J the daily ciirnirsL. h t'l ti i ir -V -X' i? mum mr . it 4 ' t, : t i.tSiarsiiir I V I1 V: I: 1 ni tw'Mi il 1) C O i .il ... H . 'Mfc-.SUSmtamWla- """r IT.il ui. i iimm . .T S.00 1 1 ' - '4' ISIhi WSte,....b. .... . A. c 4j4 'jii-in 7 l jTW.tlj'jyfi VW 1 SSfi7t ?n if ...B. Ibl isi'.v biii ii4 ! TWDAtt . a fecasUvsivi. j tpslt 0 IM Qt St " w 1 -a rps.t 44 ts-o's. lS.ftl . f - I ti;"S "Jiwj. il.i e , f a WHOtESALE CASS 1120X3. I i onectwi by f, C. CUSISTOrnEKS, Mi ,'"!v, r Cleaned stained, or ordinary, 131M Good ordinary, ' ; --f " ,Lowinddltog, j ., MW , .t.,.. emub kabkct. - - ) , Bagging, domestic 2 Ifc'.Yard ISJ14. Hour, North Carolina, 47.50. Corn, IWal.00. '''"' , , . .. " Com meal, aew 95 ILpO- v l? , Bacon. . C. bog round,; ICaW. , l 4 hama ICialT.' ' ", .-- clear rib aidea, 131. ., " J- , long C B aidea, 13 . I m " aholdcra, lOalllc. x 1 Lard, North Carolina, lGJalg. :: ' " . weatero tierce, 17). " kegs, 18. ,si . . u . Tj Coffee, prima Wo, 23, , . EWHi awl M-'f , liaui, on oasia lor jiuu, iww. '.m,,v 8ttm,Allalt extra C, 111. . m TBUowClOlalOI.: . Leather, sole, 2730. . ; , iy s Tallow, JhOO. . . rotatoes, sweet, 7500. I . Irinb. 101.75. w : -i-, Oats, shelled, 8590. ' ' ' ' - " aheaAIUOV., Fodder, 11.75. - , Hay, NC, baled, rood, 11)015. Chkkens, grown, 3040. ggs,20. - - ; - Butter, N C, 2530; N Y, 4050. Beeswax, $530. , ' Rags, 2). i ' t ' i. -i-t Bee oa foot, 08. ,c-. . ii " dreessed prime, Ml. ." " Itnua- mr nnnnd. Iflp. Pewter, per pound, 7c , - k i,, jieM, per pound, 9e. - v i ,'; Old iroa, per 100 pounds, 60c. 51 rmeep skids, per piece, aoewue.' -" "' : Wool washed, per poond, 3035e.' 1 anwasbed 2025e "il QAVE TOUR " MVE5 ""YOUB MONEY AND l'OUK EYE, Cuts, 41 Celts, 4t CeitiV: i.:. . i. .,.A . - 'i. , (,,. ni, Fort Cents will buj oo: Gallon ' i in of rrt imi arrsr nrr - We hare this day reduceLJha prlU orrrttaFAtnauuto; v , " - OJtrr CENTS FES GALLON , This 00 if ttsed In Dearly 600,000 FAMILIES. u lias been before the' vpablieT fo .Twelve years and never au accl . oent direcuy or looirecuy. t . J jf . " Beware of So 50;,: , JULIUS LEWIS ft CO-' Sole Agents for N. !0, , .T AS. X. LEACH A CO - , r s jnuAuok ni BdailSkM jtcmufae TnOMASYILLE, N. C. " 4 We We a Wee stock of our meas. ' women's, boys', misses' and chlldrea's , shoes, which we sell at wholesale or re tail, next door . to Citixena' National Bank, lfartia SU Baleigh. , j When yon want good shoes, all hand made ana of the very best stock, call on as and bay the '' r - i VfK . . V f - rr'.-rs f.c K r t 4 i If Eal- evi, ( ion "j ijThotn- asvuiet iM. u;,uU our city to hay shoes are requested to examine -our :' K0T1CE TO TAX.i'AYEia. v, " ' " 1 h t IJUI'W . ,l l ' J j i -, AO parties In the "cut-off' sccflbn of . Second Ward are notified thai the books ;" for UsuW taxes front that section of the 'city will be cloeed on the first day of . June, 1875. GEO. IL TCIJJAMS, ..ailMOl-..,:,:-. v. Cltyaerk 1 hlWIlTAlff NOTICE. : ,,;(, " The following resolution of the Board of Aldermen is published for . public lo- - Chief f Police and Clerk of the Market j shall not take any1 City jBorlp, or any .; other Indebtedness'of.tLis city, for any . taxes due the city except ITsuket-hoose Coupons, and that the City Treasurer is - hereby, notified not to take such, evi dences from any ccHeeting oQcer of the -' eity. This resotut! i dne r o apply to the present Cc" - v F. II. f urreU's rtcnsio8. A. r t ,pm. U to be Aeni Abo, L.t'ki givelJie ?