t. . a.. . " i - r ...A .01 II UTI 6 AL A M KM 1 The delegate froror Orange, Mr. Turut r. hss luruisbed n the following ,vUoih.i ol tbu S3 proposed Amend ieui. t the coostllutko ,:W ..?. ; Ut Anjendinenlt That Metion 4, ! of irtide be alrfcken out tad lw hew 1 mttiuua be ubtliutod. 11ie section to llt,trk koa out is is regard to lands ,-iTf it to the state by oowgrsss aad the Ht.iiroprialioo or hnes, penalties, &c I i,e aection to be rabetltuted gives ,il kndt end proceed of lands, girea l,y the United States to the state, to national purpose t nd all twamp lamb, Hnea Ac, are to be uted tor par .h,,, of education;:5? ,s;,V.' 2nd AroeiHimenUtrlkeesutBsctioa 17, ! ani. le 3, and nbetitotea a aeetioo pro i vuliug lor the establishment of a bo J rx:iu of agriculture,iramigraUon and eta- , utic, and the protection.. of sbsep liwUwdrjr. ..v' .! i :s, Amendment add to section 25, f ankle 1, that "secret political eocleUei a- (laugerout to the LberCes of a Urea iK'ople and ihould not be totorated." 4tli Amend aeotkM 10, articl3, by prowling that the governor, with the wlvkvof th senate, ahall appoint all -,. whose apprdntmenta ate no4 UhHrwiMproTklMfor. ''! 5th Allegata and amend section 15, 0 mi.1 17, ot articie 4, and allows the ii-rol aaaemblyto allot and distribute nil judicial rxrwer among the ewraral i-ouutitM eieept that of the sapretne court, wliich is nied by the oortstibitina itBflf. V. v, .;!: , lith Strikes oat sections 1 and 3, of vtu'Je 18, and forbids aalling' a eonves ti..ii without first consulting the people at tlwpulla, - """- ";":' ."'''. " ' 7 th Provides fee Submitting Che ami ndmcuts to ths eonstitBtiua . to tl- people, at the tba polls, Tueeciey afur tlte 1st Monday to Hovembef. 187f. XIm) amendments will V ratified or re jn'M together. v . vr : W ,.r . j Hth Provides for publishing the oroV nances for the Information of the people. 1Mb Require! the Judge to reside in the district for which be is elected, ami forbids his holding court in the me county more thsa once in four yean, ' 10th Reduces the number of judges fn)in 12 to 9, and anthorws the legiahv tim'to increase or diminish the number. 11th Provides for the easambiing of the legwlaturs to-Jsnwsry instesJof November. V- r '; 12th Hits civil right on the heed by (orl)idding white - and Mack cliildreu going to tits same school, and providing Unit uo duwriminatjon shall be made t..tli prejudice of either race. Mill Fixes tbs pay of members of the m-iii-nd wwembly at S4 a day and 10 vnU iiiilge, and limit me (M W M .liH. If the session is prolonged U'T.m.1 !U days, member receive no Hih rovkle that the term of ofBce fur atuatomand members of Uie legls lahire shall begin at the time of their cleclioii. ' we (., Jaih, Tliat section 29, of article X. ts amendod to allow the general auembly to change the time of holding elections lor the general assembly.K"ni Hft Kith Strikes front the constitution see tioii 4, of article S, which Is the old re publican gerrymander of the senatorial 4ilsUuO in l&OK. M-L.'i-'M-i---- ' .t U --.v. 17th lleduret the number of supreme juiipi rrom n-e to mrec, as oar uuners liad it. ' I.. v. r .