- - : t l tveraseaHBts wEl e tesartad ta the Dalh, sawfamyjaittetCa ,i ewe. tack, or tea etkue ltasa f r- -r en aar sasmat...y.Mf's' Sl.ae s rvsuaaaa it ; , - JOIIll TDIllli '0 'uTjs'il e.aa4.r. .e)e;k.VeKla.. I Mntre, I week, t S.SOI eera,te. I -i:.-h tsaaweV, ae l-i i - 1 ill A i I n I I 1 l i msm I I 1 1 : 1 1 i f IS'' 4LSS Tht DAUf iS'Tra-Si wfll, Be delivered to pert ifOi Ctt il finwCini week. WITOLESALE CASH PBICES. 7" 1121 1 13)1 TWlf atalaed, or Very Cleaned stained Uiat'l 14 a!41 Lo middling. Y 13 11 O08UL MASKCT. Ka 4or44kr.Jt YarJ HJal4, i ottoo tiea, Br. Hour, Sort Carolina, I7.W.I ST I iY ( -urn, 5al.00. " (on meaJ, new 9te IIAK Ilacoa. X. C. hog J3 haws 16al7. ' clear rib sidee 13. tag CB sides, 14. - aboadrra, lOatHc j.. laid, North Caroline, leiaUt (offee, prim Wo, 22. i cornmon, 21122. . . hTIB,aJ -332&7ijfeaX,: MolasseS, Cuba, 50. Silt, Marshal's, .. "" " N-lni! f iod". t jo. O i "syiijaioi: - - . dry, li,' j - Tallow, alO.," ;s' Potatoes, tweet, 75e90. ' Irfch, 1 JOal.Tl. TT hits abelled, 8590. akeefiUQ. '? - - Fodder, fUS. w ; . ... iuy. X,kold, fcijhii.2.v (Im-kena, grown, 30a4O. F"a. SC' - ')r,i' i:,ii'-' '' W i Butter, it C, 20a25 3fTY 4$? Iteenwax, 2330. Beef, oa foot, 6a. " dreeased prima, XalU 1 . Heavy copper, per pound, Iflr. K ' Light, . Braaaperiwoili'lOn I'ewter, per pound, "e. 1ead, ptvpomid, SJetf" ; " Old Iron, per 100 pounds. OtV. 'j Slieep tUna, per piece, 35afiOc . 1WoUraahed, par poond, JOhSM. unwashed 20a25c 'Lil!JI-llW!J .,' lh lift NKWW .NEW ADYEUT1SLJ4ENTS, . , i, - , t A 1 JTTLE MOXEt (H)ESALt)X " "' WAV . nf.t -1 . iv vj ''lit v,ij .t r rrcAxH clsH!tiQV$k rnota Bpool Cotton '70 eenta'lba. Wyoming " " 30 ' ' kxnefttk-' Itc at near nunu&rtnrm C'AWI. No had drtits to be paid for hr Cash , , ,-( ivatoinrfK. ' ' The only Kntirt If t HnuKO stotk ix the City. " W.n. c B. R. TTCKm Ktt tMlo(k)li real propcrtr 'WloBkiur to tkawutaal W . CarKon,-4ee'4.,U: A )n( ol Ua4 lrta( Uatoa eouaty, H. C-oa 1 j M0 Ciwk, oa hlca tttnatcd the CeU lmt4 BO IS OR TOCKTOX GOLD MINE, aadkBowaaatlMHowteor Moekloa mom Mine Tnct, wmUlntnf nw acme, f Sat Mrticniari m (0 lent a.jalaoMen Birvtrtaeof aiee4 ef awttgare aieratel It J. V. MciltmnM the V day eC Jaanaiy lica, and warded taf loot! Nk etpan 1 ia the offlee of ErrMer of Deed tor W aka roantr. the lot of laad at aaM aanrhraia de rrHwdwulaaaoldloreaahat pablie oasery at thi Omi Bmm door m kaMMaraea. it the auth dat of May next at It rloek. m. Tka taadttMaear the eaalera UaUUot KaWlKh fat the BMettbaraood of the Rork Oaarry, and dJorBlnc the laade of H. M. , 'lapper,, 4., W. B. Wataea and, other. . roaupie ahnot two aerea. ! - . . JUUN UAILXXQ. 1 .' ' y t tf anwemat aate Actar. ' ; STRAW AS D OniXRCMKR HAT " m viw.-': j i Lartreat Stock eter purchawd... ! (',7, , , , KiMfl l, I Ki T .i TtLACK STRAW TOR CLKfWTMffiC, Jaunty Brown 6taawr ' The Ventilator, (-- . jhj i s wTnWlndwVJattr - .T The Yalta Opeier, . ,Th Protector, . Tan "Zaao," Jon Bwtrnov ta Aad an iauaenae atock of High Cnnra Soft BaK" TaU line for Yeatha and Bore, We haTO no Miaaea or Ikdiea , UatS.. ..'-- V ..... Mis !i sV; W. IL ak It B.1TCKCIt - ' "April ii, W7.'': Sj.j;.aU 1,000 Yds. Percaleav one yard wide meant. ' -.