he u.-- TH ABLY Vi LI ;T BADE XII x 1875. They XXare Co I , , thoH tMutifid hw ra it ji nu SOFT BATS niQB AMD MEDIUM CBOWN A GOOD STOCK OF WOOL HATS. , TOHHSTOJIB : f ,4, ATTOMNXr'AT LAW, balexgb, ,;c. ! . ,,Aaxlf4f - - npjlK BUI UQU0K8. . I bar and wffl keep fall topply of. Mer teU' Imported French Braady, Barney Jooee' Flee Apple Brady,JoHaater' Brandy, Old Cabeaei 1888, Star g Moeatala Dew, Mm Ap ple, m4 MoMgbeU Bye Whiskery Na than Brot.. pore old wheat WIUqmw! and Natlr Wine, Bum. Ota, 8ckerMe,Gta far Braady, aadpara. cTCora UK hkiejr. My bqaors are aU part, M4kM(U(UM rst clam deawr. ' aa Si-fa Wrt.'-- Norttot Market NO X I? O -JS-, Bf thtaiai the newer contained fata dead of asortgeg exeewted a tke,,t7th day of Decern oer( taia, or niuan uin arowa, reruterea m boob or. rage no m ue omee of um Begwtee ot Deed ot the eoaatyof Wake oa Ue Slat day of December, lttft, I will aell at pablie aoctloa to the airacet bid der at the Coart Hoa DoortaUe CKy of Kateich, oa the Sd day of October, 1871 at la o'clock m., the lot Ot laad deeartbed hi aid ofttg eontamag eoa Mr aHaated oa Newborn Aveemeoa the comer of Blood worth Street hi laid City, kaow ae lot No. 18S setae pUa ot aald CKy, to aatiefy the term of mid mortrara. i - AtthUSTIAD JONES, teptftd . , Agent AAtty KT 0 T I C. B Merchant and other required to Hat aad Par taxee wider Schedule B. from Jalr L isflL wlUtake notice, that If the bum are M listed aad paid by the Sfith day of Sep tember, It will beta doty ot the Solicitor at Fall Term, lK7S,of Waka Superior Gout, to proaecw woe lauing aoaa m aaa nay. . a. m. vvhh, i W. W. Wbttb, BMrlater of Deeda, JjOO&l iAWJal tl,t00000 IN PBISISt TnBunm limi Kcatan ( hVaooan, wUl be draw hi pafcUe hi - SW Loeto oa Mareh llal, URft. MISSOURI 8TA.TB tOTTBBISS, CaBaw4 by thWAiUairlly. MUBBAT, MILLXB 41 Oo MaBagart, T.tJOUiMta 1 Prlaeof I IMaeef tioocooe O.0M (MM no.ooe '.w.ooo a,0UO 1 Mae of f Mae of -ft Mate of W Frlaaaof W rrteMOf lot Mam of . 1 . " IjM Aad iMU staat Mom of tram M00 to M la the AcgretaUM 1,00,00! Waetkkata,tlO Rarrea, ; QmarUn,f4 payaoie parabi la full aad ae ooaumaeaiaat Of drawl iwlac Man take Plata lame Addraaa. : ror tiwu aad tut alar. MDREAT. MIUJU dtOU. F. a Box Met. ft. Uvn, M SlbltOOI i,iirf taAOIIINKS Ati iafartaprlom,oatimeormeathty AMD TWIMTT-Fin FIB CBNT. BtLOW , auUIUFMtTUKaKfl1 raUCKB FOB If pawl ml dheet from tklaoBee,or aay n " nawoaiafpaam, 9 mMTBBTRBBT, Bicbmoad.Ta.. ' -- . 4 AM. M. A. ftlBimTFtoprietoi. pftTCJTOlf ABCT, h BOVL CHABK m. in, now otiaar tax amy xaataa aala the lore aad afleetloafof aay toe ebooee toeteaUy. Tale atmple. toaalremtat all eaa poeaam. free, bf ital or We, toteiaer with a amrrmf (aide, Bryptiaa Oracle, D.eama, UiaU iioUdka, Weddu-c-Mlrat Bhtrkete. A aeer bood. Addrem T. WII4JAM dtOai, FabBaam, ' rOBBBTOM COPHTTi I la WJ fturaaioa V I OOOMi Toaaf B. Taoratoa, AdBialetrator of Headonoo flraaaaa, dWd, mabMt Brlcnt Ufmaam aad Tkomai vrahkai of sUrdcmaa (Afutj