THEiSEMLNELl CONSTITUTION At AMEND- t, UENT ' The - delegate from Orange, Mr. . -Turner, ha luruislied M the following yiiirwid of the S3 proposed araena mtuu to me constitution ; , ..j lat Amendment t That lection 4, of article 9, be stricken out and two new sections be substituted. , The section to 1 stricken out Is in regard U I given to tbe state by eongreae and the appropriation of tines, penalties, Ac The section to be substituted giro all lands and proceeds of lands, given by the United States to the state, to educational purposes j and all swamp lands, fine &on are to be utedfor pur poses oi euueauon. , , , -?ud Amendment strikes out section 17, article 8, and substitutes a aectloa pro vwiug lor uie eetaDiisnment or a M reau of agrkultura,iraniigration aud ata liitics, and sua protection of sheep husbandry. 1 "-' 3d Amendment, adds to section 25, of arucls 1, last " secret political societies are dangerous to the liberties of a free people and should not be tolerated." "4th Amends section 10, article 8, by providing tuat, the governor, with the advioeuf the- senate, bail appoint all ornona wiMMW appointments are not otherwise provided for. '" - 6th Abrogates and amend aectian 15, 10 sud 17, of srtiuUi, and allows the gxoersl waiemuly to allot and distribute all judicial power ainoiig the several enmities eaeept ' thai of the . supreme ,u it, wnicbts nxea by the constitution 6th Strikes on seeUons 1 and 3, of ariaole 13, and forbttla nailing a conven tion without flnt exansulting the people at Uiepoua, : r ; . - 7lh Provides , for submitting tbe amendments tdNAlie eonetitutioa to tlie neooleu st the the noils. Toeadav after the 1st Monday in November. 187. Tlie amendments Will , be ratified or re jected together. 8th rrwrides for publishing, the ordi nance for the information of the pentole. tftli Requires the judge to reside In tbe district for which he is fleeted. and forbid his holding ; court in the name county mora tnau once in lour years. . . 10th Itoduor the nnmber of judges from 13 to 9, and authorises the fcgud- turoto increase or dHnmmn tbe nnmber. 11th Providea for the saawmbhiig of the legislature in ; January instead of ; November. 12th Hits civd rights on the head by fori lidding white, aud black children going to the some school, and providing lliM DO uuktuuuibuuii Hiau we to the nreindios of either race. - lath Fixes the pay of members of the general assembly at it a day and 10 cents rniloage, and limits the seaman to Oil days. If tlie awaiiisi ia prolonged bevond GO days, members receive no uuv. 14th Provides that the term of office for senators aud members of Uie legis-l hiuire shall begin at the time of their election. Vt 15th, That section 29, of artlclel la I amended to allow tbe general assembly to change the time of holding elections I tor the general assemDiy.T j- ICthbtrikei from tlie constitution sec tion 4, of article 2, which ia the old re publican gerrymander ot, thaeuaiorial districta ia UMS&, ' - 17th Reduces the number of supreme judges from five to three, aa our fathers had it. 18th Declares the judicial power shall be vested in at court xor the trial oi impeachments, a supreme court, su perior courts, courts of justice of the peace, and such others Inferior tor tbe supreme court as may be eetat&sjejf by law. ' ' ' " " ' """""" 19th Establishes the supreme court in Raleigh,, until otherwise provweu by the general assembly. 