1 1 TOE-TMirrrBEUTirar HI avi J iir:oi I v"''-'"t rnuuitriir . t ! oi'i fll.-'i iaanaai, t tha foUowIng rate pwvnar. . i - .i i i.t TATB riUMT&.M wvvt ..lit RenUaaf 1 rear to advance .' The Dtt.ffetHB idvW'lr . . ttlRKCTOItW u -tM liniirar - ----- . - - Uiyeae & Grant, of llltooU, rVeelaahtJ r lleary Wllsoa, of Mm , V. President. lluiillflB rink, af Ak SeV of Stele Benjamin H Brietow, of Kentucky, Beere- era the Tiaeanjry.? ' " '' William W Bolknap, of low, 8eroUry of Walk .-i"4" nrl:i i-y B! i tieonre If Rubraon, of, Ni-W Jersey, Beere- try of the Navy. 7 'r-.i.fi (dumbai IK'Uno, of Ohio, BVcrvtarjof the Interior, r u-4 . ''''-V '.V"-,i Kdaarda rerreuoul, of New York, Attor- nry Urnernli i - y !J . . y.rshall Jewell, of ConnortU-ut, hrtiw tcr (leaeral. ni-) , , fa's .. ... n .- r-ttliiuiit -v.. i i ; ii v v " J. i M I supreme coritT or tnt tr. Morrison Nathan Noah Bamnel IMVI4 terpen Cow meets Brut Monday tn IVri-mber, at Waaatarto). -if-4i . fK-jji.1" ko ASkfMtoM Wak,'" -- "' Mal W. JUMtiaatnf Worttumpton. -" " AI A Ifrman." aj A M--Wa4MK ' ' 4U . . Jooenli J. Uali, tthJiVMo 1A M tartlW ''if ' atk-.J. iH iwl Thofciaat Ah Tb tted tonaa of Ue L'. Clrcortana lTnt4 KUtf i Cli'iilt tVHirt-t.tr 1U triM nl Nurth rkmlliiar-Ili.-IJ la Rjtlcltfh flnl Mimda in June ktut JH ,Moo4$ J jfttj - V ' .. - r II L BnoiT, Clripalt Cottft JaJ,;,ariKia, K4jwnink WiteWi1,Tai rrn Diatrirt : rxiilore, Ellnlwtb City. IT II Mankal, J HIU ; oltk-e, IW kkv . N J KMUkk, Ctnult furt C'lrrk ; olllc, KiUUrh. smraaW Muniirt oonirr. Klitattotk y, third Monday tr April and OtintMir. ' . . i - ' s i ' . 1 ." " flrrk, M B Ctiepner, n.-Uce, JOUaketb ., i.. , i . Kwlxnt, fouHk Mouday i April and Oc,, toller. ..--! ' Clerk, (loo T. Tinker rraMenee, Navhara, Wilmington, Unit Monday after the fourth Monday In AHil and t'tooer. Clerk, WialjyJfUWt'njWUplnj Marshal, J B II III, ndire, Rakli. Ittt trt Attorney, Wchard C Blcr, retl- AMlataut, W il Vouiip, Oxford. " H L Bond. U 8 Circuit Court judge, Balti more, Md.1 loi--". ' i f'H : . Kiertr Diok, U Dtatrictf 9ade, Wt tern District ire aid nn, UreeJiabor1, Kohert Mi'DMghu, V Marshal; office, Qret-oahoro'. Cireulhand OI4rM (Urt In tba. WUa Wbitrict are hold at the same time. tlreeBalioro', fimt Monday tu (April and Oc tjber. .Clerk, John V Payne, tealdence, Grecna iro'. . UtatesTllle, third Monday M April Md Oc- ,JCterk.nnry O CowJea, mldooce, SUtoa- tllle. i Anherilta, Irat Mookay after the fourth Monday to April aad tlr. - Clerk. K B Hasaptoa t restOesje, AaherlUe, Virgil 8 U.k, U Is Wstrict AUoraey, reel- atoW?eii& S1A r UNITED STATES CTTtSJf Ai EITISCI. I Toaiig, Collector rMUEisUictiottc; Ralehrh. fe. y - U : " ' . - f S Y W Perry, Buperriaon C'Iom, ofoe, lUlb;k. i 't . . Chia Perry, XsaUtaai Bi'per jot, Balelfh. Si' i !!-: . ()VlBJiltIT OWJKOtm CA0tltA. 3 VaflV aWAMBIamaV.f-i;:. Cnrtla tl BWrdens Of Wayne, Ownr John B N.tery. Prtrata Seeretery. It P ArmMil, of Iredell, IJeutenanl Governor and PrWHiii u the Senate., . , , - ,,, W II Itmrertnnyiot tWaa, Bemtary M State, Dariil A Jenkins, of tiaeton, Treasurer. A M Jenkins, X lert j .