Tobxh aad other. BUBTBMBTB FOB MUIT I B111WW TW Maxi Bai Imn inu TAB BTATB OF BORTH CAX0LI5A, Toaarel aarany j WUUam Orahaaa. Frederk-k Wayner aad ah) ife Martaa E. WaTae. William lua war ae aad hie wile C V. Wayae, Bright ttraham. Them Oimham, Mary ttraham aad Bather Orabam toe def eadaata abore aimed, U they be foaad wlthla yoar ooaaty to appear at the office of the Clerk of the eBpenrtor Cbart for the eoaaty of dohaetea, wttaia forty are aaja, aiwr tae aamee ot uue laje, aiwr tae aamee ot uue eammoai im. axclaarveef the day of each ear aadaaewer the eomplaiat, a oepy of k la arrr wiu 1hU aaatatoaa, aad lot oa taei VBW. which them takBOtlee.that It the tall to tae eeid eompUiat withla that time the t mlatif wUl apply to the Uoart for the nttaf aemeaaoa m tae lomeaded m tae oomptahrt. Ilaraof taU aoi. aadot Uiia oaoretara. tthrea aader my head aad at Coart, that But day Of May. 1W. eat of .mid abxll liiMt a&fe'ohaMoa Ca fTI O TBI llllaf I D Whitolaw & Crowder, RjLLnan,K.a An p. tpawi la taralak Tombitoaai of F klada. aether pmra.ov oraameatal of both aaaerfcaa aad Itattaa Marble a cheap aad aeatly exenited aa eaa be parehated at aay other eatabllahaaaat North or ftaath . hrm i at tae aaataem ei earruf aaa oatTarina marble fortf-lre yaara. w eaaeMero'arf oaaal to ear n the Ui Jaloa. We wUl alee f aralah graaiU of the bast lah traaiU of U baat aaaMy. from oar aaarriea, either tat aaiaiaW btoekaor aabty. from oar eat tae te order, each a i doer aad vrieeow awalartabla, atepa, peat, wet ad freer earbetoaa, aVe an order wUl betuaak received aad paaetaaUy atteaded tojmd we pledg oaraelm ta gtw mtUfmtttoa. te all PartlM waaUf fcformaMna aVwt Ceor'-i or Florida, ihoi X aubacriije for the Mornicf New. milUh'J a earaaaah,-Ua.. Vm 10 1 Weekly i p """ AdTBrtw" alrln MuUxuer la tu StaUia. Ho- heeuiamae. U h tha beat paptf Biwuteaat. SnrciBMa eopte ami oa rwMMit of a oanta. lea nt oa rwMMia wee .i-UU fiavaauab, Da. Addrem 1. U. A. eng.. at-tf N If GBOOEBT, , 4 1- it it 4,Coms or XoaW am Pavwi Bn, , General family aatortmeat of jrrocerte oa haad aU the time. . A almble Mxpeaee I bet ter thaa the alowbJUtaH Call end look at SSy1 priw?' wTtnt wnxiAics. T " " ' " ' 17th Edition." " -PRACTICAL 0BSEBYATI02W, "K tTj IIITSCI KIIUTT , PHYSICAL EXttA VSTIOIT, To which madded .. A , AS XS8AT OS MARKlAGt, With Importaot eaapter oa ZHaordora of the ReprodoeUTa Ornaa, Bdof a lyaooaM) of Lecture dellYeredal their t -ft-' t MUBXUUOFAXATOMT.,1 ' Btnaren TbttiBrtke dty, ahooM aotfafl to am tarn peateoilortloa, beaag taomrj iBtbaworia. - i f&u Of Ouwtwvt Br., orreaiia Ooanwata uorat. raiiABBLraT. Cofdm ot leetare emt oa receipt of tSeeata, - Aaarom, vmm. vjuj m v two. MtmFtLaan St., FMIadrlnhm. aaBtl-dl ghdh H KBBT CLAT BJCHARD60N, ATTOBSnCT AT LAW, 1MB AM, MOATS CAMQUMA. : BaJIM vyx,,-. SELECT BOABDINQ A DAT SCHOOL. . "- - -- i-. FOUIUO'XC ' Ta thhty-thlrd aeealoa of the Mhaee Naah m atlrn KoUoek ftebool win opea oa Friday, aaa jbit. ureaiar aem oaapyncauoa. . JalylMlawlat 'it-:x- ,-.