THE DAILY ,6Tl lWBSjmi If' HJlIlTAalTg2W.,,': i tats rmrnst jure tat dct. aaaMoneUme. , a. ,a..:2 JUuuBBa MIMWCf W.M jjmwo f Dally m attteaArajwj iwmiiv, ? CriiLa wS m u w 45 Weeny in n . . . , , .tvw "i I la 7! Th Pia IfHrtn ill he dell tats I Is .partesta cnt V fiWtt CHWfir art, lA00'r .11) ,.l " (j.wA; j "! BJJW K 1.: II wiT . ..j II-1 I. a. .l7 I A. A. ' IX-'-) S , a. , -"V V ( , .:tf iAit IT.J'I Ml., i T '! i .ri t 1 . i ' .f , '-l I i id I if i i ' i I ' I if ' . f tt 4 v lifter rMir5Yfi. izmrri, ,n. . .7lJ,.r.t..:..- r '''i":,v'". r:-r.r. M nfDvrrflRR. -. .-,?8t UNITS T ATM' tXHJlT.' Thistated WJ VtmCIretjlliai IM.triet Conrts Mr to Follows r - - , , laMed States Omit Conit-Iaetar. Die- trk-l of Hart Caruima--HHa- M NWI am Muoday m Ja aa that Monday to Be- Its Rale M h Boad.ClroaR Oowl4gf wdliiiw, BkiUmore. Ud., ,. . . ... , Ueo cm Uwtnet 1 reaMear. Kiinseta wty. a - H 4 KMHIieK. uram vow vicr ignnr. J(rtr , .A-l I'll n.i i ita;! iprt, ta-l. "'iwb,iCMd.f I. April deaee, Rale1 H. v -. 1 vr ' AntJetaat, wf A TornfcitateaaV W. . OIROtm tOCBb MMMOfc. n L U 8 CliebB tairt JW Batti- Robert r Wck, TJ B ttaM irra DMrict rwUeiitfc OnmanK ?. MA ' Robert M Vgugiiu, U S iianlud J xOct, (irmatbofo. - ' , ClraollaaMirtaUictCoarto hi ttaWajUn DlctrtetaikaUt MMMtiia. tirMaabore', ftrai kond? j la ADrilka4lt AUtotrflH tfcM kwa y la ?rfl aa4 Oa- CteribBiaiT 0 Oowk. ntlaaea, ill i .-'-' . ;!....' ArfKrrmL'fr Hf" -T . Monday In I aad C t !r. - VlrgO ll-UI i-wtrfct Atwraey. wal. AwUtao W 4 C -A" V I J Toang, CoQeeUir f owtk EI- ;t, ot faprif?'prj fepwWKW CaMOaa . ChM Perry, AnifUat SaaantMV.Salalck. MVta'Wi ni aaiauwiTiarwTj i'rfp ) Cartia II Brogitea, of WajriM, Govanw. ... . John B WrathTt yrtt luiata. a r, ' R r AmaeMmMML Utaaani 04mnm Mid Pi hliil at tk itaita,. . W II Howrtoa, of Rowaa, BttroUry of BUta. Itarkl A Jeakla, ol Outoo, Traaaarer, A D Jenkln. T nor. . .w- .... ... Donald W Bala, Chief Clerk.' -Jha Hrlllr, of CamberUad. Aadltor. , Win r WeliereO, C biff Clerk. I 8 D Poot of Craraa ' Saparfa aadMt erfkV lie ItwtrurUoa. toreliiwaaatot Wafc AdJataaA Owetat T L Harnofo. of OfuMrDW, AtC Oaorrtl., it W C Kerr, Xackleabanr, State Gaotogiit. . Tlio K Pr, pt Forirrth, LTbrarUa. , lljory M JWH. of : Waa Kaopor of ... k MtimoHI cooaeiiV " ' - " The wtiaUrrof gtaaa,' Ti uaoait1, Aadltar a Bapertntendent of Pabllc Iaetnatilga. , - ! ' tyu i .i.4 '. ' :! I-Wi ;! in 11: 11 of -limr '4 f'l 1 , It 1.. 't "! ! 'I'N '.