W Tim daily cr;ir:it ' " (OIUH TUUU, stats rssrrra cjocsX' ifelhltmUoel 1 teat M adVaae -': 8.W Dally Mi mastta hi riniN : " i The Dn.T Sirmneu'wffl Wdatirrd 'at ypart 6U Ctt, rimMODm pw wet f,H',-:,".r"-.r- UHITXD 8TATK3 GOTIKJiMINT. UlreMa B. Gnat, of IlUaoli, Hmwt WUmm, IImiUUw lUh, C Jl. I- W I W UM BooiamUi H TtHlOV, Ury Wli Cotnmbu Delua, of 0Uk, Saeret&ryoT tbf - KJwnl rierrfpoot o Sw Tot, fVttorr Bey GfliMtral. ' . ,,, ' . t , , Mmbul ItwtO, tt ComkUcuv Fodau - JUPUW 00UXT Of TUl U. fc u'o 1 . MunVn It WaH of Oblfc Cblef JmUmL IteTtd IWrt. of 111. ' i'i I" fib4Ma . VMi, H CM:; " rl- 1 WlUiam Uj Mmar, of II., '' . w fy Court mecU Oral Mood M PocenW, t M.C1UCrSZ8XTATI0k Ri JOKOEX80. Hal. W. him, of Nwthaaptoa, . lid TIT V . ' . J . - J. Teatoa. 9d " nta,-.4 M' 1 AMBeaiea. , . tfK WM BobwtBVuoi.. j j.,fti. , v - UKITID TATM C0CT8. 5twl Tb'iu4 Uiw or thi tJj, I, Orcuaaa4 IHtr(ct Court kt m foliowi I . i , . UalUd Sutoa Orcatt Court-)?tm Dtf Me of Mortk Cttralinoileld la Kaietek Bn MoedaT la Jvaa ana slaai Mtwda la tmhImbt. ULBoad,ClrtuttCwtJadt BaJtlmnra, lid. i .,. ,-, K WBitSki DUtriri Coarf JnWta-V N J KfclUkk, ClreuU Court Uert ) liffico, '. aAaraajr Mtaio ooamti' a ElimbeU CKy, OAri Iteday bt AprBaaa iera, m s iwpepper, tewMaea, a-uufw I Clt faaftb MoU, ja Airt d 6 lone,' i 14 T'f-ti ... mi eo . , (loriu Qm I Tarter lariJiiaai. Mawaara. WUwingtoo, arat Monday after, taa toarta , jinaaajr m April km uoioomv -'.. , Cl, WavIjLrkiaai rililmm, WOmtag- . Mit Jlnni.onea,KHr vfi Dht'M Attonaj, Ueaata Jtectgwi raV 'litvaCSJI Yotuifc'OfcloriL "1.-' i . c a, ciacOT OBuaTwaiTiaa diiww n 1 Boadu t Ciraott CJeiart Jodfa, Bant- . itoUtP DWt-U District 9irijeV'Wee tara Dutrtrt j raddeao. Greensboro. . i 1 Bobert U !bMigUi, V Hanaal , ottee, OivootibiMo' C1rottiPlirtctCoTt. ta tba Wntera District are add at the tun Urn. . ... - i Ureeaiboea', ant MothUj (a jtprfl aa4 00; tober.,.-i- p i. -;.'-'.,; Cferk. Joba If Peyae wiidonce. Graea- HtalctTine. third Xoadiir bt'iprlt aaa Oc- Clerk, neni- C Cowlea, rosUcata, atatea Asaerflla, int Monkay aftat; .foortb aoaaay ra Apru aaa vciooer. . , -. Clerk, K B HtanuUa ; midenee, Aibertlla. Virgil B Luk, U a lilitrtct Attorae y, feaV ieaee. Athevflla. . , f, .t-.''-w1,liv' AajUtaat, W Ball, OieaaabigHu K CXITXD STATU IinibALimibit& I T Toaaf, Collector yawtbDltrlrt,offlee, rfwrrr,1 iupertTlK'j office; Kaialgli. ... Ckat rerry,; Aadytant InpOTiaar. Balelga, .VtIVXr OF NOETU CAEOLIA. .!. axaooriTB naruminrr. J;,:"4'. uwnt. u anwjvwa, ni uvfniw.' loha B Neatoer. PriraU lUeratanr. ' B F AnaalL of Iredell. Lienteoaot OorerBOf ' mmA .11 ii a lL. .... . . tf s. r J . W H llowartnn. at Rsnru. fkirnluvnf (.. nana a etittiu. of uaetoa, TretMurer. f'A D Jenktne, TJler;"'',,--"'i'r,,M'l!,i' iraaald W JMin, Chief Clerk. ' " '"' ? Joba RdllT. of CumbertiuHl. Aadi or. '''' Wat P WUreU, Chlrf Cmk ii D Pool, af Crafaav ttoporta oadaat of l. Me iMiraetioa. -T.....