TPESDAT, BSTTSMBgH f, 187S. THi ooHYianosrr ? ncsarkibls body sever tonse ths that kleh Mtmbfcd it Oifr"" fell jaetardsy. .Hua.JkMkiMMMMikllHI w" - r . thl8utr. Party UeUmoioBsoataovoii. kla4 wen dwplayed. Ttnws srie of NrpriMt tbroaghoet U dsy. rial, it M not to W Bel that vtry member of th Cftntlot would be 18 lite test ' wbM , tk gat 1 t tkoefltetr . a hV. AB Ii Asa. sn1t . Waules Ia table, marking tb dividing polat be twsoe two great epseeat te Worth sro- ttaa htatorj. Bat they wer all tkarr Xntt biui wm it Mr et U In til, NDHMliu tk wTtin poopl of oar mad old ConaiMWMlik. ' ; : Thar -wa ivjprtai when Jadgt Bsttk Besomed th daty of perfscttag Ik Of gaaiaatioa, Tb pnbU kad bss: pre pared by eartaia aMpper Btateaeats to ae tk 0ntarj of Stat ptrftwmtk ' office. Taat was son faafUg of tiSUl oatk part of att law-ebidlBg, tod aee lotloaoKB, wbt th Antocist Jastfc above SBanaed took the Ckalr laataad of Dr. Bowertoa ; for, It kad kMi Welted boat that tk Bteretary of Stat weald aave taken waat woald ka?a batavooav icUiad aa a bltrarf ad - awamatftd tap ta atgatd to too BokoMB) Cooatj e4ar.II apJalool m tkat poiafw at Uonad diffw wry poUUdJy aad wkWy ttoi tkoa of tk toarocd JoatteH of tk SaptoiM Cotrt, to far a tk opiakoM of tka t titer Too tbU point an kooaw.' Aar dMuwtl act oo tk part of tki wear's '4a offlcar 'woald taialy kar lad W oetaea of Tiotaao aoek aikaro a tkia BtatV'ikoagk (oaAiaia. kaa bom aach to ker aorrow. Tk ft Utire of Kortk Carollaa, lik tkoa of Loatalaaa, ar not to kj tiiacd wltk aod they vin aot qnlotly bead tbaatck. tk Udd njof BUa dirpoaad wbm tyrar. Bleally. Dot tkb) wprlaa oai aot a gtaCfykrg aa tkat oteaatoaod aoaag Obaaartatiwa wbta Jads Settle decided to adiait tff Coaaty atagataa i aaab oo I ttalwr. It wu: appnkcaded that be Might yield to tbt ImpaUee of tb toeloaa I partleaa, nlber tkaa to the dktaiea! aa aaligkteaad Jodg ma. Tbi wm th I " VaUfomla would; tU yaarg ator pleMlrv a It caaao after lk ewSaiociUc,jadh;nreai spotalatiT clteaMatatirnd op ky kia fliat aaaoaoo; I neat tkat k would ooaatder th Robeat a I Cjaatycae after ketal flciibed with all th otkjroftiw.l i :; i jdg Ik t Jo wat prokftbh Balsaadar Hood ; bat cortaia to la tkat waoa a propoaed to jump RbtM (owrty. kUlaxe to grind fat th Legialatnr that aa atatllad whb a botdaeer, 1 Vigor, , aad tact by Uetara. Maaalag; 1 CliogauB, Turner aad Braaett, wkkk elicited tk adialiattoa of all who wit- BBMid It Tb bracae did aot bd aatil hla Boaor aaeeaoded la aukteg bhnaalf properly aadoratood - There wa aaotfaar aorprit ka ' ' Oor. Betd, the eaarabl delegate froa Rorklrg'Hua, afoa la hi at,ad a tk tpokeeaaa f. tkt DenocntiO: party witkia tk kali, pieced tk aaaa of Dr. Id ward Baaaoaa, of Tyrrell, la aocal Uoa for Prtaldeat of tk Coaftatloa. Aa ladepoadeat aonilaatad by Deaar crate! Irerybody la the ball ai tkaadr track, fxeepttk peonwrate wko wMo the ateret Still greater wat tkeoarpriat kea Dr. Banaom deeUaad tk aoaalaa Uoa I kHt kaabetrayed tb Democrata r I cried tk aaiattlalad, and akoat of ftp- plaue want ap from the Badlcal aid of tk koaaaaack It mj bta rarely keard wltkla tkoa fonwws waflr . I. Ta wdte. Mat aad woador- aros o atiO higher pitch wbea .Dr. .Iteaeom'oted'Wa Oe. IWd to PieaUeil 1 f Wt.t It ratkjolry :of all lk wro-;teorBatf plaa of Dcnocra'a, aod th" tetaaUoas of tk aaember froaa Tyraer. 