v . t TUB" SSNTIIja.r JOBIAB TDimtr " STATS raiMTIBAKDEXBSIB, an , ; 1 BA1M or itMoiimm sI1) BObUMI tat?, Ually Mil BMieths Sead-Weekiy ' The DlIbT SXtUBh tU todeUtre4 lp f part a Iks Cttt a firran Chi per eek. WHOLESALE CASH PRICES. Aiarkei rtquare. COTTOlt Badly lUined, or very dirtyj j!2 Wiuid utained. or onflnarv; uS.ait lxiwntiddllng,' U W OKNXKAL MAKKKT, Ragging, domestic 2 lb. Yard ISjalt Cotton ues, oc. yj ,i ) i..;t Flour, North Carolina, $7.50. ; Corn, V5eL0uV t, , ,- ' ! Jf J V Cora swaVnew van flaw, v. . ltaron, N.C hog round, 13. , hams 16al7. clear rib sides, 13J. ' " long C B sides, 1S. ' . . ft... 1.1 .A.. .!. " v " snuuicrB, iuuiic , t Lard, North Carolina, 10UIH. . 4. " western tierce, 17). - ,t v Coffee, prima ltk 23. - - -1 " J J goooV22). r "... comnontliaSj! . yrup,8U4Z. Molasses, Cube), 60.' NUt, Manual's, sz.za. Evana'. 95. Natts, on bastrforlOd: $4.00. "a,-Ai!fM-;vr extra C. 111." " ' ' lather, sole, 7a. ' potatoes, iweetrTteOO. .wj. itm " Irish, ll.50al.75. Data, shelled, aV0, Fodder. L74. , t Har, N C, baled, good, 1.00ul.iV" 5ga,. lUtUor, N C, toaSOi X Y, 4na-10. Heeawas, '2330. '' r - Itan. 21. ' Ji,s' fit iff . lieet on foot, dad, -c r n r " dreesaed prime; Jalir Jleary copper, per pound, lfic -i n .light iiKi... 19 W4w Brasa, per pound, 10c." -. Pevter, per pound, 7c 'J i A 0 1 " Lead, per pound, 3jc. Old iron, per 100 puunds, 60e. ml 8hep akina, per piece, 85aOc. -1 Wool waahed, tier pound. 308330." "V ALl'XBUt OOtD MINE FOB IALX . IwOl MUat Um Court IIoom aoer hi taa towaof atoDnM,M.C.,atNla Xmtkm to tb hMM t Mddoroa. Um Ii5t j ot atajr, MtaUM(ollwbiraal property Mflnalnfto th (wuu ot W. . Cantoa, 4ee'd. li:A Jot of LMd hrlnc la ITatoa-aouat. W. 4! a MMllaCWk.tHi hk toattMiHtka Veto birntnl HOW I , OK 8TOCKTO.V GOLD MINK, and knowa at the Howie or StocMoa "oia Mhte Tlmot, eOBlelntnf Mui eror jnitkaiara at talent at aaiaaaaerfp- rlMinuuT Davu, ClutluKe. a CL Br tlrtae or deed ot mortem executed by i. V. McXaauraoa the t day ot Jmnrj 1873, aad recorded hi Book Mo. 85 of pan ISA la the office olKrfUUot Deedtlor Wa eoantT,lhelola(ka4 at aald. atortgaewde ecribed will be eold for eaaa at publie outay ilk Court Hotue door In iUieiKk oa Baiar day the aa day ot May aext at M o'clock, n. Tbe kwdueaaear the aaatera Itarluef RaleiRh hi the -aeifrhboraood of the Koek Uoarry, and adjotaina tbe laada of M. M. Tapper, J. W, B. Wateoa and othera. 1 routapu about two acres. - ' .'. . , tt ti ,JOf UAIUNQ. , ;, .( (., Attobjikt aiio Iokit. apr 1 Ida . . . PEAhKTOn BALK! , , 200 boRhcla f tock Pen, -V:L pttUed,l1oad "" pbx k in lota to or to .ALEX. MITCHELL, ' T?- " tJ - JCcWberri. - , jy i i iff ami mr.nW.tZi pOK, It EX 0CIIErA1 1 ' Hy $tbre with two corafortatle Booms ntwivo the same, miitabltt for a amaU mlly and a good burinesa atand. -" i Apply early to .TZrL May 1 1875. r . (' imisboro -usttohaxdA J l f.''