TOE : XZIiWi; ryMf imrnoa cured. - ' ' T ka WMiAm aj liamiL . Fa " ' friend t WUI yea pleas mfo year reaJarf . UN Bar BWSIUV , . . f sad all dleorwerief tbe Throat aad Ima , and that, by IU ae hi ay prsetle, I h car; tartrate of caaes, sjmTwUI glv for ess It will not benetk la. ee ; ulTMt la at; faith, i will sand at nle,frw, U any tatterer addressing ne. fleas ahow this tetter to aa chw y kaow who U suueriag from thee diseases, -SBdOMire, riuiAiuiiy soura. 7 ,. DH.T.F. BURT, . spSl-ata vl WILLIAM BTnN. Y r i x 1 l i Avt ivunai ,. JACEAON. MOUTH CAXOLIXA. PnttLma la all tha Coarte Of Northampton. Halifax, Itertla aad Hertford couaU: la th . Sarawak Court of North Carolina, sad ta the Federal OowrtS. IMPORTERS ' or.j rUJlM AMD COLORED. By Ue bale, dosea, er at re- talk Single liaauuock. SI . atat oa receipt of FAMMOCEJ money, ror waoJasaje anew. addreasG.W.SimmoM Boa. Hiak Hall." Boston, Mass. a-thln- salta. BUlilsry gOOO im regsu. Western Marjlind College. . roc 8tadtof Both Bess la ' SEPARATE DEPARTMENTS, ' lack bavlag a fnU corps of Professor.-FifTBaaTWBr-AMacAl,8asioa -BriMaVateaber 1st, WT6. . Sw WrCaUto; with full bforaatioaaa to Tama. Court of fltady, ate.. taraUhed graialtowely. Address J. T. WARD, a Oh l1 resilient, Wctmiater, Md. B OOK AG ENTS wasted toeeu 'The Poo- pis' Commoa Sanaa Madloal Adrmsr," by R. V. a Tha nsoet read v eelj. lag book owl Ixcla dr territory and liber al wma Address tM Aether at BbbaIO, Maw Xoik. $50 TO $10,000 ifes ban nrseted la Stock Privilege tad paid K0 par east, prolt. "Bow to do la," a book a Well St., iat free. . TUMHKlDUE ACO., Bstkmsaad Brokori .'. 8 Wall Bt Mow Mora. ,j,.';-...t--".-.' cea write, n bit Mrs BtBsst, X. T. M Catalogs ran system, . PLCASAMT AMD PROFITABLE XX - - FLOYMENT. "Beautiful ! "Charming l Oh, how ara cielaraatkma by tboaa who aee tha large dexaut Now Chromoa produced b the Eoro paaa aad Aatericaa Chroaao Pwbuahinr Co. They ara aH perfect ttenu of Art. .Moon raa resist tbe tent pUtioa to bay whoa aeeinf tha ChrooMM. Caaraaaori, Agonta, aad ladlra and natloaMM out of oaiployaMat, wUl dad lata tbo beat opeolng erar offered to atak BMMMr?. For lull paxUcuUra, aend Mampfor eoafldentlal eircnUr. Addreaa F. 0LKAB0N CO., 73S Waaalogtoa Bk, Boaton, Maaa. XWT IIL0OI t (Bir ' i.mW;m . At' UaMorMoathly AMD TWXMTT-nTX PBB CBMT. BEUIW MAMUFACTUKKBr FKIUU FO . CASH. If parchassd direst from this efBoe, er say is wa wcai agenia, ' 18 IMTH STRICT, Richmond. Va.; , JAB. B. d. aiBBoTnrletor. dee B raaTUADMAHCT. ex auuL vharm J. 1NO. Howetihrrscx BMyfasiDate aad gala the leva sad sSeetkasof aayiaraoa taey eaoos n. aiaauy. i ais aiaipie. awaiai arqai at all i a pc mil. for Xbe, together with a aMrrlage Irrntlaa Oracle. D.eaa. MtaU to Wnlilh r-Nteat Ahlrt. eta. A aaear bead. Addreaa T. W1UJAM Co., rsbtttbrrs. ruudeipaia. . STATI OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 PITTCOUMTr, f Is m Bcrsjuoa Cocit. . - O. W Job neon, adm'r of Jamea B. Clark. . dee'd, agahut heir atlaw of Jaaaea. S Clark, decd, to-wit i i O. W. Johnson sad wife Ade laide, A. 8. Pendleton and wife V. L. Pendle ton, X. L. Clark, Delia M. JaaklM, Wav X. BtaU of North Carolina to the' sheriff el Put eoontj greeting : Ton are hereby eom asaaded to sunuBon O. W. Johnson aad wife. A. L. Pendleton aad w X. L. Clark, Delia M. Jenkraa, WUL AV Clark, saa James x. Clark, the defendaata above named, if they be found wHhla your county, to appear at the office of th Clerk of the Superior