- OAKDIXQ aWQSS FOE SXT. 4, : 1 wftl raat at a reenntl prtee my noaea. ready faralahed aad elliiUy Joeated oa the corner of Newbera Areaae aad tVaoaatreet, aaa eary rwe aoairae irom mm pm. Uatli rested a wUl be kept aa aBoardiac Iloaae, aaa a lew aoaroer caa oe rime at oaea.-1 ' ' v--A.-.-t MBB.-MXMBT W. M! JA8. A.LEACiTCO, rM TnOliASVILLE.X. & & W haTO avian itock of our mna. womeo'a. htm, inlaia' and dtOdmft hoes, which wa aell at wbxleala or ra tail, next door to UUmim' KaUotol Bank. Martin SL. Baklsh. "' When Toa want good abooa, aU band- maoe ana or tM Terr beat itocx. cauon m ana dot um .vv-a msmmmomirmmoK Wt fill ordera front ooz atora In Bal algh, ot from omr niannfactory toThonv MTilla.' laattdtaAtoTUonrdt to bay thoe art reqoaatad to aiamlrm oor atocK. .i . n v i 7 ( (0- 1-1 TTATaJU WITCEL The kat aa tae Marka. aad ertd e Umjprfaa taaa aay etam ftaad In a raaiaab aad be em. m, w. jcuBAH,x(a,ra I'omaal piONBUMFTlOX CUBJCD. To the Editor of flawrnra. Ba1 Friead WUl yoa pleat mfmm roar reader that I hare a peeiUTe . $' ? :;'; cvAMfOA vommartox aad all dieorear of the Throat aad Laama, aad that, by IU aaa tat my practice, hare eared headed of eaeateaefwiUtffe. II" J,,- a. oflBao: - 11,000,00. forTcae II wuf 'tet heaeal treat le my faith. 1 wUl mad aawmpb,fra, to aay a Oarer addremlar ma, - -- rMaeoaaowuMMMrtoeay eaeyoamey kaow who la aaeriaar from thee iaimei, aad obUr. Fabhialiy Toara, DU.T.F. BUKT, ftp tl-fak ' 61 WILLIAM 8T, It T Wk.W.4 TOVlSdVlOHlilV ' ' AMmrmm$S AAlMM, BALEIQU,K.C, ',--; PBAUTICE ta ta ftapreme Coart Of the tatthaOroaitaadDmtfkt Oowrtaof tae Uaited Htatee aad la aavaral Co aria of the ttAJBdlcialDiatriet. Ofaeo oa rayottoetUa, Of hma-ltf r, asa w. ababam, . B ALEIOIL K. C. i Fractiea Bmlted to tat Eye,Earaad Threat OfBeeorer remad, Le Cs Prac Btora. tea Mat MoncE, Brvvtaeof adeereeof the Baperior Coart Waka Coaat ity. to me amennae aa vom V -hl WJ .km lk mi SeoL aezt. at 1ft o'clock m eU at the Court Hooaa door laUa Uty of Bale loUowmjr deacrlhed propertr ao-wttt aad lot la the CKy ot Balmeb, boa follow, BecHmtr at the ftoaU Warn of Banrettaad WaetfMieete raamf 131 SoaU iU Wt fttraet, tbaace Weet in the B.mO. B.Btbfniee North with Bafl road to the eateaaioaof UartStret,theaee tastwttk UarreU Street to tbebecliiinf. Coa mmlnc oa huf acre more or keaa, beiu( tae preaaut roeldene of B. a Maey. r Term of Batol Ooe half Caak, balaaee pay. able twelr moeth after day of aaaj with ta latCOmmmswV toreattrpmdayof tahv - . ' T Cary ntse'e O., ta ao prt, ..J to f" a a cead uw la aay etHtitlw U aaeat e are lue aaal la Ue Ada." - - tisir'suco, : marITtf Ury, Kw.e tJi.C PIAJJO ANI ORaATT tUKIK'J vaid rr:iAt;.ir?Q; B t . A. Wbtxxxxm, EaleL'h, N. a 20 yean ' axperieoca, - InatrameaU thoroughlr renoTatod. Kcfbrrencet fa Wake, Johnao lioo JinicU.Ani Ufga... y! --..