r jozztrsT&i. Th JUpkMTcaajtsrty hay bad Cpatrol of Booth Caroline! LrVotrea yeara. n, oompitle eucj two to the erro, To on Brawalow bTKi U" bWlfl WVHk .J Wl?fV awl iIxkMISaaibd 0Utl IT. flovwaoa. ilirl et76zty" Tbe Joattaoiof UCrpreaefl to Vacate who to tlsctef tUrtbtf atfwf padee. '., The kpMKW Of th IIODM of jepiMfCT tatlv to a yellow aej ih8cretry of SUto to i "A t1 Treeurer to a gra th Bupiihjeuclebt of jPabNe Schools la tnalatto; tb AdjaUat Qff, M aegro ; ud ther ere ey qoaUtyf offioi4U4 UaBf ipOMiit nmUnk t tkeaeaMyefci cnM&lPartf4.toMia .lOtt Mawb- tka .bjtf w.,tM Uod oirooffc bere mort role la tHr jgev raaaut of theoawtrilSBndillaitsi Tb party ia MUWmef QNN l?nor- ecH Of ;ttftf Pre ad r t comewa, that; VQtUg ' to -aa abfoiutaYjaawt iUtoottMsIaM wasto po maU.nwonj-iw .w,t, aaad!- tif4.' rrlb efoaeta V to rfirrBi iiaaaMotaaHbf. bboat four mllllona motttaknAa iTft .TUy, plan jjinil :tb4 fStatar Sapft of a roaad enlllloa of dollar Ti' aW'tt ' jaaaaMibMbaiiataatloj.;II batkaaaiad! aefl4liadniEieaHot :. th uuor: taxrv of-4otL of l21?Jacr; that to, OBo'aereia ovary ataoUaa aae of toad jot U kieda to South Carolina, wu la tw yB wifyol eflUdteaiadkUbtrittoW coaBiebtad by th. b'-.VW tt gtitoa of UxtU Tba Trewurtr (u jait bees evicted of Tbtof-Govarabr, IbanaoaHay; ittotkar U 8tb tcWroltaa tad Soatbe fartaaiiap' waa aalaabjf vbita paopl, tboogh laxad ta-aapfart tba Ooltogt, vara flraajba abatoi ahba . tarma or toarrepi aqoaitty i na oraattttdaattai tofV awtCaag of a!to.aaarfhXbdmUto'idU to roaa toU;)UI iaaaa aaaaiaa,, ma etija oy oagra afa.JltiMacTaattaatad!fori1ia'laat '"lfo'Wnarad,lha rft.MotoV-f.Al. if JI,Mn H?l Wtof -artWfcWaa Elica baity Ild"Uy borrawoe eoatUaUaf bai" Mw!lktb(tr rloaa. ,.Xha btta aoopta ,.ra ,dowa- Palmetto 8ttttokaavuk jMaidaomb! Potoad. : '"' i -; - '". ,: - ' :- ' doaan(Kl' t .,.( , rin;' (""it f lllO 1 v-iti J 'u,ia' 1 nil' iit-i am' iau So, It U eel party by lu acta. i ; st i iTOi1! , -W3!W.;Ki(ri.ti, ia faraatr who raaa bU turn lata debt, .' aaerobaat b tieka' btapltal,, b aot i hi bank lato-tXtttipy; p'oi a.f d flaaackt .ciU bo ataato tb faad latraated ttfafatitkiaabt anodeaabXev . - Aad a Political Party whtok baakrapU " f :pf"' r aood part. - - . I paoucaa ratiy :.-oeituarouDa ua failora, and a WUJ. ,d w,; , Wl lt .. ,. WaatkafatBayJoaatitv" ic .. . Taeyr-:tlKJLrrtt . liaa iXJl doi: Tas UnXioxi to mora tbaa FoTT-lIntioir-f tMdsd"debt. . id. culr,i(oabofur ikJaT Tbey wpcsled ta Paoplet ctosey pro foaelyaad once; tba txpeoaaa of tba raf Hadktl Le-'nlatar (1S3-'C?) waa 30,ei4 60. T j f "pet first XVmocroieL (1C p71J ?ia HC3,18157-of ( 31,45: 3fe' tba: :h BpabUeaa.rV .K X,X,J! ' . Tba Bepabiicaa Leglalatara paid tkeov aelraa Baraa Dollara a