'TaiMoad ballot effered fto beUat U1kaa; tka Irat to tk ftsyitery Sdod -wbea the uaTetK Mjoamac iarycury tun tnureov At twwrtUflf w aot kao w tk mult tk . flaal eleariag ap of the doub'. uir tafer th reader to oar report f tUroaadlat Of to-day to bo foud poa tkaattt page. - Tk Wmkly Ntw U tk cbeapaai I paper nbltakadaa Kartk ulla. ilt la oaly mm dollar parynr;,p8ttag ild, ooataia M 'ta)aa mt piatatprlalad aewa froai-Try aeeUo--of theoonatry, aad iaportaaf admtbmafatr. A!ag$ Tor, ; fcrftbrtaV ckeep aoagk, ' TM ditom, BtoaO'dt Uaaett, my they tort I f XO.WW. ThW Ton occurred wbea they I charged 17 for the oaUy aad3fbrtlMltews,andonenied, woeag the Fo weakly. Kow the price la 3 for the I dailf aad fl for the weekly. ; . . ;. ; I CtrUIa stockholders of tb Coatbaa Bailroad faraiaked meat of tki 3W0X II tfcey tti I faralak.moaey to ran thil ifawkia skert, Boas bill '41, -atelea through tk Eeaate wltkoat beiag read. by wklck tea eeat State boad an exekaaged for boad worth dollar, will enable the new aaaa to una their paper lea thsa ;V rauroads or etoekkolden of roede raa pipen theyj Vt kaY touara'ed th CsL-k Kitet among ti 4 DemocrsU pspert thai favored: ths r rf Gov, ; Eo'?. Soma remark i ft ueatt L iiat I eMg- BtpeT CUM W t O00.Lt thfc pes! 38 Ol thsATwe. 17 wit A'w M rty plaioly wt.lber U I in Ufn:.pv doalag Iloldea or ao. A prttoB i tick) la tko A'ewi plainly indicated that tMaJ kaiLutaiaiil ulkll MAlla - r bwft diflTrtDt ODrtnictior,- CkmrloiU Tr-V'T. .. -ZTjfir Better tot wani klm ewke rss- tttettea'af hupariiw,oftbaiiteeiL prVWWWrOT aav Bom Biota aider LI adrttoleUsttes. Aid tastiwet 4k Oinnw to1 hav1 kM otkat Caliroad PratUMl wbo kit bM aid or aw.plaodadat tko Btaka, " ' ' , Jadg BcttVadccioM iptUidajlaj tk; JtAaaoat Ooialf altetloot eaaa mm u: I ordiag to tk law aad tba ptotdj la poaatbl for -tk C wmttoa to auk ft rood OoaaUttUoai fer Kortk i i tu m Te-owrrow It tk groat daj at pkapa) Sill th optaiag .daftf , Tb proapect arktigkt ftadtaooongtog. , Lat aa bar ptaca gooHaoMO of tk OOfttoattoa. ' ' M'- TUX DSXOCIUTIO Y1CTOBT IX AdoaMcntio aoceeu la CaBforolft aajt tb Nw York Etrtid, ' Waa not naazpeetod, both bomb I to hav aor paaoad th aaoat sugula kopes of tki party la dbtant Statoa. ' Tfcer w no kcttoa la CaBlbrnia teat yoar, ad no maOoa f Jadgtog 'Wbotber i tbo tidal wmT"axlnk4tothat8tjU. Ial71 abaoat coG'f nuJowCtyWM twa thirtoea and iburta ad to) 1873 tk damotratic jfoto fcU off atortj than nna kalf 'Put that olopthra aa bold a few woeka 1 adrvic of tk grafttScpteaUMr paaio, t which . tamed tit caJ la Oktoaad lifted tk dmo ctfttte party from th proatratkm i ta which It had ben left by tb Pmldea- tial tection.' Altbongb California- hold no elec Ion hat yen the aoceeu of th democrat in Oregon showedthat on tb FaeUte aoaat th oan can tea lrere " oporaUoa vhicb had gireaa great i"P toaociaAtejaBt Dfu Bock lionntaloB. I bhrewed on, therefor, cam toth eonclnt intereata accordingly gnro a quiet aap? port to tb party. , Iran Mr. Balaton, who had boon av froalnont, act'r " publican, contributed mosey In. aid of I the democratic canTaaa. Thow great (peculating tintoxeU.hT aomany they did not think tt prudent to bare tn party m power agatnat them. , Tki atat of UuW doe not account for tho democratk Vktory but it zv plain