Court, foe tha eouatv of ittt, wUbla days after th service of this summons, exclusive of th day of sack aemee, saa answer tn eoatpiami, a copy of which Is served with this summons, aad let them take notion that tf they fail to . answer the said complaint within that time, ' the plahittff win apply to the Court for th " relief demanded In lb CttmpUInt ' Uerela fail aut, and of thia suminoos auks tilvea under my hand aad sesl of s Id court, taw SWh day of June, 1875. H. BUEPPAKD, Clerk Baperior Court, put County. The petition lathis cause b Ins filed, and alleging that the defendant W. K. Clark la a non resident of this State sad service of the raauaooa eaaaot hs made, and that he Ma . proper party to this cause, and affidavit of ' these facte be In a- mads bv plaintiff tt la orderd that the service upon said defendant be amds by publication of th summon for once a week for six etteeesetve weeks In th Bsmti mbl, s newspaper published la th dty of Ksl- eign, norta utroiina. Wltaeaa, Henry gheppard. Clerk of our said - Court st offles la Oreeoviilc, this Sand day of July. itna. - USBIPPARD, - Clk. QCiTTOM AMD C0XX riJaMTXBB. U hsve la store sad to srrtvs s limited ssnv ber of tbeeelebrated Ooorgia Dow Lew cot. toa riaater ana unano inainowtort sna MmlU'a eommoa etna ravoWlac Cottoa Pmater, which has taken the premium at oar late ralis. Th cheapest and BKMt unproved idaatars. aad caa never fall to give aatlafae tioa. Also wacifcira, Bmiw s saa car Will's eels orated Cora Planters. One msa sad bore eaw do all the tfUaUng oa the fans with saors rrgalarlty and certainty th a haul planting- Order sollrtted ra tha to aeear thesa , . JAhtKa M. TOWLXS, mtvm 4w ' Arert Maaatsctarer Wat, W. Jonas, . Ajwisti Jewav ' a if I 8 B J O N I 8 . AUrncr At Lmir,' :j BALXIQU.M.C. PBACTICX rathe SapromeCoi Bute, the Clrcalt and District toe Called MUtea and the aevsnd t Court ef th Oartaef Courts ef . te SLk Judicial DUitrlct. OlUce oa rayettevUleY h 'OYpesnr to auamteMattaamlaeak. Up stain. . J AS. A. LSAC 3& C0n ' ' TnOlIASVlLLE, K. C . Wa Lava a lorea stock of oar mens women's, boys', tulHses' and chRJiKa's allocs, which w sttU at whcJeaaWi or re toil, next door to ciuxens' xxauoiuu liank. Martin tSL. KsJeitfh. . When Ton wast good aboea, nil hand ouule and or tha yerj beat stock, call on ns naa tnj im NOIiTU CAROLINA SU0K ' W fill orders ftom our store in IU1 stglu or from oar manafiwtorj htTbom ssvuie.. Herchsnu visiung our city to buy shoes are raqoested to sxamloe our SUCK ( il. l.ti-tn (VU'.'-.-4t!V jpxrrxB'a baloom a bjutaubamt WKrra Taoirr. WruuiMrroii tw . oeoad Door Boett of Batgatt Street, Meat at 01) aiaoa, sow aaowa aa im -Carotaa Boww," illLIlllU . O A. X. Pappor, tha bmm! dlatlawalrted Ca rot la tha howth, U wprn hla sw Balooa awwAasabooa, today, TharaSay October lat. The beat of ofaiyUla tolhe will be foead at Papper. aarvad ai Ml fapper'a best at M. . ' t - Norfolk Oyaton. Kaala st all boars. ''." oetUaw , W M. PBPPBK. UUlaboro Booorder sad Darham Tonaere plaataopy I QITT BB81DBN5'B FtlX JU1X Tw ae Ksllrkx eUaet. 