i iiJ j'.ilt. w. . I'vMitBa Br loiiiirj.TUiiiiKi, i 1 ' ' ' ' -.:.:- r ( V- a- . ,. : ... 'V.! , . ' ' , , - V - '. L " ' ' 1 1 V" V . - :f-' ...,;- tki i . . . t i l C I- r" a i ,'Vr t a b... i.J ICIJ uth or MHClintOt mil) BeatlMl I ytt la aJraM ' ' OaUr l mUj la sdvaaea V: H.Ott i k.UU rkly -tl I , , V ..J V ) I 5.IM ..t-4...... -1 J .'-. ....-i ' tB.'-n.j, i Ml A , , ..... , -x jjtf 1 1 J i"' JVi2' r V 1 1 " - - ! , 1 " a t jj ;. uu,..y ;.. ,J :..L. f -'tl r?.?!? 0f "M ? .X Hutt Wfl7hef4 17' t Ktc, i ft. r ' -T.l ii 4 1.. i.i J. ... : A Good Lkttkb. direct atlcn Uon to tii taUsrwtlnjr letter of J 'C Boottenl , sq'n rtju-l22 'ia knjther t Wie Ctidrnian 6f Count )!ec j tUMalnatlc. : 1 1 ' mi ex- the Wl :: '. " 71. tLa foifasal Lo'tuLf tl.rni wLlvh 4 iT;. tiAjcvilm Th SteotuI Anousl ScmJou1 cl LegULiar. "i7d telUoTaa attempted I Pae4 toy In' L'rftiof Ue Iasehr, 'k Li t.e .i i i.'.'. dJ?ji'cii ... . v. w . .. n.w i y 1 I 1 " I - .. .... J1VUW.V4. luvai inuvmiiu I wui vyUUVIUI Ul IfVI Will - - iouowingrouw io ne pursue t we , ; . i "wijwwaer, ott' moyouxftpu.u a r "roia luejr eupport u4jiuh jivce &uowii2careiujrwrepareuuiiieiowe i , n .UdWatei' fi fckgate to'tto CeiU fcltow l IWwheittr 11 wfc PPJliiW battel tat If CJ L..;i8 WUoiii "Colt m'ie wyWpiJ;ti1l our i";!nie ipcakliiir T fx! -;Cm wSI Vra if ?McM t8 , V HcT onel John D Whltfoixl and Hr'JoLn. bit5 w, IfUeUmJ' T).e mmbiiwclitV, r MMgti by i)BdiJatoe i . Ii T??Hter''!,Wj Pa.Tai i .toiirjonct were ; appointed aIftant rc. utt W ' a rd. tJ' iral XTen ti ,w In , .'j'"1 ,f'v "'"''t c aiWbCrccl4.Ttiwday;:lhat J"- Smith A Strong Paced Sark -: --.frf C"9 : vV-.rtan4 55 S' ? -i UtVy'e." - V "J W6'Xbce; " The (WM .'Oa whlrVn ol Woae! Thoa U i'Ji,' Ptiritia. w W.cWMKiW'U-day f? 2?' g'iSsrJ'lg . S V "v , AKahorn; fSrklajr July lbudJej'a ncJ b' "r Htiar .Mlona. ,0:.t ; eQrcci connlsl .of 0U N ha. been In l& yea orl g to 1 N S . " sK &.S 2 7 . ?wKt rieek, turtax. Juty 17, ITottifc. fSauoat wiU bcS!o borrow. fleaa Bojt, Unhaoiaid oJuiafo w. the repeal M. U.o lav lhat ponalU foe n" f ' "5 ? ltT ' trlt a,...!. I . DiED.-On the Cih of liar. iT.t f. I Vuw w an upon bw excellency I rarmccto mortjac bia crop boJord H i .,, y -i fc .(,., , r t Cary. Monflay July 49th Carey. Whllt X)ak', TueiMlay July 20th Apex tliompaon,' r '1W&tlhi'iiMrMt!faThh land. taeiii'iciy'Ior.'crda!', P&ffV'" ExlhTa- oulJ 'he pedpl t'ti'iciiy'-'por.'crda!" pMTil hicQtfcmih'Itlif the eyci ofk.1 good 'tltlena. &or& Carouiia ia 'pour.'atid Lec.!8 UylLva 'entire Cdaul tf tliO" f UU. "I." bj' iLiuch h Mred J iVij (JJl ' 'J.o branch la cdi...eiwh.itt ,IJ le'the re ' ault If all wee 1 ij t.'