-i I,t:,i:', I Hth Declares tbs . Judicial power Miall be vetted In s court for the trial oi impeachments, a supremo court,' su irior courts, courts of justice of tbs lace, and such others inferior to the ktipreiue court as may be established by hw. f U ', ,vi . l'.tth EetablistiM the 'supreme 'court in ltaleigh, until Otherwise provided by the general assembly. "."!: , 20th KUikes section 6 article J, from i lie cooatiiuUsn. This section was the old rcubUcaa gerrymander , of tbd huK of npresenUtlvesil and,; the ,opleeandoJUwoiWts!l JHO siht Forbids fcatiriR an J aic tr u na of office iio' exledng under the constitution. ',ms'WTW 22nd Provides ' for the election of iuiL'cs of the supreme court and supe rior court, by general ticket, or vote of mi me people ; Dut allows tne general HKoentbty to change the mods of elect ui( superior cotvt jnage rrom general ii. ket to district elections j , v 2.1l Inquires 12 months ' residence in the htate, and V0 days In the county. U'lore a man can vote, and excludes leloun and ei-penitautlarjr convicts Irom holdins office or votlnr until re- tored to cituenship by due process of law. There was two days' debate on this ordinance. " Messrs. Barrineer. J)mkery, Alberison and Buxton, with i ttiris nsiflrm ilnlsWrsi ts sirhOaslrm mrrevlttat a and noclaruig It : was : aimed atrine nesrro;-.:.--rrrr,4-t:7 21th I'rovide for the removal br the legislature of any Judge of the snperior court, for mental. or physical disability. It also provides for, the removal of elerk of the supreme and superior courts by the Indues of the courts for the tame reason. Appeal in cats of removal is aiioweq as in otntr cases or wiiU. ' '' V. ; ' ih Provides that article 1 at tlie eon stitution be amended br adding that the general assembly shall hart power to modify, change or abrogate any and all of the provisions of the article, and sub stitute others in their place, except ses Hour 7,9 and 1& This allowtfthe feglal. t ire to appoint magistrates as under the itlil mnatiintinn ' ' ' '46th Gives jurisdiction to Justices oi the peace over civil actions founded on contract, when the sum does not exceed 3200; and allows the tnstioM to call fata jury of au men in certain IWth Authorises the. employment of convicts on public weeks and Idehwava. 28th Adds the following new section to article 4 : "In esse' the general as sembly hH estoUish others inferior courts, the presiding officer snd clerks tliereof abalTbe elected in such manner tm the cenersl assembly may proscribe." 29th Forbids msrriago between white and black and all persons of negro de ment 10 uie intra generation, " '- " 30th Adds to article 1. seetiMi U "Nothing herein contained shall justify the practice of carrying eonoealed - weapon or prevent tbs letnalature from enactmg penal r' statutes against said wSlat AboUshe s-Mon SI, of rMv 4, and provides fr tu.ng iul vttut:wie in odces provided for by tlis article by tbs governor not otherwise provided for. - 82d l'rotidk fur paying oer itl inember of tns convention. -'.a . 