Y IS THE DAILY SENTINEL if; .THE DAILY. REnlTITILT. . fl:.:t Of i it "j: t; . ') b ;.t -t ) to tV.rHn.f'.O r'-i t n J n i ." ' "I. '.rwaajMew at 4 f ,''5-' JO MA ft. T.u,M,m.V V" uti Ji.w ! Umhmwl1 Bt lulloaiag mtss lt mtf ; 1 ATE FKINUI AMBWDW. innBi.'MainAi aaiisiBsasa 1 1 taw ai iwrii . a r 1 i .i.'i.. i -3 um we n it J It: i..u.niiHtktlitdniN .0 I t ato't, U W . 1; " 4S.0. ' hire, a: f fAnl .a lxmuK Tb bVLf teVnaai. win f VOL. X. - jORALEIGrH;: &V'WEmrE3DATimT.2l4 r Ut CTi si firrw CssTS par 1C V ' I '( 1 If r X rr A ... r i i i i ' i i m i i . i I 141: "A Of 4 , U . rpm ' - WHOLESALE CASH TOICES. . .. ; ' - ' - t'ormted ny r. w viimc vi iiuki, antes, nanamjs. .' nKMEHAI. MAKKKT. Ragging, domestic , Yard 15111 l orn, Sjel.W. C.r. . ' " -.'a oro meal, ne w an si.w. . . lUcou, ?i. v. nog i""! , 1 1 " iuuui luiaw. , " r. clear rib sides, 13. ,.' " " long V B ikies, 13. , holders, lOalljc, lAnl,XorthCsrolins,lU18ft n..-, " western tierces, 17. . Coffee, prime KJo, Z3- " r good, 22. ". common, 21122. ' . tr . Syrup, 8 II 42. t Molasses, Cubs, 50. , Silt, Marshal's, 12.25. Evans'. Ii25. Nails, on basis for lOd, M.00. . Sugar, A lUsli extra C, 11. , " yellow C W10. Jieatlier, sole, 27a30. liules, green, 7aM. " dry, 13. Tallow, Uald. .. . , 1'uUUws, tweet, 75a90. lrbh,I.Stial.73. Oato, sltelled. MaW. ' hcaf,(la. FmMflr.ll.7S. liar, N C, baled, good, 1 1.00a 1.25. t'hk'kent, grown, 30a W, it,!. Jiuuer, N C, 25a30; Ny, 40a50. Iteeswax, 25a30. IUf,2. 1 W, on foot, Ga. " dreoiwed prime, 8al 1. Heavy cornier, per pound, If-. Light " " 1&. - ItraBt, per pound, 10c. ' rewtr, per pound, 7c. lad, p-r pound, t' t14 won, per 100 pounds, COc. Mwep skint, per iiece, 3&aG0c . - Wool washed, per pound, 30a35e. " - unwashed 20a25e MTORTAXT NOTICE. The following resolution of the Board of Aldermcu is published for public b KHinauoni . "Rttoht. Tliat the Cltv Collector. ( bicf of Poike and Clerk of the lurket I MiiaU not take any Xlty , Scrip, or .any I other indebtedness of Uiis city, for any luxes uue uie city except Aiarm-nouse ounons, and mat tne uty Treasurer Is hereby notified not to take such evi dences irom sny Collecting omcer or tne i ity. Thin resolution does not apply to the irescnt Collector, F. 21. SorreU't extension. After tliat none it to be takeu. Alto, that the Clerk give Uie cam ouicers aue nonce." " " " , uyiv-uu ciiycterK. ... . i a ivnuiuuua w un uuuv k akp i rai il"m" r. . r . required to file with the Ory Clerk be- lore June 3rd, a list of the amounts of aid orders, date of issue and to whom ixHued. A failure to comply will possi- iiy mvoive .lunger or lots , to the Holders ot the scrip., .,:..,. wTf:;;.v :'-'sp J. C. B, LITTLE, i m leo.!2w Cltalr'n t the Com. JEAKE FOR SALE! ii"0 bushels Stock Pease, speckled. Cloud and Black in lots to tint. Apply toy v yn 't.Khtt A. fl. LER& POX.TUlelgh" w.Ut - ALKX. MITCHELL, :'v . t v.. , Newborn. ' , " --.-rr-:".- 'OTICE TO TAX-PAYERS, -' ,! All partiet In Uie "cut-off" section of NvoihI Ward are notified that Uie books for fluting taxes from that section of Uie ViJL'iSf e? "Tf ilftT1. 'Z'Jud' WE& .... ... vu. a City V ALU ABE BEAL ESTATE AT AUCTION; - AciSC Mill be told on Jhe premises, at 11 o'clock on Thurstlay, the 27th Inst- the lroiierty or the late Mrs.