-" ' , , ,. r 1,000 Vd. Percale n yard wide a f i cwrjts. - rl.H W.l H apl2S - W. II. A B. 8. TUCKER. ....... .i li.OOO ' for ' M00 ' ' ' 9ll,00w , .-.-'for. .; Itoo 9ieo,ooo ' j,r for -1 " ' $30 o $100,000 t j for v , $30 00 1 M1880UUI8TATK ' ioTTARI81 s Dq tk 1 3th day of .each aoonth daring 18,3, willbodrawB the$S SINGLE XUM BIB LOTflKY, i V n Capital PriM, $12,0001 "111 10.JW) prizes, amounting to $100,000. Tickets only $3. ". .2 Try a ticket la UiU Bteral achetafCiv ' i $1,00,000 IN PRIZES , ; Capital prise, $100,000, i 1L8M prises, aasounting i $ltMO,000! -frft WlU bs drawn " ' June $$'1973. Will be draws Bept 80, 1875. "Will U drawn Dec 81, 1878. " Ifaole tickets $30; Halraa $10 Qu ten $3. '- ' - - ' . Prists payable la full and so postpone ment of drawings take place. , ; i Address for tickets and circulars, .. . ' MURRAT. 1UIXE3 CO-" P, O Hoi 440, St, bo& Kb ' i ; i it. The City. lt JlU-lJbblU will preach M Edenton Wreet If . E. I hurch to-mo-roif pornlng il 11 o'clock. I at 'Parson Street Jletbodi choach lo-tuorro. : Her. X. M. Jurne, will preach to Thu young cooverta 11 a. tn. Fatliar, Ersni f h MPon jCm-' hasn't served the people forty years for nothing, they hare made him ' town derman. ' uwim FaqHT TAV XQ PAaWKOw4 Wa ; team from Capt. W.lLGreea that the rwlglU traJa eaW with, pawnj ger coach attachod, Mrfil after th ubth Instant pass this city at 1020 p. m, Going ftt i wIU pas bore "at 7:20 a. m. - ') MtH'JJh V.I - I t ; :' j w Ms. UahI . jAaow soAni ' of oijm's rAMrtV. f hare aad news; and ait the aame tuna feel-JoyM that iney - escaped, of , Sunt As w. Mangun) and family who are rlaltlng at Flat Rt aria Orarigv county. Tbef were. rullug, ilt: Slangum and two of bis reti 1at''rCrlRrg7riiw1!w n?1 other children in a carriage . m front Mr. Vangum was on the ground holdthg the horse when it took trisht andranof wttbi the 2luggrjme f' die cbJldre Jumping out , was run mtr, and the otner uirown rrom thenuggy, wane the bore ran into the carriage in- front acaring the horses, and resulting In hur to Mrs. lowgum and the children Two of the children we bear were dangerous ly injured and it b prrwtdwitlal that the whole ftunQyere not kffled, ."'"' A FOCJCDBT W THE PKKrTKXTIABvl We learn that some of our citizen eon template eaiabllahing a foundry ai the penitentiary and employing conrict labor inside of the stockade to work iti There is a good opening at the peniteoH tiary for several enterjirises of this sort j A man could make money In putting up a big shoe store orer there, they already make first rate shoes, and they are sold) by Mr. Roeenbaum of thia city. 8ome thhijr should be done to nut these con vk'ta to work, from Are hundred ami j sixty, not three months ago, they hST4 bkcreaaed; tq aeten hundred, and the) jaUa In tbe SUte are still lulL A num- j ber of these fellows hare nothing to do and are eating their rations at a dead expenae.to tlie State. . As good stone cutters as can be found outside can be hired from the penitentiary who can easily make then three dollars a day, and soma of them fbttrTh.'fouB4ry to be run there will get the contract for all the Iron work on- the pcaitentlary being built,'' n.yJ V i-' w- '.' 