why tt wa o groat, It wa foregon conclnaio in th niinda of the Ipeculatort that th, defnoerht would carry th 8ttte, and they toned . In and helped tt becaua it wa lor ' their lntei tot "to bar friend at court 1' Tb lemocrata bar not only elected their Stat ticket by a hug , phna'Uy, but flalm to bar choaen certainly thro and perhap all four of "th'Gongraa aten, where they kad but ott mem- br of the teat 27ou. 8o ajgatl a pae- eaa wl 1 not only encourag the hope rthe iemocrate in ether Stete. but wDI atrengthen th hardmoney wing f the party ht the " National Cnrcn Hon next year. Delegate from State which can gir lctorial vote for the andhtete wQI naturally bar .mora la- thaa delegatea from Stetet which can merely aaalat la making the aomination without doing anything for tte ticket. bava been 4kajd aaoa8tat ia!aiiy Tati bat it an'protott wittlmoiweffect naatloa when ite delef ate ;tbrtoal y bold the electoral Tote of the Pacific ttate fat the'r hand. 2Cobody ahould a aorry to th hardnoney ' wing Afadnocraite atttyanicd. i .,. -- v- - ,... A, inert Cbdrrr Wtrmm a SHtairp. BerhT Bell baa; gone to Baleigh to ait U a member of th Convention (If b aa) and ar without a aberiffl Bat BhM -MM in imutllf I tkt AtrrmtlMt tn,d ta thm dlggmga. What a com aiaatary open th way thing are going on bow, not a man I ' Bertie fit to tk preaent as, except sher iff Bell.Ube 1 t "JBi . " ar . " a j ri. jtnrrAKB. roTiaTrujc, ljro4 Sept 4 Two yoanc men dririnflr tea buggy were accosted by two spa elal police, whom they mlatook for out Ucemaa. ; Th polio returned the fire. kllllngnn and the other young- neaped m the wooda." A Vlgnance vwmmiH h Bcmg organuaa to pre outlaw. ; ex D. at Ibmbf fantiniBMimfiMAlnh hMtnrhtf . or otherwtas eeariaMf; a bt,M araUUo Klri, Xfrw hrjv,mr tomntt r-mn, ander the Mrer4 penmlty of the I .. teid flrt w aoaad to m by too f-t. , Anyhv .1 1 III.IW. U. mmr WDflHBI MWm i . WlM m. . J. , ',: ! ' KM AS LATAH, .CV TITS COVOTIOII. . . bar prepared th follow u-glbt "tm Jwra'ect the. Coneiilutl'r : A' ar i-J nea E L 'yd, ' . " A: :antl H.-ben Ifa.'.Cw-.j.-.a - AJ jb- E.' L. Yr ,ian e-.''. - A-on.V. T.'onneti, o : AaheVJ.O. WUcox,lni : Beanlbrt Ik Pamlico, J. E. 8' epberd e Bertie. FWUclU ' laadanVJiaipDooaldp.,-. r "l . 2mtwXjLX-ua VJEiilfir. X man, e gain c ii.. jlJAC Jrerr, . ,v.. Caldwell, B W Jonet, c ' ' ," - Camdea,'J L' Chamberlain. Caswell, B B Wither, c, Wilson Ga ryvn gaiaof -"A , Carteret, James Burnley, e. t . p Catawba, L If BcCorklVe."'- f - Chatham, Jno Mannlna, w. Stroud, i. I Cbenke A Qrabam,. J W Cooper e. aTAtarakM T A Vita II lkami as Wiaewaa aaeacj mm aai-va . Clty,J8Anderaon,e. ' e;Cteatehnd. ftetv Durham. tV - 'Oohanbua, Vomer Georre,.! - .Crarea, B B Mbjaaa, Joba S Man- Cumbartend, B T '.Buxton, j". 0 Btockcr, p. ga a JMwi-t . Currituck, W. IICowoU, j. t -,; Tt n it Till- ... Daridaon, T C Bobbins, . B'B. Rob erts, e. - - - ' y':f : t Dav e: Charlea Prloe, c. '. DuDlin-JM SUlltofffcm Tarrlor.c ' EdiMCOmbe, W l Gaboon, A Mc- Cabe,r. ' ,, " , VnrTthj( Vtl WhMilP. r. .a. t'Caaton, Jamea Hoffman, r gain.' Gates. WPUoberta.e. - : OranviUe I J Young, X A Bullock, u , ureene, joaepii JJtxonr tain. L tiuiirord, A,W TourgokA 8 Bolton, , JtaiiuLX, J js u'iara, 4 uooawyn, r. Iltrnett. John Uaxrlngt n, c y" . ' iertfbrd, B J Uortoo, r. . 