S- . , sao follow n:r:cTm::i; c? . IA1I,(, ,,,.,,.,; ,..( ! - eHUi pgLkiot rIowof.TennesMe, asys of ti tUdicai party' of tb Booth, vr U "$ln r.W', jbiii,t'or, 9n$Jpr gerXX'itf wP, w reckon, be believed, ae .opmy-of Tf bj Dfgk, Prleata of Rid I j'W; JhYfoj'wgwdeiffcy the w.bole pvtjr",.'4(i! r ! f .: f "! deptptyb JKkrySrill Qpllee, b refereace Wx.Uii PltllR'tfMe blUtothaUoltedCUtoi ewttr, pablM! U i JV W74, Senator Cfowoloi say r -kI .,'" ' r Ma ad State 1 t negro deprived of full And tquil Vtttoa.weyeBd tb taw bat 1 MTWfel' 8MtbM Bute, Ilk 8outW Gtroneai tbI wxrrB has ba so" ataaW warts! 'ni 'xkoao- A ' boubd to I- fie tat, i ll tb Boot'bra"6ut th neurit bet eqoel fscillt. or education "wltti the Wblt rao'' the publio spfBat houWbyoef jpafww ? eVeoilected to support the tchooU." - , Awsja, bme ;VSc;.itfirffcuJ bill (Civil Right) ttt I effect Devi Toombs Md th feeder of the Booth. It la, Ik rety, wBD tbb swr ovHocuitMor puiiTirr widow Airo. ' oriruxM crts fiboTB." ('it''" ',".ij5'.: fi rpublloaa Chief Ibtnkl Ibt. Jk pubhpa .jlag.'ef Mi. PtJ : Wiu'.-Btoa Rei bm oq that point j llj Jtt a Dam cratic riag to'. Jt, . He ajti VT flia h waresdeVja, aersral of ; th Bouthera Sta,toa't iorwt ook .efflctal ad wbltf drrUrrij pmJculariv the latter be, stoka ratjthlog thatr ar portable, " errythig that eobld .bacanladcC Tba pitbUe.lmUdiaaBf ebarltj, U Orpbb EHad 44.IoDt Aijlaat an Wt,' bo tbaiaaoa for ltfr tofport M woUb tU MMdtiii'rttualdIBiM'ccafa(ola, btal ifta tlaa-eoiild 'nat pai tt'em la a oaicTra4l'(w''catry(&pi) to fhW 'pock ttiClTha faaicouid aoiba cartied away, bal bi Wiaoderbd woftbieii t Ux. wigrtf cQUIty 'artyi ttfaf rata and d gnAi f ary But the; eitotrol, Brar bad pwri-tiBicj Udietpifeat: larellad ffkinit them, than tbla latiar of BrowB ; laid. CiiminirfromthallfoablieaacafliD. it fcanbot bVqaettiootd." IUdicall Bevar trll UtMhooCt 60 (braiMlTea. ' KAN'S CARD TO THE PEOPLE C3T f Ihava aeeatbif Bi Bama baa baea BkBtlowd- aa aa.' ladeptBdatol baodidata " W fept- you la tba l-:Cowmttoi"t;I . kin not aollcitlonato ba aeadidta. Vol 1 am wIRIok to aerra jou if you deair II. ' I canpot conaest to na aa tba eaadfdata of aoy' party I tbiak'thar party ' teel V lav aooald oot opaHt aPaach B o caak0,Ba4I4o.aot'BUwly agrMWltk ; ithcrmrtv in what! naderaraad . their lwa joba.'ln teapect WwbatibaCoa- l.'I doaotlcar. aa aoaia reptbHeaiM ' praloB'. to do, tbat th Domoomta, If they Lava a majoiltv ii tba; Coaaatic, will tlata b4 iMtrictioot oa Ja powat la powd by- th Legnlitoff' I abtlt teal myself boaed' to tbttrrr thB botkb; law-aad ty Btoai of gbad faitfc and fal daaUoe. tw .n .t !; ' 4. I do aot asm witb tba Septtblloaaa, lauIokiDg'tbat ihe Confeotioa cojhto adjoora.wiiDopi aoiog aayuing. , ., Tba oraaent eaaatitatioB la tolerabia It ki Bad a it dWacta adlgM kava bee remedied by leglalaUT actios; bat U la aot perfect, ,.. . )jJ (,'., w .!!" With4 powibiy tba excepto of Judge : I fbiok Ihe people, ihoald bate iba right ofaleetlbg ail tie oCioen wnomthey bo It Jp Mit qotloai ol depriv lag oot ored mea ( tbeir f!gbUo,.?pAoo. eoaot of thif Color, that .la probihltad bytba Ceentb ameadmaat ot tbe Coa- autnaoa oi in voitea siatre, aaa u lm- poeaibiattii : oaJ m wi'iw .j JL. There la one otbai aobject to whkb abort aa I .wUh to mtke Ibka addreaa. riah to makat ibla addreaa, will kak your atteatioa : It I tbat, of - neitd Intitlathn, Tb' proper Vaataem '' BlCatu i-'to pae'pNrf taWi iffdCtinj ; BJI i mea q9ally-' ibla la ei deat, b caare,it rrpreseota tba S'te, d Bt any part ol it; lha