-! . City Reference Her. A. Tf. Ifangtnai Bat. V.J. W. Crowder. Ekh'd BaUla. Jrn wiM CoU J. 1. U. lluaa, Kftt, L. Iirown, lq. - . BttlTA M,B ft HnttMll . ATXU1US2Z AT ULW, ; Ftaeeehlthltalad Federal Coarta, CoUeeUoaamadeta aay part of North Car rBODtct'i6fziOB miatI; roaTaiLaji or' Wool, Boothera BltkF"d Pee, Fea Xata, awgea rrnrjrioat) t.-aiarwraaaia, i a bbo4d Brflrsw TOTSr' An i&iot Coaatrr Frodaee aoU oa fceml aaMeWf-oa the ant favorable terTrv.4it, end earaaom made- oa '-nB. . aad prompt aale M qatea uen'meai .and oorrej i AoH-lrft TTJOVJaJftITXpr, VLUGISLA Open October 1 f oobtinoM throoh nine mootha. It b organised in school on fh4 electira iytortitl1bUooiad In Claaalca, Lrteratart, Science, (wlU practkoJn Chemical and rhjmlcal Lab- onttonea,! in law, jiaoicine, engineer. but, Teacuns and Ammitate. ' Ann for CataloeoM to JAUES F. IIAUIl BOH. Chairman. P. O. Unireraity Yfaglnlfta Albentarlo pay Vay frT f. MaLrpB. CAanK Aambtam CAUXIi ,A. CAT rt, f;,l ATTORNITS AT tAW, Fiaetle la theeprrm t'oart at Bal ark. aaa m ta oiata aaa fcaorai voane at wo UnHwUCuollit : UataM eeihcmd oa aay ooa'j or taa . ,ii BTATB Of KOBTII CAROLINA, l i F1TT COUNTitf . Lt tmb luraaioa Covar. .- " olw Joheoa. adm Vf Jama B. Clartt dea'd, agamat heir at law of Jama. A Clark, dee'dVtw-wtt.r U. W. Johnac and wife Ade laide? A. ft. fandletoa and vlfa V. L. raadle- toa, B. U Clark Delia aU doakaia, Wa ,AV Uuk aad Jiaa E. Clark. 77V . . State et North Carolina to tad aaerUr Ot nueoaatycreatmgt Tea are aereby ooo aaaaded to aammoa O. W. Joaaaoa aad wife, A. L. raadlaVa aad wife, B. la dark Delia KJeakhm, WULE. Clark, aad JamaaC Uara, ta aereaaaaia aaoro aaman, u taey be foaad withla eoar eoaat. to appear at the oOtee of the Clerk of lb Superior Coart, ta eoaatT or, rm, wwua, - oaya aner ta of tau aammon, fftataat wtaeaa; , aarvtae. aad annrer the eomplamt a oopy of which le aonred wtu una aumraone, aad let them take aotfce that tf they fatt to aaawar the eald eomDlahm wttaia that ttaw. the piamtUf witt apjrfy to the Coart far the Boreta fall aot, and ot tfcl aammoaf auk iao wtam Urroa aade my haad aaet aaalot ill eoort,taieSta day of Jaae, 187&. ... tl-, Thaaetitkm tathla caaat Vhf Had. aad aDecgtluMtlMdeiendaatW. K. Clark I a aoo-raOdaatot thai State aad aerric of the mi eaaae ba amde. aad 4bt -ho. at a oartrto u'a eaaae. and eiuit of Iheae'tctaf "Kl "1aTf latfl i -idetd thatiu auea a eald a imu Abw la byrul'Vc -ol aaa aoaa for iimi wai c i jt a , atouit Wei a te tbe M" aauaaew.. Mtcki it , tta -i. eirn, aorta varouna. " Wltaarn, Hoary Baeppard, Clerk of ear mid Coart at oOce ia tireearUla, tkia Xted day of r lOTTOlf ABD COSJf FLAMTEBA ", I aT hi ttor tad M urhaa Hmlted aaa? ot lb telohramd waocgie DowLawueV Flaataoaad flaaaa IHatrlbatori aad ftmlth'a. eommoa eeaaa twrolmaa? Cotlom rawter, wav-a aa taaea u prmtom at oar lata Fair. The eheapmt aad moat haprortd pteater, aad caa aerer fail to rir aatlafae tloa. - Aleo fttaclair'a, ftawlh'e aad-i wll' ealaaratad Cora Fhmlera. Caa aad aoraaoM do all the plaatla; oa the farm With mora regalarity aad oatlwaty Ik a haad p!aaUa Order aollclted ra time to aeear them. JAMS at. TOWLBB, w W-, ,,.F, A M B.Lk .., "''"''"'ftal IVIaMftl 'i Al lAA.Ifalro.'t', riACXBOH, BWtTB CABWBAT n , . m -T-ww irrarv w W w at mv 1 FracUeea la aU ta Coart ot Northamptoa, BalUax, BartU aad HarUordeoaattoa: bi Um ftapreme Coart of North Ceroitea, aad hi a eaeralC ' " 1 'I '! ii i in i TAB L E FF E Lb a I ! !!