..J - P irlOT ewrmefc (rt thefoSowlvii .u.... . fiw Inrb. r t bbIbJob Uwis. r ' . 'TIIB DAILY SZXTINEL. "S v1-"1' y tns.V'sf-; p. i r.i.. i i w J.ii M .11 it.,..?. . ' t tun jttrivii -v ' 2 1A1 r li. -MVS each smtswjusatBMTi-: lalh KrauiMi I ft hi ln'- katlV ajualto leedvaaae : "...LWaklt f . "': jYtT?riTitr AIM A.U0 t.i r ,!( r "Tf -u , l, l-r-' t vH t . i v v ,t , ,tw u J mb-.i id! t ..tJi tofiw ; ' .' " 1 1 1 1 r ; m I i m;Ti I ; 111 I M Rig- g , U(ii(HKCHHfs:i,lHT. Tfce IMIU Vll wiu m inn i tMrt oUs C, at rirrMH Cssrt per VOL. X V ltsi'5,1 SI f I if f .!, i I 1 1 4 TTKiiPBlAircB iir Somdat Schools see t tiw ationaf Temperance Convention In Chicago Mr. O'Donnel .... advocated the Introduction"' of Uniper- : nbulina In ..the ; Sunday. Schools and a resolution was pawed ' recom- nwrnUns Uiat. tu , cnurcuea proviue thfmaolvei with, 'temperance,;; Ujjraitei. i ' Tui North CAhOUfrA RoAb.A Mf, scbeduletakee effect, on. this yoad Uwuurrow morngSunda.J Tit mall train from Charlotte will leave hers at ' 9 o'clock to' tbs toomlng, and from " Goldsboro will leavs ben at 7:20 to the f evenmty TMt train connects at Greens boro' with the northern bound train and make the qukkeit tlmf to all the north ern Cities, i!-;.- !. K""-M; , atobaV HOTKt,--Tbe "top' Wt night at the, National .was 'the f most pleasant and agreeable or, jae season, The Katlonal ha become quits a toast ' with the jnoung people of. thla city; - Chief Justice Pearson or the Supreme Court awl Judge Brook of jtlie United gtates District Court hare rooms at the National asaiso euoge xtouinan, wno f arrived and took, rooms a ! this hmo -" - Thi IxDrANa. There is a good deal '"Injun" about 1 whtagloa jiw myt. Ked Cloud and Spotted Tad and a whole ueieeauou oi oioux, ipronuuucou ,Duvt short lor Susan,) are interviewing 6ran don't want to give ap V,lh" countrjr, while the President: and M. Delano contend It's Just the thing ' for , the Indiana, ' the Black IKLUJ ato't healthy, aud Delano spent a whole day trying to motion op the Indians to- sign . a paper which the red braves refused fo do unless Delano would 'first J&mi down with the money. They tat with v closed doors to the White, ouseand no reporters were permitted to Ve pres v enU Grant let Delano ' do fhe talking ontQ he tired of the racket, and turned o the Sioux, (call It Suse,) and tried Id bullr them Into terms.- Ihit the Koux. (Suse; that's It,) wouldn't btuly worths cent, lfa auartofold ted eye could just be smuggled under Bod i kMuTf . shtrt; he'd jsralk put so flnejnojrnln, from one of these mtorvie'wswUh a pknot curl to his nand. f ontSHCSXCST AT WAKB FOBKST. -Jono Stb;9th, and lOUu Meeting of Trustees Tuesday ot 7 13 CclocK p ro. Sermon hefor 'the, "Graduating Class by Sev. Tbes. E. Skinner, of Athens, Hon. A. M. WaddeU, of ilmington, delivers the address before tlieXlterary Societies on M ednesday' at U o'clock, V aajMifttt . en s jf ,, t.aT ,ri. , . Address before the Alumni Wednes day, at 8 o'clock p, m. s ? l . On Thursday at 11 o'clock a, m . the Senior Class, consisting of nine, deliver . . , 'if- r.ti , - j Thursday at 7 1-J o'clock p. f So CUU gMBBnUg IB IN IWU lillHlIJ XUUW. This is the time ibr much enjoyment, mock pleasure, much happiness, etac courting, much milting of many ""young hearts.."