'f i iejsa ' . A-MAM'a Foot.-A man's foot W hb prettiest feature- The first thing a wo-, man looks at la a man's foot, Vile has roch -pretty foot,1 said "a" young' lady once of a young friend of ours the (fast rime she met htm on he ears, lie called to see Jiet the same week and she foil in lore w4blrn. tell yonbw; U K?' aays a young man, Just by us, bis hair p, in and a Burt's Gaiter from Tucker's on his fooU. I saw a young woman look down at my;! fooW as I. was walking throogh the gquare." Well,it's the truth,, the foot that shows tiieJ shoe bat the sho thfitahows the foot The longest teaman In towtq-of the stoat pancake spread ot ioeV can fly aroand irltlf'i good looking foot fas osm of Burt's GaU tcrsl, i oL Tucker the knows all about K) laid In the stock with an eye to this thing' They are elmped right, "f polish beautindlyr sad gire a style-to the raw material that's bound to aie the eye. Ask at Tucker's for Burt's , . A 'I PERSONAL. i S t ' The IUchmond Howitrers wit! attend the Charlotte CentennUu..,-.! .' 'ill i', ,- PcafIet fore'r U in town. It la reported serjral cases hare prored fittal.Car. Randolph Hill, a aon of Gen. IIU in Charlotte, has been very HI in Balti more, ts now hnproTing.;" , A Lemuel TBuigham the editor of tTie first paper ever published In Charlotte, the CatawbA journal,' now Bring b SUtesviUe, and tho an old man, walks like he wore India rubber In iua aboes. i At a meeting at Norfolk, - Va on Tuesday of he stockholders of the Sea board aad Bonnoke railroad CoU t John U. Rotlnsdn was unanimouiily re-elected president. The annual report shows the earning of the road' for the hos t year to have been $363,42.IUI1, sad ex penses . $406,365.44, leaving a net rerr ofii57.oaua. ri'i-ti "'O 1' i 4 A ,v Raleigh, y.a 0Ap?unDiJ Batolnttnas rt the Basse fire Cm ....- j . posy. ' T;T nMWie4. by Bequestli ;" : p. itaccMlLux, r3 ' b4biqiI. jr.; 0. Hay T, 1875. Tour Committee beg leave to submit the following report t Being appointed to correspond with the President of the B. I. ' ,B Ki- 'tM- ascertain the lowest rate for which he.coold furnUb tiportation, front Balchih; to Char kttte and return, to fifty members, also a tUt ear for engine and hose carriage : VTe wrote to Pres't Buford April I'Ui, to which uo response wits 'made. On April 20th, our active member, the Hon W, XI Bnilth, whom thU cotnpany still ehernjuMi wlthgratitade, fof , th kind ness extended them four years, ego in furnishing transportation for this corn- pony at 92 per member wltu tree trans portatioa of Band and Englna to anil front Charlotte being fat the euy re quested us to again address him (Cot Buford). Again .Wa' wrote to rtea1 ear letter to K E. Alterv' Gea'l Ticket Agentv who referred It to his clerk with the following result l:z' VU Gbjekesbobo' N. CM May 4, 1875. t Jos! U. Green; E0.. Bafelgh, N. Cj j .DtarSir -Mr. AHea before leaving for New Orleans Instructed net say to you that having had jour tetter Jo.