-taUl aOten f- -5.-, ln t.-r y lMtf , u &.. ,(, . CltyClerb , :V TO THOSE nOLDISQClTY , . -b v BCBm.;-;,!,:,, t,.H.; J : By a resoluUoa of the Board of Akler , ., . men. all persons who own city scrip are .w required to file with the City Clerk be . fore Jane 3rd, a Ust of the amounts of . id order, date of is and to wliom 'taned. 'AfeUareto - comply wdpoesl " 1 ve danger pflon o the holders 1 aip . 'i.j h-', '- v. , , J.aB. UTTLS lod2w Chalrt Lr (he Coni. ; Tho City i, Zfoa. J, J, Davis is intlie'elty. . ,; i ln ,n--"''J I Hon. W. P. Bynum, Jadge f the Supreme Court, arrived Saturday pi ! ntj and b at Mrs. H. W. Miller's bosrtlUig louse on Newborn Avenue ", Sn 1 ).'"," ' Scpkemi tDT-Twenty 'iyoring lawyers were granted lkense oere th4 tribunal to-day. Two1 of these were colored men from XTallfax county-Mona of them having practiced Juif a year jri Tenneasee. i'f h ,-ja,i Pvbxio BpnAKTirarThe. edltor of the SnmirfL will address the citixeas of Balelgh tills to-nUiUv (Tuesday) it the courthoose at 7 ' to'clock, po the state of the country and party, the lease and gauge, the 'rtojs and regies. PsasosAU 51. Do W. ; Stevenson $sq. ia In the city and'we shak) boih bands this time, - on for , biinseV Ind the other for ibe gifted young lady he baa recently led to the . alter, JIJss Harriet Stover of Neifbern.- "'u'y j ! 4 "as- 'i i uhaWLlj ! Flowers fob PoBWMpmi.Next Thursday s decoration day In j Ports mouth and they ask flower from this city. Of course our ladles' "m ' bavf them aent. Send them elthvto.ies dence of A. M, llcPbeeters: n to Mr. Bryan at Expresa fflet;:f"W k . 1. , , in i.wrft; k Tcktu 8oor. The inany strangers In the city wOl thank ns for direction to Pepper's on WUmtogton Street wnere they; will flad- ib besbowl of turtle soup evrsr tted, aWler tofhi Queen'l taste, and Is rlcH and Jc'cy. , wia nave It Sokz; aro tkA nest d J atar II a. a FamlUc sftXt clr v -J; CoMPUMKJnAKY. The I PiedmoM Press pay a meat icompument to Air, LeWf Mason, ,t the new clerk at the Nauonal, this city, aad tt is the more relisbed becauM ' a " voluntary offering from Where he Is knowni. ' The young man's, manners . bespeak him the right man m the right place for a hotel clerk. fjjirmo Statks Cocbt Judge Brooks opened dourt this' morning and organised the twaurhland then adV journed till to-morrow as there .will, be nothing nroch done before the arrival of Jwlge Bond, yta b expected' to-mor- r ,Tho toroman of the grand jury Is Mr. Wnu 8.1 Battle of Edgecombe, most admirable gentleman;'' uf ,M'.Mi I ' - . - - - f' tui CEjrrnAl. HotewMt. iChartes Thomas, of Traiddin ton.) has j. taken charge of the Cluu House, and under the new' management tl Is known as the Central HoteL From what we know of Ur Thomas bo WU .run a good bouse, hi fact, It already looks like a new pin, and his table is said to -be excellent. Mr. Kerr, formerly of the1 National, Is with Mr, Thomas and will be pleased to e his old friends. " " (! Dkath of a Fura Hobsc Quixls the blooded dun trotter of George teruay, while brisking tn tbe Qelu, ana foil In a ditch the other side and broke his nock. It was just but Saturday jws delivered a message from Dave Harvey the horse man. ftt Danville, to Hr. Wynne, to writs turn the lowest figuj-es he would take for. Quixle. Mr. Wynne promised to wr!te'to Barvey by Boturt day nlgtrj'r .ifl. 