.;U.. Much of tina eit .Aii4bWtMt4IJ' y aaved wera if Hot? rW ! rf t''Vii - iD-toV, . Iinl'niy'iW iUuc..;, bit aUil out a 'ZT I 'tern truth atyj fitct; sdd tf 41m peo I pie of ifortV tArjIinav R-f jHae Uiey Will 1a.UAH n..K ? The Saaal -Mlr fDlhnTa.V'1 MaJlJlarl1s!tti-i.t.JH 4 --Oak Grpre, Thuraday July 22d Grove. 1 . ' . m .twn t MVW v.. UVUJ ,p i:ouea Crecll,i:ionii-yJi jCiOug'a Moro. 4 .l . rUle. Ibdeavnie, ll'edneaday July C8lh .C. Moore. " Mark'e SreckJ':Wi.lay 20fl: 1 .Wa H. UatUtear'aV Kalurday July plat , rowell'a Store. jf.VWTV. M;,Bep, . ill.'! 'j !' a . . ' t .1 . te khort Ulneaa of rtteumonla: Jolm rZ rTT'rr, Vr rmw piateU i f Mi.T ac;.oairfgamTi pret Thompaoa., Ua loavei a &c--. ly VZ. clilldiTOaMaTlarsaiitim -'i hara U raraW th UaC4'a V, Helop thoaa latonmtav Ia.th.mWiK eternal raln.-llla but word, la Id. I. - "TLTcwr,T W " w MW wcajftt. M ' " " : " I WflH Ballu,f. , aAntMlllilA Al. .1 innTma l I . . a . 1 W 4;--:f . it J'-r.. iii' ..! 4- - ... . I I 'r " w mw wvMKnwa , j .itu m rrou i luueign u range, were Mnautnta,mofli- TThe ertdu ayvtembe aald. U ruin lb the Rich I azrienltural iotiireata. Arrbniltiin. i Dm and llanraret Thnmin. ti. u... . 1 ".-w,Mca.a..Ui f iaea! uua i loandaUoa atoae ofibU our cotahiirQa , lOak wlfk: mx liw-kVi71.I?"5jStue F m- wlneh traJe, and inatloaal wealth and ,we 1 .(.u 1 rn .!,..! J... . !... .t.. I .t. . . 1.1 m;w ..-! t... ; ki..i",""ur,""Jl w NHiun vi ua NHnut BKwci w niaaai umnrari anil h Aew jjjfiii, rriuay juir zjj uii. M0.1I-A " ... ... . . . . ! .. i ZCth 'ileet ma la boa-en.'? Scorr PABiiJt.The murderer :of I oommoaf aeoae, wIm tU 'aid alberaof the.-w-.-- Mra. Scott rartia and her baby k iaald -HWM-4i great At I Adjourned until h4v. to have arrlTed by ;the norfoern ' iraln I to beforai U .asrkttlturaJicIaaata of 1 ,'! 'mm' nV r. 1 thia eTenlnff. and aoaaa exeltemMt'twA. I the !.' Souths :? ira la'tbait uti I 'rVt i' i k Vor thi Seatun ' ar-" -...i' i ..... " i r""7i,vTrTT i Utile Wrer, Thursday July 29tll W. faSh reuoa Uwreot Tha , police J lmprotfmcnia, tMjlhBtCirl5 ; IM. may are particularly active in the aaarcl tni,a&lU:-&;&t Wow I :Wi.iJaw.milaia - n v ivoMti jv-j aaaw aava awaaaaaaaa lived carpet' presa ha haa not been teen: That MOO I aaodea knowa to the antlentai. wlienl reward in foeaa dull time. U ilUfaU fit ), maae aaea tttr around 9 l ! I J,,r bretlireir who have 7 I tar teaVeara under d'ccto and. c ;.,.,. . horrid A .7 . r-'V f. 1 1 iietrooolliai. Call baa nl-tt a k.. AfiL1 w...- ; r J-JT . I J"-. P oy, wnea joub i.7 oaay) ABguiw ou i -- - ..MrZ- t..Z . 7J. Ji A? I THr.!,rr,,M !"wTr" cred la broad daylight by Jafte ' Lwi 4th rr :wgo? 'Wr. to hi; !2t'ivt... p.ajnuv.yoice.of gooa bJ wile Were brutall"aatil ... .a. a a-naiBi -a nm at at ai n n i i a AU.A.i..a . m - -'.'.'!'