83d Oive power ta tbs sapreme eouit to try 1 Issues I and qnestiona of fas s under the old wjostitutlm. : w , . , ..t , : L A 0INT5! I.EOAMT OtLCTIKOMOS XL wonnieiklse Wl) foe I. Novetoss snd CbroiDo tu t-rry()fvu Marioasa CaaoMo, yo. file. r. . f)K ADAt gUvraulMd Haibgi.ui' Ut VvAiioaa a LiaiLu. a.w s laonik Aagwst. iQuu -.", :.v AOKXTsWArlTXD! MsUU ssd Wpto- saas Awarded for Holwas'sNsvPkrt'O KSAb sUllLfcVB. VjUU IDiutrtUoo. - AddreU foe new ssrealasi, A. ft. JUVLMAS tV, W Arsh HWevCl'lilaj, (,-, 4 . i,4 .' iit ; 7t, i, ,.,.., jri!n SKAD1NO fSTCHOMANCY, OXA. Fasctnatlsn, Sonl CkaraafeSKt Hiatal rUm, aa4 Msrrisn sklt akoalB hew sit her ses nay fastiamls sad gahstbs hv aaa anecuos si any parasa tasy caeosa nuaam w pages, pj aiait eucu. tt s7tVst.,rhas,r i MaatSiCo..UM 1 11 TO ASuOl to trail Btreet efles leads V" to forrtiae.' A pare took eaUttod Um ad Idlosi of VTaU Street," tip)i ac evsrydUiif 4 Ben fres. JOIIS tttC UJIU UXi Bitnkm .d Broksw, Breadwariew Torll., !??. "" 4 IBB tS.OOQsONAKZi; SS toBOlaVastol la - Mall a., often kadi to a Fprtans. ru putlsulsis seat free. Addis EaMjrros IUasv as Vall ftlroet, Ms w York. 1 1 Tin BAttiMowt nokcEOPAtwc fUAKMAi'Y Mastered on September lt to Mm aiclou More at No. 135Vsrt fareU St., wber.tbt proprMora wUI ks ftoised to sestasirolS fiteads a4 paUoas. A eoaa pM stock of i Fur. ud KelUbla Hwb uaUdestedlclneaasweUMBooka. fof Jfcy iklu and family naa, afkg luck. Order per aaaU promptly atwtifled to. Address Boaaicas Tarai aat 1'aeUs StrerV BaUlaaor. WTJTS iKoi IS-By Aaii Bias' Toing, BrigkaaV Youth's .Itotoutons WHe. ry The only eompiet Sxpoaa of all tbs ferrets of Jtrkhasa's Harass -ever written Bora tat MonaouisBB, Aaa Ellas sow poM to the world, a o oiaer wrotaaa fvsitos hom, myrte. anS eHm of Um aonttto ayatemof Polypamy, frost v7 ov"" ulna-. Keerlv su iHoslmnsas' oeauiiiy. m .,rk. UkltolMsSaaUlBK book pabiuaeo. 10,000 store bum sad womya eaa say jm- p'OTmem aaa ira e w Uvi Age LcenU ar writing for lUaatiatedUreu rfta Larrt Terma. sent Free; 00 bus w delay, Mt aooreaa vonin. w"-" Her ford, qufffr.. Ul, ,Cleclnia; Ohio,,, .'.v .umm.u: i'l a delay, vv anted; a foe she tost ssIHag iasV.rriaapfMtpaM, ate. Clnalar frse. Baio at Co., TOO ioadirBy, N. Y. TVTrtri a to b fHKl KxnUnatorv 1 rirsnlar huw S19 lo atOO hlTested fai Stock Pjrtvllrgee, baa paid sad wOl pay larw v.att KiiraKil 8urki. Bonds and Sold soWht oa Marains. Interest Sis Per Oat. allowed 00 donwtu aohJet to lh SLraft. Buckwaiurd; t'o., Baakera and BjwkeraJJo, IS Wall Street. ew fiy r y.yaaa. Foa couans, colds, hoaksexms. na all tlinMt dlaeaaes. US CASBOUC TABLETS, pat ap only to bin soxaa. A tried and sura remedy. For sal . , I i 1 1 - .1 lMa-W (TW - vow at fe QoT, ynJwJpbla, Pa. " ,v A OOW1T FBIE. w W waat some Oas Id avery obttrty to tak order sad deliver (roeda lor lb old sad erto tuel C. X D, pMa, tare cash wagjs, Splsadld ebanee M "every sJghboraoo4 for tka vlaraA naaaoai daiiaereaz. a VHrai eon plat outfit lor w eae as AdSieaa. H. i. tor wt oaea and aaak aiaaisy ' etyoar kavaaa, Addiess, U.i. Uau. A Co.. llowsrd Btreel, SaWaaors, Md, iri v ;f a ' r t- liliiiirofiiif- rstssawisy Cares all Dfseaav of tos aamdy )IR. ini - ... iium r tuna VaMrnauuflv r f f"1 I .!. "'?! hMH '1 kf. Wonea oad t!hUdrsr UT