-. ' - W.lT.Jk R..S.TTCXEB. Hirtt fnarj. , T AU7ABU (K)LQv MIVK IvB JAU (Vim nf Mimrrrn. N. I' l i -( t ne" k The City. 1 It I. early bi the efenlng'Cjt thia old J roonteT to Ww krt we-feet 'the day break fat our heart, tlto the night haa Jnat aet In. Tbe long looked for time hM'VotMf In the Luanda iter good 'and true. U day pnaaed Srlftout ripple of excite ment. Below wiQ be found the official report from all 0 warda t VlaWTWABlW -ti Jane McKee, denu, 182.', , : John Armetrang, denu, 174. & II. J. Ilammell, dero 174. .'; D. L. Boyater, ind. dentn 107. II. M, Miller, ind. rerx, Xl. :.f! &! ayXXtjrB WABIk. JJf SWaQ, wpublicao, ti. Wi If, Jlartin, rep 212. ,"" Stewart EIUhoo, (ool.)rep., 200. Bcatterlng, (MS. 'TV "'.;,.. , So omorraac ticket in tliin wanu 1 4 THIKO WAID. r.Yi laendJjr- ofemoor IS, : -i. John CV Blake, democrat, 134. W. C. Strnnach, donocrat, 134. B. II. Bradley, democrat, 134. J. C. R. little, denu, 12H. V. rprhiafcn, Ind. rep.;'3i: j '- vi r wowm Vila.' I Beory C. Jones, (col) republican, 220, James II. narria, (col) republican, 21(. James IT. Jones, (col) republican. 21 j. W. X. Andrews, md. democrat, 12. Scattering, i. , . a . Xo regular democratic noutinalion In thia ward. !. FIFTH WABDa . P C Plemlng, democrat, 245. JB WlUiana, deniocrat, 244, i B H Jonea," democrat, 242. : ' W W White, republican, 2u0. Albert Johnson, repnblkan, 200. 1 1 Joa T Backalan; republican, 193. j The nrst three namea in erery ward an elected, amTe tbi tLlrd ward, where the first Bra are elected. . , - The' flq.nbl&ims Wp' dowd and out. id . . j X' 1.1 ! ".'' 1 1 111 ;t wax lis TTT-William Faucet, Avyoiing negro of l)i.fharacterwai aentcBced at nniabor laat-Satardyby Judge JlcXoy w:4ear Jar to penitentiary for aasanlting and nearly TWe ow'1 turned the key of the Jail Faocett aroka like qnarter faorae, a uoad of men in fall pnrault, lot htaTJpped fhen all and b atOl at uge,;i?KT U71 j f 'Thb Bna Boer a CAwoT.(Sitop Mr. B.. U. Bradley , had to:move hia candy manufactory to orer Charlie CurUtopber'a grocery "atore, on Itargett street The bees were ao bad acrpia thf war , he ,c14 nc4 stand then aj we expect toe jyrrarat Jtrom' the Sn TiBTBXi'a bee gmns. The cold baa killed all the flowers and the beea must haTe a Utlng, ,'f vealf theyltare to break into wnfeetloofry store" 1 A - Foot : Wabhiko. Tbe people about here bad a foot washing yesterdaT" erenlng at '. Hayea Church orer to Balfroad. Before to washing mum off they aU went a(ia a ring singing and alapping bands. Then' the had a large new tin backet fall of water and one white sash answered for s a towel for ail. ' The men. nod women washed each othm teet; , but to men were not allowed to wash to women's feet '.Aa each got ready, the whit waa tied aroend m officer Uke trjle, and with to eo4 of thU'sash the feet Were wiped dry Aboia 'one hundred 'praaona were Wed, liver IlJiJuBlQUt IT, 04 UQNDAT HAY) 3, 1875 SrvDAT nr aTjUJaonv-4 day that everybody calk the frettJeet day they ever aaw, At leant three thousand peo ple in the city tLU aaornlng atoolupll theb? jheat .' cktthea l nn4 aaag, ."Piaia God From Whom all lUeaakigs now.f and how many of tlda .fJwM ibouaand who will llim dtiriiu tU Mining weak fat their walk and works and con maatloa, it trauuna te h aeon, for the sinner can aee,,tt la ao ordered that he la TaI lo