'Tlere's ttotenta wWrnrlnv-i v lirli-r forth. 'r ' t K J A BUKAW AY ITEJUAD COBBESfi w. 4, POXDSHT ZfURT-An ovQ spirit be witched the dray horse of B. F. Jode last4 n(ght and he, tore" up ' and ' down these streets about nine o'clock in the dark like eld Nick was -after hlnu Uo rim against Mr. C. i7. Foster, New York Iftrafd' correspondent, as he was creel ing the street, and knocking him down, caused hlra several severs bruise. itr Fofctef I a the Rational and doinjr markably Well considering a horse 1 ran Otvlumr-w&- aVotiiif ,v4i-Kl rs ! ! f A letter is published from Mr. Jeffer son ',tvK'utf which, Vbe wpels jiVlih warmth flie broad intimation contained in Gen. Stternmn's. fmemoln" that be (Davis) was connected' With 'tlte plot which resulted In" the assassination ' of President Ltncolnt Il8t theistorythat when captured he "was travelling , witlt wagon UauapucUOiott and baa a few thousand dollars- of specie m a valise" is thoroughly exploded; ' Acting oa th principle that blows should be given; as1 wen as received. Jar. uavis adiuuusters a severe castisation to Gem ' Sherman;' chargirf blm with a Violation of the terms of surrender accorded to General Johnston, and with tho display, of an meramcaDie malignity. - I " Wm. H. Talcott, a buyer for the silk d'eparthictvi of If. bI' 'Clafflu jCt'. has bees arrested hVSew Yorl! on the clm-je of buytoff sa -rlcd "s-isj , Hs wsj field to ilbeiU. t , V k -ti rToBacvo Ik VitTox4 TT-n dent from Milton writes as T.fj-Jlow t the SKNTiirsx, datedTr! ''y, Jane " 1 1$75. A good'dea) of tobacco In 'mar ket here to-day and every ) planter, ne groes and all, delighted with the prices. Mr. Wooding whd bought tobacco t be delivered him in the DanvU.a market, has sent orders for it to- be. delivered here, as he thinks Mlltori Is psying higher for the weed than Danville, Just now at least. By th way It Is a se- niarkable fact that voor never' cateh buyers here buying tobacco to re-sell la Danville, like you flnd them in ,.uei vllle, DurhammdSouthlloston Wh, Because It sells as high here as In Jx vlilo and no margin if , left for specula tors. Some or outs uyrs attena; uie sates at South Boston; V', and amc them the Messrs. Watklns, who say they can bnv the article cheaper in' South Boston than here, and pay traasporta tlon to tills place that to, they mak a considerable saving by purchading ,ln South Boston after even paying the cost of. transportation.'' '.pi-. pVI dog got under a house In Smoky Hollow yesterday. Smoky Hollow is just ta rear of this office, and the house tp dog was under was down to a bottom. About 20 men and (I women stood p top of the hilL the inen bad left work and were In their shirt sleeves,' workkig tools in hand, and the women Were bare headed and held a whole: pile of barei footed children by the land.1 Convfe fadon was lively, andjmf nJanirh). had seen, a great deal of n. dogs land knew the duTerence between a-stck dog m ana that was : man. roc mio an animated discussion with a woman Whose large brindle dqg was shot last summer and she didn't believe ne was any more mad 'an she was. . A' Uttle' man' hi the crowd then told of a little white doaj of his that had a fit, and 'verybody WS afraid of him at hom'ecxcpthinMilf, but he knew the dog wasn't mad, and be beat up some copperas and give him and soon had him