HO MAT! KB WHAT TUJ6 AUX I rM ! mom bctU of Kaar fcey Maid Batraet Bseh Is vona ssorsttiaa Prtee,OBUoiiarprsouie, wan owum torrivs DeUsrs. '-i"' Depot, 104 Daans bU, iew 1 ore A rhratdaa ta attoadaaee to asswsr sorrs poedaaaiaad (ire sdvies rrstu CAarev UsWOwaiiWiM. ' Da J.l DTorr.STadoat ot Jegar. a Mad; UkI rtollaav. PbiladelDhla. aatlior of I Mlaable works, ean be soasaiUMl waUdw aaottt.saazsorCrbwyiwiraSs,(wkcl a ha mad aa aepedal ctady) attiMr fca m srievaale, ao aaauar troaa waaeaaaeo-'fii atnar ot 01 sow tona; aunainx , a n Stt years ssablos aim is tret dfeeaacs vmk aaaeaaa. Care awaraatead. UuW ra toaaUe. Tboae at a dlatuwe eaa torwar IMur eatrnsng sympfoeas sa,,attiauig ts prepay poalac. ; . ' Rend M tae vstdfwfsswi. rre iuj, i". J. H.DY11TT. M. U.. TBi WATIR XSOISfc.. fVaVad 1-2 Urrmm oouaw r I 9l I JMriU 'IMj.ii 890.00 . '"tit. ill , Jntja 1 f-Vttt f4 iK,3T fy ,i f j -J, , issaafi 1 4- " il .1 i" I IH-H Fat I ;:i -tHmpls Engine Uimjtrwrf. wnto lor uirosiar'. v- . : . i l TTIJTjS LEWI At COfp VWlkW 7Tr.:.. Sots' Agsata' ATf OCT JW.W.;rr" "DAiNTJi, OILS, ! JIardwtr .of every , J)emriftkn J r Fisheb inrrLDUro, - I Prtas PSi fa IS vretM.' is so talaa- IS sheaU paper, IVeavetopea, Psey Pes Hotoer,. Psaru, patented Yard Meaaawe, sad abn of Javulr. glawla nackacs vak als MUVT EAWrfir.C. " 1 d , i nr aporter A UeUsrst rorelge boajsatlf 1 ' '' .w... . Wfll. Birlne- 14 ihele Bvaat awra SMtaat (Ii pal arsMi, aa siidir ersera rauai aupaeie of the United Btatsa, glvsvrMtar Aatnallaa k Out-ol Tuwn butiMa. WHaaa eaisrwaaa Departmrul ang luareaul Saellltl , Umj will au all urdot bv aaaS WltS att saaaal from ptneaa. aud, tkey fenaat, Ha Vep)e Wi "e-d Jcal, f .tii, ed rari UrwM tfoeds.i awb. t.Ce lmttiivn, Wgiui Trimming; It j'toi sde4 ieettry;: CUntMi Vme brtlUu,. sv I o' 'drjpMrtment aVy mmpttU m &pkti fit tf fA wmtUUi lo fuumtMk4 S arjsa nmrkdt . W -.- 1 I utl il .'! Our LswHesf Shoe Department con tain a stock ansurraasedLj foe eleganee; durability and lowuesa of prio. Ui rection for sf if-measweinent see - Complete aJaojWntoGsnU'unw Ishlng Goods, bhirto, Collars,Cufa, Tka, lloas, Glovesj c. Woods sent to a-y part of tbs Tmtry,I8:aint measuro menti tent so appucAodn,.: ,,1'... For the acopmuvodaiiin tXsaiea and Camlliea wholar arable to 'Visit elty, full lineaj of hamplet of aft grsdeS or Airy uood wm pa sew,.; ana, oraer? by mail tUkdwiU tiwauwaiest possiUa ears, ,"' ' i hriieuf- ! llKOADWAT Awn 1-vrwwTiimi nrwwsr? may 23-w3oa 4fciiw t. wtf , . MICX MU 1, , Mske sad baa atoOMa to th Mi Sato style, a BleadwprUa St & t , jf. .I'M!."" I1V 'f IJU1.'. I JOTICAV h'bs City OrdbMBce rekUag to TJof going t bur wUI be enforced (rata asd after Satur . I AtiMSi Ira . fc- u . V . . ' mi. SELECT BO AID WO ft DAT tCBOOIa Tba tklrtv-ihka aaaaloa ot tba MbSHlVasa atlas Eoflock'a School will ope aa Friday, SSd July.' CtreuUis aeet oa application. , ; OUCASAKT' AND PUOrOABLI, Uf. -BMnrafol r d'Thartaawr" .kv level v f " Wbat araiaev worts.4 W are Uetnlaniallaaa of ta e was aaa la large, eiesaa aewearoaMa ptedaead av ta Earopeaa aad Aavaricaa Utroaa Co. Every ow WIS waat Ibeaa.' Ureqviaae as Balkans; to sell ta