- Harriet Anted, deceased, situated on Uie cor- ier m Aiaruu and lVsrton streets, la the i-ity of Italvigh. " f The lot wiH be divided as follows t TllH itwulttni, a imnJ l. tu.tl.1- iujt, with all Uie out-houses attached and a large garden, fronting on Person treev and a vacant tot, -0 by 120, 'routing on Martin ttreet," whlcn will make a most desirable building lot. This valuable nronertr la sltuati1 1tlito two lilocka of the : centra ; of tb city, and will always Increase in value. Terms : One-half cash and the re mainder on 12 mouths time, secured by ?atilaetonrbond, bearing 8 per cent, interest. Title reserved until paid In luU. Byorderof .tzuz .).' J. C ISLOCTJM, Executor.: ; J AS. M. TOWLES, Auctioneer, f maySl-lw-r ,.FnT,v QITY SCBIP FOB SALE. TSrtu. At j- . , . . ,. i tow coby,itv scrip by applying to ii ucBu in v in ixatv iue WBsaii stirw llauiy ttaineo, or trry . ;i .5 Sunday last In Ui 49th year uf her age. ijondnrfnajy; ,? rm li tis? f TWOTTT Aumw.The Ahuaul of I,widdttag. " l TrWty College will meet .t that t-d- atSS-lw w. it m ni ni irkxiv . 1 t )EUbO, II ,T.V1. - 4h S r DiKD.-ilrs. Ann a nawwalL-eon fenltf city, dliHl at IfufWvUb'wl hg on eduetday tbs 9th of Juua; at 9 u Mr. John , , Webster ;sf Eeldsville will dellrer ths alnainl jtd- drsts on ednesday night: f graphlo dUpatvh recelred from frank Union informs his son Col . A. Lewis of thia dty, that hit lather Ilea dangerously 10, and but little hopea of recorery. Mr. LewJa la fat his 84tfa year, has aerred ais day and generation welly and U held in the Wghett esteem by all who I know htm. (Tn Best Gamc fathw has the best game cocks In Uta world. Old ArHngtoD fought twenty-three of Ids umckens at Charlotte, whipping . the Honth Carolina faova with nut aksa. i ' o Not one or ths 23 run, all won their fight or died game. He sent oar chief TheCity, I dim nf ! flnot hlr.1.. wtm ti thaltnt cnier eiert or uie Larroiion received county that can beat Nash for game corks, apple brandy and pretty girls?; , Taxi. Fia cbeb. The Blackwell to- j bacco house at Durham, of. which Julo Carr is an enterprising partner, averages at the internal revenue , olBce In tins city some six thousand stamps a week, and according to a clerk In that office, pays In from five to ten thousand dot Ura in cash every week. This house hat sold In plug tobacco alone two hun dred thousand pounds of the, tnanufeo ture of the present yeaK ' Such fact and figure information ss this Is truly re freshing. 1 - ; .. . A 8PKIXIHO Match. While the r4 of the city sat up and didn't know It, a spelling match was la lively Unn Ust night, and the young ladies and gentlemen were spelling away for dear life, the prise set Hp being a gold ring. It was ik-kuisn Lodge of Good Templars against Bethel Lodges and Bethel ame out winner -Tbo contest-1 ants were arranged in classes of Ave. Three printer -waved high amoagthe number and tpelled down tne Whole crowd charging over a gallant citisen in triumphant atyle, who spelled at the word "aiwplces" and bit off an a and I hjtched on an o In trying to give it the correct mouth room. The ring will be awarded to one of the three printers. ipnsorors susppea uown una enommg Tfofa orvins coiincv lor tns neniten tiary. Tho jRherlff made a mistake ia bringliigwagwds with fblfc prisjpors, only 1 guardb allowed to'S prisoners, and two to six, three to nine, and soon. We think It a foolish provision but nev erthelest It is the law. But to the slice of bam; u One of these prttonert was a I jjmng : negrK .woman about eighteen I years, of age.; She wat' tried before judge Cloud, and the evidence was that she cut a slice of meat from a ham about as.4 broad as her hand, and the man she