day. They draw pay aWtn rtct, wblek waa aetaal rob- TpT nMd0fd tba fhnrtl Fn"4 iwaed to eaucate tb poor children of tba But. v f'i' J ' i ' Tkry atadBrWu apaav UM paopto. at- kmtliat la ianbjact. tban to a mUUarj taa aoaatry.aad aarrana4auaaea rroai MMMtf ttyViX Tbey iaorMeed tb aaqiber of Coa w a c avjiwpeuea ibi BfttMie. -Tbey eubltbcd-the Panltentliry, wblcb to a actatW aad akaafy aandal aapinaa.i i.t.ji4. -tfii .jf oi rt t' TbTT. bpfM"?i.U(k rK (IMo la luvJ, aArC tb'warJadd'aiod thi bid parpaaak wW TKIY CKMT3 oa tka aa Baadred dollara worth of property, aad aadar TUikoxi rule" la 1 88 ,' aad jr praaaat Coaatltntloa, tha taxw iWlajJ war la 18-f ; Oeaaral tas S3 eta, apodal dqkty-two oaatt for K9-'tt la -70, a tax of SJiW wtajaTj Hifaod ooW leotad, wblck aiada op a dtflowaey of Tbua tba azpeaara of tba 8UU aader jof on dollab aad nnmiTii oaata ba 1100 wortb of property, or 6S1-S paau for aaob jaar t " : Tbey aolleetad eat of tk kard-worklag Kpl of North CaroUaa $154848 to ttt' UUreti'WjMM'lifralidaiaBtlaaa). Mat eaVtMAttk -t !' iXaay . iwtatfwyaa . itbar .eadit i a l(ortk fcttk, Caroll i)iaada: ;'f. eat j degaadad ker freia tb klgk etaad ika bibartofcald auoag tba Btavtf aad Djfortd ker ulr a'aaiei after deepoUiag ker of ker riobea aad bardealag her pao- ble wltk aa aaorraooi debt-ko adding (oaolt to lojary. :Tkrt dld,knyibr tbUgwklflka loaea Tolaaaaa of Fraad Ooalaiiadoa Rk' porta1 woald ' kardly eompasa, " Tbalir i i aord.aatory of Iraad, raaeaJitt, kwtberr.l Aorrnptloa, dlacord aad war, ..(Tka.khv i .. .. . - ae ory of ao 8UU cpatalaa, a jaora die traoafal ehaptr ...vr ' L, :'s:" WilLDiaaawatt panalt tbto party to i back lata poaee f 4 Are 'tka' people peaaoerat-by aUyiag away troaa tka folll'aid ia'platg-'u'eoatroi o North Caroliaaa party wbtikd to rata f-"' Jadgiaf the traa kyf lu fraita, tka B p'abllca raHy of ortbCCaroIUiajBfat baat "dowa by arery aaaai auaiaa a Paii.eM awp x Psxinv Mi ' I kaeaiaaideaar amraxMB i ia reraid' lo rtiprticnlaft a wdvneyprpiwae to aaad the CaaWtattoa; f-"1'.'6 uf utaaarrjwtitwiii taaua aponaaaraoH 1. lattbir CoaatUotioa ba writtaa aa 8. ProbtUt tko alxiag of wkiU aad WfeWida fpIXr.UCXIU 4hLL abd blacka. a. PqkiWt aajiaeat of tka fraadaV lent Special Tea BoaJa aad all oiher 8. No maa eligible Jo office who baa .collected1 tb people4 aaoay aad fklkd ti.paf' i .otar. vvU. f. fiiew to tbV aaaplar- tbroogtl tbair IatarV1b4ef s V'ttorldr kock aoauy .goreraataou , ciomea wita lack power at tbey nay at fit to giro tkeov'1 is.l '.'!. iw.rtfi vv.ii.',K'.'l It. Let ao oaa i rioted of awtnfal . i8.1tak''tb.'j foU wko ku heea.eie- ribft'.puii..tk,-: v 10. Let arery officer bow appolated by tka Oororaor .' .alactad ky tka people o tbe Lagtolatara. i'.