1 : Hrde. ITS Carter, e.-' J K A'1 rlr delL T A' Nlckelaon, V Ir ai mra,'e. ft3'? ..f , -s Jackson, o w Hnoke. ma., vbidw Johnston, B B Ilhuwn Tsfaeaie, r. gain.-; :r. Jones, J FScott aw U :;iimnCaleb Mote, c ','1-1 aucoo, n a Aiimaa, c. , ,. , . ' Vartin. Bet. C B Baaael. c inln. I .' Ttnwfltl Va Xt. n. ' ' IfecUenbunr, Gen B Barrlnjrer, "Tt W Kerr, r gam. v. - '" ; -v ' Maaieen, ut 4 je Aaaeraoo, Uentgoanery, Allen Jordan, r giiu ; llitchall, J W Vowaaan, r gaia Moore, W II Black, r gain 37:? . n s wa J(w j 2&noTr and Pender, G 2 rrench, 8 U Manning J U Smyth, r, , ffortnampton, nm uarrow, rv Onelow, vamea" G Scott," u ' ' Orange, Hons W A G aham, . JTur- Paaqaotankv W Mundca,r. , ; .,. Ferquirnana, J W Albertoon, r.N , " Pen n, Col J WConnlogham, gjun1 'lltt, Bon T Jarrhv Wm King, .w l Folic, N B Bamptoa,r. -i . ;i Randolph. J W Bean, A M town r ; BKhmoad, Hon - O II L Dockery, r vain. t ' . I BobonI)rA,.llalr,,(741A 'c JEachin, , gain. r Bockiegham, tlon D i Bcld, J Turner Bowan. Uon F , BShobar, J. a Bn ButherfbJd,J M Jmtlcer.' 2 ,' .' sampson, wm juruy, b i bwuu, v. -tStanley, Joaeph Maraball, ai . r ' , gtokaa, WW ltcCandtoaa, t gain, Tranaylranla. G W Wllaon, t'.r - ' Tyrrell, Dr B Banaom, led gaiav a U1UVU, Aft fw UVUWIUV, . ,)-- ( ! -.Hi J a'ukhwta J V listen.! P t aln. i kiajtt,tgaw; i ' 1 flinkea, T J Date, 3 ft' A BrysW v. iWUson. CoMt WBInglotary, zaocey,vn Jyra,c . u ,C , A Tatketdaeeef tka Kewef-! east aeatd pnblbiie la yoar Daltyaa4 Woricly, aa4 alao htbe Dailr and Weekly Benttoel, eigiied by V W. VtckthLlL Beb-s, v C., daUd .Aaa 10th, U78, wbtehhi a wilful hbebood. -The li mm 1 4aarte ta KletrttWyJi. Oerk for A. C A. Cartfia De. Vlck told werroee at-WIWer'a Tow-ehlp, who were faibf toltaiawdbyaCoaTOirtfaw ftegiw ftwae Buhaeld, to, toU asBbMt,,BeinonIlol County Beat," end for CoWnrtlTe eaa dldatee forCaaeeloa, that tl they M eo, tkfj (tha BetrroM would TotlhMKlTM DecK into iieTery, . i awia wa u.nyu W H. Hood, wka tha. Da. amra hie statement cwne tiom,aathortseeaMtoayto thepab Ue that be auu1e each' atateaMotae that coDtelaed ta VIck'e card,. The K. B. aad tetter stop wrouijr doo bpaiit aad ratting old Bekl hickory polee and bolld hla a Cbarthoaaa. for he wltt aerer act one any other' way at Thb) le the fret time la aty uretaasiaare id to aimer before the public, aad will be lit an far aa Yfak'aeard hi eoaeenM-a. . eept l-dlUtw - JT. B. BBOWN. , TUt VXITIXBITT Of HOBTH fclSO ; Thto butttatioa will be re-opened ea the tTTMONDAT Of tlPTXKBXa T, thaterataadlnc the and Thwndsy h foa ltHe, with a Tacatioa ol two weeks at ChnUt mm'' U has be te eraawlnd ew the eeltie eyeteaL eombtatag, however, Uree enrricala of Arte, Science end Apiculture. - Inatrae Uoa will ba 1e the hrawebee of tnndRt anally tMght ta the beet Oolhwee. , apeehd tMtraetioa provided to Arrtcnltur aad the Meehank) Art. Aa able facaUy bee heea ap pointed. The bonding tborooghly repaired for the iWMPttoa ofeeverel haadred atadewU. for ewewfara and eijtMietory et the abe-e apply to KkMI P. BATTU, Tr4. - ;.! eretery Board of TraaUea, Jaly U-tewfaa y : Weigh, X. C TTKIVKMITT Of TIMDOa. i ' Va -- ' tr-rt' . owabtukkt. J. & Mtaor, LL. Dv Pwt Ooa .aad Btat, Law 1 8. 