-.- -Joba C Gortaaa, of Waka, AdJnUnt GeanaL T L Uarxrove, of GraoTilfe, Alt, GeaeraU - . W C Kerr, Mocklentmnr, Bute Geoioglt, ; t , TbM B Fnrnoa, of For-Tthe, librarian. ' K :" Uoary M MlUer, of Wake, Keeper of the CaultoL eoTiaaoa'a oocaxuu .... : The acretary of Bute, Treaeaiw, Aadltor aaa oapermtendem ox ruDuc uietrncuoa. , t , BOAkD OF ; IDUCATIOU. Thepryrernor, Ltaitaaint Govaraor, Secre tary of Btata, Treatarer, Aadltor, gaperintaa- wn rw inttracuoa aaa Attoraey urn- nnu eoaauuiie u vuia juaanj of ifaiaeauoa, TatOorernor ta PrMideot. aad the SaDeria- Wdft of PdbUe Infraction, Secretary of BUPBXJtB COUBT. BlebateM M faanoav ot Tadkto, Chief Jo, j iica. - . ,,. j. , - . ii Kdwla 0 Beada, of Fetoa,AattelaM Wn B iUxltaan, iiaafott, M w r arnam. Aierk ifaimrg; i ! cvm te, uuuiora. .rjJl 'V n m.. I I urwru H Biite. Wake, ri... ua ickar, of Wake. alanfetL v Meeteia Rld8h aa the So Meadty fa I Jaaaary aad 4aa .V. ,.t ,.uj a 1 J f! T."n.wla KnhMM.' W.1.fi. f ,W . WAtt COUUTT GOTIKXICCTT. j i . . . it lr Coamilrt8olotnoa' Allen, Chair-1 naa; wat Jiakt, AU Juoee, Wat UTaraoa, tferift-8 U lm - i " - l. . k faperk Co"t t Jdo. N. ttaMtivf i "Tb?i..rof i.-.. TTLHe.'" ''' j" '. Comkiw J " 'T J ;-,.,- i : - Uurwjor J . . .r- . . .. - V . -,;'' 1 vkri l.fir. i 1 ia..m jj-'( Jy IHiWViw! W'i i moiwh8i4. .ALFxnAPrr arr convicts! AtmstraP", II J ilammtU. ' .--'A j t 'i - aj .' i . ' i in"" ii ti 1 h-G or. troslott retotw; from Xew i! r-tb walk In tba capitol Rot thej wwt vaiheJ bt lha recent bearr rajna. ! kr iilweiitlon telle. WjaM-s hctraea and vablclaa and la - alwava ooUteooi atMl exacUy Jtut In Wdml Nf with wb , patroniat) , hia i mwea. lit baa; redaced tha- fare (m hlicm pabliab to-day eOTmanJcatlon reiiuva- te'BRIf. Bnltbi apeeeh at batlJolaW1y.flT(9ti piwv uPi iac ,oBjpwgn.; uiewi ir)ort of tht acting aiiriU impHdt e. 'Ti"ii"iN. pnafc ItoExrtfBsioii -A 10 lj ai fw. chumt. ina innui train ,,m Ka naii . L :1 77 T - . r r.! r-- eiU ft Gaiton Jl&IlrMd arrlred in tbk I city jrom Uenderson. loaded with aIuV J""4" uiJ'"wu IMam nJ.i t '..J I iu.treUau4lIenifei;TbeybJBj pr vision, with them and plliicke4tel thi CWrftot crovi Air ibaHiur f tiki I L tha Dark wma tW,d .tih hmw I drtkla, and. Dumber tbtmd their wm tm I to ihe dotno lot tba Capitol to Tiew oar I Gty of Oaks. Our Tial'nra I aaamed to ' haVe ' enjoyed themselves 1 mnch. ? TheT derwted U bnm .1 1 f k ST rYE nnicnvtvri v I f. t - m .', f ;.a.f ib BTaYCHKixa AJiuxjaTrxBri to a ro UCEMAK I ' ' .'ipijril Bob Croaaad "ia a colored policeman, 1 ami a vaiy euicteB oiucer, retainou on force by the aldermen? becaaaa of I hi mitiu(. ,. Vattsinia , area, rmt tramp after one Sandy Long, a Bcero I aoctiaed of robbery. As be paaaed I barroom of Warren Hare, near the I aeyn.um atoppea im aadtfirl Into twomeetion with him. "The J nation, was , Bpoot., mdy 'Lent, criminal, who la a friend 4f uares. remarked that he tatcuded to Sandy before llo'clocklastnlght, xeupon Farren Sara said I ."Croe jroe are boaraa, what'e the mat ter A 1 l.M t 'fc.l IxiM 'I.' ' i repliod that he was not well. then aaid. 