see,' w1m U " that praises God. !f 4 t-5 4 PaOBTTXKtAX 1 At the lYmbyterlaa charrk Una nom- tog Ber. Dr. Atkinaoa preached from Luke hU t,Ad inaay of the cWhlreit o( Israel shall he tnm, t V the Lard their f oeV The ae was on tbe 1 birth v and ' char acter and preaching of Join the Baptist Ilia waa the moat miraculoua Jarth e- erpt 'tlaUef-flMi; Swiotw-'It waa aa nounced by 'a meeeengei front God three hundred and nlnery-aeren yean before be wu bora; and the last tvophet In the OU Testament spoke rfkbn a the EiyaFor; apenaatlon.te waa bora aix moiatha befm iCiuM. There la iiothms knows of hk life imtfl ha wm thirty yean !ae!-a;Hajirew np m to aolltude WU wUderaeaa with no aoqnaintanf with anea or booka and his education Was hie clOaapmmur3o with God. Be died young., it u better toleaaiioUeanduseAilliiaato vice of God and die young than lead one of man? days and of tttflar geod.t John aUka the monarch, en hit throne awJlne poor aaaa n hia heroL- The cMrea Of this day should judge "aD t enben alike aa4 not kare one rule for to poor man and another for to rich. A beaaV tlrol feature of John's character waa hk portmcflt oTa man towards Christ, The deportiacttt of a niM towards Christ Is a true tereahnent of hia character. '-x ISr. AtkmaM gam aotiee that Tuee day evening week to 11th Inst the con gregation would meet at that church to appoint eonunhwioaen to confer with to Preabytery which meeU the 15th in regard to hia reaignatioa of the puior te.: ' " i- ' -'M-i I At to Tree Cbnrch of to Good ibep- herd BerJJr. Bmedee preached abeaoti ful aad fawfreaalTa aermon . from Job xiri xt "Bat - man dieth. ' and waateth away j yea, man given up i the -Ghost and where la During to aemon, he aaade a fitting allusion to to recent death a our city and hnpreaaed upon hk hearaii to importance of being always ready for the aummona, and of beinc weQ grounded b to hope of a glorious! un naortaiitythroaJeanaaarlrtotr At Cbriat church In to mommg Bev. Bkhard Mason preached from 1st Cor inthians xvt 20 1, "But now ia Christ risen from the dead, and become to first frulta of them tot alept' ,' ; TesasMtow evening will be a meeting of. to, vestry. 4 Tneday erenlng the Ladiea Belief Society will meet In to topeL Wednesday night Dr. Marahall lectures on connrmadon in the cbapeL Thursday ia ascension day and services wfil bin held, in tol morning, at 11 O'clock. baptiiit. ' At to Baptist church , this morning BervDri SUmiey preached a mlsaJooary sernKm frc Axm xx X 28 j "Be it kwnmtoretbre smite yua, tot to eat vatkm of God Is sent unto the GentQes, and that they wiU hear hVf He apoke of Carey as to first nilsslonary and said he "waa looked upon as being crazy , be cauae be '.went from home to do good when tbe heathen were at his door. ,'' ' 1 k At to' Baptiat mday School thia morning to annual report was ; read. Out of a strength of six anndred there have 'only been .four deaths , in three yean; ' Fjrpenaes for to taat year-be tweea three and tour thousand dollar, to bunding of to second Baptist church being to work of. thia. school. The school went mto election of officers and reflected Cot J. M, Ileck, SuDerintead ent, but he Aecnned to aerre, and T.H. Brigge was ansnheoualy chosea fat hia place UBtll to first of JaBnary 187ft, and