-":' f4'" Including several hospitable (joora ; that are ever open on theso occasions,' our littlo village contains two jexcclfen hotels with good tu at kw rate ,"rThe fiAlelcrh A Cmaian. together with bthelf roads Wve a'greel Is' 'pass vlidtoni ud mun tt Aiwa diva. v jl Ynirl .'and wish a large attendance, especially - from BaleJgh Above all, ws hops the kind, jovial ' editor of the EBHTIKsi ; wm honor as with his presence. Come one, come sill -v '" 'f t Cholera In India Is much worse thts . y than niual. ',. ' j', nT't. l'i J j Mary .long, Ransom's . horse, 1 in "charge of ; Wm. -Wyche, noted -horse trainer, has gone Ut the' Jerome races. Dr. Ruffner's representative to Prlnc Edward one of the most learned men In Virginia-spells public with a ".? ptlchaseni ,Pijpatela-' "i' j fjh W said tLM In X'r. Tennyson's Ibrth touing drama wSl ba Lund asliulls de rised from the transit of Venus, Foetry t. . " h m . . .... I ' wivujjui w to ius iWdH sues. , . i l", Vrh Carrnththe Tuieland editor b rapidljr recovering and for "a week past has been sitting op every dayto a cltair. Iandia has been released on 150,000 ball. i v ' : . .,; .- ? General Joe Hooker has spoken ? the subject of General Bhenaan's memoirs. 27 takes no stock In either Sherman or Grant but ' believes that Thomas was the mKary gculus 'of tlie aris. . .' . Tho City. . .JlOKACK GBKKXJCT AKD GENERAL Dbbckimbiixib. An Incident of Breckinridge's tatteslite. never before piibUihed, was related to hs" adayTor two since by the lion. Heister Clymer, at tua cnarmlng home in Heading, Fenn ilr.'Clymer had just received Lis be ws paper mall announcing the death of G en, Breckinridge as we entered his dwelling, and remarked upon the sad Intelligence; the relations of these gentlemen to Con gross, and elsewhere, having been over cordial and totlmato. Sold he'j jTheJ last lime I saw Gen.: Breckinridge was a few years since. i jTe were sojownlng at the C3arendoa Dote!, Xe York, i favorite resort for, prominent members ojt u iJemocraae party, i H had beeq reading the morning papers.and as Gen. li. entered the breakfast room I remark ed( 'Well, General, I se' you . were down yesterday to see sir. II Greeley, at, the Tribune cmce.'t ( Els response was instant and full of emotion.'' 'Ves, Sir," said he, MI went down to sos Mr. Greeley, and never haVo made a visit that afforded me , mora genuine pleas urej" for never was visitor more cordially received. After the late unfortunate war between the Northern and South ern sections of the United States, yon know I was compelled to floe for my sa&y. , ; WluleJnhiris, cheerkss, friendless, homeless, and without country, I received aletter from noracs Greeley, It was filled with the most tender expressions of regard and sym pathy, and erged me to return to my home. Come back,' he wrote J go to your own beloved Kentucky t aid In re storing the shattered fortunes of the Sooth and your country, and I wJQ be responsible for your safety". and assurs your Immunity from molestation or ar rest Now I submit to you; Mr; Clymer, could I have done otherwise' than call upon Horace Greeley, ' or shall I ever cense to respect and cherish him?" r " " ' ,S .. . . I. .... J TJTB ULCUS.'';. 