roa tats cca iz.jnzt ..... ,..; ., j M - ... , AI'ITD U. !u . J, ,: v., ttwu ) sMimt TITB-'V8;-'R.t.CAr-tT THE Proper care and economy In hand. tint the people's tawicy la A' treat vir- .'ii .1 . ;i i TWO YE AR3 UNDER , ,joal jiule and rouib.;NJ h DEIi CQSIVATI YE."? ' M & ; of, Nor. OarM, f e:a :i'.afliii-'.!rep, mo, Myvoeuer Tc a tU ptu UftluiC&l party Ofltik :j Tit TiiJT1 (MM it. I WHITE MEN OF' COffRTY ta .XHtOISTSS ATKSJC! ., -T lkfloW.ig''u acouict X.tof lie Regis' rata vfUf Ihs- Virions iovnthipt la Wake ton! roelndlog "'tht;;(VMl f 'W Raleigh i m mm w.4t-.u)ii Btrtoe'i Creek-vl D Alles ' iTTr- .BiaU lUfftLB 8ec travel v wej J K jrge i,uv.xa uj UUk RiveiwB T Itrlcklaad i 'MsVttfcreekilfcTodd uat Uroya U w Nichols Seiet M.thew'- B Wilii.oM RoMTllte J M F-eajmlog KakiiMralUi ei cwAwb Hy WOod. . 4 -j..,, .,. - Oily IUVIKh. 1st W-rd-M B Bathe T .rt-rijki( anWaidD?AWfckrT ..- ttart-JLsaia s "f ' Wrd-J P Prairie ,. n! .; ,1 j hi i uj u aaepi i u m ant.aiai I t itoijdu 'Ma I thro Commit lmtfp tod Itepuilicen Phuiie lawaaed tb I Candidates for delegates to the Coaveo- ii.2tii' .... '" uoo, ap spcawog as, jo iuna,wui ue i , arranged byKJandtdatea ; - tr RYiWtWi,rednek3r "Wj . 28 Boletrin. little IUrer, Tharidst -Jul 29th C. Itoore, 7, t, .w , T'" Mirk's Creek, -Friday th ooTi I 'xuj.i'i ... -i a. WOfH an ia - ii.!!"" 8. Matthew', tturday Jnly 81rt n' 'wt i.' J'lvCJf Wl Iw AO-i l'1uun' Ppw IT,Stonv; h. j -.a j ,.-. Mary's,' Monday 'August 24 AS dte i Rtorau ij ,i h. jiw J. U t4UMMWI.4 ii tna in any political party. Extra v- crush It in the eyes of afl good cltlsena, I . gaj wblch prt aa( bcclibit I , North Carolina is poor; and the partyJWna jti yda jindjoaf iutcmtaVUe . J. trmiloii iccks Ji.,,treateat trood' The I his lessened Ttnr tc! m , n ." ..l1' ' -"iT.. . 1 . ' ...... wuqiriog careiuuy prcparjeatapi" wowi who- art tbs uolitlcal Mends of our CotnmonwealUii 1 ? f 1;" ? l :!T" j" ( CANDYWNSTITUTIOK adoptiq:i '.7IIAT puc ;;LIO OPINIQ&SAYn XIIE t:.; i::rAi!;;u3,.uriGtHA LEAGUE WITH II L LI AND rSbftiaiaieItaBaiu' . J LUKEWARil UO. ,A,If V roan; mI tobk orV'fJr LT. party now; lb1 'tile1! J never bare (par JwLefcathtH (!J-fiU 'I otb tutag, wife! tiiJorrcBlU I !.U rtli3?i0l. ""hj 'a . tttta CMivto tain ?' 1 5 i I ,SM'."!'v;-'t GeilAeMbTy tipeci'l 8es " w! IlkKrlntScgJii 09,1 M 49 or 2 yean T JtadioM title: lB(i9-70. Continseneiea, Other ordlnaryl , expenses, Tr Itoklen's war," Impeachmen ' "Total, 154,391. J AAl 1981,153.80 WPtlMlthta ftfefcteii lurougn we DUi.viiM.tii4r,s -nf-j. uiiiuiiii:ii r 1 1 i Hi'L s ri iiwb I Conser hJSb U7J,S,Wd A ' n".TbeewCc.?i'iiWfia their are the men that Lktw'totf oea I bectt-rtwarded wlthf offide Is ibis "ir. ..4li'l. iKi)!.i U.J H i V LU i NcnaW fsAetienVwea-dlBairtlon 285,931.1 13,098.081 a - asii -mid- fd'"i S.a-afjf. "STj ! ( t.i i.m nvJ T. W I'. ; S-naJrtS -WrlP.gONia. Ch'i Peni Ex. Coot AWA0D8S53 1H i?WXBTA-lSAiDllJ10CIUTIOVOTEa V. wars finiTwrr-A", i - ,: laicte B4b mty er Baleigb, th lOtft iaetraotediokagS1 tk;JlloW,niK D,l oT oVgVnlsAlioa 6tr itaae COOBt fuhAv'tha'DmaMl unnalsi ? ' iT) V m ' ft - - 1st That where say township has not already WTorgsaixed by the electioa ol at the '!Ji'4" . ,..,-' ' OH J !i 'J- ao at e-i o ,Jt1 V"ltI .U ,1 W Xi Jt, r6lW '.'