1 "' 2utn Strikes section 8 , article 2, from the constitution. This section was Jhe old republican gerrymander - ef the house of representatives, vaud the people can do without it, A .Ui eaSlst .Forbids vacating at office' or term f otoo! now existing ndsr tha coblUMttDW f 1 1 ill It l Hjf S2nd PwvKlea for4M election1' of judges of tike smveme court' and supe rior court, by general ticket, or vote of ait the people ) not allows tne general assembly to change the mod of elect ing superior court iudgea from general ticket to awtnet eiccuons. 23d Itequires IS months' residence in the state, and 90 days In the county, iu.nrt m mnn tb Yrtii, and tiirlndtt lelous and : ex-penitentiary convicts Irom holding office or voting until re - Bioted to ciUsenship by due process of law. There was two oays' debate on tins ordinance, Hessra. ' Borrincrer, Dockery, Alberts on and Buxton, with Jill tbe negro delegBtes,speaklng against it ana declaring it was aimed at the negro. - '"' w 24th Provides for the removal by the legislature of any Judge of the superior court, for mental or physical disability. It also provide for the removal - of clerks of the supreme and superior courts by the judges of the courts for the same reason.: Appeal m case of removal ia allowed as in other easel or suits. " '" " "' 'I V 15th Provides that article 7 of the con stitution be amended by adding that the general assembly ah all have power to modify, change or abrogate any and all of the provision of the article, and sub stitute ouiers in menr place, exert) tutor 7.9 and 13.' This ilkm'th I t ire to appoint magistrates as under the old eonstuutioii.'' ""- 26th Gives jurisdiction .to stieeof u peace over civil actions) founded on contract, when the sum doe not exceed fttW; and anows the justice to ett in imj m mix pica m rarwm nmmm. k n 2iKh Authoriaea ths enndoynwnt of convict on pubhe works and hurhwava, 28th Adds the following new eeetton to article : yjn case the general, as sembly shall estalilinh ' ciher , inferior courts, the presiding officer and clerks thereof shall be elected in eueh manner as Uie general aaaemblv mav brsseriba.1 2ith Forbids snasriag between white snd black and all persona of negro de scent to the third generation." ' s 90th Add to article 1, section 34: "Nothing herein contained shall justify the praouoa of esrrying eoocealed weapon or prevent the tariaLriure from enacting penal - statute against said 1 81st Abolishoa seoUon 81. of article . snd provides for filling all vacancies in offloee provided for by this article by the governor not otnerwue provided lor. 82d Provide: for paying' officers and members ox tli ounveiiUon. 4 . t0 r. i 8Ud Gives power to the supreme court 10 try issues and qtieauoct of tact ss wider the old constitution. " , lw ' A01XT8! W ELEGANT OILCHKOMOa uonuuU. alaa Sill, for SL Novollla ami Cliivmu la evart dMerlutiua. Iutmmiai. , VV. 1 klU, fa. 4.."'ii te) LWsM4 QQft A DAT gHuite4 ewM ear au. vwl. ' Aager twuS frs WUi 14MUS, a. 1 " vrj paid te good A AGEITTS WAHTED! Ksdali sod mpTO ua Awarded t.w HolB.B New riClO- R8AL BlllLKa. lbOU lUuatrsttoD. AddreU TtTIND READIMQ. PSTCIIOMANCT. 