'Come In, and III cite aometlungthiitWilleasey went ninto -, the .bar room. nlTam trntaoata amall drmk ttakay, and then silzed with Haoroe iff from atrial f'l JUliU i.uJ.t.i tfflUa Para aad Frank) Yarboroagh were preaentv-tbey both being rcletkl r-'.k.'--- mttif.t ' AMM atMrtV wln mm L.4. M 1 l wwwii wwa wuf w. imiiiww 111'", walked out, to proceed in his search tor Bandy . Umgi ' lie 'had "itoM'not moe than a hundred yardawhen hl bo- gan gci.ag putui ami uizsy. Me;.suo ceeded in getting .Into a houaa'ltartat hanj, where he wa seised ' with 4 Vb on fl. oti oWltog and tPZ' v.-ue wat cameo; vnonce to. ua borne, whore; he was attonded by Drt XTinea. Eaiwoed, UttK'TowleH -Ad XTann Durbg the .night he had, a, number, of violent ppaama risAt one tune nia bcort Md! pulse ceased to beat, and t was fearjed that lite was , extinct,; ;ot throW the jldllu the attcfading payakiana, he passed aafoly through the dadgers, and to-day con- The opinion among the phyakians is that he mta poisoned with ' strychnine. awr we via. xrona wucn- Use dose was f X ,1,4JU ' V J r;.. nriiif.tr...iih..i. ,nu.,,w.lnM larporovgB nare peen- anesteo, aaa are jnow. lodae4 m the snard homi awaiting eitAniinatiot. before hia Honor, the tlajor. . . The trial will take place on Monday. .1 ! yn; at: , ,1 lie contemplated huarroction in the eoaiftkstclow Acsta, Gal, la a fkH re. The nejroca' bare all iJL-j-crsed r J pz.a 1j Cclr Lak. ArrcsU con the COUIaHM L iorid corfre .1 . ?! 'Ji TWO nilSONEIlS tCILLED J t ? limfttitj ' A jlum brlck-yiird - to ... a a jm t - . 1 ipqrtea cj pura 01 eim men, it 1 Tht detachment tu marched Into I thk-, tsrictwrd i -Bill i them Ihlrtsta of llnitta'lrldt . I add. ira fw tlvi' tbe In to rav naW bT. i Aa nukk aa tli.t the r- I -VHw 'j Tt",-J . uidilrect Jii,'il,r(bU timaone tkot If UvkVffw'woiadlD-OiW-U : the arm wbmw awyu4uui.vt ..- ' fta'iimtfnhif ten aaeaped ia the) di rection f GoldabOMS dowm tba Bfaifleid I roai-with teolliaihiaitd tnW nua. i men .frpjpi ina cirjaa ai laatBceonntt I . iroa kilUtV ara a-' TKmiam or.iarcenj ana aentencea 10 au jean IWiwlaent, lrom Jprl. 187S, and wwn -wii . .t . ... . i. . TM!wa w """n" arovancwi w mia faS&toO Jolltttoa. 1 Tf f f w9muvu.bw.iwi te aide." Guardaman Lea Wyatt Mlad Bontiey and wotiadad Jotiutoo t Thoa, W011 Kmea j"" ' f11 al whakvar of thla break, before it eecorrad. Tba eon W 4 aot Jomja the etcApade w wy saw iwaing w ho Was .tha finf-kader. 