- B't't if BOAKO OF EDUCATION. Thaaooaraart llaaiWnaat Oowon Urr of MmVi, TrMsurw Aadttor, Bprl oVmt of PvUk IaatMettoa aad AHoniejr tni toaatBaiatbeBtalo Board af KdacaUMK TbeOovan teadnrt 4 I he Board. The OoMnoc la PneMoat. aad tba BuMrta- teMlnrt mt rdbtfa IaHwctloa -UaawiUiy ECTKtSnt COCBT.J TIi' RIcbBoad M raraa, aiXadkAa, 0M i tiea, ' . . R4wln O Raada, of Feraoa, AiaorfaU Jnttlea. Wm B Bodajan.Beaafort, 1 i J.a2 W P Byaam, lfeekleabarg, " Taoiaaa Bettla, UalUord, " " TairwHl.llarfrofvM laaiffla, Wf aaT. Meeta la RaMi oa Jae tni, Moadayli Jaanarj aad iwmW?' Xf-. X J e ty llarrle, BoUcltor, tOelg. ' WAKK COUSTT OOViaKMINT. r ,iiiii 11 nrdnmnar J ftllm aua : Mfm Jlahe, 'A O Joan,' Waa Taraav Baperior Court Clerk fa H, 1 Haerlff 8 M MM. , - ' " Tuaannir nana bwir. RfrUtr of Deed-W W WWtfc Cotuaui !! MJemaaV rI 8rfam-ll 4 WJUlwrNT.(, , , , UMITID BTATU GOTKKM!fT. VlnHm i. Cfant, of Wlaota, FroaMeat. Hoary ViUixm, of Mm , V. rmMm " 1 BealMnla H rirtoUw, ai Kaotoaky, aeta VhlHam W. BelkaaJH at lotra, Bearatary of war. ., Uoor)ra. Kobeaoa, of KeW Jaraey, 6oaw TaZ)L of OakH Soetrtaryof tba Edwarfa Ptarrepoat, of Kaw Tark, Attor My Uoaaral 1 .'; i v" iumhaU JewaO, af Coaoartlcnt, foataiaa- terGoaawaL .-! .' i .' n -'J lifT- ('.& BUrSIHK COCKT OP TOT 1ft 4 Morrhwa R. Walto, of Oblo Chief JaMlea. Hihm Cllffoad. of Ma.. ; Aaaa Jaattoa. Noab ILBvavae, of O., Baaiadl P MuW, of la, j, st M IUpbM J. rlrtd, aiCat, .- " J I Coart MMeU Brat Moaday la Doeetttor, at WaablagtoB. fli a iww w-'x J .. "5if- ) , I .!' ;..,-jJ!'i S-'M 1t r l.v N. a KKPRXBCirTATIO!! W COKGRXSK Jt.ii.! ! if. H tniti. if a r ' 1 t . a UoHm. af Waka. v Hat, W. Baaaoat, af Nortkaaaplo ? ajocti 0v BBrajHawrArfm ; 14 DUtrkJ-ae.Taatafc 4 m AMadiltiD. bth AM Seataa. V v .l .'i T 7U WNli 'na. "trV, : Stb '- BobartBVaaM. " ' - n. 114 ' .a' 5' j i;;W'4fOT23C1 XayaoMa).BCuaar. n tt - ; i;i .Aljariaa Iflrrt WardJaaXllaKaft oai Anaairaar. II 4 BaataiUL .n,-(. Wu&-44 Jtowaa. W- aV waa. ;-irIioi-t? BUka, Wot C Mmwimb, B Ultntyr,4C B TWM4Wtrt-rT utuai '" " , "iu.i .. t roanapwaaa aiwaoaaaj jasaa)BjBaBBesssaaKaEsT ;JB IMMlrE Ullfiar-- 4$cbkf 8it IW H Ulk4 0'. . Tk araiba Of EaWlek tit. I " I- ftBtrf m bM proajptiy at'lbjoDol- IUB S ll fblt Taaiat al 'loak ? nkn aiBqr Ufo A lit ftfi lalSel Bf M U vartl C av4l kkJ JB aimbt jiy iUi M AaWyBeaBH W XfeUUlt ,tO- bacoooUtof DttbaUs bUMM m tlM CJL 8wmdet,-af tit sWUmkiirtai JrW, fid Ma'BIow, T the Oxfiwd -V iAtetftwlis baiot aarkmalr 4toK&t of bfBottM KMperi, wad fkll rrciti an Bpoetod bjr all wbocw afford theni. (Catbolfc) ehnrch wu in Fayatterfila Ual Sunday, but will b tbU poatnext ThB Kit CanMi tnNapt . BXriTB io thia eitj onTHdar pad Atop it th Tarbo rough 'ffwaie. They pper t Todt ff.ii . tat Hot. C. X: raTrtoh, BUI. BMtOt from OraSM oooaty, i speiU ywtertUy in tha dly, ad L5eft , for. hon f,il are&lng train ' ; - ( Th III T tha mW b Jan. lit U JTaKh' tOth 1871 tomltai from Ihli omc,ThtiwllTUQalwWbTOTra4(r)U wDI pi return butanta. . ' popol ar dert: of tba i V. & Clrwlt Coart, aababMB4frenbia'offic'ar jrtlIaffli'a ftepMilr, 7lBli eOQBtjr ' J-spAffA J .tvU St 'tJ 1! j'WainaB, Jfiddletoo Leach, ex pert to fear aboat th iat of October, lor w YoronB tripof BJnfd bna-; taUfr and pleaanre. Tha pleaaar being tha fttendlng sof th toom Farkrac, 6r aeeU are again' allW with' i4bofl bringing hi cotton. TMUrday trai on hundred and twenty haka receired fat thla ; market and th taOodVfln ean by thla E icing will, U h eald, ,b BwnaW iew Caatnreataor airprajachtog 1 8tate fall TIoftWlhaTlutfrwOirt,000 pnraei will, H II ;ald, ; W;;heWr tope) vdhiailB eo ,uki lacing. 