1 oa asIlsbBt aV. t ea Nawbora avraa wU lota of froai 1 to T acraa, f email spelling aoaaw wiu rooeM, aad oa Blusat atrraV, lot M scia Baytttwrlil stmt, lots seras. '. cnrwnroTiiKUt OaeSFayaUeTtlle sweat. ISO to Ht, 100 M Twtker road, head of Bewben Aaaat M to lau. IS naaauiai low o uaius aweot 4U0 to 1.8MI. iwooa BioaaiH., - LAND -FOB. BALE. S acres SJfsril trass CapMat RUIa boro road. M acres V U froas City ra Bulabor toe. IB0 acres W aUa from town oa rsyattsftllo sad Asyaai toads. ear farai with good aoaas near I aula tress cap Itol. au to 0 MM oa aaar wrwa, T? . B. KlMwoXABJ JUsJ Batat fab lOtf . OfAae, Tarboroagh Uoaao. Tjy BOiB. oonvfl win. -v- UM SS saw uia, jwn io aaaa ai uua jaauj mifnrUt JAMBA M. TOWUDL aaotavif Asvok B a o a I M NOW 18 MM TIM& Jnat n-aeived S.000 iafris PeclBG Lswa at A. CBXKCR'B a rh.l rrr.gtba, at 11 l' sets per ysrq. ; , j " A GRXAI JOB, Three lawaa ara new aad ?Mt at ties. and aro worth 20 crata aar rtl STcti- where. ' teo the eestomrrt n"'g to UiUUKll a to oa; funaa, im y arr aihle to the last. rpoiBT. Hoes T teoass ea uawsoa street, wes- taraWarA. knonlMOf 'CSfcT w riwnimmft &zjiiiiirffstcri' awsw- aakleV'jBWawBxhaB X el Batata Ofsee Isrwaroagh tt fab aVtf ' - - - ITtraXRISIDKMCX FOR BALK ISRAL- On Monday, the 6th day of September, ins. I shall sell at nubile ancUoe at iheeouit- bousa la Kslotgh at M S. that wall know and desirable eeUeeceoa rayettovtlw street "The Henry Place." Tal I one of the ntost beauUful resldencM la Us city sad located on one of the best streets for basiausoreom fort) the grounds containing one acre, being nana some ana weu unproveu. . Thi property la sold for dirlsloa aadeT or der of court and title good. Terms, which will be made known ea day ef sale; easy sad accommodating. ParUea eaa examine the premise before sale, or ob tain farther taiorassuoa mas ase or & at. , ! CoBMslasioser Raleigh, Jaly, 37, '78. tUlaeptS . - - GoOaXXillsr d Co.; rxODVCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' " roamsALi or '' ' Wool, Southern Blaek-Xyed Peas, Pes Nats, lirled rratte, Flowr, Grain, Prowlshwa, natter, citesse, sgi vuttoe, ate, : No! 83 BROAD BT NEW TORK.' ' All klnda of Coantr Prodae sold oa Com aslaeioa, oa the moat favorable terms. Lib eral advances saads oa consign toea la, aad prompt aaiee ana outcK returns gwaranteea. Conslfrnmente aad eorrespoiMleuce solicited. TTNVEI16ITT0FVIWBJXIA ti " '- - j IT1' vtfc. Ovens 1 0ctober 1 1 conUnnea throuirh nine Btonths. It is organized in schools on the elective system, with full courses in Classics, Utcralure, Science, (with practice in Chemical and my a leal Lao oratories,) in Law, Medicine. Engineer ins, Teaching and Agriculture. Apply for Catalttrnes to JAMES T. n A 11111- S03, CTialnuan, P. O. University , of VuiUriiH Albemarlo CtH, Va." --t Mbltw X CAaraa, Absswos I Casts. OA itTUB sfe CAR TI B irfORMXTB AT LAff,' ij.j, , ASBSTtLLB, M. a - : Prsstlce la the-fsprem Court at Bal Igh aad la the State aad Fadaral Coarte ef We tern MorU Carolina Chums so 11 voted oa say eeaaty ef th State. ! . TorrxRi Waters A Son. 481 Broadway. X. T . will dlanoe of 1 Plants aad Orisns of Bret class maker, hatladlcg Water, ales traaselyi low prieca for cash, daring this bmw U, or part aaaa, asd baiaaee la small monthly psmntf. The mm to let Wa ters' Mew Seal Pianos, are the beat amde. Tha touch elastic; aad S In- staging ton. powerful, par aad even. WetetV Concerto Organ cannot be ax ret ltd la toa er banaty; thvy eery etmpeUtioa. The voaeerw stop Is a Sna tm.tetloa of the hnmea twice areata waateo. 