T1XK DAILY, 60TINLL if t I ; flit- bbb,ib m. at It 1oUq4 ratot per sonar las. t tea tml&Ioa HaMMk. ; t TA1 8 rklMTXJl AMD BDT&SI. J WWW UBW UW.Mt.m. ft. iMily BewtrI I year ta sdvaaee liady Mi BMmtha to adveaat W.00I toaO-Waakly a,o i WreSiy Th Daily Mmiit mm b UinM ai r part a the Cat at Firraaai Caarrs far I wak. ' ' -"' '''' "; ' "f- :w : rT, r- r.T r; ; : t-,--v- fwir v".T".J(TrT t lift, r 4 1 i e.l. . ,H .-', . i; UNITED 'STATU GOVERNMENT. i - & Grant, of miaoK hMMii' ", pi nccroar. -jTh B t4 etUbnatn last ii,ht I ( - U-ta lW .J ; . JUoi for U IfnHrtrti t lwfted Or, Tfcomta D. Hon " MTf J JuiiMiW.lioikatispf Ifcf IBuC W,,CRMT " flf' f nut declined U,grom4 N.to l.tT lf?0 w m,(, I d HtLu t A oflfcie would require ' The Boa then ' . 1 Al AT Vi MMMl Ihftl I MP- , HV MW proper U '.declliMi.' Um" poritkm. lB ' WnOLEaALE CASli riUCES. . ... f 1 i II 11 I - -L 1. - - t 3 1 Hear Um hma Wm u tket Ud tkia l VI Bee tkea kow UaUat m4 koid! ' ' kebebwtUBawkardlrkaowU'TJ ' " ck.aa ofold. Ai ' nhall JevdL of CoaMctlrvL rtn BlTRtHt COUIT Of TttX U. A . XorrlM It Watt, at Ohio. CkM JmMm. nai n. iwtniL f uu . - '. hMri f MuWnt fa? "'.i " . ; ImmM Davlm- ltt, a-tv-m-. r i. rbM, Cd., v " . , , WUUmb M. BtKMHT. ''''' '' Jm. r. BrMUrrTntN. J, Ward Hast, o . , Coar awH lrt Maadajr ki DoraaiWr, at WaikkigUMk . s , The City. wodJ hive made rooeV exeellet IiA A PERRIX? IS TBS ONLY offlder.4 Be Ue eraaliliea wUuli eaii- Omulne OUCESIiaiKmMS8AUCK fit ! (W ecUt AOke.1 1 Z' I T- . . . T :- : . . 1 , l re wiumn w uaonpa, wmjwi 1 But by Ifcrir backt. aa of old. Wl. a- ft. -a . . . - aiaMcirtaaijTBe aiail $ I oroacai bj Maauoui HI lteatfc cUadloc roadr to i-1 Wak, bat pntitiui 4 Oat apron4pco))a cfadkiiB, i , " Tfcea tkt emwd victor boaad bla. Correctect bj Ir. C. amiSTOniKI. ' . Market aqpiw.... , Badly talned, or Terj.dirtr,; ,v , ? , Cleaned taioed, or ordiuaiy, IlalJ Good ordlnarr. - .'ltla.ll , . , . -i . . . I aawnea at WUdar Tovablp. vko war ( 1 VdtlUnjj ; , . r i alfi I beii tofluenced by a CoafcnUua aefrafram ' " H :' 8"lleld,'ofoU aaatBti Buwral of - J r ..aJ . i ) tlrtftiftilM B..t f mmtt Iki I Um 1 1 Bit ' ' KKliif, dome lie 21 -yanU3ll,dUUior7vTenUon.that If tbey did to, " ' "UbU r ItVfttoitttee, 7a8c. ' , f " aAwmfeiejfce-ka V I ""t ona WOllna, 0Ja7 4 . ' I W. H. Hoodrke tk Dr. lay bla tatmit' ( 'A f :'' o : -a s j '"-f-- T tba Kditor of tk Newt : I mm atari bahtUhad la roar Dmilraad WMklr, aad alw In tha Dalit aad Vaakl amtlBeL ilrwil br J. W. Vfc-k, M: a. 8elma, N. C, dated An. lOtb. ls75, whkfc i a wtlfal falarhooa. Tb DrTiaya I aaanted ta Raleik-k to W. II. Hood, Clerk for A. C. 8. Co' tEat Dr. Vtck toM M. & REf RMKJfTATIOM COXORE88. .... -'natl. ' .... A 8 Mnrriiaoa, of Wak. . : ' Mat. W. Raaaoat, of Mortkaaipton. ocn or BiriBUMamBs. It DbitHet f nai J. Taataa. l JAHnum. Hd " A At WaddeU. 