11 One day during the .winter of 1863, a lliss Arnold applied to General MOrojr for a permit to forage her cow, the milk of which was the chief support of , the ffanlly. -'Are you loyal f" asked the geherarTriWrepiie4.THs gaa to write the permit To the United or the Confederate " States f "fto tlie Confederacy, of course, she replied Then . I . shall ijlvSiion no permit," said tlie general. ' This infa mous . rebellion must be erushed." Well," said she, if yo can crush it by starving Jolui Arnold's' cow, gd; h -Arrau, inn . u grunt, "- cried . Jamie O'slaaAigaa tsuVioqcssdooo sweet heart, who had aot given him the oppor tunity bVet Inh Word even edsrewise" uunng a iwo noursi rh: oemna toe UUle baynags to htoeyBteragooW ye sfther kncirkwti1yov,sAMksa like my ponies there j- "Shure and it's because llieje red-itftf" qnoth the blushing Bridget, ( t'Eailh, and a better reason than Uiat mavourneen. Be cause"' there Is' one 'o them alch' sld'e "of FrOo": ysur; is vws-f-vjk:.-!ij j O my Hannah Ann. It was a great many years ago that the story was first told of Miss, Hannah, Ann Sterry, an an commonly mature virgin who bad never been persecuted' with masculine attend lions oecause oi me yigorous manner ,u which site shunuod Uml face of nuWi It was related that Mr, TheophlHts -W im Wcbcan tnlldes possibly deportment, pecupyhig single quarters In the neighborhood of Hannah Ann's apartment, called on the spinster one afternoori to '. borrow a match. Hannah Ann: was, not . easily fooled. Folding her arms on her level breast the backed Theophilus Wimble bee mto a corner, and thus addressed the A invader t a. "Match I Oh yes I Great match 'tis yoq want I . You don't want no mnten, ana you now. yon don't-You've comeover to me 'cause 'm all aloneMohug and . kiss , me- that's what you've come for; but yea never shall do ri in the world unless you're stronger'n X am"-rand then she added m a softened tone, "and the Lord knows yon ari,wf n)A friend of Hannah Ann's, reading a letter ' from a public man the other day In which the writer BAld.u 'o recaplAuhVte; I ant. noLlior have I ever beent a candidate for a re- nomination f I would hot accept a riora- uutioa! if , it wen-tendered, unless it ihoddome,dcr such cfaAmtttances to make it an imperative duty, clr- cunutauces not likely . to ariss' laid down, the papef with a sigh' and re marklV lAh,:how'muth that reminds me of poorTdsa. Hannah Ann.w JVr- 1". re hr'mi i'k", tried tVe' WU'wck eollar.'di s t obeir ' ft 1 stytl.h. tnd A STATKSSST US VUltlif vr S3 FBI jrrXBS IJCT THf BKADK8" tVPK 'i WHXTBKB CAPITA!. U AT THB SWT " Of LABOR, OB TICK YBBSA. ? , - l !.- ;,iS.': - ' it i.. VI.' ,-'$ f fat AKfare las .sef ? i i ''The following is a plain statement of tne facta and circumstaneea precemu and followlnK the late strike, to tbo itaAvAMstouice. fv The following is the Xewi statement or u, wnicn appeared on tne morning o tnesont " m Thb tUIOX.M---,Some, weeks s'. the harmony of the Ar ofTioe wss . turbed by a disacreement with its cout- posnors, members or we Typographical Union. The diUiculty was settled by a declaration of independence on the Dart of the AWs, and the employment