. . a v i ,.f -. - .. - -i it iu Aoama. . i Batelfih, ,WedneateyjAntt :a : T Alfy'ai ar2tvtm.!ii(: '.Jattiaiiu..:.. - vi xvunui puuiic juguia inn.wua I 1 UOl. liOLlr In tokKira Hi. l'iirtt.. I . .. '. .. . i .. , u . ' t i . , a v ' . ... jii ' .... -A . wm convi MI It. itVi . - ,if TMKCAMPA1CX . Jolia II. Graham, Kaqhat been i aoialaail for eonv'eatkiii by Ihe con- -J) from putt. t . J'""' v -.uwayMi i rtiacipiaa.wktoli Uiey cvrm the worlJ ml t... ti--... uri 'i. it... t.ta .i The Democrat, of tibaiw tnei inleffortaof lumobleanpcrlntcndentahouUl ms al Cliarlottfl: fii"1 a I T T "Tr " Tf TV t . t ' a. j . . . - - - -t, , wbm a aaa ia ma ra nirr at Ayvar w a nil rkn aim rna ...... r-. titti . -.r. .r vr! . I InERaoiCAlw IIi : ' Honor wiluajn 1 . . yv' www Ft'i ia not lccl aufflcient Interest in toe Jttoa, iayorf Charlotte, Ufa Ifoe I W T; .th' o'tioa f cMTtatloa. 'or,aaliyeU W the VimtoMmv : jI..w:-f ua.TZ &I work: that iWould rtdoopj to Jl: 2JA :.Vm..U;V -'raWpW . TK. n.niuil. I. I1'. . .. : . r r; .,i ItliMnkarf llttt.tlavtinuwl tSr; lita mV1Ib1 I ... faTi ; . i .'' ....kv..;! ..-..!.. w -nj-"- Aadrewa, ' g woer ana .iraager i every jf I CbL H M, - wave man are eoims, ,w; pe irept i b m attendance , rroar are beginning tUnl bacl fo I rongreaa. Hie rear, where thev bclonm, mhi I ; I r1,i i I 1 i 7i A tfil i 1 1 fit mi irhlta fein;' f South Caroliia; TTJi vjjfr1? 1 ' W wire'for nofolng .U. t id tael anon the Cottoa 8tatca I 7' Tr," .wrrwra Judce.5ai.l macWtoalcay foe tecUla- a in aitvqv laaaaav wvaa ua a,aav aara wuw ifaa- 9 .' ItiA awaWwY 'vntornmAnr ttn ltiffiiTi of the elUaea. generally, He deUvired it't ZSl l.:.i-t-; ..-I--.J -:t.4, . .Iwweatwiwwyoa , have ahvg . r I T--"?"raT !T JVVUteeyoaiuay be 1 a , . : a. i :-i mm 1 .. ." ff . o T. , tj rrsr. iiw; for , jw I wjwywwm-w. imi.ntn w piv i ip, oi will reflect for a nor " ' ' t-f yr our condiUOn. , ; i I K,wi tv u. wv w wajtuX M I V ln . n.i.r.lnt.' In 1.1 Und pa- content to foe bWt I J i-r. - ... .1 .a j. i " uauti vu Ul. 1 ft. . 1; I rottoa. Itiking.'.Vi.na, welcomed thlirHB WinianW of ttrniian, n waanu convici- It ' S a Ifl t! " IS. 5' Se .i.S'f ft-i j i J tj Jrs fjtf V t at l VJJ i T ,iii.L?'.'jaL'rii:'i'J !jd J I.1 Bt Hi" aBeT X. Open. OVtoicr I ; coiUnitoj . . through nine mouths;' It In orgauhoJinaclioola tm (he eleetiv ayatota, with hilt course in tlaaaic- Literature, ficidncafwilh ing,Whlnauil Agriculture. Apply ibalGatoloinit!' to JAMES r. IIAKltf. a A ftyX i OiaJramm 0.' O- Univeralty of. 1.1 Ill S Ui .Jd'.li! i.l 'lUfisVil . it! Hi' rs ?! OOK-OW ;K31UXrJiKJ. .jtn.. it 1 ... . . 