41 b " Juapph J. Daria. Mk " AMacalea. . tub Tbomai g Aakt. Tib WMRobhtaa. Wh " Robert B Vaaee. t! Si' VNITKD STATM COURT Tk ataled term of tk V., A ClrebH aad Utorkt Ooarla arc a follow t - UaUcd Htatca Clrralt Court Kaatcra Dia trlct of North Carol iaUid bj RaMirb I rat Moaday la Jaaa aad lart Monday at Ko II L Bead. Ckralt Coait iadge.; realdeaee, Balttaanrcv Md. t - . - tm W Brook, Dtatrlrt Omit inigt, East- era iwuhi : raataaarcw uiaaocta lAiy. . . IT It Marakal, J B Hill ; offiea, RaWlirk. NJ Rkldk-k Circuit Court CW-rk : office, KaWtgk. ..." . aamtaa rraicr oorar- " Elizabeth CHy, Ulnl Monday ta April aad October. - I terk, X B Calpepper, rcalileace, EUsabetk my. - -fAoumif bcounrUB ye., .i., lautaUd wftb 1U laU loaurrectkM la ' W SlJ" B 't I 8Ut, ld the aegroea vert feing I tfcSiJj ? -wr. nucoxawBOfarnTe itxuj. to vote for VUraiti" to to King, "We -Elder C. B. llaaaell at la the etty. wen all to vote for Otn, Grant aext he delegate from Bobeeoa ' bave year,' aald Jake Mwwaao, to a aewa- ....,-''rv'',"".'"-''V"1'5''- paper correpon(eottM to make him The CbovenUoo nweU at II o'clock, KlngM tff '.''. Hiyrir:' - - The tgneraox- ef.ltHieeatnBld , The botela are ailed up with dele- groei b only eqoalled by tto aaennneaa K' I and tnipudeoce, aad tricking of the car - Mr. Halter P. WUliaiaaoa, editor pet-baggen, who atuffad their beada or the Tarboro Soatrntr b in the withamh wild aud lulaiUlevlou no el . ' . tlone. . -x: . Her. l)r. Prilchard la expected The Georgia negroe to diacoTered borne on Sunday Ilia health la much that the only way of ever getting that Improved. I forty acre and a mule, la by making The Radlcala cancnaaed but night Grant alOng. j 1 in the Senate Chamber. Dr. Banaotn J didnotattend. NOBTII CABOUXA ITEJ& : . Rer. Joeeph U. Atkinaon will oc- Judge Key, the new U. 8. Senator cupy the pulpit of Edento a Street Meth-1 from Tennea ee, baa two daughter at odiat Church to-morrow. I the Balem Academy. uee aaveruaement or tbe Baleigb I The Duplin Rtcord hai been remored Temale Seminary-oo oi tbe moat ex- Goldsboro. Bar. J. N. SUlllnga la ceUent ta.UtudoM in the Bute. Ua editor. , Tb Utccrd i. on of th -iKjiTY.-un lT1uraayla.tTrin.IB0.t,tirlkls journal, in y v.g. P.w amaewa. Oi Statej and U ably edited. ukuci iinii at but opening BiUCf I t.ii. .... XewMt of all Um tat A 1 Tkoatrk taa maid tjataa bk trM- eoaraf tforaook klat,' : Hfr a Mdoped to aktaa. ' .Vfetory aerer eoald aUu kim. . . Serac defeat ororartkrow; : Ituaor Maid aaafly aaU kba, ; 4 Btroaf waab aadarki woe. Now k I eoaiaefed,ba aUmllnr, - r Vprtght Utor aa-Mli ; ram from, antborise at to aay to tk pub lic mat na Biaa b aaca, aummeta a iitat , , contained In Vk-k'a card. Ta kt D. bad bettet' atop wrltlac aboot . boaast men, and jro . to cutting old fleht hloloory polra and build aim a Coartkooar, .vrv.".'v . '-- .. i.v . i:-.