n , : ' - ... - tii in i ., ' . ' -i i ... - . 7f!!T7 JTiiM V ' 1 -r - ' -4 .... I H tun. rrt-.r aztx tzzHnzzvrT I Bill . jrnOiT aStkalwiaOWtor STATE primtii rty riHRjHO H'stf trsTABLi:,;;:C;;T. Una taw eSa.a-aa..w. ft W" 1 iJT'l ,X Xr4A.U .tlt esa SSaa a weaS.w .. ww,twii a,M" I ymrta ad tease brwA owl Ut nhoI i 4 n outi Tea ! fa ma. wui hhnni a li'i-t w pT ft trrt-sn n per r T ' - mill'- '- T HAUL'S- mgmm tor taker hwfhieliiav iti MtiKi Trk7 km Itetam.toahew Ihoaa UjlMr flOM. . tittle old !erreea?and AWiM tfce, kitdret. a fJ TiliiiiM Tana Im "af the eDaaty.k-hjfhe hoaaV a. eyr tuB' ' I.) m fee te4jraaee eut y-tt n t ye ' ?. ffiSlM t. tltotwaftajftoa; NUw rn(j-(Uk peeler wm'&U-fcMdt-) aM itui "Ji Me" went lneTvhanred wr the M DlHWaUMrUMl lightaiajl time a? the sfclewaJkof Fayi-tWine atfeot fade eflernoo, aTiwing tiling goomOyMWMHbL .Ifcrneaty wagon iiif . nhpMU R kwoad, ooaWthe nt tuciaUfJ the (rate. "Gf. i. J, I - -A "A M I Ur with koaoria tbuiUig ioona of tbo aiaiea. 8poakar v Tt Norfolk (VjuLImmIouuIc, of Urt. njtff . A. jlcmn, of BU tkrpnM af kla state rarrivwl ker Uut iHMiyWiiiil HBn Bili1."nit ; fadkk'fe ra frwk far Teil 4yt flU a, uuicer AmkiM iii Um ceoter,' Um tnoUten it ml MTmag tbf .boUnloJ tretMtrw ia ' Tha rhwWtta Dcmoimt, of Oct. 4 rtf Tkeri krtfJJOOO InJWtmcnti hrtkflfftk irior ooart.ackkMt prh MM,kr mm Mjmnt of noli taxes. ioImmiUI ho .pqriued. b, .U tb ??N jtl4NMlit:tf) ft" WjfakbwMli etotkiBrotaf. Ho keqM o fja MbiSnf'or tWk, oaatuwn ooi Mttoooostayprfntaolvotaj likdMrwoitt -nnmwH B ITWITOijBui-.K. v1.M..,.m..5Wi. , . Prtooj okwm M tho cbeoneok", ltfL roo& t.l:ir4 h fiUi s;h.' f.s:. In' ",1'; CooMnonUm oo Uto BouUool'f oo cpuBt oflbo UmQcsI rowJTiwa ,,k tt coavomtkm lootTkonday, tkt Ckor lotto DeoMcnd Mtji ' "If Um NtpoetaMo ojtoodmea f,tke: oonrenUon did tketr duty, ororj nieabor el tho body ,wko oood la tbo dlsgroeoM ittemit . to okatnict bwiooM woM - bo ox pol)od.M, -1 , :t - iTr J 't'VuiAAairijoojaMk uMtiiigof tbo ttoord of mldoXMft will bo koUFri - Ofooing to rooeim tho tcporlof tbo : tiyWiiilMoo oppoiniod to inWigste tb tit ftnimccontl debt '" Sonio cLonffo of ordinoaoo ia reUtioo to tho UfO doiV tC 'Tabiw, or Aaoss. A omo la tbo ' kwnror'o oomrt -4bJo iaofBsootabttriioi tbo out tboi k oosto S3 to coll neighbor d-4 bW fa IUWgk; ood, if ho r ' ibyoBUauioaltwSabbok ooa or t-,? fho flgnroo ore flO And ' foooT 'At ibwo nle U o dMoper to be oWl la tbo aoB of "tbo onrnly neuter.' . e Curiam BcoAn. Two, oolorod goa tloBMO, Antbonjf Cook oad Jobn-(hia otker aooM'o bo BMtter-bod olight 'hauititan: itikniTe hot night. ha balow tbo forQor'o BMOoko. Tbo womtt zm C I Juln'i ooantentaeo kwka iAJ U U II i.. 1 - -- t.J . . mm m mm uw uo luKwim auv .Mp of Y:zlx h-H nrr ooa cf iU diZy ' uikjI! f fa iidmmied torturing w laaaaBB nrO i o.'a fc oS5aai " Ooino AaaViKTho wtOl-kaowii bnikV Ihrmof WiUxm k Woddill,boimt CuL ' Hock'l ologuit rorittouce w (bio vitf t ot oitamdvoty oagogM to da Wg to tbo' .uoVenurtit. ot. tbio'pozt 4 tbo oUUvTThj oro. now iniilding o liotto fdo7M.Ni JHf ia, Abv mnnoa Ouautv. wbieb fat toko tbtt invvii, w iw "nig r ' oikutiuu to Umgliotn msum oouicr, W4ilUi.!, 