' - S.4, , 11 iJ J. ,vt , j I I I i till i ! ' ' . ... ..J t 1 iLr.--- wrr.Ter.KDAY. AUCr2Til- 1S71 V no v riT v I ..... t . t ri ,i jiiic," i f """ fc.Wiliaa tiiuUC4 wMiabed t,u the irt l -df tal Ei-O .fior . M.rf rr.haau died lakt V. " ' Pp1"! "hither bJtKi ct t rtHttorTBlho M.rU0, -d yirg ibW bounday IId cut. v S ftehoft hit brma In foitt beallh. Au 11 k&tf ia Dm. Vki ' wW. take. ill' f-! ff j ! " ' I he iroalbci kia , Ian . dmlog Iut(OM bj. - . ' Tbf doalh o.WiUUi-A. Orahaneat clrclaarbkUoet and fiiidi, a4 tail'cU r iW bli loBttka lillili piltv .ofaUllba.ktiogau.hf.lof.beacofc ( IrrotrtaTablc ki npoa inoaa who riu 'kiak daar ta Iba claae eUtlonblp l i ' .. . . Uffbl. which bra oaartor o a eaatork hU ahona ajong oa awaaj cooa & ... ' I a . ' m f ....I. af I Bouthara politka. Ilia hlitora la idaatM ..A .ilk llafcUtuVAftiUAAnntro- , Ilia ..d record .All. ooa f ftabrlghi V " " J to th. aoaal. of o BUta S hi lib tie yerj torcoioat of oar aUter j 'raokedfctib icb tad ttalriolr. No North CiTOliaiaB; 'if thia day ta or lllaatriooa thaa w'at Willlaai 1. Graham. . ' . . Imiaaatfof Ma virtoaa, hie eobleie tUed,;'bU loflj patriotiam, hla wiadon; rxperleDcaJ Nortb Caiotioa woald. foci bb loai 'heavHir at any time ; but! jat at thia Joaetar of affair?, hit death kjel9oi i puiilc atalty, aad onrpecJ pla may wall inaoim the nddea etrckiol Prondeaoe, wbich with hardly a aote ol warning aid la the' twlakliag of aa tie. la fealed lha Up and atilled lb great heart of William A. Qrabam forever I TnKOONTXSTOVER. Th aewi raccived to-day reverse the majority which we claimed yesterday. It Is mw' definitely aacrjrtalned lha Polk and Caldwell, glva Bepublicaa m ? Th eonuu reaoiu tltca Agar. ; 1 Repnblieaas, . ' ; i ;f W. ' Oemocrata, ;.. , , i, ? w Iadopeadeat Democrat, . . - ,V.J." " '-'i f'lr! r Total , . . JM,. 'Th letoeatoii tleaib of Oor. Graham roUr.ar raaka of oa' delegate, and loave a with 68 all told j which rare ' two BM)orily tor th Republican;' ,' ' ' Bboold th ladrpendaat lXmocrat from Jleadersoa rxHtaty, act with thDemo4 - crate, w will have B member agaloit CO Republlcaaa. Oa the contrary, should h act wllb-'IbW ' tVpablleaaa,' they ail - hare working majority of three against aa aeUl the aaat of Gov,' iirabatn ahal. ta filled by a aw tleisUoa. , ' . re(a H M tDhtppy 00 bf North Varolia. Tb Oaaby Uaaatltatioa 1 aot ratted to oor people; it needs amend meat : th . wwmt mea ia both partlet agree to' that bat tbl defeat of tbt Ooaatitotloaal Goaveetioa movement b a verdict of tba' votioc popalatioa of th Stat against a chang for th present J aaA mny yeara mast pem, befor elthsi party Will fkakt aa effort ' to atcora thai ,whkhtbCoimer " d to gala aad failed. Ther r maay laatooi In thla reeultJ Which w propoae to aot ia mbarqatni IraaM of the Snrrtaxu Tber wenl atany eaaae. of oar defeat, which .hail be opoaadml. . Jaat Ur.,' tbongh w will obeerre that tb verdict again.) uoavrauoa aemoastrate, w , m. one-tblri if aot oao-half of tb Cavem-f .. .rii r.Mit.. .M ..lUft-l .iih it.. ...... . .............. .4.-4 .Kan.K. AAAalttario. and Wt l.lmio' thai. It shall ba chtaged at least the traanf. t That It th lsla mf te larhaMtf nf a fVinvantlorl . i. -' -a- iK- iwaMiir' IMHtwMeTi tl WMart uwvmvw j anNararwaif Butt ttifren mmv lun Tbl triampb' of the aatl Ooavantio. 1 1 ao greht victory for Jladuatim ; th Repoblleaa party i. ao lama aegrc arty aow thaa It waa before the alee tioa ; Tit ta' ao lest covered with th oor- rapt ion. aaa augracc oi ua aaa t ; n I ao kaw to be aUaaoaaly ppae4 by al who behet la Aaglc-Saxoa ' .upremsCy gad la hoeeat aad economical .dmiali Iratloa of goteratoeat afiaiia. ,'.t . v.. The: oitpomtloa to Ccmventloa la oni owa rank', i iWhat beat' aa, 17 ktTt oaraalm to blame. ; We bare a partSo' eaa. la Eentocky. 