4V i 1 mm nvkraaoF A rvro.r ar thta klrul cannot JHded.f oflT. .nowerer jWert; the gwrd may be tbey are t all time lUabla to be aitrnriaed bir tbaaa aodden 1 The . dead' conrkU ware Brought to toe pcoiwauaij aaa oanou vo aay. ; J It la iknpoaaibla to giro any deacrip IBon of tha aar-and cAnrif'.ta at thu time. The oreraeer Umaelf eould not wi(hoftt lareace to the books ot the peiutentiary, rlrer , the names and da afflpttons c.i This raouiraa tome hoarf of , iBTeBtlgaOoa, ,c,t Th ext 0, wbb got away. 3 , d Vbzbd Quiwtiow SKTTtro Ua. X A lBMOcmAt8aya;the a ,Ntt .' Wt received yesterday meaning from the editor ot tbe.t Aihe ime,fpVfr .Which neda no comment It la definite and aufhoritatlTe enough In Itself,.,,', " CmXBKOfTICB, ! ' ' AauKvxiUE, IT. C Aug. 17., , iron XKWa t I regret to see that Dr, Vilcoz, . the delegate 'elect , from 'iahe, ';Ia j?nt down,by some democratic MperaaaAmiicaUv.XTua.aow Wikogroai hustlce.llttie. radl calf ahaiuld claim hint Is not snrpriaiag. it Ii their cuatora to claim and take any thing they can, by fair means or tool, eapoclally the . foul,, but jwr paper ahould be loth to perpetuate so great a wrong opon one who kaa heretofore been so true to our party, ltaprinciplea and, our SUte fe ; Dr. Ifpcox. It is true Pr,.WUcox ia ejected as an? Inde pendent candidate against the regular nooiinee.ef.. ear party and we fully deprecale this Independent "bualncaa among democratav yet in . oar weatern coiauies out I inaJorUIea, are ' so l large that ( the contest generally lies entirely between the, Aimocrata, all of whom ate true to our party and its principles. . 'The radicals bare also been claiming the delegate from Jackson aa a "meet ai&q adJottrnM num. ., The Citium of this week will contain a letter from that gen tleman wnlch settles this faleehood very phOnly. 'The men of the " Feet tare true aad may always be t relied upon. Tba convention is ours-n honest gov ernment is hereafter ssewred, which of course fa the death knell of the republi can party ta North Carolina v" TTXEfln iTucsuasiABt. ; ;; "... The noTacgoraslan war is breaking A enrcr" i cf colored vsca bbe t-jlcIJLil 1 I ar i1 .LA T 'A"T. - - 1 , i -.. i i -i V'M'lniSsshMl' illy axrra's cursxssouo prom SEmirtx: Taring, my at- tctrOion called to the following inQunous ci J, published In thi columns of the Hiilclgh E, , the jnvtcai organ of the ueiro party ('of.thla Btste,: JL,r reapacV f Jlyrequeatthsi yon will publlah the r f la, together wWref(tcto In, the c" 5. m'order that the whUe people of '' x State may know the real new of c itain muttons anu-clvu rtguu ' to- 4-, !cd) polrticlana.. of, JTprlh Carolina. Ore la the cui!;;?? 