whole people, ead aotaojCiait or Interest. Notwithttaod lneibM iTettu kaa' trow' on. tinder whloh the greeaS part W tha time f tba Laglalalora.i eoatnmed. Ib jipeeial legia- lation, !, .,frtrt .V !.!rif!V,J ? An V I think the CoaTttioa abould put aa - and' to tbla,', 'It ihoald declare Ibat tba preieot Bull debt aball iot Wibereaaad ; ibat bo txwkty; tpwa or miy, abi'l locor ' a debt, pt 'or lb aeoaeaan cxpnac or na poTot nmnf , . witbont, ta oobm of tb Ux-payerk, aad Ibat aoct aball be ituaftd giru' privtlegei to ' k few whlk' t ropeB t mil eaitbe 'itma lerar. In other- wotde ell apreiel legtela tioa aboald b prohibited,! mr aa It poaeible to d It.., jr, ;,.tti .?.u f s,. A--i-I ' retpect eod ateem the geotlemaa whom I bndmtand ha beta aominated a a eaaftldat by bi Menda. Bat It b will aot, pledge, bimaelf to ppetttb tiewe i baea ,et lorto, , ioa aotwtiB ataadlngr bi admitted priVate worth, I cannot tulnk blot aafe repreieatatlr of oor latere! oa tbia eooaaioB.- r -1 '..a Yoor WlewlUaarM ; i 6ib Jury; 1871 , !,. , (SoBM ortha italic art our oWr.) Ek Xhi word waa eeretebed oat lo tb printed card, d "people" InaeVted. TtUt wai don by hta radical friend, w oppoBf.-XBti.j it va.;iUii.A itVHMH-NaU4 If tbe R -pnblictai be ttroeg la North Carolina to-dar. it I by remeon of tb raploaas ef Ce ConMrvkllree. 1 IadeedJ la ear epainy we una xoe eoaroe or rma tcal g!t!5?wiviOnr Z"n(! wtielr profit ( our lr?s trcj fia. rw for tb mow J iv r 2 i .3 l .tvij imia mm tayawyl il ir tr-'lrfirl qvLjBioirra atw poos j eocui TI.'a riral 1: . :ri 'r ttit tha .HIlawins ficcTvJ proc:?i; which ot.urrel in tLs torn cf OolJsbora within & few day aad judfl for youirselTea. v i i ' : town, bold cafrUid oat the.j toaca irHDf;.that4nfamOM inca5nre.!to thelagtist and; Indignntion of all decent people,' -'i -m . ,Th ii)!lowing fcoUiWe gtthej Croat the Goldeboro Ifuaenger, and no RJBrx.wul deny Uiom : . i j.. i ... M Ujr. way of proof. tht tbe in- famon Civil Ci-hU liU i t not a dead letter, aa tba Radical eandir date Uk occasion! to inform tbe good people; we last : week chror iciea an neiance oi uitu. iuto practiced at the llampbrer House, the leading hotel in Goldsboro, where upgro.njan and two negro women appeared tin the dining room, to i the ntter diigut of the ladieaind , tcntlemon jiwho. were aeated lit tbe tabic, and demanded accommodation which of eonrao could 'not be den feJ tbdm' without objecting the proprietor -to tbe the last IUdical Corrcaa, It wu however, not onr -intention to ere- ate Bensftiooi and we tnonid not bare again referred to thia outrage bnt for a fnore infamout repetition to whicath eood citixeni were inrjM imtnA, An 7Hnnarlav Mf cAit lL-W i The Jleutnger thnh colbite 1 the facta' farniahed in f3 in IU local f It had hean annbnncod tbat ' IXtJ Uilla. of thev Orthan Home, with deleaUiotl of white children irom that institntion private inltitn- !am a.w rihltmevtfw wawmm dA ewfvew TVdkaft UVU VI VUaUHJa w ae tv biiwwhvw entertainment in Goldsboro for the benet of oar citizen who have w neatedlT contributed liberally to tbe support ef that praiseworthy object: A ' the andienoo bena ! to collect, they foaad that tmtnbelr l!of col ored people, whether by pre-ar- rangement or not, and n leenur a i it were, ; had scattered tbemseirea orertbe bencbea for the kpparent pnrpotcr of compelling ' the white people to ait with them; Tbej were remonstrated ' wun or Jtir. llill and ' at hi roquest by lir. Swaringea,1 the chief of police, ' and politely requested' tltt they take aeau to tnenueitea,' wnere'.Yney wonld be perfectly welcome to wi neaa the entertainment. Tfci they refuted, saying tbat they bad a pinch right there a any other per ion, tbat they were ladle and gen tlemen, and wonld ait ' where they pleaaed.: ' Mr T. B. Ilyrnari,5 who kindly astiated Mr. MQla.ext t tempted to persuade tbe intruders to take aeata to themselves, but with no better success. ,a Only two or three heeded the leanest, the re mainder, who, byi:the 'way, !