproperty holder of the place, and who lianmrla, ,mone smce he quit the printing btwimwo thirty-seven years ago.a The yeryntornbia Mr. Andrews' time waa up la learning the business hetlirew down, UU stick oud swore he would never set another type ad long as he lived. k Mr. , XeMay the. editor asked him what he would do ' for a living, and he replied he would never r 'fighting chicken." n And 1 he haa kept the resolve, he ha never touched a type. L1 m H years, ana m now a man wvuofr, as tlie world ealb It. v ! - mr JL..Z. OnAXux Coubt. Judge JklcKoy waa passenger on the train fotarday night for Hinbnro where h no doubt opened court this morning as the old Judge did id the days: 6f yore. Solicitor Btrud wick has been ill and will lutrdly be able to attend' court the first week of the term.; Tlie editor left Saturday to be lt-.1 .1 . W I - .1 ti nuuj,. , 4.vuuy uie 6th of April b tlie anniversary of the breaking up. of Ornrure Court bv. the Itegulatora, wliea they drove the judges from the bemdi and whipped the law yer and drank "damnation"1 to King Caeorse in 1772. ' The had nothlmr tiko tne cause or comtiaint against .govern- fXiatO iniayr- f . 4 ,7.v.u. WABHWoTtni, April 31 (! H UalfUod pa very beat anthority thof Secretary Bristowt; will not.: accept the Attorney GetwraJahip ;and1 he. fcraf Oored hn.(,i aw a'f 4.kaa .vjiimh I , Ruraore to-da affint . third JIou. II. T.Blpw, pt .Mlsawri, hjtf been, indOTf ed the; Portfolio Jnteriqr Dcpartnteat. lie has Indicated that be will ajscrpt. 'iKothing.waa aaW WiAho Cabinet to day about i the owxeasotii to, Attorney General WlUbma iAIany persons ea rotbeopiiuVon tliAtit will 3e eitber Carpenter or. Butler,..both of whom are now here.," As the President has ' not yet written hb letter accepting Mr. VUi Uam's resignation, be declines to say who he think of inviting to accei)t the office. i Delay of mails on the, Union .pacific B. R.. was 'occasioned ,by. a waahi out near Greea Rive jrWyomiugiwJll heiinr Arthur B. Barrett. Mayor pf St, Uk djled hb morning, , .1, . al ",". .h 1 Jos Ilenderrion,' governmanli detee tlve, was arredtod in Clikragp td-dily, on the charge of .seducing' the' daughter of A W. Cavuw, of BiuTalo, NJ Y." She VM foond in a bouse ef i&farne. '.. ; Three mcheaof snow fell at OswegoV ao'.XAtaay; nw..-..-iJe- t.i6 f Circuit Judge Mackey, of Soutlt Caro lina, rated that in tho trial of an Issue of fact mvolviag ' examination on writ ten. or. printed ' Instrument, H 1s good ground of challerigof to juror1 t hat ht cannot read; t'' mimwo -a ,eo.'tn-.i Mrs. llenry Va Borerv agwt fxty yean, sukidod at Kingston X. Y., ak Ing lmKloiuun. Sher was a epirttualist Ufore death, and atated tltat spirit said ahe must kill herself.) ir " '. 'rt ! 1 " STE AMOt 'bUIIXT, , '" ;, '"The burnlnff hist niirht of the steamers Eicposltor'and Bodman, up tlie river, re- suited In the death of quite a' number of -.'.'rt' '!' ii:'.;'.J '!,r.-' ' pcnHMiH. i.ne nuiia 01 111c ' 0t iwh hatevheen lowed across tlie river.' The Kyle floated aliont two' miles dpwit the river anil sunk!. t'anf. 