i"'f Mod Uli il tl j I r j I ' f f I i i I 'if Tla ot!y knowa remedy for BIUC-nTO DICDACD Mil ytrvutm ' ' i "'"'it oot, orjjfiV. TRirrtTFM.'DiA. DEBILlTf, bi&til,, t Dill MM .v-.,- hmhmmaim m t-eoBBaen '.HiT.i .X.w., tallow, lasimmatioa or Clcwy 0 the Bladder & Kidneys, 'A, SPERM-tTORBHtEA. ' lAhoorrharaot Wbttae, Dtaiw i ol I the ft Calawlua Gravel er BrtcMwt ;ipoelt M T T 4 . - 4111. I .iuhaiM 4 .1 . DraiACT-'BlICIir PerahVtaaUy Cans ell Disss of Dm '" BLADDER, KDNKT8, AND DR0P8I- ' Exbtlng la Mm. Women tad Children, ; cr wo'matikb what the age ..rof.eeey,f "One bcttl of Asar. r aey' Fluid Extract Bacha 1 wort Store Ue i . rr(M,OMOoUMVrBotttl8UBoU)M lot warn ! , : Depot, 104 Dnane St, NewJiotk, ' A Physician la attendance to uf eorre -piiaKlewsndg.VadTle gratia. ... 1 , ( DaiBDrorr.inadaateof UtmamUti- " valaabU oriu, caa U eoaaaiud on $U dto ,..:) ot u,, Sexaal or CrtBaryOrima, (raic kakaaaaWaMoaMdalatadoltBor law'; ' aUar or of ko Iobk Uadinjj. A praeUea ol n.. WL. L lM.t ill. Wita "5 fettar daatriblcK ayaiptoau aad aaeloaiag t prepay postaga. Id Wtha GmIIi U naltk Prlet 10a. r r r r OltANO. rQTJARS JiNO VPBIOT Pianos 4 Havc-raeelved apward ol- FIFTY FIRST PRESIUS'S, and arc among th beat bow made. Krary iaatrnmeat fullj warrantad for At rein. Price u low ai tba cxdoaiTa dm of tha Terr beat materials tad the moat thorough workmanship will , jamit, Tba principal pianlita aad com Macra. aad tha DUao-parcbaaioa- rablie : jf tba Booth eapecially, r nnita ia Ira (. ;. oaanimooa rardici of tha sapariority ' I iha Btiefl Piano. Tha Darabliity ot owr v'.- iaaUameaU la fully eaUbiiabcd by onr Birnr ccboom and Uoiiegea ta tna mun aaioo' over SOO of oar Pianoo . Bola Wboleaalc Agcnta for moral of tha Kaetpat mannraetorera of fJawaot aad rlor Orcaat : vricat from . tSO ta $800. ' A liberal diacouot ta Clergymaa aad 8ab batBtlcboou. , . .-i A larga aaaortment of ( aecoad-bafid ' . Plaooa, at , prices raogiag froa $70 to '$300, always a head... ' 'iJ,.U 'X j . - - Bead lor Uloitnted j. Catalogva. eon. fl.. 4V. ..nM mM tmmm AAA ItAntt. araera who hara booght ana an anf , tba Bttea nsBOi ? . ! - j .. , (7AB. JS. 8T1KFF, j ; , ; Wanroomi, No. 9 North Liberty . f-M. - r Baltivoeb. md. ' Faotorita, 84 A 86 Camdea BU, aod f5 T Parry m. 1 . t A Mild apcriant and ajsotla vanratlva, ra mnmaiided for tha eara of all aiaDraieU ot tba atonuch, Urer ard bowela, B their ' tiaMiy at aeh alrkaea la pmeatcd. ' TM teat of maay yaara kava profe them to b tha aafeat, aareat aad beet of all the pill , aw ottered to tha pablla. laey parity toe ' Mood. romOTO all aonraptloaa and rvetore tha illuul mien to nerfeet kealtk. Aa aa AaUdote toClilU aad raver the kaveae eqaal. for Dyepepata they are a bperffle H far Blek USoh and BUimia Olle taeyara . a mm ' Ik ab Pah; li utt jaat li: kaMmi ruea, PalDiUtloa of tha Heart, Fata la the r PMCk aea ana nrrninim, niuMt . finl wtt'hM ntm JnM ant t(rlel very wall," a ehKle doae atlaralataa tha atomach aad bowel, fattorea I he appetite. aau imperie ijrv ujjcuft owiw -arywhaM. OlUea IS M array Street few lork. 4 - j.V DR.TUrTS BAIRDTA " -- I i n annlUJI lllb K tmntifMt IU or browa, I ' tba world. . ' .-A !. Ill "TW. old by all dreata. Trie L0 via in avin aw m m -aoox TBS Rhattly record of deaths that malt frota palnonary aHeaUoDt ta frlithtlal. There ' M do aiareie uiei n ev a tk aa eoatanptioa. by the' aejrtaet Of light eoidi" they aooa aaeoae im p anted tmd ofy reaaadiea whieti, If applied at the oaia!, woaia nave averiea eu Tatt'a Expeetortat baa proreo ItatbT the aanetaeraable Lbbk Balaaai arar dUeowed A dialing listed elerjryaua of iew Tork, ptoaowaeee M the rratat hlaMinff of tha aiaeteeatk entoir,' aod aaya ro faatU ahoald b wiUioatit It U pleaiaat toit , laata, .ad a tingle doae will nftea reajorat ?. atoet obetlaaU ooagk, OOea, la Martr) uawi, hew Tork. - - s t . SBhtSdtf i rt.'4f.j. a S fjohnston Jones Attorney At Lawi' it-U, ' ' ti ft Immi4wit iA, V4. : !' nT rraetloaa ta alt tee Aula ConrU r i i ; especial tUentioi p Itcb law Belter eoa BteU4 with reerat I rl latie, - - . ; f Oaiee j S doeraaba-e Tartx re Itaaaa.) 