8U M l.VfH m hotel and booibnaiO woiibw lot i win tOn ii ml 1 jmttjlfl.il o pnaaiiU antl galkatljr ftcialmed : b It nievdcriit coIUuo gooooi iJk ao noWor UUv - goooe k warld.' A itoomo ' wm Morod ia lerUl Home, m her : own Vroua gold eagle. A goooo araa a ; denaKgodf , where Cleero and Cato wort oalj oona lonMTlaaU tko teaka of EngUak lit. otaiuro,' Motber Goooo and Eihakeapeaxo land int and tbreiaoVand only bo 'ktbaIkle;;,twiko t tbo tigb Mt ombloia of nwdora Aaioriean atatco Maoablp: aad ready Smmt1 Vfaas al- wayf Uen "regardedM tUa porfocaoaqf wU."t&ooaaeJ that gooao ad mart Hrcauo Snart. Mayor 'ilttulj tie- afrVjit, eqliiBMni4UQa bii oflkvito fitt our principal ln'.J mKUraijt! lie Iiaa amiigod tohavo tbe city furuiah tbo atone urfboiowjf at)d Ittvel it, il i taw'oioaaloug tbe atroota will firninb am to banl it O Martin JlilJootlotilia ,-aatl Wil- okiugtuur- tbo CitioMM' Natioual bank baa batited 179 looJs ; Geo. BtroitaAb; W kV'iaa A. U. To-PK 16 koda. Thootber mercbauU alonf the pro pboo to finiab it Tbo KaWgh Niatiooal atatt&ftf ?T'tWwI UuWhAv pr.mi-d to do"Tj4r pwft Whnprovo f ayeUotilk) aiU DucgoU alreeta. It iw tiiul ooemi M bike wrth?a Nwrf llmfwHiao oat.V tenodt tim auJ tl WrfW nuitr, wbeuMtfty:ttirofroa tbo coat ... urn 'off T'--"HI-t.." ' f da. i -a. jf. : jnarumr, oa Tinnr,w tlonaont rrnwoted "all gonUemen'on the mLLL a- a-i.1 't.-; L" 1 JA a .1 ' " iiyw to i? iuCjit fWHJt r jrewo Wi lobby," ao tW.bo, oonld rprooeed with tkW aoaat meolor,- tbo'IUdioal dele gatofroa. Fora' rooa 'andaiidtbftl tbxo gendetnett bad. beoa" WTiteif to aoaio; on tle floor, and tboi poo of tbetn, boiafaiBMnbortOf tbo proaent logbdO biro, bad a right kko.fFioOojl tk.tealark'oftbo cbaktnau Jiwte pna to thorn, and ntiboootning tbodif nityof bia poaitiOn an4 of W body Vw iaoiadoaar'. '"'j!': p:- iln the ailernumSIr. Unou, lraomt, Naah onimty, aafcod. tbo attentkm of a rcrMtion ' for1 fow' atotnohta and HSlha yoang gontlemon who wre in tbo bail tbia aaonting at tho naao thoobair mk that tho ball bo etoared. IwtMtim tojMr tkat.tlioj typreiaatel tho mative of tea cuairnum and enaorae hie eonrso ; tuey took Bootaos st.lt.; totally J!vp, novo the oonrae of the. gentleman (rota Foraytlvnd : regrof 'osooedfaigly 1 that anoniu naYOpeea uto ap or auy to lull of ramota of an approaching odding In wbkh ' oat of her fkiroat kugbtera waa to play ja, unlnjporUut tkri.C"Al a'ctack tbia aaoraiag; ia Chriot church, the tveat occurred. Lovo found fruition and kopa waa realized hi tkonvarciage of Isaac F. Dorttb.ofGokle- bbrov and If lee Lacy, yoongeftt'fdiogb' terofThM!XK nogg, of thte cU,, The akeadanta ware Alez. Loadon. of Wi niiagtoa, and , Miaa Oorinne Dortck Rad. Uet,' of . BeauTort, ,tndf j Mi. Sattie Crimea; ibberwood Uaywod and Miaa Keilio Johnson; Abram gniodee.of CWdaboro, and Mis Nannie Grimes'. Tha cburcli waa" crowded .withlnehds of tho young pair who thus pledge thel Uvea to each other. . : Tbo beautiful eer. eaoooy of the Episcopal j-hurch ; 'wit gracefully and ImpreaslTelirj-ei formed by Eot, W. kf. Marshall, IXD And attended by the prayers and good-wisbea of a legion of s relatlvea ' and '. alncere friends, the . young husband , and wife started on a Nortbera tour. . Surelr, if ere a Hatch Was 'made ia', heaten,w tbia was one of celestial manufactured A bride young, fair, aoconapiisbed aad amiable, a farorite of all who know her; and a bridegroom, talented, ambitions, already a man of mark In his profusions and both abundantly . bleasod withal) tbo adrantagea of fortune and poult ion, and more than all blessed In each Otter and each Oder's lote. X!ay the sunset of their wedJed life be ss calmly happy, as la aw..ipg ia rJ.Ua,l a& I been RAf .FaTOHr ITrrtti DNE3DAYrOC3ITOB THE OOXSTITUTIOiL ji . f m-.1 1. ,n.Vst") (As tiMWJuWutiou wa atQl'ln aeol)n yMorday oreiung wba wo wont to pro wo now give the wa of cko'pniooodanga : . . .,ra'i J:'i0btae&! i At 4 o'clock UmV r'lWi' lb-J tfc '4pweutioa to orik i ' The nnnuisbed bnafttma of U tnonting s4o wtioruiaeiL" ' r'mJ , I The question nnrrad on Mr. lladMtr'll tiotk W-fOOOtatida tkvU brwliW tko ordinaaoo to atrik owt aaotioae 1ft, US and UpaawJaoii to auto taoiaotlaa the apwoiaf order for toewnoa as 11 Kali us. itenoa mowaa at ajjonm. m This aiottoa imngnrated aaotbitdiB' ohlcirlT aoooe of. fiiibuittiiiff o the part jf the Bepubliaaaa .411 eorta tif.lnale. mtmotioaweaf tnado: aad appoals taken from tbedVcasion of tho clu ir, on which the yoas and nays wtp dtitaaaded aiid eaUed. . Hcoreaof friwlooa pointe of drdor were raised aad debated in the most dfeonleriy manner dfopite the eitiirU of tkepnaiaoBt to preaurre. the:deoornaof tko body. B.f( f -..' .! y-.-X r After tbo fRmfaakia,'' whiob toaodat leaet ball an hour, had snOoiontly snb 4dod to, allow tbo obwk'a Toioa to be board, the roll waa caDeJ and the eoa nti( refuaad to adjoura )y rote of eaa,Bayai.,W(4 4.friy f,,,?,.., The qneatum, twenneil nion Mr. r'a motion to Moaoatdet and to :. and make that motion special Ier for fo-morrow at It a.'at ' On that motion ftfe , CUngtnaa rajled eprariotis tjneation. :V -? 't '" Tne yea and naya were ealled on this ton uut tne vote etood reas w, The llepnblioMsa at ,tlomtnetMie. of tlue vote left the ball and went to the rotnnda aad riwnsined, , near the m a bodv; leavraar two of nree in e ball to gje -thm ignla 'wbore fkeed to vote -wbea 'their mates were tfaied.. " .. . ' Vf 1 T)u.oluttr aumonnced tbe faSnte of the cell for tbe previona qaeatioa oa aeeoant of a qnoram not voting, when1 tbe aeeeoV ig K4ul)lKita ruaiMtd Urk into tbe lidl. . , ,.:jU ti .!,,.?!! That qtteotkm reonmd npea Mr. Miger a mottoaj waoa no aaoa tae boot, anged bia motton of fwatuoaeaieat tii to-morrow, into one for indefinite ppetp enemoat and spoke againat tbaa." ' ue vae followed ty air. jraxtouana lias, aU'la.iiig the aaaie pwrpuer'fa we. - .t .nf-"i'. ! I. .wit:'W"l At the end. of tho apeechea, aeery that 4 vote waa attompted tb Bembliaaiia WonlJ brk up a qnortua brrnabing into tko rotnnda returns iatiaie to aostaia aJeail fur tl yoaa? and nays for tbo eom- iagyutec: ftoclook ' was iteM. vp nnta alter lanlnW ialaMnt for their return time enough to got the yeas and naya, and Mr. Badger's avotioa I to reonnn.lpr was lost bv an rtf-mrt 1 veto, we r: atTenvendona din of aboute, groaAS, aad , iThe'suWitule by the Conv nlittee on Snffwje and; Eligibility to Ot&ot for oT.lniaucfe Ha. HH and 132 wm considered.. Itrequiree ninety bys' re, idenos before a eraon can vote, and pr Mbits any person convicted of felony or other infamous crime from voting. ' . 