-: if; Bribe tkt to t denied tharisht IS. AlubcralayattMM fraa aekbol.';1 preaf MoikaBKirk war; aadT wa will bar n' aieta-eSaj , 14. Let , U oraeXhaaaUd ladiclarier.l " ' ' . . .. .. . in m -r Sml wk 4 ISJXat Itk tablkKWork' be doa by drldti;' '"m .iun ! m" tt." Bee an to lepMple'epeed'y aad aJtoaytieallajya tf :iwT tA yAtU- riag tka aroflta dvaclr or iklreofir I BJOT tbta oaa office or place of beaor, rk4rtaSS I .XlOtalfiiO trtJtorpi41t I18- luf, M?irt.wk 9?- rbar. . . . Prohibit tha ,ladW of white " 120. Prohibit ! ike.l kiadleg"' Of Wb'Ua eBiidrew a arptaaucea to acrroeu ' jSt Doat aUow tbe Cocnttead of m ea'tfn of ti fit tr te i J It tor.. to tr-:ci;2ca and krproTSffit-f ' kwi ; koneety and tcoDomy ia 1. 1 ad - loa r g -nr tj a-.i tJ f t of .-a" j s'-'" . , - i tua vW, iH m vtw Tbt 3od tat; i tba j'B,.aU I I-.-.i- ji l. f Caroualaoa for Hortb Caroualaaa; aad woald relief tkaJStete of tba praaaat lacnbvr.' :" o r net ".r fag't-T- V, Eiani:pi Baa a afgro capef.aieaastii atk Ik faajiuti a'.;:i wortej ith fsllow baa bees aeteral' tlaea iadicUd for eor rrptioa ta:"3ev He It to bid UtAtea tka lUdloataofKnasLsippt kara reaolrad to throw kirn ararboard, a k to a baK Um tod.tmfi 'tJl tkeot i oarry aa; iff .tiu'i tiixin "x a n' i 'In L (ijkk JSaaOarf OManltathl.Ovaraa. tloa kaa adopted,, wltkaat aauadmeat or' dabaU,U aettiow 'aaUMiakbf lepaiato askooto for tka aolared poputotJoa; ' Tba Oaaky Ooaatltatioa 'oca hot prohibit aals'ad'aakaoilt i'c.ik j':w:,uKu,u.- ill .. ! ii in i'aeii mi f nn'w..li Bit wkUe Radlcalii.aad 180 agroea anu'aaUaUae Beaabllaaa itakat la Meek toabarg.,il". !l. i K.i .rXVm . . in -i. i .mim :, ' Tka ReB0b'.toaaa eoatral Booth Caro Uaa!.TTkai Butai,W aow :AlrlcaaUadl that to, ' aoapiatafy iiobjected to tb "grow- ' Praia Wry;trt U fha'Stat tba iwi: MKaaAataaaw ' ' ' -J"T-';" - . , Ueanag, Tba BoaaaMaad la akaolataly aale. .1 f!tJiliiiiY ill if' iiiiiijM.jiatir . OF JUDGE T0URGEE.w Gowttr man of Qaaier'Niafob; knd edu cation, 'i.ltt Guilford had grtkt' rJorrfldto In birn, and wo noir re Dutlish 'i1! ietter from jum, which appearod ia the Sum: ton; io 1869.: Itlbe$1and GenUlea of Guilford read and then Render their TwrlraoJarJbjpQ Thnradajr next iiyunif, y', Tonreee haj never teen Ahjo to name the respectable. Quaker who ild him he found, ,15J d.d :bodiei one mill poaL'i poor 'negroea tint there bT rebela.n - j The eje of . the Stawuitrtoa ilendcnhall, Gilmer "and Guilford. t? : r Raleigh, Jan, 0.1868. ; i UEHEBA.L i-XOUre Of UtO W mit ia before me,' in which roe aaf ArWi'Tcurge hi beennom- -.J All - - - '" t' uiaieu iq iiu at racaucy in a.civu office in North Carolina, and would hare received ! Jnunediate appoint ment but for the' rJiai kflectrng bia