! -i 60,201.81 tbrca.Jla read by oartenmtttlWp ru ,,l.".llfJa . t-i..-1 aarsianoss nasi ? SM.K-W pojiiics ctira.tes tluU, the kat ilmr yearil i?Fm Wfu&u jor r. . ,KVm,,mwi mw t. .1.1 it.r- .l . i uie resiriciea nai.icaiirMiyr..iiBji t .. . , o - - b-- It will be teen front the above I'wWJbeV every channel oV comniiuiica-l tion would be tised i 1 1 VittaAvrkfaM lanaaaAa 4MimMInH t!ttnled:by;ConrWUv TfiWSIoJS Aolr odwlortmWthl. iewpilgyi nfficientJiiltaelft Wdefmy the en- Jf4r,d nJteevwUtfthtor9 ! rmiiici nnEmnr ir itiaif- muriPTinTi : r tire eosti of ' Constitutional Con vention.-- Ak the Radical ofiioe- iMi.ld hot tHtB it tficlr . aMhrlonJ auuse wiMroa(a jftoaxeuiiiy wui gotten ,tit byj tbe !ofhc4krv 1 wMi?u a iiu rairrrcagnuwuia!;.ia holding ttrar ,to fcxplainr did ?JSa tJt1 waiber . tbfw piiit!i taylSea.' wheOey .re around. rn ;T hiASS lkf U iNow let ns estimate the probable Constitutional Conven- t- -f $000 00 a IK 3i in CO Id' I. i ; illHTAH -J! 41' - . l '. A. a T. i: i. -vi flf 10 00 r,7S5W upon the Bute until, tier SSI a' ! ta- Iplli AUO - tQ3; ii'v cost of the ttnn f , . . ISO delegates u $5 per s; ; d)iAtn jf. 1 2 2P , uram.pu-rr-- ---a oo ".. . I S -S .I , ,V '(' i.''...j a. Ja. A A "If .-Apnl21-t,1863,k FImate thedurstic- f , v " 1 the Conven' n rt : v " 1 ty nd ve Ltro ' ' 18,050 bO 1 'j ' 6,000 00 Vriutindc.; " H' 5,000 00 i4uva uuIum I iM,.Aat, tvi ManltldMft W BTBQTKnwf and. that it -llowa. tho I - s. j7 ny. most indiacrimfcwTOWITr, SwrTk LY : and the kinr tod dWect c-f the 2i SS- naiFiilfisitl Jen? ac osrn, r!;y are taj rjn-. jj Ifj-d) .;!.- ai.i-??. Here Jvi for" :t v. . t, is aa sroen written ! f I ,ToifilQwx THk coaanTimo.. Tiui Lee an IncndontVlUllcal candidate ' "ihWi-i t Vhv are tbarperi like ?JnJ r Rodioan, f Jcd" Tonrgoe.J uJ9w Cc-tll. , Jnu're" pckraonlJfld? -9" TLooa, Jndge"! Logan,- "Jnd?n'Ilehry, -Jndge Duxtonr EHllldcrsoi. and Bill Smith, Dick BadrT-ind 4 Dkt ; Kint EirltV Ltcusssts, Eiran,. XIndat(' and' 'Ike YedAK flaUel Thome, Olivet Ddckert and every other notoriotu rat(dl)8a I . working Jike beavera, and nearly - every , -ona 1 or them ' caadidatda f ' Does water rait ht; bUL or IUdi. ' cat ipend time and money i without expekiaaf to make pjetblirj' by It! ' IU who iooaginea that, these shrewd and onecrapulons men.whosenainea itmrm Jn the tnuat diRrrrantfnl chapter of pnr State's history, bave any Idea of relinqouhinj control o the Convention iftbey, can get it mrlal' Tiari.'1 littlii Vnnt-a ' vf " . v vm Bonthern' JUdicail U&mt. V "- !.'-' Ml i ' . '! 1 B Oil .'i':JI,M' r I. .... RADICAL VIEW OP I CITIL 8enator'I5bntwen Eepj,) liyi t -Kt And tfiereforei IaaT. if It were poaiiWe, iu In )he Urw tiea' U a' poasible. ; to ' establish acparati . kuwii tw tMua uiuuicu wiu mr white thlldren; tt la hi the btzhest degree 4neipedient Id either eatab ns&ttr tolerate andi achoola. 