well again.' There la no telling how long the teen would have stayed from their work, and the womeAJjMr Jack. of. the police hadn't come along about then, and stooping , down, under the bouse, he put four, bullets through the do,JIfce3ttUL num. returned to his, work declaring ( ho'd',r seen the day he wouldn't, mloj jcrawling under that house and draggtog that dog out by the legs. I t THB UlUJBBOBO'riFBXAfJi SCUOOU, The school concert id ZilIsboro comes Off the 24th of this month, Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock. The, programme received this morning, awakens, a; very decided favoritism in the writer. 1 For years ws have watehed 'this 'schoot of the Misses Nash and ilisa, KoUbck! at Hillsboro. It is freo froni. all ."ostan'ta ttous display, and high sounding notices In the newspapers, but' simply relies on its own merit, and thatiqerit! 1 baled on the " thoroughbred 7nd ingrahi "per fections and accomplishments of ; tbe lady teachers. It is the home of music and all the fine arts and gnues.The Old famUy BiUe Is opened in this schbol tnornlng and night and prayers go fup from the heart to Jeaveo. VTheyoang lady educated here receive) a dignity and polish which hut ho throosh IJfe her mind her treasure, her virtue her chief prtod .bca bet , llady lovely and amiable behaviour through all the vicissitudes which! try and , tempt the woman, ail date back to; the school room that modelled her,and as sweet as the : honeysuckle that ' twined around her window are the memories of ber schooldays In liIlsbotx, Spealdng the other day of the comriMm 'use now- days of slang amog school girts a gentleman remarked,- "X never,, knew, sir, ln all my life, a woman educated by the Misses Nash and Miss KoIIoch to be guilty of a slang wocdj or 'an expres sion even bordering on tndoeenoy.'f It Is even so. But to the programme f It to rich and attractive, M. EmUe" Burgy, Qonductor, and Raleigh af'nsual nJust give 4 flattering attendanee.1' . .1 . r " .jrJ.-.A,J 1' . ' r'i"f ,f. ;VAU-i"P ' j The subbing of jffyprge , Uillnuui,' aged 18, by his companion Beatiregird Hudson, aged 13, ui Klohmond, V:, r- suited fatally on Frklay.'n'ght.; hue L, ,. he patient toy upon a wodiu strei mother came to, aud throwing1 hereK:t That makes .Iraybf M Jf!V W n9. yu . T,irffflWft1r.T? ,T bv his side. xchunied..'MC mv''abn.' - bitter wave t.i ulJj isit s'lateomevi Ife nsasJIy spends wo or 11VJHI K YAIEXOX ... faintly, ha. replied. Y .aaaWlst AndtotK leepe toAU me die quietly.''. Hudson; or Uitg v grave f ; -.ILV traroU. .,1 to .bot.wjWbtbtf kbo IVsft IsssAnWM V- auestioned. says he only meant tolcut Slefepe after , tovle, porf after ' stortolo mightier dogs show blm any particular w maa and tbw neatest shopto! the quesuoneu, rays uo(lvuiy iii.auv v .ui. ?(,.,r ,V!j .1 Mii j f,v Hntrt; on Mi -&hirtf,f1rtif ns la fcrt 1tT. vt d M.f.l a i w.m- . . iraiman'.rm,MM to keep, hkn fAn fW tftfle SjitmrnnmCyttiOamn hurting blm. 7udson xltiblted llflb fX&r- J V4rtaV--- V or sto concern fowltat1baddoneJjv ; ,M5J 4 jifWs t.r . V-i ; I . "4y ,;'-; -v ;i:.v'',f - Ji,f 9 : r? WORLD'S TEXPERAKCE ::r-cosrEisvjQxZ,XZ iMiiu-tf i.f " i . IJ .'iJil Mint I '.' 