1. the grMt attraction to a'. larga majority of Al th regular meetint of Ukhmaa ,' I. O. T., last Teniag, mw St. IhtmaarOB tha pari : of lh bers At KSkkmaa & and Bethel piwaented V. B. Erooghtoo, Eaqf, 6. w;in:wtA'arteBtlfBl ra galiA. - ' r ' Id the report or tha 'Trocedlttge of th pmyenUonyeiterdayw gaTi'lfr. JOrby credit for th resolution to aaaend ee tr.arti, bpwridlngthathowhlto child fhall b apprenticed to pereona of eoldr. llr.ralon,ort8ainpaoaf waa the trodocerofthareaoluUon. : Th next aeaalon of th Baietgh A- lOclAtlow of th Baptiet church r will b hel4 ai Carey,4 eight mneaMTomv thla dtyi UgunlngThorsday befor th4th Sunday in next .month, Jul pertona who contemplate attending AT reqaeaV ad to notify A D. jBTack wood, of Carey, to hat accommodationa may ba pro Tided Bw inafJWVP?n"?)ni m RAjSiSj The Wemphla AdtoetU of th 17th Inat1,' contain th following marriage notk I H dZ'- r4 I- ' like Elixabeth Aahe, daughter of Vr'. h. M. : Aahe, and Mr. T.- Boan Waring were married yeaterday noon at th realdenca ofth parenteoTthebrWe, on Second atreet. Th . happy I coupl left by Uie noon train for Sard!, Wn." Mr. Warln waa aom yara a reai- dent of thla city, and haa manyfilanda bare who wiah him treat happinenin , yua War r-7 neaMaf, ana wa- jmh aVMordhiance. nowirj tie mvm ten 14 day and U euU fceage. rJ rart af thd At- net'C- ctLsutgina propoaiuoa lo rsssoiaaa dlajhUltioa of lata Bac&! Coreraor oLWat, mbA f 4l oaa Uqb from PiU coadtr. who ha been day, brtagmc thy jwwg bl fcdeata to reaea InaUlute, which open It as-marrfv.,, yuu a awga num- ' wapito ajw alraady rriTlag.i i i i , ii 1 1 i it , y and -AaC-kMwa iua 4 of Dm- 'Oraai eonatj. .waa-fcaad thi is awpaadad freei th bed-poet la hUroofB. Lift waa oxilaet when hi wee diakrabad. ThA aaaA ofhb daaih era 04 baalU .thai $d MUlaral tW maay yean, which' had aerie a1y laml iiamlad. Bwaaa iatlatabl attt aat,: iiataai IbaUy aad Jargclflaef t aeptahl kiodrad a aaaers kia aad aa a0aalyd.'M'' . a-nN.-w ScaooAv CoauuTTBawTha achool commltto of Baleigh towaafalp mat yeaterday Tnlng at CoU A,'1' W. Shao-oc'a, 0a moHob tf ILl V. GO bert,CoLEhafferwM elected chairman and) 0. Hunter, Jr., dark . aira, K. B flood and If In OHyIa Starr applied fi KMltloa a teachor la th tad f7ard achboV llr TnrentiM argod th aatah- UaUnent "xt agrad4 BehooL Th committee then adjodrned to meet ai t3 o'clock Friday Yttxlng fa Bqulre Jfagnla'A offlo. J-4 . ifc-W, ti40Bl6ltfalIBAI kadwlg th eonrtoty of, card ofad- mh) doa into tha. , SteK - CiuharlaBd aoo itt and Roanoke and Tar Blref Jg rka tan! Fair. . The Aral eoamaaBMa Octir lftb, and ..cIoaea .