- V I ' DttROVJCD DOUBLE 1,1 " Turbina Wateir Wheel POOLE A BUST, Baivracoma. ' ; for the 8omtk and Boatav Baarty TOO) bow ta aaa, work lag aadei Baadt varyiag from a to BM leotl , . . M atea, front B4 to M lacbaa. j , powarful Wheel la tb Market 4KKNnfcal la aa of Water. ' Larga Ulaatratad Pamphlet aaat pnt irtr BUirDFACTuUBB. Aiao. op ." -7. Portabl and Butioaarr fttaani Enfrla. tad Boilers, Babeock m Wilooi Pateol Tabalooa Boiler, ZbaasM Ombar for rOaerala, taw 7 , aad Oriat - MUla, rkwiaw 1TU1 Machlaery. Machlatry for Wkita Laad Worka aad Oil IU1U, BhafV 'j Iti et aaa I ar-ort, , , , . ; t miAEUSUXD ONLY TKAC3 s DAILY STAR. BAB tb larr t eircu'aOoa of aay Dairy . h IHe ', aad a r'"el. ItOi twiot I 1 a . c. r til I Mil tf ''YUM ,' IBB, eon tiu. it, at ha"? a a U ptr a aated !.: I kUliUFTI&J(laAdvaao)t OeTar......... .IT I t Month JU lara aioath.., ft WKifiKLY STAR FAIOB BBDOOBD, The WmU AW I sow eombiaed withth EWafa Mrmar. aad hi eaa of the tcbaaoaat papara m tae ooaawy, a too louowiaa; I - RXDCCXD RATBftl Ua oopy, oa year....... ....... .......II at tmoeopy, tlx meata....w.. 1 at t YUmb of ft to 10. oa year, fti aft par eopi aoa ei in or ntora, ooe ar, oaiy at ot 1W- ... paeiamcofdr mi oa appMcatMia, ' ( Wruautorm M fi A F0HTVNB For ft. I.MAM.T AUTHORIZHD. ' tiiii tiff biciii IimCiItioj, , t of Dcalaoa, Taxaa. wW rlr a Ua aldofMaaonlnd Ltt aF. Temple KKVT. 22. 1R7S. IFiraf , Capital ViH, , 5fWJ IS Capital Gift?'' 7i'" 'f25,WW Betldct Gifts in proportion amounting! in auto LOWEST GIFT TO 'a WHOLE attS! mnpoxTtcKETa ar Which win mtltU the holder to admlmlorJ lothe U.and Concert aad to oaodfth oil whatever gift may be awarded to waatererl tift may a awaraea to tae waow ucae tl t -t r,4Wif mu rt..i HanaHila aamta Waatad. All ordam for ticket mat direct oromntly .... . - - - - I Circular. Parjer. ta.i bItta fan twrtlea Bare, aeat free. - la writing, be mu aad lign lyoar aame, towa, ooaaty aad State fall. I Order for ticket amoaattog to IS aad ap I . IMm all Iftlnn. aad auka ail 1 Bag te-waua trux oiLTJ FotiTECljtoc' (uome U. BCUOOL. j ST. CUCMENT8BALL, I 1n11l nt lUlthMM. JIJ- IWett ertabhahed j tborc;perlor teacb m. . ..-. 1 f;- I Uaoerow U'le; tatigoratiag cumaie; ao Fflradaatea- raok kix1l eiT only ftiat- fwl'ftaMMi C3aaaieaL LfoaraL Bcka- inav. wpamaWi-..-- Bead stamp for lfeceaiiau tawwawa raa Kxt. i. Araar gtwiattn)P.l-, BeadMaatcr. uaxavA. Da M. Braacn, Fa. D., . j J J Aatoc Master. Aegdweowly -: ' ' ' cwaar avaw, at Bast Mra , M. T. . ivacahdosamramtayaaal. 