stole it from caught her with the slice In her hand, and took It back: fitted It in Uia ham, and the girl fessed op that she itole it. ' But Judgt Ooud made a few remarkt to the girl, and the stated she had been to school in Hateigh, ana was well acquainted with Ittuhtnond, and boarded ones In Greens boro at Ofteen dollart month, he sentenced her to Uie penitentiary for taree J finish her education. : KWUDft ' MAES A A. i . M -t Aaotaer or tnese prisoners u a small W.. W-tr .. . mw bk,. d I dtSrf rtJit i with in. r- I covered the pocket book and nineteen I ifcuij wui hbba smsu tsji viruot VI cents of the money. , Judge Cloud said i 1 "Stand up h ere, boy, Yon stole Uiis moneyf'' 6i,? ' -' - , i "Yes, sir'. Ji n,K- "' f ever stole aayuung ueiore 1" . 'Oh,yes, air." .. r tr J 'I helped some men once to steal a ??!tfcntr . t I t&flQ "J1 ,udn ttY,T,5 PeeF fooWg nap, and I teckoa I'd I better give yon three years In the peni tentiary, to learn a good trade, and piake a man of yon." - -I "Oh, vea, sir' and the little nig grin- Beam oeiigui. . Ana tbey are aU here. )!AtTBmo,' Dkmocbats. Tliere will be a meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the Conservative-Democratic party of- ake County at the court- noose m iiaieign on Saturday 2Vta mst. AMI attendance is earnesUr desired as matters of great importanee will be iwtaenicu, uie cousiacrauon or tne a Vumm.ui.. ' .T.P.DEViaETl'f -wrrf T-r- T-Tt I 'ClIABLB WiSBXX TH1 WlUfXMO I ? AflV-WSlLwmmifrit JMT4VJ W W;.m,ins. reiujwus eiretw II UIIMfKMNI "WUJB JVWT 1UW, agslq on the rampage, and Uit' Unit at i Sunday School Contention Id JtslO sioru, He recUtered st Durmim'i' as feev.l W. E. ( obeland. of itaasachu- tatta, and after staying a whilst wtl alt wWts Us on? hs Informal tho 1erk ft4 Voung Uen's OmttUtAtio- went to the Carrolton otul and regis- fcered, a dashing young woman on hit arm, iaa Oeorga Warren, and wife, of tkwtoo, faatachusena,,-' lbs day after arriral he lowed farewell mo cltrk HUid'teok a carriage, lug that his wife wooldnt .leave till I nd b, woul(1 the. ,ttl the blU for botli. Evening came- and tbs dashing young woman tripped , down, carriage at the door, and the boy ' with the baggage, and the told the clerk she Would send him the money by the hack' man as soon as site reached the house i. , . " WM w m V 1 m I naclBttn returned empty-handed, and the unpleasant tidings with, feelings of mingled anger and Indignation, and de termination. If possible, to ferret out die reverend impostor. , He directed the driver to proceed Instantly to the dwelliug on Ilollins street, and here he succeeded in securing aa interview with the blushing Mrs. Warren, but Mrs. for a day and a night only. She said the met the rtrerotd individual at an art sallenr for the first time. He was of extremely pleasant address, and intro duced himself by asking her If she was an artist. After a long conversation, during which he was extremely compli mentary and insinuating, she consent ed to become his wife, and agreed to go with aim to the hotel preliminary to the celebration of the nuptials., With first one excuse and then another be deferred the marriage, but promised to act: an nonorawe pan, ana. saying placed herself in bis toils, she saw ne other alternative but submission, on - . . . a " .a i the second day she wsa , Uiformed, that the nuptials would not be celebrated at the hotel, but most take place t-her residence, promising to meet her there si a certain hourrThe