0, ooat hall, LLD., Prot SaaHy and Law-Jtercaaat, interaai'i mw, ete. hedae Oct. L U.'Aaad eoatlna Ioatractioa by text-books aad lecture eom Maad, IllaataUeA by Moat-Coai eatewtoea, TorCtaln", ",Jr 4- l'hlreraHy of Vs.) WH.MWMU,MyrM7. ' ALL 21E2I. A .EFEDDY CURS CT7"eki of r- or i iie fir lUTM. All. . i f i id i. idder. 1to1d Lanraor, Low I raii .muoa t tt I r, Li"m ol i Of ' ibe lioftd, 1 .mfu '. Mum. or rkiu, Affisfiloa ol liie. tann. ItoaMch or howU thou trr il ..Otdar artK I Mai loi 'vy LtbtMoi I ta eewet wt ol ta rr pre- - rtore falsi to tbe'r vlcUna Uua re, t of tee maeen the Mtriianaor Lithhml hflriiUaa Uelr no btttua. haaet lupoou a, ftMiroju bvwi fewdy awl Buiw KOJ J A ItstiBVaa)! ,t)r :illT KviMiwiou.W'TonrM aoBtoav pluloR Harrtaire, taslaiiBt; lioai Orgaaiaead rbretee! Weakaeak, Lmb of rocfiUe hmr. InDokaM. FraawalkM. KiMmtM VttaUty, lavotaaUry Diechaitea, Moa Krta ttllty. UMty XaJMtoM, rltt1lcM ol the Uaut. MarTOII rhTtkal an Healal rower, at att la Vttd ferae aa4 ri Dtrasgamat m am- IfebiUtr Lom of Mtaboo Uoenl f Yoauig Tama are eotae of tkt aad aad metaMbot' ly eflact pKodao by carl babluof . vur wctBaree oi iae naea ea iiwi eao Llwbe. ralaila th ao,IineM at vjrbt,ne Bitt.liieaf Maeeakw fovren relpiuttaw f ta. iiA, IWmmU WrwAM. Inttahlllt. IkMul iat ofthe DiRMtiT raneaooa, ttMendf Deou Wf-ayatptoaMj ee Maeaapiaa, ew M asxiTT. The foerfal effect oa the at lad aw aoaahto ba dr r.lo steav. ary, Ouafaatoa of Idea. IU, EvIMonbodlrp, A aalf'Ohrtrawt, L f I Iewaloa ol Bptr, nn to aoeittr. tolttade, Thmldiij are i of thIU Prod Tkoijia! e of penoa of all egee eaa sow )t -what e the etat of thdr eHrtmiaf hrnl h. leaiag. tt9s ttaer, atvwwJrr eala. aeivon aadaauaia'adLMia! a ataia lar knoearacce abuut the tfticcBKh had tmMa aoiaaiuUoB.' '" la reeeat T)Uaeee tassMdiate Kellef-R M veary. rVwon Batatas tfacir Uealth. WaaUac TlateaUh lroraat FiaUader aad latpfopea IraahamV Privlaa;.DIeeaee lata a wvvvai , waaavey as a naewvai the tyetem by lht Daedly roloa. Mercery, eeastat rtai A tree mm or tae ifree, Thrvat. Mo ew.aUa. isea. lanaja, iBtaweib iee Bow Jr BpcedUf Carcd-v, Let t. Deueaa Iae etaeap ta see wa auply.' AddMar O .TV AlTTMWtt ? ,( BTKaKT, inwiin haltiuuu Aj ' ' 'BALTIUOBK. MD. ' )i iy-r.i l. i.,i ,;.-.' -M ,SUitW ,t'.- " -1 ... J - ! j4 r. ii-i PRICBX DOUAB. , ,!. -tin !- lr. ' ;!( .- Tan OaaAT .BonTBaaav rairr)ito ComthOTiox. ,.it& ii fr Ccaaa. liea. Bora Threat, -H WseeaadaULana lMeeareei etpecUly ree DaiiBia1-1 aeafaamy atedletae tarXhlliUaa a It arru- et oaee .overy ayaiptoBi' of Croap, or attacks of Col4a, seek a ohUdrea are Mhtoet , paitkatarir to the -aatlef of Whoouina; Ueach. Ita eoetblaatloa with Baser aad otherlried!etiw aukee tt aot a ptaaaaat U tbetatte,aad awdeaKer whatevar la He see, . Tha n perUoae. f halt a tea arwoaial at a Una wheaavwr utera u a eupp. Ittew toewaxhi aad at sOa wha yoaUe dowa.,, it aet Baelf oa toe Bhlaeya aad the Muafaetared aad eold Wheteralaaad k tail 1t tha Preorietor. Dmrham. N. C Ub- eeat alaeoawt ur whoeal dealere. ' Oi , r anlMlMi, , ' JMO. a! sfoMAjraTir, l aelseesAceeV' ' 1 i....imaim . t a. lutiaviuawi r-. ..