fHESENIIHEIi 1HVR8DJT,; It, ; : witLTnmr coLTi , " . Tba aaadldete for Coaveatiea la Freak Da wm aomlaatei by oaa. Vote majority, MTaa editor af tba f BJttnrB wee aomlna . ted bv a vote ef. -nearly two U taa atar . alf others ana- ttaftal!ro44 Qrgaa bolUd the nomination Will tbtfar-ta bolt the ' sj' iVtaklia Mtewatfpa I T7a bev offer ; ta)oiatllta4iterf tktJVfiM iaaaUlag tat Orange CaaTcatioa over but tbal will '. sat oWnly aaatbr. faa4I4aU will nit tbe !UiUce4 Organ We ahall aot aoed taa aatUtaeca af lb Xtr la the election. - Ji" j THE FORCB BILL 1 Wa bava witaaaaiil two iadlctmeata alar thto lafamow bill There wm as breach ef taa bob ia either caea. S wm 1 limply a qaarrtl, about' politloe. Harry Laehjy, of .Wake wet.tke. proaa ealar U oaawaaaa)BvwajIdff af Heraett. tat proearatof ; la taa wtbr T eaae-i. Wbka ewere to meet Ilea It herd te tell, but from ell aooMat Bar ' wall Bodga? iwflfa ta tba moat but Harty Leahlvr. cacecdcd la BtegBltude, , The aaaMaof taa foartecm sua ladletad , an given Is aaoptaT. ptecav, Thai waa a radical aogre aamert Chariot Harrta, who ewerethe .trctk, atralghi, .aat, aad tb 4kh aacaetb Belghbaakaod bad. aot adaeatad; blav1! Wata tba dttedaatt bad asaabMd Charter Bairla aadas in ether wltaMaavtba dietriot attorney, .. Me, BadjrjraaajMawd b 4aa rout that ba aoold sot eoavlat tba, defeadeat, aad tbey wora aJarAargoj without delay, BofWodgMjaJIfor-jko,!! bm JA lUWgh wlt -;Buca JeaUag af ooatemptJbltewiag hide aiaoa Dairy Lath lay kit two) yM iga, 1( Jadgu Caldwejl '.' ' baa ban ea tba' btocb la euher caere . would have bad taa ptoaaeateai laOloted fcrpuriorysyct iaUma laadef lew. aad libarty. Ood nra ai fraoa much of Um ' Uberty aad bw,abara bad rfoce 188f, ,. . . .,,, OS BOTH SIDX& a wwa-ahargtd by :ta Ilawldai railroad organ, tba Raleigb Newe, wltbi a , cbaagtuaLoplabM a. tba -gnBga.-fer ' anoncy, aad tbat Bolord bad bought aa,d bribed aaV , Wham Billy Bmltb laMtd the .road te pr, Bawkloa oa tba aly, aa a. . terul.appeared la thedwatlael aadbrdaf It Tbia wm wrltUa by tba laeat adltar ia aar. abinea, Tba aazt day toa ax plalaadaaddcaaoaead tbalaaMMaaar , . rapt plan pf. work,at af wakb BMaty waald ba auda by awladlaraTraa ft t ' UkMt wa hara dtBeuocMl tba taaat fa - tba BichaMtd aad , DwiUa Roadr aad wf a,aliaM tlaa of Um board of Wraoton raealTad $30,000 a iakt tba Mat. - Tktra wm bribery aad - aompUaa bi lt allowed a friead ft mwmim poA4tAomaiaaiaaui aa lOtlldAiftfJUaMlaa TUa.adiMUgW . -.UitUaj. f . fMf waiaad'acatad .aadlha Baprma., ooaplioiaataa, w It wm aot. tba -editor, '.. tat Jba aoald aot advocate the leaM ar cbaafeaf gaage, .,, ot oonpllmtnt a oomrt wba gtra oat a 'adaaoa pbat tbak aplabNk. weald ba aa Bute botfu to apocajatata ia etid boade, Agala aa editorLU appeared la tba Bee UMi, aet wmtea oy tba editor, adToea , ting ma ewbiOiupXJtba-teck of. tbe Hortb Carallaa JZeilroad for Uweaaaoc .tloa boade af tba nad.uTble wm la ear ; 5 aboeaot aad aeverjud owpproTal. f e btve aa ukat -for r a i apatdy abaafe m oplaioaataay foaatlaa, grave or light. Wa bava beta oa both aidea of tba Tam per aaaroa qaetuea m we ieia j r iela 'jeikrjay., We firetlbearol the tMataiacUler tba groea.Md ''oaVoplaloawM decidedly for them Md we tboaibt they bed . beta eraety wroagedLLThea ;wa beard thnegb . Ji . . attoraey oa, the Tapper aide ef the out ' tjoa, and aar eptoioa cbeaged. decidedly : far Tapper. Where wa ataad aow wa ajo aot ablate teyr aor eaa wa auke ap oar avideeeo aatll , we .bera eeperated , tb Haa framthefelM evideaoe. , A friead eeade m a. copy of the Aaad : ard eoatataiag W. W. IZoldee'e procle-atioa.