- . :ifctol W Bain, t hief Herk.1 John KelllT) of OuroherUnd, Audi' or. ,l " Win P WethendL Chief Cterk, 8 1) Pool, of Craren Superto eadaot of Pub-, tic. inatrui weyr i r.t" TT r.-vrT'""'?! John C (lunwui, of Wake, AdlutoM UeneraU T h Ilanrrore, of Granville, At ItLOeneral W C Kerr, MiktWirmrf. Bute OeokMdat. Thoa at Pumen. of Pcnvvthe. Llhrariaa. I nns K ti Henry M CapltoL Henry M Millet, 6f Wake, Keeper of the ; oonnnom'a oomciu The tWretary of Bute; Trtaaurnr, And Iter nad Bapartoteadent ol nwie BOARO OF M)tCATl6!l The tloeeraor. Lieutenant Oomuor, Seere tary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, BaperintflO rnt of Publle Instruction and Attorner ilea. era! eonstltutc the Bute oard of Educatioaw j Tae vawnarnpe rresaieaa, ana anaupeam tendta ol ruuua jnatracUMa. Bjccreuuy w the Buard. ,4. 4i Rirfcmoa4 U tWaonpf Tadkln, Chief Jot tiee. Kdwln G Reade, af Pereeu, Aaaeciate Jariioa. Wn B Rodman, Heanfort, ( , " " W t Bjnum, MecleorrV' 5 Thomas Settle, (luilford, M Taarwelt L lUiKrore, of OranTilU, Eeporter. W U Bairteyiof Wake, Clerk. A Wlekar. af Wake, MaraliaL; f 'm-H) Meet to fcdeiejk on the an Monday til January and J aae. - SOURIOB COtWS. 'f ! 101 Itorrl; SMMIoVi laJafgC't, " , WAKC jCOVimr OOVKRJIMKHT. y ; Co hslneera - Snlowon i Allen, Ckab na : Wn Jinks, A U Joaaa, Wot D Tomer, J Ruber KowelL ., ' i y ; "," . V) . MhaHff H II Dana. vniierior Conrt Clerk-Jutf If. JJnnttrf, Treasurer ItaTtd IswK '-";.. , Ret of leed W W Wake. , Corooer-Jsmr MJoneat' y' It. Watte, af 1o, OiW JtrtfW. tftfrord, Kir Mv.v A M. nrv" it. saa. or .;.- i" . pans, in..- - "-,.,v - 4. VYId.of Cai;: . ,, J"'"" t 4 1 t 11 Li U b 'MtJtifM I ,it)t.3 1 i.tj'.'' to K.la. , 1 .'ur.m.r. 1 Ximiuoom.il J UammUL A,wW ce ootid LUaw..,..,tfli,.f ta.T-V tutJ't rourth wart n q jooav jnie V iafj IKUth Ward-P Q. jpsnu, . 1B Clerk thief and Colloetor (leore H Police BC Manly.' fl . i.i iTH0iCity-js , t .in .til. i I i k.iii ii i 111 1 nn' Hi 4 ! ta;Ji -f'ri i d hti toniit huy rf d h notloaj,.i thJ tMTif feaO-iae Ml .i-i r i ! - a i a i a " """i' hAt W - , VAWA"t 'WCi Nbwe.ll, CDmlloBorii from wrksh .-. m-s-i '--r"v- .".'.'' '' f. iav4 o'tkxk tuX lto will offer for tUJ M th t'tjurt HouU . Jogr, JuaU plooi of Jiljf jiropertj,1 tlluated lttthe'wcetem Im or tut city. Doing ptaMnt reat tlflbci of . oataeyjEkii. 1L:L i I ' jai eajaaia. ..-. a;,) TkUa. Welinva ajari ooataaded Utt it Ugoo4 !or ft aanonity to bate 4rkmtaMBt4 B'keee r lo go It' th ma- ior, alter busine noun. here (kroaj or t ir hour tti U wat in pleaaat mlai i I fiaaa car wi4 aarion (botlelttf W iJro no Ira libra It. rtaJioc rooua. Ac ULaTita ik jo9fi man front tba atrc fe)t oT th iiuUMroui desd-falli about bi loan. Tkla matter i yd and dt Jta m bi aieuuaaad fuorl L!l! tful 4 tbla iDiurTc tiiu and apnea prevent. lack of libraries, reading rooma in mldft ma b AttributerXM b pconninry and mental, but the caiar ot thoUanrtb ilJ Saobtkef brnncb ofkmaKmeati it tralhfnily att forth in Vbi fottowloir i itr ,ct frm tnt New Toik libuoe:" fin Rml.Joh thee hM a.' nakl 'llrtW. a pUrt of the City Hall U not ajldt for tb draawt but id Xfortb (Juration tht port ofI KcaDaet nM tWlrical oerform. v m no graat and fjto ebaaoos 'of Oblni i f ood bntiakM mob m UttU. thai nail lew ebtertalottente