1 r Fending, the. eonabktratioa ; of tlis n aBttt the ennvention adjotuned Until to-morrow at 10 a. m. - j;; '. ' ' ' .'A rwoTr-savurra M.,Miv&,nW .,. . .in Attt a.'.'m.V Mi Pwabfeul Itaiwoin c tiled tho oonventkm to orden .n-f ' ''f Prayer by Itevji Mr.. Haatwll.r.of tiw epuvention. , t ,Uxt U i ... . i vk f Joarmd wf yewtoyday wee real mnft ay j roved. " .4 Mr. Coleman, from tbe Committee oa t is ndicial Department, enbmitted a , r ran ujinxtaaa bi'stsaws, - - !asta dMnwebiebw f4ona eonvjotod bereaftex ahd making SOdayaeaideuoo iaaoounty eeaary for voting. laJbKvd to adjoarn tilflorardavat 10 o'olook.- ir-...'u i Tbeebatf decided 'tbe ipieotioB waa operlv .on the call for the nreviona qneetlon made yeeterday anif, the, call vsaaWasA'-".- , 'C j The queation, , X"curreJ . s upon , Jfr. Fiwncb a inotiou , a -u ci ti,t 1 1 Mr. Badger, Bep- moved to amend Mr. French's motion by aaytng Friday morning at 10 o'clock. ' ; v Tbe yeaa and naya won caJV.and the amendment was rejected' by a' rota of yeas 20, naya 8JL-.--, jTbeqnonreoumdenMr. freBoh'a motion to adjourn tuitil aafarda. ! ( f : Tbe yea and nays were oalled and the ntotion wee rejected by a vote of yeas 42, 4ThnwW( MobrlU) (npJ.) ffho amendment of ttnryth. ooLa ofiornd yee terday, which aiaikeB tnal -practice in oflioe and atheiam a bar to suffrage aad cdigibUity to offloa, , ,v .j ithe yeas aad naya wore ealled and the amendment waa - rejected by a vote of yeas 105, aaysflt" cM"4hw ii , The trowing is fho ballot f . a') ' NaTSMeaara. Albertaoa, Allison, Allman, Anderaon, of CSay, Anderson of Madison, Avery, Badger. Barringer, Bar row, Bateman , Bean, Bell, Bennett Bing banv JJlack, Bliven, Bowman, Bullock, Biinn, Buxton, Bryan, , BynL Carr, Car ter. Chraberiain. CSinirmaai .Oolemaw Cooper,' CoweQ, Crosbys CMnnimrham, DaviyDiion, Doliopo, pockery. Jhtby. Durbans, rairclota, ramon, jrarnor, George, i Goodwyn, Oiwtham, Green, Hampton, Islington, Kansell, Hender eon, Bianant , llod.s Iloffnlari, llol toa, Borton, Jarria, Joaos of OsldweU, JTones, of Yadkin, aTor!H, J xu,". King, of Lenoir, El;"?, of rt, til-y, L ' "n. Love, .Lowa,! .lawn, l,i.i !:-mj,fmtL-ir. s. Uianiitii'T. ox Hew uanover...iuar- abalL UaaH. y,HoCabe, MoCandW dikkJ.lfol!ahln. Morehi-ad. .'Motx. Mund!nt. NeaNUItoIrton, Nowel'TaKe, IVitHsoit;' Priop, Redwing .3lelC'Sb- of Oatea,' Hnmley, TootV ofV,Piwlow. fcfcott of alonee, BhMiTierd,. MhoW, Km oW' Blhfiletnrt. mTtu,! 8plV""B:hir liig; Strowd, bam mora, lVmTbaiie, aMrWyanrhatt, Wattt,; Wdsotti Yo.tig. lloltoii;Dkery';BuUoik,t,i,ThVrnj: Justice and Cary, 'licpuVlieaniVptfd , T MewuHf. Blocker,' pebd';1lll. nfh'bf KeW OaaalrtlrMprWUI aicndmcati,J th f' 'J ,i 'ffl J Ilere' i' liutoht'tr' o?mvaetbiIttff . a a. al. il 1 . J 1 Ing of the prevloos quesd'Si,' wva a Ma4MTiafa to .W aUal...:Y- ' - tdinance as" mrarted' by tb CumtiftU i vm Judicial iH.nMtm.