1 r t I' Avu.. A. . ..a. r. v a A. OaiU t. eodtae"e)t '" i -r la n,oH,.w, a to l.0 C? " -e. ... ,. ! U1KI rAUlUlUa tui'A- It i , tft Jtiuadway W, Y. riTT7T7 MlIIDS3t. "jati, la i rvll 4 Su-e tombluatwa eHiie. ... . . i i ma.il Mrad etaanD toe. P. tj?M.on:ov ot.v.w elUee;Jaa ott aeedeil to arery honaai nairna ana cuouia WU1XI CO awark, . J. ; I5M ta ratted la wail oiraw JJlU oitta da to fortaoa. A paaa bok explali)n arerythiog, aad copy of ,lh wan "wwi jwTiaw, , StMTaKKB, Jow Hio-trae A Co , Baa- kara aad arokera. proenwaj - I . -..a s. I.. -w W am r-aV A piaja)iiua fli.aA-2dBJflVaa ) . . - aa eaaMaa avA mm aVB IMaalal : Coadaetea by aa la arery farm, pa ohm. VIBBlua whit. 4 aw aH ------ - r ana vane, oa aem auaaap tad lowaat ritea. Vest, liww a w, m Oprost. rmpniai, eiMw atraat atMcalattoaa araaoo- ductrd, aeat free. Bend for a oopy. . Baakara aad broken, S Wall St, M. T. fORC(5L(JBa, CoLtii, liOAtWiiS and all throat dUeaaea, aet '. VTSLL9 CJMBOUC TABLXTS, . f patapoalr rablaa boxea, ATKIXD ASD BUKB fUthUDT' For tale by dragtUU feaarally, aid iCmaUM BOILOWATACO;.! ' i IVIadatpbla, fi. ... a & X , a -i4t. life aad Labors of liivlnrrot on o. i.ta 1 V ( tiamhllaa. who front hia aar -A.., aolni'lnir tha. Mljut Jmr aaia.) aafoMa vividly Els Or ad Achieve- BMBra, also tea canusiuea, wuiuu'i wealth of that aaerveleae eoaatry. rralta. K.ai1a aaawattaVai - aaal aal SatiL Kn rjaace. 100 rve Uloatratloas. Only IBM ktieh la laterot, tow ta price, Oattella ever thin. S,iW BratS weefce, AddrrM - r i T,T M UUBBAK9 BAOB fabllahert, .! i rhlladeiphta, a, av Cineiaaet. A OAlATOfFMI j ; Hamm WateiB A lona. 481 BroadwaT. V. t . atin atanoae of li a PUaoa aad urease of Irtt elate aukrra, lacladlag Waiers; ot trvatcly low prleee tor cask, darlB Wile aaoath, crperf aash, aad baiaaee la anuu KHU tMtaaiw. iaa mmm w m. tara Me Sala PUno. are the baetaaada. Taa toara alutie.' aad' a, flao statins: toae. StrlaL pare and ovaa. W atari' Ctwcerte icaaa eaaaot he excelled ta toae or beewtyt they defy eceipetitioa. The Coacarto atop ta a Baa ImitaUoa of the laauw voice, iirente wanted. A liberal dieeoaat to taaca eta, aBlabtrrr, aJrarehav. achoola. Iom- ate. kpcoUl lBdutetmeote lUe ttiutS. XUWtraUd eetaiottaea taaueo. i CTAVBIOU TBIIO . , A a a . trv . t . I eik, ItrriBi, ir OeliUUUi ! ; ' Are yoaaalaatwld that aay exerUoa ta a nine aaore of aa effort thaa jroa feel oave bleefwakhw - .! . ikea trydUKTBEBA, iaa wotaemu ionic and lnvteotetor. which aeta bo Baoeflelally aa tha BeeraUve arejkae at ta livput Tlzor.to all tha vital foteee. ,.--, ( Ik la ao tlcboUc appetlaar, which it atalatet lor a ahon uaaa, oaiy to ita ana aaasrar nu to a lower depth of Bleary, bat tt la a rege tabla toaie actlaa; diiactly ea the ilver aad apieaa. . . . , a J It tegalat aa the Bowela, qutet the aarrea, aad lree such a koaltky tonic to the whole tttea aa to aooa aaake the tevalld feet 1 he ,in nersoa. - t luetierattoB la ao violeat, bat la eharie- tertatd byttcatjreatleataat the patient ex perkweas no aaddea thaata, ao Batkad re aalta, aatrraaoaiiy Diairoanira j fold thtlr lenta. Ilka the Arete, I And ailvBtlv a taa) tmr." I Thla la ao aew aad entiled discovery, bht baa taea lone aaed mltvla woadarlal remedial rcsalta. adla praaoaieed by the highest BMdlctl aatboilUaa, iheawat powartal K ale and alterative haawa." : a.k 44lna4.1' f M It "' ' 'I L ToaVleby .At 4All)pIBAC " OSleUlBenort:. . The following la tba awora retarnt of tie sales 01 sewing Macn aee waae ny vae liia- aaiiianlte fur tSi4.fi,' rr-r, rr-Wt aatxtiuinatloa of the fljrnee' telo will show that the Hwtet" ha laraely Icereaaid lie ailat while the other ompaalea bate tallea efi. - The Clatcer ha tbowa a large hv ctaraa ta ts'ee tvery jer ta the sttteaueat b!ow for the hue loer vear will prove. I la J871 tla Hlnaar asld BA.1M awnaKBMV ebtecslhaathewbiKbeataxmi'tur. - lalsTeUia Singer sold to,tu4 bom auv ck.iat tnaa ueu aigntecoBipewor. i la 1MB the Singer soid Ua,M atare "a a chiaas than thetr hichttteBip-tikr. ..