-oa thekfternooo of the loth.7 .The Oaa berknd county ralrcommeno at Fay ettoVnie, Nor., 16th, and clooea on th 19tii The .Biwaok and Tar Biter conjmfiriHia at Weldon, Oct, tCth, and eloajM an lh tha tfthi-r .J .ft- iaMA.t- Wo hope thai ail of the , ralra will wlthwicceaa, Th premium llato are liberal and tn prognunaiea aHrac- -e nusa of Boa, Bbkbt MqbdboaX. WUhlncere , regret, i wa announc th death of thla well kno wn and highly rMjtected gfinaeman.. JSA died, at tea mlnkte bet I o'clock thi efimeaa aABdrttat aaya ormtcaa lufferifig: C WaA, elActod to thA (legUUiar frfitt Wake oouny, to 1854, on -4lto.laato ticket, beating Boa. Kemp P. Ja .yvvg and halamdt aad at wOb he miaaed. not onlbj-hia hnmodl. lenda. hut H Bj lArrt, icUaa Jrtw haTiteyearabeea th iwdpatat of hia tloaa.' Utt Dually bbt ta lytnpathy of oat entire couwmi (heir haveaTawahji..lMi inr toMuHiaAaT-Uadr thie ha- Wg h BAWby Aerera, o( Beo. II, eay t M'll Ita -1 A ,,f0 !" ' ' held tar Baelby th awadMta of thai haiiy pMd aabetaaUally th for- I, aa WWW w M.wjJ naji th fexawaity Wd Blah alarU to reaUt Rrr. L. P. Barkbaad. D. awai th. Bbalby platrlot. Ha Pfaildlrg EldK ead , pUo bjaai to cWge of the, Xdeatoa ftaaat M. F. Ckanh fa Baldgh rat 4 tojil llaaodlata, WaebatrfaJlf be- oairece in law.BBaaeairfc,..,, -kt' ItooML Th we tok ihw ooeaaiaa te ixpmaeur high appncUtie of Dr. BorkkeedV tp bHfty aad hi aa awatTlrc Bdami ta eoaaactiof apu- iuai, iatareato of the ehatoh toaack a wat a BNated heat al.atd to pro mote Art port laetieg proaparlt." km I r mrannDrtina .-v I If publbh to-day a ' common icailon from a friend in Oranylll county In to gtprd to th proper mod of , keeping up tha public roada. Dur friend h la fkror of doing thia by taxation M the. pr ant aysteni (If ayatem It can he callod) haa totally faSed,' we ar hot prepared to agre wiOi our friend aa to the propo alboa of a direct tax. hat th wretched eooaltloa,all through tha winter, af the roada in . thi and other parte of. the Bteto from Which; , we ,hare heard, la proof that the preeent law hi regard to tha nutter amounte ta nothing , at all. We ar not rrepared to any what would b a1, proper and aatla&ctory 'remedy for the tU. It may b that our Graa tM friend la rU In hia adrocacy of a direct tax. ' The coainiunlcatioB to well worth reAi - - .- f ,,r-. .tl,jlli' lllllifi ) .1 L Siir. kf 10 B, avltojrrealoe4 eaSed tha Cooyentioa loarderi .au.i Pryeif f BeTfK'Kefr; af lhetr oamai of yeaterday r, mrt; Andu J red. ; .