4 liberal diseout to tench era, mlnieV tt, ekarches, scbools, lodges, ate. BceeUJ tedm aamata to las trade, lUust rated ratal i gees aaaitad. - XBX ESTXT CROAKS STILL AHEAD. --i , . ' TwoSOtrer Med ale swarded st thN..'C. ftai Fair, for the BBsT CHURCH sad FARiXMt OBttABaV send lor lUaatrated Cstoioage aad hwanjto-t--v" eaicDrstes Aiaoaaw uin. is MauaHw a t--i that they Uia faster aad awkea) bettor aaaipte than any ether over ataae, Pitos I par saw sad trsiuporUUoe, t. . i.:,.r v.. aassi smhswsh Seaer! Arent, Ralda, M. a VoedRespe Mbto Assets' Wsatsd." ' wtwrW 4 iff ,-r r, K m ..t. A, -t . t 4 1 4 iT'" i-Ktr- v.'V . A I'ouss and Lot at the euracr of lllltsboro and Lawsna M reels, next door to Dr.Wns, (1. Ililla. ;1be lloaas eonUins nine room, beside the kitchen, With s well of good water, In the entry between I lie kitchen aud dwelling. It. Is one W the most desirable reeldenree In th erty.1 Apply to Mr. Ilsrrie Andrew, BcxtdoottotWier'tairlMMwlorto r ' "'' AIJiKHT JOHNMON.' ' . .. i UUlshuro. ai..- UIMULKSAND LATBaV vt t'u . lie Car hlngl Co.,' is now prepared to faraUh sbltles sad paths la say qasaliti sVeired. ThrM shlngls ars the best la ths market t Address, . ..- - . CART SlIINOLROa, mar IT U Ury, Wake Co, M.C, if I V V 9 V III ninoAUsn'rinnnr ' f ' r Turbinfi WaterWheel Ob , ' ' it-jvm t , '. POOL! e BUNT, Baltimobb. : Haaafaetojwn for tha Botta) aad Boath ; I y-: '' -wwM, f A ' Nearly TOO ao w ia as warkiBgaadef beads rarying from t to 340 feet I . ; J f 34 alntrom S 14 to M ldav:p. XPennaa 4 .. . y y The asoat aowerful Wheel la tha lZarkrt Aad moat eocaoffilcal in wa of Water. Large Illustrated Pamphlet sent post free - mAMVWAOmMMM. ALSO, or Portable and Stationary 8team Engine and Boirr, Babonck Wilonl Fateat Tnlkun Jloilrr, Ixyagh's twsber for Miner Saw and Orist Mills, rwarinf Mill Machinery, Machiaerr for White Lead Works sad Oil Mills. Bhaft- lag Palleye aad Uaagsra '.!.Wi'if--:,i ; i T3IAN0AXD OIIGAN TUIXQ AT. , ri, JMDIU& By E. Ai Whitakeb. nalelgh, N. C. 20 years experience. Instruments tnorougbiy renovated. jtercrrences in wake, Johnson, ' Moore, Harnett ana OrangeJ . ' ,;- Uty llerereoce i Ber. A. W. Monstrai, Rev. W.J. W. Crowilcr, llich'd ltattle; JrH Esq., Col. J. IV II. Ilusa, Mat I Drown, Jaq. my mr ' . WATEU AVTIEEL 4 The beet tn the Market, and i aMnwersnnihMandbsaan. . ymmd. N.r.BvaBatYrlbrV Xl -BTA M r8, i- " ATTOIUIXT AT LAW. I PrscUee la th ftste sad Federal I tonrte ColleeUee med In avv mws ef siortk Car MOO' KQX koM hf IN BTITVTIONB SECUJtlTF AOAJlfUl fllih rtOllXtl OAIIOLINA HOiiursstreAflCE oompant ' - ; RALEIGH, K, C. Taw Company eontinnes to writ Pond t fair rates, oa all etaeaes off taee-able prop- erty. ! -. - Lnioaesreiniyasie4n4BeJ4. The M BOMB "f Mrepmiy growing la pwbttt favor. and appeal, with confldewee. to insurer f properly in au pansot rrrta unrmiHa. Ageaoj ia au pan or ta ataie B. U. BaTTLA. Jr., PresidubV C B. Root, Vice fakan Sst-we flJILl. '"ervry, ; ; ftiM'hiCi'wrSM. mwrvuo. - - 1 A It - - 1 1 0 1 no rtN OICM Ti I la iaa "waaioa u 1 i,rr"." vmtvr: T aua N Taoea on. Adtnintstratot Of Hnedeiao' rneM. dVd. eweuwl BrteLt 0 b i ll Tkom-s wrabaa f ttr4ma (Ainntvtmnvsr d, other f,n 4 , (OMMOirt voa Pa .rcr aan PvTrtion vo i ' Maaa aaaa snana as its . t Trip STATE OF M Trl CAVOUN 1. 1 Tn kTe nerei t ommmided to aummoM Willi... 1 -I j I s ur.... ww .iff 4VT, ripn . m n.jn, wmam pi. wu wanna r. we, wajaesaa k.. .1 . V V..a ik. IhomeaOrnham. Marv Uiahwi. sad Bstb Ural am the SifeaCSLU abjve aaaavd. If tbry be foead wlthla J our county 10 appear at thaoule of tb Clek of tn ra ererlor ttourt loriao eowaty 01 aioaaew n, wunin rorty Sve dsva. aft. r the service of' this summons a thttn. csclualv of tb day of ruch ser vice, in answet toe eompntint, a copy 01 which IS rerved with this snmmoaa ' and let them takenotm,tat tf they fail to answer the said comoblnt wlthla that time the thuntifl will apply lo ths Uoart for tha relief demanded lu the eomplalat. Hereof fail not, and o! thi awmmoa make laeretara. ' , .,' . .