accepted to position ia a very happy speech, t Mr. Armstrong ton nomina ted Mr. Calvin Marcom aad Mr. W, W. Doldem for asaistant sinierintettdenta. But Mr. Marcom declined to place. He waa like to aaaa wfaa waaaeat once, to fill a place to lecture for Eufui Cboate. The man aald he eeuldnt fill Cheated place, be could only rattle about4 ia it and ao be felt he eouhl only 'rattle abont as aa aasiataat atiperktteadent Mr. XXoldea said be felt bk mcotnpt- asncaforto tbee and be hated te leave hk claaa of boy., Mr. Ileck I HmmU t.hM.ir M sniaiU he. . fail take Ur. Ilol' a torn .We class, taeri were tfteen unusually bright lads anJ au aeemeo oevotea to tneir teecoer. Mn ibiseliTmnhiatea an4 etornames, were put , in H nfs tioa, bat to election waa finally post poned until aextftanday. ' '.-.tiii' jajmvit -rfr'-ifWrt-Xhttll ;5ti m i lPBWPW sfew! iAtX&!ttt)aakeetenni.ttim was no preaching Mr; Mangnrn being absent 1 :vai a 1 A At rsrsea street rhnrch Ber. JU. BolLIU preached in to"poiinkig froiji Una, Lord ars) tore few that be saved! And be said ante them, Strive td enter in at toetiait gate,?. Ac. . .The . subject was the su&Vieacy of to atonemeat of Christ for to salraiion of aU'snea. If any are lost it k because toy refuse sal ration npoA to " terms of the gospet s The duty of striving to en ter In at the atntit gate was -earnestly and tepreaaive enforced. 1Tbecoo mutUon service at to close of toj see- was very topreseive. ? 4jjef .hun dred . and fifty-two ccenmuntcants, a large portion, ytwng eonverta. After to congregation had been dismissed a sweet QtUegirl, leas than tea- years,, of age, sasollcited gave Mr. Bobbitt a check on to Btate Xational bank for f25 for the building of Person street church. Thk was a beautiful and touching ex pie. The re viral ntllT eontmues at thk chnrch. "'. . , TBJI CXIOM kEETtxa V -I I . at to Baptist cnurch to-night was a large turn oat of nearly all to eongre cations, .The sermon was In behalf, of to Toang Men's Christian Aaaociarkn aad was preached by Dr. Atkinson from Joba fctttThulp ssith onto him. Come and see." , Hk subject was Chris tianity, first Its evidences, and then ins body and substance. We never' before heard this accomplished divine to such aa advantage. A Baptist 'brother re nuukedcciningont tot Dr. Atkinson excelled himself. s It was almost an lm prompta effort, be having only been no tified yesterday, and waa delivered with out notee, but with to utmost ease,aud was heeded witi inaTaatention by to entire congregation. ; Dr. PHtchard fr.r-ila...aa earnest appeal 'ibr the ' ty aad dted serexalinstartces show ing to great good la ether s dties thk asaocktion had eteae.-' Id PbUadelphk toy captured young man of the, town, ' i dry gambler, and tot youth spread Into a cbrktiaa man, and auvM has helped largely to build a sixty thousand dollar church in tot city. The young men here have had no hall to hrrite stranger young men to. They had spent their charity principally upon to poor of to city, and during to but six asontha had fed one hundred famines. Baleigh was prospering and toy need ed a ban, some place to Invite the young, who were here, away from the restraints of home, and subjected to the temptations of pernicious resorts. Ilk heart was made to leap to-day