moral- tnaracter, madQ.antnst nun uy yon. in joui nuicm coin mnnication of Nbvemben, 18C7.". ... i Upon repreaaatationi tnadeity 4onrgee, ana tue lerom jobnion, ((monlr.tnoxTR "aa ; thf f Jojai atndcnt'V the ahefHTof Cktwell bad been " arrested Tend carried , to Cbarleaton for trial before a Mili tary Commisaion; ;In rerrjonBtra ting' agaliat VM aVet the i Gorerv rior had repreaeated to Gen; Canty thAiX0Qrgee,'nd.Johjion were two ery detesrable chiractera ' In JSorthfjarolina.1:: I Withkw to the inveatig- chareea, I desire rou to ftrniakma with the name and- ad- dreea of all jpartiea from whom yon derired the informatibn upon which jrt;w;;ba'is5d;d!;!ki atatement.ofj. anyu mattflra i within yontnjiwede1 Jhal mkyba'.iof fay ponanov aw awen taquiry. i u,,a-u, i iTe&ard'thU1'' I'mM'eitifaor' diriiry reanealTe Ttharaeterof ueBerarMWgWt. erygood thai of Benedict .Arnold . very . bad; T arrt anra of 1 thi:' and ' Vet 1 eonld a(t I iare ;ncara aaytKH ina i km not aare I.aould give the name and addreaa of one of them. I hapbeu in -thia-caae taramamber-a few,-1 name BedHclc,1 holding k prominent position . in , tbe.TJ, 8. tenHJiP.q. i ltHr Jfelpr er, U. 8. Assessor, Salisbury, N. d; dease wneeier, u. a. Assessor, lit- rtm Wortbi U. 8 Commiasionar. Hot VfRf llcLeanHon.; vtumer. vrraeoauaroy v '-'' ' ! ! i Id Addition fo the '.'abdyei.'genUe ben whom I can romember U have heard apeak in brrni; of .diepiwga meat of .Tourgee, i i have been in formed tnd believe, that the follow: ing gentlemen know his character el rr i ; Eantruptcyi Jn'o,' CrtnilCollecbr Iaternal lieverme : Ilabh Gomll. Jeasd IX LindiaOedL Uliodsaj Jt. filoant W L Scott,' lr! M. Scott,1 D: r."C6ldwe!i;;Uon; i: T, Morehead, Nathan Uiatt, Jonathan Cox, ' Jonkthkd ' Ilarris, Cyrui P, Heodenhall, Robt. P DkivNerui Mendenhal), all .( , Gretmboroi If (1 : Hon. Bedford Brown. FamneJ rVacfyvL;a, 'L' O.? ildrl.'' J. -II. cm. N. 0 : Thoa. J. r'.i . . Ilii. J, nston. ,n.o. - rc rds '"f rd i 'on? n. 1 :7, r 1. H vvii jyu Itain suit in i Jourt, at Febrop fT kbout that time -C: ; 1 ! M Jcrhall v$. Ton.j -'J.v..::a ca. j. cases in : V freedmen were plaintifs andlCrpse waa de fen'antr I have- not ule name of tTTw'atirj. The CJlrxtfrtmj Cbi&fCbm ofOnnfvrdciirrTiiK. Iftjor V.'crthrU2itci States Jn Aboa.,iuriey, irtcuman, urcn- "Ton",aid('ii'bt'wrifckte ip'wtat racaai civu uuico ivui jjvo, uvuiu hare been immediately appointed but fori my,;char2s! against! him, and therefore I km not 'called upon to apeak of hiaf tneseviin-iothee ra. specif than moral, .character,,; to JUJ such ofHce. I hWi fromeonroef to which-I give credit, jthat. beaeoke. t.oeplacea.oyyonr, appoiptmen oerior Conrta of law. lo fill the Tv- can'cy occasioned by tbe