phrtan, tkey spraa Caavaaaars,a n.araoU. aad udM lea aad real aad Uiia it qbS of ipioyaatat, wUI niiaiilBa Bior ufferedtoaM toaaakeasoaoy. Far full parttcBlaraamd tiamp foreoaadmtlal elrea- Ur. Addreas F. GLKASOM dt Co.ns. Waaa aatoa pt,Bot,Ma . ' -i asslS-w U)M V; AAS4 y'f b lftVp) torfiHJi-J . Ai i ivi-n tfJttfZJTf A GA Mt$i el KM MOAAI1I OAHOUNA . , , ii i HOME IN3UBAUCE CO MP AH I , ii U L; jULETfltl, H. G psawa ThaaOoKi av tf taariaaBainaalti 'AtaWsiproaf Tbs " HOME Israpkuy eroabir ta pwfcnt mmtm ul atMHala. wtlk eoositewea. a I aioperw la an panaoi arm AgssUta all pans s u sssie ..ij-W it)'. 1! Saatoa Oataa, Saeretary rri-aau Cowraa, saparnac Jaaaie-tf. ( - ; t OBANIV 4QUA&K 45D rlOHT, ' nave taeelved toward ' bi lUfT SHST PREMIUMS, aad An among the it now mads. Every InatrooMOt !! warranted (of Iveyev Prtoea as tow st tne rzclBiiv as f cfaw very best meiiata asd the stoat tnoronab woikmanabip will par mi ih ids pnwapaa iiumi v-w-BMsers. aad th Llano-unn-bacirr. pwbitc of tba South epaeilly, solt In th siaalaMs vsMtct or tns mpsnotivy v th WWa Piao-v TtJi Porabllity d oat LiatiBnieat ki aai-biiabsd by .over gixrf eowoois and t olksges U th 8 nth oatng ovf SU0 f or FiaiHiav - rVMe Wbotevar Artam mr arrerai as w oHodit. rosoVicrrr of Obiaet aad Far!' Organ ; prims from got u SAOQl A titjerl diarona to rrJ" )BWiiaTirWBlwIt!... sT larse- aaBartoKalrfidwpoadJiaad PI aoos, at biatvsv remrbireav $74, ftSiSI. atamaTno hed. 'J a HtaT tw ill'arratHi ' ixtxirfm. cr taiaiDs the name of over. tfiW , Sowlh- srnr who nr rmaght ad? aissmg ' I vacs au a? t ia . n Wmfrnim. N Nortk Liberty r vpOEtAf t'to m;U ; oatdi"i tllvjt . a . I " ,Sh; ,Ki.fu .at . - if. a; 'nirnanncn's Cclsavreu c ft a - . .'i ...v ... W ae-a shriiaand issnnrHT. tbeat Mcb'te afe nwv isnaing to It On sad the J.4mfl rWaiss sBr o'Vsnm Vbass rwrf 1 ntnwwrr ry lbs beat nill wnjfhiltod aiiilrrs In ;h 0tato to be rrtrj v tf tnt ' nao jm fnered to irst PBhiin, aa I S! being a reoreaeeted lv nartir oflsting Msehi ta imitarinnj e eln-, I offer taas). mW .J" ib Hry beat meHal and war rtsiwl n ara fur 75. v ! f - rtb i-kt t moaths a-woi wb-hlli i iaivba nmjnior or arW om u a j'i S'-d i " totet t vrv raa. M addr- at me Vf it thej tnr. ckaar etsjkra. I. cbaltvars sir; oiU macaMla.iiHMail ll B.ora. t -v '.V0BNfMM,Cw,n, I BR A NS O N R N ORTH CAltOMX A Almanac' for 1U wi i aaoa be eaady Ortl"1 hil V'W nt, aad 1 will ytr itapriut put a tiMrti If m many SuO uto- aut tratiijrcl 1 um i aut a mw chw- sat Jf. 0. Aliuaiia .at had sml a aucaiate aaayiae 'rptt-tf iia4 aVaaoasa. Ajaaistaaai sS svaaail .'! I '." " . .StMaf wry At UW, Lriwn. ti IksAOtlCl tatas SaproBMUBrt sf th , auaa. th OWsalt aad Uiawtet L.erte sf , Lintiesaiaaal aa we aevonM, iMrm ar JUci jDltret, , ' OfUm ua w il 1 ' seoastal: to BUau.anw4i sua, vp a.Miunl waviaa( Of love ry i eoaw. kad. 1 aav as atos aauaai i aauaa Coma Sauu) na -t i ! 