1 1' 1 Aiq --rcvi-nuwn uauverairruotei, ao lone and well kent by MJaa Xancv Hill- w "" vj mm w ay oi'jLBgnay next. HWa btlnj the wily Hotel feuUditig In tha place, f properiy kept wUJ pay well Ii couUIua fcWyM rooms.. Ua the breaalaea are all 1 acccaary ' ouUiouaea, haaidoa largo and coataedloa etablee. ' 'tlf' fish tuxjitt -1 ta w "Maui? diit1utpel iUlt, 'Kl C, t-l'JJLll'.IHllljV w' . Jni)'J . 'j.u.j aaiU- ntt 1 1 fl caria ot W7S . Faartt Moo- 3 l28" SS-' KM V' Vv's-ii'V t 5 ft . fN: " ' ..Jo-Vt'7i;.iJT;-iu It , .in-- V V TUB ijj I.TSS UJt-j. ;.,lol M'qsfrti a.2Ii girl t ttllf iAliii'i3 it! t fl.i('ij aiif'ri.- KiKrtinn llATtthoaiT ITon..' la' Catawba ta a iobl54U 'ijountr-' and ihi.Jl(.tn. in ik. fun- iiuu."iin. rwentaUva of tho clty government land glorfea in the proud dUuctlbrt pf being I greaa. ; JIo removed o Savannah, a year toe banner Dejaocratia .ottuntyof tthalago. .r, - ,u :i tj, , SUlalWf leara that CoL:. JlcCorile Senator rorthy wa in,' the' cltjf tlie VuiocnUIc, CoavcnUon ndmiaee I day. - lie bring cheering intelligence WW have n& oppMlUon.CarMf PCk I from hi. eoaaty. .v,t - . t . -' ' Mmr-K-it x ' !,r V'-i ' j I ,9d D., R Bntler; TreeldeaC -of jthe A. A. Campbell, the' tkTortnr:isjtor I f Sta ; Cc-nsreaa, ). aojpurning of foa Radical party W Xotth Catjla, I the Yaxborough. : 1 ' f ndaeuididata Cir convention h nicr.I"TherrealJent of tho N. Cr okee eoun t jj not only encloraef ! lha Grange la expected tomorrow, tai to rif" T - l f 'lIu8 ' WlTl that R ,not:or0 aererei-.rarfcffal ;voi. ManKianoi or xowa, WWIi LTIi ...IV. " , R , ?Jw7W tirWer. 7 - . :.. I 1 Yaxborongh 7'. . w ki.M U -II-Z HZA :,U,CB t.W.WN t4twm,be aeea BWihaAhove Thi 'of laatwU itated that Hr. SL T. Lehman. tooa of F'il',w,""J iJfcn.! br-bii M,m k. .h. W".J5JS ZT' Wltw wtoa W trayne .our 10 1 icsiuy against pur .a lliiftll talocraet i mmJI tihtMtiiihw 42uaT lit i Aw tExauemv,, CtisaieAti; If the fob Uova. Sav. Jowra M. ATanaoa, V LV1 itiii if is I ta CaaKuaj U. (dun, ,f f Wielbala. J , - ThataeDoiauiuWl iUaalek I1I chool:wUl-1naVWKIaA'rar rVp tomher, lat, as.i. TIm IVIocliwU bay ' prwured 4br the achoul the comnualioua man nirtaouTO' rcaiucijco oa .jtewbern Avenua. WlUlcnnwn In: t?4LcJ.t . 11.. jsyi-isi? xBealdoa codthiulng fotiV y-jSthool Uiey propose taking a limitodi nuatber of FflWr1 PH ter4 and., fooUutt to board In their owa faiuily- . The trammjr of the Bchooi,'aa"herelo. abrevwiltba fulli tiioroush andaeimt. J I P"P3narr.M.jpUa otlcoaVegaidr lor . vi-iiiiku, mwihiuu wui do provuiea hmll departmebta-aa maybe required. The frincipala treat thatft.iai.carcely as l PwU.Mm to .aaj.Uiet whilst tne acnooi wui continue to be conducted bnCTulrtlail-prmiiplca; It will Ibe entire !y without denomhiaUonal' aim dfrblaa. IcFprcironlara amloWlkfor4taAtiun 9 A m"fs.?ih t7ji .K.Viai-te:l" . !: iUH ('.alJ...lil til. i Bv vjrtot,a daa otMrakfutltr7w BiiHioaBcJ 1 