as he read of to conversion of Win. F.David son, to steamboat king of the Missis sippi, and hereafter not one drop of liquor would be found in a steamboat on that Dne. Mr. John Armatrong came Jbrward and made a statement aa presl ient ofto asaocktion, that to society flrat started In his room, bimsetr and twsdtora;I58Jheyanted to furnish a nice room in the 1 Briggs buikl iag and would like help fronv the-e gregation," would Uketo get Jlfb?en ;oT twenty life members at fifteen dollars. A large number sent np fbelr names for Bfe membership and we suppose some three hundred dollars Waa raked. ", t. ;:-.: -a. a. a. , ?-t -'' Panrrra AtxRiaHT Mr. IJvesay, the missing printer, published in the Petrrtburg papers as having mysterious ly disappeared, toned np the other day in Milton, we learn, and staid a few day with to Milton CArWcie, where he found a wekooM within, lie went from tore to Halifax Courthouse. Ya, , i, j i -,fT- eia ' 11. .-.'? j A Srctxtxa MATra. Tartwe has bad a spelling bee and Haywood "Clerk came off to winner. Our yoong towns man and exceUeat mwyer CapC.B. Stamps chanced to be present atpres bytery, aad we See he delrmed die prise tO tooung champion yfiOx ' w befitting iwaaart' wf.ii,!i . f " 1. ' a i":i.'ii w'f LoxariXLOwMr. Longfellow is so ceastantiy aad eerskteatly honored tot to him fame must have become a tore.' Becentiy a venerable old gentleman said to a very young and perfect gentleman, who was otacW after him a reluctant Scotch terrier, "That's a very fine dog von hare - there, tnr kL" th V. v. and p. g. replied, "Tou betl He's a werry alee dorg, lie kw 1 calk him CcWor." -Ah ! ExceWer ; tou must have beta jradlaz ..Ixtturfellow'' Xever heard of the filler afore. I calk bin CebnorcanM he alien pints hk tail on Krlm,. ' '" .1 ii ' - . . No. 229 liownsmanr James D.' 'Xmi' Md oil r neighbor J. "M. Tugh, or Aiornsnne, have Just r Wned from to Hot rwm)i of ArkanAs Tbef went" outlh' Make "fouml f.(WiforS,1nr "eaflh anapleasMrwWlieriirV fV: fuki eektonumbef lutd'MTcaied' r,7Wr Mf.'Xnnn was'lmproTeJbj'ft vklt Mrl TuVlf Was dainsgeoT and lm twenty-five Ipouridaof ffc4li;,,Tbefaitcr dtd hot agree ,withlihiiBndvlti! nied It only a tew uwj",, 1 im 1 in ultJF whlcV Wue1 frouS'a 'otmlatW "n Vfipaianaleaongb scald f hog. One spring k uaed iMeraMing chlckena before iklng. There "an 100 hotehi 1 and, ' uoafdtni .$2$$ can e bad from t to' 135 dolrtani pe ntnePie'are "torly tors 'in to hollow ..05 yalVi' bW A Sprlngis gush , from. the mouutain. Hot Springs, valley or hollow as Jt was calfed whea Gov, Garland waa a mllos.hmg iuidao3n twenty Uf twg)um- dred yards wide. From one Jo. 3,s3 visitors may be found here at all .sea sons of the jear.7V' gation over the property for forty years. A decision of the. court of claims re cently, settled the suit by , deciding to property belonged to tltc United fctatei and so it does, and so do all the springs. Being one of the proprieton with Pugh, and to water aoS-agreemg with hint, and W not"1 able to get to rfii gfVe our "joint interest to GOV. Garland. Pugh keeps goods and groceries wbk-b he disposes of on terms almost as low aa hk terms for the Hot KpringH to Gov. Garland. 