1V1L raselntioa. Boat Ckarmhur, Meaiae- rim. snd Itanium Uuble. tbowliiC how It her tea ma; faMlnate and gain Um lovs and affect Ion of any peraon tbey cboote Uwtantly. OWpaaes. BymaUfiOfta. lluut 4 C,, Mta St., ?hla., ... dtl O TO AS00. 1 WaU Stnat enea leads V v to furtnaa. A Ti nun book aatiiled Mltaaad Idlonaot WaU ainet," saplaliir irjUilnf. ,pea .. JUlUl d COT. inkers iBd. Sfoksra. M broad ay, mw ork..-,,M ..)! .V TBE IS.OOOBONANZA; S3 to BUUvssted M M all St., eflee kadi to a Fortnna. Full paiiieulart teot free. Addreaa Eaourro m IUao, tt WaUfitnMt, Msw erk. - ' 1 - ' "r, THE BALTIMORE HOMdOPATDIC FHAKMACY Kemovedoa BeptemberUt to the apaciuua nor at No, 186 Wert fayetta Bt where the proprietor will ss plan id to aei their old friends Sbd patron. , A, com plete atock of Pur and Reliable HoniBO- paUUe Medicines as well ss Books, for l'b aktaae and familr in. aoasUotlr kept 1 atock. Ordara par mall praaapUyatteadadto. Aaarrm geniKni --m xajrsw lorn -iren rajrette atreatt ttlmor.---' '; T,-riti TT71TE SO. 19. Br Aan EUia Toun. TV Brlgbaa, Yonag's Kebelllua WU. taf The selr eonipWt Kxdom el all the Bwirota of Brighaiara 11 area ever written Bora In ilonauuiaai, Aaa kUisa sow expoae to the world, aa do other woman can the eecrete, aayaterla aad etuae ef the horrible lywem 01 rwyfrainy, vom us very Dgm ilng. ,learty 00 IUuitratloni beautify the work. It U Uie beat aellluR book pubusluti 10.000 Biura men and women can jiavs so p'Oymeot and make from Si to I W daily. All live Agent ara writing tor Illustrated Circu lar! wiuttUrg lerrna. - etv re- vo not delay, but adorers Dustl. GlUU tt Co., I if or vlpcuiHStl, liar ford, CL, Chicago, VI WANTED AgcnU for tha bust scllf Priae raekaae ha tbe world. ' It eon- taMg is mmu i)e, is envelope, rea, re UoWer, . VmcU, patrated TardMeaiare, aid apiece ieveinv bidp pacmr wnaeie- gaot rrwef poatpaut, sao.- vireuias nee. nsw Vnu( 1 1 Co., TCUc roadway, S.Y, I XT FOES. . SlO to $500. Explanatory Circular bow SIB to tfiCO mveated ia Itoek Privllecei. ha paid and will Day Laree ProflU. ' Railroad Block. Bond and Gold bought on Margin, ilnteraat SU fwCnt, allowed on depoalta inbject to right draft.. Beekwslter A Co., Bankers and Broker, Ho. Is wall aue, newt I or a, r. m ioxu, rrnos cougiis, colds, hoarseness, lD and all tamer dlaaaaea. a WKLIJJ1 CASBOUO TABLET, put up only M Mae boxea. A tried and aura remedy. For aala by UruggiiU generally, aad Joaaifj, lloir ioWAI 2 CO., Philadelphia, fa. K OUTFIT FREE ' W want some owe In every county to tak Srder and deliver goods lor th eld aad orig inal C O. I). Boom. Larri eaib wage. Splendid chance in every neighborhood for Uie right person of sitaer sex, young or old. Sample, new llata, circular, term, ate., a ton pie te ouUM aMt free and pott paid. Band tor B at one aad aaaks mooy atyourbomea. AddreM, II. J. Hsu. A Co., Howard Street, Baltimore, lid. - KXABHIY? BITIUCTBUCHU: ii ....... h j Pariuuy CaVsi kn buwsssi'ox ths BLA DPEtt, KIDNE 78, AND DltOPBI. 