1 , I Tbej TXmocratie lgUainr of tacky submitted th qneetio of Oobt-b- .. .. . . f a .. .I... . '. 'a I tioa to th voter. i inat etat to ot Toted oa Koaday last whea a GoTernotj vat to be etecUd: KcCrtery, Democrat, was elected over CarUr, RciabUcaa, t; 45.CC3 loajorlty, kct ' tber wa at tV ftmo tjna a aicjoritj cf tea tiwataa. . .Uon la that E:et M csrt&Ic'y i vice, r, though it waaaLN.,.. . .. . . I"....' i ,'-1 I.-,.' Thatrluir; lOftL ref '.Jca lnt ':5ia StaUla Uitfnoxt etccuon, "It HmimMnu ' LniX Ula rmuiCJUf re. M . ,! T .t . . . . ft Ktete. . -t '.''HI L '! ! J' T' - ? J I The OSdal retOIM Uim t;uaau SIT) . .bat eonati to lha to laaeoroma oi ma i;opap k;b(, remit Jmftctte tamwkabiy troaa; 5p PiHaBt4.-U lUcktcabap Bwrli polled bvtor'iiblia'CptQbnatae to ahaid of Jtba, VcmomUt qU tor lit aat tbraa year, is irU Tba MU-GDavawtioaata owa th Tlotory u tbt "tow aad adjpurn poLcj ioopwa dj ina iwtaiuu pjjj,ll(V; r . LETTEK3 FHOJT THS PEOPt. av aw xgDak) wAtTtT viuaxurruf. V. -i! -W i : I. '4 dir Mr Scntitl Tba eon.1Qi 1 . m B. I . . . 1 " -i, L. ; .lAn BTVABbtS. 3mT "V M . ; fc . - M J r i 1 . ' a .a ... b . m to ua Jowaal depiaa w drgrauaiwa, nac " .'k - . - . a .a .. . f . .ha l' 'v.- .14. . AtkJtiiA i tka hnttnir TT t L iad.laraln(.th dafoal to ma douuu Comlag dowt tba acala i"! Of kU candidate, ba ol draak aad eoav u. wWm oftU eouaty, aajlag that tba pooi VhHa men who voted tba Democr aW ' Usket ought to hen their heart atria' J V - wkt dlewallj af ; mlnliter here,, w.fcoaa,; rJ offiaKej a ' Jut h voted to rail binaeir, aad !hat woM carrf im eoaara wen b t ...... a rr:-: I - . . m- '. i f ." . . . ... a A -a.. - ! fiea lunJrtd rv , Bie war anaUw 1aia.ai OA lauvMaf lB IHaVft miLtmH Mill a wmwmm my w - - - f- If at ..aa. A I knf la.l ' ffaAfvar. i waidiealled hi BWgro foilowara tojettc aad mad them, a ipeech . of . about at aoar w angia, aaaw P , 'aMM f vtovU aa far . aa . I hart 1 - . ' . , ..... . i bb heart of th town, bnt peaeetebj Laid cckMo-gkt,. how .h. UUratlUei tiraayfimi-wnot wa ae to favor of allovlcg tka jitgn v.tft .(.a rl,tta b-a nrfU.wM ( eltU rishts4. Uai k. ws.net a tknua ie r"i jr-p r. 1 naaalaai aa. m rhrimlttun. IheMh Cflrinr Lm, laeasmf t Ada ka4aI-. Ml.tmla- t-tm- I: ;ai iHwaai aM a vmieeraswm aa-aBwaBwww mw .. a. .Jalt a racial I ka tanihlnr o aay on the enbjtct at fcoktlon After . m LLU-..U . .'..i.ft.ji.r i w i tot ii m Djiuacu ui .Hiwinisi.w nav, Ua eoald emanate oaly from a ' heart (oi. CJT' " T aTTZlwV ii i. j a.- . abont 100, ud when be fell la the traf aad wa picked ap by e aotorloof aegrc thief fit companion for : one Wbcj Wnd.eh.rsed wlb bribery rad jW 1MWanlt..n TTa (a aaiil lA heW) lalBtBfl ' bat th. general plmrrjtoa1 lha' . wbiaky did it. 4 tU'M t-.'f , J( ;l in i .... .-in n a ) I ThU b ftba Jadge , that I expected k a At. a at "-a. A..r.r Wat taapartial Jaetlo tttthe trhiU hmraw amni imiajaVUBU titaninai in im wniu pl. of thUaaty;!; Oay i wtik ruie Bjiwiiw tw umuKai hwuwh. th. co.aty. .1 aotyoarntr jiboet rraaklintoa; jkmaalJp , ,0thci bwaihip did at wall.. Ask Job Watt 1 a . . .i . . 1 .' . 1 1 n l-'i I hw .boat . .vvV"..'-;.; tFlUUIAli'S TOWHdlllP. 1I. C. BAI)VlCIVa r it tb J atiar Ant, awodbv roucr. The following eertjflcaU Oifablt-Sef be fact that oo at least af Wake. np4 iFmatotry to pledge to kdjottrt ;' tb .Cvmtu wUhoot dolog anything : - I ' Stat cf Norn CaboLWa, !.: ?t2T?A L..