1 ' J 1 The Two ScHooiJtATBv--Miiw Betoe Xiclwls, a handsome daughter of Mr. John Xichek, WM' married in thk dry on last Wednesday evening at two o'clock by to Itev. Dr. Pritchari to Mr. Fred. A. Watson. While at ectioql in Salem' some years ago the best friend and school girl chmw of Mis Xfchok wasaMlss'NcTlie oniespie of Cbata noora, Tennessee.' eo it was a tingalar coincidence that mie rnorning last week a paper came marked to Mr. Xkhok giving the marriage of Mies Gillespie in Clmtahcoga onTneaday evening at hro o'clock Jwt twf-lovwhonrs Txactljr before the marriage of Miss Nichols. i 1 : ' saw ! i . 1 .Viiwa-tiA Iaux lsiarr.--BoydV Arcadk iron furnace, in .Botecourt coun ty, has leen. condjtioaailr sold w a Xerthorn firm for tir.OU0e There , are valuable deposit of iron ore ;on tie? , place, and it is designed to put to works 1 ia full blast A nnmber of AorUicni men have reeently iaveeted 30,04A in an iron flirrmre at Xewfort, county. y .... -eie . - ; -,(!jtl j j Major L. II. HfXT. We are glad to learn thk true hearted North Carolinian has returned withjik family from Ala bama, where lie ha been living to last few years, and Is mirnuig nenr Milton, to pUee 4 calls boaie. Major Hunt waa Inspector General hi , Wilcox's Division, Lee's Array, and was a faverite staff officer of the lamentml tederi I s -re"tT.i'T ' easai 1 u-i Hi,..; (i I , "J., !C:X, Eykns tfie editor of flif '.7 to Ckrouklt k in tius cTtyT T-"T T '' The Cbnrlotte' Vtmetrrr barf 'had it dress made larger and k now the largest daily in to Nate. i, x - Gen. Leo' once said lu hk tailor ttise $te JumxXOarkvftf iiichnwmd) ;rfy irtendsdA not know" my ike aa wen 4s you do.''' Tbev" all think I ant acreat deal larger mrtn than I really am.TJ, r A hard-evoa -awekasan tltoustit lie. W(BuId give" A1exntWf f-phens a shot any way, and knked him why he wore two overcoats," "Bwnis tliree wonkl make me uncomfortahle,'' was to reply. ' ,P. V Barnim recently Wctumlintiie Xorth llefonued frtiijcli, at.,Brooklja. He aaki tore can be ne happuuwe with out rehgten 1 not a mean sort of teligwfi that Vni give needy sfrmcr i !T')',f stead of a potatoJmt reiii(ni' f tlie genuine aort . i -'i ,'..'! l!i,4 j :Tlie WiaJi and' tiie'rMiflan appear, to boidot'erentTtrwa as toyhwStWfr. ase'tWhrttthe rtoh weaJtto rl4t htm: the ?iltan,r 1t hi'1 said roTered tlie,, grandtaircasf and .vwri0. wii Htnyrna ivg stuhied mlu)i4wCMnH stones, but received hia gtMtf kf dsn. plainest dress without onwrnettt ef airr tiiaaieuded Shah ftlttoiHIub or JuH, f - T? ' rH smitd aAwlt , D0 tushek tack Peasef -. fiex-tWd, CiM&l lAwt tilcits? So suit Apply to ( -1 . Ktf 'o i . Vx tr AwtivLEK A SOX, Baleigh Or to -mALEX. Mm ilKU 1 , ' t f M-'.'W-l ft 'iXrwbern ' apr .-. : ft i)mn 4 l aaeaH 8wrl)ik-in' jf ,cu3l S4.00I tSAOf I. J' 1 'tforthwvs at norinng'wed.firigl to bri. TKHil.t have a1 .k llrtt shade W f AritlV 6LrJ. ?- ?- i Bi ll I f ol 'ls-Wi -tirt Del, has thk spring pttUcJ Bp a young peach prdiardcVjOjac an k paring tbegftmai Jbf ppu,t Hsjatlches froeBwvarVas faaiatste to West say that to rereot ookl arearher has killed to yeung giaatoppeesThe geivral belkf Ja fs eased' that there will bs ao fttrtor tronUe from tldrf peat. tOur IHend JJ tt. Ifoesa kforms oa tot to stivrseaW fc at 1tl bentfat ' ther'Xaisws;M V a few day age some fltofmen inadda'bau bfnboat'400 at one caSchP' Bed' Iforis, lat-Backa, Snckr rs,-A4 are bring eanglit W alaiad tmtVmrtirfhm."''1'- ,w.'Ui t MrVA. it TlKmipson, it merchant Logane ""'store,', Rutorford county, brought 204 avmt of gold dust ' to to Branch Jtirit: at' tlus.pkce; for Xsaay. Mr. Thom pson gc U about one tousand . pwta of gold per annum . Thk "gold ncUhmi front 83 to 95 cento per pwt- Caea! . 