" ...... ..L WM ' THE 'RALEIGH SENTmEg UaILT, WIEXXT . AND SUO-WIWIT. Official Orm of fcrtraro.' STATE PRINTING & BINDING , ESTABLISHMENT. . f P.DOJTJJT, ;' I " KdUfi. ; :,i ,'OatBS Of WMOHn. Dalit Sentinel t jr la advance... inuiy HmuI Ms mrwthlndvMM. 6 Weekly " m !WWllMl : kTiiH BHr itr. will atml mmA Ths DtiLT ecoTT bl win m aei.verea my pit of lay UyMFMsCenU per week. L E A?& nnjiIN8':l WORCESTERSIIIRE . SAUCE. R. T. Howell leaves for Boltimor to morrow to replenish hjis steak. Th police otttt was minus a cane to laj. Yesterday's work swept the docket. Rev, Father B3fy left jrastejy siter nooo to look after some ef his flock at Company E&opa. tiifg. - The Xoonj Mea' CiatiaiCAsaocia-; tioa meet this evening at their rooms tn the Ifcgge building. . Xvil ; We regret to loam thai Out young friend Ed, W,5 Tbomason la going to leave us to tjcate in South Carolina, t j . (eUon receipts yesterday amounted to "80 belce ATe-day r the market Is dull at 12 14. Trade etill dull In all fcanchcs. ,rLL tl,'Zi 1 W.a i Long, late of the Lexington Ctl,MnianuaniorinHe was an his way to seetho sights in Richmond. Persons 1mm wishing to attend the Fayettevilla fur "can buy round trip tickets for the small ram of 12.83. This includes admission into tho fftir grounds,;.;; Sheriff Waggoner, of Bowan county, settled with the auditor to-day, and passed over to the treasurer 3,556.17 worth of taxes.'' Sheriff Waffsonw fe third on the list Next ,. , ? r. . . U. B , Commissioner Qoodloo issued yesterday warrants for the arrest of three parties in Granville county for violation of .the wanna frww regard to the manufacture of tobseoo. ' Names withheld for prudential reasons. W. EAR EL Taickw are pnraring to lay in thoir thirl stock of ths season. Colouoi Buck left this morning or New York to make the "'necessary" arrange merits. The Messrs. Tucker ore- the merchant prinoes of this state. , The citizens' committee and the com mitt on the 'part of the board of1 al dermen held a meeting last erening on the city debt matter. The appointment of a sab-oommittee to prepare a plan for . landing , the. debt, which, je to be sub-mittod-for spproral ...to- an djoomed mooting Monday evening, was the result Tan Wbxmm Taol Th .WelJon fair opened to-day with bright prospscts for a complete saocesa. Entries yester day were larger than heretofore, and visitors pouring fa from every direction. The races promise to afford particularly fine sport ; np to yesterday forty horses having entered. Our city will be largely represented, and ths pressoes of soma of out . belles will, lend to the occasion a charm and grace which it would not otherwise have. , , 1?!' 1" .1T.T.. . ' IlTf ClX IK IBM WBOKO 'WaTEB. The Kluiton Daily Gazette pulls that little minnow, Davis, of the Torchlight, out of Haw .inttead of FhU. river, Orange countj. Seven cities claimed the honor of giving birth to Homer, (South and North Carolina claim Um honor of giving birth to Gen. Andrew Jackson, and Wake and Chatham both claim the ' disgraca of giving Iflrtht to David Fanning. But Haw river, Mr. Gazette, has produced no such fish as our Torchlight Davis. f He was bom; on the water of Flat river, a little 'mora -than fourtseu years go-Bjiw river Js not Tarnous foir producing tig lu'" HlIXSBOIlO JOVXHItXB AKO Obahqi Musclb The average