4b, sUBxpraaaCemiw-l' SM v maaer aa siau E f . eimoj or KdRra ca A, OHHON 8llTTOX A CO. V''atWe.'j.aw t : v .AAb v.uw-v, (Iff it V . M ft. ' ' . Mas. Stt Babbnara aud Earth UbsrliSU. ttitnr. a v T. w Joirasojc; , t ' " J, B. B. Cuan. ,r i - , ... - g. . Burro. I f 0 J. Jonaaoa, 1ST n a tq m. r: nowALL- pBtUBnt J?rniHa,Wixjnirotoai 84 fas yew Orsesnaa, PiovWoas, Cevaatiy rVe soas, Uotainj, Hata, Caps, Dry tiooda, Cow VMrar! TOOeaso ate., me, rny uh wanaaiaa a piodaeeonmeedisd by to leadlaa; He Oaaa aaaaaa aad Ckeaatoa. -Paly stt ass a pdlaav Ott oarr SO ssaU a ralloa at ' iVM.i. B.P. UOKbL'S, l r i- , fvaftdsBaUdlag, Wttaakartas Si, l asptSVtf' ... SaVk- afMaaiffka - Tbs aadaraiga" havbif permanently bee lad toBalelfa, pa perttaOy t d.-ra M jppa. filnnal aervae la ta pr'- ! xtry (Boa) oBsnUre aad bmc!uu -s Sf KaWrt sad to pablle SarUiaaa assma over ' raJearatiedbvLr. sap aau.l i j v. am iforjaTAWWi. AAi:-. . . so soaoeis av.aa awaaiaia ny i ' aaptllMf I - . dHTOfcl BAXTIMORgJ esptu-sm OWN f DOWN II 71! , Bottom Fell Out I vtv X7fiTOA0ZZr,rf k st thftrrlern net Csslu. m Tsrds Bprlnr sad I W T a 1- aaata nar rani Nat Cmi. ' 4.&U0 Tarda Law strie e . anas. Prints at T sent net Caab. sjmM Tarda how snd Iwa fast eolor st 8 eeata per yatu ' U in j t. '. it tarss- SJKW Taraa Unea Jwa (i tonrtas Cotton) ataJeentoaor ; . ' 1 1 t A'. ' ' 'I ' BOTTOM fehtX OUTi i:ZT CJLS3. MOO Tarda Sold Colored Suf.log at U aeouper yarat . ntoftetagasersl Alesamg on aisaanasr Dvaaa Qoods 4 i - " I kavs as patnier rabnatneas. t sat th aaaa to navke rrtees? no look Ivr Tour moui j ad eoi to ChaaathW. , . K . " law aa a i or lOJTOlt'AND OOKM PbAMTEKS, PJlft-. .ei. a - - Mamtttskal matanw ... I HT W Svf II ) IW SJIIV BMawaaj paw bar Ot lb celeUated ttaetrja Dow bawwoi toa Planter aad Uaaa Dlatrlbatori sad Sultk'a eoanaoos aeaas itVorrhMr Co toa Vianlar. alhiaku Ukea th DraiBB at SWT tat,Fau.le Th ebtepret aad aaeat toprovad Mas tore. as cat acver rauw greaaauana uVa. iao blaclab's. Smith's and tar wU's iehrstad i'ora Piasters. Oas sua aad hersaesa do all tbs plaaUa; oa the turn ih aaaro ttrtalarlty b aita:aty Ih a toad Btsalaas.'! Ordvra aoikcltod ta tiaas to laaari E-mT. f - JAMKa bL TVJWLXa. asBawewnn '?;AaM -V. afaaafsaWBTar.t Q.Rr8 VEAOLES SEAAS SCTTHS not aaritoed I Bny of Slaebdra'Celetoatai Peathara Cradle.- Ia bear is raa Maasi. Warraalad to give aa Uafaetloa. - UHU IS, TOAIEA, Agtot , SMVtoSW. UHtt ea,wla,jattobaad sfthte t aoWbraUd aVatbataa tJtnr Ta torUf v a aaamia thai that -t Jaater aad batter sampl taa ae - ether aver auw. .anoaavav .iff r Ajvat. r-r 1? ORSALEOKKEXT. .-dWrableHoaae and I t Uttolowaof Cary. . Th Ilouae eontala six fooaaa, with all ta aaodeni eon tbu learn, with all Beta eary ootboa. Th garden eontalns aera, an orchard of 160 choice frait tree adjoining. lit vdom preaiwe cooaieiing ox a Beraa. -., Poaaeasioa Ktvea Srst of aasary, laTS. . " t , ; Apply to Mans. , 3 If I : V PATBMT StlPPlEtf TA Ii llOvorTwo Haedred MUnoas k II, , Juaae aacd .li4a u part My s ---gBBBBBBBBJBjt .aMBj-ii, , -.i , ,4....,..;B. , ,-., , ,,.,I fetrri) I:' -r J' y t'. ) it ? it fJhs f yT ,, atoWfs-io'.V " ' . ' -mntoX it t- .f. . 1-w.iffaga:..ggfc fctf. f.yagjw T, WlLUAMt-TILL TinE B K NT U K L 1 1 If T VI 'f ai I - AU.ElMD.0f ' i3 "7 A " 8 d f, r v U : ' " Qsrbg reflttdal our " And Accorwi tsjrrter oi ','.' -f , . I i 1 t .fi 1 ' 1 1 ;i i ! ?t.i fi.i:ii"jn Tb W art now prepared to executs sJiWolA'l m s.n. . .. ' V. l-L.