tra attr girett to tblt 8tatt i 9 'Tba tbrea"Madf ul ptrmltaC 8t4tr, cMnty; utdf towa for on rtbib! tioavowt mow In 14 UnroUaa Una In lljUtt cities aortb of llicbaond putlo getb. f. I', fS tlPrVS tt1-!tlS tbii high rate o( txaUo aaoa eihl- bittoo not only worka a reU bardabip upon tha , ppl but .tekea (rom H) anry n baaaaoma ioooaaa wbiok it nitatotherwlM anloyV " TZ. tflL wa copy tba -following tolegnuna jam y uo nauiq mocuou. J.u ahowbctTT Democratic gain, Indicated tM Uo rino jStaia will trnder fheTwiiricr of ptpnmyafc acxi jenr i .si. j ;iMia;j ki tuw i Domocrnta ben nra Jabilajit over their gnlMlu nn tncreaaed Tolo. kud tut bating loodiy that Maine text year wi9 wheal into tl Democr4lc coluinn ni cut tier rote" for VXtemocrjtflc slJent Thelataat roturaafrom one hundrod and forty lowna,, give Connor, the: Republican candidate for Governor, 28,670, iMIUbcrta,I)emocrat, 20,198, aglnt,15,251 for the 'Republican can didate and 19,008 for the Deawcnttic cfctauaiS'sMfT loritr of 2,472. aMtihst S.SGS lut year. It b predicted the Republican majority will bit telow 4,000, asaiuit 10,000 lae year The jjemocrata bare maoegaina in thuLegblature, and Madlgan, their eandldato for Congfeaa to fill the vacan cy U the fourth District, la undoubtedly uAOOBTA, Af r Scptctubcr li-UC turns reColTcd if the Kennebec Journal ofieVnuMtl oukiaL, front, MA towna ltoherts, Democrat, 41 441 Connor, majority, t, 494. Tbe aame towna last year gatoDtogloy 40,907, and Roberta 51,471;, Dlngley'a , inarjorUy,? 0,433. Ttire are yet 229 town nd plantatlona to be beard irom, , am jjeaaocram oat elected 1 3 and bcrhapa 13 Sonatora. - In the Fourth Congroaaional Diatrlct Oen era! ltalatafa frienda claim front 800 to 1,000 majority for him and retarei Bl doubfJou oloct.hlm. by; Uicae. fk- f HjV. r. JLlcx. Martin, of ba leen elected rrcaident of the jCahbtrry -'-'T"ina Mils11; 11 I i . V"?. Vt AJ tf .Vi If It CtJ vanity, Indiana. fTnrfr; Utt a siaiyTi i uj bat syjcfV j.t . i ArTvvatATi SepC lu) Ak! 10 ain-'thrf tthTenu waa called W orxlcrby; Prayot by la aU Mr Af araknU, ef the Cf yt'1f' '"W"' 5ll"Wl-H t tV( fatJb, ,,,Q..J4, .,..i.a ,.,..". IWa1 a ' t .trufwi.'e ai tr.jw-, tlM lMilHt navuarv tkwlolloax MiX fmxlti C ruatiiteu-'-f 1 W ait McVsbav liiiw ila it tin i 'HiHa.M ; ; iMaaam.il'akaoet atd (J toy ia Nbait; UVI rior( from BUadlne ftoeVie tlbna arerouirodarrcd 1 appeirohaj dhp-Matefi' .r ;'f 'OVKf Priot: Sj'o.na WloamBd 1 jUy Mr ltaiaV t. raaotatija- to mjuiss) naidenot of IS month in a county'aa i tlfBcartoi for;' foUog.:, :'ZaZZ, JB Mr 4ott 4vaolntliai I aanaad ee 14, art t, to rrqqire Judge to real do I I . . . .! ..... i i . toiibair ona aiauteia ao a rotat. vfjg By Mr Ooopetf 4 Kdutk jt i a) aria of Jadgaaef the Huparior Court rijOOQnir tMMaaa, f ' V y tbo aanaet JL jeooJuUaatnHow county of Orahanvn rrprasMtaUTm y Jf i Taraer : a reamamia inatmc'4 ti jr ihaOomatlttoa M tbi Exaaotlr Da pajriment to draft eajtaie junent want to thk intiteUon; i ! ,-Vr& tjf''h ama'A'.reao'iii'fcnt1 to a 10 n) 18 of art SjtaM n to th By the aame : A reaXutlun tastractlng tba OewMBlttMoa MooioiMl 0 wporntiona ioWM oruifuanooi to'amend tnairUcti inline constitution la Certain particulars. tidu to the Oomatittoi ! E luoation to aniendaeel art 9, in jeUtion toarparate ackooia. By MLrfliixton ; A. reaoiaiboa U Mtfl tl dutiaa of the Committaeoa Rnrision. fay Mr Hionantt 4a etdintnc to aniead aactioBO 4 and t, art ta regard okpp1y1ogpenalti,naea,d.,'toKbooI rittkt dMna, Jxt, to t auva( ciaditt aup earrain stock, v .