- tfiiuil iiafi ,lfl lfa' r, rmna waa- antiounced,1 al" beth OtVUOMM A a ta a a '' . KdODopar:B9U) annouaceaiaAheiBg oeaonea io au room oy u;ne ;v r, Beimeti; ntha, rmt(Aa thd XBdkMiSvnar auhttltat for yartoaa propoalUooa In ran gard to the retldenci of Jwlgee, 4c, aad.' offered A auba'UtuU' " tberelbVpro ig that Judgea at all reaide in .th dktrkte for which (hey are'eWtod, hat thill rotate In taeWrcBua:'! r. Barhani fron.iito'Conunitte on Eereutt, Taxatioa and PabDc Debt, made aaadrera report oa; raenal or- aiiwicca, amoog wiucu waa two to pew Tide that th poblic hlghwara akaU be kept up by unmtioa''v.:t M4, omv Mr. Boberta, of Gat A, from the Com- mlUee on JEnroDe JfSjM, reported the enroll ment of MreraJ oruia ocei.l ,v. ,Thlbnowtog'iaeok nancea were tatredoced aa4, appptpcl- ateldUpoaodofl Br Mr. Bennett i An ordinance Aa amend art x, by aa aMaonal, feettoaj that ahould Ckngreaa propose an Amend ment to the ContUluUon of the iTnitod State no OoorantkM' or CMaeral Aa aemWyoftbJa SUtaraian act on It, ax cepji It waa choaen after' the . preaent tua or aau araeaflmeat iaaicit; . By Mr. Elridalr i A ordinance to Amend aee 'lt, art ll. TWa re&ulrei lnmatea In the chantAhlf natitntiooa to pay fhelrexpaaaiA whoa able to do aa ptr dim of th .! ConTention waa takla ttp aa thi trnflnUbed hoalneae of ytotrday. vi(,;(.r v'jv5'i 3 Bobbin withdrew hi. jaoUoa to itapaxial'ordet for Taeaday." . V . Withera "offered- a' rtbatltate glrtig 4b iCoayen the aanu jair and mTeage af that grrcn to the" thja eroTnaaeo IratiffiByl 'd : fs-'.'Sj- -""'-Silt A tI'As'.5K' , Durham called the preriooi qaea- i Tha'yea aad aay' ware ealted andthe prrrioua queation waii (Mred bya rot of yea 74,' aaya 18.. :'4 The queation recurved erf UUTaabati goffered bfVulierB. The yea. Aad aaya weri; can4 .Aad:4A Aabatl tate' wu adopted by a fotayeaAi 7t a4X,'":-s.;' 'j:,t:j?l:m& fVBt 1 1 p queation Biea 'recurred; upon the Wane aa amende by the aauaUr .attd itt paaaad it aaeond reading ft a vote of yea 77, aaya 19, 4 un roouon w aar, vw we ftrf; aapnded nd . th ordinance paaaei Ua third ading;i 4 t w (' Pf Mr. Coleman t An prdlnaaoa: to Amend ait 6, prVidmgix inontha res- .. ' J . i ".I.-1' IB (owif Mr.yvwaaii. aw ao peraoa who, einc danv in iooo, naa WcMTTcjtodZr tnaaoa, pwjary, ay or any other crime, tnaunout bylwactliteBtte At tU term ofth eon rnluloa thereof; or of jborrupfioa or of a l-praetlce la afBoe, ahall ba aligt- JSfVHt aamef Jordiaaace waraead lVrTUlng tl .dln' catlw. of oiScetf .1 aitthg ta IhaCaaaaral AeenenUr, ahall not exteivltoTruatoeA of the XTmTcr- altyj ar to aaypeaoa holding aa office or place to whim noeompenaauoa . av tacaaoV' .fs aAara Tha tBtida to defln th dutiea of tae vommute on Berarioa, waa- wucen BpaWpaaaedita third raading.i The ordmamj to amend art 4J atrik- ingSout0, 'waa takea ap on It third Wawjlfny ..J '": '' '''", -,' ! Thaaecboa read aa foBowl : Sec. . There hH be two tcrma of th Suprehu court held at Jth aeat of ovwrnmntf it2to .Btota ach- yar eommenemgaa th Brat Moaday la January, and flret Monday la Jane, aad continuing io long aa the pubQo' mtcr est4 may rulra.'