of W li a tare technically and contemptuously cauea rats, xne otnee la weu content to endure the contempt to the success of ns movement. , v . - : ,r ' e - , e e .e. The error to the Union seems to be. that while its oblects are commendable to promoting a feeling of brotherhood and mutual dependence, its apparent in fluence over the craft had made: it un yielding, unbending and tyrannical. straining not only its members with Iron wilL but dictating to and controlling' employers, until the natural position ot' uungs was about to be reversed. m tmnilat mtmUulf put t (h font, tf utoor,' AAoor nas us ngntv snouut be respected and protected, but It has no claim to absolute control, j and . this seemed to be the nltunate i aim of the Union. like every other dimculty of the kind,- time and reflection," and mutual concessions will bring about a right nnaerstanuingorngnts ana relation.'? la answer to the above which: is m pnted to "Benuemen. anyone of whom woma aeem u no compliment to be called the peer of men whoooald violate plighted faith," the fbUowtor will ex plain the part played by the Manager of we -news, ana utese iacts are due tne printers to order that they may-' not stand to a false light to the community to which tor years they have resided and labored end are well known r Hf To (k VssMfmf and Xtmbw V j Gektlbmrn As a matter of iuatkw te the luhlishers and witii no view at doing injustice to the Members) of your Union, or the craft generally; X moat nspecuuuy urge you to consider tne propriety of reducing the price of cook position, believing that SO cento per uivumnu eiu u more man tne nuameM of Raleigh, or any other place to Xorth Carolina will Justify. The employer and empldyee artt of uunwu uenent to eacn outer tne one Is necessary to the other, and while the employer should heed the just demands of fate employee, the latter should have the Interest of the former at heart. ' 1 would resnectmllr submit that at nn other point in North Carolina or Vir ginia, are similar rates charged.' Trusting you may in your wisdom See fit to grant my request,' ' ; . , i remain, Ac, ;- i Manafrnr AWll i This letter was read at the mfmlar- meeting of the Union, on the evening of " v. wmvn, ioij, uiu a siatement mads by the foreman of the office, that he had been informed by Walter Clark President of the Publishing Company, that if the Union did not accede tothq demand, of a reduction the office would be Vttd The eommtmication: was referred to a committed' of couferencei constatinir ot W. J.Edwards,- L, 3f Keith. M. L. janir. 1 Jas. 8.. IlawmrA and Jas. II. Pool, to report on tits JbU lowing V ednesday night. ". The com mittee met in the Aewr office and.had A Consultation with Jordan Stone,. Man ager. He seemed espoclally desirous: that the intentions of himself and hu assocuttes on the Question - of wages should hot be misunderstood. ! .He aisd WJ. V 'mm tiMwrnarW made by Mr. Clark had.no weight in the management bf the, pfllce 'and that '.hinder no consideration would he run an otBce other than on a Union basis,". The sequel will show hew welt tbb assu rance was kept by Mr. Stdne. The com mittee, after consultation agreed to, make the following report; i ' . , , , i