-4.al. it. - f.J..J 4. .t.. "..' Hft ' WIlll.ma' flllaa UtailanA Wallar a William, being daly .worn before a,f : lT'i7J , ""y ' , J( AigtV'4tt,ii.we heard TJchard ri ,3ag, dC It pilbllt pecl ,-1 0 TJoIdca'. disablllUoa removed ad thaa dot'., to. adjoom ' aftr iihoot doing tnytblng Author. j ' J ' , 8 P WlUJAka,,, ' - fVf 6lf.Ml)laBTja0aV Iwora to aad aubeerlbed befor Jbt htothe flth dry of Aug. 1873,' p ..i ,,. 8 If WnLUM, JP. i i ii a.m - 'i for tb Bcotirwl. TD COLOR UNI. ; Wmoeoa, If. C Aug. T. 1875; ' Editor Sentinel : Tb Rsdicala earrt rti of eoaiaav , Boll , alec tad OTet -berry, Democrat Th aegroo. voted olid against tb whit. Tbooarthr wblt liae it drawn la every respect t .... .. .. J . .a .1. tter. j ; w ... . DSS0C3AT. QtLECT BOABDUtG A DAT BC1I0OL. .I mil. MiaMavvav 41. V. . ...ffi -4 The thirty-third session ot the Atlsse Kast t slits Koiiock's Bfhool will opon on Art j ntrr.MBM ar r. . a Juir. u'.i-.s scul on sj-j uton. J ;'yU . U , . . RepabfCU. iTli "l--",,..- ProitralioBi K I 4A1Ia.t.a -a ;' A JaaaL Oi.M .-. I J JMif HA 1 1 a.il ff a-LflwA liaal alUJh U Snwllol' i'wwwaaiiip, ua i wwaiu, u i.ys riaia SJtmci noeUB iswona aaer use '""i .......Jit. a.. I JliXW Hnhaaatahtnad. IJ -'r'- . was ar lecteowsoo lioaTaaiioa, ammoroH . rr-VToi TrioliiS TttlA ar tti Bottlar '.li r ;v cues. feasness oftheFsrk or IJ , Fni ' In. fti-Jf - W '"" l , , ,1 i In ' lit)!! I ....,, ', '. .. bC J. .11 a" wow, - llill j L'Ttr. LHIIL'1. L.-.ft h tl. 4a turn! le I-lioidars hrj imu '-' i uiwun . ...... -1 ' bT1'" "tLv t uaciM aM hUi.-. . i ... MurUd'mtoBa, or yoanc w .UUnK arl, mtneing Irom urKiweaix UY xbauii. lialHr, Iarotaatair Ulaeharge, Moa Kc ! of tlTi rw:t . 7 T..TI.1 tfUl Bai faiMiBiauHidn ! I mt VebUltV, 1MB .91 ,KMBoa MBK ra: I .i.kcaa oi tba Drowns, and trary oUieil l iBkanpa oUqBliflooo, apaodlly ramorad lull aiBBHTiof reawrao lt,j ,t.-iu TPBaaara aomaaf tkaaa4 and aaaWkdl t tueeta ttroaocaa ay can? bbuus oi touui As it MeakBfat of ikalteck' aa4 :UiaU(,! talai la tiia iiuLI)lma of .Blgbt, Lota ai daBealaVFowarrBlpitaao'artlia ie, j vbmpbuV Merwaa , IrtitabUttf, DhubkI - of tba Dip) Utb rvocUoita, Oenark. .OcbllKy, Byaptoma ot ComnptioB, ate. MaAUx-Tka .laartal tfftai oa . t inlad ara maoh to ba draadad Loaa of Ma iry, Confaaloa af Idaa. Daaraaaioa af 8ir u ItlLtiiHliaUin. Awrdoa to BocWtt ieii-DUinut,, Lova af CoHtade, TLmldUl. ate- araaamaot tkawlapiodneaa. 1 1 TaovtABca at petaotia oi all aaa aaa aof ladaa wbat la lea eaaaooi their acrimiv 4. Malik. toaUMt tbalr ateat, IxwomlBir wa Ii sxia, aarron aad a mad ted, baying lw tar appearBBca bdvb u cvhkh jmpioaa or. aonfnipuiuK'' j - t ' A Sfctff rftSdl - iHwia)' iwnaai ibhhbvhhim awMv 'wr.;--raona .Buiatoi tkair HaalUi, iVuUbjt Tim ltk Iirnorant Fntendari n '-proper IraatawaV OrirlaK iNaeaat InU ':?W.MEiWJi Mom a flkla. Livar.. Laura utarnara UowrU. Bnosdlly Currd. let M J)eUcaci preraBtapiJ, lataedlatoly. ' 4BC!Oae iiui w wam.yp yvt ' ' n T.l. . ... , I : til"1'1'' wVIUMav-, "' . ' OF THt BitJUfHIj i, A. .- Ka n bouih -riititKici i " iTRMT, BEIWIN HALTIMOBf L , i-i AND feBOOMO iTRirro, T,J' . BAVriHO&Z, MIX iiJ faff 'yaaa'fl-ljr -f.iVft-- ?.- '' OALtlOU JWattCUQ01iMDi.. o.Ul Aw MaLtlf.r CLASSICAL, MAT UK-1 MATIGAXi Airia UlXITAHT BCHOOL ' torn Bov8.'-f - 1 Rbt. JToaara M. Araimoir, t PxlactDaki. 4 iTboiaecood i anrnml loasloB 'o tKlA famber, lat, 187ffXtM l"napaui wtvc urocnrod for tho acbool the commodious HwltH MalilnnoA nn 'Nnwhnm JlanO.' " . " , , g bt, J Ig, character and ttmdwtt in their own family. ?r"" i flTba trainin2 of the acbool. a hercto-4 will ba full, UtOr nnd accurate, .ineutB. ,.. 