-aad, eeJliar a OearnUoa la - If (a. i We aevot aoald believe ia tba doetnae af peaceable eeoaeiloBr or ta ' waaatar. pert, delightful Nooaetractiaa. Tba day after -aa . Ball Boa fight Md flight, Aadrew Johaatea latrodaoeda reealaUoa , la the Seaate of the Vaited Statee declerlDg to the world theteeeet- Mea bad pat ao Bute.oat of Ibte TJaloa. 'Tile. aeeoat)opi ,pWd, both Keaeea, ao ae aotbig ia the atgettra. Liaoola ud ' toward iafonaed XoroDa aad the world that each vu the feet. Tba Btetee wet la'rabeUlob aad woald aooa be reetored, aad, tba1 TJaioa , wm iatact We have 'bata pouted tokoow whea we gat oat of the Ualaev ; aow : aad ' at what time. We ara iadebted to.'the rriead wbooMt ae h Etaadard Cor tba iafbrautioa. It - wm Ilaldea wba pat m oat by procUme aa aat af the Uaioa. m will be by readier: a" porUoa of hia procla T.'auUloa which, we woald paUitbiafall JbatforlUkagtb. ; EOLDIIT, rilOTISIOKAL COVl-i- NO.t, TO TU3 TEOPLB OT T.ZZT WeamBAr, j By tie ProclaeaUoa ol ioadrew Jotaaoa, rreaUeat of thaUoi- ted BtajvAaHFScv&ttdgay SSth, 1809, 1 bTa beta appoiatea rrovuioaei Ooreraor af the Etata of North Carolina, with laitreeUou ba preacrlbe, at the ...ti. rutinlil narlod. nek . talea ) nMralatloea ea nay ba aecmrv and proper for eoavaabg a GoavuUoa, ooa: poaed bf delcgat aad abaaM byUtat portioa ef Ue people ef raid Bute who are loyal to the Uauea Biatae, ana ao otbera, tor Uie purpaeo of alterlogr aawadleg the CoaaUtatioa thtreof r aad with - aoUwrity 4o eaardaa witblw Uw liodta of eeld BtaW all tba power aeeee eary aad proper to eaeblo each loyal pep pie af the State of North CaraQaa to re- atore raid SUta U Ita fjooautauoaai -laUoaa lo1 the Federal CrOTertmeataad. U preeeat aocb a Bcpablleaa torn State Oavaraaaeat ea will aatiUe the State to Ui caaraatM af tba VaiUd BUtra thereof, aad ite people U proteotloa by tbaTJalted SUUe agalMt hvaeioa, la tarreetior, aad doaaartia vloleaoe'' ' Aad whereee, It b) proper Ibat tba pea, trie ef the State ahoold be Iafonaed u far ae oxay be, at tab) tioM, of tba area that will be aeoaaoary to aUaia tola aad, w that they aiay ba ready te ofM ea latelligaat aad williagecoparatloa la lb iMBtJ-" -6 ? f-4 ?f Aad wberaae, ItM alto proper tbat the parpoaea ef the Federal GoTtraoeeat ia rdatloa te tba people of tba State eaaatd be ajade kaowa, aa that tM loyal aaay reoeireaaKiraaoae of ptMectloo wd eo- ewarhgcBMBt,'. Md tba dleleyel, if aay there be, auy kaow tbat the eye of aa tbonty ia apoa thoav aad that they will aot ba permitted with Impauty to reawt the lew or to dielarb- tba paaoa f ao clatyv- , Haw, Therefore, I, W. W. Holdea, Proviaioaal Oaveraor m aforcaaid,' do proclaim and declare: ' let Tba a Ooa vaatloa of the peep of North Oeronaa wiO ba held, at M aarly a period m practicable to be com poaad of the a amber ef BMmbera to wbiah tba ooaatkt era mpectfully; m titled ia tba Boom of Ooauaoajt of the State Leg UlalBta7N penoa ahallba a eudidate for the CoBTeoUeo, , had aa peraoa wilt vote for membere ,te compoM it, wa)a aball pot prtyioaaly thereto bare takea aad anbtcibed the followug oath, pre- acribed la the Proelamatioa of tba Preel deat of , tba UalUd SUtee, dated May S9tb,1863: j L , do eolemaly eweer or afflim itt of Almighty Oof, that ,1 will beaeeforlb faithfully npport, pro teot aad defead the CoaeUtnUoa ofthe Uaited StatM tbereaader aad that I will ia ltka maaeer Ude by aed faiUfaUy aopport all lawa aad proelamatioM which bava beea made derieg tba cxiauag ro bellioa with referacea to tbeamaaeipt