-v i f la 1874 tha Birger told ls,BS mora rat- chlnea Uaa their alghiet eorupeiltor. ; Makiag tha saea Wtl at Btu,lT atteMntS la foar years aad tou,&06 more thaa their hlikestcoBitaUtor. - ' t 1 haaa f acta prove the great taperiotlty Of the DiDger over my other Bichlur. Mow the aeeatlaa is. kaw toagwlll oUier eomnaniti be able to keep cCicte open, la the dill eat ctiit-i ana tow at waere uay areaeuing aoiew nucBinee. .. Peiroas who think ot bwiaa or txchicc k'g old ante (of woeU-v, r kind) are lavited to con, alt tkair laterrst b Ettlnii a reliable Baclalbe li. ta tie old aad reliable Blntar Maaaiaeanigvti., A fiTt i 1 -Kaiaua. vTb. Machiaaa tet.t : io aa pert de Stat) throoah otr Akeata, eud fvli .atiiaciioa fivea. lit QFMACUISXH RKPAIBSIK . .: . . : ., .. , ...... ... I. Weilii leap oa Land Mine. Dtnorcett Pattern of tiart. eatr, toBpriilna all tha tindtrd and aatfal yle, eieo her kat tu wer a a now to suae a ' pnt ia eenia, iaa iliuinitd Pa-rtf olios of ratbioea price iMctaia, ail aia poetpaia roti t vr price. uauiogue uj aiaii ana ia dmea ire ; BB i:-4 : Maaaa-er, Kelelgl, . C.) FIDiiLR bTltlNOa, GUITAR Striags aod Triatmlaira best at NAT. U BROWN'S. 1OO0 ia. KTi Tebet.8 cdaats. tea aat woratn, wintod to a 1 ueteun.s Oeaetttar ot the V. B. Bhowa araad re. out of low Ieat Tt- great. A wton Ubrary, Bottoa alobri-MotarlBxarytbata aicatuy. Inta.-Oc.aa. Hm UaBook rio umc mom pay.-' (wiat weawaigt. la t vrr city of 1D.WJU. . .adreaa, t U. ate UUKUZ. t hiiaoaipbia, rt, . O B a!AVt.- t 7. wl ltcU ray valoable tract of well Im- 8 roved lead lyuog iaaraediate!ly oa tte 14 i. K, K.. Bilaa eoath. vt JUtirell Bprlaet tna eoauininc iu acres i f very gooo ra i Pertoas lf king to aea for thenarlvaa will ad sat st aoave av aoirae ' ' ,' r. . : rt . 4.B. CECDUP, t atay Bt , f UaraU aepot - - f - . t r 7 .r 3 :a t At It' . 1 I 141 U. , 4 'i a ' J " t "i 1 1'- t tf fturia Cs. AklidT CLAtfd WAlCU-lAU-a a sitoatloa la any Bouihein town si first etsat Watcb repairer alto of Frcoca aad English Clocks. Uoet satUfacto' refereoocs gircn. Apty by letter to i t liEOAILLf, care 01 tut. txeuer, n ai- 1 ar.,4i.i n..l, ai. Kaaun Rt.. linora 1. New York City. The advertiser speaks t. e. n . . . . 1. J V lt.U Jl..&a,l-. oct ia 01 f . a. .... 4- .... ' . . . 'I "IO LIT. ' 1:; i Ucimo t room os'Dawaoa Bueat, Wa" tctra War A lctriitdot . , Keal KaUte Olf TirboroaijU Hoaie. tebStUt i . ' 5 ATTENTION 0 RANG IRS! ; fTii3 desk of OtR LIVING aad utJB I I.W A n . Wa nwal la lna rma rkf tha AgrlcBltaral Journal where aew tabecrip tionaalil be rceelvad, or receipt gtvee to aad mb-crlbert, A. U. tOOU narS-tf 7 S r T t.j j H OTICB. . ' " ;. WAKal 'v ttt ...li Rat VAWardH Tjt akft CTaVaaMrliiaV - 1 Vial aWJU vw m v ea -.--- a : eoaa.ty, laaallaa Est! of Wakeforest Liefot I eaatre a penaer n we hiiouwbmi a poke. Id eb aad Ueadle aactory oa LlUle Ibvar, where 1 owa a good mill eight and good tiaiber for tha badness. . .;. , ,w.TiiARTnEiij- ectaVd,wAwlat . Kolaavilla, f. 0' rw TTT X L'LCO Ia .tl 1B B S7 ' 'AtmaaDfaetare' priceStOa time or aumfhly uuiajmenia.' . ' AND TWISTt-riVI PER CENT. BKLOw 11 ' etAIiUFkCTUKEKtr PbUCED IXlt . . tft. au . . : , If ptircbaead direct from thla office, or any r 11a iwcbi ujnia, i . IB WTMTH STREET, Kirhmoed, Ve- ' 07.' ( VM B'A WJiim. Troprfetoty aeaB- wSot -l J Afr()I.JHF( FBLJS Turbiao Water Wheel i' . t .fit? ? i''i :-'Afli -! n j J.T, ..vv.- J .- ... ..! f.rt S.'vM 1 4.. lM-i(J, ..St.': 1 I .Ji.-iy ..is.:JJ j, ; :, . 