- -- " .?w:rrm-r?' itar. a i, vaiea. roou. ai.uuai.zi. -rTi".r ' . . r- i - ' - - a . Thu aw a a. Com. LOOal.10. Corfe meal, 11.00. : - v Baoon, IT. C. boa; roand, l5al7.V")' 1 bam 16al7r -. s,w,;. atavartkA KBltfWitM- I ir. X r tta BtUI b kl aapect coaaaaaadhit;, ' rroadaadowctki kU fall. Nutkbig be atattor of aagvr. , Ilato hi hla heart I aot fouad; ' Bpeak but to roua f roaa tbatr languor, HaarU tkat art bowed to tkt grouad. UowlattbbBaa;bt kakeanaot, Uiaa; bat kadoea aot rare, Tknatea and carat; bat k fear aot, ; 8Uik; but k bUa yoo not rre. Rail at tbe oak of Um foreat, Blaated with llgbtoing aad kafl t BUI1 wkta tk atona beat tk foreat. ' . Wbat doot your anger a rail? ' ' ! I .,..;-,: Howl; tat you aerer eaa mort Um, : ; ' f llest and ealat aadatroog, : Hera will hit people lotw bua, : ToBder wUI God Judge kit wrong. -' ' aia A Bieaourl divine left the. Lord' Clue ken, irrown, 55a30. Butter, N C, 25a30 1 N V, 4050. Boca wax, titOO, I lk, oa foot, CaS. r " dreessed Prime. Hall. tTearr eotmer. rr bouimL 10c. light , . 12c Braaa, per pound, 10c Jlongv; K tides, 13. " " ahoklcra. lftallln. Lard, 2orth Carolina, lCJalM. - weaiem nercea, it. " ke. 17. Coffee, prim Via, aa ... : good, Z2f . " common. 2021. I Syrup. SUM lUolaatea. Cuba. 50. Salt, Uarahal'a, 2.25. " Evans'. 1125. KaOa, on basis for KM, 1 1.00. gugar, A llratt. . extra C, lit. ! yellow C. lOlalOt. Leather, aole, 27a30. llldet, green, 7a8. " '! Jh 1 TalW,Cla. , . Thla (t tha Irat Uaaa la my llfaUut f bam bad to appear before the pubUe, aad will b my hut to tar aa Vkvk't card b eonecrned. ., arpt 1-dltAwSt I. R. BROWN. Nl 1,C E Will onea oa the lat of eVnUmber 13.UU0 yarda of fall rMuta, new and aaadaooM stylet and fast colors. iaoKldatwlw, ACBKECH. 1r,T,,,,a"W,,'p,"aa- waaaaawiaaa. fJ!B BaOTUQCOR8t I Bar aad wlU keep a fall supply of Mar- tetrs Importod rreack Brandy, Barney J a H6H, 8tan Moaatakt Dew, ttaaAp XoBsagaEela By Wkiakeya; Na ., pora old wkaat WbMey, rorrten I n inea. Riua. Uln. Hrhmn.nna (;lu- ger oraaay, ana pur n. v. vora Wblakey. TbjEW CROCERT, ai WIWI. r.u.i lim t.' I - " -aara i j the war. x - 7.. . " 'T "V Tineyard to be a clown ina circut.-rWxrl i a TXTilUflma inoperauoo, ? looms are now at worx, l ,.... . I r t ' Ho Atilil BraadrJoallBMer'a RraaT W1 vawnea iwo, I pie. i ana 1 tnant Hroa., par sad Natir Wine. Kuni, Ul wr Brand v. and ours N. C Mr liaoora bsb all mire, and bonirbt aftha Irttclaa dealer. R. A ntRRT, ang 81-8a , . North of Market EARLY FLL TRADE 1875. : v They UafeOme. Those beautiful New Fall style Hats. mx iuts, ; 1 SOFT HATS HIGH AND MEDIC M C'IHWN and Read the a '. y rtiaement of Buns ton I are ..y.nw., vera that tl.ran' armam I ' i icim.Au i. i. i a. - t w r .. am aiiwi aiwaiuaun. idbt arai. a lacai uu mw uu uuuin m vnr. i . .... . . . .. f . - IfHjiMlMIArillA IlilH I . ' I ixrwnero. irmna Moaoar u pru ana uc- I i . i . . v. r""r"" "'""" I !..