-i n ., I tut uitoiuMtB litjartikatl ; H'! fha naflDisbad baataaa .kowaaj thea. dikano In regard to pay of the teglsta; tore U take) bis. u;t v t,. , , a the call ef Mr ClinWman tba i r- a long ,iHMbW. asMd,. upon nto af order 'la fegard to which ol tba many pendiag aroeodmeatf had: brtot. dekoe The Cbaif steeided : taa the qtattoa hroperly ujrrfi kpo 'the 'ae$' stitatoof Mr-Xllmaoi wkleh t letbe nature of aa amndnnf.i A , .. Mr Toargaa appAtd from the decUlon af the Chair, ','a!''w '-Ui, i.u t! kt the mgeettoe of, Mr ttohMni that afi Tourgaa h allovel : uprt hi kmendmaat now, Mr Cllagnun aald' hi had o ewtik'y. oi jeotioa tfaiMyuig thsj gen:jeatBD:t,aa: 'hajsad oajy Utiti poa hi point ol order MA matter vr aarUaaualaiy law, 4. A,u.f .uyr. v'be-Chair' aald If m ol jeetloo aial hnid bdWiiuUl put llta rot iwMr tourgeea amend a vat had wa aboot to ao'ao, lwfcen Mr Tonrgae aioaa and aald ptorloo of tha Chair and bo waated -.A--" ' , , ,. raJog,i;,.ji ti-A) .Mutjjj fits. .th" -Wjalf than. relterateJJt decision ana from Which Mr . To ttM. appeelod. ''eyoaa and Btya were ordered and the. vote was about to be take wheti Mr Reid aald thai 'when iheWWur uae up he waa ) the 'ChalHi TouVgeo ha osrad bi aianaeai w Mrj Yaughaa'a to the orgiaaf , Bropoaitjoa waa paadiag.. Jt waa ruled iat nfordvi a wthdrawa. jlftr Mr Jvtftwfi Jnendmeat wan eotad down Mt Toe go oiortd hta aaMadment to 'the aabalitkta of felr Annate, wak in to tha aataroe' aa MeDdmaaC aai' Vaa SWayVl' 1$ prdtr. . J-i'i?-," i Mr. Cluigmaa aald there had , been a nxiiapiwebenalon of the facta of the case, and had no further oppoaUIot to niakn.. ,The qocatioa ma then" tokca' Spon Jfrl Tourgce'a amendoiee which gtveo motobert. or phi General jVtoembly., It;; providing ofOcere 0; mileage ton canto eaclt way prpTidlng thai no, ' member, shall receive pay for more than SO day iU $ regular aeaaioo, oc fir tore than 29 4ayt hj a;ealon, and pros Tiding further.that any General faaeu bfy' tna change tbia componaation i by law, but inch change wot to go into effect unlH tbeexpiratioof ib term, of tipj general AMelymahliV Ifc yeu and nays were caHod and Mr. Tourgaa'a amendment waa rejected by s. d.'rfiu n nava7a. ". " V. -..THi.iJJr-rii (?' T"S r '? J .-i w it: tnil W . .1, , f ""t.V J I 4 . ...l.l.. Jil . :i h ha onoatlon reenrred trobik as amend asentoOered by ltri . .trsfaaW eriginaj propoaiupo. pl wijdc notice yeatct.JWCndpacpt lrikctett:perdAyfor.eaiaihgom- sdn and Bukea It 3, Uka thal'proirhMd ht memoern. , . u I HTM jWttSM.tuUI jraTeViWWijSB4 the jneti2nfent wUVetitedhy a votd of yeu 1S nay f3. 