3 nil I w mAi'l 'a If' ' 1 V( POOL! ft BUNT, BiXitwoKEj Kaaniactiirers for tbs Sooth sad Bouth Nearly 70M bow Ib asa, worklirgnhdai tiaada varying from a to tu wet 1 , ; - U sirfrom S M to Indies. ; Taa most powerful VTheel ia the Market Aad moat socnomlcal ia ass of Water. Large Illtutratad Pamphlet Seat post Iree MaXCVaCTUBBBa, AUO, OT 1 Portable and Butioasry Steam Engine aad Boilers.' Babcock dk VTilcox Patent Tabttlons Boiler; Xbeogh's Crnsber for Minerals, Saw aad Grut -Mills, Flouring IfiU Machinery, MacbIoe7 M White Lead Works sad Oil Mills, 8WV Ing Pulleys sad Hangers. BEND FOB CIRCULARS aabVHBdat " ,, ii I -!t 1 " Maa-'aarteaAwttli a: a .' j wATi.il VtrilEEli, t The baa ia the Market, and i, i . , aol4 at leas 1 wiieatlita snaethie 1 Saad for a PatupeM aad M . T, Viaatd. H, r, liiiaaaAM,Verk,ra. , SELECT BOA&OIMO AMD PAT BCII)p B1LLSB0R0' N. 01 The aflaaea tiaah Mies Koike wfll ft same the esarclsaa of thslr school oa Vrtday tab, B, 1(74. . 1 . Clmlart forwarded oa apntlcatto. -' f , dee ls-le , , t-j n f STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Chatham Oouhtt, John A." WomacY sS Sdmt, of W. P, Tsjtolf, , deceased, ,- . --'' -f aVMlaal . ' 4ifV.8c .fliw ft -T4W.a ifi Mrs, Ann B. Taylor. Thomas 'A Taylor, Jas. P. Taylor, C. I Taylor, Jeaaphlne Taylor. : Berate W, Taylor, and the hetrs at law of W. A. Taylor, deeeaatd, name uakaowa. ' It appearing to the aatltfaetlon of the court, that the dafeadaata, Ann E. Taylor, Tbomaa A. Taylor, i. P. Taylor, 1 harie L, Taylor, Joaaphlne Taylor, htarv L. Tsy er and Beatle W. Taylor, are aonrealdentaof thla State, ami that they are proper partle to tht proceed ing, tt i ordered that publication of the uat moot fat tha above entitled action be made n the Raleigh rVnllnel, a newapsper printed n the city of Raleigh, one a week,, for jla tsTBWataaa" 'f ''" " "' ' ' i " r' . To the SharlS of Chatham county,' greet ing 1 Yoa are hereby commanded to lummoa the above named defendant bt they tie found In your county, to be and appear at the otBo of lb Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Chatham, within 80 days after the service of this aamaaone oa them, exclusive of the day of auch service, and anewer tha complaint, a copy of which will he deposited m tlie office of the Clerk of tha Superior Court of said county, within ten days from the dam of thla summon, and. let them take notice that If they fall to answer the aabt complaint Within that time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief t demanded In the eomplalBt. I t I , . Herela fall not end of fits wmmons make due return. Ulveu under my hand and seal of said court, thla the 81st day of March, 1875. Wlf, F. TACBHEE, C A C 1 april 8 wow . 1 Chatham County. -jej -t i'i. t aw. wonaa. OO&E A 4JATUHS, awsw wa !"' ATTORNE YS AT L A.W; .41 t. -1 : ' ' t""t' J j , t, BAl4XXa,N.G,. -..,.! Itata aad tr (Vwrta aad the Coarteof 4,.. 4 . m 11 4 4 4 . 1 saw l ww aa eaican VMmmttBtm, It ' , r4b I Ci.r:.r I To EiCAF t L .'-t or aua UriTot. i:r..i. n. v;. ,r.iLLcn,; L ' f -.- 4 ' . 4- ' ' ' 4.. 4. . J. -',.i 4. ' liHirnil 1. s imi-rwnaKe vi uia bidh'iiw, v tlie Lc. i tiai ui t and the pab 1c icrnrrally. I r Ion? ""-juiice la keeplag a bwirdlux boue, sluus I0..J, ItarnlUcieut eaaraa ee Uirt tba bna will be Brat class In arery pantcaiar, l!nr t'"f eoaform to those ol ui J f htiard. Ira how- .in lbs ety id ft f i i 1 -1 i it m I US MM Ijij I L ;i'.;?:. fll!iil I Oil i !; Tf pATsar caAiiproN6ipii3 f . EetablUbefi more thait a third If a Ccntsry, , tt : IlEDUCSD IN PRICE t U' Alao two hundred becnnd-band Safes i for 1 sale at Vfrylow. prices. - 7 i 'b va' 1 - '' i1 f-'-l t t ' ... llERBINtt ClVi-v ft." ' .,;'44 l tl 1m1 S'tlJl SSI andl f 31 Biuwbwat, Ne York, v SB aod SO Bddbubt 84 B'oton.: tebl0-cod'8m ,! .i.