Hills, boro boy ai soon as ths nurse leaves him takes np a gun, and generally at U . or 13 years beats grown men shooting on the wing. He skates and rides well, too. One of the county boys, by the name of John Turner, la overseer of a rood leading Into, this ancient borough, and hut week ha notified Mr. While, colored, who lives near enough to town to put on town airs, , that ha would work the road on Friday next This ebony Whits Said he would not work the road, and added that he had been swindled enough by overseers of roads. This put the boy overseer, of 130 pounds, to work upon White of 200 pounds, and a fierce fight ensued.. The negroes crowded around and would not allow the overseer's friends to part the combatant. When the fight ended the overseer had knocked eat 1 the front teeth of the road-hand " and Worked a considerable hole In his forehead, swell ed eyes and bunged his face. . l The supreme oourt of the United Htates have decided in ths ease of ths Wilmington Weldoa railroad vs. King, executor, from this stats, that a contract made for wood, payable in Confederate money, is not invalid, and ohould be paid now by the scale already adopted. SSI vi n A at-;! v "f f . . VOU: XXLUv,,:r RALEIGH, N.; aTUESDAYbOTOBERe, , TABDkop . ' 4 Tb Newton corn market Im MU Concord la looming np as a cotton nrkafea x tigurn t. ?rj?t 3dr-f'. , Tha Catawba r'fgh' school, at New f j centennial' terrapin Is crawling about Liucolu county. , North Carolina has received (10,150 tram t! reabody fund, vi j mij1" i The teachers of Union county hold is nasi meeting at Moaxoe, Njt. 131 4U; J ; I.at week Charlotte was tits happy recipient of 2,00 i bales of coUou., j,-,.-; ' Ihe Me thodUU of JhlssUU are talk ing about centcnnlaliting oa March tl,1 Fall terra of, Lenoir superior court oommencea Nov. 22, Judge ilcKoy pre siding. " Ai"-.i i -,- - Wilmington is proposing to give the Fort Fisher veterans handsome sntor- talnment ' ; t- The Lincoln superior court bcem yes terday, and that -of Gaston county ootn- inenceaNoT,'8,;J;s;;';. 'pj,i, r"Bev.' J.JB.Taylorha been insulted as pastor of the First Baptist church, Wilmington. , ... The war-whoop of Buffalo Bill and Texas Jack continue to reverberate hi hi Wilmington. " ' .The Wilmington cotton compress company are engaged in loodiug .a number of vessels. Btephen Homealav, a tar heel eras der, is creating drouth in Georgia. A very Bamsay. '"f i W. H. Oreen is to be aoperintend ent of the Kicbraond ft Danville divis ion of the Fiedmout line. A hook and ladder company Is said to be one of the necessities of the thriving lowa of Keldsvllle.4- Morrick 4 OIovw mourn the crema tion of their saw mill and shingle factory in Goldsboro Saturday night The Bank of Mecklenburg has 1 135 180 worth of approved debia. E. A. Osborne has been made assignee. - , ' - The federal court of BUtesvills ad Jouroed Saturday. All the counter relters had the benefit ofanofjmw. ' s ' David 1). Carrol was ditched ths other night in Goldsboro by a muscular Afri can, and relieved of 3) in clean, cool cash. ,' j. ui i .' -i - Judge FUher, oi Brooklyn, V. Y. has been appointed receiver of the Charlotte and Atlanta Air-Line railroad, ;rie '""The Landmark man waa made aware of the presence of the federal court in Statesville by drunkenness and rowdy