Uoa of alavaa. f Bo help aae Ood.", r Aad ao penoa aot well-affected -to warda the Federal OoverameQt, aad aot loyal tbeieUv will -be . permitted te take aaid oath, or to vote ia aald electloa.; UeMoree will be perfected u early aa practicable for .admiaiatetiag tba above oatb toeacb pereoaa m may be eatitltd to take It, aad for providiog them with oartifloatea of the. mbm MjtTldeoce of their loyalty. Tba aald oath la regarded m i part ef tba beatflu of the Proelama tioa referred to. aad will aot ba admlahv tered to uy of the, claeace exdaded by eeld Proelamatioa, aava oa the exhibi tloa by tbeaA.oC a tali pardoa from the Preaideot of the effeoce , they may have rommitted agaiaet the United 8UU. Id. The OoaveaUoa tbne to be eallad will alter or amend tba Cooatitntloa of tbo State, Md Will aubmif aald CoaatltB tloa thai altered or : amended, to the Vetera af the State tba ballot box for their accepUaoe or r.)cUa. : : ! Id. Taa OmvmUob will provide for tba eTecUoa1lylbeleMti of? jSIuv' eraor aad membera of the Leglalelure aad the Leglalatare will elect two Seaatore to rapreeeat tba State ia the C jogreee of tba Uaited Bute. IaMmach aa there are ao aivil aagav tratea ia thia State, aor State offlotra of aay kind, the Provlatoaal Oovetaor, by virtue of authority ia him vetted by the Preaideot of the Uaited AUtea, will pro lett Ta, appoint Joalioee of the Peace for the Vanooa ooaatlee, loyal aaea, by whom tbo above oath will be admiak ed, aad wbo will alao ooednot tte election", through, aabordlnatee, for mem ban of a Ceavmtioa, la accordeace with iaatractioaa- from tbla offlc, end agree ably te the Uwa of tbia State la force pre- viouly to tba tOth dav bf Ifav. 1861. ' Id. Beeerior Oeurtl ol Oyer Md Ter iaar will, be bold, wboa aeoeeaary, by Gadget mpeclally appoieted aad aommh aad, to diapoee of orimlo! Oaaea, l-- ' li- The JmUo of tba Peace, ap. pointed aa aforeeald,' will be aatborlied to bold eoarte for the, tranaactloa of all each baataeea m may aot bo of tba clam of ctaea triable by a Jorv.' Tm Juatioea by a majority af their wbele number, will ame ba aatboriaed to appoint their gher. ln ud their clerka for the time being, aad each ether offlcere m may be indle peaaabla to a proper traaaactloa af buai- aee. Aad they wiU aleo ba vfcUant aad wiU rxett taraeelna to aaeiaiala lk. la-i, and la ji-wi tie y. : s ' " ' ? ia ' :!r rwpsctive conatla j 4 twr Jl-' J(ita-i conlt f t U!vl,f", tt' ceu. f t I '.'' - K -aat y law of tie t ..t v: i to. ie ty Ji dy fr. -- t te allow ball f.here mm la ,.,-1 accordiDg to tba Beige of the State, 4th. Tba Pravialoaal Governor will ap point the State Dlrectora ud State pro Si h tke, varlerp corpora Uoealehicb e State la 'latereeted, iatbe eerclae of auch p6f it If ilEaaaet te ai'ol Bat the control ef taa oilroada, the mt lama,' Md othM.oorperaUoaa la which tba SUta U.totereeted, ibH oaavoldabty to tba uteBt oommiUed to bioa, will be relUqulahed ,for, tbf ; CkM ventloB whea Utat,bdf M ln amemb!edfcT . -T Jock la brief la.aa potllne ot the policy deeawd aeceaaary to.recqMtruct the go? erament of North CjroUoMdJio reatere iba State lo ItaConatjtutlenal relatloni to. the Federal Government , Aa4,lh!i,le.tbaey Norh Carolina get oat of, tba. Union, , Uoldea .filled to eece4eU! fat, ena inea ae prociiniaua .i: . in i . aa 1 . ' ' ' - v. Tot the Bentiael . CsoAJt Gaovi, Jane t,'18tK f. ':lf. Ibitow --.After.