(re among the leading colored men of tnur place, stubbornly rerosed, and the perforniknee Went on The in dignation of the audience was great indeed.U-'-'-'-'l1 (!" '!'."": . f This ia the outsrrowth of Civil Rights, and practically interpreted meant that- wkiU people have, no right that negroce are found to re- epecw no u reeponaioie wr juib tat of aSalrs f Who ia responsible for this privilege of permittingonr families Doing thus Insulted f Wbo it responsible tor tbe perpetration of this outrase noon ouretrctol (not civil) righUI' there Is but one answer: The leader of the Bad ical party. '' It Is1 that party "who have fastened upon ns the Infamous Civil Kiffbtt bill! The nearo tu jwmaoy bill! - ,--if'1SltA.iaBeBe yrlpHFOf:i:ii)Sft'ij : InETlIAlfKEDf GOD FOB TBE4 U .-Si. ,i.:sl .i. KltT.ll l.-n v"" .; We received the ; following eertlAcato to-dayt . , " ' , ' , , t uinw ip July 22ne 1874 t We, jtbe.ajideriigued dtlsens of lie Dowell coonty, do hereby certify that we. were present at a diactualon to-day, at tbia place between &, W. Watts, Jiidge of the Bbith JndlcUl DLttrlct of Xorth Carolina, and 'JlaJ. W. J. Mont gomery, daring which, to is question propounded to bun by MaJ. Montgome ry, tbe ode answered tbat be, wu In favor of tbe tivtl Eights BUI,' and 'that he thanked God It had paaaed. 1! 1 SlI..-J.K.Hawkln.,! W.n.Bobbltt,r., j. )Hi.;i :-!W;eai,Mi IIH 'KJlBurglB. . ill WTr.ThwTwnkx'ifi.iif.WTuV.T'i ' VY.f ,illitl'rit' i ilf ill LOTTEEY; I tUxed the Legialetmre Drrveee ltf.aand I 'b oteaeb atoettu Ta-Al each, for IA I ebanee la A t ..J.b.O la eeaa rjiaea. Capital friia Sia.CL -Azmai weit4 .'.,.. .(" t ir h '.-. I an .fnler. Addreaa . V. rATUl.' La eCity, Wyoatbif.' $ ri ,. - , 4a. i 'ir. ft ' .i i .W i, lanf C" ' 1(4 of fa ptUgoite ,to Ci Cn?tntio ;n-i V'irwiscii'tiv1, ' The fuSo:. g fi ' corwet 1 ol U.e' atem ber of the E CowUtttC.aal Cuuvwtloa nf irrsit ! tit H iJ '- t-i'-.'j'r-:: i r rear.aiIellWuia Bw imka W A. B. kunt.; , Kutneriuea ana rout w. u. Mgaa, Yaneey ana KBttearfUi n e. warianu. J Baimi'!, lIend'?"on and Tre- lone. J. Candler. ' ' 1 ."' . . i ywooa ana w. u. tianx. t ....I ' V'-- Geo. W. ticker. '' ' . ' " ' . AUr An, f""TT, wina ia irr klo I "tn'l Fmkn. i..a Baubow, taeov, W. Caia-";U, V. . Xe, Imtri and A!B4ef--CeWia J. Cow a, C. O. Jiniea. Vwley IL (,e'r,.-, Joue V. A. i ' -a, Jmry Fmltli. " , Uavle ead R'w Jl Keae, . lMt. K3toa Do.lie, lae K fcoaTer. f , - Ui5d 1 iato Pnrham. ' ' , CatawbftoJea. S, L. ,. UbcoIb-Joih-i h IL hlnr. UM-Vlmburr-iiUwenl tallbin. BHae W. CbamaW. T. Biaaaa. vii i d J itanley Lerl C. Vortoa. ' - ; ADeoBOeon Tucker. Heart Chliltoii. ,. Uttokee-r&'V. Fettee--f m. J'.-A-'t- v rormtie s.B,Teiroe.r - .n DavMMMi Iaa Kluiiey, B. Monican. , i, JUadolpbT, L. L. Cox,B. V. Tiodcw. . OullforU-G. W. Wolker, A. W. Tonreee.; t ' Rockingham It Baraee, Jha Fwacb. , tw0-HtfwOTr.r.UoaBett. ; AUmaDC Ilearr U. Bay. ,, , , . ''hiaon-WUliam Merrill. ..'' ), i (hun-X. at. Holt. J. W. Omham.