'OALaWELLUiea, xlstln la S4W.' women sol CMIdras." fir NO MATTEB WHAT THJt AOS TrVof. Maelaaavar "One bctUa of Aaar aey'a Fluid Extract Bacha U worth mora thaa all other Bnebu combined . Price, On Ooaar par Bottte, Or Bit Botus for rive vomx: , , . . - Depot, 104 Daane Bt, Xiew .York. . A royalcun ia stteneanos to answer eetre DDI Jf C'Aary Jot Afoiet end OauultaUon, Da JB Drorr. rraduate of Jalbno Med- leal uouega, rauaoaiixua, aauor or aeverai valnabls works, can b eonsnltad oa all di. ot th Saxasl or Urinary Qrgaas, (which hs ass mad aa sapacuu away) mum u ma or lemaJ. bo matter front Whu can orunt attneot of how longstanding. , A practice of W years anaoies ana to veas oueaaes wita laScee. Car, roaranteed. Cbanres e. Those at a disuses can forward letter deiertbtng symptom sad Belosuut tepeepsrpaatag. . . ' .r nend tortneOMsM2MM. rrioaioe, 1 ir ..-s 7 T W nVfVPT V T 1HE BROOl WATES ESGIHE-' Priet 4 1-2 Ilortt Power u v ' .. . '.A-i";f $300.00 .,4 awQ 1 Sam pi Engine to be seen it our Store. fit let wculars, ; - (- v TJUU8 LEWIS CO., may 18-tf BolsAgeata; QAAH, UOOK8 i Tjr m'-'tm n t1 t'ji'. v: ?.rfT , Oamranttti iormgiy Satotud . AT SOCK .BOTTOM MUCKS. 4 , . t. JVUV3 LI WIS a CO. pA12iT, OliAUIXllia, ef every iDeierivtion LEWIS A CO, . Ilarilvparto, JULIUS II , .1 .- Vroura Ttrrtf tf vn . i,'a it ..Vbiki. sWMmlaB aW L0RH&TAYL0RI Tl 8 A M O N ' I NORTH CAROLINA Importers A pealers In Fpralga A PomeiUe aooDS. 'til will, owing te their great Snceess during Uia put KiauMia. la Sllliin ordeat from all parte f UM untteu Btaiw, give grealet atteauoa to Out-ol-Tuwa buaiBeia, , With an' eularred Wepartmenb and, lnoroad . FaeUIti, tbey will ail all order br maU with thrlr aaual rrompiaeaaj atwe wey maat, aiu-oMapt sWillon.ri.ll Jt . tf ,..ntir -ti .. BUuk im4 0Und Silt ' Totr im4 mter-Dri Good. HJLdmWCbtalM Linen t, 1 'VtW. ' tfc:i ' fiomimrgt, Inttrtlomtj '.EiginqK, Triig k: Vlai umd Fame irev, Cloves. tM brtlUm, .iw. A'acA .eViisivmaif oew eeie sl rrWef aA eff th$ouUi& 4. a. v..-. 1. ..i. ('k.ii.i.'.-"'i diut iii 1 1 1 1-1 iitneU ; ld Onr iJulies Bboe Detartment con- tatal a stock tmsumaAscd for elegance. durabUlJj, ,and lownes ,of pdoe .iV recBona for seu-rneasurernsnt eeas appltoatiOO, ! "'f uttmiU-l H"4 .Ian : Complete jtssortmetif of Gents Ftoni nuung uooaa, enma, Maaxs,cwis, Aies, lloss. Gloves, Ac . Goods seat to any pan or uie eounn. . bnirt ments tent on aDTlkataom "' : For tbe accommodation of Ladles and Families who are. unable to visit the city, full lines of sample of all grade of Pry Goods will be sent,' and order by Rail filled with, the greatest possibW Care.ii jaAl -1. -uttt tmnU iff .vHia" BaOADWAT AKD TwBMTtBTB BtBKK "in-,"' KEW YOBK. sy&2-w3m A ' 1" 'L" o' ' I1 Mikat and elekM dothea m th bast and ebeapeat atyle, oa Bloodworta Bt. , , I. ii,,.,,,!,. v-tfiTtn Ai,,K v ,j ;1''iTfA.,t a h vn III Th Cltv Ordlnanee relatfiw t Bon'rornr nr win o wmjregq in aan arver oaiur day cyt. 11th. bMU "": ' ' sept Mwuiw Aet'f Otdei PoUee.' Q ELECT BOARDING DAT SCHOOI- hillsbohv jt. a The thlrtsMrd eeloaof th like Wash 4 Hif Koliock' School will opea ea Friday, aaaeaiy.?: umuars aeaa on aiwiiosnoai " loVatawtai i.J !.f.i-. t,:-.,'i t- Jnlyl 'Beaattfnip .. "Chanalng," ."Oa. poveiyi" " W hat ar taey wurta,1 Axv Barh are th saclamaltoea. of thoas who see the large, elegant new ebreaaoa produced bv the European and Amerkaa Caroiao Co. Every one will waat them, ittequira no talking to ell Ua picture, tbey speak for tbemielve. CanTSMers, ageati, and ladle and tea tl amen oat ef employment, will led thi the beet penms erer ooerea u maxe money.