-; two lnffctual efferteto get ap -a boltiag -OoaveaUoa, evervthlna ifc' ' oulet ' Tht eMeral im- preaalon among thoM oot ol - the OrMge le that eertaia m-maeta of tba Grange are Mdeavoring lo make a move agamat you.' aad tbia oploioa wM conurmed wbM they foued a lawyer who vie im properly a Onager tary active ia4pnb Uaklag aad making ap fnlerboode agalnat .If the Oargei la argulBd..te.flgbt railroada aad other. aorporallMa and. me aopoliea, meat aay they bam. aot fit givw mach evideaoe af . U to oalaldetp. I wleh to kaow what lawyera aad editora an dolag la the Oraage.: - --.-rj) Cedar Gave will give , yea a better vote. '. thu My h damoetat aver ricei ved bant--.. Taaxa, , v ;j ' ' , ")''"' ' '-- a 0. i For the Sentinel, j Mb. lD.toa -I took you ateckkold er'a letter m a (oka, bat I uaghed heartily wbM I heard that tba people a f Miewori had acted apoa Um advice of atockbelder Blackael Md goao.to . eating Ihe graaa- boppara.; I Mad you the following rom a paper . , "Miiaeoii biaboat to eobre the graae bopper problem by Mting theattefv.jlt aa txpetlmeatal feaat at Warreeaburg, te that State, to teat the cooked bxuat uea tioa, the eompMy were nerved with graaa- bopper eoup, which M taated like chicken mud." bat wm batten batter cake mixed with locuaU ; Md plain lecuat plaia4- happare, wlthoat I grca or eondlment Tba meal wm aloaed with deeert, a Joha'the-BaptUtbaked-loeoatHmd kaojf . K V;:.; bf-M J n CVrzy ir ' -ieiaa -'"TTt f h, H-f i,r For the Sentinel . Ma, Kditob: There hu beea eoaaid erable win palling ia our Townahip aad County ' Coaveatioaav Wiea delegatea are elected, the party beatea, la the eleo- Uoaof delegatea, propoae a reaolutioa that any cltlxen of the townahip may be regarded u a delegate." I aebmlt whea the delegatea are once choeea tbey alo)a ahould eaat Uie vote ot the towaiblp la theooubty Coufontioa without the aid of My Toluateara.--. ' I hope ooly the delegatea elected or appointed win be alloweJ to vote ia the County Uoa van tloa. 'YITQ.? A TOgTUN IH rT. Itbij family twn tu 6oM hf AmmU. .iddreie 0. k WAttKB,rie.Te.: i&J Uclee and the the beat PamUy Paper in Amanca. u-iwo an.co unromo. iree a I, mi oroaoway a. i. T7"OT7TTI BaMiDUto Areata, La- P XtXyJU die toblnatkm feedle. Book, with Cbroaoa. ; Bead etamp to ft P. OiUC, Kew Bedford, Mate. f , eUieetlaat' Mt; needed la every .hoeae; ample aad eiraalare free by mail, B.B. muismm vu newaraj a. . I f1A TO 500 teveated In Wall Street tJLJ i Often ktade to fortune. A 19 pace book explaining. ereryUklac, and eopy of the WeHeveat Bavlewk - . -. i XnT fftXC. Jea Bicauire A Co, Ban- aera ana Broken, n Broadway .ew ioix. STOCK IPtCTJtlTIONB, f.."(t).rl, - ;;) "tit i condaeted or urn every farm, on com mlaaloe oal. ruta end Oella. oa beat heuaea endloweet rattcCaat, IllOto $ 00, aad fun oev tS.CCO Drott. Pamphlet. eiDUto- Ing how Wall B tract epeemlaUone are coo- onetea, eeai nee. aena rer a eopy. tut .. t TUjadJUiiua m w., t Banker end Broken, a Wall at, N. T. POB COVHB, COLDS, flOABillXBSS, -' .u 1. Md all throat dleeeeee, aee . . ... WXLL9 CAMSOLiO TABLETS, ' put up only ba blue boxea. - A TBXXfiljtJir lOBt "KlJitDi Poraatehy eVnnrteenralry. aad ' '"! t , tomaion uollowatio-j T 7..T.eTUkmalphla, PaJ A BBAT OirSBI Wv.tVS Uoraek Watere A Bonal C81 Broadwir. X. T., wiU diapoee ot 1 9 Ptane aad irtaaa of Brat elaaa maker, taclnding. Water, at ex tremely low price for eaik, dnrlar Uila aaoau, or pan eaaa, aao oaiaaee menau avonUilv MTBjienta. The came u let. W ten' Mew BcaJe PUaoa. are the beataaade. Tnetoeehelaetie, aad a Bee atartof tone, powerful, pare aad ere. Waten' Concerto Organ cannot be ezealkd ta toa or baaat; they defy ocm petition. The Ooecarte atop I a tae baitatloo of