-'-'GI1 - aasv1 - all ,V, " "i. "ft-'ia V, ' Kill liea.1, - ., - " ., - , littar Hd - r. -WWalhu.-.- ' 1BJ , , lUiali-ssOai.K ' : (.1 . a .... . j' . .rf!tlg,CaroX: ..pi . (. aaauiiiauji ,ania, . i... 'id i" .t 5 . )a lW . t t mJv t .f vi .ilfi ii l" if: l.! ..... .1 tii .ii! (: t -I "TT.' ,it'. ( IT r- it f'l.(.l Ml K rotter, dm, To print, will oats aheir worlc ''x ent9dta,ibs v bost style) by aV SCT-l , k iutotb nf'4viVv" m z:stcr . I. r,N . v f i 4 .' i i W srt aJso prepsreo to dd sl Book Work t'.rV lAVl V Vv f ".9 t ' 1 i" s - i ia Uit) ?ery rajst style, st I A (..1 'J ' - AD wort sen to or trill bo dong ss qnfcklj And olinapiy , si st sn j nOTTTNO BOUSE W Tnl -4" "80UT1I ., ' abai, k- . -.-rtv. 4 . 4, 1 - . . t . ..--'A btMiUsbed mors tna a tbm) sf a Oentaty. Mr! 4 Also two hundred teoood-haad ftafe tjr - aieetvsrj low pncea,;iit.Aw sot aaa sos oaiuuvti, nw iai -AH fcrsoiu lutr Ssml fCT1'1- M aad SO 8uDSUBT8TBoeton'.V ',1" JohiiBtoti J oneo AA A A a A d T TI .f : 1 V3H? f MT rwileaa to all Uts A a WtZ?T7T ' afi ktUB'ioa aires iawwatua . arU4 W.ba BnevaiiWU lxwlaUua. ',v . r j OMIer t S'SurBhov laraov atoaas.1 .n. a 4 at ,.. ' .t"!t aoiaa i'ti a a mi i i i H m , tt ,i -1 PBnm AW aiMt f i.aMaS aa S I f T 11 aiUUstoek Prlrllegea la Wall Straw.' e H h"n1 tooks ssd dreulsra telllnwjJowJttadosaV' u;'' , aaatfree. Address "AJUlB fAU BaadVf. VV t U. era, WsH t.,.Jfsw Tork. s..,.. dw , ,Cv, joiui iwm r;V BLASE BOK stiiy TitAvCTVjUEClw a uTbaa nn. at. a amaaMaa. ' rr j . . "-.1 uirtiMtii t4l fi W w -,t nrqmAT. IIOTIILJ'''- .to.,-4 ivda V 1 . . 1 .-'-'-, .f -. I J f vt-d i.li..y.,.4f ti(.ia " : ' Central IIotl,M corner of Wil oaj and Bargett treeta formerly . xolina noose, ha been fhcrtmgbly ed and refitted, sjidhtsJlneDeoti ' u, i . entirely new, and having been ' .v ' ' furnished in the handsomest styls ' ready ibr the accocunodstionof Si. i . anrimdnto lavrs beeiv mads fot, it,-j t -ubue SAdCarfJsfmtoanawA thsw.t h .4 .z tniUiesnfjsx'li arrlvsi- sf Js'i -?!i - , P- fttrj:t: - ed . . i,Hij ( r . -ndAtteaanaodsUonsatthis k,;': P". V f, .;.diia mtwI liberal ahstwsf puUIs paAroayage lsdu w respectfully spKctUd. m mwj JsC-tf i . aj..tyaewvi If - tmrnttrr, ttt i " 'i'"' a iWpf"W1'' QEOU A, TBurci sVCa 4 ht. o ibUlxmUi SS .UIHOOsh . .r Olvtaaa, Larraat aad Mot Parfaet Maaa- to the Uakast Btotob ft- . 1 l3'St.T 1 4b- MBATnarjuisivaftalaai r - taetort 1 a ra w f w aval wa I Saw Bb ma- ' . . ' ' .... . f - 1 in, eawi I Aidrsss . i c.rrt,wrAiO.r --MiriMiioMaMaat a awH'i H PIPPXE'S WHITE TROJrXi." 17 t. U-Wa J . . ,.v ....... . tm ttUMcTiaer aereoy grre aaa . . . , L .vli?.1 " dfriesdsandcnatoaBBrttasAUa t. imnM J T Ja l t- ral ,, al to OffM-tto wsaal atnadliast; awsx I ;ot aeaalar reaert 1a tbseSy of t ),M trifvtcf jftimt) 1 a O t eTKE 8EASOM W !. asal iu i... i. Crratora will be Barred is all. atyle and at. , . ... i - AU other deUesetes Of to1 aaaao';' ".'"V , sUIcVbaW WXA'rLr t Sh I hmu He taa white gtosi - j ! -ZH jhv jam Ml ddTliJrg, Jtoffttyjja- v K " . A m mf? txjfliaa VL70 ? lo Tl fl IS SUT Vo Stals sad ratodOasw sat OaA OssvlB SE ol Mm m u be tot aad an JaiBsbil Dtsiiaits. - .uh ana 81-tf v I . U inn JuJf rfti T vtlmt .... j-if .