mmpnthestrectavvt ;pHi ; Thomas Ghvddon instead of dangling at a rope's end for the murder of Calvin Kippey la going (A learn a trade at the expense of the state. y . Messrs. W. S. Pearson and B. McD Tste, of Burke : W. W. Bollinv of Bun combs sad W. r. Cannsdy, of New Haav over, are the directors of the Western N. C. railroad. " ' ';' .' r The Shelby market-bouse Is a hog wallow by day and a hound kennel by night, the good people slipping In to buy their provisions whenever sn op portunity offers. ,vfiv:'--nh NEWS AND NOTES. Ths new city hall in Baltimore was dedicated yesterday. r" Hon. D. P. Noyee, of Burlington, -Yenpont, in defunct t s : 5-,; k ibv Independents are sorely troubling the Tlrginiapoliticiananow, j,. ;; '' Bussia will have' curiositiee at the cen tennial peculiarly Busaiaa. x, f . ... The monument to' Edgar Allan toe will be unveiled in Baltimore, Nov. A - ,nXne eaetem district of Uieaosrl has a M. Bameao has gins $SOF000 to the town of Lille, rYanoe, for a fine-art nraseum. , " The appearance of Ammerioin cotton goods in MaiMhcatcr, Kngland, kioa ed up a ahindy.;;;; ;, ' The Crown Prince of Germany will shed the light of his august presence at the centennial. :; . The Conawago paper mills, ' near Gettysburg, Pa., ' nave been ineondi arisedLoas $30.000. t . A,'J , The report of the early resignation of that bald-headed heathen Bismarck is again in etomlatiott.; ijToi f Ten men were seriously injured by the explosion of a boiler at Bonring Bpringa, Pa. , paper mill Monday. - The Sing of Bavaria has ordered hie letter of confidence in his ministry to be placarded throughout the kingdom. Dr. Sherman and Samuel Parker were killed in Maeon, Oa., the other day by having a little pruaie acid injected into their stosi.,yvs''?'4.' -v ':'?:" The revenue authorities at Washing ton are about to release 80,000 cigars held in soak for some time. Has Grant given up the weedt .; - John Bull is about to throw a rotoct- ing arm around New G substitute . roast beef ing srm around New Guinea, and toy to fos ' miaminarv ,3 :.-..: . . . The mayor of Omaha has publicly given in his adhesion to the thud term policy by sending a barrel of apples to lira, shrtoria.' -..vi' :t Mt AVAED3 : AT(; ;THS : -BEOZN Jii !L. ujTHt Jiar H . ;iii".jI iti .-ii 1 -- f a tfi flu r n'l j tJ III idM ' ' ll. 4 I. Ii V 1," l' i To-duy t commence the polill cation or the iucmlauis af nrdedj at our recent stale fa r. There are several t pre mlums ondtadd whwh hlvailPt yet been dcflnUeiy 'decided en We .shall con- ttnud the pobikauoO n-vnv ay to day MilllllJ.Ill .1 . . r.i .m m WW . H.. f.mivwifit ..lT1 it IJ J tV nA. HTTP t BTW !CT' 1' u'-futriir-. 'v3l Flgerton, Fremont b4 bale "eot-i ton, $6U, ,vsMf s:U rt'iv'"ii ii i JuUus Orswford, Kaloigh, 3d best bale cotton, diploma. " " I' Dr yiok, Selma, Umt bale cotton, long staple, i ...;( T A Granger, Gokb3ro, best variety Dreaa corn, a wwneis, a. . ' Dr Columbus Mills. Ooncordbest ra- neiy nreoa corn, uuaueu a. . , . , - Jaeob Charles, Balem, best stock com, Jesse Hurdman, Balem, beet, variety wheat, 3 bushels, la i -Ii Uaokney Ward, Itigsbey-stUars.Deat rye, biishels, S 6X 1 -r . T A Granger, OolLbord, best rre, 2 busheia, sea : ,, James Morwooa, liillauoro, bestbar ley, 2 bushels, i WX - ' Jesse Hurdman, Balem. beat barley, 2 bushels, t 6a '. - ': -- 1 A McBride, Fsyettorflle.' best half bushel millet seed, James Norwood. Hfllsboro. best half bushel cross seed. A s James Norwood, Hfllaboro, best half buohel meadow gross seed, 4 50. 