111 KCaVlDBJMA'A1 FUB AtaAtB. m a. Biia. Mtoa a Mnui aa. aa NhtLm aanaa with loU of from lto f aero. email dalllag baaam with room. hadoa Bloaat atreot, tot H tera. . Ooeoa raycttorVia auea, lotftaeraatit 1 1 i-!r rrrr lots fob balk. OaatFayetteilw1retw A50 bt SS0.100 fcTackerroad, bead of Nowbarr Areaa to 160. 18 beaaUfal lota oa ualfax atreot too tol.xw. Twooa Nwaatak, uitoow. LAND FOR BALK, tao afraa S V ainaa from Caratef aa Bill twfwtejw.Vhwt' H al- iotamoi triliabta ' rtaO. NfcO acrae )i mttt hewi taw e pa FayetterUle aad Ayam road, MO acre farm wiia aooo aoaa -aeari muenvmcaw Ital. all to be ol 0 easy lerwe. F wa Viatji HI ail1 B. BlWUJLaKD, Meal aatate iMaier, 1 Offle, Iattioroagb liuaae. fob Mtf D 0 BOlft CUTTON WIN. Ffjaadf Saw (Ha: TtsVtoaaad of UtamaUv eVtbratad Alabama Ula.,, Taa totUaaoay.a aaaimoa that they 6M tatter aad amkeai better aampJe taaa aay etber over ataea. ftiet ft par aw aad transportatioa. - tAMMM av ivwua, iaept A A i a H Jaat reneived 1.000 tarda Pacifle Lawaa t A. CREECH la rhort koilha. at It 1-1 etata par yard. ' ; The lawaa an w and cnmI atTlca, aad are worth SO eteta par t .rd amy Wbere. Bee the eoatomcr daily coiac to vkxscu'b aay poatv Tay are Bible to the laat. TTf -.' V.I' fill! OBEATOtFEBI 1 Hmaaa Watara taaa. Ml Broad war. V ' t , wlU dlapoee ot I t Flam t aad 1 Tgaa of rt elammakrra, lac la die g Water, at ex tremely low prior for oaai, awrtnr tfaie aoata, or part eaah, tad balaaco taamall atblr paimoBtf . - TA asm to let. Wa- tera Nw fteal Fiaaoa, are the beat made. Ta teach aUatta, aad a tea aiaartng toae, aowertal, para aad area- Water' Coaoano Orgaaa caaaot be racelkd hi toaeerbtaatyt they defy cttttioa. Ta Uoacerto stop a a tae Im.Wiioa ot the kamaa voire, a aeat wsatoa. d liberal dieeoaet to teachi' , mlabb r aharcha. acbooii, oic. etc. aueetai mdmameal ft the tral. L.almfd fataloaamaUd. ,; r f r , TBEUTKT f'SQAKS ftTBJr All BAD Two tflver M adal wardd It th B V. ta o Fair, for the BUT CHURCH aad FABlOB OROANa. Coad for UlaMiatml ftaloavreaadbirmate I 1 Ooatral Agawt, BtMga, B. CL 1 htftM 1 Tie Fall Eeaakm will begta on tie 18Af AwjotTT' T u, i .1 TlBhTft RkdtCBI), 1 (Wei per taanott of twenty week'i IIoarAfexcTnaira of washing tli lighta) 179X0 1 Tnitloa. in regulw " Ilka . .. A. 11. II, WUJbUJi... ;. President Board Tmteet T Book, with Ckroma. Bead stamp to F. F. tlLUt:E, N.w Bodford, Meat 'a "W ma at -M Lai Blami B. BBwBlDkmmM BLftBI F ftTaMml mUE HOWE SEWING . HA I I -- . UiUXa . . . .. i ... .1. t. ... f ?Ll f ' - .' - errf- f' 'iV .wVI FISST MACHINE PATENTED. Tkt litti ilatiimt ilauufattormW w-c 1 i(i Tho! Boa ta tho Chrmaell ; Th plaUof aaparlortty we r Sitnjpiictly and Perfection in Me- ' cAantirm. .7"f :; tbiUty-s-Wlll laat a lifetime I . i of Work-Without ParaiieU t Perfection of Stitch and Tension ! neidqtmrtera for North Carolina at,'' mt mm m aaa m . 