.',. ,.;g. t ;lfr.4ATery offered a raWtata for the aectioa propooed ta be atrkkaa out, thai the terma af the Supreme Court ahall be h the cl?y of Ealelghai hereto fore, antll changed by law. The' yea aad bbt were called and the aubetitute waa adopted by a vota of yea A, &Ay ; llr. Durham caUad the pniioaa que tloa. The call waa auatained. ' ( 1 V Tha qaeatloa theit marred oa the propoaiSoa oa It third reading a amended. The yea and , nayA were ealledaadUpaAaedbyaToto of yea 65,eArir7, ,ttl- lei ofw: Wi ' floldca..1 reporter 'id- Yenely npoa by the1 CommJe 'ta Iho Juliclai lptment,''tja ux ipeuai oruer 01 in now,, jz m. , jii'Tir. Lnn iiiLriMiurpr m uia or. :e, took the floor to. ! adrocacy 0 oramance aeapite t tn uniATOraDie wi of the Committee. ne"cont!noed to loyiengui ' la'. wifnudthat" (hi lure anould be Adopted aa a matief Agnammlty, Justice aad lilxucaJity. thought that the Legislator had the r to paruon m uua, BMtter, nut d. 1 aB doubt thla ConTention bad thi right' toparJoa. '1 the.courK,' qf hil argument he UlS thai th reitrijfUcne unpoaea uppqfUu ConrenUon were binding in the forum1 of the ' conscience but not by ' any law or precedent lit the StaW of North Carolina, ' nwent on uten 10 amie mat uua orainance was notleglalatlre in It character within uio-mvauiug wi un Rgincwiiat -rB1' ; htr Buid followed llr Badger, B did aot think, that aadu thmtriUoa,'a dar'whictt the , noareatloa w aetltg, .1 ) i a. - ' .l-.r ' " that t tis brdiaaao ool he passed. Be to a trsa wlih Vr Badger e this phi. II bald that at otdlaanod wu preparing to give the General Assembly power f oa la Basil' r 01 uia Bieo, , , r'ltAiBlng'V Cbatham, Te behalf of ml Cbairmaa of tie Committee oa tbsljaJ'ciaf iWrtment. Qlt BenDetU said that' that commlitte wer4 ' asaa, pons la ike'ttpintoa that this ordiasoce wsvoT A leglBlstlTe Cbsrsctsr aad could aotlb paawd ' by thla CoarenlfoB." B woV' tfedfy lapport "A meAeoW'e smebd th Oftestltatloa so a to ait ire-' iaf la eisei such th's ordlnaooe'pr- McCorkl iirpporud lh report ol It tea, - B thought th ordla- legkilatlt la its ebaiseter aad at the prottcce Of this Contentloa fo Mr dvery oftoed sabstltote' pFtid- lag ithat ao penoa, who hU L'bea, or kerehfUr may be, coailcte 1 6i i trial of kapachmtat,1 shsll be paidoMd;' aoltss k bill to paMoe loeh ptsoD shalf hat A UagieAwV'B?MM( f! 'Ue wboi'' Bamber 'of thmembm of' each hly,w' ahall aay peraoa so lootleted be pAidoaad iaol at yean ahall hare etapied after saeh ooorictioff. ' ' ! Bfr tavyed thrtfreoc of both -A Moeikate aad the orrgtaal prop siaon to lit r mmittte oa th Execattt W-! partairaf. ..riaj ! J 1'itK-' nj Cklmberl' fi Supported th' Md B thnagk thCoct(latt' fikd A right io pass ft,' ." . M Keg, of IacV, thought th roa- mooa" had a right to past the ordlaane ai da. therefeit, la fator of if.