the J huaum voloe. agenu wanted. . d Dberal dleeoaat te teach er, mlnlatrn. ehnrehe. achooU. lodce. ate. BpeeUI hadattmente lo the trade, lllaatmted catateyaw mailed. Drn.a. r 9, 1875, g f edt- tear , -7a, j .11 e: ,)oae i Joor ea tL Mth day of ii ,1 J, t' aid delioquenU u Liw4 the Uxee e da, and eucbV-,r5t property aaebatl be levied apoa by me before Jane 14'. b. Tbla action he) eg takea aader eoctJoB . law i 13 i iairSjLA $ Cti ector. Alien, thomu ,-i - . M AUiton, Jackaoa. t 0 00 a av Aodrewa, W N lor King ' to 00 r , , , a Aadereoo. Crnthia , . . . . 4 01 ArandeK Wniel . . 'V V ell Areold, Locy 11 ' 47 Alkiaaud Devla ..- ii,i'ti;i-i 0 ga Auffuetua, Bolomoa , uaruw, -.,, Bagwell, JBV 1 " 47 aw 9W BalL JttO T ,oo,- Barker. 8anin..-, Bette, Samuel if . Beecham.TL " Belvla, WX f'U' . Belvin.l If ii :.au I ntU . BUillljrd .,,, . 4 00 ! ..J m'- 4 01 . ,17 01 M : woo iuruaoBfr, v , Biahop,U;lIlard Blrdaooz. Stephea 1 44 Boaten blra-M Oaad-V Olaike. Bobbitt. Fed n . t nr i i orewa, bw ir t Bradford, ThomM V Arawa. WW"'- ' a n 71 8 ".V, 4 0 If ' 10 Bragg, Hubert Brown, Wm O ,f i;i-r. Bryant, Jordan . Brottgbtoo, Zadi.,', " ' "f Braaca,8hado j j.' -' BrowB,,ThomM .r j v ; Buabee, Qaentla, (guardian) BurVJGACo Badr.RO " ' BrowoTaomM .', . Carpenter, Mm N ( Campbell, Mary Canada, Emma - 1 ' CarvowST.'-- -GriatmaavPatery m . ! ; ColUoa, W P Cooke, Ow T ' Orowder, Robert Croee, Mm Beteey , Deje,Bufue .... Davie, WWrigbtA,! : ? Dickaoa, NeMy, Doraoa, Lewie DoaatM, Weetoa DBBB,Waebagtoa ,Kt . Donatan, Aoatta ' Etmaa,WR ' Edward, Coraeliua B Id warda, WJ s.. Ed warda, Joacpb ... , ' Edefarda, Wat ' J -,,! ElUaoawStewartfH - 44 MM 1 00 ' I If St .,, : 4 li . 40 00 ' IN B40 7S4 ,8 M B 84 904 .104 44 . 4 44 CO ! msi 4 u SO' l a: 4 $ 8 St 4 47 8 ,8 04 4 47 10 00 15 It t 8 40 7 ft '4 44 IS 45 .tien.fioq Ftm v BmImWcX Enniea. J II r Flaob, Wm n Foater, Deary Formaa, Louiaa Ford, Mary , Fmacia,Petr Freeman, BJ Filloe, Cbarlee Gut, William Gear, Joba 8 St 85 60 rf - 8 St SO St 4 CI 1 81 3 64 15 OS 7 M 4 6 -4 44 8 00 GULCbarb A 00 Gocxiala,JCeO' Green, John 01 '8 CO umooe, ueo Green, Mm W D Joaee, agf, Haywood, Mia WO- Hay wood, Delia Haywood, Rulua Haywood, WD" Haywood, Bailie B Hampton, Jao B Hayea, Wm II Hatlio, Bea " w J ' V Hayea, Jeo and Tucker Harrie W M Uarriaoa, Bullock ! Hoertt, Howard ' Hick, J H '1 "- HiDee,PterE Higge, Anatla , -HlotoWVcffereoa ' Hlcka. Hotter A' IN 14 00 41 8S 5 88 4 00 20 00 15 88 1 40 IS 00 4 84 5 88 88 . 5 88 CO 8 40 6 98 7 85 8 88 i 4 00 Hedse.KmbM'1 ' .1110 Jiogg, urace -Hugbea,HJ Hooter, Nancy . . . 1 38 18 48 -Tg 88 ueartt,uu Haywood, JP , Hortop, WII IrvloeCary Iredell; H 6 MT Jackaoa Joe J '. 15 87 . 8 88 r - "IS ,0 ' 18 88 17 01 JoboM. FiMk ,. . 5 80 5 88 June, D II v , . Joaeal O H 5 " Joaee, H C t-t JonecUH , ili: tj'i 8 84 B 78 4 60 Jordan. 1 li 80 JebaeoR, J ,, w Co . Joaee, Ja A Jouea, Mra Luraitla: Jonee,JM . , Jobnaon, J J , , . Jonea, Wiley , Joaee, Willie D Jobaaoa. ThomM ( i v Jonea, Uenrjr I , ,t - i J3ycoEdwar4 ,,,..,.( 80 80 11 00 . 8 88 8 00 B0 44 Klley,Waahlngtoa Kitcbin.JL King, John f n Killebnw, Adam -i r ' 1 King, Jea C'"' - , vno 80 88 4 07 it 60 8 40 5 CO 84 60 Labarbe,APt it "t .i ' m1 Labrbe,L J 1 I ' ' Laaaiter, L J'l. Ui : Vi-.miUY,i Lamb, W At u -V-' - ' Lane, Edward i " Lee, T F - - - ' 0 66 n B 66 66 80 Lincbo, Paula i - LouReeAL , , ,. , , 10 SO ,80 84 2 00 Love, alariott ... , . Malone. Jfartha 4 00 t 03 --87,18 5 83 "r 4 W '" 4 C7 ! SO 00 .40 00 : i as , , . 