4 - a. "" -'! 1 ' (Waslant haalalanla Will hA ill be provided, iV be rcquircd.l it ia acarccly III ftll t4mrtmen AB ttUiT be - - -J," . . . - i ,Va ATIJfcWpe4ait vu jwaa - ara.. a... -a . 'Haft AfTUmCltm-U Dill Ulftm U IB BCtUVUlV ticceasanr h wem to aay worn wsmi A . a a a a. A-l. , jJj wiU continue to be ceiiductod ! i 1 iaIH V. ...lMJ m iiruunn nruiciiiioB. i wm uv tjumiv J wlLhontdcnomluaUoiy aim or Waa II - 1 i, ' rnRw.ll..nl or innniian (Uiu vwivr uuvtuMwuu Wdroa. either of the lVtoclpol, ItalJ 'uasatia BTm0 B0r8I0BBE.J:at .- j; I will rtnt st a reonl.le prloa mr nouaej XIAkn .ail aala l.n innnaa rrvun the f !anllill. ' t Hon as. and a few bxmrdor. csa ba aeaommo-i i' r unui noua a vui a itw a iniK dstea m preseni. -M fi. llTm i ktH-IH. I! f, f. ...'.. . , ' . : Tl ' ! j' ' i tuaoia M:"A HKlUJtri 1 ( , !(,! T'-e i im auane xaciure oi oausaa vi an amur dMo" ddr oct tl-lm Mo.SAwtJaarket. 1 . worma' sM i i ' LiaimuuM It QIHITM T ti A W 3iate aad Fedtral CO.ru sad tta- Courts ot imlatandaakdaaiatolilkiato Mit.lUttariAltltatTB ' (tn . I r.l.., !l ll UlU i XTItAGT BUCHU , . i . . . . . ' . v ,rr Permanently Care all Dlseasee of (ho . , t.li liHf fli.'1 'iU UDfi-Il, KIDNXTS, AND DR0T8I CAI. BWllUJNGcV tt , ll r , niioT-" " r-J' 'ta New. nd Vim. TV.!la. .Depot, IM Doane Btj KeV Torlt. I , A rhystcua ia sttondsMe to answer eorrea msdnace and rive advice rratis. , A'a (t'ttrfi r AaissaaMf OnumOatm. . I s ' y Da J B Drew. Kradaate of Jettaraoa Mad oa) Colleg, rkUadespbia, aatbor of aereta:1 valuable works, eaa be eoosstted on all dia j .see ot the Bexeal or Urinary Onraaa, (wkier j i baa made aa aapeciat stnuyj Minor, u ma w fentale. ao Butter from what canse orltrii .ties" or Of kow loaa; stsadlivr. A practice of ai teara aaablee aim to treat disease wiU. treat mac am. Cares gaarariteed. Cbaixa rea wimbl. Those at a diaUaee eaa forward etter dmeHlang ywrptoms sad .encloslnx ADrertav tMMrtas-e. 'n '- i I : J. B.DY(rT, llVD B - ' lV 1 fc 0P : . ' . 1 . ' r 'uu TT" ! .it ? .1 , iJ fti ... a V AJ 'JLa.'VAA-a.'wai- afsrea'prtoes, oa time or moatbl) AMD TWrVTT-riVTt PZX CJtWT. FIXW j tMAMUrCTUKIvg. g JUCJta.lOA t I CA8J, . a ,t rarckmsed direct from this offloe, or any rn I'- ItaliwsJ -uts, , 3 'nsrrami. r, 1. v.,"'1 i jaa Jk du . J, irroTwwr. d-w W33 . jl , BJ COIil ... . mi t ..ikMLti wmmi.. un Di.rroon i ana el I frZ WiZL TV!ta. . I :;;v-. . .t ..,, ow, .iu- ' " f . uU. orsilti.at -. ctt'nr entile t . I . p nl-S otuely foravery, .r't .ai ii ere. term. .. i f IrCMfttOBO. D. id. hm't look fur V ' ' nul o l 1 ,,a.M Jk l'.u . Pa. ypaaylrt-ly ii i mi. i 111 ii fiiT3 CUSXD T&lt I f .1, L l'iia .srferin. Vin OteklWe dW. 'ffbM star to Mty Wtfa ba.inM. tr muU I1' 1'rtca baa nadauiavwuaatui Ml c JTra QJt Xl'lLXlVT. , atady for ycora,' aad ha will warrafct a onft o t fail to aeM lo kiia lor rW kottle; 1 1W ft WILL CUMM ooButtor of how loec ataadlnit yoatjCdht iaty ba or how away other . raaedlve Cueaiara aad teaiuaotimi aaat wna " 1 jrjtZJt TMUL MOTTLM. "l I Ba Mrtlealar ta aire war KtoraaL M vl: u jour roal uxuoa oiracuoa, aaa j rijWillUai itraat, Jiaw JCprk. TtUKE lilAT "CdUGUlini. j Dr. 0. T, MoMannen't 00767: i PRICK; ONB DOLLAR 1-nA I ,Tn)t Oueat SotmiiBji IUMtpT .Vit vunavaxrrwji. . j-i.'jv-io't , -, , i - .!.:!.f-.':-i i Far CoQKhr, C0K1, tore Throat.,, Hearm aaai bob bm a.b"K t InaMBaBdad aa a rimllr Itedielna fee Lblldret let it amsU at oaee atery symptom el iUroap, or attacks or voids, aacn at anuare 'are eabjaet to, pmUenlarly to tba relief at 1 Whooping Coosa, ita eombiaatloa wttl hM. mmX nthrrAr STedienU BUkea it not BB pleasant to tba tmte, ead ao damter vhatoreil .ia Ua aaa. Take m portions of half a tea 'pocclnl st a time whaawer there is a dlapo .ftina (a eoncB. and at alirbt wkea yoalit idowk. It acta loely oa the lidneys and Uk Va.nru-tnraii ana aoia WBomaic ana no it t .t U i. .11 1 M j Ilk. leral dlsooaot to wboiemle dealer, t Qrden h"! iNO. A. MoMAKMSM.'