- 'HV;' ' truLnrE-J"""""1 Hit K'1.S '..1' . iMalar . la Banera! ! Uercliaadl. a. "aval Btotaa, Laaabar, Shlaglae and Wood,- Apes, waae t;ouniy. ,,,,1 ,,i ,.1 ii-i-w ! t oct so-atar f''i XSarpera naraalne, ' f r ' lU.Uf BATED. ' ( i lb everlaereaarng cliceUtioS of thla ex cellent woaU.ly provoa ttaeoBtiaaed adaptr tioa te popular dealrea aad aeeda. ladaed, hi think Into how Banvhontealt veae- tratea every month, we matt coatlder it as one of tie educator aa well aa aetartalaere ot the wublle wlad, few Its vest popularity has beaa woa by ao appeal to stoptd pre- adieee or eepravea taataa aweroa irieaa. The character which thla Maaaslas srs for vartetj, enterprise, arttitt wealth, and literarv culture tkit bat kertt nace with. If it ha aot led the times, ahoald cause as eondncUtfo to regard it with iaatlltbla eotn- nlaeaDev.. It alao eatltlee tbeat to a great, clalia epos tha pubUe graUtade. . . The Mage atae ha done good sad not evil all the, days of tta ure.4rvira avepw. -t, ( , v 5 .. ,!. ,.'t ". . 1 TERHBi'' Pottege free toeUBuhecribar te the Mai tad atataa. ' ' - Hakvtb's Maaaaiwa. oae year.... 84.80, 84 00 laeladae prapaymeat of tj, B, , post age by the 1 abllahera. " ' - Buberl9tloas to Uarpevs MsgtSlae, Weekly sad NeaiB, te owe scureas icr aoe rear, siu. 00: or two of Harper Periodical, te em andraaa for one vear. 87.00 1 soetaca fraei Aa Extra Copy ot either the Magaaiae, Waeklv. or fUlvr will be autwUed araiia for even Club of Fire Subscriber at 8 i-B each. la oae remittee t or. Bis Coptea for 180.00, without extra copy j postage ire, r . t Beck Mnmberaaeabeaauuliedataavtltae. comprialag 40 Volumea, la seat cloth Uad- iag wui oa aea oy expreia, iRigat at ex paoiaa of rare hater, for Saw per volume, single volumea, by wall, postpaid., IS.lft Cloth casce, for binding,. 68 centl, by paail, poetpald.- Address, BAKPEsS BR08, BeW. to.-k. aaaan E1TS CCBED FBEB I f -c "-- 1 l'''Ait 4Uif f ,i i 1"9" S ! Aa neraoa stilTertna frata theibove 1 rtqaeeted teaddreaa Dr. Pnoa, and e trial . . J a ii . 111 l .. a. Ijs- a a XHUdl Oi swWaWIM Will OO ItWWsWIIWI PJ FREE The only cost being the Bvpre vbanrea, wbkk owing te my laiwebuslneta, are (mall. lr, rnee saa maae tne treatment or 1 FITS OH MXlLtTST. i S 'study for ynr. and be will warraut s ears oy 10a use or aia remeoy. Do aot fall to send to him for S trial bottle It eoete aotbmg, aad he c v'-s ? IT1J4N VV, ,- -f . ao matter of how long standing your, eaae may ne or sow many ouer reiauaieemay aae lauca , 1 .. - V' ' - 1 2 x-t ! Clrcuiara and teatlmoLLds teatwlk ; Be particular to give your Express, aa welt at jenr Poet Ufflee Clrectlvn, and Address. " . ,T1 ttfC CflAS. T. PRICE, i .1 .'..s-.r-'ST WUliam Street, Haw Tork.' i lord ran OR if . 11 " j. ' I 1 uDexrim x Foreign kind DomestW ! bBvaooisi ' i Are offering Select Lines of 3nFf. .r tamrmsT- Blttcklmd Culortd 8iilu,-i.'. j-K f m ,i Spriufi and Summer Vtxtr Mr, l Siiif and ilcmttkeeping Line, -( j ' " ; f .) Foulard Fiuhd Csr6rcrr"H-'y-Prtnf, Cacff. frc, 4e. v,.i. j "'TogcUtc 'with tut citenslvo ilnc 1 of j- , TlamOMrpr. in augraaa, ,,; H f Inttrti'ont, Edging. Trimming; fa , iS0: Ildw ' color , ,., . Pllif.Vd! FAb'cf HOSKfur ,M- -J " 1 LADIES, t CmLDJlEJf. -j ,t -r-.'-.!'"jfVi AUXfir -.) -i vi ; fiO FAVXdJWl rARASOLS, jsvx try, . . , MUtJ'IrAHt, d-i ,. 3iif:r t , xOur Ladies' Shoe Department con tains a stock unsurpaflaed for elegance, durability and lowness of price. - Di rections for" self-rncnauroment sent on application. r, , .r-, :' Complete Msortment of Gents' Furn ishing (Wis, Shhrto, CollarSjCuffs, Tie, llose, Gloves, &c , Goods sent to , an; part of the country. Shirt rnessurt menta.sentonapplicaUor.r.r " , for the accommodation of J-adies and jpamiltcs who are . unable , to visit', the city, full lines of samples; of all grados of Dry Goodewill be scot, and orders by mail filled with the greatest possible care.' V.'t- OH -ttI.; ; .,, j Broadway and Twentikth Strekt . .4 ,.,.. .t NEW YORK. .i(ti ctM I may 23-8rd t,,.e . t H ENRT CLiT RICH A RD80N, ' .J 