4 ri.-. u '"- i '.? The spTeflda iney; battery' belonging to the J?etebuqj artlUory, CapC tt W. Jonea,v arrived yesterday afternoon. The battery eonskta of four .twelve uiu uniH KMeoa guns, raisaows, battery wagon, and forge complete (he whole billed onto lading at 23,000 pounds weight Pei, aVB, , Sober printers. IsV connection with the subject of temperance cause, I will state that in to 'office?' to DaavQle UtgiMtr there are employed three gen tlemen named .TO,to'aiaie family, not one of w hom baa ever been known to taste a dWpof ardent spirits. Neither of them ever connected himself with a Vmpcjranwfutian. I tiiink it k a most remarkable circum- ..tj.it i jt-yMafki uiin The Crown ranees "' of Crmany k devdted artihi, apending a greaf'jMrt of her bohn of relaxation at her easel. She gives a great many drawings and paint ings to Berlin Bnair for. benevolent Forty-one years ago a fair bride in Fulton County, X. l' roeeived a a wedding present a large aad delktous cheese. Since ton .to bride and all who attended to wedding except to groom have died, and gesteroay, on to fort j -first anniveiaary of hk laarriage, to lonely oki man. hk banquet hall de serted, for tbe first time cat. and tasted to lonely okl cheese.' it n j An old lady to whom Mr!, Lougft llow might properly have addressed the atu- dent song of "How does the feathery Frail Mama 'f " has departed the earth, of England Her name ; was j Mnu Uxa bcth Leatherluiid, ' and, she was said to be not 100, but 112 years oldv She wa little, and lively ani of pure gypsy de Lr .lifer. sight was noCparticedarly good, yet slie was able to , tail, twine bogs ahnost toJJieJaU: , Th foliawfeg lefieraTiecerve at tlie Executive mahidon tlie other day : Ulyseas K (trant-4Ioa.irr i As I'm otily airnner'sdangliter, i. And you are a President grand. IlV more than'Mikelv we ahaH neer meet ' tills aide of 'Ths Happy lauiM - So I arkh te snake d UttUr- request, 1 niftetttwifh'mihlh'tt n ill you please to favor me,, kind f ir, ( wAVitb the lKdaa's autogr u;st -i-uln, Liairn. i-5iluiij j: r.i" j !';!.: :; m-'i Aa exchange says t , VThe buftalo-gant, whkb ia causing so much liestm tiow' iu to Siithwest,, k iinah .hk,i' moretluin half the size of 'bouse-fiy, wlik-li'Huitdi-ntv appears in the air bv mil. ;lons .andsoules Dtm .) our IburEboied 'animals wttldn reach.' A biwae "or eow wiu oe iiieraiiy wverea witn tliem at -utghi ; in the morning tlie aniotof Wifijhe found dpacl Sod swelled to an eninnous sjie. .Tlie bite.k verv poisonous, and' era find tot the, most eOsctive., way of protejft(th'Wk fa cevft, hm with; a iiingdjbiied tar butif, that aawkeddrea, off Uie inwt. , Amongst tlie wfld auimak, fpV-lallj to deer, on tlie ,'ArkaoMji side of to" riverl to ravages of the jiat are everywhere, jip parent Witbopt any 'jprotkto djknm n, jarge, pumben to this pokonoos toaect('licb, .however, does not tonrh man. , "' ' -'-' X. 4 -