. I 1 weneral Basinem Agent, ! TCSTIMOMIAUt At r Ooldtboro, 'Jr. a alaanl i revived ( my eok rare way. Attar asUu tlx boxee, i wea reatored to kealtk .ui aow IwelRk 140 Iba. 1 owe my life to this mlxtare. smt wtaa we jmu nanea ve ' w ---" " ... j .. Jk Jfea eAAAaWeW I , 1 , ''. 1 ka afllxu. Uili6MkiSI Utllti! l fa . l h.aa maad all tba ttotmur lanNdiet fnaanni-iia. I hava nrvsT foand aaytbiB tol jraaratnoa Ua s'oisBch orglr aayraliat. !nntU I ased Dr. lacMsanen'a ABierfcaa T .MUttjam l?"" my rone aaveieaainea uw bhvb I lad myeelf enUrely free from a dUtreaainv! jeoagk tliat attacked me la the morxung. i rrssswifiSm My Langs wu forced to bat little kop aTJl-xtnreryi k IW U.U.naa)!1 ua a... wa.i i 1 1 1 " . i Improved. Bty strength retaraed, aad I war anna ahle to reeame mr work, t Neommead, I to au wko nave a eougaor wcaa ,1. H. A tUmtorenea., a li ... . i t1".- pwham, M. a or aH tba auHtidne foaaava taken, the Tar Mlztare U tba only tung that aaa con i yovi my good. MJm. J. R,8RK. 1 TohwHaabeaA.-'. "OlhaoavUla. .'(! I have tried almost evemnmg formyeongb. toar Tar Mlxtara has dona asa aioregooc haa all I hare taxea. aeaa me wroaaow iaOtW. ;. Jmami atraum' itvttnm ww Binm - Daritam, H. 0. I was takea with aa alarming eoaght war fbarfal ot ito resaitj aaiieraa ,m ur fwrmaoi liar p. I need one bos of the American Tsi vltxtarw. . j From tee arm aay i aaaa is i m ihigood eaeela.'.l slept and, aad. m strength Inert seed ; a few wetkel waa myeeli 4a-sia.,. lean conaeientloneiy reeomraena n Tl .it .hA.ni a.T!ti.tUv1l.a COIIalimDtiTi UiM.FrVJaV ITIBOll. I h kave tv4 Dr. Ov T. MeMsbna Amertear, Tkr Mistare soyaeii, aad in my tamuy, i tv nevaamtanowraonar arena' h aa a reia-uy aaedlnaU cases ol CMarh. Colds. or Throat, Uoaraeal aad Lnag diseases. -ia"tlH U PABIiUttti ,aaAa f MtW TaatlBiaaaM OB d V offered. Taken at au limes u poruonain aau s teaapooalttl or lota.. Mooajiger wiiaMiTar PAJUBQJLB,;,,, a.ji ;f,t tfj'V.J' . laasiTrinie,""-''''!' iij i faBUi Uans, 'tr,"r .uj-iUiil ailf I- r Perles,i, Utonwbinely low prices,. .Now Is the time! kecare lsrliui; . " rU'ijiia lr.n, a it a auvivciw 4 STCirdM AMc'tr. r aouia ch akm w 1 IMd. How dutlier rex msv faslaate aac iMn.BDBJva,BBa.icnri4av Mjwn taey cbooss li atantiy. Thia simple, meata) acaaliwaMfctatt eat rsaeae, free, by mall,! tol ft&c. lorather ' wllk a marriage .galde, aa li-a., !. . .1 WW 1 l Aa. lal ..ltaaat JMUI ajnjna ( , fw . Phtsdelphia. i4 ' 1 tJhllt kawrjllr, 'Jam to'nani'of thiti jnetl) eit)i irate Alabama win. im lenimon aiavtiime-At that tbey (i la tastof aad am) -mtn aauBDla than an other aver mi aAdnkir tl.'IHl'HIWB I 51 Actita Local and ITistrict A?eau mVA Lrect ooatractt for the Pen I. at--.! Llf. !nr-nc Cojnf rbl-'r', tr H. C Aaallt'WV J -i.:..v;.n,i:..'; ry: 3rtX-f.' , rt oai- rao I Nc .tl- :. tv weOiMtr, li.. Kirrpuan iraiie, u.caaw, siiuie iwmhk rVkli.g-Hhrrrt ASjuCetoi f A'qaeer boot . u aii i a u riM Pal.tl.KaM 'T.'7J:ltfrTr iVLN ' .....t ...... Ltli .ntio - Hotel, Jli' n r , ' 'lfv j I ' g 1 " I ! Wrf. !! ! Mile fiMH NBM'j l 'wor , ' ; the . atratek of tJCANi r II- T' I,D, bcina: from uea-l . mllatot . a wUktkia Btjr ua ktiia. aoa ua mbbuXuI aoanda and Iiiin' oB lha Otbr. afwdln Hie riMCfT SAIL IIBUINO ANUOjlNUtobafon ! M where oa ike AUantts Uaaat. . 