- : . ;?? jT-.vJf M u. -rv. JLrfv -aamfe'.. Java , ..i ! ' - - r ;ua ew f-t aw i.., tPtTroaaVTIrC .SiJU bt1V-A).. - 1 a. a 1 k fc WI THUBrf !W fc HVvaSOi The advaaraass sf tbAt Eeaort. are, the Saeet atrstch of UCEAAta a Aw W HSAUtt t aVSkHi half a aUl U a aall wtoa, Wtvh tia aea otMMB' J oa aid, aadatoavaWMafaleeeaS aad tolataaiaa arwi KaawMOis . aamnvvw 1 ihmi aauaa axnMna . O, FlAUlSOslbiatototoaBa4.t. n v , aaywaars sa to A llaaaau tloaati eoainaa Thia Botol m ait tad dlreetly la float os iv .. the lalat, aa ts bailt uy Ait tub watkk, the tlds abbtag aadaowbwdsdy avdiavaaaUa .aoaaeaaeauy Uers are FUAS, j i.mi DBOU1TOKS. aad WJ DC8T. - oca SUBF BATBINO at the Saasl aad " aaf est OK THE COAST, t a , i.17or v Tsehts, Sail Boats sad Bsw Boats eaa be I had at any ton, aad at raaaoaabl nOes. nataiag oaass are suseaea .as in jpotta. what a aaata awr bath to the I raaor oaAsea, aad Uars thaartof swlaa- avag; AXEOQUET PAXK m aHaebad .to tbs, propertr which i sis ays ' to' i t 'f 1 iiilroas . ! t -" 1 .v.....- A r 1.11 50 TEAPEZE Is also aaecte wit U UotoU tot to aatrrtai bbjbb t of HtU, . , tolka.' ' -- j t..jw . .a OUBSATITS SAHIB ruaiai WUI a kept (a hire, aad sweats eaa enjoy a ride apMsarSae roads. Oar Barks ahaaa.de la DIB Baa, paeaara, uvea, pm aaa, aaani beaa, Aoaadw, oyster, clams, aaeellopa. rabs, soft shell srsb, sto. Oar ed wlto marshes aad Wsads, Soaada era Sited wild raa, araat, dacka, earlew, aalpa, and other varWtka of ase-towl abowad, which rather aa auf lockl la thaur vonne-.T Parti wlablar to brlnr their horaes, can be aeeosmocstsd at tbs Hotel sbtobja. A AH EZCUESIOH TICE1TS - eaa Vt had at aay Bju1tossIa good for Ihsssaaoa. noiaossearainB'BBoaBBBjaaai aaa. tot tb JmsMnu BEAVFOET. aad tb ATbAJtTlOi HOTEL, Oder pecaner advaa A Fbvus SAJii ur, jBVBWJuva - ,,t ., toTaeoeafortlMeaaOB. ' TT.3 iaTrJl. oai MUBiu AALX st SAXdi EdOM latas , . eoolaat and buceat la u soata.' oar Bar, Billiard Rooeaa. BowUs Alley, aad o! j .nij-Ina- Uallerr save baea reflttod. aad will bT 1 saadwetod aibaratofora. fr Ln f-ocs ,-.in oa s-vs OCA TABXE la sappllsa with sn us ' leaeies of lae afta vnitar. 1 z H' svw rth' OCA EMPbOXEKS are raalrsl to be to, sttoatlvesad bbtog 1 1 Vtt s td AV-TotaosewaoMv aever vtanea lata htfnl Bcastt, wWwwaMamdlraSCto W! l.a'i atop with a th coming season, aas they Ulb soavbteed that oars Unmmmmwi4 Sao tBBAraav Rssom. This Botat wta be epsaai eviry to sack yb( Xi rl ;K, Itors ss ths pioprietor avay feel laeliaed to (u lairoaaee una Diaraany rvu&'.t: ur.A TEEMS Or BOJ ZD I nui 1 Frov for second wees. ...... ...... lb. . A V nl dedacUcB to vUitor la dary sad nri? l.na TuaU Special rates to Uaabaaea aad U-tl 4 v Fiaatag parUea;. FaaUUaa. . AxcaraioBiaU. . , and Mualhly Boators.fCb8drssawtori n ssts, half bries. ij.J.4i i A. 4.U V, eBBTTSJjOTrtst, tlUk- Wfl-aSS ,MlH.l. "WtM iiJ"l-.t ' I ' avfrt 1 1 ."I ,t , REAL ESTATE AU twos ty womrr Bouoaf , ?r w"u- and aoki ea Ooaaaakakm hy naj lwa eHMli tr - ia J. LI A T Mat saw a1 He ttada 5 d if lutjl MtJ f A practice." , E.E3JiaaLAJIDt ,V(J A.- i'J sort