4H . t 4 , , jThequ)uwiBrocAri iw ubsUtuU ofKrUllmawWdiptewVW 4 for a period lioteicee'dlDg Wf'dATi; bficera 16 ; and a like comwwUmA eitra aeaaiona for le otJewedJ i tO 4yn.i jUtiJW a.ny Mwr ctaiod and thf aubatitute waa adopted,. yiaa 83t mavn S6V" u 2i'UimJlT3'iT. jla? ttkhajot tAen remttNl rfpeit the' adoctW of the erdlnaacb. lite yeaa ad nays wern deredd reaulted 'In the paaaace of the oadlnoJace by a Tate , pi. rvucoz,, mom wo epeoa voui-, mlttee on tha) jajr atM of th LQote i nUiitted a report givtoS r to peWding WBcerf; the ACooTention !8 per day; Frtiic rekariea 0; Enrolling i clerkal l&j -Horv gdantott arme 13 page 11; delegates sake pay aa member, 'of the , preaent Ugtalainrn () for k .jae,rtodBOted; IngSOdaya. - ,-i ' ln motion of Mr. WUcoi the rules wire kospended and the' rewlation re1 ported by the Special CommlUee Uen up for action. . . i . .T : i Ufr. Ifannlnir of (,'hatliaBL' "aald he eohid not vote to totyt 'kUfejtfij'; tbkn be bad just towUj to gjre luwro, LaghdstawBsii'uti.t il ,; tuJ.nM.-wW t le moTed w auu out mnanf-m if lertocoisfbt'tfM'; ga d to tha) pay c Iuuakuwii.i , which ba ljuatpaaaedka MWfajaj-r. . . inotIx of: J3oy m .UorwMrecoujmitled to tbi fecial t'Smmittee .wtrnaff n ti .-... :.- .tr h he ordinance reportod by the ttm i tUMtWaod Department;1 miking the preuae, - court conaiat of , liaf Juatice and twik AaBoeiate, i Juai nciee waa takeit up.'ThUr' ,)aa reported bjj tbi Committee on the ' JadkUl De- ioltjni '. orlinancaa offered. " Tlie"" report wai Apiaywwi UrM elokdjjgi4 rhaqqnation recurred vpon the paa- safe of the'brdinance on IU aecodread - Mr. Tourgce took, the floor ta ppoel pob to'ilM propoaltlon." na 'lndaghi It ; fkie economy. Tha litanuitt(, itoptuV tioW3had'lymcTeluM4 had; he Otiught the reapoattDlty artdworklo, griat to throw otU ahao threo Mr. Maiuiii ,f 'Cb fatorof the ordlnanci both ea, . too griund of. utility and hotmotayj That la bna of a aerlca or ajnextamenta wmcn will provide for a court of Impeahment tetaprenWc nrt; Soperkw eourta' .cewrta of jluaticee of the ITface and, ancb ' dthet; eourta, Iafork;to.tbpniiM court, aathe General Aaaemby may deem fit. which will meet onoof the objectiona Of tha gentlcmaa, from rGHnford. (Kr. Jeurgee) towitV the'accumnlatioh of builneaa m tb 'fauprrM colurt.;.; He eltad tin saeV".8',f'B: mSch larger poptuattowthntbie Uring only three Jodgea of Supreme court and vbtcrnieihtte coorte,: ;f lis uianeil ! aame vm tu ai - auie nf thaordlaaTev -r- ' f of I86J, to show tba the Inoraaa o the 8ureme court waa aaneiioncd be n vary dietary eama up In that bxif tba propo aMj wtoa :le,,,M,.w,rf Aaao. ci Aea. M. Dart ana moved tee lfc eat infl iBaailC'rfl tote of S4 to 14. 1 T omawdmeal of Mr. Dutham waareconwdered by a vote of 49 to 48, and panned la ita v igiaal lorn by'bart Sat majority'; liudln-to tke Ooateatioa of, .888 h aai1 ha would nt Uagec iong lis afoahtog . whout, theA hndy; he would rf 'fAkroeteHae a arraie bolr,V ;H thea.eltoS the anthotity of (he lUap ?UWw il remarks apoa tka Wpram Court of tba United r ta j which anyatV'f I r 4 tf parhsirW oV P;truatod,i It t sbM that a coart ofalae, dudcra,- eluiag as stbor, at a heariag. ia not hkelytodo U work better.' i Warrlireral A 'ere aetkfeoton naolneoahaa a ar , t hrte or few." It la .teairabl that af -pU abneld Tl- WMl It -A Mm the points of vWwr; whfch;;iugg ' a'lhaa: NlraU aAMtl naratNM who have th aaaearrv laarataf aad experteaae.Tkia aaewred by thev pwans oYt 4km or frur Jadgta, aad '.tbeemploymeatof a kwjar aaatker fet ; waese pi rangu. V t '1' J', " Bgija asjjifcitaaB t. ' '. t:.. boflciiJo; (tmoA a ll qui i iipn wr.tr till J ff'i r,u'ifrjx ma nim J" IC75)aM Ic.s,vUil'!5 III l.liO 11, ill 1;J Jll 'i.'