-';--; Toarge Wts Id fator of th; odU t' H i anrori war of th head and aot if th kMtt.- Boldsa ff irti U put down U suktnr wr l.odahlA .V.o II thW wet outsU AI th lit'.! fei ws Srst 'of th optaioa that th Cttotioa had ao power to p v tt nsaoe, bat after InraMigatloaJia'a'Otth optaioa that tke Coareattoa had the rarat ' He didat thlak llat ' . 1 .1 . -. - - -. - aa eaanar euaHi.aiw a coaia imuui m CoaWatioa, It ,wa aot iho? tie for thi! Uoaveatto to agh llo1y the I set abkb ibis rdiaaaor !! aeon .tatoaarAaai' i,;.-f--tt t xt likdU i turtl er dabal th CoaVeOtloA 'adj Aaraed' aattftoaMav'-it Waiawgfe-' 1 'HI ) 'I .,'.. J . . .?.diia htrrfOLESALX cash Piticiis. . , cechar.'c.' cBXKronrerts, Badly AuilaedV 01 tery dirty ' v Cloaaedatalnad, or ordinary iOall' 0Kjd ordinary, ',rt 1 i . ' ltalf jjow auiiaungra 12 " ) ,i'v OKMKaAI. , MABKBT . -1 Leather, pole, -7030, f.,v :j .y.. P!2ei,, S!5Bl io itt; iU ou2: raggtegt oVaitl.BVTi CoUon tlca, 6aSicT ; , Jut.o, Fir,Sor vom, WUW ,-t, s.v :.'.. Com meal, 11.00. . . Baoon,X.C.nogirou-r:ij. - Mj.-ii .'.nams soiaii vii" !il W.clearribaito;iA4il. a- Fodder. aew 1jOQ,e izlk-b lr Hay, n C, baled, frooo, ixwai.,". Chickens, crown, amzt !4 ? XggA,l fitter, 21 C, tia20 i ,K Y, 40a50.Woi Beeawax, gpaw,r,A j rxii (M) .tn Bags, S -IvT't. ' aifiHiTVA ce.-.t Beef, oa fooitaB i,r ,tMu: w wi .rdreessed prim, Wlf 6 a-1 rjeary copper, per pound, ICcnar iT'I Light ,.(,:'? ,--t fi jtUc.3 jJ4 ff Brass, per pound, lOc? t r .nw'lv M, long C B aide, lj ito i jr . . ) kes 17. t, i t t:j ' Coffee, prim luo, 23, , c. ! common, M.i;a t'S. '-'l ux Fyrupi Sll M j 8. t i-!, i s.i lolaaaea, VBiAbW.ft..vrtj yj.-j j.-?r r ; ttortnance' to romote WA dtkal ;Tira ,IlAxAtfrT-lt is toliiaatbd'f i . thit f. tha aomber who lattncli theirA 11 jueo rm Xhetormy.aeaj of. eaatniieq rux anyUig,5optpjre4 Jojffct.,, tb)a result iVominent among thrm ijjfop Jour, moana,'? BsbAafty'. IA physical mart, possessed of strength and anticipations of a long life, V laoritf. ta ArbestWrUoh? 1 lit Wm 1 beym4 our mean4 : U&&f , 4 Bating and drinking I'ajr afciT ... .1.'. ...i.fe Llit 11 jtgalaiaguw'fmiarar law ueaiun apl ere we are aware of it w ar tatai rajtA m lody-rsperaUBhanaiaf tiK or tttM xmpla o jbaUeredi i nptte, or kidney. disease oe .dropsy i!. exhauaU ,onr phjslcal , eapltal amjj we . araj m'x meet the heaty x draJU lt . w upon ".oar, Xonstitutlonr Butyou, may,. (f1 rubmCheck jour extraragMce and . ,fl by the aid of Tutt'a JTSlaj your broken r1 .,, eonsUtotlon will be restore I. and the draft on the exchequer It health will T nalbedUhbnorei' ! f wli-ft! d;jrEW ADYERTISEMENT3, ,; ' AlfMOUSCEMEJiT. iwT 4-f XJaA' "tai 'Ha-!! .H aWt i - Tha KB Canon Dramatic Combination will , aot, on account of tba trains not eonuortinc ' te ttisa, appear bar anttt ; (,n! .! ,hO ..,,U FRIDAY AVD 8ATVKDAT KIGI1T9, Mth ! r -iT ANDSGTU. . . But wlU theu appear wltliont ffl. - ; ; A .SOpiSS-jft. . '.