- 4 or ia it arucuiara aenn namp lor eonnaaauai cireu ir. Addrea F ttUUBOK A Cu.TJB. Waak- BgtonWButpB,14aa,.., , aipW-tw EMCO. KvB flOY I aMSTiTVTUtMS 4" '.! ,.u a .1m3o1j nit i : SJibOBitl AQ AllHi ltih . TTje .. NOW JT1I Cuipl 0 JIE IKSUm ; .'W'' ..Tiiillit .v.r.-. TteUMMaeeBltaa -. write FeHM st faa? rates, eaaUaiassas ef bits "St 11 prof. erty. ,ii t'iil .w M'jH-a .." iftjii i All losses srs proptlyadlnitsn sat psta Tha-noMl" Israptoiv rrowhirhi pabucl Btvor. snd anDoal. with eonndenee. to lniurer 1 ef property iaaii partsot vmatwoaus,' - 4ammaMisW HeHW TJ1,U ' I 'Hi f V -A U I PA E. H. BAttu. Jr- FrsaUeaW 0. B. Boo, Vie freeldentr . lt llW BW"Sj ".tf' (Vi.-I, ",,(( a Mf ' Alinanae'e for 1876 Wl I aoee be read r. Order what yoq want, and I will bae your lutpriiit put oa them. If a many a SfcJO wtth- out e'tra raarm, ; fh h Bitus ths chaae- . w Aliuana publuliM Sua a accural HUjguin, lJOAWUlf. noosasner, ;ai;' WTJ'.IJ Pai kMlvat Jow. lsmrstJt.kl J ' ... ' : .n,tnu 4. I.I f HVmr rvu 1 ACTIC jra tbe Batneme Ooari 1a uw; the Circalt aad Uurwtct 'CMrts ef !. Unliod HUtea and tbe evfml Coarta ef t SttJio,ai IMM0tm.----- - Q ;b J rtauoeil Hank. I V 9 stair, . . i 1 ....XI. s ... 1 1 1 LA FATE NT S B rfT! " '1 TAC1 UK ll'erTwe B"lr.l 1 "'. Iiave lllU' aed t um t. m ft utwn. Without CU aataebeiji i ajuuae j . A I tPsMbyl oetavao. lit of ! by i 'I 'OM 1 .1.1 !, I 1, !'(.. ti i... 1. r 1 fciAaui Br iOfprTgDEnicAEni.TyA OnXBOlJ, SUTTON A CO Mat iwi- i - . j - - V - t '.- Nor. t9A Baltimore i1 1 ForUi LTberly Sti. mil a - L V 1 17 iPj7 llf l ' i '"si I' J 4 Xi Mi H H T ' rf. e::..:3cf T. W. Jonso V v at . fLCaaa: B. Sf. Strrron, sp it-act dosjan.v eYSHty Store,; For your Oroeerles. FWrrVlow. Conntrv Pro. dace, Clothing, Hats, Cap, pry Ooodi, Cotv f eetioDeries. Clgara, Tobaoco, Ve V. , Aladdl Secnritv Oil warranted net to ex. pmarTOwnmenaea oy tne leaauig fire vom- Cmcm mm vaemina. unj av eenia a gauoa. . njl I OA - . 1 1 W ' T anwew vu miij mil m wiium wk R.F. HOwFXLS, , FralrlelhiUdtBgf WUmingtoe Bt Sl. BHI.- w lot ii!Bin .Ww nn krTOTittC;" Th nndeniftie4 havtnr DenoanentlT loca ted in JialelKli, respectfully tender hi pro- eeHnai erviee in til praotire of Uentlatry both oner tire MHlanrohanicai) to tbidUxaa KaieiiA aad the public genendlv. tarUUc room over l acker's ha rxenntlv oecuutedbf Dr. Arrlnrton. stpt v-uu; v. . ; n, KtytKiTT. St fOlTNTAlS BTE. t ? i aoMheUpr:njeffountam Rye for aeed. sept la-U.-i ( - j M TOWI.ES. "! rwl, ' TltailaaeryC i . U - - ; likv . Nw' X . 1 i jTj '.T'itmrrrt int'i iir vit i-a J.:-j,'ii."K ,1j -w: A ,i .w .'