1 L James Norwood, Hilkboro, best half busnal orchard grass seed, X OH, r, Jesse Hurdman. rklsm. best half bushel orchard gisws seed. 2 5ft ' T A Granger, Goldsboro, best 2 bush- eis neiu peas, a ov. t & -n Alfred Palmer, Balelgh, best 2 bush els field peaiTJ 50.- ' - i ' . ; T A Granger, Goldsboro, best 1 bushel table peas (N Cralssd), ' Dr E Grissom, Raleigh, best 2 bush el sweet potatoes, A :, . ; nl Dr E Grissom, Raleigh, best 1 barrel Irish potatoes, S. T A Granger, Goldsboro, best 1 bar rel turnips, 2. James Norwood, HUlsboro, best bale pea vine hay, 8. Jamea Norwood, Hillsboro, best bale native grass hay, 10. V , Jamea Norwood, HUlsboro, beat bale cultivated grass, 10 vr . , . m Aldennan, FsyettevlUe, best bale cultivated grass, 10. James Norwood, HilUboro, best bale elover hay, , 10.?. 2.;;---vuru .. ., : F W Harris, inttsboro, beat bale clo ter hay, IO?' t '. . " Jamea Norwood, nJUboro, best spe cimen broom corn, 2. r,. .James Norwood, Hillsboro,,. largest variety products raised on one farm, T A Granger, Goldsboro, bast sheaf wheat and oats, 2. James Norwood, HUlsbero, farmer exhibiting the most meritorious and largest number of field crops, diploma and dump cart : - T A Granger, Goldsboro, secoud best do, four first class plows. t : Dr E Grissom, RalcIghV (best half dozen bunches celery, 2.w .4jm Alfred Palmer, Raleigh, beet speci men caullfloweT, . . ' Alfred Palmer,' Baklgh," be's spocl aara egg-plant tV' -it'-vi-i'V? it.no - Fairchild Harmon. Raleigh,' beat specimen cabbage, 2. ;.", 1 ? ' V FalrchildA Harmon,' Kalelgh,' specimen long stalk collards, ' ' Dr E Grlason, Ralslghy best variety squash, 2V 1 :tfti4ti ',f". hi 1 variett of cucumbers, 1 ,'' . ?,; Dr T& Grissom. uaieurn. best .Variety of onions, 2. Dr E Grissom. Raleigh; best variety of tomatoes, 2. " T " A Dr is unssom, ltaicign, nest variety af,baeta,'2v a'4 jk:. . . 'it. L.f Alfred l'almer. Kaleiirh. best exhibit ofcarrota.2 aA-a.iivXA DrE Grlasom. Balehjh, best exhibit TJt urunvlMMtbori), .. best -ex hibit turnips, 2rt 4 . W Alfred l'almer, Raleigh; best exhibit msrigcJd wurtxeL 2" 'i ti l L's : T A Granger, Goldabora,' beat exhibit rabaga turnipd, X.r' V CTyt raircluld Jt Harmon, . Uueigh, beat exhibit smaragus roots, 1 - ,t ,y i' aircUUd Uarmon, . itaietgn, best exhibit rhubarb- not; 2,.; " . " fT. Kairchud ' c Harmon, itaieurn. best exhibit eulsify,;;;; , rti'.j'j . Dr. IU. unssom, ijaMgnv beat display of vegetables by one exhibitor, diploma and 10. .' t ::ui tt n-' . T A aransrer. .Goldsboro. : aample S40 cotton, diploma.., v , ', .., :, ,w . Auas baiue Kurton. Balsm. best speci men dressed flax, 2. .h ;j DEPARTMENT B. Thobocobbbids. Bdnm Chariot bcoVakura over 4 years, gold medaL . ,, . , , ( Jos Norwood, Hillsboro, best brood mars over 4 years. 25. ?r Col J M Heck, Raleigh, best stallion 2 and nnder 4 rears, lfl. , C' P Walker, ' Charlotte,, bee brood mare 2 and under 4 years, 10. ' , Jos Norwood, Hilisboro, beet oolt un der 2 years old, 10. . - XJaHt CKJLUQHI XSD UASDfJk aOBaas.. i. Col J M Heck, Baleigb, beat stallkm over 8 years, 20. ' v --,'; Wm Snipes, Book Bprin, best stallion over 2 and under 4 Tears. 