'nA .teill im.iiit!u 1 tihj1 pipi.hiiic mm is v M teJJC uwyf'u . I J tliA 414 -tf4 BCported for the Stinetl ; ' y Satitbdat, May 29, 1875. ad- lotirned at 2 o'clock this mommff.Ot Lodge walht session nearly all iflnu The session-tasted four f days and nights. nMrr WT Jt'WA'vA ilasy of Aie"'dclcgatesVn! remain tie city to speak ltoorows UC,wt$ j " I let tO-ofhf for 4hlcagoto Jtttebd the Natiouaf Convention '.whldb. neets!in tliat city Tuesday nKtogi ; ' S..t. j JJoomlugton to a beautiful , clty; It Is calwd the. city of evergreens a , . jon. James Allen,' From Korth'Ci ouna,MbulIt the first bouse' hi Bloom ton In 1830 tIt was a double log ;jptfji!ej of 183031 M Alteaf sncceeded.io) 1 get ting bill passed Jiylng off, 'tWfity of McLean. " Whenthe" eommlssionen came to lay' off , the new, .county ,Jllr. AOeii ofld'SS 1-2 acres of lahd 'for county swty and named by l Blobm-y lngtc 'Bloomlngton. has a populatiaq of over twenty thousand. (- -' ',. ii it U) stated that luoomlngtot contains so many school girls that It ' has .been necessary to start a chewing gum . man ufactory. "The wax affords ya most healthy exorciae for tiiem. ,,, 1 There are forty two physicians and City lawyers In this city. !i;r. , j I would like to say more about this town, but have hot the time ; "J ,! Thbo. N. Bamsav, u ' J4 v ( PEBSOJfAL. s The Appletone- have offered Gen. Sherman $60,000 for the copjwrlght of tUS DOOK ft ' 'iH'v j ir HI ' r . t' ' t f 1 I , ' The Prince da Ceocld drove a tout-la hand of Jackasses on tlte' Tots' de"' Bou logne recently. - n'Oiji tin Gov. William Alton of Ohio states in IM.to.ft4raiMtat that be was' bem in Edeaton,- K. to 1806V4 The Danville (Ya.) tobacco manufao turersoo'Salhtf the wages or taeir employees, evhere- : The precious scouudVetvl 6,J7. Warmi Was so iclosely pressed by the detoctives In Memphis that he left bis gold-beaded cane preseotedhim by he young men of Wilmington, this 'Statej as coltoterai4or lutTallroa fickj .:. Professors M- W JTuraphreys and Edward 8. Joynes, of the faculty of Washington and Lee' TJnlve rslty, Lex ington Ya, bars just been appointed to professorships In the " Vanderbilt lm verslty, NashvQle, Tena, Mr. U4u pnreys to tne cnair pi ursaa an) sir. Joynes to that of modern- laagtiget Col. D. F.Boyd, formerly of Lynchburg Virginia and at present, superintendent of the' SUU ' University Ixmiiiana, has accepted an offer, from the Khedive of the superintendency of the govern toent Miljtaryjrollcgejn Egypt. RELIGlbuS. ' A: r Wrecked i:', l '5V IShe. was about twenty yean Wsge, , and self-adnjln bejdoseof laiiilitntim.'get.hei.;free from'sxiidenciAIW she ex claimed to a wlU and frantic wayM"I have seen Gou,"and he told ma to go; to helL" loKiiriOs Ledger . ' V. j V- m A worldly view: ', A ploua mlnlstor iri South Carolina, but 4 great , believer In certain weather signs, was asked to petition: the Throne of Grace for refresh- lng showers.' He replied 1 "My friend, I will do so, but it is not going to, rant till , the moon .cUannsr'CrW" Obituary pootry , i j Well, she kvgaaevsnd now In heaven 8he sings Ilk praise who dlod for her. And to her band a harp t given, La And sup a heavenly worshipper 1 .1-5.. 