- r . jn tober - , i wu nnuu vtnvm wen aitu uetcrfC I ,., ... , , uhw . avw huuuicu uvuan E Tinker ; residence, Newborn. I encouragement. I . . , I Pr Jr Pybl in dried apple, hay, I tor iban tk slow ahUllnf." Call kad look at wvwu lucauuu u l wa an l . , , jrt - ,K t I aiy COM a at price. ' A GOOD STOCK OF WOOL 1IAT8. auf 36-tf W. U. A R. 8. TUCKER. WaasiacUw, Crst Monday after th foarth Moatlay hi April aad Uctotier. viera, mm. utnmt ; reatacace, nursing- be Is a candidate for Assistant Secre-I v: J. been received from Philadel- siaxSNVa WILIE WILLI AM A KrOTfllie Moody - J. FRAT'A urn m ABar y, Kicaard c Hadger, rest, i id fine service In the but campaign. I w - " - v" " l and tnky m lymioi MmMim 1 w - ' r v . and tnkr in "tendon were'- 'tf 4i.we t .'.i!-.vr-.,,v,,.,., .KLWr Tt w-wthtl FrimitlTtl Wglng elMtlj "P0" iTb paUlc ha contributed 1141,190 to POLISH, J3A8SICAL AND MATHE FRESH 8UPPLT OF BLEACHED AND BBbleacbed Dorncatic. M, IM, MM, U-t, 14, hbeetina;, i I'lakl Homes puns aad Qlngnama, i Black and Urey CaUceea, i Ladles Neck Ties and Rucking, i uuen vouars ana vuns. . omm. n.L.ia. "Aialataat tl'Toang "rrarctaccrr cora-wrjrraB wsraictv. I B pUstdenomlnsUkm, will a preach la II L Boad, U S Ctreuft Coart adge, BslU-1 lb Benate: Chamber tonornrw, (Sttn Dick, c B Dutriet Jd. We " ' m The Public are cor- The DemocraU carry Chlifornla by a tera MatrM : roaklence. OrBeaaboro'. I dlBIly Invited to attend. I large majority urraanoro'. .vjAadaVf ery large, assortment of Ilanbare; Edidngt aad Cotton TrlinujlijBt,""'-B''" TELEGRAl'aiC STJMRYr aax ,ri'i::r''- Hisia.i;tii V--w . . tiaytoa, a atatloa oa N. C K K. Tk Betea-1 ' tt'&r?'lkK lWKK!& Tkea goods kara beea purcbasnd In the eek.aad ate now in store snd for sale UM tujcorarjiaml the tmle. I raised. toentk eataioa begtes Monday Bept. Mtb; 1875. Prepares bora and rtrla for College, or I The late Kmperor Ferdinand of u I 1,0 w JktrJno "ZZ.TnH I A - B WW a m . m aa -a "! ' m wenmona paper nil u tnat I nr,,rW j.riant. t I tri. lr i. inn. . r in n m aaa I IlisO ner aioatk. ilmirt aad Dbtriet Coarta la the Wsstera 1 1 boo N, RamsAV la ' going to lector 1 , 1 " W i-t 1. I , . l v j,, " v ,T7 Refers to tbe Faculty of the University of District art belJ at tb aaaa Uae. I V-ZTT Z I fcrence. Tb SulUn Bay h i amply I florins which has been paid at the Vat-1 Va. Rev. A T. Blak, and to aat of former llreensboro', am ateaoay la April snd Oa-1 "s,m "8"" " uiinuia. ttl to p, wm, q,, rebelli B. Clerk. John W Fame, residence. Greta bono'. HUtosrDle, tklrd Monday m April sad Oe lOlter. baa delivered one or two addressee la Richmond. ' Th llercbanU Bank of San Fran-1 the omanienta and sacred vessels of his lean. II also befltieathed to him .ell Tor 5" cejuauung particulars i vc., Aaar - Shober. Beid, Clingman, ILtell, cUcoU,bee11 clerk, Henry C Cowlea, realdeaee, Btstoa-1 Manning. Cunningham are among the It turn sott that tb Cashier of the I1 chln chapel, and moat valuable crystal and I , ang u-daswiw JOHN J. FRAT. or A T. MIAL. RalcUh, N.C urriTTirKv pnijrr.nninn Vile- l.n,iu,...i,.. rr.. n I PI ntera Bank of Louisville. Kt was I . :. . . ' ,, . lOl . AvOle. irat Nonksy after the foarth " i, ... u, -n. '.' I "FI1 ' ' Btam to I Aa tnsarance Joamal devoted to the Inter- Mi'T2.,52,r,,7 VT,- ..wm crat Albertson, Batrmger.Brjx I'"""'" I tb.ak t r.. n - t'.t iheusa.ntb,! eat of Folh-kaiders. Coataios aU tbeht- V.'