-nr wutenrevw foJIoVflb'' vN . jfUil.j'! vi.u Wfaa wMmtiM',miml1tSl That wtion l. of article C of tko oaaatitatloaJ be amended by otrikinev oat the word ialine A aad tueertina in boa of the word: ttinety.M and by add at tbe end of Said section tha follow- iar whrda ; '"But no Demon' Who. nnoh otmvictioa oi1 eonfo-niUMi in 'i,aiTourt ahall hereafter be a.ljndprvl guflty; of felony, or' of any dtla-r enW (nfarn'oui by the tawa of this atato, abaU be entitled to vote at any election under the laws of this stawt-nnleae atich 1 perao 'ahait be reetored to the rights of reitfectiHhipki mode iweaeribed by law-f " l ife that said aectlon, a amended,' shall Mat aal tiMamV f (tilt III ( "Hectioa y Every male person, bort ia tne vanea rjunea, ann every aaaie laqrsoa who has neenH tiatnralised. tweetyme yearn - 4tll or npward,"Whol ball have retried ta'4l.tofiatwwf ntontha aeawpMeeding tlteelectioa, and ninety days ia the eowotytowaioh be oftere to vote, ahall be deeaned an-iolee-UrBat aa paaassi vi wawoarivie tkm or .ooafcwioni ia opea Mart shall hfreafter be adjadged gailty nf folptty, ot ot any other masea aufaauoas by the laws of tliia ; stato- ahall be entitled to vbta at any eleotiaa under the lew of tkia state, anlaas souk pereoaakall kota stored to tbo frights-of citiHliip ia a mode preeerihed lor Mwr!U "t iu.; 1 Oa tlte motion of Mr. Baalgv .tbe yeea Wore called, and it nuwed it eecoud fl4Bexigei raws aaa saaenp su.wtumince -jto 1 ,-.'M l I' , 8;30 ttf sSMfls rfatstj'a3 . . k " . B..k r i m m ... I Ibis motion called the yeae and naya.Ht , jThaeaSI was analaed toh! tooffen 4 jentT arU.jewt.Wl by" it veto of WeteVifthe , l ine aoov nve wjththrpypoae of lUHtihtt a pt- toniaf 1 ' M U atnaaaMiuiaa 1 TTbeonestioa-hwamd hpoFttt b twa of Ut Hf"W!g oi i isiiif irij lo.taj on tbe table, Ue. iaav moticsai fur Oa tbo eali ! af llfif fladger. the yeaa abd nava were oalled and tbe vote stood. ThefoSwmg fUpuijlMWia avnoni T the halL ps stayed . tajaad ef aatd o voto, ia order to break , ' ,quornm, in which they did not soeoeed: J Meaara. Albrrtson, Badger, Brringir, Barrow, Batemaa, Bean, Black, lUiren, Blocker, Bullock, Bqxton, Bryan, Oary, Ohamberlaiu, Croaliy, Devia, Pima, Dula, k Faireluth French,' . (tomiemV (lrantbam, ' Hampin,'Huniant, Hodge, noflman: Holton. norlonj Jones' iaTod- Ida, Kerr, Lowe,. Mubson, Manning, of JTooea, Btnyth, Taylor, Tborne, Wbeelan nnjumv. aujuim wank rn tn oottfln am xomig. Ma French aaarad toadi(inTnrntPH ie ttattoaeatied Ike sreasand WavabJ eostsiitkaFernee to of yeaa SI, aaya Taoniy Kintui- votiaw for4aa-awassauaaiauAi Tbe traeatifa!eM1iNA Bad- 'a motion to auepend wp rulea and put tvdinaiieetroonmiiuramdiiuz. On tbia motion Mr MaiiBiag, of Wiat- ll ealled the moviona aneatsoaw I -nil 4 Oa tbo dsenaiMr of air rreaea,-sue as aad niivewere eaned on the tmrtiott1 L am.. -.JiJ. XUlA-"4I.Vu,n ... er tw ujwmuu, , , .uo iw eaued ana ;ite row etosa jroas wf. naya,o.i i Tbe it 1 BeBMblieans as above either left the hall or refu.'d to veto in order to prevent a 4qnornn.i,!j (i-: i)jif i Tho aeetioB.reoaried.tia MaBaiU gor motion to anapand the learoTh stood