-v.i;-. 41 rca aaorr mi hand aad eeal of said Ooart, this Stt day el May. M73w - ; 4. n. A0BU. ! yal l4w C 8.C., Jobaatoa Ca A SPLENDID LINE OF LADIES A IfANDKEBOIErWI Pointed borders la varluna draigas, , 'r : UfaMMhii I.itlaU Mm. 1 Mitcnea cieeriawof' , .. i aad lace, 1 ' LADIES' COLORED LINEN COLLARS j . and ccrrav-. - 1 1 r . r f , ' Neat, Tasty aad rsshloaahla, ' " AU the Above goods to be foead at the wsst lffrea at the Cash Koase of ' -W.r-AailTUCIER. ''1.1 fff '' 1 1 ! 'Mi it-, 4 u. ' i iCI g"nlsl with1 , fl- . at t "nmmwmamwa April T, 19. ) " A mlid sperient sad r'"' rn' -Uve, re t mutetided t 1 1. -i in,. of ih suiauii hvw ard , t ft th timely as e ah si Jim m b fn-"ti The lest ef ateay year hafsirot re t to b h aafeat, Sureel i bust of fil- h pllla ever ofkrei toAhi uUle.l Tht.awrif y toe bloed, remove all correptUtns ai d restore tne uieww ft.w -. Antidote to Chllla and Fever theybsveao . . . . . u - -- Vqnai. W l- VTyf "J m mm For SUsk, Headaoh sad Bilious CoU they are a ear car. For Constipation, b9nmUm riles, PalnlUtk of the Heart, Pala lath lldc. Pack sad Loins, NerroasBSM, a poet Uve remedy. For Fraule lrregmlarltlea. without a rival. "When one does not fml very vrrM.' a ilngl doe atlraalatas th Stomsrh and bowtla, restore the appetite, aad luxrert vgr to ths system Sold ev ery where. Office IS M array Street pew Turk, i- bB.TUrT8 HAIR DTK. Is re0yf applied, natmrts a besntifal Mart or brown, aad acts Ilk nurle. The tost la the world. Bui! U dyutfKtkfX rnre 9 TH ghastly record of dwath that reeaJt from paiiaonsry aflecUons la frtrhUaL There Is b alarase that 1 ee Inaldaoas la Its at laik ah eomnmpUoa. By the . neglect of "light sold" they soon become dot p seated end defy remedies which, If sppUed at the ratt, would have svertedsll daager. Dr. Test's XspectorBt he prarca Iteelf th aiwt valmble Lang Bakenl eer duveorerad A -dlsUugnlshed etenyWinf of Xew lock, proaeansHtlePsytt4 hlt'4iac of She nineteenth reala, and say ae fssah1 should b without it It l ylismat ton tsst. nd aalngl doss will "ften 1 moit obatiaate eooa-h. S treat. Krw Turk . BBfHt , .rr:t Office 1" Mnn a- X ThelWilnilngton star. -I;,-, j-,-, . Kt1 ABtlSHXO ONLY SIX TEARS I HAS the Wgeat co'MlosfaT'thul . Newspaper la lb r'ate, aad a eircato Uua la WUuiingtoa nearly twice a mrg ant other paper. All the news of th day will be tuand la it, coadeaecd when auimporlent, at length when Of miiamst,anb always piaacaiod at clear UiUlligent and Interesting msenee 1 . , llUhCKIPTIUNflnddvaace): OseTeer .......81 Bis Mouths three Month....,. f- W J KKlL Y STAR raroa Baoocan. the Raif Bter la row. fmblmsj twit th, Caroline trr?A B a ujf , tee l paper to the eneaa,! ah fwaewhHr " - 4 f tEDt'CCU RATfar eotiyi one ynr II I 1ne py, i auato..,....if.. f Mr t lNi .f atojtrixit Vtr, S lu I jiT rial o' l w .wre. lei) $t 1 iwewpfl. If r.' IlO'imlntaia.,.. t m ,iH'.Ihi. ' ' dre. 1 .'iiur at t'nyrtrU .W,Bte,-'i Whitelaw & Crowder; . i , ? fSwfev hloant and Mo nir""i. , ) I ' ; , j RALKIOH, N. i; Are 0. iivJ to rarutSir romhttonr of a' km da, cttiier plain or oria-iubtal of lioth Amerttiaa simi iwuiaa siariiie t- eoeap am BeaU) e Scented as caa be purchased at an other establishment North or honlh h