(., , Ooldtboro. K. C , ; Aftar riwadhur ebrbtara atoath ta a (oat. ra erUaaU to reatot ar ae 1 d-inwa ap iadeapatt, aae eae , torn warn wn mw chUdraa la UuldibotoJ N. C WhUS tberel oMetoed a boa of Pri hUhttaaea'eTar Mb -tara. Itoftrat effctwaa loeaabla bm to laep; aiy etrnqrUi begaa v man; aope rarmta I vjnan w way..i mim etabosa,. waTrcetared to healU laow, weigh M tbe. 1 mr vy life to thia aabtaiw. aad wlh tbi pabllahed to the world 1 have hem afflicted with a eoejrh for thhty yeeia. J have seed aU th popalar rewdlee foroeeChei Ihaeawedaathl(r4o reaaata the eftowac or tr aay relief. watll I aaad Dr. heMaIMW re sateneaaTar Utztar. i iu aae aaimaa aae to inui B laaaa have ielnd thehr treacth, ad 1 lad atyaelf entirely tree tree, adtetreeatat ewwrhthatattaeardsMiia !tba aeatwJaf. J J My Lea g cava way wan oa ay cirean. J wm Yormd retire Weaa bm warvu ad bad bat lluiaboMOf necrrery. I aeedeaeboa. of Dr. McaiaaatB a wan Jttztar, aiy eoaxh eataraat. awdl wa UaPtorad. yetraarthr ooaabie to It to ail who we a aty work, traeoauaead have a cwagh. e wh .taiwe.1 'JL A Ooafeta 1 kU mU rti, 'J J - ', DBrhaavJl.CL ., Wall the BMdictae yoa have taken, the Tar Mlxtvre w the eaiy thtaR that ha: oa yo aaygooej, : , ,;To her Haiti and. I haratt hi i thweet every ihlaa; to y eeank. Toar Tar Mtatar aaaooaa bm roan r. a thaaaUltovetokea. bm . Ihrae hoave Lrmwio Bnirnaa.- I was takea With aw stereaw ?ewht wee fe rfal of lu arealtt eaBered I r. wtatof eleep. I seed owe hot f MM aaearlfa Ta Mtatatev rrm the rt day I aad it, I tH ttaanod aflaeta. I aletit aonad. aad aii atrwurthtacneeedil Urn we ke fenavByMU acala. leaa eoamlMttoaaly ranaawnad h to all who are mied with erwMuaipJve eyiosaarweaalBB i ' v. ! t 1 Daraaaa, X 'C 1 havaaedlW.O.T.MeMahM'a AaMrteaa Tar Mlstars aiyeeif, aad ta wtf BMwily." I do aot toattato to racew SMao iv a waajyai beaedtall raaat of Crh. Unld,tor Threat, Mnarieaestead l iim i Raaore of otbar Teat aacolai eo e be oBored. Tahea at all aswaa K parvaaaaef half toaapaawfal or Ma, itoeaacaraswrai. IXfOBTCKB fliBD COIjUBta By tt Bala, tail,' ml -each. Beat l oratret Of PAMMOCIA BMNMW for ddntaett.W.hli toa, -Oak BaB." teetew, Mess, TO Wtakaeaa of the Onrane, aod rtary other ahapvri dlnailiaeafiew, epeedUy meJ, aad fall Maalf viicor reetored, , k k i ': To owmf 'nK- Art . v .. .1. v Tb a l-khpac Univeraitr Hotel, ao -rand cUkr T Miss Nancy Bill- ,i4 is r y ttwut? Tonghly repaired and will I I In pk od order and ready ttfrc tt Iheilati y of August next i T k Iv te onlyUotel building In Lnt .;oM. lf 4 ...rlvkontarlll nall. It contains ttctMiy-fit ttwms. On tbe premises an air- aeeetearr outhouaes, bcaides large and commodious t tables, rroposals will b received until Aognst u.nrxTxvrrf ,,. jfaae.WBte.u ,,,;( Unca Lawaa, i if r 1 i. ... ..." -. 1 i i ( ,'-' ,r.M "i 'if err aw.; a aetoaiihRiry bWprleea. "HoW hv the ttaw n BEAT' BABOAUf d TO ; BX"BAB, : prickb CKtATlt fctoucii. .. :, Toanfceroomfor oa U I vdilaUaiher stmt ba eoldj- 5 : to piece Ninook Maalia-, ' 90 Zehra Bultimra. ' Victoria 1m, !, Mull aad Oriraadle MMBUne at pncee lower maa erei owenu.- i nAUUUH BIOBSCB001V Ax ' EitotisK, Clamucxl, ' matmb kst. Jours: M. Atauieo, Imj.i CbublmILBoor,. JWaeiphia,; tsTlM:aecoJid)anBad-aeasion'of thto school will bodn : WkdwesdaTk Sep tember, let, 167S. Tbe rnnclpals bar procured for th achool the eooHwedioae and attractive residence on Newborn ATenoe, well-known ht Baleigh as the ."'Ctotton Place," more recently owned amd-handsomely .Tcfltted iby CoL B. Kingatendj.,,1 '.vrvv ..) f:-'i;J ; ! 