1 ; ' -? f The theory of . tinman eanalit' damiot be taught in farnlUea, taking into account the diSarent :, eondf-" Uoneof thediferent members of the- iatalUee compoain human ; aocIety;- butt in) tbs) pnblie sohooia. irbere, children of all elaases aeootlli tiona are brought together, this doo- Til'' TJmt, nd it k tb. chief means of, ffSTm'SlarS Wrprfoity of Kepnb .naVni.m,vNivHiii "'"IlliMii inatitntioBS. , AnA Imimnnh 17 .-vjhcib lo ' it. T 'J .f- lForn leiurtb endeavored 4 mn ImindspSrJto 1 MtWVmyaflaal. ID HD.niTmMfl i.WM 1TF.A I t. WWW aaMaVaST.J i t jraMSWP JSXJai 1 aaaa. S aa. Mlit a Ika. .-.a. a. fa.fL ? 3 ,Cai. Oonaerratit candidate., .tatbii l!?!" Totaf eoat Con vaiitiaiU 20.0iU) 4M I turnhlA . r T " vawvawaiM " ' aiPJ-Jr'W rPP!?"0, UMPPP them. d hav urged them-t-the Yi,T9VWWH'6il PBOU01 I Political and puUic afiaira. shall be5 20000, 'sotnal lP.U&.dPiW hite men of 'N,Ck one in th' vention will be fifteen cents to the voter. . Tba property, however, pays the tax, anC estimating the the aake . ef their fimiiliee and -sl that is dear to their race.. But and country, to iVOTE DOWN THE aa- . a aaaa . ji bbm .sisii ia .rsirui I r'-JlT-., er": !,r" r 1 fUTiflamentai Meaofhuman eanaJitv. wnWWl, ifjrw:4l.4-et iyihrfW wha ft ri .wi.: t aaible to eatablislwdiatiiietoolVT UWWW. wejForn -ol ;ui. j Ubu. - taatterf tKlur invention , la, t.l)llbnitta4swH UTn, x ,.. , , , Tfcr7r?r policy! pEfiTAIN DEFEAT IQIITE The luchmond Eluniirark ana a! i he ablest of the Southern Dallies, ' 1 .a... a.. lees things in their true Ught,;"' It " ? orth.CAKklinn. ; will be seen from the above' eifi -pllftbwd by the ckalraisa ot I .'f.tiai f a. fii.fcaaff.w fcaa exeeative emnmittee sppolated last aa4bU jlaair, argsaitstleai b eiwtioa ef'a Cbiirin.a bt gevleftti eonatitiee and as aiaav eoaBllUentea taxable valne of the property of the INFAMOUS CONSTITUTION. StkW mt 150.000.000. wrf find Yh4 1 this wr . . ,Tn thi'.Ml tl nV. coat of Convention bnt two eents on bave been appealed tolbrdnliue PrV Wl? jinf itb. (Stat. ,befbrt it the hundred myA mmu fi?W Me,4av;ihwoL) im In aUiidini W rhetonFyeaii oi kf the most tafented-Mrtuona anil Ponatitafioa rtiiKt apdiwUl bdlDlx ConservaUve rule era1 say to some kged men ofhe 8ute, wlicy fsaVitk! WMAmMftonMt extent,? because they have not bad I but profit or the hone of nward.1 I tfJWtiPwbllJlbdt mUsa' JrnH the entire con troljpf the State.If J bmTiTt" WBnrf ao mncu i sired when ' only the 1 citizchi Tor th pnroow of urrip . v-QnMnwPn'iW tnc, man .impan legiiiattve. Jbwwjh lalJoiservatlre, this JmporUot. duty.'. mxn thenTI Pi l!,UwnV poj P&P what would be the result if all were tn their hands f Much of this ex pense alsonld'be saved were it 1 tilthe day of action fi now at ban a. .aV aW-awakaa. M 1 ' S. aaa a. aX' at- n X M.Ti 1 1 Si S. . 4. " 'the Tbe tk.. ;.ui i.a.i.l 1 M ine,:Wniio men' iiv tbe aereraJi Rinmhiinan m na;iM.M nk.j ; hnt a llarn trnth m--rtaiA tan an1 I kalU. ittl.' Iw.