."i-::" i a .U: a'" ton. and Dockerr are snokaa of bw the "covered, i ne ca nier naa wtriea it t- ,. , . - ,r 6 -I v I eee mararwe tae, uy. uoiy toaur To tas Delmutis or tut ConsTiTrrioMat I hereby auunuuee mvadf a candidale for the aosttion of Principal Doorkeeper of the Convention. I am an Eastern maa, tbe edi tor of the Toisnot Tranacript, aad with pleas ure refer to the Democratic mealier or uy section. - E. R. ELLIS. augM-U District Attorney, rcul- a.hni. AaiUtant, W 8 Bali, flreeoshoro. UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. I 3 Toang, Collector Fourtk District, office, Bepnblicana for hiaam office. neaf bta bouae. I l ..r a,. h LfeiSdFire ilrt. jst. " 1 C aldwcU Watson. East India ater-1 "T ZTl " . ! " ' ..." fomJ, . - w -.w auu iaii iiBwwny ineci- I n s v n n -, t-i a na-i-m arn so iiw peopss ox nor (nor fnr P.nnn Kt I tin.l.' 1.. L.I J Ichaatiof London, ban tailed. Their I. ., ,l r 'ih" o a',Han I for those Interested la .f was a , sat t aAiwui li.. .t . . . ..... l a "I Subscription iOB in to-morrow. Rev. J.P. Moore Praald. I uawuiiiea are avumataa as fwiw. : w - - ' - I went Inserted si 1 CarelfDA. TreaU of both lAMimtra, mxptmkkg wild-eat I OTICE. Raieirk, - I tag Elder, officiating, tauaitnbm at I & R r W Perrv. Bunarriaora Carolina. Ae I . . . i I , i. -... I . .... .. offlee, tuieigk. . , ' I cciocx service. Tne pnbUc are cor I UiatMonsigaor Itonceiu ioiap- Lbaa reny, Asaisuat anptmaor, Ksietga. dially Invited to ttn4J- 1, 1 tx Wgb eeclealaatlcal dignity -tA new atyl of fen baa made Ms to America. The minins utraxes in Pennsylvania I BiBctmra naraaTassT. I . .i... l i.i.i.r i.-, i I Ln. P,n',lW, ViUBl UVHSEB-. MUUSI Bl I VUUMUBV ' By virtue of s decree of the Superior Court of Wake (Jaunt. In ana OatetUmt u I eooaaieBdlng the atrong ones I snissloner, I will oa Friday the 17th day of varonna, we paper I ttept. next, at n wetoek as aril St tbe uotm uoose door aatna City of luieltrh ta following described property to-wit : House snd lot la tk City of Ktleiirk, hounded as . ,ya.BanmtvaBaaBs ta Mn - a nAf wave a 1 af aa aaaara-ra aa I uuiasMaai ur ausiu i .ri., ,1,. eu.u , f I "J'r w sawn vi UW ' SWUU N EW Alt VEUT18EMENTf . O A R D. - . A few delegatit raa get teod hoard for ll.uvper day, at the boarding house of, , , i MRS. W. A ALLEN. s arpt-at. UllUboro Btrret: ' svpt '.'If aasnraae sdvsnce. AJvi-rlLte- : reaaonaoie rate. Address. JNO.C. IIUTSON, Editor aad Proprietor,, , Kltgb, N. C follows. Beginning at th south West eomer oi itargeu ana west dtreru running thence 131 feet south with West Btreet, thcec Weat O road to the extension of llargett Htreet,tbrnce . to tlie berinint:. Cna- Eaav with Ilanrett otreet to t n - a a a L M i m . a I ' . . y nraic lire wwer runiamrn in a oera I prenant residence of E. O. Macv. une nauussa, balance pay of mortgage executed oa the 37tb day of Uinitig one-half acre more or lean, being tb mem rearaence Terms of Sale : Curtis H Brnjrdea, of Wayae, Qoferoor, joaa a neataery. mrate aeeratary. R F ArmaHd,of tredtai, Lieateaaal aad rrUent of tb Senate, W II lltiwertna. of Rowan. Borratarr ..'