-it) psnoT, I i-i 1 U0" ' septl7-8m .7:1 !'" A'" - GRAND, flQUABX AND UPRIGHT, Have raodved upwards f. -FIFTX FIRST PREMIUMS, aad are aawag-tb best now mad. ( Xvery (aetrameat fullj Warranted for Ave years. Prices as low ai tbs exctuslvs nss of the very best materials aad the most thorough workmanship will permit - Tbe principal piss tats aadeoav poser, and tbs piano-purchaiing public of ths Booth especjslly.nnit ia the untnimooa verdict of the superiority ol tb Btieit Plana Th Durability-et ear isitiuments is fully esteblisbed oy over Bmt Boaoois and Colleges la the Booth using ever 800 otcwJ,ianoa:-- Bols Whole! Agent for several o( tbe principal msnufaeiurers ef Cabinet and, Parlor Organs: nrioss from. E80 to AftOO. 4 liberal discount te Clergymen aad Bab. MtB iwaooav; t M'JXSJK A large - sstortraent of ,- ssooadisaa Pianos, at prices .ranging .from t 1900, always oa hand. 'T ' neaa- tor illustrated ' cataiogae, eon- tiioing the names of ovef SXOd Booth- sraers who bav enghtt.aad t are aswg tas 8tie Pisaa.,.1- w jh Wanrooms, JJo, f Horth Liberty Bt. ' BaXTDioma, MoT (. Factories, M 8i AUaada8t ad4S 41 Perry Bt ' uw nt .u aTOATABT TO KILL OWMERS. - I, A lf eKI tuiBieaw Celebrate rkpBOYXD 8KUT AMD SCKEEftlftO Three taoosaad nee basdrsd at these Sacklaee are new ruaaiog la N. C, and s adjoining Bute sad sfter aTawrv taAaa Tbstw prooonnord by .th best Mill wrights sodmiUers la the Stat U be 9operior to any that baa bee yet oflered to the public, as I am being mis- Mprsssated by parties efteiiog Maekiaes 14 imitatioa ot mine, I now wffer thenri njsd of tbs very best material aad warf rsnted for five yearn for $7; b naif. (For the axt twetv inonths'peraom wiihlng te pnrchsss Bttcbines or teaew od qnea will find , it to their Interest ia every ease to address ate before they pen. clsss elsewhere. 1 1 ehslleng all etket machines, etpecially the Eureka, v I JU1L3 A. AIclIAIIJtJTJt, . J tt n.,- ta r . I fpvOWNl UOWIf Bottom Fell .Out joitsnmTiuATa. Voot aHho Prices net Cash, riYf " 'X ' ' ; 2 ' S.S00 Tsrds 8pnnr and Summer Pruts at 91-4 cent per yard Net Caah. -4,S(X1 Yard Late Style Spring aad Bummer Print at T ceaU pet Caah. . . r i,aot Tsrds Mew snd liaadaoss Print aad fSeVeolors at cents per yard net Cash. ' - ' 19.500 Tarda linen Lawa aad aet tares- fourths Cotton st ? eentt per yard. 4 ; , Yards BoUd Colored BulUnf at U eent per yard. In facta geaeral elesnmg eat of Bsmmar Ureas Oooda. ' . ' - - Ihav ao partner m business.' 1 sra ths to make frtcea. no loo for your mnawy toChreech'a. wit , . - x.- CBXXCW. d fWZXOH AMD OOBJf FLABTERS. XJ . -tj. i' 'iu:.j(W .a,; F 1 have la store and te arrive s limited aanv okr of th celebrated ogta Dow LawUot tea Planter and ttnaeo 1U tribe tor; and tfcntth's eommoa ena re vol Tint; Cottoa Planter, wbleh has takes the premisnt st oar I se Fair. The cheepeat aad moat im prove riaatera, sad caa aever fail to gtv aatiafae 1ibuaW Btaehdfs, Smith's Mid Car W'UsetajMatad Core Fleeter. ( Ue ass aad hone ea do all th plan ting oa the fane with more regularity and eetla.aty th a hand uroars aoitcite mumtoaer JAMES It, TOWLE, ; Agsat ' Maaafaetarars. plaatlag. taem. ashiMidw nftAUT CRADLES a GBAS BCTT1U Jt rsdeived sapply ef Sukdshw' Celebrated oaltore Cradle. TkS Baa ra to Msaa, armniea wt give aauaraerioB. ? , . ?t . i JAM AS at. TOWLEA. Aevat ITJBCJt : V j maesi awei.tJk'tol d ef ttUHativ celebrated Alabama Gia.? Ik terUaoay s asaaia Umt they 4Ji Atatacsnd mafcaal aaaiple than an k . A . V a . rneeeepe aaw UetawtJ other ever law and traeaportatkm, -' v frJAjUA At. T0WLE8, - AMt -yW BALI BEST. 18 w ml J ;,,: ' A oWrable Boa and Lrt lath towa of Ory; Tbe Horns contain six room, with Si th modern eonvealeacea, with all eee sary entbeUke. The garde eoaAabM acre, sa orchard of 100 choice frelt trer adi4nin0. lie whole preralae cooetMing of 8 acrea ireio rlvea ant ef January, 187. It ti. iApplyto t'. ...