7 To tu Eprroa) or ran JEA r-The doc'antioa made in the 8uTtXBband G.eenaboro rea that I'. said,' MIo thirty years front now Ua four-year, old negro children, wul role the country," la itfrnmouilg fain. The falaehoodwas reported to the Greeruboro J'tfcitt jbf a 4 bob-tau lawyer, who did not have wmaeanoogh'io report wy' 'person's stnech correctly,' if be was dtapoaed to SO SO. ,i;nf- ) H r.U . 1. ' i t . -'v,-,""Jr.i we.i t I IMitorUSLC;Attg.lS. WSJJJ: The fonowIng'areTtbe .facta Jo the i .Smlth'aaaliaace audience was exstrpoeed of negroes almoet entirely, and his harangne was Id, them. ,' Jtnmy reporttothe iafrfDt I did awt jahder- ism mi vi 9 a a luck wum. bmmt uoaa he quote1 correctlj the language tesod to the iaSnat . slTowever, fortunately tor aQ I had not octroyed e manuacrlpt on whicb l bad tflseed his 'words as tly fU ft 10 lip;! IIcr4 pi atej In tbJrtyyeyonv fcor year old wys W9I be the ruling people." . A my report nas oeen cnaracteraea i aaWyab,,t beglcare'lo call particular Attention to the language used and the clrcamsfanVos el the, case There, wutf as neay as can be e ted about three noadced perse nam in ball hot mora loan between Wjind luty wore wmtev li atatea ' tne clearly when" he aaysyonr hoyaf fiuL Who boys did ha .sasaar Tbe ae grpesrignuy vb, ui oniiit et themtolvesi as the cheetliw from them upon thai ntterance ilW-fVi rea limit and Bfattirina" 1 i !' IHs erldont dlsLks and ranom to Uwyen; can,'! suppose,4 bel accounted fb and axTHained br the oldeouruetl b; rao'roKuo Ver felt the halter draw a With good opinion o thf 'Uif& f'j. Dpoa this siatimcntof fitU',the Ota. (f) gentleman tenders an tsvwof reraclty, I moat inform mat thai being tl liKlitt.'lJ.iMjK th Btnto and National) forrefadry-tj I flecHna' Uf dlscnas the niattoifffmihcr remaiaimr a , ever muuiarens o,ne and bis ratMag and bob-tJf coniUtu- enu, a anit u.i ? &v t iutii . fareenabor'ABgua't VX &U.t eaVaVaBVaaBaBtaaBaB v"' DR,"KDtVAiyt). HMJSO;-!! jfa. Editob : In my conversation with your local editor7 on ' yeatctdsy, I was rntaarticehended aa to the poattion of pr; yuxuiH I mtended to 3e understood mat 7a moain agb,Dr; fianaom' refused to becon trolled bjf his party, becaiiM he was op posed to civil rights and in full accord wlih the white man'a party7. V'pon the qufction '' of adjoornmcnt; I . have no idea how he wUl vote, but Jf theten renUonis Eeld,aa4 a.newsoiuttioa made, I beneve be will act aa be think letlbr e Inifimtof thc Ute, and not be controlled by party cancu: to mittera sifecUng tor orgMlc; Jaw. , . 1 Thob; Zft BATTOTHWAtTB.: tn addition to the above we haVe celved from Hon. W W." Walker, the preacnt Tcpresentative7 iff the' i?onae from Tyrrell county tha JnUawing let ter; ,( j'We have elected Edward Bansecsy th people's candidate io the conven tion. Pr." Kanaom aays be Is" tonaier- vaiive and doclaresj himself to Aror of noonvantlon., .,;A,.,, TOIiffJ. fBAW WKt;t$3r ' J t.ti tn ..' -A) of : S"..Sif!a JWGU8II, CLASSICAL Ar XATBB j -flUTICALaCTOOX;': MtaOeaS