(WJak A Jakiaa.o( OMtou, Treaaarer. A U Jrnkliis, T licr. . " lawaaM W Bala, Calef lerk. ' - John Rrlllv, of ttamberlaad, Aadl or. ' '" Wai r eiht-rvTl, Chirf Uerk. . -S l Pool, of Osvea Superta eadMit of Pub lic Inatru tioa., J.Aa C Gonaaa, of Wake, Adjutant General. T I. Hargrove, of Granville, Att. OearreL w C Kerr, Merkh-nhBrg, Stale Geologist. I not a raraea, of roravtae, Unranan, iiVT'iTTT n: H I tmbc rrnioi nn u uu i a n mrd.v . . . .. . . - . . . nr State. I. Bieaara rurasv liraan It II I . .. i -- , i on uu ktrmtmm iw CucaT. Ves- i Court, .the quest! n of taking i civil docket waa touched nnon. Buan, James ILiOjcplierd, and B, W. mlm Gtf Barrxngcr asked the Court D CNSTON A EVAN8, December, 18, bj Ullin tlarl Brown, I able twelve month after day of Bale with rr7ift"T ? Bot T Page m ta the offlee tereat from day of sale. SJ "f"!? f"4? lb CW"HT of I i.i. NOWELI, iu FIRST-CLASS snOEOUGLSTis Cor. Cabarras aad McDowell 8U., RALEIGH, N. C, Wake on the Stat dav of December. 1873. I will sell at patriae auction to the fcigheat bid der st the Court House Door in the Ctty of RaMifh, oa tb 3d day of October, lHTS, at 13 otmx'K si., ta lot at laud described In aug 18 tds Cowuiwioher. Simrlelarv.' Br here to ra- iwaaaf aMaaal'Ili!' ""'m'A'l'J' best ueatlaawa a I said mortgage aontalnins one acre aitnated . " . ' ' Y I wiaa arraagwuiea "ia suw uom. ibat cair lie ootamed M iMsaaraut t m B OARDINO dOUSE FOB BENT. I wttl rent at a reasonable price my House, oitnanuncr count es of u Ktotaw wbereb eounUea Wliere UiaconllwaahAt andl.... . . . .. fiw" b at said City. .tosatjafj UeleinUcvictorTbrlli,t. I l . i ,,..i.taiaamli.alv.iBwa I - , . .AfilSTEin JONES. I PiI,5fSt?lAw'y ; bsrdlag i .L . J - a. ' T H. , I tMtag neatly aas aad oa.roasosabl arpttds Agent & AttV- I daLadatpraatatfT srrnmmn . j Says the Petonburg Jft$ i The I upon the CotuUtuUonal Conveation, I tena, all ?or laab. I - I L-1 jptlaaiaaT3vea at onre nnry U wik,' kwpTr of the acVn OI V P"1. or Jtaleigb, hat which asaembis at llalelgh on Mooday, ( O S V CapihiL . ' ' j. avWBtJeatahock to the good people and be bad reliab lnformatioo, as he ?ke WiI Na ty oovaaaoa's cowciu . of that city.' V r. f epark waa a native thought, thai th I ouveution would not theilty" 7 ' ' Th Secretary of state. Treasurer, Auditor I w ixrveraourg, o years oi age, and a I adjourn immouiateiy I and Superintendent of Public InMroetkm. BOARD OF EDUCATION.- ' , Tbe floveraof, I Jen tenant Governor, Secre tary of Rtetr, Treaaarer, Auditor, Sopstlatoa deot of ruldir iMtrartioa ad Attorney Gen eral mastitate the tUate Board of Edacatioa. The Goveraor la Pre-ident, and the Saperia- most excellent ma. It will ba . bard I Tbia sbowa which way Use cat hops. to supply hb place in the present atate I Ckarlott Obterwer. of parties. ,,'..