-;( ; f hit.iim J. A. McDoubL W. T. OaaMr. Wake-B.' D. rmnVUn. J. . Aadrewa, B. B I. WOllaBML Jfaai 11. iweHa, ' . Warree. Mymtm, Job Beao. rrankjlBUU U, H ia. T, na . Caraberlao W. A. ifaaa.S. IT. ' Hanwte V.. Tamer. , . . ,,;.! ) j ; Moore B. a. aicixxuaa.. . , ,.IT! t lt ,, MiBMBd B. T. Loag, Br. ! , . ; . JobMton Dr. JameaBay.Natbaa Oollry. lirnoew. m. ratncK.M 1 l .'i j ' WUaon-W. Daniel. k , lIlltax-Umt f J A 0, Renfrpw, W. . k NnMJiamnain. tl PaAer. H. T. flraiH. EdgeoDiW. IL Bakery Menry ADawd Bmry Q. Vhttrr. i . Leooii-K W. Km, Brauwkk-Edwia ' oluuibo HJ0e Leuaon. KobeMm- Annua nance, i 0. 8. lUrea. ' B laden A. W. FUher, 1. 1. FreBch. Miw BaBrer0m. J. Oc Abbott, B. B. Dod11-J. 1R Aitraoe. Amtitaf bMk . fHmpaoarrfrlTeatm' i( . Carter, Aleawoee TTmUead Weahttrtoa-4. W. Joort.' MarU-amael W. M'atU 1 .' KerUord-J.B. lUre. ' s , . tiatea Tboma I Hoffler. a iflf.fi"'', CbowaaWoba B, Fresph.. , ,-.,: f ' Vamnlmana IW Wiil Nlpluilana.' ' ' f asqeotaak and Camdew-nC.. U. ' Pool, M. CrareBDarid Ueakw, W. H. fcl Sweet,' X ! Cartant Abmhaa OongMon. ..i Beaaiora w, o. MUinan, na. euuaj. Ittt Brroo LaXln, D. A Bleb. ! , HtAfc-Aulm J. (.linaa. . .... I M'b. Tboae marked wttb aw aateriak () are DaaaooraU. Taoae printed ia JUiHc, are rrnitoouBAOXaiOki iTtRrwkK, . frCM QAXOWTA nOUSXSOLD I Aa Wai irate i aioaU)) ot yaow, waar It la a beaattfailf LUnatrauid Jteaoaiterf of Llteratira, deaUaed .to beeeaae tbe Ureal ttmarhold Maraaiae of tba avoatt.1 Bore tbomk-bl IdeBiiaed wttb tbe eeopie Ha tbatr Beeial aad DotwaUe Life Ibaa a caber Manalsa IB the eonntrf. aad fear tea aiiaa. ttle btote kteadtar. Ho adtaataM ealeeted wblcb atther talent at eapllal eaa oaa eommaao 10 rcaoer taca waaa aa wiw able aadlaatmttve eomieBdtam of ebetee Madbie, by populaa wjtt-ea, both heme aa abroad.!,:,. 4... ' Bta aioat aUraetif fcatare. - Ike Jaaaarr BBmber eoatatBa a Uf a I ke porUalt of Ba to be followed ia ; eaib Baatber wttb pboto (raphe ef ether Broaaiaeat etatiamaa, elrjaee OMLT SS.W A TXAX. roatace Free.! aad each enbaerlber eaa make a ebelee ef Uiree bmmI Wailful, large InrrkVt ra, alae ofaaebStxWIaebee, elat "Ike FiadiBa: of tba Bavior m tb laple,t , . Tba Madoaaa," aad "AiaiLier Defytaif the Storm," toe warae e reeerpe oi tae aonnpiHJa mem. ithar at the EnciaeiBf le worth doable theprieeatked for the Maeaalne. Aajoae eaediBK a elub of Ave will react re aa extra enbeeripneBi wee. B-nxie copiea av eeaie. Bix moome aaot.npuoa wiiooat iaa m eraemaeLOA -aRuata Waated Beerywba i-i ;,'. Abdreee .... j...... , " ., ; JUUUS A. BOMITZ. rblleber, tjBBiBVtf-! " eoldebare M.a -i. ;,:, f 'Wilt! pj "fe , -W-Jt. rfWWC i .By lady through, ia Ue Engliah branches and Uualc, ' aituation aa teacher in A private family or Urge aeboot twould prefer to teach mualc alone; Will give and require reference. M ltfu AMrea, t- Auss x. JS. jm,m i ,.ic, Box)iBltllntnN, C, '-til ft '.i'.1 '.' v--m"is"..i ir"n It f, JUCaf OABT A FOB 9LB Twao mi CaBfaletwee. 1 oa AOWbar a. S ea New bare AeHmewltb tote of treat 1 to T acree, I emeu eima aoaete wna a aadea Bloaat street, lot H FayettertUe atreet, lotteerea . Oae oa ! T IT r LOTS rOR tULK, Pw KB Fayetteelll street., B5 to tSP, 10S oa Taeker road, ked of ftewbetr ATeoae $60 to IS. Vt beaetlal lota pa Laifax atreet 40 to 1,U0. Two oa Slovat sL, to 0tt - ,n,LA2lD FOR BALK. &u ,M t iJB aeres X miles from Capitol oa HQ. boro road, fe aerae )i BUe from City ra fiUlebore load. Sao acres H aiiie from tow ea FsyettevUleaBd Aijnm wdft M acre farm wtib ood koaae aear 1 aula from rap UeL all io aa eoie oa c""T wrra t ....kVAlAOAXAJii ,1 . a 1 Br.a. t10tf Offlce, I trboronich Uvaaa. ' I , QBIKGUES ASD LATHS. 