-th President undf eonsUeration, the beat rata ha feels authorised to make your company Is one, cent per mile, from Bal elgh to Charlotte and return for IH-5 each He says while the rPsny0"1 be glad totiansfitfaUsiAidiorgsjusat free,tt cannot possibly do so and hopes the rate offered which about actual cast will be asiUfactory, . That bo pars tlaHty Is Intended in giving the Raleigh. Military Companies free transportation but Bra deemed advisable, swing to limited numbera of such cxrgajuntlons, In the State', to make the celebration a more compkto success.; -:',.--- V , Very Respectfldly. , , f 1 ft sir mh limy .i.ii..yH ,. jlfcl 4 Sam's, Mkbbiix, Committee on Arrangeinenta. j Tpod inotiob the rrport of -cowh mlttee was rocehred and they asked -to be discharged, and that the flowing resolutions be passed ' J ' j RtMtd, That the thanks of UiIS Company be tendered to President Bu ford of tbe IUchmond k Danville Bail read for the kindness extended to this company for the reduction m the fare in our behalf, but'respectfully decline to accept for tlie followTng 'roasoni '' '7 Flrsi, as members of a large and in fluential Company, we think we were entitled to more respect than for our communtcation i'lo t referred, to the lowest olnoer at that point, aad that after the first letter bad never been noticed. Second, that as we applied for the use of a tlat' cair for transportailoa of engine indiorcarriage,'andno 'notice was taken of that, we could not think oC at tending at entennlal without it, as we would be as UMeleee aa artillery . without! . U .. v ' J TUrol that It Is the sense of thia CooH'r pany Uwt the Fire pepartmcnt of this' Btate are equally as use fid as the mill' tary are ornamental and one Is entitled to aa much respect as the other, i a To tbe gallant Fire Departmeat of Charlotte . we send you .our,, heartfelt thanks for jour kind and generous favV tatiosi to partkipato in the . festivities af your Centennial, and while We may not be with you In a body! rest assured the mind's eye will wander back with Joy, n gladness and gratitude,, for yourkind. generous and open-hearted welcome ex-' tended to as lour ysars sgo, suca as omy , occurs once to the lila timejof a fire-; man ; and while we would be pleased to be with you, circuuuitances. over which' we have no control alone prevent us. ; RttdrvJ, That a copy of these reso-; lutions be sent to President Buford, ami the city papers be requested to publish.' Rnolrtii, That as President JJuford may bis under the hnpreasion that -the I Bescue ompany Is composed of ;Bet' ofroughs, for tlie benefit orwhomitmiiy concern, we append a list of r active members. . , :r ,ij,L .... r,.