--5v ",i ' '.Zf- Such a gathering of Revenue . offi cials has never been seen on top of the ea th before They com Ilk, tb to- teadrnt of Pui Jte I not mot ion, Secretary of jcuats of Denver -(rom the lottTqaarters vi w, ivwiuai awveuus W7aarun uu , ., t-KORGIA INSURRECT10X. ' i-f Aoosta, Sept. 3d The Jury in the Cordy iarris case re turned a verdict of "not guilty," and E N T I O N .-' New Fail tHyW of Bilk Hal la ON LF 13.61. - ' "f " Nw tUilrU, I.lma Odlar. , Mala and Faoey 1- Hose, Mack aad figured Nek Ties, i Uiughasa aad Silk I aibrrllars, t Handkerchiefs, ' Haspcaders, Ae., 1 - .Traeke. .,. - ., ! TraveUiag rsgs aad Valise, ; MUSqi'ITO BARS AND CANOPIES. TIE UNIVERSITT OF NORTH CABO-1 . LIXAj ' a. - I This institution will b n-opeaed oa the I TuBnsTONE JONA. ia vnvntT Or aeimrvitvR wvvt I , i - - - -1 MRS. UKKUT W. MILLER. The Interest they manifest inn Coo- th prisoner,, was discharged btm cut-1 Lantsa Pss Good Si'ivablb roa Fstx, todv to-dav. Tb -thr usarsenUI . ' " Waaa. - SUPREME COURT. amotion fot Norm C-roliiu to .t Riebatoad M Peartoa, of Tsdkto, Chief Jus-1 than it bath ever ' before entered into P05 . m Johnson I tiaa i :.. . r :.,.- a --------- - a an. ' FtaQRanafreraA-oeijta eooutywmDe at a special verm ( wRRodeaM.lieaBf.irt. . i I . . . IMondsynext. Judge Johnson's coarse I , w r Byanm, Merkleabarg, . , th term ending the Snd Thursday hi Jane UTS. with a vacatiaa of two wetka aLChrk. aoaa. It has been re-organls d oa th clectie ystem, eombuuag, however, three eurncula of Arts, Science and Agriculture. Instrue- tioa will be riven la the branches of learning usually taught in the best College. 8 pedal bistructioa provided m Agriculture and th I Mechanic Arts. . An able faculty has beea ap pointed. Tbe buildings thoroughly repaired for the reception of avveral hundred students. 2 Far circulars and explanatoryef the above apply to REM F P. BATTLE, ,, Secretary Board of Truate, July 15-lawlm . Raleigk,N.C. lk.u... a-..!., .i ..ti r t TsaeweH L ilaVgrave, of Granville, Aertor. W II BarJey,of Wak. Clerk.- .-. mr r n inrTi h. ..saw, .iwm, , .'. Meet ta Raleitrb oa tbe Brat Monday ks : January and dua. ,.j -r ,,t,; .: f v v , . f . ;-; SUrERIQR COUETA .'V- JCt Harris, Solicitor, Ralelgk. ' ' " WAKE COUXTT GOVERNMENT. Commissioners Sjdonioa J Allen, Chalr taaa j Wm Jmka, A U Jua, Was D Tarae, 4 Rtaaet NowelL , ..- f.f.- vfl 6,, r4aeria M Dana. ' " , rurior Court Clerk-Jo , Treasurer UaVM Jbeww, W JE Ml . VI -W WW otoaor James Joarav tarvrror-N J Wkaakee. T. , I C E aawiaiiiflv bstt. jaaam jnnnan'i enaraa . .. . . ... j c.i .i . ., l J - l jMrcuanu ana inners rcouirau to iim bshi -waugu Diupp,'. us genuamna a, i u hl(rhlr -jj Trv ctoi- I Mr uf aadcr aeaedal B. from July I. . . 