BaMtmuwrnnyi this precious scoundrel preached a set mon at Westminster Church on Sunday the pth of May and his vivid imagina tion and perfect command of .language perfectly enraptured his hearers as ' he led them through flowery fields and by the skle of tinkling rills and murmuring bushy head of hair, at tweet as Beecher land weighs 180 pounds. The Jews in Wilmington are about to erect a handsome synagogue at a cost of 120,000. , The corner-stone of the Jewish ftma gegne -In - Atlanta;-Georgia, , wa-- laid with Masonic ceremonies yesterday. The structure will cost 18,000. tt looks rather uot the thing to pub lish ewquent prayers prayed on public occasions. The question with the people is not how it reads, but does God hear it f Sermons are dltlerentf tuey are preached towutt "fa4mn- An amusing episode Ii said t have I occurred at one of the Moody audi San- key meetings in London, where the ex Premier wsa present. Upon1 heartily grasping Mr. Moody's hand.' Mr Glad stone said i "I with I had your body," Mr.- Moody made reply t ' -'I wish I ha4 your head.' ktr. Gladstone retort- mna a wisn x nan your wngs. ... ne ' i w a. a aa To which Mr. Moody again replied i "I wish I had your bralnt," and with : . i . hearty good wlsues they parted. ... . .. tt ' " jNoT AntAio or Dkath. At six o'clock yesterday evening Ouachlt, Uie wounded Cheyenne Chief at the .Bar racks,' teemed to be in a sinking condi tion, '.tie was drowsy during, the. day " t and ate but one meal. He it as anxious aver to put an end to his life.' Yes terday one of the officers determined to hare a thorough test of the, brave's de- tire to die. Taking a musket and stand tag a few paces off M took aim . at the warrior. 'Good," tald Ouachita, at he folded hit arms and closed Us eyes to await the result. After waiting a' few moments, he opened his eyet and seem ; ed very much . disappointed when be found the officer would not shoot him. Corporal Allan, who was stabbed by Ouachita at Madison Station, Wait much Improved yesterday, and still stronger hopes are entertained of his Weowy?- aan a a Out of the latest diacoveriea.Atl.6m- 8 nvfluVt bf j wojnm, piaVln' fjri'fc stove-while- her hmbend. kt bad; fhat biu-bariaiiej Uiey , wefaJi1th.ise days. W wouldn't do to now, would wt Is A lady sated frJuT ILe ' Sttiilltfrf4 1 W vet anVtmc incidents t J.jtis'.ii Mrt. Christine Toena. the only lady laved from Uta Schiller, having covered somewhat , front4 th -' shock on her nervous system, relates toa ladv atAV If at 1VD MV mnjvtt f She said anmntf thVpavingnrs wat a lady who had beautiful little boy; he Vaa "everybody! person - board, and would beaoen fJtjmg al Way long with hit mother or other ladles and gentle men: After the steamer had struck Uie rock that lady, with her boy in her arms. rushed franttnliy upon ftockV'mid fell apon her knees before a tailor, . " Save me and my ckdd, for God't aakav save at I sm rich, immensely rich save tne, aid thou slialt be wealthy and wlUt- aut cares forever. I will give thee anough for all Uiy life. Thou ' need not be a sailor then only -save me 'and my -r- 4. ,i enuu." A big wave swept over Uu; dock and carried away Uie rich mother, her beau tiful child and Uie poor sailor. ... t ., . tk , , JPJIPED IHTO THtt SKA . WITH ITT.a , , CHILD. Another lady oa board had Bttle girl about three years old, who looked Ska an angel. .The mother being niostfy Seasick, would not allow anybody ( to take .UiajthiW away ; out of her tight. Manyladics offered to Uy. with the chikl on deidk, but' the), mother, always Objected, on the ground UialjJie child aaight be hurt or even fall ioverbotrd fhrough carelessnett or o,versignt. Her child in Uie water! The bare idea would already make . her mad. When , Uie eatattrophe came Uie mother rushed on deck with her child on her arm ' and at once Jumped into the sea.