8 88 8 80 - 600 i 8 CO , 16 00 r 81 84 .4 83 . ,18 58 14 CI B S Matthew, WII ' Maey, EO-r- .t- Mattbeot, Wm Bib Mayo. Mary Matt be wu, The' McMackia,WO ' ' " ' McPbetera,AM Ea , , Medlin. Jbn ... , , ,, Milla. W N . , , .i, Mi Her, Geo D-- Minor, Urary , . , - j Morgan, Kuiue ..... Morgan, Henry . r Mullen, JU , f , Murray A Allea ... 0'Neil.JoaRt , , j, u ... Parker. WC' paga, Jleary U . ClTXTiX CttlffTOK' The followlr- ib pay their taxc 1 1. . cal hereby give ar t I I a public aula at t , Co bout - 8 C5 J, . 30 03 reaca,. i jaiiB s Peny.Gv 'onlj i . . 20 60 12 66 10 66 22 78 3 Ol , - -I 22 4 00 , 2 88 8 00 . 0 67 if KrrfDr4T (eata Pierre, Tl "mad 1 i PooI.QtoH I l' w . . a eaT V Pott , y m NL H. P r, ki.mj'-t romr, UcLraa Poo, Holland Polk. William Kaaanm, Innla U. ivaeaaar, tttao ri Kaaa, tiara O Kayaor, Blmon aZ-UOV." anea,eina Ifc oast fcogaia, iLUialia - a 09 Ro)ter, Mrt MarTX o f f rP Boyater, L'Joba BtA Jil 14 M Kogara, Wtf Bmtlh 8 S KoKera, 1 K -- j g, KoKere, Iaaae-,!ilr O 'uj - ut!..'J " l a Bvan,Btt "-. ' 4 09 Wwf" -le "-S Beott,Abnm , i..)e ra Smith, Altta IM Smith, btoeoe, tM i !) Bath,Joeph .' " ' M rmith, J Br la toa (Eelatr) , .-.!. 09 Bmltb, weorge U H 00 4ailth,GeorK , , , BalU, lpboaaO '' ' ' ''3 ' ' Bnlpee,.Parrta' .pi!; A , 10 M SpWey.Mbe Martha . . . 4M Speaoar, KaaaeU '' ,f ' '!'J h" 4 td an.... an --. 'V i as Vpeaeer, ratnek i . U ,t ' r BUUIiaga, Mica Jane . tf Btepheaai Mr Martha " BtaJy,eUlua..,.Y Stewart, Jeaae ' ,, M . Bom. Britten ? " I ai " 4 4T 4 M 4 Oil -a a 1181 BIS Tbooipeoa, MmMf.Ki .irt .f. .a' .ft. 8 BT . i . , r nt W ' " i r s si , t lo o aen 2nempaon u , . TnMapaon,MmMU Ihoapaoe, Martin A , ,tJ Thomueoa A Co,, . TlmbarlakcJB Teraar,- Alnder i" J- U ou t M tf, Mf 1( aS .. v aee Turnar.Menr, , , ,, Upehurch, Mn Francla UpehnihyWC-"i -: ' ' - WalaaAatoag ,-u -'-"I 8 M ' 4 CI IM Wklt. JaI.. 1IMIWWW. fVUB ' ITI i.B W , 600 """8 40 "5 ''S83 , 1 454 SBO , .14 49 ,47 W.11 am. DH . . . . WlUlam,84aln " "" ' - ' WUllama, aorge Wilder. "The Widow" WlUUme, George (Agent) ' Tearby.JaBMe ., v-v: Teargte, Jeeepa. ' ' -loans. Mancv . 8 07 - ORAXD, 5QTJARS JND tJPRIGT Have rrceived upward , of , FIFTY FjaST PREMIUMS, and arenmong the beet now made. Every invtrnment ful'j Vrarranted foe flveyeara. Prioea M low aa tba exluive nee of the very beat maierinla and the moat thorough workmanbip will lertnK, " The pripclpal plnniete Md com. Meere, And tbe piano-purchaaing poblic jf the Bouth Mpaninlly, unite . in tbe jHumimooe verdict of the auperioi me Btien f lano. Tha uunbiuty i our Intttomenu 1 full ceUbiiahed : by over Sum ScBootve and Collegea ia tba South aeina over 800 of our Pianoe. X : Sale WboJeeala AstaU for aeveralbftbe principal maaufaetBrera of Cabinet end Parlor Organa: prion from 850 to $600. A liberal, diecoant to (jierrymea and Bab beta School. A large aaaortmeat of', eecood-band Piano, at pricca nnirinff from 875 to bow, aiwaya on nana. , Beott tor iiinatreua ucuioeue. eon tninlng the nnmee of over 1,000 Sooth- eraere who have bought aad ; are naing ma Buea tnana . , ' : CA8. M, BT1EFF. 1 Warerooma, No, t North Liberty S, Wi'-'J tit :U- :usxmmoa iiavr ? FMtorice, 84 A 80 Camden Bt and 0 (j 1 tiarrv tu. . , , ,iU I I11." I1"11 '.."'I'! ! I " ! Wff.i V . ... . ATI - y IV. ..uhImm are hereby as tiled to come forward aad atst- ' BVAg VV8UVO ADAMB ADBLB g. BLATXB, TACKS tbla BMthd of mformlnB-her eatroae. thatfh wiUbeelna Cuee in Damme In the HaU over Jalla Lewla A . Co.' aure. aaiuroay p. av, January vta.. Claae for Ladiae, Mlaea aad Matter from 4 till e, Monday. Wcdneeday tad hatnnUy. .Claa for Oetieaen, Monday, Wednesday Md Thntaday,' from 