ufftetr ana Member of littltigk The majority of the 'Committee of Conference on a reduction of price of composition report that they met bn Saturday night, and held a consultation with Jordan Stone, Manager of ths Daily Ker. to regard to the nducttoa asked for? and Mr. Stone made a state ment substantially as follows j' '"Believ ing that tlie popularity of the paper would be increased by an additional amount of reading matter and believing that the Income would not fustifv an de creased outlay, he asked for this reduc tion to order that this end might be ac complished that the number of emt would be Increased to proportion "to the reduction j that he did not ask for or desire a reduction to the wages for week -it already being small enough. Mrj e tons runner stated that he bad no in tention of introducing labor into his of fice other than that recognised by this uiu. vn uuuer uu cirxumsnutces Would he allow such a tiling. ' i i Believing tiiat it will be beneficial both to the employee and employer, the fol lowing alteration in the scale of prices is recommended, to-wit t "i Composition, per 1,000 enis, -T AH. ft agcB per hdvi Vtf uuurn,, . f 3 -, nour ... , . ..30c. Alterations from copy requiring lest thin mmtnrs, sc. lor eacb alteration ; time - . i;iuu iiir ui. I s t a r.r n v. rw.r i inm tti I T7"fr v u iu. n, , hi j.. j . l ..Tr. i i jat iiir i. .m-i it ir. it'll 11 : t bti i;i . t.ii stespecuutij siiuuuuou,.,.,..!, ttlt-H . tv;j r-Vft 4.:jWAlUJSVt .'H it. t Ua:' in -. m j. . i -77Tr r- - Ln - - - X" ' Kl .i i as. rail. M WVr& free (Kscuislon both 'for aj..i t uiit it 4iw reiou a a nos avr 'w fc.ies nf ths Union: ' :,H VaT MaUarswere irmarenfl saiiaJhetorv to all partieV,ntif the 10ft of AprO, wnen matters "eliansod rrout." trie chahsod front?' the cause of which change as fully explained vvino rouowmf i' ft uu i ootuma - We, the undersigned, hands employed ht &e AViroi.ice. resnectiullv notUV you that we must have our wages, and un kium aaimacuyn guaran teed us this Saturday evening., we will, to justice to ourselves; be compelled to cease wont aiter o'ciocK tills yenmg, . -VervMaiwvtflillv i A . J. M. Cbohb, , J.K..GoBKrB,..-''uJ'u.i' m, i Krxu, CI'A'nnan. .0 -EI 0. H. UAhrco. rbnuio.- To this. Mr. Stone retdlad vartudlv. In1 the - bearer. M. I Kins; 1 "'I have no' answer to make '. and shortly after he informed one of ths employecr.that thb note waa not ron. tful." . 1 - " At the appointed time U waad0cile to address an exiHanatorr notaJ aai fid. lowst -,!'';'A ' .ii'J. .sa-JJ Jurdam Stont, Xtq4 Mtmaatr. ae. t .,h Yon consider our previous note a Ue- iiuiuu nuuu u nut ao uiteoueu. ave do not aak our tnonev to-nlehl.AlL w wish la to have some satislactkm whtln! we can receive : our wagesoTs',ie which, we could not receive .from .Mr j Jordan, bookkeeper. We aowt ask you to give us some satisfaction q the sub- T. 1' - ft -7. -'a &tM fff. iitfllt-rwCH n- wy respecuuiiy, c,;4 ttur,j j wb iv m. aue(f sit ,uf BttR-l (if f Jjj f. CCUWB. .! "rf -wt tsttii f '.,H, ,ij , C.H.llABPsiBnoi'i? 1 - - And otliers. r To tlifs txiJaliiM. ', Mr; StOOeT Re plied ; I have no answer to make. -You genuemeu, are iu m 'scrape aa Jyi wubi get out me oesc you can." A fow moments after, the follewlni' note was sent to the foremhn, C. II. Ilarpert'!