.llt Ol i ' I 1 4 T mt of aaore Jadgea, .that, Jight b one tor stack etreait. aad, thrj, w.ae pact la U bCMiejeOpaoAie, SaWWUh si man v lada-ariiaufl et(iraat Btotlfe Na; wUhMMULS gnatial af tija end. Ifati KlU h f enaetfvwlr f4rasUait, kajMobeUl t af reaettu.'aj Mr DmmHl arl4, thtfjWa aV i J ii..i.i iSvYi.i-i. t. i -.i-i I any ojtof th Cvtrt disaaaUd from UtaA aW, Evaa .l ewMhjU off .ti- ace a dieatirg optnioe o Jedg Il dm n eama ewepaiag a ameoo- aJeat to tbia eonatiiutioo. oVl Tbla ease la found ia'iaDeWringar,!Tdl 70. N tin fc lS 'JfceTftVJntmbm ' Caa" iU of etojafth 4ih. iaa I ah I a. :' ' Mr Bennett coatleeed to aome length Ui urging tba meeeurat aat . forth 5 thi otdina- e IMr Chamberlain spk at lmtt II poiittoo ta the ordinaaoe. (Mr t ngar )hvughf the actloa.of ta0.4HBUteik toportinii tkts ordlaaaee Wa peeewVajr. jJjU Wee la favor of aom cisi "g i TinTtlMi KllB'.ion, but dlJ'aot vrtdk t-. mTTetnria labora i r iu ny elementa in thio subject arklcb aky'utl be J'e-'refuniy ootai 'ired Wnra Qlal acti. a vU ' hai' Io attadinf " to b aaid, he dnrfjln, his , p-wer to prj viet W'lWsiray' . whMi. lar.mgW.theA -tavenftoa into existence, .But ha would M tojk aad i ieteattedrto aUadby tt, taV Tie dtt not st how1' we cteld. hare get aWg. vhout t aietDC vf,thf carpet baioj ii and oBrje. Taey gave u new idaSIM' .an'utary raforma, d:e.l. 1 Usr.Mr JPotirjfee . asked that general e naanjbl be give 'hat hi aoU ti in that lb comnilH rart t the m lenjdiuonte ittw aatlejeto h obej, ieiabo.t-, waa Uka ap. T . Mr Tumor 4il 'tk.t gtbllam who hi .4 tie) haarA taarlvea had f jgbt V trak ia otlie'orier of budnae.'He bi id iacoaeut' to ; ruftbtl batter be di atft M ':whdftiTih gi atlemea fiodt' lmdVr (IlfCuamUi la a) who anoleg d. tW all ear af upt Judiciary by aaying th4 Jadgea had bean' amaJld'by.: pty ealam ad lice : iaatead of b Jng sustained ia the dLokawo 4 thair- dntiee ther tillwi lipadad W ivty waj, Ha lUr Ttfm) old any that alooa the eloie M toe war be bad never hnowi any Judge to be aaslld jwh'dtd to deeam . Bet tor. the imwtawioae ander wbi:' ht aeed be poaldtanya 'comat'.Ua to past' a'- toibwe ahtaw i Judge. lui &. prctue tti,,; a aW iPosjallialidi, a a ay-abovo- saiptetoa. Taair df etuoi bad jfeVf filled tt ire pralg, t hinhor v ned'itar aad railroa lit, ad the y4f,lh: m'Vtom!ttJf U'Wal ottort, Mr Tot net tHe argeed h n4.aaity of the piyaw'l orda.a c a a mkttar'of oeWwy, r I rm.faa ' nfy. Mr Too"g ! a'V hetri a aiagle liiod. eolld aid muviucii m raeM ad dced . jttyji Uo.obcr of Btrau 0juri JBUgr n ttiU ir reduceo. Mr Mit.iug,oI Casth. ta d that be failed ai arc waat tiiniUattat kf what 4eJ teen aaMHliJiI ukdef CHakteraAtoa.w lie bailed tha di- eirtloa wBld be c .liKd Urh: T:gU m'e limitt. Hrnn e.iflw ft . 