roiighaiiorj of Judge Fowle. think ne baa deitber pracneed law or obtatnea license to practice in thin Btatd-As yonr 'tlommnnieatiofl ; does not aakl for any lu rojrmauon a to nil Qineae, and astou hkvenot hitherto deetted it expedient to tok my vJewk aa to the aniublenesi of any onebf"5ohJ nomerooaappointcea a aril eiee in thisStatei lam not nnconaciona that any suggestion from mein.thiav bat duty jo thpae, who, placed me in the position I occupy constrafna me to aar that ? 1 ' ehtertairi pb donU that few toeri cari bo 'found, men tal! r and taorsllT. so ' unfit to' fill bch66iti6n:;M Id 'fact.' -if I were filled npon to name one1 for1 Jadc. pecnllkrly unc fot the pbiitiott'atMl yery difignatin to the bar' knd 'the in nivui iuiciiiuntT u tus uimv, ahould regard the name of 'A.'W, Tonrgee aa an ezact.fit IJ,TVfTt'' 1 i You also ask me for s atatemeat or any matter,wttbin, my, knowledge , v1j. H t'-nii-w' o 'i7i-tnr I nn nnt rnnw TnnriiM tw$rann. arty, but I know Be Waappttite, It Vraral meefintf lif Guilford,1, delegate to" tho'politicarCoDVmtl3tt held in PhUadelphial lii Berp1 tember, 1866,' He had aetdea In that cotraty soen after the ekae of the war, haw ing .been he aaid, aiCaptaiB,in eompanj of OhiO'Tolnnteerfc -lie was reported ,mt tuie-xew-,ra: Htrald.u havisff made speech In that , CjjjyenUo tenJighten .the, Kortn as to tbe character ana tem, oer of tha neonla anion ir whom he. had ' Settled. . X 'rjudte from , that aWech u folftwal'jtfipeakinf'of 7ioyai men who have worn me Dine iniformt h a4d;, mfmf day to say, that selling every thing they had at a nominal . valud telre hundred of these loyal men " have oeen driven frotn " tbe utates " i know kuodreda of these kyaiJnea men who . were threatened iwtth death,if they4,wora,the,.bluei and Ac drcu dec. "I waa told by a Quaker in North Carolina, aa J waf coming' here,1 that he had keen the bodice of fifteen tirardcred fce- groea'taketr frortOdepond.'" Serven hundrtd loyal men' ad petitioned President Johnaoh 'fot redreaa from the rebel depredation v and it wai rtforred tack to tbe ' fiislojtl Got ernor of that 8tkte,"!and camehjick!' pie of the. Btate behove, every aUte menti in ihftittoresointr ouotatioa ware maliciow fclsehood, made loV engender and incsmS tbe kbimoaity of the Northern1 people against us ; abd I JtthO tat statement was alse. The President had -referred bot two petition tW 'rhethe bine iruui iviuv uiKii ui ywuiuvn coontv. representiuzthati thev had been Union, aoldiora, and that they were croeUy ; persecnted f indlct- rnentsw thOeetfrts Of mir county for actfdono'as 'Union' soldier. .,,1 rea nested D. D. Ferebe. of'fjan den then ia,jember ,o the State Convention,-and Hon George W. Brooka,! Jodgft