1 will o Anirart aext. . .... voumiouaa I faUojiirar dm annioin the i9sj... I 'nn.. dtxrea ot tha 8nprea Court w w ai na a im uoor Ui the City of fUlelrh th Htad ArortMil aMMfc 1 lllna ('If a! W. I..lf.l. . K.......I I -. Io'5,w.et"l'(rttotli 'Vita Wnor . .J Tii H i! """S nwuce ww " wence ffurta wit a Kail- .... .. j, v. - canmaatef ror convention, ww po . One . clined,Therl.t:lmd;tilflckc4 'Chratrcfet Jratttdr :atut'tttttche4 am!at to! write. - jorince to in air. ,ixiimaa uaa f I that of the aWeet arid noblef among Govtfroor and tha reprcMataUve ofthe 1 XkaSA UfZiMmiJ lJr i,i , KJaL? I Ifavrf' of lbto'LVh2 a aet tbttli th. 1 Trrt.rt'J fuw rrry ,f rv 1 j ; 7"-.-,rv;r--rT 'Tf wat ihoTowi- MraVWaUaf y aaiwiM aw 'kSani!Icka Wirif A.J hnM jnvui aatk.l cryaaf irinr taoM' -tKa hijaa 1-. ' i' ."1 l. , s - 1 . ,T-a.-ri declined to run, and to, ana WiU remain I rv. hi to aroaao our oeoDle. and thow 1 eaU repreentcd by thle Conjrreafc: t: aw - wt a a , t.e !. I"" , I. -1 w . we canci uate m. ,iae xwpwiNwaB, pany them that we are ttow fighting the bat. I a-Tha Governor and . r ai ir 1 1 . . f ' ?lThOa coming ixp the Central .Ball-1 vprks ofthe enemy who are Intretach-1 J The roll of 8Utet vu called, nkd the ' roedy a few doji ago, from towud ifQ I log for UuU great contest." Every I Ibllowlpg dclcgatei i responded t y x mlugtoQ a gentleman otcrheard he j Democrat ihould remember this. (T,o I ; ItansM,4 JuJe' Jolm T. f Jon?, . auHtM 1 j. fVdkH a aniAM A, a ti aaKli a ha. I lAta IVAaPfft aTawlTnaa Irk fha Am1n A atAr- I ( IAArria 7' r. f lalrla: 31 IIP I tit aTVUiV IVUI an lAWrweWitUU - W Ibtl V I evww wm vwvuu aaa a yia-aeg a wiiavf ' ' aaaas-r t ' gro rassener., .lie told tl.e nerp tjiat j tut to to loee jt in 1370, wheaikprn I Dr Jaynci, E W Cutler. Eugene More . : wataay aM vu a waattaaa anaDuavaw hiimb kv . omhiw v b mw aawaw vt aaaMvfwvtH a hvhw -: ' ; L Tit -: Kiued inat ir tne iemocrau. got a I ana democracy ww join nauie lor ine i Dtate urangc, onn Carolina :-M bjeea to aprae extent eootroUedi by AmtivaiL'tthai nulillalfltmnhiha ' leaa by3S,77AJl fhAa that aaulcieut ,t to i wscu - to - uelTfly . road to the eitnli)a ol UmffXt tmC,llHnce , Etutwith Htvett 8tnH-tUiU)lg1iilmf. to- . : ..Tenna of Bale": One half Cimh. i.alah iui."- abUaawtwamMttoaftertdarof -aaUmttk Im-" relief The ball atruck thin Up tha Goaerai Aaacmbly metta. only 01 ice K w, QQrjj knd glanced,' or the ahot would u .:tWo year, (an auendmant paa ed JN , , .,.:., proved fhtal. iaf-:?ty: I toMm4aaiU9ttKt)$ttii PB1CES1.0W to hi. I bona! have proved fatal." : , 1 hJt! C7iiBarvattvofeflortab that! tha '" The Wounded mani diacovercd ' fhrot 1 nana of the hut liiffialature. 