1 tHl p. m. Tnaaa 414 per Beaaioa Ml Uaaoaa. Halt payable te advance. ; . Saw STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, .. , ,ywf-t Causmaar Cobkvv John A. Womack a ad aar., of W- Taylor, Mr. Ann E. Taylor, ThomM XI Ttylor, Jaa. P. Taylor, C I Taylor, JoMphlo Taylor. Beetle W. Taylor, and the heir at law of W. A. Taylor, eeceeaed, aamee anknown. tt appearing to the eaUafaetkm of tbe eeort, let the defeodaata. Ann . Tarlock Tnomae A. Taylor, J. P. Taylor, iharlea U Taylor, Joeaphine Taylor, Mary Li Taylor and Burt a W. Taylor, aroaoorealdenUof thi Bute, and that they are proper part let to tale proceed tag, B la ordered that pablieatioa of the earn mons hi tbe above entitled action be made m the Balefgh Sentinel, a aewtpaper printed In the etty of Baleigh, oaco a week for , ete weeka. To tbe Sheriff of Chatham county, great tng t Ton an hereby commanded to summon tbe abore named defendant tf they be found te your county, to be end appear ai the office of the Clerk of tba Superior Court for the county of Chatham, within 90 day after the earrloe ef thu eumewae on. them, cmelaalrc of the day of euch aerttca, and anawer the eomDlalnt. a coot of which will ba denoalted In the offloe of the Clerk of the Superior Court ot eeld county, within ten day from the date ot thia tDBMBona, aad let them take wotlee that If they fall to aatwar the aald complaint within that time, the plaintiff Will apply to the Court for the relief dear art ed ia the mplaint. -. - . . : liarela fall not and of that eummoMmake due retanw- Given under my. hand eoieeal of id court, thi the tut. day of March, 1875. " T?M.. rAU8HtE. 0.8.0. aprfl 4 wfwiosfj'. Chatham pountyn tt -v. -I : 1 1 f. , I' . MrM ATTORNBT ATt LAW,-.,..-... Ofaea loath of the Coart He wmr tbe 7-tt Parker, p Peny,C ,.--.. O-K . ..tt- .. .,; YMTIXIO EXTRACT! 'j i Tb oo ly kowi fewMdj Uit , itmunT'SDiMtisi! . And a potlUve raamdy tut GOUT. ' OKAVEW" BTRICM Ukl3r7i; A . . BITA DTaPEWlA, MBBVtuUB V DBBIUTT, VBOfBT, ii'V'if i.jm- Noeweteatlomer ineoutfweace of Urine, irrl . tatlua, Innaumailoa or (Jleamtiua ot Ut Bladder -Kidneys, LeaobrVaeje ot Whiten, DUeaaee of the rV trata MUad. Utmia la tKa Hlulrt... kmjiiareroe Brickdiut y .. BlBCttl jBg jKtABaw llBWJMaaiaje, ;:KEAllNET'8!; BiTiiicx'Brjcni , fermananUy Cure all DtaeaW or tiic BLADDER, E1DNKT8, AND DROfSl. CALSWELLINOV -!titUUg In Vea. Women and Children IJT NO MAT EH WHAT Til AUK - 'fOtWeeleaaya- "Oiio U.U1 ol .r. f7 a rnW Xxtraet Bncha U worth nurr ih.n clTotber Buebat combined . Wee, One Dollar per Bottle, or Mi HoiUr for five Do.lart. Depot, 104 Duane St, Mew York. A Phyaiciaa la attendance to aa.wrr Urr ponaenee ana give adrice rralla. A Ckmrp jm Adnmmnd CoiumUaim,. Da JBDTOVV, gradeateof Jefleran H4. leal CoUaxf , rhiladelphia, aothor of vrai valuable work, can be eontaited ou all dia e of the Bexaal or Urinary Oriraw, ( bich he hat amde aa etpeeial aUdy) either iu mt' or female, no nutter from what came orivu atlna or of how long etandlng. A orat tier ot SU yean enable aim to treat ditcaim m, eaeeea. - Cure gaaraataad. C'haixw m eoaable. Tbote at a diaUnce can .ir.r,i tetter dctcrlblng eymptoea and tucio.,,, te prepay pottag. d lor U (Mil U OtrnllK. Pru-, J. a DYOTT, M. 1).. HlNUUto AMP LATHS. The Ctry Bhlngle Co., it now frtfuti lo furniih abitglwand riatha in aay qiinmit1!. deal red. luew thinglatan Ue beat in : market. Addr. . .