-I !l C:i. pi !li.-9!t !!! Oa Batardar the . Aad iof Oetobar.i IS m.. by virtue of a mortgue executed to , aaa by wm. Gari Brown. 1 will aeU at7 the ' 1 ' eouttkouaa door la BalebjkA l- aerea of ' 1 buiit adlololac the lands of tba lata John O'Korke, Oakwaod ) Coaaetery aaaV laad ;" foriaarly belonging to Bryaa Grimaa; and . . i alao lot No. 188 fa the nlan of the cltr of Ital- elchl adjotniaf Mr lL- W. MUbw'a lotoo s . Newbern. B'oodworth and Eden ton Streets. I a n wrwviia 1 tl' : fl f 11 Iff - aptfl-t i " - f-- ' ff 0 It E R ;i H A ' L B ,! 1 aoi ait'i .u,!v. j , jv rtffc!.. n , 1 twro rights; ON I. TflJ r Grand d Onenler of ' tha Dramatie Brasrm THUR8DAT and- FRIDAY. Kreulng :-j8epteiabar 83rd and Mth t875,' i"1 Will appear la tb ' beautiful 4 Act Drams ,. v. 'aTHE GBINGO.i 1 t 1 itiBiwii,' -'irt 6Aitsq; ktlD BT TITE PULt1 AND TAt-'d l i loot Resarrad Beat will oommonaa at Carmen Drag Store, Sept. 18. Reterred, ,., Saatb 1.00. General Admluloa 75 ceuta ; GsllarylOe. -- - , For partkUars as rYotfama , .. 1 h iAu.-- -.-.IS H .a. win. nvL, naun atsnanr, ;,,4 Gso W IlABOiao. Ailrauce Agent , SeMlMA-Sl-ea F.mfG, upf 'OBirE,CAOUNAM , jd ;t" j-r! 'Kilt'f'-'i V.i'f:. 'II ( 11. r. 21 'i ttLl-u f: w.i w 1,- ... - - ' t - 1 DRY ! OOODO: 1 a Nbs. SM Baltimore and t Korth Liberty Bth , . . T. V. Jobt W.X B. Cajuuta. kitmumi i. j jniiaatiw. IT p . i '. "".i - 1111 - - Ar rnvKJiTrosr. iJ awanC I haraew haaa atroral Books taaV woald be " " sarOaable to yon while making new Ouuati' tatlpa. Call and examine them. t "i vHPCTT-i'Ht'HiliU ilLl'iltl tun: .t ill ;, jarrj asy Bunaar esorpwai pev hours of 5 a. m. and p. to. at ' twera tke. ' t W.I.At.UfW Just Received the Largest and Cheap- l; .. . est lotpf ... t vROOTsf AKD BflOBSJMi'ya'ui- Err brought to this ctty.f , ( , CuaSMnarswao haw been Tnltto forth ) bane come, Jl . i I W. U, C . B. 1 VlfM l JJ! j .t 13-U .. - .- - ' '-' - .-' ....I J' gAKBOVfl CIRGbhATINQJJBRARYo A anbteribe. 1 to ran nrorU year1' u attth. Madlna for tha wbula areas at a k " " . -, i .. . ( iBKAPava'B aowiaioFa, "ti akA 1A ,i,fl.g ; y i iitela1ga,Mft 'Actl iri Lead aedDistrlori Ateabi wlthi duect coo tracts lor toe fena Atutuai UK t laiursnoa ftuof Philadelphia, for M. C ' , - yfAdnaa. ;- ; W. tt. WNOT1.V ' f ' W. H. FINUB, to kaay SMf fr Oeal Ka ' tOOX AT TBI rXICX3 1 ' Just arrind 8.000 tarda 4 4 Bleached domestic at 10 ad IS etnte pef tard. , , ' . .A. CRXECITB ' ft 'If- Pur f a 1 is m h: m ? ' J ... - '. v '"- ''. .. b-.d 5 iu Hi-'. rr 'j? H V" M'IijV MU ... .' mi.: Hj: i 17. . ! : a. f i Itia mAinmonial liS). t

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