of the District Cotirf of tho United , Stater, tnd .also' a Member of the 'Etata Convention. and residing ib the neighborhood of po peiiuvDurv io inresiigate juteir allegations. They reported that tbey had eramined thei recorda of tbe court, and that there were iwAi two indictments 'Hrraiost rtat i at hem-Hhe one fpj jinf liquor loithouta licente, and theothew tor Vfomioaium antLodvltery.A?. The other, wM.,a,yetiUonf,fTbfii Clay county, fmpurlDgobpreaaion to one of oor.epartaja ift f reae(mtiov tit ani oSenoe xf which he had bawl found guilty, which proved to tie an equally eroandless compiairirJ si all lite complaints, oncstly inveav tigatedi.wiil tarnj ocfe to W 5Cbe Secretary of State -thocbt .ptoper ta write me a note eHf ITmeatiDg tne for 1 the 'taknL'Lt Cmesa With 1 , to tne antnonnes or tneir own i littBuMv ill 111 J.U Ji... iM1 I : 1 1 ldiev and the respectable peo-1 o. ectfjly, t 70KTH, , Carolina. OJl VT I N K L .x .jo V 51 n. ft'iiiiiiii a ''eisV. '.iMiriiUfo'j wwhii - 4T n! lnW .w. ;mIT .UKfiC tnidwai-l jifvji it; jUie s !uavt ji.Lk'CtlJ JnJ iMiAt yrh'LjlUit'l -r will ii'A V Wtwl J.XJO J 9:W Vl i !9'ftil5l viloiio' ;'..!toibtioTaf wir l-ac A iiwl .U i Levi- wfo n.7 l,V.t ifrtHjW.rFrtwiIT 7KiJ 1. iL j1T .M.'ilVU S't '.lf . . . .... 1.'., -kIi Ofc-.-u .Jiijo'! ilitf.l ,!kv ik4i l.vr !u l.-inJc Itft; -irii .Unn xtf "tw 'it? v; 1.-.JC rvl -an ftliifllivs'f unwJi lrj i VjA'i lnTsii't fi- P'fX'PfW bfi; I flll 111 If UM (jiitiiit. r. ui uii'om J.'ttoto- lifo ot Am6 aeea"1 "tfa'5erT4(Mir-W ' a'1 ttd ui ;-J?illl'8-a'l nf va-4 4w'Ia um j;nil li;ovMtXm (Villi. n .Ji- j-iJn 'it mkWI riWOTiI ..UlT UKf: flHr UAUii ill iiiuV Ta-aW-l)owv:ireliir,'toi eieArte f . .. .. i. . i r. k i.t kiJ t !'! it4l i krndaef ru tii m If rt.lwnrt jifilfiitir .vv.o-1 , 'v M mi rl nil vmw TiiUl mm ffc ' ,iYi.ri not i FLAlirAOTTAUCY ,iii f'f ( '. I'fkA '"J tiif5iff ,fH J-l.akW.ia)t 'i"'"L'i ' Jlfc'tlllt fiW ! I. iin ii .! t'ii f.i.! : st All perraoM having ; :- BliHaadViwi " i f t"-; '1 ''' " "" - Latter Bda. :'! ' ",l llts J'"'1 (ttiii A .J.l tiiilioai' n:UtV. nO itl lit u tf.il t;iU i. :f "J i.i'i r , .Jaafcaaaaftaaat! iw ,n-uKi L'm'upin tiutb wiinii l I .n.'itii Jilw .dl JViattia'fmi4r w 1t" " f .sarti Jh4niM iriL Won i ,rn!J tiii ifjlw WeddrotOard;.! iitii t ,'taul iw.vl ' J's'-'J Jit:iI Kill lu T.il)Lirjl I ril t rshmm x iii ,i!K(iI fWilhiail ll o print, 'win naye uietr worx ex ' ' ; . . " " . ecuted in tbei very J beat arkf bf f ii!ii Iil uiii'4 1. ...rjoaiWirtr leikliM.tttotha uili t eiut .V-ii .a."uiu, 'ifni ; tlliiii flj h r jn.'-n .f!iyri!i. (f 'ItJuT 7 'J" Cczut6i:omz6. i. i . ,. . .... k ...... I '4V1 rl .-tJ-XMVf hue'; liilii in .J-'Uiwna xl boa lud ot?" in'Hl ,idi Ha fme ; brl We are also orenared todo.aU ', t- 1 . 