1 'ylT'TY.TjWV.AT T.1V ' . DVnMAlt, SOUTH CASOtisL mayl2-tf rv-'- V AtUAULE GOUtt MJDiR, 08 SALE 1 wtn aellat the Coart noute'door In the town of Monroe, N. C, at pulilic Auction ao the hlifhe t bidder on tha Ah. day of May, lb75 tlie following real property kelongiug to theettnUot W. J. Cai-elun, dee'd, vUiA lot of Land tying In Union county, N. C, cat Vi Mile Creek, on which Is situated the Cele brated HOWIE OR STOCKTON GOLD MINE, and known a the Uowle or Btocktaa Uold Mine Tract, eonUlalng law acre. v f - For particular! aa to tenue of tale dawjMp tioa of property Ae apply to, , .- i io.tf , ! ;i 1 ( 0 Cp r$ Moult Sgvar; ( ,;s RALEIGU, Ht. a it , v "J - nanliJ attaatinB riven to SauiUC of lloete ttuads. In view of tlie lata itti'Mm of the vmu Coart of the Unit tt Ski si on tba tub. fact. .; , ,.,.mf B-dawdtwtt -ONeDMPTlON COBED, .!' i- i . To the Vdltor of faunasi E eamoa Friend Will yoa pleate laf mm your readers mat 1 nave a positive - f I CURS FOB ' CONSUMPTION . j sad alt lUoraeraef the Throat and LangS, sad that, by U ate In any unctira, 1 Jisve auiet'. hvutrada ofcaaea, audTaili give , I w'a si,cctw. i jAV"Wl.t tors esa tt wilt' fCt it la'eed so steons t myfsliw 't wtn sand aftmplv, tree, W any sei'ereraddraaalagma. ' S f leaea show this teittir td fit ens yon irsy know who I anOerlnir from these due. act, acd oblte, ITidihJuIly Your. t ;, , , -Z ;.. V -a DR.T. . BtllT, I . ap II om 89 WILLIAM bT., N. V UKE JHA COUGIir; - v.i 'y.,,j': .ut.f St Dr, Os TaMcMannen's AUBIIIGAN Till MIXTURE Vi 'I PIIIC ONE DOLLAR. . , j 'el r'. . 1 , il .(W'4 v'jil. Tub Great Bootsbm- UawtCT iron CowDyrtioa. !1 ' rr O agbr, Coldf Bore Threat, Hoart. acta aad all Lung iMncaee; atpaclely rie nmm,-inlea aa eramllv Medicine lor t hildraa a It arrests at ere every Symptom f Croup, or attack ot Uolta, sack r children are subject to, paiucuiariy 10 iaa rauei m ttbooninc UouL-k. ta eambiaatloa vtl Sugar aad other irgrrd euu mskea It not uV pleamnt to the la-te, and to danaer wbataver ia It ate. - Tskra ra rrtkns ef fclf a ta spooaiul at a time wkencver there la a dleiio siUea te ooaitb. aad at night when you be down. It acta Saaly oa the kidney aad the At-Var. MaaalWtnrad and sold Wholatale and Ka tall by the froprletor. Irurhsm, M. C Lib eral dlaeoaat to wbe'eeate deal era. Orders seteltad, j ..-V'- 1 'r - , . av. acaAsata, j ; Oeaaral Baslaase AgaaU a 1 11 'tn trtitB'i;i t 'TESTIMONIALS:. , if- ";";. ' :2r,!' "i, a 4)dldbore, t ti. i After speeding ebtatei a sauaUie la a south' era eUmata to reetoe my laaga 1 gaveap la despair, sad came home to die r with my children la Uoldtbotev M. C , w bile there 1 obtained a box of Dr MeMaaaeu'a Tar Ml tare. Itsartt effct wae loanable me to alaep; my etrengta began to retarnt hop revived t myeouga gave way. Attar aalni alx boxes, , waa rcatorcd to health I now weigh lit) lb 1 ewe my life te this mix tare, and whh this published to the world - i t BE. KOBISOK.! ur ft f'UH'H ft aaa l' tJsV'i i t have bvca ifflicted with s sough for thirty year. I have uaed all the popular remedial lor eoBlu. - 1 have atvar foaad aoythlcg to remain oa the- srooiaca or aiva aay iclef. aatll I aaed Dr. AcMaanaa's American Tar Mix tare. It we eaablaa ma totleap well; my laags have legalned their aboagth, sad 1 Bad mytelt euUrely fee from a dktramuig eeugh thatattackrd ma ia ths morning. ' I am rapidly iwcovrrlng. t EE PASCHAL, :X4 MAe). XV A My Largs gave way while oa my circuit. 1 waa foreae to retire from my won, aaa had hat little hope oT recovery. 1 aaed wee box of Dr. MrMaaaeh'a Tar Mixture, my couiih Improved, my itrength raturaed, aad I a a aooa bla te retTrma my work. 1 recommend UWaUwlmhaveacxmgbwrekurgs. j .r H, 0, Confetenee. Durham, N -C Of all the medicine you have taken, tha Tar Mixture to ths only thing that has done yoa "Sod. MJH. J.B.OKBBM, j - " . To her ilaabaa A 5 GlbsoavUle, N. C. ! I have tried almoet everything forin'y eougA Tear Tar Mixture haa done aw more -oa thaa all 1 have takea. , Bend me three boxes LUDWIC fUMMEBA 4).'H " wi"',,4rta"S,T1 f LaBaaai , j--..J itifc tt. Dnrkam H. C 4 I . I waa taken with aa alarming coot b was fetrfalof it result; suBered f r want of leeD 1 used one box cf the Amer'can Tir Mixture.