yeaa fin, pays I,, 4, .f , ,.,, I (Mb Badger and tha Ceotof the tteyuu linana lWeaed to vote. V 4 w The motion to aiwpead tlieralee failed, 4 as ll aui not iwnve,,gv hhml m- AO of tlte Bomibhcaua win io were in we bj.ll at the ttoie of the. iqaesCeor heing not were ealled on and tnirtrtteteerird their votea. Tbia incmuod the' eiitiro Bennblican monibershlp. with the excep tion of Mr. fiootta of JwneOi , i This aeoea- aitatod the waato oTiahoei o hear timt r ( He vmOi 1 fiaj -. j TkeToriaMtca'td!.! 8?. art I, .waa token p,'j '.'.miinm iMr. Badger- tooved lo adjuoni, ana oa t motion aaUed the yeas-ad naya Tbe eafl was snataiaed, and the eomren tioa rof need to aljonra by a yote of yeas 8C,naye&V , ." r'V On motion of Mr. Durham, the eon- vontion took a vaonaa emtil p sr.; the ti Mexico to gfiBgto;toTyTepTe: cm ted at the oHutomLd.1 rep r?ecnta? "U cha a ari J'a, re ehoiddt r -oat uvml in a I. !TLL . Vm,, t a a ptTpeaJ-1 -taaant of eut fbraato , 4 V aaiv essw eendaa aiit: i. v teav-naa. e atauiik . ar ln '.jajt of ert " throate . . . a a. . I ... 'a-- a a. mii il Optfl 1p.m. .lH!W..lir U M Holtoh m.mWailiid1 MrHnr Mr. Badigesamuted Mtil vlia '.-. ''! bbiq- i4a Mi XkcADataieciiUa caarietl Ulartfare. All Ihaaailtsads are- inciwaitog gtetr freight ratoatitwuaaeai sast aad west reawhesniaTe been succestfull v ship- ied from NwAbrk to Londoa'la re 1-tgcratM- t5jefW tliaop i e4 m J lUtlLL CbJUtt CTWlUtiM aieel- i hat bsaa as. eotl,aap,UOt.ea TheOfew MOttalaajMto tttfit. f tr4ila U ffe 1 hlctw ceoiti'cdunil I! t lecture and .l.lKn). Tuanyaoa'e ''Queen Marytj,,aorn weeaafnlly bronglit nt at fho Arch reet tbea."TbuVt!4bia? " ' . . k I ,V general reducUon L,Jotwaa; f tkadei last Saturday,' in all Uie Lacobta x.'fientsj An yet,' weYe" told lust ryfliftf1s faaepettwaM w to' ' A'rotmf ' acboof4ltl lwarb8tAired id titiaeitAiMoatat.iaaaatCaaaordF a, u.y by aatao.aiH(t)j)iaav) ama iU probably be lyaohe4P8fjdia iiftf ii I Tbe baby alwniatntic ytatbosh id msliousoa oa Lous lakad. Wasbarmaf Ikat Motorday. It contained 4 beJstaa nuraea ami oa iauiiera, an oi wnom iee ami 63 laaupers, all la Abort.' 4 " Tbi aw Tajfl are -ftWtaletitfig S feflerai T3Ut .1ttmi aaeriit Baia&hi at bottoui of the toaaMetead has been Unyiug aimnanitioa and (ijatribatjnw A aaooiig bia friends. A spoeoh otAlonru, wmie - inviafei -acnafor - aetoaneiiur Browa's isaealitieaV iwae i the" preovkingf WM dlxM ii tun 1 drnaH a if AiTLirTjo ron LxnrviCT iaiKa.-r- l)mWU,UTea;i,t't;yilmiDgtonBUrJ. 'oI,0ctKl1ays; 4 -rt. 'atoaSK lit I Uoo-Bv y. Malnut-tWaity haa mirfat for Hekstrfc. turnout with Uie new- toiitiory board, Whi, in acottrdance with ah act of Uie bud Icgiiilhtnre', are to farm M as nnmy-ot TO iuV as' may be left titer, ami fciW 'the neeeaaary force il mwumLto enaitleto tlxeWeatera V. Ci U K. Uejtoas ji the-it l the the I . 