1 f nrwii iimi j od Lib s.'i ii-jj'-w.Vv kinda'oi''-' 'd 'iMti4i i ti frt. ,')i-iirlviK mr) I .'i tnfdii ijtiii?ti r1 svfcd 1" 1 7"l( dirf .t( ;U'l'i:lw rt.ll Iji the fery heat atyW'' alii; . . 1-niitX-jB jn fl fi iijir .w .It'frfV fid! !; nils yiittti jijoi ........... J. . ,. A. i, t,J, r.' , aa onlcklr and ' MieanlV aa aT ant n . -.:f.i r i.tir. !ini, fcoij ni iiir tiia iw v othet W 1iJu! if M;f t,$''kwfw ilf fii i.a f f t'u4::tt r(riOBOUB4,,IMRTfUl(J u f rw ar m m .tiMiinifl .U. ."- ltn1 Antiaa Tvtpal Md.IMlvCt Ata Wit daect eoatraca fur tbe Iia ?,,,'d tllj .tatortikwCtvof Pt;i..;?i. ;.Ul it.'C, I Live r Your i "5 :-, ;'yCURE.,''-'::' " TTTeakaet - efa at !JWa'tre. - tuuow ot the WyrTi5: 1 1 i, Ilaaeee of f t or Ciddiam Dimma t-ih Bead, lhrc, ' W, ;tkji ) flWtioa of Vke Llvtr, U'atoaaw koweli-theee tembU DWoid.ln vuTTlroZ aoUtaty aUUU at ToeilHoerH aaAMtn!. r? practiaee rr fstU ta .4e'r rtetiaa tbaa tieraCr in mu totbl Ihilu...! UlriM bllrbtlat iair aot btUllMi bm ItapoMlufa, deetroTirc kuU y aad Mled. , w te'rrte4 penoaa, yoaef aca - eoatea ia( BMrnajre, awiBf tonr Orgea'e aa4 .ileal WaakaM., Urn of 'Woereatire Tomtt; fatpottae, PrMtraUo" BxaaMW VMatMrrI tlllty. Mtf ; -, 'rttsttona ot tee trv werroe iicbi. j. urcav of Uie tkjtkmX n4 MeLtal -tlww IlmmaMat of all tbe Vital rereea n taeUoj, roae DbllltT, Um of lltrtiood (kertl Weafcaaaa 'of .aae Onriaa, ad 'jwhty wtaar aaaapor ViMiJlrtioa. tneMliliMunl aad fall fctaalr rbruf r.ued.' 7 ' " ' TaaaaareeooMof theatd aad BMkaehol. It edeeta prodaeed ay earlr bablte of roatb. rtar Wetaaeae ot tbe iaoto aad IKtate, rata la tb Aaad, Dlaiaea afl cbt, Uoi Maaealar Pavers PalDltattoa- of tba ihn neat of foe Dlxeetlve raaelkwa,' Owotl uvu f, vraipwa.oi ixiaaipM,t. ; Maaaurr. Tb fartul cttocU oa Um aibU in rk to be dt4d Lmm f Mm wrj, Cimtaatoa at Idea. Irwaloa ot dpir- iau w nugwg nm iw twn u, IMf OletiMt, Ln t folrtade. Tholdit Oteareaee teof tteneptoSaead. . Taxwaaata of pareoaa ot all eaea eea aow ade tbat ia the eaaea of their dtntialue aalihv.laelBW Okeia varee. benaaaaia Mk. bale, aerroaa aad eaiaeliteil, bartaa a alaca lar appaamMa aaoot ta ey,e-b aad lareeeat J)iaaee JwaMdlaU .Belief.. tlee ' Pmbc XlBM Vi Twta No r rfoa 'aufattae; tbatr'Uea'U, Mraauaff xiaw a 'faonat rmaaoer. aad laermMr TiettaMct, VtUinf limW Into tbsyi a4a. iadiyiato. Bkel Deadir ft. Mmeun feaatiaa rtaf ABce toeeoi tbaieLtbrt er bia. Ltra UuMpaiaira or Wi b. apeedilr .Cured, Ut to PeUoerv prrttapprfto4aitoly.''-''. I ,aeattaep io fei PVK ol 1;k,;JiiDPi JffltBltfilleiiiku ,.., . I( i,,;0P?,TH,aXTJat0Bjv, LOCK irOePlTAt OFFICE, ko. r, aom h vkbpkkicc V STKXJrr, inwiii BaLTutoac AkD kKOOMll JTSIETd, 'tbltoM'bV AawaUi ivaivna in i. w family bayt W AilX, avw. r, m. a. dBViio4i OilU ttelee aad toe the beetraaUIr raper b Maa.