- . .... vrjcaasi . '. :i-s;? t K H Bradley, rarsmsa; Foresaaa; Thee T rentress, Keeordlag Bee'y; Thos W BUks, riaeerU Bee'y; Ptak CHir JIU TiMmnr Truk Bruaaut. Iton Dlreetor: ' a Thos veas, Asa Hose Wreet r, J H n . - Tnk- n I ..Ima tn. gtaeer; W Z Blake, Ass't Krifitieer. TI Aaasss,' Wat H A4ae, Jobs Arm etioB?,BWAtktas,e'OBlakeS BBroojb too, J U Broufbtoa, J C aVeweter, Sat L Brwwa, Alex Creech, B F Chsathaas, Joha Caytea, W B ZHcka, W II Dodd, Joha B Tet reO, i fr0nssa 'as F Guttr, Beary Uardie, .... .. -c. j , i X , i ; , . t i . i ' ' I ill' m . m i v i i vi -ar v- t v-a . hjr. . m. y , 'w "ar- w ' ar . IV N Barrla, -dm Essrls, I D Heertty CatclOagt, luchart Jane. D :'H ng, I Um, T f Lea, A HI Uwreae; - McCra IUarr KableK Beatv ISUtar.rWai Ki MlI Junius Vanea VsUheV WoorsP Teufl, Jr, X I Fullea,' J t B seuUaunv' H'uC U Suss, W W StfllaMB, -Wm; A' aitta. JW 'J Ftrouach. W A iroltlutrst,', Wal', BUBpaon, X4laan Batadauw. Kufus Turner, Wat t IV chorea, M White, Joaao WaBaaMrt Mt Wftr. W a WbltaeM.il T Wmfauu 'rra Owip.- .gBetts..aud1,f i Tre Grand IXikB William 4t Jfm maoe a apeecu reoenuy wuicn as isg ej ai bralnoas,1. llo l In-'pector; G nJ of Austrian ArUilery, and was Prague ob; dn bfiIw!;J tour, Jrfewlng troops. At the clot of the review l$e sahl fl thank you foir ydngenoft jui study, and for 'the thorough - aotiuaUit-' aiico youbav dfcylayed wllh Wie pnut tical duties of your profosrdon. . In view of the present apparent instability w peace these' qualities become dc4ibl.tn- ' . Baron Xdo'pbs de BotbschOi aaVre ccnUy become the proud poasessor1 of jt strange 'work' f rt a pistol worth 2.000. The works of the little wearlon are incloaed within tholtof aTorkkhl time tcr,-and the bojrcl runs' Woti f back ef the blade.. The hilt U of brae Inlaid with viKer, after tht tyto of thb Benaiasanre, and evidently :. due to k VenalBJrl5BBW In reply to an Invitation to attend thB Centennial, Gen. Garibaldi has sent an autograph letter la which hi says t will certainly ftftli at Jry possible effort to have my country participate In the magnificent celebration which la to be held la PhBaAjlphla.;;I delyire thai I shall not be alile to: eonrcu jnyi Self ',J'!' !i : - lictare'AppoJatBts . Miss Isabella T. Arnistrpng, tho Grand Lodge LeotHrer vf Englsad, will lecture t thf foltowfng places; Ornpany Shop, "Sat, ilay v Uthl in2a Point, MoLlay,' fiouc Tbomas ville; Tuesday ' ih. Btatesville, Vednsdsyt. 