1 ? ffte U'h 1 g ibure and Aaiieviue rsUrotujL no muMVM t4' enttitlotum.L Slid "for whw ueatren t em4.Hjr a.riiiiiiiixtr ut w cnt -im w i ' wieeiiiniiiwq txn with bia oaoi .aoadV. Ua . ttoartali and Union, ami to this extent he.is faibMditaliy inhwrtod fa iU completion: a. K Moll, late meeta wrttr tlio Door.1 aUfa regard, tohe J6V .Aid A t M, li1 IkVe-fold ariat. ' I TS. ' WaULU- 'WiLl 1 ' iA.I M lafiniu JaniTWl. M w i wa. ..i1. j taiot ; aiu ana com. (M(Ul1 a, inoa, auiey, waiw, rvgnwr ,w nj I A rursJ drpEk. au4 Inriagtoe ninoh affectioafst akady faaaale ph the st(rt; f$sAdtxiata.i, YiHuo o-iltaY A I A mercaatils traeuter. mvinat a eAMUa- tirija ectBinefrtonW.Whf theoit-f. ttioa ball, withont license; 10 and ajtlttiaift! -all iW I da tb tff'HrJ XittTalers vhoold eartlfawnW coi- lirsi They are easily carried,' 'wear el), look nleelr and do.! not i requlrs nrrd". 9 !?SS! SBHH! HBHaHa. D , . atarriaa. v'4 fl!et' la Manila, Sept. 30, by Jtoy. W. 8. -it . ItlakkMr, W. Fannloflorlha eweTl:''1" . .nan SfoaS V latUgrord.Ovk S!alosatb-A.A7oaeIi f-' 'IJ-lraialaf aV HUti tf.aVeff.sV Ul Wlimviuvvuiiutjf rw saaaav tlrewa. a401' vears leevtn M rrantf- tlildrca id.&renVlMM 1 la lia-ihurfc o 1 SeataOaagtl Waft Wmfiust nu, aged years. In Eotttfort Ott l'WilitaMlw Thpmaa, ageM Maraxd t'tfll W KaiV Ail html&l II .ftlod ViuH l ;.. I -if .Liff jar ? fwwii awtf ft? vfodM of wr1.Df(;WeJ7p6l; aw W deed of eMMpgc'etecutea oa tne Oth 6kf dt M awh. H7L ay U J. Barrlaod.wlh-. fc tne offlnTM qTRccUtet oi aewrty te tnAkNd. Slat 0aaaaWakse lemSHO. Lakillaa TUNSATjTifB'lSth) ltlTlrt fb-' . VMBEX i bi aIJ"J.- dnst,espoaerto pabUe, sale q Ua :aUni i to pabtic, aale so, tha, w tt.lish to Tain to paid IS folj .colli. ,,thejU tracts ef land M memKinee aaa; eeamneti m ;aseMo maraul taaiafref .a the aaitUwe traete aaaM brda.lntsVoaM A ayranruMDt hmiolan made fjije' arose aw renulDlnr about eljibt acroa, on .tlnh U a)tuatd a haadaoipc and eommoillour' twlvk thralling rnotalnlagthlrteea raomecoassiisea' lyananeett, nil nrroond(-T W awiila gt n awl rant wll .aef wfct elirnlibery n4 S-sIt traaeof.iaetrs rkiiauaaiu vt-!jjj W Haan Ac Oatimr AttorVs r" . net. t-east uu a mh. Sewi, copy f nd tentt bill to this affii-fv. v Thar wtll to i eetspetaive craainaticin bf dio candidalat fn 4be 4tt) iXHipaeataaal DUtrlrt, held la Bah-h at lamtnjr'a Aea. amy, at 10 o'clock A. .at on W odadny, October the 27tti, for anpolntmrnt aa Cad., U tae MflMary Academy at Weat folnt next lr, :lt-rm Hili -rt-i: Jt'U ' I 1 Then arm aa a. navilcal esaaataatane aad I litUe rjld;0iKnfl44dij Akx:k Stei(lMns U iIowb on the .T iron a Ooitbt. -The fmniee-mill pf -ariea aiamlatiiia m rxmAsuj, jitHlnfr aritkaw. f Aiirt.mnbe'rfindnotovefayeii TltTlk-anu an inferred to Ifoa. A DsvH, leiitiurjt, fiif further atiforaaattoe A.-. ' The Bol vlU b e0mpred of TeMra.y. M. lyy, W. JI. U. Smith wd P. Ijn, m..u. ,.,1r,U..a, .a . j E .X-' of are on Afail tta, . 1 "IV sjiA . I ei T. I 10 M r 44 4 t: m -.tun It. iO;if ia f 4 a . '., e . a m i m i, ,., w wa- Jbr v ft aaaaMw M .awisaa.il itf'. I- if f niurP n easoaftrf wifel tiiewW tia 'wt' " f v aaWaf tiMaeatfe eat diaifuisgi aaa tiering iar una aaruemem. , . Lf JJMt" lraat 't ' il!b Sav- AjSik aa 44 daaatoawasM .tahia atz rnaa, ah far. The UuMt eo WMSa4iM el SaaKl 'ai.f lli., Init tews, , ttto Aesicaifl IfciwTM -4 1054 a,. fw-a .vt;it wit tieViWta tieim v Iniiarwiwerw .aame4 UJm 4 fwm oau KKjAi.w sua '.