'J (! Lot us think of all she said, ; 4 ' And all the kind advice she gave, And let us do it now she's dead : And sleeping to her lowly grave. G. W.thilds. .t ;! Best it lhew enjoy etornalrVeJt1 new tv now enjoy eieruatfrssr -; - JiM-ttiM.mMl lyippyeasc', which'thoudoes.t Want Tff1 tow" lud crave,;, J "C M T ';. j R-..i a vWt Usoate family irlendfhias httlm frsuu It doQv wanderest t ' And ' and cmve, r, . t a J R-i.i And further from it doily wanderest m - hat ifsorae tittle payne riid pateag" 10 'iMissAnnie' lloulhac, pfinninaro, I a auest or juisnop layman anu ww Uutcity. ..v. .... i vt .,, warn nsuwwijy vivuB mm I A Newark girl hastened the dcparhW of. J lingering i geaaemaOnWrir the other , evening; by, remafklngji looked out of the window .: ,'-1 iyli sh4UharbeantiflusuiHle,',,o i Her Is sa extract from a,.lctterfrlt. toateber lover by a Mooigompryy Ali gui .For four sake, darting,) I bal e quit -mln;( chewing um viqould jiu have 'quHgunt for mir til wouid- dot have quit gum' for any 'Other persotajln the whole worMT il l t'M it v t"j't iinrV ir s Last week, a' girl, .tturtaen jfears of rwfo pmrimomti to Kentucky. Tito if somewharun'parallelcd In i the hiiwry f divorces,' e . j.owtog fa tender years of, the girl, and the conte quent objections of her ' parents, went to Tennessee, where there are no te strictlons, to procure pe, tying of foe Gordian mH, ji!Ttoj'ei'iiamed! la April, iblf, the Jbrjde i consequently 'e mg( only twelve years .'ofageBi.one month after, their marriage the Mabobd abandoned his cbihWifo and wont to Tenneasee, and abandotomeat 1 for one year's duration was the cease of dlvorte.- ' The wfll-of Ifiss- ifary.TelfaU-J a daughterof 'ex-Gorernor Telftur, of Georgia, who died last week, aged 86 years, was 'filed hf Savannah on Safur- day. 4 Several tounWcent bequests7 f re made to'aocletles t The Georgia Hfitor- dent Presbyterian , Church, Savannah, P,000, and Pirciibyterian Churcit, & gusto, id,000,1 The,, plgoijjt& Jtwa1imeis ur AospiuM.ior jcmaies, enuowmeni 01 li..l'lL- . IC TelfAlrcadmyof and, gclcM and otbcrMcleties, and numerous pW sonal legacies' " am "inade,,., '(winding hnmlsnma bequests to-oolored -family servants. The estate IS talued atoVef aaa ssutuvu Mysisaj .Mhierra, Isldnm- vMancbMtex pretty nearly all tbOtoe'beWinsi to 4;w'pntoVwltltfiray hah cracked 'ifoic and shufflmg gait, sWleoT out at the toll- tag of thebell. -ut-H r;j r t,T1 rhl Is s case of einnkfcriness,'" marked the . Court ash held up rVe girls,' a.rtplIo's'lQe' Pa:4'af. roi ana nrywg to40Qk attractive.! M - "Howold are t i43 UlOM she repliedw prompUv .aaH 1. ? '"IVentyiehyCs ob'D never see wty-ove: again.!' 'jrro j xu i. "XMi, now, darling I" she glgg Dushtos back her bairi ' ftkkHM. Wd thh rnir Manchester, but toll me htfwyOu plead , fJW,iaisV5T !JT 1 - p was -k little tlps'y-my tor,'' bit I am going , to 2M steady after thhi me.gq uus.mornuigpia.swseiness, ana you shall vsialkeaolt4he. bridal I'll bridle5 VoulloT 'fafnetv da vs. bid girrplted;aie.oi; tauut you wouia uie 01 om age in nun time I'd makeit ttx monthsrGo bkek and sit down." Detroit' Pre. A' ' ii FINE PIUNT. u 1 t ,y AUanbC Ga jtbouti iolJbuUd j its lnry';;;4:: ' ; ilerrv mournlns. ' It aint thatt as friends of the fatuUoareV, about "ddto' to s burroosh,''. says Mrs. Gniboje tfith some feeling, after reading a severe crltiohn,: the ;popoJ ;;cvfitoin 1 of making the death of an aeqnatotahea Uie pretext 7or s ybole:"neIgbbodiPod enjoying a free ride, It's too fcklloai lous for snythlng,!for fftw knows I ddaH Waotitia UJlaMu:iWoobv eeh)Jiat hry(lm on fem'and drives one wiunu necessirjt. fiut u jf(dn.ite;deit,;.t;iiT identr of (sarmgw: and I say the mhr the meriMt,rrH.jeeii!s i iA sfautuMTdof t ANahonta doir ttas a taste foV visiting.1 Iti oee down) W , tbedepot fri4j'lPi' I without the customary httieiceiony j at th ticiet officer wa yhHici?