12th. Hickory, Tims, i 10 B.ro,i 13tb Charlotte,-fV K&At ICnapn of RaediL Bat; t 14 -i t ISthi Mebanevill. Monday ' 17th(l ureensuoro, tveanesujiy .rew tinii. , i i i 'nil iesi ' i ii i ii i i r Wldle Dr. sry Walker was lectrtrlng laiely,1 a youth cried but fct A you the Miry fliat lia4,1bytttjB 'iwfb.tSw was tJie reply, "but your mother wsi the J woman that liaj a rttt 1 j.'H K,W; ApVERTlSEMTB.; j .iAi;mo2i.sAULJ:l! I jFUWAlV ATT .8, 1 iltim. j Wm be sold at Tow'leV Auctioi ai collection of Furniture nud Household articles: i S... , .1, ! i- Amoag i these 6 'oner ftiw ' Walrit Secretary and otld' 'esccireuV' Hair Lounge which cost t2H,- and Ui 1 clone consigninenta, a, large, lot of Cheese. Chestnut, ''' ' " . c i ' -i f JAMEK M. TOLES. r my - It J- r"" ' Anctirmeer.'' t a Ik, . IW mi J, d h H ECEIVEU. t "Tills da bv mall aad express X Bart!'' fmiwiaLtJif. U$J - ai ". -i.uk.' CmOi a ' iJ i Buttoned and laced in khl and' cloth. .lru&R.N.Tl' RITBT 'SOA1TE1LS "" Fof" Gentl',mcrr, high and low cut delljAtfui for sutwmer wear. : - w vr: II. & R. K TUCKER. ANOTHER CASE OF O. v'- ' Tltnaa elecaut. beautiful and atylish Ilk htm Awovntlemen.1' ' l 'A May 7 - . ' ' FOB BENT. - o For the 'remainder of the yearfthe brown IStone Houses of Halifax, StM lately occupied by Prof. 8. J. Stevens, dee'd. Possession' giren Immediately. - -.' Apply to ' i 'i ' 'JOIIX Bi BUBWELL, may 5-2t .- ,7. Peace Institute. A' XJTTLE MONEY GO A JSG WAY1-1"'" Tt!"'"'! vi ' ' ' tM.f'AlM &wtvti& MHKrUt "AT . . .tl,1)(u7iil!t;"! TUChjSlC.&.bAdll JIU VbHJ - mc& T. r , ui i,,i ! nfi w..T - ---is nil Iwvnminit , A . Vfl Bh ,. Dutneetic'a kn, at near snaaulacturers WB saaaa , y aj-1 j , T. . . j ! EVEUYTUIG ' VEltfc lOWiFOR I . .. ' ' n k kill No Ind debts to Tje'putd t' .by U-Ji . , Custorocni, & ' i , - i - . b, The only- Entirely Xw hrttixn Stock it th b t. w t ,Ar spf SUWV..4 I.' H i 1 ) j V.I fj ACiCJTUpiUU Vt OWtt. I tti ! hn S3jCTTTT sfjIt utomVMPm Aonf kf Asian., Bar. of. .this alt, ato freeli pf ?d..eart1Vi;tho dln.tie woodSwQnOiftUfd tastt.night. At other caiWt rcoTCr. i. i.u wi ji ifs 4J! C( ''-''V4msi e!hsJtaxuf l bemocrat, U ,el'ec(eu to, Cpngress. frpln the NIuQif mlrklt: Georguv. , to place aw wed .fnOS riTHIAXa.1 ''CttAmAWohfU.-! Ma1 fi.A.The' dfy M full of KlilghU Temi.tar andtSelr front eTery CommaJidery b the etat. raeVlwU publie reHgtoaswxkrcises tiis BsetnlngJTIiai i 'i Grand' .. (onugssnder pried tor Vusuiees at obofC, OA, "Ttaaquf t was grrci tokiight. A ebmpetr Ml foUvwdip take'pliicW!trraotTe;' fire'evefinrB rToshis with I efftnd' rccep. ej. Jji,a.,ieal. ssri.itf a ,j. wAloCllEKIlY FOB GWEBNOBU Lot lavuxt, ICt May 6V-Apsciil to therjCwWawiiar sAya thati at 10tet)i p.sa Jjamea; j. McCreery, 6T Madison1 cunty was on tbeJtih bulla aomUtated by the jDemi- oratitf eenrentkia as cimuldate.! for Oev ernor. v Th cmteaaoBl wasl In-Besetota tettlioanrand iwaajeneally luwnbnL ous, aithengh r g foW"BilwtM their wsBtrrsrtewfuslo; xy w4 , su; . fl(nii 1 mim'1' '''d- ' t THE BLUE AXfl" THB GBAYi saTnrns, May 6 At a' mmm jf ex-Federal axilulcrt ' mto ' evtnln tl nvitatioa from the eonmatte of exyCod- federatt" soldiers to iwrtielpate la tlik appToacMUg j'fiemori amaeeeptedi. s V"' as .Baftloii " i" ''lll""i .wi.. t l