1 " TbaCaiT HhioeCa, w new prepared te famisk SlAr.Rleaaadiatka la aay qnaaUUee deal red. lheet eblDKleaara tbe beat hi the aurfcet. marn-tf brr, bakaCev,M.C TKf?RTAyT. ADDITIONS. j Aeb AkaiTcr r ExrBX&a. An bow 7'.), tc'tUf. 4 talih Jd rrmsrkabty CotaL" core- r of WU :-ton rl L'a. "t freu rjrs" 'y t .e I'eroljia Uw- j, La I "en f -ly u a ,. , -a a. I a . k; cu ana rc..,:a, mmu n." jcm BM!e entirely r.e, "i fca'.'rg lacn eewly furcliLei hi the LmJacncbt style 1 now ready lor &e acconunouo w vteftor,' , - .4 ;.; ' i .Anr-smenU Lave been m&ae tor an Onuu and Carrla.'re to meet the travcLirg rub'.Ie ob each arrival of the ter will attend. - Tie Cir and Accommodation at thla House will not be mnpaaaed, by any la tbecltyw , '-. - . Tarma. neroav. ' - BZ.UU. A liberal abare of public patronage ia respecUuliy aoiinued, ';. J4-tf r '' i " i -lprieU)r. ....... Gbeenbbobo, N. C, - The Fall Session will begin on the I8IA Of AOglMt, I-:- : :,m 1..' . i : ".'''-Tsmits Bsxvcno. 14 Ht " Chartre per session of twenty week: Board (exclusive of washing and light) 175.001 Tuition in jegular - English course, f . vitarge . iut extra atudiea, moderate. . , . ,1 For uttaloiTUe containing pajvculora, apply to ' T, M. J0NE8, President. : J-Btif... nt Freaident Board Tntstoes mnE nowE sewing ma n , 1 ;-? FIHST DACUiaE PATESTED. . TkeiMnt JbVAm Mamu fieturtd vttl - ::.-s;;l-'i t ,H .'it 'UH ! -.' ..1 . 1.. -r -'!."" Th fieti ls :k Clsewmeat I r' : . 1 "TV. Mhtal kt aaMrtartt M " t'' 1 I . r- 'V' ! .! f ' ? Simplicity and perfection in Mo- '.j,k. ''''rianteiau '-ijnv-' f ri.It.rri. : urtn 1al ITfaitmat r '. ' Rang of, Wwk Without rarallell 1 - Pejffecbon of Stitch and TeneloB I '. onw "i Hit' "t " ! , Headquarter for Morth utrolma ak 7 Poycttovillo Ctrcct. I '!. f i. t7r..'M,.i .Hi' 1 t- !' '1.1 IU1 101 QSXCUl SFTItSit I '1ICU. fiyery .Machine-jto; fully warranted Batisfactkm guruteed In every ' easel ' Sold term . j 3rW have room, far everal good Agent, and will, offer liberal terms to energeuemen ( 1 , , f i ! .-: THE HOWE MACHINE COn i lu! . 51 X"'11 . 1 7 Fajette villa Street, . jyo-u r n iu xuieign, a. -v, AS - L K F r E L ' 3 frt."T 1 l ' l:.Vvit4 IMPftOTO OpUBLI ' . Tnrblno Water heol ,, ..w-..r.-Jt-..J. j y nil .. Jtl POOLE nUKT, Baitikobb. i Uannractarers fur the South and Smith ' it u. , . f l--v itn-dU' iftarly 700t sow Baa, working OBdei ( beada varying from t to S40 feetl S i U alwa, frotn, 0 s4 to M IncheA',' i The moat pWerful Wheel la the Market - Aad most aoonomlcal la see of Water. . Large IUnatratod Pamphlet aent poet free WAJtrrTACTTjaXXA, ALSO, or Portable aad StatioiisrT Steam Eagtaa and Boilers, Babeock m Wlloox Patent Tnbnlons Boiler, Ebsogh1 Cmsher for Ktiwrabi, -Saw 1 aad ' Grist : JIUIa. FloariBg KlB Kaeblaery ' Machiaery fbt White Lead Works aad Oil Mills, BhaA Ing Paileys sad llseor,,.. ESND FOR CIliCVLARS.1 ... . THBK8TKT OKJAFS STILL AHKAD. TwwSflvwr Medals awarded at the It. O. State Fair, for the 8T CHURCH aad FABLOB OBOAKS. Bead lor Ulaetrated Cstaloog sad terms to ' , BAT.UBBOWH, , ' Geaeral Agent, Baletgh, B. a oodBespe stueAgmbWsated." ectSoHf rtr . W".". t ? ATTORSfXT AT LAW. . . iACASOX. MUETB CAB'UBA. FracUeoe ra all the Conrta of Kortbsmptoa, r.;V.-x, 1"". ea"4 J an -dr m.ailathe f in, .letotu-t of I.ortk Cti a, site la k. t Tnurta. " .... jt -aaa - r- t; CttabUsbed mora tbaa a third of h rjentary, RISUCZD tf peJCS . !J r.;. l Also IwOj bondred aeoond-baad .8a(c,;foc ,B6I atid 851 BkOAOWAV.New Tork, , oa aud CO BOTBCMV BT, Boatoa. ,, ' leb 10-eol-m .i ' -i ' -nratuTi, :,:.:.,?;:.ii;.,.