-, The idea of seeing her child in the water had lunde her mad. "t Mrs. Toens further said : 1 "We had a great many handsome ebildrea on, oajcd,whoae gftyety amused everybody, and Uiough cliildless mytelA it almost breaks my heart to think tliat not one of them hat been saved." X. FINE PBIXT. The Telegram it Uie title of a spright ly little penny .paper. Just started in Wasliingtou city. It thinks tliat a news paper that cannot live without official patronage la not a legitimate lustitutioii. Persons arriving at Jefferson City, Mo., from all directions, say that most of the "grasshopper talk" Is all bosh ; that grasshoppers can be scooped up by the bushel in some cotrnties, but that they are doing little)1 or no damage to the crops. They assert that ue' Governor's proclamation, setting apart June 3 as a day of fatting and prayer for deliverance from the "scourge,' has done great in- ary, and that Immigration: to thetate will be greatiy retarded thereby. The decoration ojt the graves or the Federal jnd Confederal dead jt ,Eliu wood Cemetery, Memphis, TennM lon- daji,wa1; an; evnhkHnntsjweB a moral of fraternization in the matter of, a mutually, glorious history. The largest procession evertoenin Memphis with the exception of that In honor of the memory of General Lee,waa formed. The ex-federal 'ioldlera,almo8t to a man, tamed out .with Uie ex-Confoderatca, , apd m tha rankt were seen the tattered battle flags ,o .bpm;inloi;-,:,:;:1 .7 , One of ' Btewarf s ' derfM.'rcnm- stances have just come to light in Brooklyn which ihow that Mr. Archi bald D. McCordy, an ertjpke of Mestrsr A. T, Stewart A C9 . who dkd on the' 22d of April ' last at , hi residence" ta Orange' street,' had been in the habit for syeraljreara part of xteallng " Valuabla remnants af silks and i velvets from tha Wholesale tore. ,, Deceased occupied a responsible posltion tit the4 firm, at a sal ary of 14,000 a year, 'and no suspicion was ever entertained : pf h!s ; Intcgriiy , until a lare colloctloa ,of romnanu bf tilks and volveU, worth about 1 1,500, Were Tomid k) bis' apartiuenU... Ser geant Ttpetf '';,fhiecA'aad,a took them ; in charge, , ' and they were Bibsequentiy identified by llri Libby as being tha ; 'property of tii,', finn.!; It fo eatiinated tbt wlUila the hut fow years. be carried away property to tha extent of 10,000. A , T, Timet, M9 24. 'l tH hnvunJ linw ran a-aman. when asked to pay - liir. ia iji rJt s m -1 .: t ' 1 . r jl; iaiii.jli (!;.! o4t 'itt'. '4vliiu JTiPCEWUXGjS QF,TjLBAPBEaiJY WAsambly yesterday, almost thi sntire srasJftken; np ; la I discussion, of hat.ia known, iavth Wasont a ilng the complaints of J. J. Qook .and thers ,q JUHiisyUla.rbyter (ha Bar, 8. tCWUson.and! congre gation of the First Presbyterian Churvh LotthvUle4 Wlthont 1 definite , action Assonibly adjourned .till to-raotrow, hea the case.wiU bf taken t up agahtj next jH queUoi4 , la. tliat ; inyplvlqg JaUonsoiUtwcett' the. North eraf and Southern churches. This is the .most unportaut case bfoivlllJ4ri AasqniUyu ) Tlie Assembly to-day appointed Uia special committee fcy-whom wat re ferred the matter of