- te "He never 'makes a mistake ' ah uf r- Tir ..:. i , " 1 . i ,'"'J ne town or sue, sraia? ana mmiuuu a isy, Ri Ptia.hitM Ail sloiafcixsJ & fmlAw-M .jut-Ma n aodt v. 'rtl'CIWffautSelaahs iJu. sdi asdw tB?QW t i?" RflF NorUTaitorpoaUosf. , 'J mmitt liU.U'.i..T till ll MnltMiiii QENTBAUiHOTEw Joo, Kk ,. mulgton ahd Uargctt streets Tormerly the Carolina House, baibeea thoroukhly - repaired and nutted, and to aU respect i . suuie; entirely, new. sn ftavtog, been y newty furnished to the bandsomest style Is now readv for tlie accommodation of : ... ! .... r Lllll.lU.'lH ...i-j. . l-ArrujraieatJ'BvwlsV made for an Omnibus andOurrJains to meet the travelling jpubltoju eaci.ajrriyal, oflths r trains, and polite aniu gentlemanly For terrwinatfehd.''4 ? .-,;. o The awe and AanotnirindktMB ai thl. House wlU not Us-srasadTliy,,M to thacity. ' ' 4ki.; ,rr.!L'., per day,-1- ' . . S2.00, ' respectfully soiicltedi si y3 tis)o 1 . Stuttyit .-is. QASTf-, DOORS AND BLINDS; " j ; fw-iWit, win.!' -t' -rft' : AUoaygtwdsaro tMrouvWy .4ti'( !.j seasoneAj t u,aj ii,a - i ii.WrU foe price. Uimtiul o it t www wwrs W miiirt V -w fJlliOJLX' JViiUUiAM saljoon m" iftylt fit tt ty-A? M ': '''iaiHlr-ji,,?Jlr08ELEr ;c .Cieam,, atv WatorJce mads to ibr eflu 11 4krrjj i4 Boimi io Strawberries and Ice Cream at,, t fcT aAist paert) ilJ-MOSELEYfl. , , . iftmiti f fci6tiii iill n.l itnniei iiff -. .1 - . GBEATJlARQtINna.U- s iul td ia'o4 Ujui Ii J Ji:o iaiiw a aisia'ftiiiiJiiana s ualja'Auw biiwjsii Xvi i XV1 ill ,aif)f.u3 fi)W) fir is tlicoj 'HWTSiitrftnse - wi jm- w in ' ' a 4. u vault u 4 tta ts(iiii4i bits j-tti d is tut MMJ . till l.l 'C t- - WW MtlTVU, M mil PHHWIPOt J. UV- dies! iersetartfd-SDah worea And Amer ican, Jrom 50c.tqji50 lsMtBermcaaa' nary J low? priced erlped't. piques at MimwuiU" fii' tta iinr;i! vlifO 1'INEN LAWNS I LllOS LAWNS t We have this dav mceived a teaalilul lot of linen Lawns, a hkh w ( ara.aell- tog at tlte moderate price of 18 rt. , . W. jt fi. s. TUCXEB. ! Jit IrtJ tltli Mlr u iflj llflili OJ dJ r.TSajrketerriiiuMitiiefmlnmable and much souirhfc after. Jfackinaw Mtraw 1 -V'T. W iV. B, "4 i n w. k.Kt earedairT'totr'TptcffoW1nall tho lines of cm: bostoasS. wUcbV alwavs enables us have goods isud, low cash prices to offer, to our customers, which accounts tot the ''patronage allib oral public has besidwW 'upon as! , II in .'iX il Imp H I r tf uinil.J JVWmJSP-Jm Nmgo9. - '-f. ..i yf5 ,Jjf 'tffTJw 500 ploces new and bandsome Prints , at 8 and 10 cent per yard. ,JU -f" f Coats' oot Cotton atTOr eeot per dosen. Common ftwl cotton as l2 cents per. down, and hope, It will be cheaper ffr -" a ! ' KflPf:st 1 jo ldAwJm w' ;! r!T A CREECH. lEEttNO tff 'Tn 'TRUfel'EES M-v, OF THE UNIVERSITY- t,Hoi HP- " Te Trustees of the University of N. will meet at the Executive Office to Raleigh ott Wednesday, theL 16th "June aextatl0o'o1mA.H. wJ I'm Beside other,- important bostoess six Professors wil be elected for the respec tive ' Departments 'of Agriculture, of Encfneerltiir and the Mechanic Arts, of Natural Sciencev of Xiteramrsw 19b ra- Jhmticfof, PWtosojphy.. , , i at i ChahiWltoaHef Tmstees. V U:.r..'I KEULK V. BAXXLEi ll tikaw, 1 . -ikhii i 4 lew , . HHm4WiHHili "

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