via. bnea st the bast nee 01 carving and eagravitu Sethis f orty-i va year, we outsider 00: equal U any la ths Cnhw W wlU ahu. furnish granite ul the best enahty. from oar arw quarries, cither In aaaa abed block or cut Sue to order, each a : door sad .rlatiow (Ilia, watertable, step, posts, street and 1 raw yard carbatoae, etc., all oMers will se taeaa InUv received and onnetaail attended Io.sjm1 are pledxe oarselves In giva UslscUou li all MM. W 1 JOHN w HiTCLAW, X. UKOWDhlt, A- FO 11 TUNS t rortl. Ti lit cift coxrekT ujoihtios, k of Dcnison, Texas, will give a " V- iij'f-, SSCOMD . , , i 1 , iJJ ill RAND 01 FT CONCERT, 1 . 1 Dl'im AVI tuTK .' . : x Firtt Capital Uifl, (50,000. Secernl. Capital fVi1 . . j- Bttsldc Gifts in proportion aniountinr in all to f 4 LOWKBTUirV1 TO A )t HOLE Tflce bf a whole ticket IS, which coagteW ktfflveel counontii t UOUIVN TICKETS 81 Which Will entitle the holder to admlsaioii ta thV G.aiwi Concert aad lo one-fifth 01 whatever gin may be swarded to whale veil j;tf may be awarded to the whole ticket laasasr. - - .:.- -MeeDtmslble agents wanted. AU order for tickets sent direct prompt!) line. , ! , c . . t, .. , .,, Circulars, rapers. et.. klvtng run imrtica II are, aeut free, la writing, be rare and algi vour name. Iowa, eoaaty and State fulL . uraers mr ucneu smonnung 10 a ana up-i wara aewt v. u. v., u uesirea. Addres all communicatloiia aad make si remltuacea 01 money to -.. I A.R, COLLIN, :iMMaVw4ai;'--,1- .. ooiiJOirfr I rpUB, JON NLY POLYTECHNIC HOME SCHOOL. j '.- . : .; 3 . t:p:A ST. CLEMENTS BALL, , r Ellicott Cltv, near BsRmvire, Md.' Well eateblUhcd ; thorough; superior teach ers. ' 1 T II- rr if ' r-.. r t ; - ticweroas lartof amgaiaig wjaaawa. ae alekneaal '-v -j - 1 .: 1 - . dradustes rank btari; recerres oniy amv etass.heys. -w., r- V".T V' "t - Foes Coarsest. OasakaVLrtorsI, Bcl UBc, Commercial.- ead stamp fur Decennial Catalogue. ' Turn K. J. Aviar Shu-hbbd, p. D., ' Taa K. J. CflAaLas A. ., Mead Maater., Da M. ftraaeaa, To. a, I ,...... L ' Assoe. Master. ( M , wa' 11 11 irt GCLXSSOIM)' miALE COL J UE1E. Gbucnsbobo, JT. c. ' The Fall Session win begin on the lfta of August. , , j Tkniia Bjo)Ccsu. ,,( ftree, $23.00. Cbargea roe extra HWiB putfueiaio. .1. J- or Ctaloeoea containing rsutk-ulars, plj ta ,-, T. If. JONES, Wesideut. snlj am II. II. HILMtlJM. ' S4t lYeeident Hoard Trustees fJT3Tl? SMtDEBto 'gents, r XVjJll dies omUna'lon o La. eedle Book, with Ckromoa. Send stamp to F. P. VLUik,jMW eoiorn, was ml IK IIOWK SEWING If A cniNE. FIRSt MACHINE PATEXTKI. A I L fs f JVdcAias Jlanufadurtd' Tfco tOol la the heatet t 4 V B-T1 putou ' P6rirtl " 4'oiVy arf 1'etfection in Aft- chanwn. Durability WiU last a lifetime ! Range of Work Without ParallcU t 1'erfection of Stitch aud Tension t j Headquarters for North Carolina at 7 Foyottevillo Street, iff? IKXI FOE CilCCUl IF TII.1 4 ttlCKI. Every Machine is fully warranted ' alkrtulioa guarsnlccd in every case! Sold on cosy f emu . BxirWe have room for several good Agents,; and will offer liberal terms to encrgcUp men. '""A rpl j"St oirre,-tota-'-"--'' 'tire iiowe machine co.. - 7 FaycttcvUle Street, j C-U Raleigh, X. C. li OR I) & TAILOR Dealers tn Foreign and Domestji Di-IY GOODS. Aro oU'criug Select Lines of I - Aeitcir aad CvlSilit, Spring ttmd Sumwur Drat Good, . . ' f ' Suit awd Utmtdtttpino Ataews, IVaiaWtouAsd Csnaoricf, j iVwfs, C'ohooe, fre. Togetber with an extenalve Lino of "'IlawjOaBVfc