-4V.t ...: T a. 1 eOUntie4.Will.Anlv AW" thai ndllaaiul i f ha l.a . -.4. . J ' r. . " ' "er? "V I vwibj,,bv .will V9 iu?r MIV, ,, JCll IV "'a" t ..rr; r7"H" T hwuiaw "Ul !) UUai aUU . f the pebple of North Carolina' kre horman, lies taU' what Lla llisi4ll TWk fMA-lRvl :Pi fWb J .Ht f w 1 wltb the ove-thromr ,'of . that abmL wo mey wih neea we lesson iney i eondnct' shall be let no man fot I TT rmtwimi mmt aauon-rthe Canby j Consutnuoii- teach. .av ! liaUIiUWna atanda aa the treat barn-tol ..2 . '-.-i !" -. r,', - m x. . - ' w j s a a a a. a. .'b.t . . sn . irotn aotng his duty to himselr, huf J."' 7" , ."wroujuV .awii progreasv are may look fer th dawn ' "rr"!r; iijwonjTifij ' oiw- i em will sffeH,,evBry .-m)nj, gian MndJ jyfyrtjw- jwtfvww wDietrinTe press are sanruinex or bia rty ,4ntW.ifrjattm otke jh resnlu of tbd Apguat tona; hi tut neglect other minor dntieai , Nbxdelentes to the Com titational Xiri,,frTr' . MvA -ooi.'! ttmtioBai Evta the bittereet I ?wnP.men4 inoitne aererajj laaioje jdemr than ithaa oeew it any time ninoe the. warj and- the a !w.iw.jt A'TfTTTT '-van pita . Iember.UiAt lh, jrity of I e t idcai,1,KfaoxwrtBfslcrtU th. jzm w m fca.. d..M iKiv 2sr.iain?' flH.:jt.r.; tution. i wp9m w ..a -" Ssa JeZro tTE very t wbit man , in:. the 1? ,e'ftttr eest ,!or bf pwwlltu- 'he , Kaaical party ia , I V A.a!t A all, afai kiMa Mai mi !fa aa ta A .ijutw'himtelf and a ihflitHO and every power lis may . . " . .. ... ' . : ... V Tbey. aptoit rIiiimaFCVsmU6 J re- tiniii e lr.'td fl4ff Olscrets I i-ni s3taatr bada to the 1 Conatihnlim I membell that Uven in this MinnaTgn eitahB to m ichitrgM. at ah poiv J Qnenl Ajssemldy inaets cmly onoe f partyioes not hesitate to- avoir !lft5 t drc.lenl f" srwpiesinwsr t. wiMiigeai propafpa, iuuuim xpenayn r w nt,:i T??i,f. km u Am-A Iter, let him vote, and nnreandaa- af WMnWiHIiraiH, Va- lt aatlmate' The tmfaable "V" "V atst hisU.iihKAr. t tAtl- olla coaajitfitjuiiaBUiw the bill u f whwihi, wwihm or any f new c era of prosnerity; 1 llti" lea NordhoC I a KeDoblicaa.'i " , letter to th JaVrwU; on tb ; tuariou, says t ihi&i , &.Mlta North Carolina la at Peace. I tell ' Am .I,!. ''.l ae-1 7r,iji?rnijj' rf bww , ana, macea,- mere ia BJ'. S IT aT at .a a a em, to tbe' service of his Bute f l.HV.-KlW 9bJPt" of Jlf : Clyll retence 7 here thr eontrarr. MThe DAmnrnte mini ha trtla1 ' wrona to ant "one. no hoatmtv, . to the eovernment : there ia ha no. . l$oa.-dnJW-rtia'ail wtiita Bli'a 'la thalr -taaabi.aatia4ita kton i f iKeir oraaiatia to tbe chair, mrnmet &e Xzaeatira KteetSHttee- 4f the coaatj(f wlt'tt thW hsaiet of tketr oCcerVL toif mmlttWy f onber mrstr db . .1 -I 1 y.. . t ,J . . J1 was to put rhevoorwhila hll1 hi Ih. iManf lh.nui..Tk. I. zz irji Ttfyi ""f i y "y vv i inicai crime in in istita thava ia BiW!;tIpi If bo intimidation by the whites: they -(t"'t"t-pt rf '.. - incan omv ia ueieai ina luaicaia ! " ' " lit., 'i ri- ItrtfAesatw att 5.00 Pr . 