4 ( i 1 Ma Uoiel la eitaata.! dlrrdly la lent o' he Inlet, bb4 la ballt WVEKTU WATVit .41 a tide abblac aad kowlu-' duly andrrnesti t,,rf.i.intvJy km t.MUiirHA OU 8U" HATH1NQ . m the toff ai r iu( 1 a coux. 1 XUIJ t Jl f ( Vacbta, oaU itoala a4 Kw koate eaa U ul kt an time, aad at fcaaoaatila ratea JatblB(ri7oaaaara.aUehed totbellotal bere eneete may batbala tba aUU watai ntaa of m4aa. aad ieaia the art of ewla i JTCIIOQUKT PABK u atUcked to tt 'with tkMoteV far tsWamtertaiamaetof UtU owatHATitB iiiiii poMinwta'ht kept for hire, aa neata eaa aajoy a rid. mpoa oar taa toada," Vr llarbor aboakdt -IB oma ain. Bacaenu, irovt, pic nm L.li M . - E .!...lk IkMAllAVV itoae ereba, aWt abeU erao, eto. Oar twaud; ra filled wlih marabaa Bad Wanda, wbej Ui geeae, brant, dacka, eurlew, anipc, aiif other yarlaUaa ol aaa-lowl Bbonad, wkkl. -atlMT ta large flocki ta aeaaws, aaat aad raiM .JIKV aaai .... J Vyariimi wisbiocto brlat tha be aoeonwtodated af the U otai amtuaa. CHIAriXCURAIOMTICKrr ; '"aa be had st aaf BaOraad Depot.' tod for he season. ' To those aorklcK a home by ttt . lor the nmnM. fekUU FO r; sad tb ATLANTIC! HOTkU oner paealiaredrsa ; I'fCes.aotlouadataaotker watering place in America. -v. ' ''"'" S . rTTi.... ..an ha un.t.llluj 1 m rirawiaaa s.au vr , Hvamuvr, tisTS been etKe;eA for the araaoa 1 1 Vru HUalU MALL or HALL BOOM ki th, ooleat sad lsrgert In the Boat,,, Oar Bar. inard KeoBM, Bowlina; Alleys Bud ahoot ng tiallery bam beea.rrauad. aad will fx ooodncted es keretofore. , . I OUkV TABUt is sapplM with a the M 'icaeles Of Isad and water. . .. . 1 .;"'!. j OUB KXPLOTIKS ara required to be 'lit. etteBtlva and ob lis fas:. T. ' PT TO woea waa oa .aeror isiie mu gatrtu resort, wa woma nrga Lnem,n p witk aa toe ooeatoK rsssoa, ad the) will be eoavtnesd that ours is Taa riaaai f aa.aaav Kaana ' Thk Hotel wiU be opened Oaly to seek U iitors a the. proprietor may rati tamiaaa u iBUvaaceuiw niuwii am ' , iTsTKMi OF tXiiWi , Par dav rot' first week S3 CO Ha dair oagwaaroad wuk..aw..j..... L60. A liberal dadaffeVa to rial lor to Jal sod A4rasW opeeisl rate to Itwntemea and Fiabbic Mrtlee: FaatUiea, txeankmlata, aad Moathly Board era. CUldraa aaa au raatot half prion. - -' . .. . 6I0.W. CUAMlUTTg, Proprietor. v. t-l aaarte Bounass t sat wiu. Pat from $ to 19 pet day, eaa bepnrsaed ta yoar owe retx-bor-hoowLaad is atiiatlv laooembia ParlMalaTi free, or tajnnlaa worth tarvenl dollars ths' wiU enable yon to go to work at once, will Im eat oa receipt Of arty eenia. - o Avaarees . am i n i vu sept i-tr W Waakliuttoa at.rWMaet., star 7 ' OBAKOE HOTbX. I take Ibis method Ot laiormlna my frlendr id the tmUlie that I her eaa lad me at tb. iaranee liotul. formerly City UotoL where 1 wiU take the beet ear of mea aad Meat BUCUJf LATA. OABFBTUaeai r 'W iMi'li'lHiail Crin mrgiist stock of Carpettngs, Rag. 'Hi th City at lowest Cah p. ices. ""'All Ae. new .. v . a. aa sv. a. .wvaM. iTjiOR couona, colds, uqaumjuki LL? aa au rarost Aiiacaies, asa Tllll'1 f Itltllfi TlILttl vt bait M tra aoua. ' " 1' R-PW-H ' ' ' Just received t.OOO yard, plala.strlped aad plaid cottoomad at, SO eeat. wlli WI it orthSSccnta.' - JLCBJUCU. iUK UTETvy4UiAw BTILL .AfUtAD llBllvm Medal awardeil a thll..'C. Stoto Fate tar tie BEST CUUKUrt aad fAlAOU ORUANo. Bend for llluitrsted li i i iiui luesin .- ' JfAT-L-WtOWS, Oenaaal Agent, iUletgk, M. C. "Good Respo awle AgeobyWeatoa.1 oet.ta-tf. ; r .;.) 'rt'f'i HEAL -ESTATE . ,iTi-'.t" i 41 ' ' , TABBORQUGn B0TJS1. . - A th KIMut or rKOrKKTi vuuum 4a and sold oa imauseion oy : febttU' st-aOMaBlAiro. ft.