-'" 4 .,.' Meurt, Harper and othtrtt .hm 1 -t : YouTcan call' itt"tbaTAea 'offlon joKOAif caxKjtAianngoc.A .nsoqaisntft the prliitersf Mr uJatid! amsettogjofahe llnjatxasaUeddor. 9 0 clock on Alonday morningreApriI, iwn,' at wnicn tune every , aeare meim bw of tlie Union was present.' j . At uun moeuus, ute loiiowmfl ACKer waereVdr'j ni 9s'.4iusuii- .1 GesttIibv i-navins ever been si friend of the Union aud tiie, printors, I deeply regret the occurrence of Satur day, as it severs a connection which I btiievo nas ' neen mutually- pleasant. a nave ever aeinaea wu principles ti with ithsj press of Baleigh have not violated oiui rule thereof. But consIdeH ing your peremptory demand and threat of Saturday tiglit a . uncalled for, and ma ftjuiuovi ftuiL aiucv iiiy fnneciion your auuBeijueut jacuon as an enort to place ' tne in a position, suddenly, . lit hL.h i wnnlfl Ha a r rutw mmimI T nmul sxprest my surprise and mortitkatioaat your conduct, knowing that each of yoo) uveiinooa.-r ; t x Yoatntust have well knbwfi4liat tin XtaiiJtmMUhma Vomoan was ftillvabli to pajt you all it might possily owe but you cannot iu mo bouiuern Matci una an institution tnat can at all tunc accomplish all Its financial ends at given inonkut, howtven gbotf .may b i inumunni. t n ; :i. ..... i YOttfuive,: !gmtleBWrgalnsi'-imy WuhoS. - nlat.'ed ' taA uuoik'iii v Wti aourcee; ".and such being the1 case, I shall endeavor to take eae-of y interest and tiiat of those whom I serve. T 1 wlsuiuir each of you prosperity, and assuring you that I am willing to serve J ever I. can do so consistently with.mj Own views 'of rlgbtW J!lIcnr'P l renuun, very truly and respecUully, .. ' ' " JOBDAW STOKB, . ' Manager AVw. April 12th. 1875. P. 8. Whatever monies mav be due you, gentlemen, will be paid you to-day. I ... J. BTOSB. ,j In order' tiiat some amicable under- tanding mtsht be bod, Messrs. Josiafc Jones. Juo. V. Marcom and W, S, Jones, were appointed a committee to confer with Mr. Stone.- After an absence of about one hour the committee re turned and made the following report; To fit OJtceri ana Member11 Raleigh Jgpograpntcat tsws, As. RiftsatX j Your committee to whom was cont- mtttAil fli a nuHcrnf mnfiiniii twitarttnti the members of ItolelehtTyiwjrraphlciil Union and Jordan Stone, 'Manager of have performed that duty, and beit leave tsaw 41 ewe tvsiiw v avjavaw mamca taa.' to report that Mr. stone refuses to make any concession to the members1 of- said Union, ' uU l Union . will tlo tkt rtanett mad tome time ag bi reference t a rtdnrlio'k' to 45 ett, per 1,000 eaUl i '. ' All which is reepcctfullysubmlttod; ! : i4.:,i.y s .:;ct;-i..x -JngiAirJosrFJt 1 -: .v. -.V'- " -i ri. li :i A short' 'fiine' after the Vciiira ,bi rt, . .. . .t. r .11 . . L i handed to the Scrgcant-eLrnwi, J m "- .so erWWT t4trl9t. x ;v- i ttt us ymkWifyrtr. M0 l-HW 1 V H wbl oa tA M . t aiMi'A - wnK!u im wutomk kmuwm, 1 whkh.'wer adoDtsd immmiiaklr on tiic &Th J .Z:ZST'Z" :.ZS W Zu!.. muuu VI icuucuuuii as the matteriwHlbe consldersd -at the nSSi tnVacrtionloi' ihlmJ ployees to the iVv olnce, in requesting their pay be sustained brthe Union. ; i JLt,tp'idiick,tiituWa4lourned to meet at 7 1-2 p. in., and at that time It was ascertained that tiKTw had! employed boys M do" tnetiK workv!andj) ?1 rS'inttJfA0 tk. .tail,. ... wmtlri.11 r I fUt IfCylT 4. 