1 1 .. XiJoarftaeperai . I -die tCle i . fuenu irka. at 15.00- per ., , : "V i' S ffea, at I2.S0 per IMoprietytttrriywIiittoOT j m.'" n, , - -.-V- of voter, are M epea Is each tof asbip, " Tott -J Ml j j J $o'CO kkJ.m ttfiAMid fo Elti "If Li-&Cciiiri.Jon the d.i be W usdsrcX ekwiioa which ( Lli V 1 nting;1 '7-, " 5,000.00 6,000.00 wronjr dieaetrotts L- W . tt reuow-ciuzens Whom Convention l-iho r adrocates " of Civil Kights, or -tie tisait of true Constitutional reform -Fawtl .Democrats aad 0arrvatlns whe live oa the onukirtt the enj mil iRaj- afirf IrAr. tliam itw. ..J t...Jf. ' ICememoer. tlutLJa seven- yeara MdcA nAivm mU Tki. -T:j. '' froittbe'oM 1 ' t S'i ": 'i -a-.. , aa... . ..ataa-, .....a- noiaer, ana it wu conflrmed ly not less than a dosen otbers, all xtloua aid aome bitter i Kepeblicans, and ' byleading colored men 'also." h With a Itepublican press disarmed debt from Kepublwani XejrisJature -n tV 1 .00 ooears, tbej elsy of Aegast .iAV man milt te ptrmiiUd U 9tU tmUtf hit mam tppean upon tht regutrmti teoa. We htve a white atsjoiit p sryea baa. dim4 s"iaa'caaty sf WakMd ir tbe white people' will ealy 'do their' fntf daty n. all will fca aall J. -Tia aktla mimU M bav Mit of lha' .affalht if the I beWlei eea toil IwMf proper-1 t C-wlsaittaS ; lelr We.''.d-; M taamr. par Conaty .OoBwaUloa. I Untbe taxable value of the 'property ers hmmty tU iff tJ e dJ fepoard lof the Btate at il50,000.000. .ve find the iiM,4ylie tradalMt aad reekleeteottpf Ckventjou but ,21) eml pAth; adalaitratL n ih- Tfi 'r it f ar j i'IYt I rtiainad ioltm ' n ' 1 r'H j'la at; m KairiKa aes Dcea leoeeaea aai - , rT' . Total eokt ofConvoft- . i t :t 4-tl' 1 Voting population Is about 900 ), w that the (Cost bf fCtiventlon w0 government ' of 1866-'67, wm j-oofflPoaed Cof. honest hpkJi liO ten h.,W t;J sutJ"W WpChSCS Wl. , ..m, " .' P..''"" . a 11 a'a- I 'rlaMA aS.M ai. . akdF 'aakAirl.. .. . i . , an. , w X plated ja'ahaaaiadt. white , spaa aa hooeat am tcooomicil baits,,, A.tresd'y ws htvaclMetisga Jrsaitnihet'parts of ewkglortowe a1d Btataj a4aalsblBg as that the ahhe auo of Ifortk CaTuiiss will forever Wipe tt the cortnftt Radical tale aad fa! whtekbayeaaraljtid for so isay yean tfee laeaatHes of ear Btate. Whit aweav of W'k eaaty, bow - h to setfV oeeaui eon ated every township let tbe uiUXatv UtnAng tblbiToiiiJfe f Mniivi'votf .he; Poljed.?; Olythia atiye rale.wSsa to'ie.exteut1, caa prevent the State from again tall U htfaHka kanta'A rKt?..U'" " W .1 !. IMJtJiiJ Is,! r,,(. I... .W. tbe tiate to Be?Uter 4 Toar I yl4d CooaUtatloo. u . Jl J . . ak t V -J 1 - ! f they Uv. not J. tlat, entire mu-w taatistaiat ir aor mnrh la I ra. i .i- v.-ti.-:.. 