B. BaWfibaa mOaifraai Oaytoa, a etaUsa a M. C. B B." Ta eVfMt. S-Sum MoakM beRta aloadar bK 'WUi, i s; 5. rVrparae aor. aad rHU fee Collrto, ar taa aetlre datie at BXa. bood board iaeiad- br roe), bjrht aad washing (ao exvujt oaiy iiW per Moath. . . . . J Befera to ttie laeattV ot the Uarrerilt of V Ber. B. T. BUko, and to ear of former rtron For cimUua coot aiu lug particolar ... Ij w orA-T. iAi, , rut: w.c lUUahlS :t to . ewli M. ! i Mr y i -ii i.',t wi -"i t ! iww r Ju 1 W Ul'.l JUJ I ..4ViJ fc'laVt i Ui'i U. iai.A h aa lwa AxoTUCT.CoKitT Cxad rBOt.-7 Wrongh. thscemniJcsfAahe, Ktfns 444 paldweU IiUorms as that the slkfr e.hjlhnitaour,.! ttat,D. W Q. WUmx tKJcMrJeDtmcrt fronUshA jps nreiban, aol fl f WQuhf act.wUhihat partfVn.toe onrenpom youjo, oaajgrq-f ju- Vc to. tie poUtlcalj cMracter an4 ord of that gwemaa, Ligut .iatorm- u wa Dreecnt in. the count r. durma .esnvaaf and tyI3r..c r?s as dentoorat by . nnmber ejr.tbe mostaltra danaor anooovon;, tion ntsnt in that' eoanty. all .iof swhom laiiered, to tact knew. 1ltnflav;.WiJ- t ... - . u r K s una was in?posan tw n evs , thb.aonvfatIan, asweret at. least ntaTflr of the democrats of Ash eounty, dbecsnsa htt aawflt.toWBnnoe himself an Independent candidate , a dulogato to the eontentlon kino . tea. sbh why uenAdkala ahould claem nun J.'tl..t .mmmm. h Va .lvB , 4nAwmtatIi v4 hive raeeirad and what we know of I in. WikoAVthera to no doubt but that I hW wiU he toond uIiag la hi aamt hU well beaten frark, battling radical m at every poistfiaAi iST4w.'m f i eii i n ivii;ai nmn -ri .TV rJj CTT mTTTM Corrected by aVC anuilitisi, lit JkS!V .ammmm- ' ' l 1, t! aadT . jjoonm Uv V4 Badly stained, op very.dirty, . 10 . L4W rflHMling, i" '"r. " W w '. ! i . t,f snMamlX. MStafBT.iuiiii i-y BA-gtog, domestt t?JmiW'' a$T& Inline! lT.ftar.bd. aiaaL aLJJO. nii JI aerie a-w. t. U.Jog oona. , pal, .".'t .elMildera, lOallto-u; i North Carolina. LGiaiti ,u 4 .weatern tierces, . 7. ,..,.. "l 'keca.1T. '1 " ,'" tariffed, nrtea ltio. SB.' t.T V" gooeV,22t (; a -ot. b., 8j;prsliar'20a:u Moluae, -OhW, so. trn a 8aJV Marakei's, OJtl, w 4 'K Tnn.) 4W Baft fTiwi""f f -f vana z.s. (j( , a .fj AWali? ..'-""i1- , feitraC; til. M 1.!fi " -t. lyonow lotaiuff.o i- .jos hen sole 7sJ0. t, tl -i u a-wa a . aa U4. "A tl " ' '-' fallow, tk . b!w! it i'8: reutoee, sweet, new.sw. ' 9 -i i .tfc Irish. BL00.1! Uay, C baled, gooil, llJKnLZS. l ia lebma, Wpwnp5e ,i sa taaao .. . . .. . . 00tiV fit-iril !o ! ,t esse4prime,.Mi(. , Bniaa, per pound, lOeai BO If' .n D.t iil'th'EdUiOBW.m 1 1 vf T) iiMrfgiL .QBsEnyAtio;: ".ro.taii 'fttiiOWr"'''' 't.whiciWaadVri:. with inportaat chapter oa Dlaorden.of tb BeprodactiT Onnae, Betas yaopeta of LeMora dellrered ai thetr i j . f !,.. $ iiKi r aiaater vklUoV the eltr; taoald net fad 891! Caavraui BVr.y orrosm Cotitaj. Horn. PaiL&nBLrat. ' " Coble 6f lectnre lent on receipt or KeefiUT 1 Addives, Dsfc DAVlBUa I i35 roaaar St., PhOadelphuI ' ana M-dl r. - ; ; TV i A' MbftVJ-iaV. W er IclaM. t s. yu a e Uf a fayijta. T EDUCTION OP PAKE. At ftliaernttMSeea1 eata, froai tha railroad depot to taa eotei or lay other point within ta city limit. 