-) Dealer la ; aecerai Merenaaas a. : waeai a .. Lam' ar, MtiHar-a aad Wood, Apex, Wake !o.-e ..' 5 ' ' i . i t - Ucurmew nwtwxtaitv ILLCBTPATB0. 1 ba aear Inmaaslne ebealatloa of tbla ea eeiieat moatbiy proves lis eoouaeee aoapu Una u. not-nlar daairaa aad aeeda. ladeei aaa wi iuu laia aaw am nwm u tmrnar tralM CTarvmoatb. we maat eoaslder It as oae of veedaeetom aa weU aa eatertelaata of tba pablie miad, for Ita vant popalarity am bee woa by bo appeal to atewa adlees or depraved lastsa ibataa Tba character wblcb this Manslae bob aad Uterary ealtare tbat bee kept paea with. If It baa aot led the Umes, aboald caaaa its conductors to regard It with jaetlneble eoav piaeeBey. It alee enutlee Huaa to e xraat elaba Bpoa tbe pablte naUtade The Maaw alee bee done aood aad aot evil an br daya of IU life.- ttnouy tuytt. . . v i 4 i i .. ; TXBbtat 5 & rot-rsfna to all eabecriben In tb tlaV lea Biaiea, . v - Hiirii MAeaaura. ooe rear.. -at. 4 00 IneJadae prcpajmaal of 0, . poet- see ay ue i BBiMBera. eabecriKloaa to Harper's Maeajdae, Weekly aad Masar, to eaeaddrem for oaa year, S10.- 00; or two of reiiodieam. seoae idrees lor ea Mi poatare me; Aa Axtra Copy of aitber tbe ltegeaiBe; Waaklv. ar Baea wUl be eeoeued eraUe for every dab of Five aabaeribersat StAi each, la oae remlttaate ar, Six Copies far (kaLft, witboBt extra eopyi poktsca trea hash hBmbcraeB Uaaiit-UcdataarUma. A lX.ni pitta Met of Uarpati Macaatae, wow toarprieiii YolaaMa, ia neat cloth Ua4 IB, wtU be arat by ex prate, freight at ex penaB of rarcbarer. for for Wtaaae. SiuRle folamia. by a alt, ptatpald. SAtA doth caaMv for t melaft AS eeate, ,by aaaU, naea w BAarsaa eava.ere svra. pow bT TBS B'A-SXtaoM Of aie Atlantic ; Hot-al; - BEAijronT, rf.-c. i Tbe eAvaeiam of this faawaa See-Bid Xeaorr, tie ue aaet airetca or txss BBAi.ii 1 TDK w iu.u, rtina irota kail a aula to a aslia wide, with ihe sea apoa oae side, std tb besatlfal soaade and balet apoa tbe other. aSotdirg Iba FlMAeT SAIL IN Q. FldBtbtl AbDU-WBHINU lebefoaad s-ywhwoatlaeAUaatieOoaat. . . This lloiel te sttaatoa directly la tlont of the laiel, aad la baUt UVX THE WATER, tbe tide ebbiog aae aowm daily hcderaaeU iLaceaeieacBU I tare are vo FUES, 10 BtUrQtnoXr.iadlliDCST. ' UUaSUBF BATHING te the Saest aaa mfest OB TUB COAST. Tech's, Sail BoaU aad Bow Boats aaa be bed a aev tiara, aad at reasoaatie tatea. Bathmg iroaaaa are attaeaed to tbe Bote!, where aaeeU-asay bathe la the atlll water rasa or.eaAaea, aaa tearaiae an os awiae- 1 --A eMJDBT FAkB allael to the properly waica is aia) erea to . oar naliVias '" - n U.TIMO TBAriZX U aiao eoBrected With tta Botet, for the eatrrtatBaseatof lltt a tolka ' OUB BATITB tlHIl POX1BS Wld be kept (or hire, aad gwast alr apoa ear Sae roads, Oar Harbor aboads m blae tab, mackerel, treat, pig aab, sheep, head, Soaaaars, oyitera, elaata, eeeaUope, ateae eraba. toll ebeU crab. ate. Oar Sowads are ailed with 1 aasnbee aad bdaads, wkera wud geese, anal, dock, earnw. aaie. aae etbtr varktice ef aea-towl aboaad, wbkk tatharta huge Sock! a aeaaua, aaat aad raise oaaa;. Partiea wlablac to brbw 1 B. a.aK..aA.a.A J 4 b. a. UA..I aABalaak . CH Af BXCCXilOJt TICKATs . ' '' eaa ba bad U any Battret Depot, good for thsaeaaea. i To tboae seeking a borne by the aaa. for theeammcr. BBAUFOBT. aad th jtlantiO UOTXL. ofler eeeauer advaa to xaa, aoitoaad at aay ether watertag plaea . AFiretiaaar BAMD tF MOSICIAMS i Oar MU'lti HALL vt lALL BOOM lathe eoeteet ead target to tbe