Intrtivhi, Bdgimff, Trimming, tp. " &lkllowialleotor$Z, rLAM A rAMVT UOHJt fur It ,v ; LAitlKH, tt CBILMHKX. - Also VLOUS, FAJfH, tAHASOLS, HUy VM iii,A MUXLLAH, ., tU. i Our . iAdica'.. Shoe Department con tains a stock nnsurnaasod for eleennce. durability and lowaess. of price. Di rections Bar aelf-measurement aeut on application, 1 nJUHniscte aasoruuent or uents' runt- lnbbigtvODda, JirtA.CtlliuJJull,as. liose, Gloves, Ac. Goods sent lo any part of Uio country. ' Sliirt " measure ments sent oa application. ; . , , For the awmraotlatton of Ladies and Familieh wlro 'are unable to vwit the city, fullllncs of samples of all grades of Dry Goods will be sent, and orders by mail Oiled with the greatest nosaible are. -.-mAn-- l atiB.ii.i";-. BXfAlkAT AND TWENTICTH STKKKT may tw3ryn u-;-- r: A vTt SVNIBD. THR I NTkN-C-whitL, MtXaT-rkFR. of the Hvlied State 8m.s be yra4 reswMs of too years Fesl aM rYngvu. hew and Compkm. Over NSW pace. . Ibaelratwd. EveryLoilf toys It, Bed agents ssshe tr-wm 8KB to tX' a month. Address J. C Me CURT A Uk rMlabsra, rhtladolphle Pa JJilTB Cl'D 1PRBBI t'V :;. ', An udraoa aiffcriag from thssbwe d hi ens I n qneattd to addres Dr. Price, sad a trial bottle of Brrdieia Witt b forwarded by Kx- TbS onlv cost bstsg the Xxprea which ouif to say large baalaeas, are small. , Dr. PrLe ass nud the traauaeat of . flTII QM MTtLMfST. ' a atatf for years, aad h will warrsat sears by to as of bat remedy. - - Do aot fan to sand to aim tor s trial bottle; it coaU SoUraaT. aad he !UJ j WllLVUXM TQU. aeataUer of how iMg.swatdlag yosr asss amy be or how su other remedies stay neve riinw Hplrealsrs aad totthaoabds seat with ! : :,1 , Be partteemr to gtve year Xswi as year foet Offlo elreeUow, aad as wall A II MVS, . i Da chas. t. rEicx, tut.mi jtilwaan EtlWafa Xar.: rtluutco net session of twenty weeks t f'rd (ozclnsivw of washing and lights) 78.00 1 1 TulUnn In vemilae Vnalisb rW-wV-'' ' til I ?W4 , JllMCOURAnR BOMB UTf RPRUf. , i Aa Blaatrste 'Moathly of OtwU ,i lUm toMiablbmed mortal m, ;: I VOLD-BoKli, M. tt . . , -It W B teas ti ted) ularrated Kei.eltnrt of Lltrratare, desUned to toe m tee Ur 4 Baa k"ld Msgsatne a f he rosth; e , therOBghlt T etiSed wHrb the aeapl la tbei al sad Horn etic Life than m Mscdne at th- roweiry, and lew 'be a w pries, ! Mre BeaiUng. b.Imm.. aegieeied wblrb ettte-r telea I 4ai raa aa eomaMnd to reader en b e-B sn ernw able aad bisirartlve iwausnilr.m f rtea. -df, hy BttpwUr WriWr. , th tume mu. Sb twd. I .;. . 1 1 rrs rrorvaa asixbav. at a Baost sttrneUs. fratar. 1 he JM.,n BBmber eontalna a btlke portrait of S ,tf B B. Vance, and Mugmmlrl vkrirb, to MfulhrWed earb BaatUr ir . graphs of eihes Homines! ateleaaiee, iiiM axis' SdOt A YBAk, Pnelr trm. and seek sabaartbie esa make i ctn (,f tores moat beauUful, large E04.1.VI 0 Mu. af swh Mt! inches. vii - I be h.diH i.l to Savlar as tha lrmpK' The Madm ns," and "King Lear Defyiag the Btnrw," 1.... warded en receipt of the Mbsertptioa iirk-e, Rither of th Bngrevuiga I worth doable U Price asked for toe Magaame day wee aradiag a clnh of Bve will iwemve aa ettra abarrtpwoa free. S'ngle coptea a cent Six montha sahn,-lpiH without the E graving Sl.ot. I gtnu Wanted Everywhere. f' ' J JUV9 A. BONITB raMMm., . - jsa AMI toihl-b. n N. H KRRlNtm PATENT CHAMrioN AKK t EsiablUhvd more Uii U.Ud uf a m r. - i REDUt.EII IS IMSl h Also IWi liumlrml mr.' mi hiid fulr sale el Vet) h.w wrci IIEKIUNu AC... 3AI aad 3S3 BaoAowAT. New YimS ; B4 mid CO Huounui br , B-aimi kbl0id-oni H tti LIVK, Dealer In Ue4iral tiarcloMHli e. sv.l Sbme, Lnml er, SMug! sad W.i.d. , Wake U ay. oct IB- Itws llla-Ora MlMCMalMe ILI.CHTl ATEIt. 