friendly relations between the Northern and ' Bonthem Church.' They reported that theygreut- ly regretted the conference at Baltimore last January wat unsuccessful In bring' ing two great bodies togetiicrln friendly and cordial relations; they heartily en florsed the position Of their committee at the only one tiiey could haVe taken f m l'-'--- :ir -.v CUBAN AFFAIBA. --su i.; f), tii Havana, May 25. . Vuz ik Cuba publialiea another strong editorial, replying to. one in Uie iWs- pWrtd, of New York, which advocated tha continuance of the burnimr of plan tations and settlements for the purpose Of driving the Spaniards out : of Cuba. The Yot accuses Signor AVlaian of. ad vocating Uiis plan, and saytu that th triumph of the insurgents: could only produce auothcr : Ua li, and that .not withstanding Uie quantity of. African blood in Al (lama's veins and dark color Jf his face,- he would not be accepted as recruit by Uie negro insargent chief, Cecclllo Gonzales, because he would be considered as belonging to another race. The ! further says the Iudtpendt im cries 4no delay no hesitation." j Tlie Spaniards must do Uie same, i In- Itead of conquering! this 'band, they auut astasslnate it, becausaltnolongcr dlipbyt I poCtitiU but I criminal invoking the memory of scenes in the $t. Domingo. - ; " - . " v;; The article Juis produced a profound impretsion. The sympathizers with tjie revolution pronounce the article of tlie Iiulejemlcia unwise., . . . , AN tSStJCCSSFUL ATTEMPT. ' ' " CleavkLakd, 0., Mai 23. ' In the Pres1)yterian General Assem bly an unsuccessful effort was made ,tb have the action of the Assembly 011 the report of the Conference Committee with the Presbyterian Church South recommended. ' "I '4j IIXJSI OF THE WPK. .'-.!....... .1 -.-Romb, May Sfi; Tlie Pope is seriously ill. PERSONAL. - A movement istm foot to orgmilre a Zouavo Company. A few gentlemen liave the matter hi cHaVgc and they socm to be. meeting with .every encourage- inent. W0. fftaru , ,s, ?H1 The-Suu.; ia at. it ; agahw ThU .t'uue it has a hornets' nest from' Charlotte, . C and invites the Bulletin editoi to nj scat on, U when Uie iiornct get hot, JJafti'Surt.'T1""'' v 'iiir--'-i Tho two men,' Messrs' Williams and Binglin1", UMmbers af the ltaloigh IJglit Artillery, who had their arms blown off last week, are in a fair way to recover, JrCkir, Obnrrtr ' A machine to operate against grase- lopperthat been tried. It coualsU or a long Iron , cylinder, containing tire, which is . passed over the ground and roasts, the hopper goes. :'An in stance of the distress at Osage, Kansas, was a raid on a grist mill by a party or farmers, wlu said tliat Uiey liad neither food nor money, and tiiat they would not permit their families to starve while food was within reach. MAKBIED. .I,: - --pBiaas-VlTAiw At, the residence of Uie bride's father, ia Boguenear .111 .. .f I .... "X t ' ntirVtmmA AVi.D. ing, May 25, by Bev. W. B. Boyall, James A. Briggs, of Balelgh, and Miss Lula E., ,3-oungest-daughter of J. Wi Hall, Esq.. No cards,-i i - 0 ' LA88ITEB Throwkb. In ITender- LjAWITP-k ' nnvn a,aaa- u, N.CM at Uie i Baptist Cliurch on the jrnlng of the 23th 'tidi hy" theTKcvt aou, morn! Dr.. Brooks,. Harry Lassiter to Mns Ilattie, daughter of CapCJ B. Thrower. Necarda. , , iU.nr im T71IDDLB STRING GUITAR Strisgt A' and Trimmlsirs btvl'sl . -'. iiattW wm& 'oirhiuAu itaat ne "iiss iumi tue-jot Ij.,' fM.it 1 1 ... .1 Or- . fl.L, ini- 4,past a.j I - - J alt ' .anu land more invitations to icc- i--'"""' -"'i1; j,'!"iU wovld fill every, night for the si $ . Ut ,1 CJJ.UIH. V I, ! inyitauons toicc-. ore Jlmn woi iexi winter1 q.TVigii J.'ii. SI':1 tystrur AnvinfTiHrMk'Nii' a ww w -m . 