- - Fr m the Bret day 1 uaed tt, ISM its rood enacts. 1 went scuaa. ana mr atreagU in en aaed ; S few w ks t we myself again. 1 can eonseiebtioualy raromasend It to all who are - alBleted - with eoaaumpthe symptoma or weaa huge. .-" , . . Durham, M. C. ! I have uaed Dr. C.T. McMinnen's AmeilCtS Tar Mixture myaalt, sad ta ay family. I de aot hMitate to recowmacd It a a remedy te be aaed In all cases - 01 coagn. jciaaisors Xat04a, Mosnescss aaa x.ang oisaaaea - ,f . - -,v. n.uPAUU6R,; . Banoredi of other Taailmenlals wi t be offered.' Takes at tit timea ti porttonaof half a ttaapooatul or laa. ; Modanger whatever, j;;; ;,;,.i , , ; g ELECT BOARDING AND DAT SO ,0Ola - . -, , BRaaaoao' B. tl I TheTlihty ateoed Suttloa t the Mlms Nssh Mias Eotioek's School w.ll opaa Friday 6th February, : Uli tad con iaa t wtea. 44 . 5 tlrru'an forwarded ra spplesQoe, : decslSUwam t't 1 ' !. ( f'l.W l!'ll' f Y ' ! .1 PALEST ATE :-f i" .'''- - ( ' '( l e YAKBOROUGII U0U8E. f ALL EIND3 ( P PkOPERTT BOUelBT t ai d told oa Commtfrdwn by, f . 1 ' feb W tf ' , j,, . VR, EJS08CAND. iitiii tOttbOf' tEA80NED PISE ZUU Wood altv ed for f 176 Cah read vour eiders te J. IK Eli it Store ea Billebere reiMawtt DtBOUITiOM OF COPATttlKSOU Th Co'arUierihtp heretofore existing eat der the aula of Atklae m dk Ollre, Apaa. N. C.,1 tbleaay deeoliad by mutual eoaaaat U, 0 1 live aow auccatida the Srm and will eentinn baiinsss at the -same place, my m barart la aarreadared o him with Ue beat wlthra, believing him te be well wwrthy lhe Mummg aaa cvanaeaca ei ue raoua. 1 eciMmStw m .1 O. W. ATElNeON. any q o a" pnof rrs per Dt) aOw Wtek Will, prove tt of forftU 1X0. wew article fust patentco. f-tanlra ' "t f to all. AddreaS W. M, . 4 a.-.. a f.4i. w M VulWM ila, nut anmwii, new ana. ni tir f wiling - VAAJai. -.jiin M .dhiBTEdaf E3Cr.3. or ge'tlnj ui clulie bt to a at md 7 Count y, for ihe old at Tat ompary ia Aiuerlc. brCt tev Inducietntr Band tu, c.culy. i 1 . .C NJOv TEt ui. .' 11 vuauiurre s . 1. F OBC 10 HA COLDS, IirAINltt8 and alt Throat Die a , a ' , wiilv. ciiioneTinni, .MPt'ir cnty kte" '' A TRIE D AK t' Vob'e bV M ED. For sale by DrnrnV ffenerUr, end aMir.aiuiiAi 11,1 wj ota Bead Every Word. TO MAKE EMOtQlI BONET "lV ' i, . i-. i;-. it v.n J ."'; . In tbentxt tlin moauii tokiep 'of 'etr, any aniupiond petrol betWet a V? g"i"of l4Si a oa'd take an agtae. fur 11. a 1 M,U T 1 .U V. a R LY . a Awt , ark -ling, lit ary eud faui y neitr, S'.Nl. y,,ri puia. In ructua, ana tma.ii.gt aa.f of it uaa-1 lull of heaailful ptctaia ilc ith r half ewi tsla a U eiolerst eatflaa mttia-. JaJUBt Pawiom e -BV betuig ailltor I Ida neat krg bh ar, the xVeadwa ilium, W Awn, It la nbiely mvial. btatu y Ui -wetanaa aad aU il'tirL.' 1U It. a ,ar it lurn thesoTcr Ll'Op ctl'essid h of Slew ort.vo lOlnrntg ofreauiur ai 1 le. irOFliHAr,sthv.tk.. u. ens ravin, (Si in a y er,) tlsi lliat ia,li They are esqulii timilm of tea 1 ttetl augraviaaa, ea heavy tic led p.ii,,IH margins tul abl f r Aaming, srd tie trji Bee art gallery awry year. B aieaa, b a b.etiber ia prweotMi aiu tLe c.n aat. Oold Fish, Frulttaad nowera," -Is- j , t at la 17 oil roior-, ; aiuisd br naae. Mot only tha laf est aad Snts pualje, ever giva. utUia moot wordenuUr taatiiul ch omecvar producad.' it la jaat the ipar for whirh aven body has lam waltljg ir-. er and flnev t. aa any cah r, a halt the a e.l coat. -itsuei(oearty UM) sutMir b-ioa car being reetlvrd) proues this. B c m rlete ie proereiaiv, sofattef aealni at well aa enit rialmng mattw ta tai piM r that t Ventura te aasart that tw every tuinklng t b aervantAmt-r.ean, B)aara'ataaipUo(.it .'