0,,Vi, Banal BsMBVasisat WM aaTBSB Wdol. Soalbera Blaek-ted Fm. Pea'NaU, ihrnin,li)urm,rrTaoavi Butter. Chen. Ege, Cuttoa, Ac Ail U.l.'t rtivlrNndDre aoU oa Com il ea the bum larorable tenaa lib tr i auv.uee Biatle oa co.' -.nU, Hul J" .ii4mh a4 JukJt MO' t f ' "' ' "' L , -v..a and eorritt -.X Cdrn, Com wconv r t r T7J K 1 1 i I . AarUmt.U U M CrfUM la U 1MB ' eswtrsxulflu tolloirK aslaa,orta aalaloa Ua. - n u IlaeqaN'6aniB.....M...M..M CLS i J .xaatA ah Qaoat laaarUoa - tta.wbk., ds ewW' I iar, 1 week, f ijwi staara.vaie. rt.tJ" .wfajak laeu i v -eu.w j I .. - l.0t l- " 1 -u Jl b nr tM.ee m , a --hi f"i'.'; v. -H'ht f ir'.:'.'iW . ... s Uf ijtoiff jr t rt a t tp" "iri'w 1 1 (U W laijBl wrwi na -t .j kssj rMX i, - vsmJ U !tiofvifc I r-;tA ue t Ion Ht . : T " .U tAitao&ALmVa i7ycsi -iKlU WJ? ifUiaijt t JJ i .ad aaiAa'ATrrWr--'l .r111 LeuiuMc ATil.0'WOtiiv'i.r "fa We nil sal ai wr Wjtteheuse, X'o wt i.j U I . AJm!;i ht T(CB t'ABOO OF.; BARK, j VTBIQ.w U from :BJo d (faaolro, oUtng ofi,. i,CC0 Cxss CholCB Elo: CoITcf), u h llccdmStroinj.'Dbublsbai Will be, added toJ thai aheve.ssie an.( j assortment of Groceries, coosisUng of Kquued Sugars, Syrups, nacoa, bait,' ; Gaoen and Black Teas and TlAgttayra'',' . -1 v, - - Auctioneera. v: W &wonVa ;? a5anAl8aWif t'M'',4 f"". te hng llr-tdl tfi !0?jl8 ai Aim&w tJWJ' Bi wfB rest at a ressoMbfaprk y Bowse, ly faraiehed aad -aUglbry Jocaied oa the , j hst oz mwoora Aveaoe aaa renon eireas oaiy two fmaa the Canttot. n.i ,mm wiU be kept as a Boaidlox. .,t ad a few boarder cu b aecoBuao- at sisswit, iw tfiii unit Hit ann'v r "juts. nz-Mti ir. amu. lABAAOrll f BsiaWhl K ' Caanatoir 6a,f how uyi" "waassrataey won l"'ta,) aaea-MH ezdimatima br thuee who lee the lam r . loKaat New Cluoato aduuid br the Baro- ' peaa and American Chronto PnuUtblng Co. They arU perfect Gam of Art, " ho one caa reatotth teaipUuoa Is bay whea eeefco; n') the ChroaMM. Casnaaera, Areata, aad ladle , af natleavsa out of etn4oyment, will Sod tbn taa best eiwaiaff 0ert t.wki ti loner, f or lull parucuian, acno aiaaip ror daatiai eteaS. Addrew r. fiLBABON JWahlarU ot, ikmlo,. : 1 -i N-e'?. yafla y," Ja1& M " Brvtrtoeet-aaecmaf JaeBapcrtoTC of Wak goaaty, to ma described M Uoav .j iadaaar, I wuloe FrW.j tha 17lh dar of ' ' Bortt aext, a ciorio bk, se a Cum. mml . i . . rsjmjm..l iiiwi the foBowinc daecrilied property to-wtt Ttaotiae tie 101 la uie vny or wa? and eUd t.iboaaded eaV4i..