iMrYwi WED.l"taiOTCtt 4 .. PHfiJuKiiUA.MayUTluaaoni. iuxdurbg the cetebraUon e first B At La Salle Cullego. an, educational luV stitutiou; under! charge or tue unauterp ofl thfrllDlyl Cross, BrotlienAlelluirt wta takoai wiUit fumUng. spoil and dlei lu a -fahurif tirue.j The ideoeaeed "wnk PreA'aaortolifhfAradaasl IIcani'U-tltisouttlry -in 19C anl hMbecoHBt!'Wrh tjrnile Ctt legA as Profcaeor of 'EngltoBrfJteraBwe for seven eara, J lie had i two statora' ui luUtiavore bothi membeva ofOroliflui cotiimiuiitio. t Ii to Jii!' ) I Jl mui'J -ii eaaiwie wil 1COTTClATFJJSST'ti i Nbw Yobk, MTNe Keelptsat all U. 8. ports during week, 22,913 aame weetr last year. 24,497. Total to latc, 3.333,887, e dafeTaat year; rIBHlXci'w, . . i ; b Wx Utdwaln lennaa'lamiliesre jweJ jparmgii emltefroin Buaak, on ac4 Awifit ofiiiArcticiwlve'Vouscripno r..nv-;K'.il..ii , jm.t i . '"" . .bm. ljfW'iwPitii sytilaf 77 f 'The revolntk hA eetf SnpHreesed by the tmoy fit;f1erre Vas'Jkincd nport the breAkiiigont of the troubleJ Tlie Tikergrr t-otisulitte Were Immediate- ly crowded With rfHW lfart!al 'laVj was precluhned? The proclamation coni tainlnal the itoratte'bf arrmesiy to tfaoso whrf wooM tiWrrenihir. IrafirfMny" wasl relwae-'.f.;,. 1 I sumedVtbei form of' an" epiaemic and threaie&edtlrV euBre'dcsti'Uction of the timHit Atioii bP "'Anclothio' ' Lore tte ' ti&' sensibf dRnHifcAe.l.-lt1ottho' pfcc'rtt! rlm flvtf hubored bersdUS h liave bcch'aU; uuikgaoTwhniii nuiurU'trdn'IrH1 Wd ifctye Afct4, ,! i Ualu iiwfc8iLiL..bvi sail ii! ,4 -1 !.t'tn hwwirv iiw au LvtbttKl! af . i n l l ii . "T.":V.'WVM'KI:Ma baa. asai out tiint t rvnt Atinv. r.:.!T .HBDV IO.Rll B i UtHO. Want, to buy .youse ,mh M j, yaivto,rcnt a 4ionsa, j .Want to sell av CjantagSv Wan! a BiiardutffhW- u' "", w"nt; to Ntt. Dry Coodty .tv! v .B.WajntellCrrflcrle ' autjK-SMUlilrory. Goods. ,.v jl Mantttaaelljat Jlimaet and xit, s"Waht of.f,eil tf'tci bFuirblturW 1 4 jVant. touri'afturrfor aiibiuju - T TliK DAILY SEXTIXEI. 4 Wrtwatvat IU JWaf aiGs pat s. m. ?.'? ttt 4eiM'4la4AIGV XifcMiuare one Bias . . tLB I ,.4t -,H e.iV sBtsAaaBt ImtetMai mm shaa--a es-rrTrrTirar','r" , i 4;U;tW;JiUaiUa.eff.ei' jl i7HYi.s ktnijs il.j-'aaia) 1 1 s1B!ltJ;sJl' ' f mbtoltlia a- esir- tyrrf rr yttr ;tit- - FxLEjiUiB.iMc8ia-T,iJly plrItoali8ta Up tnforepo w Yfrjiicity; las fiuudjiy..p.ifffAI bjij in, tj mmfTm m wm n't congregation, uj A BUyjxBVUt, with aWJ flWMqus Bkelji tfMiMtJPff of hl.hfot say ofhing pf. ths ntejfe sxprssslpfcl of hb BiouOh in seceyting ten, fi)teu jiechend frwBKthWitB.tOJtbS;l1lAr fooma sterdafcjwlrjta.fout seskoru jTtafctHKA.wa to he at ladies i)lrilrtlidtortut- and i very B)locoliuejuBVWaXaVl:haTe becauk sbtt4tie.faet wtij.th.ladkl conidhiot sigree JtBwthiodaf, duMwaWwIitfpresUeeVJiBd reference to the ladataand gonthKhjLteather world w.Utshetf.sVWTffn phatie jvayitUenr tlirwratioue iWere cwrtamlycworih the uooy jduussd