.5j)Is, ta artun, naafal value, wonk fttly doilarr. AtfAVVTlkle ecmMiatloa it naequallcd. . It la an laaianta mm . ai pn roauced a rata Evry good u., :e lakes at kat one paper.' vl eour. Ilf takeihs paper barautetf lit ilbB.t, saa ait aad beat ; (; It le the 1 bee i tt leg a great bargalnaad thaa n.t the bird times itsrlltitatL Be qulk, I yoaat aa acency. Thi t'me of eae )ear mi g it can makH from 810 tcSaVI par day .' e..J three sumpa for tpacluseaa aad llbeial Urnit with repot tt from aaenii, u nl n, mu preasaotie; cr. bettor et, te ,v urn. aend $i.W at 01 a fur asomi lata outtti, . ni maitssitO whle jou weald oh ritr ,r walling. Ton era sore te take bil atyiivn. . Monty nfurded if not rerfectly taUiUd or If the lemtory you waatWalrew'yiecupi, d. Addreat el ordata Vr ai ecimi aa, .ri -t-on. or i.ntfltto T. X. M OH a. Put 11 .-r TbMuatrated Wat kiy." P . 1 5M, Bo.UDaywe t,N, k. apiii m rfllBTXCU NUBA flVAThb a. X IN0 Ht U E. ( , i fit v.. i, 4 Oa at d af cr M Vlutk tl s i nl 1 the EtcbaDr t'fcUl Ul I be riot da. a li r. and bectme cn the aucnoa kijiiim i r hg House, fcr Ue ta't-Mii.i; ui ui . rw ttmriiaorsnrh piiVaie btiiom , n. i.e known tome, or a at nwnuutti i) n. fritrdt. My Kiuwla mi 1.1 bo. U Uf t III the most Sjiilas and dtairabk m .oa 01 u. City. I take I lie rex-Ash a to tuna U c ul ltc lor ths autstaatial tupporithey ks cal ways givna b! :tx. ,.! . , MRS. ROSA t.OVIa. ' march Ss-U " ' h " A B CUTE . DlVORtES iT IM l from Courts 01 d ttwtnt tta'- 'r.e aeitioa, Ac. No pub.li-itv nqut d. No chargr Ktd dive re granted - !', M. h'-wBi-,' ' ' A taracy; )44 Biotuwai, - V. , may Sdly - . 1 t RINCBADI.Eidt URACB aCT i lta Jaatreewved au(vly of Siuola.ra' CalaUrated nouthem Cradle. '1 an Bear in taa Msaast. Warranted to give satle'ection. ' ' JAMEn H' TOLEs Aeaut ., ajavAISe. . - i (!-' n. -i- C0MCLIDATI!1I. 'Taa Masowto Motntou, .. it H I , a aaAv - i I " TBA BBIOBT MASON 1 Only; One Dollsp A Yttar, TheCouaollditlonof tba MASONIC UH 1TOB sad tha BttlUHT MASON, amki. nUBBRlbai MaaMM" One Of the Very bast Masonic Jour a . iu tir AtonUieru Atlantic i-tatc. Il I now iu ad as Magaatna Form, at tha low pen -t -iu Ooiiu a leaf. 1 'we vi ' . SUBSCRIBE BOW , Maaoua ia. d - - J mg everywhere are requested tu act .- a w.. lllube ol I ea or mure OivlJ It ct ; t5WTaa whole t.lu6 'awed not mw -urn cawP. O., aame a 6 added tr w i- vlab rtea.u,.. ddrwia . -,1 :- - i EBTStSt Mdihi for Maenlfwr- 'Ik BssrUtt'ilf 'C"S . 'r',- T ISSOLOTlOAtui ( . TBoaiaS jLt ' i 0 Uaksi ' Th firm of Rogire H.rri ha been diawJlvtd this day by- ltogHs baying ut the Intersst of Harris lath copartnership. AU debts of the ana wilt l ptompili , paid by " Wm. T. MVaiere, ai.d all debts end sceiiaols due the firm moat be paid to him. ' ' 'l -' - - ' ' March 15, 1870. ! ' r I" ;'r';-7rf;0BA.N0 hotel -1 i take taia method of Inform log my rieudt sad tha public that tbay can t id me Onage Betel, formart) Uty Hotel, wlur 1 will take tbebeel aare ef maa aad beaai dee S tf amor Ma Yb VXABEISOB A rJASHFyEIfS ; XL ' " ; .::'BaH BOOM 4 RE3TA0KANT, I ,' ! , Bo. 10, Habobtt Stasar. . Ton wilt alway dad on hand k dell' ot the eeesoa, 0tra, bitdt and eveiy bwK panaining to a Sitt claM retteartnt 1'ie hart Wtfl stocked with Forolga and Uounrt tie Liquors; Berry Foster aed Tom Uoopr rt natrv Whisky wwaya en band. '4k C. Seegers' Bear always oa draughh, . , BOVlS-iW - J 4, , ' 1 n i . BASEETSIBASEETBH;; The largest aseorUaeal la the BUU at 4 .O' llAT. L, BROWN'S. T QflB ARMSTRONG, - ' .". b , 6 6 k b a Vn d e k h . r . 1 AMD . - ; ' BLANK BOOK MANUBACTUKEK, .v. B. C. aWOAStiiBB, -f II lll.fl B,l. W J' ; i;iiiit PB, .,iv.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, '.I,-- BattroH, N. C. ! 1 ' a ... ,- it.. a,.a aal gaderal C0i t. CoUaedoas msaam aay part BorM r- 4- , , 4- ,-44-4 . . a -' ft