- LBkTMABiiK i TX kit IHaTiTUTB, ChailettesTlUe, Ya. - lfth Aanaal Bee I HB Opan 1st of Beptomber, wiu a fnii Faenlty aad afegant Bipamtev Hsaltk, aeeeMiblltty, good faro and uoroagk bMWae tioa at ml Coliaae..- for Cetrils, addram It. Bswlinga at, iBm Ftuwipai. ; v.-. wR Western t arlan. College., 'j' if or Btadmi of Both 8xo la, ; '', B17AaATB " DXf ABTMBNTB, ,.'..! Jtaeh hsrlng. fall corps ot Prof aaiorf, ; I iftbbbtb rnfsnniiu caaaiva ,.1 freald ,M.a.MiJ' 4at!a ttaian ' a.n4 iivi l vk"ii a.n tan. ina vmim 1L 41AZETTKBK. o tb Caitec! SlSiea ami ih rajju. imuw w vi yesn of riatdom and rrArresa. Bew and iUomt'KW. war luw pasee. iiiBinaiea. ! Cwr.be dr Lavs It. Bald areata make from fl0 to 90 A month. "Address J. C Ve4 UUBT CO rawtsB- rwrnompam. ra. w II' 1 r iJUiiL.t I 'it: . w ft f . 1 " " ' r. 1 ItAlJBQlX. . a u ... . - - ' : peelal attentloa rtvwa to laving of ttoaso- ttaada. la view nf the Lata dedrtOW. of tho B rerse Coart of the United BUI m oa Us sBb 'et " ' " " BtsyMswAwtl , if AM Pi, i ATTORN XT AT LAW, 1 -, , . RALattanT. N. C v. -ii evaptLraa ta lha Btata aad Federal Cowrta. oiiecUoasamosm aay part of XorthCar- i. .ca-f-oa . ..... .,. Drartae aeptemrar rat, 1010. i awe 1.0-Uat'loKaes with fail miorwrntmaae ttv ruMBKIDUK a Terms. Coarse ot Btady. ate.,fwnlsked, irniBt.Mew rataltonsly. Adlreea af. T. WARD. D. D., I ,, ,1,1,1.11 - mta weatauaAiAr, .. r'. .:. 1 j I hare m etar aad to arrlya a HmlVd aaai uw wi mnaniiM ueuiiia uow Law col toa riaator. aaaV tJaaao 1 Uiewibektt sad wuiwmvm wvmwm nnimnf l.otUiw rMaten vkkk baa takea tfce prcanmai m sat aisira. iBBsmapaataaa iMiat Uauruvwi plsalara. aaa csa ntrw fail to irtvt MOietae Hob. Alao MncUlr'a, Builtli'a aad f srd. w u a eiOBUoa Lora f iau.. ; tad bora can do ell UM pirating ta rbr lra with mora rrtalarlty and ran tMh a kj 1 plaatlsfc. Ornaollrit4 la tWhtaecBta ,1 !i.AM, wwuta, ? AcbkI . MiflBlactarn r n. 1 f.t),t ,1,11, v,i,i .V-.. 1 nfilr la.1 ifiwirt t - labuaew Tba fOHowlatflsa aworB MBaTr'ik. -r,", .. !la of Bawbu hUch Bea made by Urn lea- iiaa Conpanl.a focntffii k 1 I A a rxamiaation of the trace llow a rxamiaation w that tha "bin -www . RfMgw. mm wivi y woraaaia ta aalss wblla 4ka a4kaf' amaaak.kate ,(allaolI. Tbeliliif kmabowa alarKalu toneaa ta sales aver lao aa th at. er tea .below for the mat fear roan will prove. , 1 la 18T1 tko klaae- aoid 6a,tM mere aw jcbiam thaa their klirhcat eompetltor, ,. 1 Iatmtaa kinaer sold aJUos awm aW cbiaea thaa their hiKBaeoaMtiar.f . la Ur) thaaiaaer aud lliVM mora a kniaae thaa Uwk higkwt eempetiten) ufi 1a una we wger eoia if,Ka mora lilnil llf Hi all I It Tl ill aiiMii ill in I MaklaKtbesam total of WU.W7. Macbktei ia foer years and Bott.fiOft aior thaa their aamtltiw. . 1 ma awn um prove tba'anat mperlorlty af like Binaar oyr aay other otaer maenm i mow tie n will otker rooinuiii 'qeeeUoa ia, how iona; will iie able to keejofDara--epea in. the diuetant jcittm aad toarae. wl.ere tbey areaellina; to far Faraoaa who think of baylne or eirbati la old ones (of wbalrr kind) are ii.vitnl ito eoaaalt the.r iutea st by KeUisg a rlllit !mahlce from tLa old sad reliable kotLer axaaaraetariuvtv,,.) v, : Office No WryetUr.llBt., ! i.. iii-i; 11 .:' 1 . tfiltfh W ' yacbwe eeat to aay pan or tlie Wat tkreagk 0r AKeots, aud full iaatracuu Mvea. ALL ALNDB QFMAVMXKH SEPJUKkt). W alao keep oa kaad Mom IMaaoreti. Patterns of Uarnianta. eotatHrisinr all thr taadard!andwsefal atyfca, also, liir "lai to Wear and kow to make It! Priee 1. eeuv, w liiastraue roruouos ot rsaoKim jmi i eawta. all arat postpaid aw tteettt of iriot. OauUognes