'Reeve, of tlie Expositor, " linrt wi , excursion' , party aboard1.'' Most ot the Ijwlics we're asbqre. tit ln 1 Bodman', report about 25 women and chlldreh lost' from that boat,' and the same tittmber W estimated by" 'the spec tators. ''"Among1 the' frantic crowd upon the Expositor's forecastle about twenty were rescued among whom were several ladles. Home of the rescued were badly wounded, among whom were persons who went aboard the burning '.boats to assist in saving life: me' histonces of extraordinary heroism and endurance. AM three boat were tied' to the some ring bolt, and In the hurry of cutting tlie Kyle('A ,mwringa;thf tliren boats drifted. There was a, hune;uVibltt want? f order anions therskitrs.auduiga, deavored to save' iives. One .boot, had oil on it, which floated, btiroing on the Water among , those, struggling for thq shore. . Tlie estttrute.pti lost,,rfy dnred now to thirtv-ioiir. ;,'r .u,. ltl! -W from kextcckv t1?;' 10 lwvt..Aiai4Hib. Sevml tbouennditicket holders in the ato libran' lofteri' .liAvr. iJaiwl rK5r coBptMW In ther hiittrtr arBlwiUijTtm- cjiii ( i( nrjjiy tfun gtuui-iy uic 1 ii)u Rgers for breach of rontrnct to rvenVor- I A "Veloi'itjf wiiid vWted u yesterday evening, traveling at the Hiteeil ot 4 miles an hortr."' iJatlgeflo shipping sp- prehended!..r"T-f fi'.i f Jf'-4 ' -ffrtl j7Nfcw Yobw; April ti.t Capt. A. B Ht, Joluis, Agent of tlie People's line, of Albany, hits atuckled. - orce & tuwed H 1 factory, Sew 'York, 'lias been burned.! Is Msvtwrt, I1...4. v.fli.:oU- ft, c ...vfa I VKlji I I A dretHmoCer'a armivntu sneaks of hercroso-eyed lovet, no the felknw vlioae looks are cut bias. . L ;MIm Mary I llootlu editor of ltar- pers Baxwar, will lente Town, simhi for Kicnrmmd VA.i foe the henHit' ttf lie? health. will renurin thpre f.r wmte thtjetrY,, Trilmiw- m 'H Acute rbitiHtnajiiAMay 'tiLunnm! ntuminat don't so on, like this, urov !" Mamma f.who has, siitasbed ft favorite potV-What hark I got to' live for?" Vfavw41Ioven'r,t'na owa nwll owmniays Mmuniiv You, iM child l You'ru. m unique. uTliere aresljc .of, yon-acotnr f ITell me, ye winged winds tiiat round i h my pathway roar. br ye not know some spot where women bed no inorrWeome lie and pleasant dUt soine fholler" tn the ground, where bnbles never fell, and cradles are not 1 found t 'Tito loud wind blew the 'snow into nr fore; and calmly answered. "There Un 'snrh Iris daughter was lost. -.Tlie. kttest estini4tc redti;etieJos The Captain'.' ant! watcbninu of .the ienrtitu 'trittVtrT;Btjhe;'Ihwhf'f' trial has got euougVof it, tliey Uiiqk he ma uiohii uia lhhui out. 3 .Ayws..018?. M rcp ovrroioedi bi. lew yoflthjuiredwiU) .jrohhing the jpoor;. $fcW&a. f.?9 oliil ;wil H" .In JL'bihMltlpl.ia last wlator'atlady foN and brokoj hn leg eon an icy aktewalki She sued the owner Air ihunaged, (and a" fow dygo recovered 1,009. ton.SmmlfordV celebrated 'MOOtf trotte, Occident, had 1 avW'W PHla aelphfat in rhnrge of Bndd Dohle'.l ThS utknr ha Mm now ht training 'at Font Breedfoe the May taceati' lib trofthig wlky n-eighs but forty-eight hotmdsf i VX moil died oii'a car on the Piedmont Air IJne'BahiWd, laAt ntghtl' shortly after tfio train left thmtafce' pjrna bf the gentlema'' was ,' Atexanot - ht ewarOj.o.'W F,!Hgrr IrinV.vitM ,iRid.. it,, boys, Ju tWvillago mi Orange, S.vJh sooie boys i. have for a long tiin) been in the habit of makliar game.af aB.eld nna named Ebeneev Green, who, bhjhb dotage and aknoak totally blind, V A low day age wddbl being