7 Fayett villo Ctreot( III f 01 CIICCUI 8FTII-1 4 riicn. ' pery Machine It fully warranted 1 Satisfaction guaranteed In every n a o.u . , . case 1 oota ew eaaptcrm . : ,i axatrflTe hare room for several good Agent, and wUl offer liberal tertoa Energetic men. , 1 Apply atonce far tr THE nOWE MACHINE CO.. 7 F.yetteTiile Street, i,G? . Balelgh.N.C. i ir n A m tin n n li U li II A T ii I L U K Dealer In Foreign and DomeatJt il . ims..im ,.i.. ..)ar(K I . . . i,,J?'.'.' ,ji; ! (jJ . aj tmaring jitKt Ajnet of ,; ; a, agnmg tm MmmtrjJru boon, ,1. . , S' JAaiwepw iaMaa. , ?'hk.- ,-.nT frtor AWafdf fre 4Jp Togeahjer witft an ftattaaahrt Line of 'ii SI.h.wI di miii"vt. 'a'., ! . : UawHrv.a oO nae1!. : v-! Wftoa, Xdmfi Ti mimmya, -,' t I 1 jGUoaU(eaIor4 1 tAMMH, MWii2i 4 aULMUU. ' o iAbmt; n o a im lll- if M Our'le.r'DtjljncntWl jalnt eetnck teiaiaiatteed weleiraoi darabUity-: aad towawat f price, 1 secnona ror fteimeaBnrameni Beta on t r : - fiete ajaaortment of ticnta'inirn thloz Goods. Wiirto. CoUars.Clttla.Tiea. Iow,loTeaAV Coodittnt to For the aecommodattoo'ofLadiea and unniea who ire noahle' to rWi the irr, xuu imea.or tampiea or au craaM r mail filled with-tat greMett poaalbl BOADWAT And TwiBTTBTH Stbbbi I tnaytJ-arSm ' GkbTft WANTED. ' THE CFNTIV-1 .NItL tiAZRTTSEB. of the Ullted I ZZm alTT'iLir , . J2 1 fcompkl. Over 1H) jtagos. lliaeuetei. I :mhod t.BTi It. ad areata amka from I I0ft'tft4dtfa moath. Addrem J.C. e. I UBT CO, faWiaaar. rTtUaaalphia. Fa I m rmmwn nitl r - . i waae.fa-y . -,i ( . ; . I 1 aay paraoa aanenm rrom taeaoirre Biimu I la KoaeatadlO addrem Dr. Pnea. aadatrlall . 1 .. I Mtl of mrdldae wlB bf fotwatdod by iim .ii -mmm , .t- " ' 1. - ."r- -s' Jaft!!K?SJf,,'' 1 , ...&$2.m V J 1 a BLl iUr.raMawamtaatraatmestot QYibM I . smaamrmrr i I ! J0B5 A McM A M R Elf, . v - r fot oi MTtixivr. tad' for year tad be WlB Warraat a ear ii by. ta aa ot am mdy. f Do aot tail U aead to aim tor atriai otU; H oU Bvlklag, aad he - . i - r- 1 . , rr 4i.li was vv, I )Ui. j ,i ; , . . . . ... , ,. ao matter f hew lea maybe at hew., maay other mat I ' I asreiHieo -r .. ..-.-, Circalar aad tetUaoaM ami at a , . ttXM TRIAL BOTTLM. 4 B aarticalar to at toa Expram. wB at year root vaem eiraetwa, aaa ;lt ooonaa, ' r "J ' 'Z -' ' 'Af AanUata'Moatliiy ecVp,Uta tmw, b) rabiiah-d meanly aft TTUTrJ I fM4VBOaB4'!ia! Mf'g"'1"! HomTCSa SuwTiJta. Tl ZiZ mL- a tram, sua ise raaa at laoio aaaia-awfure e.B(aaal.ai uf rfat 1 TJ' 7 pT- mat rr rirrvaa iiuim. 1 a . a.. a a . . I ZSTZ I Wai LkiiSKSi4 ASf" 1 2L tolL!?l-,i !22ik to he followed hi eat -a aoaWktr wdb Hmto rraph ot other pramlaoat amtaiai tvtrt - 1 ST I ' OBIT fttXO A ytAhf. FcothT Froa. I aad each abeerlber ma make mU - I 'wm rtrm awgo aagraTi aa, ela. iv ,1 iMaaraasxmiacat,-Tist "lb Fiadaar of yg 'r.iriBefterkmtheVmiK MadoTaa!" .laa - ajag bear UMviaa; lb fttarm,M ler- warwm ea mewim w iaa aaaatnptluai arlee. MM of the aafaaeriMliM ru. I Kith iither of the aVimrii Is aorta Joabie I Ua mIm aaiuMl to. tka Maw. . .iii.a m btw win laewTa aa miii Barripiaa no, awgt eoptm Bf aaata. tabRHptlot wttbeat tb Ba viaa .. Riaia Wanvd Krrnwbera. dUUUB a. HrfclTZ iiim. JaaaVtf ,v teutauw B.tJ. i 1 , - t - ; EBRIMO'B PATENT CIUMPim rAm pleAIOhOt mora ta a tt.iid ur a arr ..r, KJkDUt'KII IM act K A km two banirHl mra.m ttl ,Ih i. i .mh-at vvr) him prbM- . : IIEKKItV A OH, Ml aid S3S ItitnapwaWM-a Twk. . M aad CO KooankT rr; B loblOeiSia CLoUVB. Dealer la tjimral- Morcwaad a. ...I toraa, Uamber, aala;!". aitd Wo-i. .i, waaa voua:y. octaftotw. . Iarpcra MtNaMltie ILLUftT K ATBD. 1 ha ever raereaalMT eh esiaUia of thliri aellewt woaU.ly prore ItaeoUlaard aAat' Boa to pepalaramlreaaed Breda. laiWd Whew wa think fa to how aaaae anewa tt i 1 wet every moeth, wo meat eiew it 1 wmm w e wmm mmm mm weu aa eawaiaietia aHtommt i-ju, 1 The caaraetar which UUBamla 1 'uTt la tt k. IJ k " - - mmtA ... 1 oadactor to rwrard m wtu )4iBbi roa placeacy. , It ale eatttloa tbeai to a vraat Olalm awoa the pabtte aratitade The Maya- a ha deo good aad aot aril all the data I af I , ltolUaJlmBAVi. TXBMftt tofaJSi" T I i Haaa va'a Maeaaiaa, oaymr....a.i 7th7 Twiaa" -'4"1' 1 eabaarlnloaa ViilariaVa Maaaaia.Waek!; adMamr. to oa aadreae for eae tear. Bia.. VoKuTu TX .. r!ea- 5 or, atx coptm skt, I NirTataa, omprMagdB Volamea, la amtelnth HmV- ka will ha aeat by aaiawas, fnigbt at ra I aeae of rareaaaar, tor ft aft per vwiamr. anatraOd, ' Addraaa. ideift tf. BAJtrCJl BftOt, Bew To.-. I OUB ABBeTBOatl, B 0 ,0 K D I N D I R ABB) ; ' BLANK BOOK MANUBACTOUER, OTB, C nooastoaja, !!A!A.B',- M, ;,N .0. f AXD FLAhTBB aad Agrkaltaral Lieu, Am Jaat temlvad a laraw ppry of I iTaVat BomAdaMM I cmVy, Tlanrthy, ireWd aad aad Fbatar, aad win be told at Depjt at I Herds mm 4 AMES M. TOWLtA. tab BTlm Tf esterMllirjlBBd Collrge. Fotatodmtaot Botk Bismra 'aBFUUTB' DBJFAKTBBMTa, Eab aavlac a fall earp of rroreeanra.- sirrBBBTB r aas aatraa rmaioa 1 heeina wfntahar 1 ma. , WaCsi locaa wrth fait BftWioi 1 li:'': I TMFORTAJfT to wit.r. owbsbav I L-i? nT"w.frT i j w j A " CIekrmle4 SMUT AMD9CBBKHIW0 Three thooasad in kaadred' of these Maohiaaa are bow laaaing ia N. a aad the adlobilaw Btatea aad after a Taiwr fRAkS Tmrr It protManod by the best " na?!? aad miller 4a the Stat to O oa te aay that aa here yet oiUrad to the pablle, aa I am baiag mar icpraacated by partmt oflatiag Mcbiar . . , atade of the very beat malarial aad war- nalal U ua ,ia In riL ' f-7- 7 - t Fot the Beit twelve mnalba BlOm Wiabisg to parebaa atachiaM taarw old otvt will Bad It to- Ibeit Uierrat to eajwryeaaktoaddiieBBaaa obaetftlmwher. I ene all othri mar ft if TIT 'A "XTrmY I IVY WIN JADJI. j Actifa Local aad Davrajt Agoaw wrtb di.ct coBtracl for the Pens Matual Lim. In araace Owf PWUxU phla.fof N. U i iddioas'' i W . llTrWi-tt, i may ftlUif , , aa1 Miaioer LUuA AT I MB Flu- Bal - ' t Jaat arrivid BjOOO tarda 14 BUacaed , toawetle at 10 eed IS float par yard.: 111 tin aw eare riiim t a. a. a. v.. atf lltdt Coaimlaatow. tt a.nonL a a iui.a .1.1 p tt, Mw yara. , ' u, A,VWBW. " taod Keape an4eA4WwWaateA.,;i -