Ji dnuVswoiLdM lUey jwere Vrkfand not os4tntaaotJtuinpr,,aTUa;: panoramic Dar o,aeiihpw conUUd of a ftwJlldd eowkbig,jdau fhces. of defonet persona, whose, ghoqta. ai BiBlrBflAiNr PMlliunii; TUaudicnce. Invaded jSifefj j3t j, eij'W.t-WEWTrsl tvOxa hais)J gfHsly-eitimoutlu:! fte 1Udmb!rj.,6verc jW'of.tta1 redings and gave si ktsWg acc'of B't, Whse (HtWnexIted.' gretleu' noweverj (hat 'all tfc''iureft- had pecnuarl gloomy expressloYI, most o'Lltvidiu to nave' Deed lande'dfrolo?1 Ner Tfljrk wl'tiioa.cnect'! .was a perfect fluffer wnenalrsl!' Jewett took the, tana.w She lls a very, heavy lad, weTgufag'pcrhaps over )9(l0 Ppun4i speaks weUJro VflwelyVbelieres hi hosWiBplH)isLBuUjiu But nave a cent fori all i tlie otheoiogyf . in the worbLt Mrsviifewett had a charai. ingn way t of j standing J. '.her toes and coming 4knm :l at' .'.-every periods her heels with good' effect, blia had trartolyMeurned her aanJ. hew ever, when Mm. Beuhcallsd sttentien tothe factthatthe ptcture tdikB had beei nfem4 to by Mral Jewel arthat et Hindu wa no eOek vtinug, but a paieet ftorlrail ' 3 Jaeksoii Davtarf MtsGooeVni Mxf relab?d1rer cirperfonewy Wie Was at mil terf timid. After whlicf Mbweve, slie turnnioned a tptrtt, nnforturmtelyA wteltched gram mitrtut; hoi rAI cetUihil V never served at a'spellingv ntotcR, knd Informed'1, tlie assmblagatnut she had been dead horse thrtei but bad r'rrMred,!andira5ruU ed to perfbrnt lhat Whlcrf sW fliflcd to fccomplhA'before ner'death. 1 Then interest the audiehc; sail fottowtog h'er wisanoidV .inal Bom'pMt? ofat'wt 'neVerele'as Vw'the a'MiJtiee Hie wort '6f ' tteti moheY. rtHesto'atemH tK 8UI Jii'T V ri 'rntli'Ii ili in siWi ftm!!iTnere fliAiiiifetiri niirte of 'fliefcorwerV .4UiI .as siwxil iJf slrt Jo 'J w T.P.DEVKREUX.ilu'., wswadtd- J-Rl?jJMfjtn .HTlrk. v s sudiiMdat im fliaausBrrMna nhlfttf thAilr.- rrawlh'htosjibs1ahei'i jkhf her It for. hi m that w1Ii'pf titVpobh s is the, titih o(a. WUirn, to.lie delivered bv Bev.. Oscar' F. iTinnn. lu da evening, JPtUnsL, -IDie prpces or tbe lecture arajuia hrnefltofthe church. FroniMvElippnwell known Wiftf .vBBtj aj q8 may hejrx- QtXlfi&Wt ."lit So B ibUl('ici t Jsfes- ':a-.fla KWi.YOBBi.- NajrfS'iT Ilsutsl letterViayiie lshina) C0la,4isi Rrealyii elated ! the iwaiards. oThey tlalm fhat it wnl evhr require three Btbnthi trf'fi owt Ili nbenirmAlaeumBer of CuhaeA eoolCl it if l,e iTotj-.l otiiliijy . V 5 . Aa Hgeat aoowi4uCKiford. toted a pntr ' Af fatten to ' rasM tBeeMnr th4 otiie? flarr that he lalif his moWet wore mivVtif7j,Kii 9H rWW . meeting, wea for gttting: sipmatariai for the' CVutotHiUt nitd'the pW mattwcnl : part' 'Of rrale' CoOhty' at" M court- hou&V4 " Ji lull atndimce" as niattcrs' ogr'cal ' linmruiu'ie wiii,le presented Tor .the conxldtratioit r the CommJtul.r'l,'f 1,1,1 A ? :" ,W Vf sate V X ! . r :;: . U f f i 11 -J" -4-'

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