1109.1 men la the wood, who'had ' ambwed 1 80; ahoald be divided by two to ahot him, but cbald not identify them. " Sut I proper per anncu cxpehae., 1 'ft? toil laa popalar'ttaa wKUhlapariyja.!! tNow Wt 'm .esUmote-the prbl iiii.iiinniln clamca to change foe CMW ite eontrol of fta , aatloiu .NorUiCaroBna Gr.ve.,0 W tawrcn , J TJateUaw w.howbyKi elcbUoa aimaglaUto ooat' of fhd tBtotibnal OtttvtfiEi walpplD, irU t 4 .t.Ub wMbecountedapon by fooMendjlof .M. andtobmbJrbttheflnanc. mMuinjV, taxe. wouU doubled, tha ncgroe.wouU true gorernmcnt hi that great coateat. ander, fl To..uv 4 WlUlara Jofny ,rtApWJilaWlnent. if tbibrtiota f iiMSo be put , back into .lavery, and .every Euihould w. be beaten la Ant, jwe ton,J9 iDWt.tM, A Bledsoe, wvinc,. 2i)ooirkecpcrai.5), per,, M J , other tort of disaster would reaall to may hanrjour heads in thamo andepn Mat$ d umel Eotuigt T U IM - aCauw jtU u udiem- ;il7 :' t,rfiivfatm .-y jiSia.-jij-ira yxississsp - 'HiinB.k t?T.r.-:at 422is. ?. mf& L'orrerti.J 1y F C crr"rsTOnTEi3. 1 The Charlotto Vtotrt .aya "Mvenn I ' um. lfcnd Mk how long" wUllI be be ror o yn I " " ' u"n4- a-ra. w w-. - 1 -V I , f I I1vb I T a ial Tf A nt f 11.. 1, 1. 11- I. MLJkhimnvW tUV.IIaTabWUHn Ult'aVLnTIIUUU STILT,: IOUVINO. - jiJ ",totliri 1 , i PBlCUSlOWfiH THAX IVKtt. la -'4.4.lf 9aaihn aaai Ono Of, pur firm,, havlnsj Juat roturne d froni the Kbrtlt; where lie has' been nur chasing gooils M alt thoIifrrtfit auiea and 4ualitieboloBglH toonrlMistaesa, ia:ordet ito jpalit0hoii.brolien. ;lui la ; tlie variotu) dcpartmcnta,, we are again enabled to offer to. bur customora and ' thn fublte kt lar greattr fntlucctnenU : thmi heretolora In nwlnti minm H (fis1',v(,ilnl. : j Luc rrrHt fttwv Black and colored UJAn vteiol'i ! Sumaier eilka, CTcnadinea.nH " iroliair eultlnirs, . COTTOX. ' ' j Radly stained, or very 4Irty, 11 j ' Cleaned atoined. or ordinary. " 13aUf Good ordinary, - " ' ' 13aU - 1 . . .1 ... T dalatoa lor convention." Indepeadcat, I but varloaa unexpected buslneangjiffI 7 -tQ lfFxThtCF' we anrpoae- We bad thought that aRer I ateuta aad 4irovUent'.i ' orcurrendea. '. T , ' r ? rr.Jvmff'f 1 mt mba and wm have 1 liUaliiO tha tevera drnUip Indrpendenft ramhV I .t.k.:i.t.;i.".r.. : i loaatt to the wluto ntea of the weat MWtn n--eViMafnn w received in t &i accuoa i: t year, i . vlt.2ll.ulri.t.., 1 nenteraaee, x . - - - ; I j f-.-'Jtyi-'-BH..f X'inhtAal nahiidatadaan cahd.. raa ;-inih. I.HM it r.n In Flulnn.l .ir lj.1.1 I "t, WWftJH lWlfa W WWW'UtUJia I -MMa. i ' I 1 - ' t ll t " .! . U. 'JlT 1.1 "" r .:-' J..! 1. .l"yyfwl T.'T.V TT " H" - .w w ; uu.vo..u. , .,t... ... .i i' i us iciu.n7 rfinji.iunn or tha si:U.at. vim .z.:rmu f''--.