-witk 'tvv latetibrcaaoa. Ira. , VI roadway-K.r.-?- "if- !' aSa'baakka. ExJdaiartam iet?Wi,r.I5t!.?,!,,t10' ALBKMAKLX FXX4LC IJUTJTUTX, ,Caarltaaruw y. ltk. Aaeaal a fiod Opaoa' rtf lteaibervrtb a fan Fiealtr d a,aataa,.ialtmaat.f Bealt ceeibt-. rood far tad Uoroatb laatrae- thta Coll ' For tetatla. adarenB. l d. BawUasa av A rnaopav .. n stc iroM AHcr, rB aovt ci - 17 1MO. HwWb ay tMtoai aad !, ikt aad ftetbMe ,Mi i.-r Bae ebooee IcMaaUy. Tbla alaipla. aiaaUl aatreaatt eaaaaa, trn V bm. Bof " 1 toawoev ewnui aVpUaa oStto, 0 aa, , bint T ladlea. Watra)-Ni(1t dWMt eul ndni qcr hwaaV f lAiW WaNTFJk'! IHw.CtBTIII. tSUL OiZmiU, ( the Oittad- ,ataW'nebM.iBmA tlltl it-itO Br BTaaiii al naa l pacta. louTOw. pat W.O ye ceavptOBf.-' "ttov K go n, Wb5EUWer. a WaMakiH'loia. ,Q-iMi-n.u.t- , a we aw ;tU of tea lead to forras,TA 72 pate book txplaialBf eterytbirg, od kopy el tbe 'Wall etreet ltevtew.fi in iHwrf ff! BKMT raXB. Joaa JluifclJae -A Co, Ban- 1 tM) eiidblUed kaelf.B fetattWrriralator, L ate larartaxdrlor aieordere. ef lb rai wwm uua wpnnr,Kin'i oadHowthr- ! an'l uu.it ;! . . flTJM.JtOT A ,?'C. bal by ftlaie'a Uac tie tewcth dtra, geB'U d gtada-., aUaaaaaMBWji;hd rtJaiw ta YD6DTABLB irklbbaaalH dto aaUaiaad : .lb traalale UeappeUU for food ateewar to iaTl(orate taewabeaad aw tametwa' !, d aVM atreaBib toiU tbe vital forro. .,.. MlT CABBIBS 118 OWM BKCCMBXKIU T30X m tbe-large aad rapidly laf eeieeTa.tlir Klea dollar a bottle, AA tw eraegirt for tt, JOHKSTt.II BOi loWAlalOOnUadilpbla, P., bok aatoAKawtai'' -"H.'-' 'ilBkS-W. QQtU JfflMTtV FOB) otNiutta life aad Labor of , -una t' it T. I TT I iW'ai'JA a v aa ky Re.;. B.Cbaaiblka, k oho frjei bia pr- 'Vlli -! 1 tiii"i aoaal wrIUan eradlat tte "Li ala,Mjaafo!d vividly ble rM aebleve- Barata. ale the earkiaitlee. woadere ead waua ia ilrv..rraMa, adaerali la, rapUka..beata..a mm, 100 nra uinatmioeje wr katalaratt. low la price, t Jbnllai r":, uuaaait.il HIUIB aJUbat. LOU Brat a . lMK'tfeiWt'V-eba'adyia. 1U VJU aa aad weaaeav wawd tail Caniaaaial GtaeUcer of tb tUaV " graad retalu ot I0 FawaJ greae A wbola Ubw7iiBetoatlebavBloca aaaafr.bai SZZWf. IatoMleAl.eoa . rabJl.h-)ood pay.,, trrwaai . Ar,, la evatr r f tb,uaAAiftm, C OUoJ:iopbKa.'l J i 4' ,J ' aaaaajBlBiaBM itipti m.f mi aluba is WM aad . TDOOK AQCllTd waoiai to aaU -Tb P -pU'f aeaaaMaiUeai Adrtatr.'' It rF. Plerc. K. D. Tbe too readr tail id Ubar- -3 ... 1 IB iAUJtm "ivy. ti. a . .5iiiay the pat ii Pie ei i oa te tt.-"iiX l. I t'.rbr.:; V.: ii.-L;:;!rict Attorney, aaaytW " Caal laajrjtiik- i.'-V tM at A jOchi' ..a L..t..j t 1 1 - wtifJt thc,9,.,i!?",ur??t .rer ,ccl