1 mm. w I ill h it tit I mi ss.iii iml hut .is n stai 'Ant1 iterson tesIrous'f'se'eW toe' an find msatUiilm..M0orimr'si Ja.i.tsS) mtj rjLlduinji ju 2ytb,, flavor, Ma l5."75i4JVt!o'J qo try i;'fr i .ili l .11 X wi. Ilia, nu'1 I'l'UII 'Mil fPHE QNLT jCECBEyUI 1 ...... ' . . ijiTa( . tf U.i ia.fc drderat " ... a. M01!ELEf'.","I "il rm ii'M fcw bjahl 10i J-iwt iW StrawLerriea ami e0 .Cream, at , , .1 ..,, Soda and Mineral Wilter at ' ' 1 ' it's tlie place' o ''get cobl,,T'J 1 "" stssay iua T" FlUSin SOODi AT TUB W. II. SB E.o8s TUCK Kit We shall onen thishv 6 mar of 4-4 Bleached Cottons a 10, 11 ICj, 14 and j cents. .. Greater banraliis never Offered before, Ala9, 8-4, ; UHL 10-41-4, , ana otieeungi. , . 1 W. II. ft If. fi. TU0KEK. ' Guipure Jloniton and Hamburg Xols, tlm nuwt ilnatrahla. fiuiliinnaliln anil etylish goods for ladles Overjackets and ' Overskirtui, just received at' J " .ill it jfc i c viri.rvitu . . ...V . ... W U. S A UVAW. 1" - ' BUBT'S BuUvu. CfoUlViwu' for Ladies.. ., . , .. . . ' ,. , , Burt's Laced Ooth Booft for TAdles. Bart's Buttoned and Laced Kid Boots for Ladles; A 1 full) Une of 'this most celebrated make vf goods, siway t kept, , w. n. B. 8. TUCKEK. FANS! FANS 1 1 FAXSllV Invest and keen cool. We have lust opened an elegant and welt selected stock of Foldimr Fans, Jans, Bamboo, : Battao, Silkt' Linen and Satin' from 10 cents to $10.' ... ai;. . . ,., jj . . . j 2,000 Natural Handle Palm Faua, 3 for 10 cents, at Uie unprecedented low Price Cash IIousaoT , , m 19- AV.n,B.S.TTXKER. . i; . I.. .I ; ,! ux. 0R0& TAYLOR Dcalors in Foreign and Domestic DBY GOODS. 'Are offering Select IJnrt of '" mack awl CokrtJ Stilt, . ... hpnug and bummer Vrtti uoojt, , v Suit Vn7Idyielciiii'gZJMiMt'mJ" '"'"'' ' -' Poniard Writhed Cambrfet, ' ' trimtiyl'aUeott, tfc Ift. . ... Together with all extcuslve Ltiie of . r , ...... .. . in i . i. ., in. Hamburg. mlLrde. Ipttrtien litfflyij Trimming tft. K I 3 Also 'j;-rrv-tr wirfw j IMfLLlS, tt., tr, 1(- . '1 . . '.I. 1 . -. Our Ladies' Shoe Deportment con-'1 qiins a stock unsurpassed, for eleganee,' durability and lownesa. of ,prke. sDi ifectlons fur self-hicasuremeut sent ou plication. ' ' - i' 0 , - Complete assortment of Genii ' Furn- itliing Goods, Hhirts, Collar,Cuffs, Ties, Boss, Gloves, Ac. Goods went to any part of the country.' Shirt measurer. cnts tent on appuyauou. For Uie aceommodation' of Ladies and amllies who are unable to .visit the ty, foil lines of samples- of all grades,- 31 Dry uoodt will be sen, and orders y mail filled with the greatest possible dnre. . .-' ..' j ? im vmi AaoApvfAir Aim Twewttcth (trhsSp H .a ,uuSSW Y0BK.,...tj.. may 2Vw0n Mt-ui-tr. ' 1 jl lWkoUwiliMUlitail& 3lfe- Inrert, , THOMAS VILLE, X. C, We have a' lnrcre ito k of our tuens. women's, bovs'. miMes' a'nd difldreti's slices, which wo sell at whoteaaloorre- iiil,,paxt,dooc to Citiaens', Nalioaal. Bank, !artin,SU Raleigh, . j W hen joU want good shoes, all liand aiade and of Uie Very best stock, call on L 9 ana buy tnev tii .n '- f i .. OBTJI CAROLINA SUO& We fill orders from owr store- in ' Ral- Igh, or from onr tnanulitctory ia Thorn-: vuie, Alercnants visiung our city. to. if shoes are reiuested to exaiuine pur . 1 1 M j .Jrfj,; - . N AT. U BBliWiTA I V i wS Iwawadtd --jjr