-' t -tmne b.l J. a!UneaoitlnVt4vI 4 ,f.'i-oj pc i ian Xebra iaqSUagv i imon laama u . I MinsH'h tai amaArta.ka ta ran fj aOcm I aa tna wMpaaeatanva or tha-lowa Mate l-.l . ..T WTZl.rrrrt . ... - : " . ; " I ":Z 7' i"J-".ui.i : i -f. .L.Ul 11 .Hi ' , - - ' " - " a ' sj- ..1 . t F . . . T T I I! Ait En M w at. TTTT . . W . fTill. 1 I i T" t . v ls taU. t - I mviflirn ftATwa . . WWil.iHa, " r,-.: V I th.ra.ar!:iAKt a nnmlnmtton:: . I I f i "H-ju-f i-xttiNuit.4 u a r , law. "M . , nuni, iu. muuiat 1 T.lI rnat nf (Tnnvvtw ' i ,,.a ,.,.. T-y.&frii.riiJBr;iL 11 K9IKRA& .'' j l - . . ,., .T- - 7 ' .-2 'r'' L" : LMfouet'be 4 whiW toaft'a' eovcrnnicht.lri. v'H .L , mj, ., .4iii'AiWI Irish linen.. - Iteggln.lome.tic SfB .'-ard Wlall, LVCAXmiAi. A880OTATiaif.-Th -U,mw n hajiV'' K .liH' V F'tTX , 7- , Victoria lawnaf T ? fottoa Uea, 8o, 7' Srd annual meeting of the tducational d IF Graham and J (7H oaten were joa mT-J;raTl,lLrti. iitoyMSimk al-ftf;! l rlM .-'-Jaioneta, , Hew, North tarolina,-7X0, f Aoctetlon of North Carolina wM jha mai;aa anterod aa mentliera of the IrC STUi ih?, OOH-'aa that tha-tott'or jLmVeatloh-VrlJl tohattarl MimarkMpit , Cora nwal, new 93a 1.(H). P Wednesday, July H:h, 1873. . ;, .i'-Ji1'4 i"," 1 known la all foe wfest hon'rouch Cpy 1-C.-P.w,rm WJf -Ov'V f .iSlo. 11 ta n61 r n to mention partlc- . Bacon, N.C.hojr round, ISal 1 ' A proTiu- At vecU A CnnuUa m kr. Cas, fihYor WWtU::aaa,'an4 aow aX 11.!! . ft ?, Al StT iriy jalce. to ottf gioda, a. ft'oily r. " ' ' 'V" ' ham. lCal7, :r--:l9l I pulhed In a fcw tLiya. j waa . appointed,-.- oWhir j-f 'Jatb Zj; w. Jj Trl Ij.T,T ln the taxable value of e projierty turea me 'fcrlal to ' cuatomcra' to con . " .;' -'clear rib ahlea, 13Jw 1-apera fiionCy to-.thas AawclatJoa Jooea, of ArUaaaa,--OJ. r4X jPL TO ''T W T oTfoaStato-MttlM.OWM'Mfoa vine IfttawelvM that. tbS'nTiiakara" , - -.,. -.long J. Idea, IX will please notice. M D raxw'L cT.d '"(.I "Wm.'oX J dcuWraiMja from ioch uagfcto. coatof Conveutloabiii 23' 'Jfrifi f-afcla nnot andwiU notbo aurrtsaed in i " " -aholdora,'! Tiltl. Ey Order of tlie EiccuUve Commit- tW' 1 " 7 L V rial nK-era a milium J. 8ut(Jn. lhom.ami jtr irt .-l '.-. low price, bv any hotwo la t' , city or Urd, North Carols, It-JU. tee., -s S. r II - -"v-sffv V00 . ..Wl:l l.lh hrfffa of a "ran-l vktoryi I ,.,,ufU. v 7;7fi' elsewhere, '.Ichig' always, 'ot) the ' - western t' . 17. - - - x f - : :;7.n -i. 1 Jokji-II Dr::cr : , ,..171. . ,t '.."? -"y of p.,i,,j Voar ,,!,., .1. ; . J t-'' -itotiio fcarj-?ars ctLon- tica.1' : 5 b..l . ... . ;- " l.Slf- ' ( 1 .,-.:. fvvrctryi .-I'l-M-: 7 : , . , ' 't , ;'. J. C, v. ' . ; r 'a we wy 'to am ext. i"l T. H. & RRTCCTS. t ir m II - - '7 -.!.: ;. ' ' .v7'7: "f'.i if- , I I H (.A , I" I f i '- . 1'7

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