10 pet Impo M WTii the strike was cbntinuedj i.AJtw rral rrU : wiU-notlel amiss jut DailvvWs Dossed from the hands' of VW nnlwd' from tha liand ttf Stone Utsell to tiS AWi PublWitotfi company ? fimuiuBs, tne.esmtuisii ment, was uuiebtett tope sau mwoH ra to tha amount of 4200. according toll thenstatemoiit of the tirtoteitL' ,JVVheta JI V!l the strike eecurred, at wUbeseetl!Vem: fiJitoTto stderable ,anuint Pearhigf' that' tiieyl would be sJettod to the time VrfibW f.. Uuiy wt toto.m. t-imjIeldipRiBJ iMTMung and tyrannical!' movemettt, ltecent developments nave eoavincei tiou of. their scale ofprlces., Indeed it saVs bbastinirly that 'the" Office la" con-J teat to endure the'1 contempt1 (of Being .bbimbiii saw sy fftsmniiisiaw. couTaTor men who are natives or Kalelgur and M 15 C"0"0" ."lll! tino.-iwmei W;seTsiah:iiswnpa- tha members of Italelgh Typcpldcal, -iv.gjuiPo, muu.or Union, that the' action of tlie .VrtPub- fn5f? i.wMj "'ed s wiJtm'; IbkhfSnmnuiir w(tar hl anl fana. . 3 loSwlm . A. nfEECH, rornis nnnseu ne wm nncr tnat none,ociiK3t?''v J'ii rryrr inin njfoL'J these inbvAmetits' were based apeniilr.1 ? , ,lI51 W AWrfiWiWr cumstancea similar to Its owb.;;;' ode UfTJ ffiL WfeV nUIf the Union over, fha' aft 1 .jr eeefa. so iinprf jiw raswwn,. coaccrto(; action, fa secure a jit rf niuuerauou ior uie lauors 01 )i ihcui-.i hm. No owe will tay! tlutt 118 'per weekofM hours to an exorbitittjt.sjr smj! Kor wi)i any oneeay tiiat an average-f 122.30 net Week U an "unbendins1' de-il ninUir, wlwn be learns' tiiat to obram,rinajKr,gentiemon,) opf1"- nUhdJlevery ur . flpe pwa or the riia vanung -ttrlsjl ttur. yiearfwl4tWVKytMprfleiiirfi;, .i..7. . - t .. i i.., " v.., : n ex: 1 UKir reaama matier is not saaner 'Kipl 5?Uvi.i kuuj wM wmni uj uyciurauwu iw dependence on the prtf'the , A"tpiJ and the employment of wlial art tech-i I nifallvaBxlcontmntucrealledriia:r'l This, they had a right to dV( he prin-J W4r .,v". -rMWi I "HLi I hsfsB aewita '!: twiHt vMSas. sssa4, AiaaAyaJ I me I this I - . - - i .k. ii I iaet. 4.LJiase-eiidaivorLtiBaaketha matterplain without anyunjust.comi c . .1 T ! . jnt li 1 that someof tiis JuuiibloaA, members; o? tlds 'tvrannlcaL unvicldinarand uubcndi lrtgw craft hare bcCn called to fill sontd of the most ihiiprtaat an hohorabla positions,, lu State, county anddtraad tiAfttJiMsjuiiaya don jJitierediutj the craft that claimed tiiem,' to the pebjf ra ftotvtfft!!;'tA lfirvtftii'ilRff iiirtiMBarir lfTihi nam ir nnnosafirv innii I ahould'sav anrthiiiiL; in ' their faxori 4 regret titbeBeces8ity hw; .forced hNlffih. itHrAir fiAThltf ,ln benairor the, Union, to. matefcA.,- rv, .7 illMr t4ZlTV.rar statement.' Itisndttay destrS' felt- EldeiiritiliiiKBiolii.Al XxdoalilsituiUDIANO akrt.1 -uo1ira lt a Ann HlanAB a m-vI I aiau tcvviice ub vvuikicuvo Kfl mm bvut people, the Xmtfitnft attompt to def lunio Ji iu me vouvary uoiwiumuuiuui 1 W. J. EDWARDS, " '.Kef ljtBS.!u;T4tTJio.5t. RELIGIOUS. - Every man shall bear his own TnrdM keep thyself pure. . tft t;a Ilappyj Is he ; that, condcnneth,v net himself In tiiat thing which he allowetu. Iet us not be weary in Vi well doinffi for r in due season" we shall reap, if we fiitttiiHt?? 