---ii' I . WILLIAM . FELL, J O B J0 1 M JohhGtdti J bnos . wis ,.ii..f"i"f' ft" sn" Attorney At XATT ;.5-I 4'ltAUEICI'IL: IT. OV J'': x tar Pnct'eee ia all the iHtet Conrtav: .kprelal attention given law matters so weieted with recent stats AgilaUom. " wi'Wej doevMhor-Xareiiiu ttaewM 1 se lAOflnWUrtTt tW tlbtfavestaibi .l.VV block, Fdvilegci In . aU Btreet oooki ana cimiiar H-iiiiiir,-! ow u uone, aaa fe.. Addr "AXTEB At C Beak- . i 1 'i . ' " JOrLS AEySTKO.NO ' - Il( y-r -iyf'. -tl Ytm v J( w inKi) f BLArrjciJMjtifAwr mjJBjSiiWVAil cell a-d. Jl .vU ' ""Mempii Sfin g refiUad our Tlx t K if : r-. t- rtix U.A'AVt 45 Anw swured the aervteef ot b - - i-X We are now- prepared to execute .' '. . all kind, oi 1 w " . 1 TLAUI ANS:FAHCTe Work' V Job, All person luring, Letter l'ds. Baauosa Carda,. 1 f t.f , i VudtingOsrda, Wedding Csrda, 0 ya: Ctrenlsrs, ? ere, Ae, To print, will hare thoir work ex ecatedin the very beet style by ending It to the ' " , . Continol ' Office We are also .St. 1 1 prepafed kinds of tdo al Book ... -tlT Work 1 1 tst In the very best style, Bin f ; t an iii "! 'V" ")!; ".'j.'y- ; (U . li' " " -t-'l; . Ui'M" n be done AH work eent lo ni will u quickly and choapVs at any other nONTINO 1' V Vft'' BOUB1 Df THI At J3X -ihtit i TTOB Mats an Fb1 CodrtS Bail thf Ootrls et Awiaft iiiuJa. "i;. ' .' - Hm-r?yri , TATZCT CZXAUnOa 8ATI3. btebriAhadawr that a third ef a Caatwy, RIDUCID IN PBICX . . . Asm twe sondred seoond-btnd Safes' tbf "" ' sale at vary low wfce. . :;' ' tliyw te r-.'.T.; t- i:r.vt!ii j,; ,1.:.XT taw 1 tai ati S59 BaoAowAf, JTw Tetkl v as sea o BtroBtrBT BVy tfonoa. ' ' Tf.l vlifitwMMi bwNMit mit t. ta Mw Th Central Hotel," tsorneTMftrWfl sstnetoa and1 Hargett streets JbnBeriy the Carolina TJoase, has been thoroughly repaired and refitted, and fat aU respects made! entirely new and haying 'been newly furnished faf the handsomest style i now ready for theaiHnmodatlon Of TlsiterV4t in'rnMt i 4 .xpnq I , 4 AxrangemeoiLs t. Uva be'ea, aade , for sji OmmhuaatW Carrie to. mt the travelling public on each, arrival of the trains' and polite and gentlemanly Por ter will attiiadr i ii' ." The fare and Accommrwlstlnas at this House will not be surpassed, bv any in th city.' " J J.emu, per aayr . 1X00. A liberal share of nubli natreaan la respectfully solicited. 0 , I A V11AS. IL, THUHAiS, k je 6-tf IToprietor. GKO. A. PRINCX CO. ' -ii' u .OFgjans to .ltelodeoBBe t T i 4 s n The OUert, Larrest and Uot Ferfeet Haaa- ucuwy to u uwesa atates, : No othe htrSiWt llfer' attained the iam Fopalarity. BUFFALO sl'T. " Mow ia se. -oana JorrncSsu. ddteS novll-tf V r.t,, PEPPEB'S WHITE FBOSIT,, The labicrlber hereby gives notice to hi oMteodae4CTrtomers that the 1 1 ..