'Mr Tourg aroa i ad p k i i ruler eaU.'a ipHheicf ,S4aggJ aaUy vatleaiea ItlhW devt'f.'; !MAta'Md;uat.''ah j.irl of What he bed honed was aata b a ttawe of wet) vindlcatiiM aad crimlnatroi awl rc-crimlson. He h nt, that .a etep would be put to tbU m4 the aaatter bi dmaamid .aa k tefitim way. - hlriltgr that there were aaaay geatk meh wisbed tu, b beard On thf aietter. '.' moved t p-iioee aad make apacial order for to-morrow at half, fast It aVIock. i , '"J jA J'-urod , I. w r" mmm hi V'tu. : ti 14 7'' f WUOU&AX CJkMlI I'ltlCES. OdrrectodbyF. C. (JIIRISTOPJJEIW, Market Square. n?"gi domestic 2 lb. Yard I3al4. UXton ties, 7aMc ..;t ripur, Morth Carolina, fSla? TJt " Cdn'sUOOaMO. i : - Onineal, tl.00. . Bacon, . C. hog round, 13aI, , .n f hams lCal7. n j.Wea. clear rib aidca, 13, - t, nay, N C, baled, good, tl.0Oatl ; ,;. Ctnckens, growa. ,oa30. EBga,15aai - ' ltottor, M C, tSaSO f If Y, 40aM;i.V Beeawax, 2Sa30. ' . Bsiavli..,'. t-.tt'm'UK.h :A smoi m svoi, nw, j j K ..' - 7 ,i-.V.it. 'taaaarwaiiane..........M.. w w ""Bark aaraMwinal lasanlao " A weak. 44 aejai, StnlmJa wjut to tt tfttJojatkM of ti the aaw mlnW J4 riiia-?a ai q-i l'f d deLmtloau ' coaiiatlai f rWrmtor7 Bruce, Bheciff Dirhararaa, 'oft atkJshal' obamtyi eCongieeauwA Howoy Hoere-vj tiry of State Dill, Chalrmaa Bepobtbo calSteU Comauitieti Waraar aaef Johl H. Warnar,XdiUcf h JJaTatokmJptir' KU arrived iWabJatoar- ewyeater ! dhrAad had am tatoryUw wlUt tnorrei pbot wfaklt laatad tUi )afUr o'clock. Heerepeot qoeationed aeM eevetwlyJ Bey egrjea thrt Varjwawlmty la iwWtv( eeaara, 1 . $. il are.f aaa. eae lmatk,k.Oi v S ' . 4 "i.lajWe, ia.au b -.;!je.ea;t " ;,ll.aif:--, W". f.o(1 io1 a a e.mty'asauliiit''' ti el ;mdnUarargw7 which aVMrded' HadatnA tattawJaanmea rww taav ntenniiet i" Hadaad Jatorfeieeica for the ptaaeiet htaaaMmaLThay repreaepted thoawwoi-i birofwnito aUimhlkaa m Miaaffcalppl U Aw.;uTbare la ne aaillhaty aandaawf taps . tha Jltate except he . White league-They are af the, opinio that " ri tvATthac troublea will oooar ha Mlaaie- slppi until tha Bcpablicaaa aiieaaptto ' Uld a meeting. Thea they apprehend Itich fathering will: be broken vp i Jadga Flempotit aaked why the ! Re-' pkbUenna did not organise and defend thcmaelrea f They replied they had no and -When they -canae In rwttk tha ' organized White ' thef fled before them. They stated that tha eorerelBnty oft MiasU- aibpl waa unable to protect Uaeli with A OBI ue BlU Ol vam uorinimeai, a uie trpope were not lent before the Novern-" r eiecuoai maay Hepuoncana wowu interfered With at tha poUa Ilerre' i mt aald he . adviaed mea to perfect ( m military orsaniaation to protect 3e people of the State tit their politi lrhjbhH aad advlaed the delowwttoa to return home and oonault with Amas , aiewt organizing for protection., rshouUl , thiey fail to do tola and further ' trouble ocfctrmd let him know;- Piertepentte " of opinion that no . Airther actiem. will taken upon Ames' requisition, lor bio Results op RrajaioDa Ex- crrEMatxi'. One of the aad feaulta of , ' excessive religioua excitement waa wit-' uut eyeniaz on too aorta u; A young girljlivlng 'ton JSast Indiana . , ,-, eat, near ( larK, bad devoted neraeii rclieioua exerclsea and readlnir nntil abje had become partially demented, and ' in, a terror of wnich ana t qeeaaod ptou - teal, she concluded that to the pure