1 . m .a thin?, when he Is nothing. he Uceetwai hnaeelitja 9HM .Mi safe a, . p - Alt tiwknv is ftilflllcd-hTme word even Jo this 1 Thou shaltlove, thy ueigl bouras inpeu. u - (VIm mn iliimna-4u crave ot Joubl-lohxuci. iottiven omcii wine, aot creedy of filthy. Jucrs 2 boiOidg ?liiJl X r-..M. i - j. i qulsofll asjjngs-fthc paht 1M)00 gmncas aaiS(a.OO0r ,11'ufthort how COei In front or a' ' fAnflon aH at sixpenref a I mile.' YVwsiludVs 01 grea Cyntri.j. -wfr fit - ii..- (VWtt,?siaUsV at'AjCRKtCa'Jie saort liSH,ir it uijasBbifCiea rsmi . xait L I i . . . ..L ,...:.... ... . . Mftawtt, Jf4ralg woer. r ins cuswrarrs dn a.-.u . " ... lUJhA Wvpdi di West arrisMJiOO sMm4'tenkssi douwttie sM and Ji esats per.tf rtJ -- : CMUll tw timbJ AQAlsL I j i kF.?"r u. wbi-i It ChftM p2li24J?lbsd t4 .istrV Wm !iAil)jTi aiUfuwds ufi .oVslaw - ; ,M,h4?-f rt(t yj ff- ,n v! wis Hin iwi Ju.l rteeivtN nna pim eiinnmi a( so ceflirwr find1 pisld Sttni ' wOstWosaia' ,taotJtif 1 nik Jj basasi.:ijJ3disj 'srts1fc.CJlTOtlltq'- ''T. ,sdvhajndB Jfttots jTr'liLrr.n I ZZZZTZ ZZr I1 . . , "1, 'r1 tjr --f t,,T,M " ' 3ni ill iiiw ,aa;U' if x c b d at.v Liu at nl'Sji nv 4m ;(f , , f,i,,Blu! lt M ;f":'T,,, miVH ,Wu' "J' cfll. V tiuWSGfia r--i tsUi r Lu .! aaohWtlh R.S. TUCKEKH ,J1Wjaye fliis day received beiuUlbl unu jnTrnir,-wuH.-n we are I uuj atitnemcsrato raiceoriaf etKinit , 6 tf4 IMMMfiaBkH (' -To arrive per RkprW, laslilonaUe ana mnett soaebt SiteT JYackinaw airaw i me imei xn ourousinesft wnicn aiwars eriables nsitmvsl real 'woods'! and 4ow V AWI . IXMIILH AXIi BUVLSj .l t! Lufl to Ju-l.t -a f- . erjl.. .is.v... " s.U large moc in Me Hate. prick iweb ak xuiv lowrst. - -'-u ui ita. A8 oor goods laita'dtWIglilir ! WrMe lor ritvfa,t fitt il Ljw ..t r ' " - r JflJ? flWi!! ilr'1 TfTLt I fij-fU 3$X tfliir h'XLvTL hum pnui)nai )) MOSEMJY'JWn pgj-i mid eisifsao? Hiw' dttidw twhs Soda and Mlnecal Waters at ' 7-t f ct i'j d-tu Udi aoiUafKfM fcl ijfB theftf ire ffit'wwf tws i bW.HHVAIlJJff 1.1. .Ui nSVtVV..'. ' . . AXD ' ORGAN TURING -S t . . rVisbsei BA'DWAHiUf0.t.h aw By,. Fhwajceb, Itotokto JLC. rP. ,yea . ;expenencer ,1Intruments thoroughly renovated. Bcferrences in is ak4 JehflsoVMooreJ'Harnett "ind Cfrange. uAt mnmhao 4kJ jfot Kev.W.X W. Crowder. Rich'd Battlf, JrVEsq.,'CblJ. P.' H.'ltus: JfaLL. Brwwn, aqt otfc ,.fj'.t wv.hi HimygtKOi ilnih,'...!!. '!) .ui V,u a,ia .a f . weoaa i"T--f.-!: i!aaweAtissi 'At M?5t? AA TH0.t MaiX iaA.T A.-.W Sl (! rsl,!iSftUkbr! fMiitWIft rxw n rwrmnnt aoa wa utana at 23IFOETKRB.OB ttAUMOCU pLAIB ANA.yolABtD.-ly,Wl)eBa, or as reuu. eci luuaaiocss. as sara. seat. oa miteMs.l4'of eaolcMlapricca, SJpwsikW.e'uiaMMisaio "tMk Bsli " a Mtoa, uttto'i g sail, atintart goods isa74ssaa wa. ifi 4fOiu .? m ft- vJnf C'iiirrt!tle jjn d iiti- ..tJA- .oala tfLT'S X CABTSa , T JUHVI U CABTBa aii.'i l-n-jiti! .ii W til) : tt09 fcfwl 3Uw. mls Ji UTIOKfiXYS ATlAWi I ; 1 . - - J Israelite Ui ftprsoert HUH see la tte Btata as4 frSrrl iXMrt.af ) tare North Csrolli a.. , , . , cimtia eu.eue eusay etesty er isw t fUU. jAvi.,- , i As i