- :lr."l Whlto Prdnt , 1 contiooes to afteVItt uraal attraction, mak ing it tbMt popalaf reeert faf the By of Kalcigh. - Tbe uiitik e&AoUrf Is Juit opened. ' Oviter will be aerved In all atvle aad at all hour. All other laUeacic of the eeaaoa will be furaiehed. Tbe belt of LIOPORS and WINES and LAoaalinn. j4i ttiae-waite Prent. ujn- ' aej .-- W. K. FETTER. 1 T'li'V ! leu: aaiMoaa ! ji ! " u OOBB ASiTUR, " aarestUB ' S VM V H WlH "1 Jl1 OW 0JT THB (J ail 4.1iiv JaRk k M OF vXfti,t. I A. r -v "D"-vat - The idvahfaate iet thU CaavM Bea-Slde Keaort, are, th Snet trteh ef OCEAN fcAACU IN TUB WORLD, betsg Irosj eaw half a mile to a mile wide, with Uie lea apoa tne ade, and th beantlfnl eonnd and bile, , pomtn otner, anoraing tne fimbt bii tNO. FISHING ANDuOMMIMato oeonnd My where on tb Atlantic Ooaat. lr"r Thi Hotel kt el tested dtrectlv t flout Of th Inlet, aad 1 built UVBB TUB WaTgrV Una tide sbbleg sad dowlnr osily anderneaUT K-cnaaeewenUy 'there-are vo FUEb, MU kd tr?y 0 n OKe. nd K J DCBT. j uUh BU.HF BATUlMtj i the Bnest sad bafeet ON THE COAST. Tachta. Bail Boats and Bow Beats can be had at aey.tha aad .at 1 maionabk rata. Bathliic Jonaes are attached to the lioteL. where ireeeto map bathe in the still water rasa or oaAaea, aad learn the art of ewlss- A CKUuua-r fk is attached to tbe propartr. which is always opea to ear patron. ia riuTIKO TRAPEZE is slso eoaneet trHh Uie Hotel, for the aoterUlnment of UtU I tolka. I OUR BATITB BAItKS FOSIXS WUI be kept (or hire, snd gneats ' eaa enjoy a ride apoa oar Sne reads. Oar Harbor ebowuli In blstlUa, areckTt, trewt, pig BB shup -bead, flounder, oytters, elauia, cellope,' Stone erabe, aoft kaeU raS, eta. Oa Bounds are tilled with marthe ni Island, wber-' wild . hv teekajiirlewv snip; and ethrr varieties ef aea-iowl aboand, which gather m Jarg aoola at ssssoBf sSaadisls, weir young. ,1 t wi.ih-. , rrUe wtaUnc 1 Drlnr their horses, sa fa accommodated af.ttVot4 SUM, " ' CHE AfEtCURSIOH TICKETS eaabahsdstSnt RaDrOtd Depot, good t6r - mw .T taoi seeking a nomesy tne see. for the summer, VBUUruavrSMa ATLANTIC HOTEL, offer peculiar adv-. tag, not found st say other watering place A aTbassirHT W" KSalCLUU lavs been engaged for ths aeasea. oat uaio alau vAid aooMn eooiest snd largest hi th South. Oar Bar, Billiard Rooms; VB Alary, aad Shoot kog Oallery have been refitted, aad Will be, aadmtd at heretosev. ' ' ,1-rV 1 uuTaniismpnawuaaii'B' Baeieaei sua, aaxi watea. . 'j ' .i.w, 4 JoUR EMPLOHES are r.nlrtd to be, Bte. aUantlv aa4.ebllalUiAM.d U tW To those who bar aever visited this eeiigairas 1 argw sbamlte Stop wlth sjavi taw woaamg iam, aad Ul b savieed that eurs a Fnras 4 CBajras Basosnv i' I IMS iietet will he p es aaiy twswea Vta. Ilor as ths ptoprietor sasy teal laallsiSt h trod no bxg,Jki' u Fer day for Iwit wiS i. , f ."S .C.itH Fer day for tieoad week,.,. LsVY 1 AUberal Aedactlo to vUkwdbt art aad I Aaraet. Special rates to Unatemea asd'j aiuiinn; nnin i iiuuinh avaemrumuau,,,! and Muntbly BosTdersv, (Mdrea a Ber - vxu. w. cniXlTTX. rroprietet. HV-tllal J -V seen- -ewHsj. REAL ESTATE a A LL gJBOBt)F FROPERTT lOCQHT , A and soldo Csiaslssloa ay -w, . HI ; if" hi f . 1 t. a.i!. if' IP. lit tf 't'l ii;-. ti'i" ''' sat" 1V: 1J-. K::' 7 ; Iff ir'1 1 1 i r. 1 4 T sa w sou sm fssWtt 1 LlUMMm 7- :7- 1