ia .. hevt all were pureJ and that therefore detber vrereenlya uMtmae'-wa&'n-'' tiiely auperflnooa to the rigbtoowaTbua believing; aba removed every artlclo of -raiment-frorn horperaoasmt ran out or the atreet. xrerore her absence irow tha house had been noticed 'abe had her war to Clark atreet, and' ed rapidly along that tnoroearhfare two oc the biocka before? any body muster .cowan to stop iher.v it ,; ia jhardly necessary to say that aha. waa jtlmobsenredofall whom she mot,' At lehgtb a man with more moral atamlaa "-' tnaa the rent atoppes aer ana warnea ' her to go home, fjberefesedtoetothia . however, and also declined to pot on a shawl offered her by a lady, aaylng to tte latter that aha weukt not be dcdlcd ! " by the touch of garments, and thai only the ainful needed covering; foe, heraelf , aha waa clothed with righteousness, and needed no outer habiliments man tnoae of tha word. - Although tbla may have bden convincing to the girl, it waa no tola policeman who came up, and he accordingly took her in charge and returned her to, her, home. t'kicay , JTKons. ' frtfa Bamkkvpt It estimated thnt ef the number who ' launch their barquei on the Btormy sea of com , merce, nine out of ten become Dana- Many tilings conspire to enact resolt Prominent amonar them la ' ring beyond your means," exhaust r vour financial atransth. So it ia in onnajuuttod, ceotact iacoee the phyeicalmarttpoaaeaaedofatrength, Md antlcipatlona-.of a - long lift, we lach oot ur thequeat 6TpleaaflBrasssi.:. 1 Wt live beyond our OteanUf ankeM nsnlns oor-oormtitotloaje by extraw ganee m emtiag aatdrinJdqsv by oV , regarding the , natural ; laws of nealtht . , Aad ere we are aware of it wo an bank- . ntpta to body Dyspepsia and Rheuma- , tiara, or liver eomplamt, or ahattered " ' bervea, or kidney disease or 'dropsy ' exhausts our pbyslcaJLcapital and we are unable to. meet .tha heary. drafta upon our constitution. But yow may , reaurne.' - Check your extravagance and by the aid of Tutt'a mils, your brokeu eoymtitutioa will ba raatoreal auad the . drkflaoa the exchequer of health will ; , never be dishonored. 'Wl3-Jw. , Aft YwmMB$m , HANSON'S CIRCtLATINO LtBAABr. .'all and auhscrlbe. Tow aaa rwmide roar sefr wltk resduic for the. whole rear at dnnmUooatat . , tliT Lptie-u XT OTIC. ' h BRAKBU'B BWoaawjre, -le-U ". -t .si . . v.; RaJeairii, M Sy vtrtoea a of Wake County, to Btlarioner, t will on aka County, to ne descriWd as Com" it on rrwai the JTUt aa of Bepi, next, at II o'clock m,l CrtUaenM door ia tha Uty of a IS O clock i m. aefi at the the loUowlna- described Bvxmrt le and lot & th CHy of UlelKh..Jnainded a v Mows, Bertnnltnr at the Bouih. Want corner ef jllarxett aad West Street iwaatew thnr lit faet Boath -wkk West Btreet, thanee West I to the R. O. S, JL, tbeaae North aritk KsU ei I.I 11 . 1 . " U. . . 4 with Barrett IHrvet to U.C brtioJn. I Csex tolaJngoa kalf aereawreoe less, being pom iisiiuiisit na.u Mary. r rarmsas naiet uae aautaaausniaari pay, l Side twelve aaooUiaartar Oavaf aatowBAv to-.,-i 4 Batot On IVBBOBtkafl toast from day of sale. , awgUtda v" Ml i Hi 7 . BarTeyor 24 J W klUker.

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