Boath. Oar Bar, Billiard Beoaaa, Bowllajr Allava, aad "boot lag oellery have beta reStted, aad will, be eonenewa ea wwam - - " OUS. TABLB la (applied With aJl lb leaeles of land aad wafcr. OUB XXFLUTCXSaraMqelrcd UlU 1 Uta, BtteaUve aad obUglBC, . , tST Te those who bare sever visited this deTghtfBl. teaort, we weald arge them.to stop wlUi as the evatirg eeseoa, ae laey wlUba eonrlaeed tbat own Is tea Fixaav . f.aait-aa Baaom. . . "; . ':.,. This Hotel will be opeaed ealy to saeb Via Iters aa tbe proprietor amy feci twellaed to tatroanea mo aia mur cir-ue, . w TXBMSOFBOJiD: Fet aay for Sratweek. ' SStO. ferdayfor aeeoad week, A Uberal dedacU( a to viailors la dal aad lagaet. fpeelal rater to ilantaawa and ruble parties; TamlUas, bxcaretoeleu; sadHoainiy aoaraera. wuieiva aew Bar MbWHABIXrTT;r m t7-m. . sin A rr. ' Brrr s m dim frnnffirr) Pianos . Haw received ' npwarde of FIfT 1 FIIW PRJLIMIUM8, sad anantoBg the beat bow BMde. Every laetratweat .follj warranted for Ive years.. Prices aa tow at tb txcluaire oss t f ths very beat materials tad th moat thorough workmanship wilt mrmit. The priodpal ptaotsta aad ouev xaers, aad tbe piano-pwtrbaiDg rablk jf the Htnth especially, unite ia tb aUiaolmoas verdict of tbe ' superiority ol tbeBtkt PieBO. The Durability I oor laetrBmeata la fully esUbiisbed by r-em Sixtt GcBOOLS aad Collegea ija the fbmtb asing over 800 of our Fianoa. , -' Bole Wholesale Agents for aetetal ol the principal maanfaatarers of Oabimrt aad Parlor Organs ;priom from $30 to S900. A. liberal dieoooot to t torgymea aad 8ab bath Schools. A large aaaortment of aaooed-bao Piaaoa. at prloca raaaiae from S7S te $390, alwaya oa band, , . V fkad tor Bloatrated Oatakae, taiolng tbe aame of ever x.000 Boath araers who bare bought and are esing tbe Stieff Piano. ' . 't lawmBaaHsVLsm mi). CAS. BL DTIaFF; , Wamwoma, Na Kortb Liberty Su 4 SejafOfOBB, lin. Factories, S4 A SS Cam dee Bu. aad 4t it Ferry Bt.- : 0M PovrtiMoHii Afumri RalXIQB, H. C. aeelsl atMBtlAarlvaatoBavurof Ham. steads, ia view of Ute IsU deal rwa ef the Se- prame voan oi ue vaitea Btsi a ea Ue eab reck , ".'"'- 'MvMswwif Qitymm cuF0 r. :4;;:. to tb Fitter of Bawnasi, XsetaMd Fnend i Wul yoa please iafosm yowr readeri tbat I have a positive . . C s,.; CVJUtroM COA'SVMfTlQJf , sad U disorders of the Throat aad Lean, sad that, by Its aaa la my preettea, I bai eare' beattrede of ernes, aad wul ttve foraeaaatt aUl aw baaeSt -Jadaad m Woes le bjJ faith. 1 wUl soad StaapKlrai, t aay saBerer addreaalnme.T rtaaae anow tetiar m aay eea yaw war kaow whole aaUeria from Ihesa dterae-, sad obUfa, , v Fnltbtany Toara, ap Sl-em ' , S WUX1AM BT M V GURE THAT COUGH! Dr. O. ikcMaiineii's , AlIDllICAK Till MIKTTJ.lsE price one dollar. Tub Obbav i Botrraaxa Rxwanv m u-t ' ', 1-OonaotrjvioBv- - I ' f t. ! t Fee CfBxhr, Cebia,Sore Throat, floarw earn aad all Laa pawaim; eapeeta ly n smmia dad aa a FeasUf ktostetae ar hlUres as It arrests at eaea every , eymptom it Croap, ar attacks of Col la. each a ebUdrti areaableetta, paaUeaierly to tbe reliefer WboopuMr t.'oagh. IM eambiaaUea with Sagar aad ether legradieBM aaakeettaot aa elaaasat to the tar te, aad ae daBfsr wbatevet la Its aae. Tkkre at portloaa of half a lea epeoeial at a Base wbeaevar there le e diepe alUoa to eoaxh, aad at sicbl whew yoa lis dove. . It acts aaelj oa lb BJdaeya aad IU la VVVt ' ! 