- fodows, Beetentnc at of liartt sad Wart Ml feet Sooth with B r at tha aoath Weat wen comer .... a Street, iwaatar eareeU raaains' theaeo " . Soatfe wtth Weet Btieat, tbaae Woav a . a-iT w wa a jT.a. a. a. WJ-ll ta the B. AG. B. B.. theoca North wtth Kail it to taameaitenalUaiTettatriBl.taaacr ' twlUHaieUMretoUiebeg1nliic. Vam-. oae-eaU ana more or leea, being ta treMsut reakieacaoT X C hfacy. .1 vr ... - Toma of Sal-: One half Cub, balaac pay. alia tvehre atooth after dT of tale with la-' ,, tan IStA eiuAil'd a Coeadawoaer. J- Asi'-tstMiaeit Aepf. t, 1875. fan laaaBy, leaar boUdtets 1 aaperWr board aad accooiatodatloni loaaiioa, aear. ; , High Point on the N. C. KaOioad.very healthy ' A ixetf ta taUlccaU npeasee, aceepaoaoca toa ciotninff. tor ar nonun fas; sue, AUl strea to young ana cioiuinn, tur ot. bwduw, wiu vm kt t ,( j w nauica - --iJJ'r-i- iifKJn a lost imice, "nnity nil. uww. ct. v. - , v , B. CBAVUt, hesldeat. lUta.OHW 'POLTTICJDJIGhJIIOMB 'H aTt. CLCMBBTS HALL," : t.j I ' Elllcott Cltr, near Baltimore, Md. u eiUbUahed f thoiarh;pecior traeh- -' eneitt'f ib Uirf ,t4 ' 'ao ,l radaate . rank kigut racorro oaiy nm-,, SbOT.'"'- ' --'' :'. . our Connwt CTSnJW; Liberal, Beiea.,. v uCsstasMrasbAHti ImS; ".7U- " aVsd ataaip lor Qaat)M.Catsais5ail iji Aswmw Tan Bar. V. Araar Suaraaao, D. !., A" aus $ li'l.'tteBai fn. V '''f 'm. : ' ytti-ea :wt CuiA M "B--rtt '.a?t'tA.Ji6, si -sjr Httt!i!i",'i i'ljjw! - it earn on U10 authoniv of Mr. II. L. ii'-JW! -9 if Witson, of Ralckh, thaf W. H. Hood, " ' a tot a. c. a. vo , swea uuu no. " Browdi of litrrhoro, . Johnston' cototjr asserted InlJalolKh, .that ,Dr. t Vkk told negroes, at rTildcr'a Town hhv'wbo -Were boms huluenced TTa ' T ponrenttovtiegro trotn Bmithneld, to-") IVpto agaJnst.jiyUmMviaorcen ana lor ine vonaerraHre caoxiiuaioo wi H.4 pmrenuon, uh 11 iaey uui eu wacj (tho nenoos) would voto. themselves baV tnta alareryn I hereby declare M 4 l3rown's statement to re a wuiui. , cuood and denounce John R. Brown dsjatontBrnpaWeuar.4' ' an vt ivn -M-it-vi. vicxv, m a..' ' tKOfi AagustiP, lW5r ,,,, 1tpslerBJrriW rot ItadtaU of Beth Btsm la ..UPABATB DIPAWMBaTS, ( 1 aaflag a fan aorp ef JtofemotM rrrTsasra tanwwavu. lawisw a iae Bepteataer BarOsUlocaea with f aU tafonaatioa M W ' tWai. Conn af oane of Btady. etc. farnb)bcd" f crataitoaar It.- AddrcM 1. T. WARD. IK li., ' WestalDbr( XA h'. mii mmf,1 TCJirAXtY.'ra'idvl.1 chabm A.) IJil, Bow r)br sea Buy fatiaal a A tab teat eve a afiactteasof any a.iii taey eaooa iretaauy.! ) ataipia. saaaijtj t acfuiraaatatul eaa r-"era, fro., by mil ,' fof i, Wiher sin marrUe taiae, ' . P"rpti'Trle, D.eiB, binU to Latiica,' f lUlis-MT"!- tiuin, tie. -a pn.a. iirt-MT. WUJ.lA:iaCo. P'.!brta. Ii,uidlphla. . 1 ' . nwi mu. t. t-1 t:.s to-nrj tca.;ca tr? roi ., .:.Tl: 7r V - ax' t r. - tnt 9 1. "i i-t. "-Jn-daIw-

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