1 rw. , . I lata, will take aot ire, tkat W tbe aaaw are L bv tha Kth dav of Icsi H ENRT CLAY RICHARDSON, ( ATTORNEY AT LAW, , lee tod ( to to veatlgat. the affab. of the wptMWlted by Attoraey General Ham- M IwUK OI MeCKenDUrg. OI UnaXlOUe. I .J Tw., j k. J. I teasber.it Will bethadut of tbe Buricitorat DUHHA M.SOMTM CAMOLJ JTA I which waa lately compelled to auapead Fall Term, lid. of Wak Sup ItsnssaVna-aV VMralatatMa pauUaVh69in thf UbaWrrerof I KUulM mj a-am-iui7j utjucruaicr i pfOairmc m laumt: am iim ana Hjr, K. AT. trV .W.W. S7j"Tll I'&ursday a full statement of the condi-1 man. tioa t f tb Bank at th time of its so. I V1 , ; Masion, rrom wnitn we gamer the roi I - Aaxxar or CocirrnrxiT DsaLEaa. lowmri T.r. i v Ltabllltie of the 1309,179.19, available W. W. Warm, Begtster of Dead . ItalclgB, atf. 1, lSv X'w.A , -r ept 1- . j. 0, . ,w) t' , Coart, to A N OTICE. bank, la l r le a-eets exclusive I Servlc ha advices of tb' arrest in St. I M .. J. ..LJ -t afar tlaaW tmfUMl( Hilt hf TlU anladl I BnanVavV I Tsstm aw TTnKKaBtMl af iU T Atlfa aVTmla a I " f all ft n R at at. -.1 ii..t " -eww waasa n- wwj -' w a aasyiaiBI l MMUMUUf WSJ fcjas, J-MUBa. If I J. Sto. SVLHUI. aUBdW aVaa at aVa VaWS. HBTM , ,429., making a deficit Ol 179,. I Vorth Carolina. DufT of VlrPinla. I JJ"r " iutaa,XLa Prut Equity and 757 99 i I -O1 Jaroiina, Wa, Of Virgmla. I UwMercaaat. latematl Law, etc. Dcwioa ' V V' : . . v I Flint Of Tenneste, alleged dealers Ut I beiaM.l, IH.-ieentMrararHneawatba. ' ' ... 11 - I I . T - ---1 . 1 laatractiaa b aaat-banka aad Wtasfa fsav I hereby lore warn su persons Irora hirclng, barfaorlag, or othrrwiae concealing a briU saalatto girt, Agary Bryan, asra foarteaa years, Badar tb aerertmt penalty of tb law. (laid Rrl was bound to me by th Court. Aay tn rmatioa of her wbereabeaU will be thank fully received, ' - --' ' ' EM AS BRTAN. -.- augnsi -i , Mlarwoad, N. CV. s ELECT BOARDING A DAT SCnOOt : ATTOnXE r A T LA IK, . I RLLEIOn, bc. Aagl-U . JUST PtTBIJSHEIa. .j " 17th action. PRACTICAL OBSERVATIOXy, mmi iebiutt sao PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, . To which Is added f AN ESSAT ON MARRIAGE, WHk Imtmrtanf ekaDters na Diaotdera at the aVproduett y Orgaas, Being a syBop-ls of Lectures duiivered at their f j 'MUSEUM OF AN ATOM X. SUaaren visiting tb rttvT should hot fad to se Uii great rallecclon. beiar tbe bvgset IntbeworbL' . 8u7 (.-uaiTBCV Srv orro-rra Coamawvat mi -.Hunting.. ttainaii Fniui' Sexixah.- caaterTett mmy, aUdoat, IMTud maraud w uLw .uw , n ,i.iJJZCZ?Z1Z: .c: irf " i.: I i. "1"' . : .-.! i I . . I r. T ,ww . : 7. :i . I w-.. a .aaa hi.ui smmirmni receipt or. s reel. i Wka.- I ThW school wmern Addvr, ds. Jordan a-Tiavibiix. f "--V.ll-a-.a-dala,ftb. vAv I iiier fmm Piihhard ILiTt I ",.ir-'- w . I Z I Fraent PdkaaniaaB, . ,S , I t. r x ' . -vw.mmi , . n i i......--- -. .. mmmwm-wtitm ,: JVi IVUaalB ,! i S Sill SI-dUT ..--.' ' : : I f r x. a . : A,- k ' 1 i ' ' . -J 4tft .V."- t 4- 5 Saf'T W j: ' ' V 1 :: 5 1 ' 1 I M ' ' ". -' t . j - )5 ;.

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