1 ImIiIai rnntinulnir tludr Taw flchool they propose taking a limited number of poya or good enaraetor ana- conauct to board la their own family. , t Tb traininc of th scbooL as Iterator ore. will be iuil tnoroogn and accurate. Ita pwpus- ror eoueg or', for Competent asslttants will be provided in au departments, aa may be required, The Yinclpals trust that it is scarcely necessary for them to say that whilst the school will continue to be conducted on Christian principles. It win be entire ly without deMmlnsJKmar aim or Mas; For drcslars and other inforaiatknl address either .of the jTiacipala, link Bigh, xi. C. . JyJ-lm b. . BMwaa (Vf, OOKA a 4iTUM, fcT TO R M lYTa. t:Ui : SUtl0 M.O. ' It ! V Blataaiid Pwteral Ooarta aad th. CoararOf air aad Ui JaSHiai WaUiata," ,;. ,.. rw ux duo. o: kxva4 Six -Reasons Whr - vnn nnrtTTT.n manwinriii '- .J isTCBlTrHTTT'BTKgXT,'' f Xk Bvosasitte.arof tkdt4aeat Ooapaatet ta tb foaatry, ud. pa the ay or npernneaia. Bad,' iBecaeaovvery pelky-kolder b amber si tb Catpaay atitted toalltu kdvaatages aad privileges, having a right pi vote at an siscuoqb tor irosieee, son thwa-basaa teBanaes la itsssaoageeaeat. bm.' ltrcrws U ha a kuwea aaiuil hgeetaarcf. iliabilltiesmeny Hit, la- BUrSBOB VCUvADT IH UH UOMVy, eta, ataeaem ey'aooaomtCBi auaae- hanVBteaittoofBHPBW Is tar betow tb average of t Ufa Coapajr U. fSaa Official taaofBDea IbtDotta.t jT8th! - Beaaaat it 'kar lieclartd asore klvtasads 4nr'aahkar,iaad ofetftrfai Cvarage reroeatage, uuta ny i UP peaty tbaValtalBtaUs,. For sampan PUiov He. II, ItwfBjBOO Ba beta paid to tbewidowofaPbiladal Kbla ktorobaat, Bpow Wklck tweuty-tbrrc IvBimsa kad kaaa dectaRd. Avefawtaw Bfty-eerea paroeat. Bad tbem divldead. tMca aaed to pareaas aaatuoaa tw us Poitey, A04B awrw woakt hen baea Ulbtodresakinf tk Poucy worth glW 6 th, ' Bccatue' ft 1b bberal m ita maaa. Iomt, prompt IB rtteettonesta,'eaJljr yoad a ooatta jrsecy, aad Ita rataa - ar as towns aayusfrcWOoatpa PoaBtry. , C V PiiictAAraAT0naa6aaallu hbeotete teoarity, terg latara preeaiaaM, Mapt psyaraat or mama, aad, ubersmy the hwared.' 1 - ' SAMUEL tj IttrtTi'lVeeldeat. ' BAM'L . BTUKCB, vWYMdat, , ' B. B. BTEPHEid Tan Pnehtoat, JA4 WB1B MAauN. Aetaary, A hINRT AUBT1B. Baexetorv. BMX A. PAOBV- ,kWtaU 1 w rl rilHiH. Heaerai J S20 i i .Lj iii Mil iiiimi ii . aawvwaaaSi ttelee ead the tb beat PawHy Paper la America, with two IBM CbnMBoa, free. &MKitlCM( MAMUf ACTVBlMa OuMfA T, t BiOadway M. T. ! 1 'n-'hi UE AL ESTATE 1 . "W-a -. tj :;... . VAKEQROUGH HOUSE. , f A tl. ElltW OF rROrEKTf mWiH7 XA , eold ua UMaaUaaloa by tab tl g. UltOBi AS?r tj iBKWUM A BABafOBii - jf- fy' 0 ' 3' t- "I ' BAB B0M eVHtttTAUKANT, ' ' ' -'Wo. IB, HsaBftBiaaBT. l ; " I 'Tew wlB arwaye Bad ew head he defleaeMi at ta laieaw, ayetwa, ' tarda aad sreryibtaf arU ITS atarked with foreira wad ! tleLiqaor.. Berry fooler aad toss Coopers peUva Whkky arwaye oa head. .Js C; IwiW Bw always sswaaht Vt, i-POfUSW..;., --.vf T;rif't In ' -. - -M. - .? Vfllooew oa the tat of Beateaiber 16,00 yard of fall Print,, DCW Btid haadMWM styles had fart eolara. - - " j aagSt-dSlwlw ! " ' ACEKTCD. ' , - Paitrited lev ItlWe:.' - .1.-.'..- .. n' .MtoH,X rtft . :thle aaw h-v. turn mm axphu - sTaebas sver&tag fruai larfA t :m, . ir-t.) w .ai,it le f1. aV-... . , to rewBtetusBe. I U- BMk.i ihuruMfk eoMgBggye.' . . ' Bto Works WBt. tee es4 apMhy ad t a.t lahjrytofUteaY 1 . llaEBlhlO.Hf Mva. t ' The Washlag dosaShy a Woah ta at day see be e)oae by h 4teatod E.U la 'uswaswafs.u' t. ,-...,. 