1 ' " ' Maaaraetared aad Bold Wboletale aad k- tail by the rietwtor, Uerbaaa, K C Lib eral dire- aat to bn.aahti dealers. Orden solicited " ''"-' - . JlfcV. atoMABUBM. j, . weaeral Baslaam Ageat. M TBSTUtOBIALSi " 0ld-bero, t' A (ter rpredlng ebrhteea muatb la a eoa i -era Ctfawate to reetote my Laass I gar,- v mecaptlr, aadeaaM koesetedie with - eblldraa la woMsbote, M. C. While bn I obtaiaadabexof Or MaMaaaea't 1ar Mis tare. ItoSrst ettVet wee to eaabla ase to aleep; my atreagth begaa to ret era; bni revived i my cough gave way.: Altar aaUv six beioa, . was rsaturad to health I bow weigh 14 lb 1 ewe my life te thia aUitan, aad wish tka pebllebed to the world t BB.BOB1SON. ; I have Vea afflicted wlthaeoeghfor ttlrtj tears. J here aeed all the BWfMerreaMdlea tor eoaaba I have a ear foe ad earthier to remain oa tbe 'fach or give aay relict. eatlt J Bead Dr. AeMaaaen'a Amariaaa Tar Mlxtare. Its me eaabla ase tosleap well! myiawae-haaeiaaamsd their atrasIA,ead laad myaelt eatlreiy free tram a duti setts eoagk tbat attacked axe km the asorakag. I '".bIsO i xty Laigt gave way while ea my ewewtt, I was toreed to retire Irom my work, aad bad bai little hope ef recovery. I ear owe box of Dr. MeMaaaeh'eTar Mlxtare, my eoaxh BBprored. aay atreagth retaraed, aad I at ooaable to Btoallwke . ISI-I,. ..... Iit. n OobJ,,,. ' . ii -. ft '' ".'1 mm I" is .,. ,..i -1,-t v-;fham.-- Of all the BMdietae fee have takea, (be Tar MlxIBrektheoeiy tklag that has done yoa any goo, - : . AttVVM Te bar Hoebead. t tlit ,,kjJ", OlbeoBviue, K. a itoveWadalmertaewiytklBSfermyeoBgh. Tear Tar Mixta ra baa doae saa more guee tbaa an I have take ; Ssad m three hears -''-;i-:'t,)DWI0.0IOIBBS. ji... 1 wee takes with aa alarming eoagh; wm te rtal of IU resBlti safferad I r wsat ol i again. J eaa ceevoleatioaaly n to all who are sffllleted with tymptome or was laaga. .-it! 4it i.iuW-a.S.iaon, i i"if ' 'ii Darbam.1. C. , j m 1 I have Bead Dr. O. T. BTeMaawaa's Amerlete. Tar Mlxtare myself, aad la my famUy. I e ai aoaiiate to reeow mesa w se e wi w be aeed hi alt cases ef Coagb.- iWa, Bore ThfacC. laari aisi iniaaaWdlaaaaa:"'" iofe..Jt,4, IVU. FABJUSH. . r "Hawored! oth Tmilia eSared. Takea at ell Umes tt portloaa of half teaspoewfal or lean, , No danger whatever. ;rea1i:estate lt V.Bureau. 1 YARBOROtJGH BOUSE. U'LL aV aadi i II 1 VIWfM it VWAawWUTT HlillUill a s ae aanini 'ar m hvs am aw by Sj i0 u , B. K1.1G8U.KD. IT Vt CUXXD FBXX 1 1 aay paravm trftrla from tbe above diamat biraaasrd Waodreaa Dr. Fnea, aad atrial bottle of asedMae wUl be forwarded by li- aa,0,.'.toy . ' ifi.i FBBB k '- i Tbe enlr eoat belnic tba B pram char,-. Wbteh owing to my bwee bBaiaaa, are saMll. Dr. Price has auhde ihe treatment of .t . ' rsmas rnr.mir a'atady for yean aad Be wld warrsat acars Jh A f 1 .Jz . , woaaH rauie saae tw mim wt mwm- i tt eoaU a Utlag, and he . ..... . 'i-WlIXCVXM TOO, ee metier Of bow loaf staadlag yoar earn atay be a. hew rnaay other remsdim may Bam IBM .;; ..-i "-, r ' . m. Ouwamm aad tesumocbds eeot wt k . i ..... irwM raiAL ' BOTTLM. Be ir.leabw to grre yoar Bxmwm, aa wsU sa year Peat Offlce OireeUoa, aad ; J( ..." At aS .A. "(..,. 1 i, r.vDH CttAS. T. FBICB, H,.. - t WUllam Btreat. Mew Terk. tieep. I aeee oae box u ue umineen itr bllxtare., turn the Bret dayl aeed it, I tatt Ita good efleeta.i alept soaad, sad sweantk men assd I a ftrW wa ka I waa alyscM A-A taitrat" W 0Bweeu 1 1 OOBA ATLUM,.,. . - -i - - AT T O B M i 1 8 A'1?..! A. Wrf BALBlB,.a 1 -s-Zti-, ' . tuts sad FHend OtmM aad U Oas f -(heist aad sJi Jsdielal Districts, -eeeSMf . ' . "" T i ... cvr f e. r?' t ft A. If I . ii, s, .h 13 J w.aLaKfctrcrsx.-

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