- CARF 8H1NOLI C .. mar 17 tf tarj, Veke Co.. , i AN ACT TO ASCERTAIN TH a IM DEBTCDNESs UP 1 HK DirFfKKN T COUNTB. CJT1BH ANi- TOWN t)K TBIH BTAlB,. All TO I'RKBUkiBK A BTATUTKOf UMITAUONB, , 4 , Th4 Unroi AMfgmn f Jivrw torMiaa d timet 1 . jap'vj Wt:r. ti Bbotiow 1. That all eh.lwu aKabitt li e ev erl count IraoJ'.kt acd towuol ih!t U-, whether by bond or .utfeerwiae. ahall bi rr anted to' the tbairnian . bf (be foatd of Coaaty Commit onen or to We cbi-4 otn. rr ef aald dtireand town, aa tbeteet b, withia two yara alter Ite inalur tv or ti cli claim or elafmt or the holdeiv( nchfl in or claim, (ball be forever barred fioia n cry thereof. Provided, That claim which have lmdv matured, and hecoma da ahall be yrr. eulni oa or belort Uie tnt day of Janaaiy, a 1)., ISTI, or tbe bolden thereof ahall be foirrrr I nt m I.HIMIB ih anf . . - Bao. S That it ahall be lb doty of 'bf Ciialrmaaof .tae Beard of Coaaly t muii 1 Ion art of tbe ten rl count ee it tbr ih 1 ofliocra of thettveral eltle andtocm. v caatetbenatare, amount data aad Uiuroi matatlty of all cla me ao prM-aVd lo hr r corded fa a book to be kept for that ioi po , and to be called ' The Keclatry of CUin... Sao. S. Itthall bathe duty ot Utereim tary of atatete aubliih thia act fcrtiion tecotivi wtck la tt Pailv Kcwn, It aad sentinel aewtiaper, ublb-hed In lae ri y Of kaleica. the Journal t l oaim rir, put -llabed la the city of Newbrra, the l ly Joarnal, pnblitbed la the eiiy of Wilwn t toa, the CliirlotH Obr erver, publ ihrd la thr city of Ch riottej the ereenaboro Fruict, publlahed lathe city of iirvm.oro, tie AahevUle Citizen, pablitk d in the tuna r AtbovtUe, Tbe North CcroUaa ttvtutie. pub. Uabedia ray'Ucvtllc. "no. . Thhaet ahall not apply to m county who debt are already audlud u.i accertalBed. ABO. A 1 bt art (ball tak e fleet from nuJ after Ha ratineollua, la Oeaeral Aaacmbly read three t'ui" i U nt fled the Mod day l Manh. A D BTATB'or n6rTH CAKOLIN tij.ui--i!.0o Bacav..i.ur ar.ti. " -f Baleih, Match !. 1 hcreb; certify triat th Irn gotK a traen.ur al the or g ral arto. die 'n ih Office. VMrTH. HOWEKT N, mbSO-daw .'!Ji? ' Beenlary ot . - A mild eperieot nnd aenUe pargaUve, f- f nmmended forth cure of all draBrmrin ef the atomncn liver ard '.bowela. Hi hrr timely bm a acb alckncM I prevented 1 teat of mnyyen have proven them t beeafet,"art and beat of all xh I'1'". CTtroSered to the public. Thry mri0 hr blood, remove all eorrnpf on ai'rt ntUK tbe-dlreaaed evatrm lo nrr heafh. Aatidote 10 Chill t Pteer theyu" equal.. Fori Umpepai they ar a (lnt" For Bick Ueedeeh ai.d Hllioat Colic U o a aure cur. For Contipa'lon, Kl eDni'!'"' PUee, Palnttatk-nof the t-eart,. late to 'b' Bldr, Pack and Lolne, Nitvoaanwa. l " tive ttoiiedy.r gov.FepiBla Irn-cu' i'1'"; wlthoat a rival." "When one doea not r Very weU,- Incle. do tibaa'atw etomarh aad bowel, reatoret Ue W"-'ilr andlmpHlavlmir.ta tbeyteui r' arywhere. Pfflc 1 Murray 8U V f r T- j -r- - DB.TUm HA1BUT. la eatllv . applird, rnparU a burnt 'al biri or brown, and act like meglr. Th b. .1 . tbe world, . Sold by aU draggltU. frk H w bof.w, ,; ",, ..1,. !.... mm nlanm aftMtlona ia frichtlul. 1 U no eJamaatbatl eo Intidaoua in Itaat tatk aa - eonnmptten. By the neglect o "rilght eolda" tbey aooa become depae. l aad defy Mmediee wbleb, It epulitd at the onteet, woald have averted all aanger. lr- meet valuable Lang1 Balmm t dircoverrd ,emmguenea eiergymaa w w taoaaeea it the "rrcaUat nVraaiag of the .lu.ili Minn ud aava. "ao fmU' boald b Without It It la jdeaaant tott- taate, aad eatagw done win a rwj uiaa orjatlaaU mach. Ofaee. le Mani) Street, Mew Tork.. , , r vrrn ..-. bw x?au , ' J

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