1 ,frtaso,h Wlhf Atackdl ' -st-M. : .J.ArsjfcAB, 1 ,ktasftartradrMaata,tfT,K.u. IJIMBI LIME It UMRIII i how ieealvlBa m fjaaa, dwatt hm th kilns. B ear load of MlTltoek Uaw ahich attiaaaoss eaespar hh. thw esMaveet t Hw, 1. ladiaa Bosk knee at efcw Mo. t, tevertow. bartta taw eaaritoi I a Alee kept reaataatly oa haad t naai if n, aad ArcaTtanl lAaMat hwaMaahai , . , ' AAhVSa h; fWLBX ; ' '; " . i, .. . ' i.-.i ' lyyAVTBO.' ! Wa will give eueraatle bmb at.d ira BosnasevBsvwiu.i'ai fruat s, to t day, asabepaiiata oarwwa letahbui howLaadhi atrtotly hoaoraJ 1 Parttraiar. free, ar eeaplee worth aaveral dollw nt will aaaol yoa to o to work at oacta, ai'l Im aeat oa reeeti't of Bfty yeat : Addreea- -; J. UATII eante-M .BW Waataia . BEAaok hOTEL 1 take tow wthodatofertatatt my rvwi. aad th DBbitaiha ihaaeaa d bm u Biawaw Bote), foraMn VSJ Mvud, aburr I Wtti ut aase um Mat a 'J'lSaaa auAhMWI i dasBtf fHiN U Vn pAKPETlHUBI The larajait etosk 4tneataa, Ka-, c the (4y at lownt C'h p Ice, nil m sad hewsMalaee daaaary w a. n w iwaaa. iW f OMIWQ SEMl-klUirTuLV OTTEBY by the iXhhk bm - ! o the tS:h ad tSU wt kh IVk.w tl eB,rM& l ebie to S t4lu h. rs4 trBHSV. OePal frlei. lUft. A.i. raet Pn aade aeiea farth alarm. Address J.M. fATTKk. U City, Wyaeatajc. A fOETONB JM rT.-Eve, bad , buji f tt. Bold by Agenta. Addrew .. a. Wale ek, Ert,. . .00V9BB.1 PttLUa,! HUAHBESt i B. WSJJJf CAaMJVyT4L1 "' pstspMlv ta Mae hose. A TRIEB AJID aOKB AEHEl't or sale by aesJMt asaerafry, aad JOiMSTOBl fBuLLUBVAf AID. p sUtmOH Of f AEKi ' Oa'and after thte data the far dt Wnia A Co' Ho of OuHnotM M) vedaeed to ) tnlt, from the rallmad arpoU to the hotel ar aay other poiut vltbla the city HailU. TaaKSt-tw-' ' ' pOBTLAirD CEMEHT. fAlao. koaioa.Eeeaa' aad rariaa.for walk, ltera, foaadatloaa, etablee, cellars, bride, WimWr. ; Beodteta ecwto port f practical weaUa oa eetaenU. 8. L. MER CHANT A CO., IB Booth St., New York. f OVEJOT ACADEMTi " fTtoTBtheeaaUl of Ol Brbool BI lefrhi eatheMUof Aaewrt.iwa. . w . ' d. M. MViKlT,rriBipi. R. VY.LOVEJOY, AMhdaut. angk-dlflt U CABY CVTTOB GIN. iMidt Lis eUU betag BBMafaetared at Cary, M. C, inmvad ta oea reMieet aad warraa rd to Slve eatlaf acUda or bo Owde if pmparly put l wdrk. Thote deebriaf farther tafuraiiaa tead for Ctroalar. oe-to- . . shsliv Adrocat and heorder plaa eoi U. ThUKSTOX s;TAiuTWE, Under the Raleigh National Bank. Lea band door a yon enter the mcnt and uh neatest-snon w m CUT " ..". r 'i' - X..C..Jmmi3 a U. .i J.AVVAIJWTIWIt. mayzs , i v, WUiTAA I U., Mowark J. . 1 LATHAM A CO.. Pabliahaau laiiorUn ' aad ChroaMW aad Kacrarbifa, mbIt m t.j it. ae Baasted - taoa. d. -ass.,: 11 - iBpStal rate wW to hud B. r-i' daefrtaw tseeeaoa ta aaaatMy . . taaBdawtai LAW'Urrii ' . Vn, Court Hu),r-.v4r - iaiJUiiCB.:i;r-'; uaelal atteaUoa slvea to o'B)e wf ltoa. teda,la Tlewof th lU . Mum Of la uia - at., J- " ten w ao.: aorklav people buth m. )h M. BMW WKr) mm w. . - - hr KWB knalttar , St iW th wan It. ITHIIB iiaw, ia - aaatolyoevr)hM aal'r bra. rraM, c. rai T J. i at oa. Doat a. I- Wa tht d: Dow' t h oh (uraorh bai SatU yoa have irareto TTT ' vtawew A tftallaad. JtoBP iBlsd : Bbpnld b cbeap. y T. ew .., (aUUary goods aae ragalla. V !