-a af Mrt 'trtttll! !i e swt leMTtssf frathaav aad pat ap el ffsaitieae' a lowUot tks, ' H.U alL' I V1" ' "l''i"5' "1 V" ' i WttWasa aatVaWaaat'aa.' fsaw ,a ifaetort JogkMhe way of taeanlaaf a JrinK, Trom a WJ4tar to a Baataaas , Uf LntflklMa .Mai wrAAIm eat, feats at tamed owT a, stew! Tae ' M thenratlYaa um tSodiM rrv cra.awlerTwtaeUiawviaia aaifc' llfejotb yi vrnan aauatTaj mb ajaccMiBl Bj0 mwim Uaakstorthe twit waeV Maeral saliiasss iwnrtvioni aaeeiml, aad rawactfidly aaka f or : ak-ontlnBanre ef the aalne: ' llta atoek ef will m ..fe.ft ya!. nl rf'-Wesen-jntK: ,4 ivi ttAXXltKUKX, bj rwrf dt eJortsTjl mU twyjctn5fw ' Lo ' ' !"-a awK .Xluiabf afc-f. 4 JOT"- , -iivxiei -fliiMrt lu ui ir nAi r tuJ fM aoack krvv4haa evaettiliaejiiaadi aa pMMi all fiie ,Ltrt MoralMM .BH,gtta v. -im PaNIIOK TjaUDefrAankeih nl Lttii f4i ff jxi .iut) utA Iff lavaaid all awes a : WarllSaw'aMMVKf Mee, etoae skill aetata amawa totaeV. 'TJlCMiaaT":bUbH.t...'r . n.,i.f ""SjOOe "4 all to the lparlaai ef j. , it the VmJuuit TanyZT for alaai auit-ef Ctotaev,of 13?'': waaaaaaaaiel aleastrta.kt. wvnl ?e.flj bill K YVJuirt u i.ti ffytA ?i,4i.Uioi H,i.J IXai K SA t j'oi! immn wt '.Kii'nihf Tt.i- . ila li h.i1 irsad n'-liv: jfiitwovii-vtr.-! ' 'loq i,(ui 'it iwiib 1 y nid -aiS ' ' 'Jill .lt J ! J toll To ii.jva. Trftl cf tatnrfntM .,I4 Ai lliM tn.i . lo n-jwiil' l ul Iuikw ffSWlc Jrt JV -Ji wl N il.; V r!-iph f.iwli t4fa)iasUJMss,'aeaaaasss that; ta-ttaiaiaai T.i ....... i. Mi fu i l,lnl 5iUIl .KlJSXfMVU ! il ' OLOTfflNO AfOilA atah iaaawaa4'iiwi artt alelV iM''waay'! a rlaay saUMIihaieat begessd-iii. , .i llalKiPl ml Sitl tii ilfiaaa il aaa- u vi-i-mi nil MUrtHKn evsl .ifiMi , layen.ewedj go peiAirthaf Mitosaaed i luiat n:oi 3 au w t ,o'ii of tii'b nimm jiii mm )i banth vJ vtX'i ol woff W .tWalq Altoabad tottoeataaaaaaeatlMa nvwt rferrtaiele'ef " luwwaroa t,Joi ) .ti.i MM .11 i!iujuiiuuv fiannvwi dlUUtOOttkr AM ellaWAEA sevitavtostio ertj oi m ih no aWytktog ta tkst Uae esa to foaad1 attae i tonaHtv ftw ioag Dial flKK' rtriT JoONlsa saffldcat fasiaeteo of As. abOir - r t . . .. A sr. WAjirva aiTii. , . -H'WirrluiwvmTL . ,KarnswniTii jfsWTift! ad HKgeHMkiii a- Jtli vujdarapwie Hit a t U'hvalrge'-aalr aekV'of;1' I I ui ladta a aetiamt BStoJi j&mtfm vli irt Mlites' MiUdrea's end BaMeaV , . . , n ftna nnmrlTial Laaiak' Wkka ItarA lW ,di Kkl Ulora Jlafla, OoBaaa aad i0aaao Imf i t.JuaiaMk Uatllk.aa4 ll.ll.i Biateaa' m wwm " .' .1 . Tii'-! tiilof t'amWa. Cwraata aaaeia:' ' ImIIm' and Chndrea'a Btrlned Hoaa, . . la oar H1LUNIIT D&TABTMUIT We . aeacared ai.-VuV. ,... j tlRttT-CLABS OETniRW MILUlflS. .' ma at iaMolaTTBric- awnaiunoa ,caaraeicr as una r. i avt I Jk 'tbaraeteeat SMartnteat m Us Cttr- Udm, f"l "dT HO.-W Faytttevnle StreeC" ! .HAwtavui. 'xi lrtt utrsr In am i mm ..if ,l.i, ,.n :ltais'H.Ain)BEtr8' .maeK a- - hMdfHUy tafonaa bar patremr aad frieeda, and tba public reaenvlly,,.tlmt afee M.aow radr to exhibit Ear u . - AUTTUa. f imvarr ATTlSSf 0N1KTIL I Tmixm JptBjEUTs, Ae. ! aaa reepaetf uDy hrrttrn a eell,Tee4 aattori) aene( tkal ato e fleam ie ,v a n BTTTX 'QC AliTT "ART FICA 5 -:' septao-tos -tfij j .i ..a ' I .1 !';f; u. rtFEENCar T 7 a