tlius (tormented, he atruck 1 hoy named Patrk'k Walsh a violent blow, on tMJhead with a canr, . kulicthig uijories from which tlie boy had since died, jar un Kear Pafanette'Gai a few days wince,' a school ' glri named 'May1 Clay, ' aged' Hiirteen yenrs; climbed np d mapIeWre'e' Ut rHrirtire ebmef1owertB6hl', Tls' branches,fwhcn hef foot slipped 'and sbjJ fell, her body'cfmirnfe'm 'contact with h sharp snag, whldi pWletratedher breftsl, Without any assistance 'nine extricated ' herself from the'Simg and 'walked i frw' steps, 'when 'she fell lti. ,1 U J.'lvl ....a t -ar-iji m' Till id'ii ooqiii I i'i i'-s4 a ; H 'i PERSOXALjat i '--i'. - CoL Polk hnt retired front the Polkton! Anaonian.! iL : --i t 10 Uk. R. if, Baf, of Mwnson,H hojJWi' Mitly bought soih 'fifteen ' tlfousariif dolkirV Vortlr'of iVaf (pstanV atlvinstoKr j Inn Frerfcfy Ukn id Ihe Departnien't' of the Jura tlie waslierwonieu fwe, struck fir wagek.' They dem.and twenty UnrtarfaymidWielrtaea'' 4 ' f ir-! ,1- i-H- , 1 .U ' " ' " 1 ' " j . We learB that the I Ion. T. K h has bestowed the West, Point owltelat (roil) Uvio, dlHtrict onU. Autin FoooJ, of CpncoNl.p'Uar. Oliserver;. i i,t vii outiiern 1 people (aocy tliat even in 1 tlie North men have a better opinion lT Lee than of rant. ItV a pity t'hnt1' Grant become PresWent.-JIerabl.''' -,- The monument 'whicn ui' aoon? to' be . erected on the gravV nf Poe wiU fie sur-1 Iiouuu'u uy a raven in moruie, ana win eair'thb mscripUon i '1 "Edgar A.'Poe: born Jan.' l!T,1l 111' Oct. XUiti " author of The Raven:' 'My 1 wntnll A spirit HerVMnnolv rejioses "' ' Ji ' kMteW fV&W. toiJewlWil abated with pnrajiyslSj at uis,h4iiw.a4H. j i- Mr;DryaJittianismr4gnimMflenti ly dtill a if I wwe lMit .-IIere-l hlrf i ILonjeoisahitFaV, fi4ii4idfinmlmtgT'' leiaiJijMd'Mnio gave my word dear riiadatu. It W trnet' i y our fequest to. write a verse or two.t " gn ve It vwi as frankly as 'twas wiught. j nd now yiw chik iMcatw I keep ft tMH. 9.Jo.''3 ?iV.;fiaii:.Ji J m...,o! oik nod of henort I w honor's olave Xone but Mgu wmtM knep the thiiw H ; ' ijTi. fVf'ja-yt la-.w ! vu tU 9 til' .VHptrliclieAwhlow 'tunisUM tjvMs 1 '"" t (hi G&nd nse, Wncfiijuui, iW WeekJ ilie attraction Vflie apWnr- oti irporthd sttig of 'Mw.Aoa rtadW 4,' whoee ktcr1infusnl was Rev'Mak l). Gaddis,'a 't-rdfgym.dS weV klibwn (n U tM Knff String his nfetime.1' A natiirtd nVnihatie ine Mlannd lr VniU" i"f '"L', .'! lotiiugpuce n wnicn. wiiHe : 1 ' , art. locttiresaiul Hie stn-cess she met with k ail f lociitiouist eouvitM-etl lier that she piitsci.i.d sunk-icnt dnunatie taleiii. wltk'it.'gi ven an ntmnriunitv of devvU't- .ifti ! ft' . s' 1 .1 it .it miUI enable her to reach lite nient, wtMilii enable her U reach lite posiiton in wnicn ner nittiJ asnirel., y lien thrown uj)on her own resources HWppnrtTsW placed herself wider the Jew York, and for Iten year studied the rudiments of hej jbiisen pfosojiiri vrjtbx ,tlil . ,tmio ,arwkhila.k clew: nvaittiA ago sho made her debM at Mra.' (jurdtfs Thentrev'irt1 W-noklyn -"anit received from the press the most ftmer- Iftrrcd." lle'liiwl often perwitted Iter in give n uuings in. connect!. with Ins,',. - - !t. ; rf toil , ' ' " 5 i 7 . i , o . rilllllllV'a 7J. i T .--. T plikee

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