1 be ever Ine'eAKlur- bealstl. d of tin. n eelhsnt mmU ly ivu IU eM.tinued silspt tloa to pielnr defeiie and need. Imi.d whew we think I t bow many bunie it ( n,r tratee very month, we mnsl rourUer it , one of t' eda aters aa well a enU-risii - m of thepwUie mind, for Its t pauiu hea been woa by ro appeal lo lu(. d adleas or cpraved Uu lit atu The character which tbia Wii;ue nnrt a s for variety, enteiteiMe. ritie w. suli sad literary raltare tht Its' kept iee ii 11 If R bus aot led to Untea, iiw'd t iw i toadnctr( to regard ! wilt j tMittntu , placet)4 It ahjo rntiUr- Hum In vir-i claim a.'Oa the public KTstlltid Ik' M-r. sine baa done rood and eoi evU all 1 It- Nit Of ltellfriewJntV TIKM-a; Pot rSfre to all rarwcrllk rt iu tb. Uni ted State. Hasp as Mawasins, w year... 14 M OB iBcIaowsprepeyajeM of U, n. Mni 'Sgs by the 1 abllaht isi 1 1 eauacri'itioas wiiarper wagaaine. Weekly nd Baaur. to one address tor war. Slu.. 00; Or two of riarper' Periodlcala, to one Mdree for one year, SI ; ter- rtee;: Aa aawa iopy 01 winnr ue aisgaaiae, Wukl. mm Miitl 1. H ,.,.l ar .... very dab of Five Babaerirwr at 8 0 esrb. ta uae remmaaee 1 or, en i tpie im alio. with-at xlr copy ; pntege tree. ' beck nnmoer e.a u . ne usu unu. A Compltte Pet of Harpert Ms( Bim . buw Ompneiage voiamea, tn neatriut re. will be aeat be exprese, tigki at ri- penes of rarcbaaer. lor 8S SO uer v.huuu. elagis velumee, by nail, purtiald Uw. Cloth esses, fur btoiUng, U eenla, by u.ii, postpaid. Aaure, . flee e k lisarsA ssusjnn io.a. j OH ARMOTROM. B O; O K BIN D K K ! ' . aan BLANK BOOK MANURAlM UKEK, oraa a. o. B A L B 1 M, N 11.. LAND PiuTBK end Agriiwliursl l iim, Jnsl reet lred s Isnre supply o l la.t sad riastrr. and will be sold at IVp.n at lowest pessltil rat. . AIMI, Lias. TimoUiv. Orchard aad Herd Mr Seed la atore. , i JAMES M. ItlWUVa. GKAIUM ZIOH kCHt OL , i Gbasam, M. C. a Rsv. U. A. Loko. a. M . . - kkv. W W, it aar, A B. S. F. Lose, A. a. Mas. P. Baeow, ins racLr 'a V-l. trtrnri AaaaaA SIth and eai'ii K in ls-t Prasy m foi-d t m. laruww saw a, i rrmi lot tr.ui. I 'i V ,imn f,i.i.f il-Y-n1iii-ii'-T iaHi.iii' UH mill n r IMPORTANT TO MILL OWMEKA. ..if .- J, A.!HrHiiweBiB Olfhrsiied IhirROVED KMUT AND SCIIEENINU . MACillBNE. Three thoaanad Sve handled of thsae Machines ntw now iitaainw la N. C. sad ih- mljoialiig tMntes nad after a Taiarv (SAaaiawrts pronoanoi d ny tbe uwi mill wrigh's aad millers in tbe Bute to be tiuperior to say that has uera yet Bered to the public, aa I am being mi refireseetcd by psrtkw nfleting Machine, ia uuiiatioa ol mine, I now offer tbim, bum of tb Very best aaatorial aad wat raatod for Bv years ha- $75. rortbe a-xt twelve month prrsoDt wishing lo porch- machines or icncw old oat will lad it to their Interest ia rTety onse to addrtss me lieor they ui chaae ehmwhera. I challenge all oilier machine, eepecially tb Eureka, JOHN A. MCMAnncrs, a.aS4tf . , Durhsat, H a WANTED. Artir LacaI and District Areata with dtcct contracts for the Pane Mutual Lil ta tirene Ops rbiladelpbla, for N. C Addiwss, W. n.rwtn, may 36-t Qa1Maaagr LOOK AT 1 HI PRICES 1' i j tt - - inired 8.000 yards 44 Bleached it at 10 aad 13 eents per yard. T . .i s onen "ffHi Just domestic r. :a,iynasvn ABgwcwlyv . ; . toaa-iu

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