1 when only th Legislative branch f this eaaap'.iea i ;.aatl e bsve a Dea- f Difference in fa v'or - - I - - .a,. '' I av.Blaa a.'a V..l. ., VIT.V a. n.a...atu .8 . - " ' V ' ' ia eonservatlve what would be, th ,jpe suit if alt were fat their bandar Much of Oils expense aUo , could 'he' saved wro h nw hjivbu yu us Jnwr a .kal Oay I ,h,,,., i,t - . fln-r. l.fihiii: i IJMfieI.ou:l!moro than and ,ctH tw hard-working pe oUerhiva deeimieresf in wftW Pi wt"'JlMjt.ll byisuch, testimony as thk and the , tfot Vu Congtltxition, whlcl! is WW bn mteiwst:o thJrailda. dinlak by Jar.NoTdboff aesignea to -degrade" 00- kntf ypttr I )wr' mjmmim -J;,'-,"J tna u jxaauxu party it duorgan niiaren.,, e to it uiatroar &us -. ? ' riaTji w r 1 tqso ama !( s vT .f.'" . w?iT"nf your, we uudk mere ia Mwon to heajtny.'congiatulat- .the Old North State upon herproapectsv L Rao axo QaLiTaVrJobji Page a iegre and the radical candidate for.'"' Miu.tlU JH ' mA '.i ' 4 f wfiTvuwuH ia v uuwan vaonij, say I. d . tlaetMWM fatataJraf t tte 'a. Cnaataham, tkq wiU fi tin tfUU ! Rnu Danrw tbsm, wm lave 'no:V.' soih thing as dlstlnctioa on nccoaot f . IIILLONTOE RADICAL Mor, Df -tNTTHIXOa "Let every 1 A . M, .TRICK. . Pl orth Carolina eirculatw thia. It is the trrosscst delusion to sup-1 " was Said hi the pteaenc fIJr. R.1L', pqse the Radical, if i th majer I Wlnlwrn and half a doen other, white mi in ua onvenuon. WUI vote tOl geaueme". naMane iimis. 1 eisa lowainio iuiia r ine cornortic I "f jvur wni nnu Tunr uruuieri i i bssits ol tie1 cit aTp'iad, Tegmter. ,Tke go Jo thd polls And o "dim 'I4 uW WW IdfflftajyiM books lr reftWH Hitm to be foead 't tnfamou Gornktofam. t-'"''' :St?WeW.Wr' pnJujw th store of Mills B. Btouav. . rkyette. T Y - - I ,,.,, f-r-, i ' ..-rlwy. lUmeoibei htt the HaiHciksfaea If jIVrCost. -f the ; ConservaUve rf mna Tb i h!au'.. State hich Sutd'irovernment: Eatlre .ixponsc; bt. dl x, u( r the departments of . . a estate . government 186S-76l ' . i ... i i , 1 .x a j " , WilI Vod;kt4y away from the polls and let the Civil Rights party control mis vonvetruon I 1 OEN. J .. -r, nJI ayvuiVUWVHt Will T ytO IV 5"" ; &&r teritos& fig tgi" ..C3LAT MCnntQBT,,t. i j ATToasrxr at iaAW5 eaaaidstes are aaoaa aed triel tnra. Let as all do ear duty aid We wlU elect """tv.-nyihTinij" iu J. ' tt is hard to rive fcures a parry bias, j XL ft are tr-exlble, out etana oat st?;a t"' a r1- J f ct, and u the- pew- yt- of J.'.-'ri'i Ci'.rc::ra are wise they . 1 kce j t..a L'ssca taci tecb. b'lbe eity. sod rraUter. ' vote V - tnrabf 1667 eoafj VT Lai,-J liU. JTlL LV ri'ilTiJ 1 1 .T' eJ . ..drt ( ,1 L,b ''f1'? kH,efTT . "w!T u forcra-. $,895 00 the) result of the electtol. m tbe tb ' uaaa.txui., osVtwaW iln llMitb Ctfoliss -kere the aesto For ' Purpose;? iTWO 118,493 77 df (August give assuranc of i'Had- 1 ' ( d an. threat atiisawa mm if v-. a- psrty'ie W etbef We .e; pBupiwaM KIt'W-M). ical majoritythere frill be socb a WOUF.eiMSOliO TdJUMl.:;- Co,.) ad. U'a sesroj s tieotaot Jjcal Vgte atnpj pf 18069 ,1 . fipckiflg to 11 earPet-bag. v w'SI Traaiarar tk.' a,v .,. n.-J.i . FfnT all Purpoaes. . 2732 5 refteeallv.- ir bi Mtv'ta.. feraate.ayrra-ry,s-l . , u k .i.Mu.iinii.Diiivii c...ccrs.j unco ii,e -nnEa' timea' of Lit;le-I other rt&cers of 8tst are oegroee. joxyrtox eoixo'vat co. I hiataci , , fa