by mall and ia omee free. Aaoress, amt4w'-! '! ' Managair, Balelga. h. C. TpgrrkK'n tALUOll, A KBaTAUkAiik t..,W3TB mVT, WlUdROTWH IT., leeond Door Moetk Of tUigett Bbvul, . hie old Btaad, sow kaowa .as tiir .;. . Cmcaa Uoas,M ' ' KALA1UU M , C . W. K. Penner. the W04 dl"tinittli'hl (X terer In ths Sonlh, i 1 open hi new aa . i and rUtawrant. aaabwt.' to-day; TbnrMl Dctolwr 1st the Leatwl etsrytUlag in u. butneas Will be found a tapper's, terynt ii,. iB Pejiper'B best st le. HorlolK uystor. Jteau at au nonra, oct l-am w K PEfPet:. Ulllaboro' Xetori sud Linrb.u. Ww plant copy f monUiA.,. WAXJK OOUKTUlIa vaa acraa .M. . ... ;, , 1 'WW.,.. laoma. wasinerspnon, ri .mtiu, i anahiaf 1 VirfM-a. Bacbsel Weatioraioon. Defea't ). i iTBB tTATE Of Z'OBTU CAR..I. NA. 3V WOmigtf Wmk Vmmttitmti,., Ton Vie hereby ooraiuaiMti d to im,iim.u Racbaal Whea then )ax thedwfcndsnti:4i' named. If rbe be foaw within vr r e. un . , to be and appear bel.ir thcjailtrro eor Su vaator Caart! at the CVart Ui be held for tlw coanty of Wake, at to (Atari Ilea la Hal ebrh oa the KU Monday altar the M Minds of Febraary, 1S76, sad aaawer the tTwiiiliil tl which will Wdepted lB the offloaol i Ik Ulerk of the ararrkir Oiart of raid eoanty, Iwltkia tba trat ikre days of the aett term 'tbereoL sad let the raid defeadant-tak notice that IT she tall to answer the aak: , compktbat witkm that lite ike ulalat --IU take IndKaaeat agaiaat ker for the rtdk-f do. naaaAla lha eomDlaiak j llarein faUattVol this iwmBMmaaiake da !Oiea andetht band sal tke'aehf of aaid ttoart, Uila 19tk dy of Frbruary.t , : , tlerk. oi .karu unoi . p. S. Powu, Ptire Atty.'u "!?. ' BiIIOXIcIQ T . f. 'i tm .vt-n-'-' i iua Aad maao 11 Pt at 1 wissmop 'daqsrwttl Bpir0O0,JP1AH,tnf tl ,,).. ; v1 w..il '" "" ' 'e CONSCLIDmi). i TnMaowwownoa' THE BBlflTtaVMiiOirl f 'iQi ,t&tem.l'h'' Onlj. Otte Dollar A Tear, '. . . . ii i:0eOf ' ; WiU nnaalldatloaof the MASONIC MOV itblt aad the BKIOHT MABOM. makes Obeotth Very Beet Masonic Jonraals la the '...Z .. A tat.4 aw taa auaaw Iwa-jUh. irvMUaOTa efkUaaaUtA-C jaamaa. awvw " i in MtfyiM form, 4 tlv low prtc ol Ou JBUBfltTtlBB MOW. Masons fat good sUnd ttar everywkare ere requested to act aa Agent. be tt Tea or Brore oaiy to eia. 3rTks whoM Uak ' aeed not eonie from kwr.U .tttWeawmy nasooew .-,--. .. dak rwtaa, ;. Addroaa , f44.HHC:cSrd, H.C. hrBeat Medlnm tor AdrarUaar la tba rrlwi ', VTto LkT. , I Hoi loose 1 rooma oa Dsirson Btrect, Wes- tarn tel ward. 1 anamr 01 7 :, 1L KIMUBLANIIw steel Batata Ofnee TarboroaKh Uoaae. ebaMf $50 TO $10,000 Tss bee invested in Stock rrlvl'efcp ih) paid vtO per cent, prollt "How to do it." BOa WBUrn.,ianirae, . i CO, vstaers sag nroaem llork. ' '." ("On DAIXT TO A6EK t. 6 aew ar. (LlagU ticlee and the the best rsmiiy ri f ismertea, with two 45.10 lAmmm, fye. 4MEK1CAN MAMUFACTUEUW CuMfA- Jl I. MS) Broadway M.T. To .the Editor of Saa-nax, ts ermrd Frknid Willyoa pleaaa mfmm yoar readert tbatlhavaapoelUv , I cu&xrox coxuvMrriori and all dlsoraenoftke Tkroat and lm. land that, by IU as ta aVJPr2V'T icara aaaoreae 01 casaa, fn'X eaa It will BOt beatti JaocOd, SO, atroB U my faith. I will send e (ample, free, ta any aaSerer addiVAsiag me. -flcaae show thla krtter to any a yo maj kaAer wkBla BBfferiBC from tki Biwraat-r, RT, and obUre, j r PaHklally Tewnv . " fa, M TlTTIMi r 1 .. ... ' srn. I. . IIVU1I ap f l-9m 60 WILLIAM ST N. T r bt OEO. W.'OWAHAM, XJ ' f -it- -j RALEIGH. H. 0. Practice limited to Ike lT;,Xr aadThr-at mcaover fwcad. La C. Drag kW Omeaovar Paaead, ft0 . r-JI I 1 I

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