2flL -..s. J W Latta, Durham, best brood mare over 4 years. 30. :, M J M . Smith, , Hillsboro, bast brood Mtmrj hhi cult, ifc ' ,.. I Jas NorwpoV Hillsboro, best saddle! II I I .11 A ,GU Heradon, iWlsun,, ,bost single karuesa Mltung, 20V.n' i '-"J " "Mrs MatrJS Heck, Rdei best pair awtched horses, 23. Z Jus M Uerudon, Ilui, W uouble hones horsss,l& M G IIrndoikDwrhara. best saddle and harriMS harm ' ertmWned.' Id 1 Wm EniDea. Bock Binrinir. best "edit between 1 and 2 yean old, 6. w?r3 nSATT DRAVOHT BpJISKS. ' J A Norris, Apex, beat stallion over 4 year oiu, so. ' Michael Newtin. Baxauahsw beat brood mora, 2a - . i --''. -i' i W B Lynab. MebancmUe, W atal- ban over sad under yearey io. i ,c, aaisxo bobsxsop au work. A IV Hnaaord Short Bidsjwsjsy. best stallion 4 veors and over. 2a G J WUlisms, Budto, boat mare with Mb Uw t... i.ia' a. iri'iu. r ii. m jacks, amnrans Ann aiuLaa. JWlLatparham, best 'Jock raised iriN. C..2a . . , .,., ... i J W Latta. Durham, bent fennel raised In V. fir IV .t...- . j J C- Fuurt, SooTr'WiJe: iafaedinN.a, ia J J C Fuller, Snow Bin. beat mule Open tO the world, la J O Fuller. Snow HS1, best pair mmes, ia. . , JOFuUcr. Snow HilL best 4 mule '1 team, 2a ,i -,v.-j -v :'v . v. w DEPARTMENT aCamav - A T MiaL Ralekh. best Devon buU I years old and over, 30. .ru; W Kerr. Haw River, beet Devon bull 1 veer old and under 2. A. ' " " "D WKert Haw Biver, best Devon bell calf, A 'f r-t i v i!t rr r , D W Kerr, Haw Rirar. best Devon eow 3 years and over, 2a c DW Kerr Haw Biver, best Devon heifer a years okl and antler S, ia 'L .. DWKen. Haw Biver.- best Devon heifer 1 year old and under 2, 5. . William grimes. Balsigh! beak Dur ham bull A vases old and ever. 80. v . ! Jonathan NewUn, Baxapahaw, best Durham eewf vasm eld and over, 2a -)rtJolmnb Miu Concord, best Ayersiure tuu call, - George Batchelor, Baleigb, best Ajer shire heifer calf, 6. . , - ' Dr E Grissom. Raleigh.' best Aldernv bull 3 Tears and over. 20. JD Whitford. Raleich. best Alderny nun i year sna naoer x, lu. , i . W O Upchuroh. Bolsigh. beet Aldernv calf. 8. .... ; ' W O UpcLurch, Raleigh, best Alderny eow 8 years out and over, w. . , W G Upchurch, Raleigh, best Alder ny heifer on year old and under 2, 5. Dr. Columbus' Mills, Concord, beet Brahmin bull, 20. William Grimea. Raleuzh. best bull any age or breed, gold medal. Jamea lfcrwooJ.Mlsboro. best pen Southdowns, 15. , Jamea Norwood, HUlsboro, 2nd best pen do, 10. James Norwood. HUlsboro. best Den Cotawold, 7.40. fc - - ' :- '. , McKeown A Wood, Henderson, pest pen Cotawold, 70. .,, ,. Jamea Norwood, Hillsboro, best pen nativee and grades, lit .Benjamin Ekkland, Raleigh, 2nd best pen grades, Kt .'' McKeown It Wood, Henderson, beat buck, 2 yean old, 8.31. : c-l i. uenry wood, lUugeway, best buck 2 years old, t. 33. Jr-r, r "Jamea Amos, Henderson, best buck 2 years old, 3.S& ; i '' .,: McKeown A Wood, Henderson, best bock 1 year old, 5. . .. . McKeewn a Wood, Henderson," best ewe 2 years old, 2.5a r ..,,,'in' Uenry wood, uidgeway, best ewe 2 years old, 2.60. .-. -.!.,.: .-.:.-, .- i ; Henry Wood, Ridgeway, best ewe 2 years 010,1-2 50, 1 VKit ,:.J a a . Jamea Amos, Henderson, best ewe 2 years old, 2.50.. .r . (.? t McKeown ft wood. Henderson, best ewe 1 year old, 5. McKeown A Wood, Henderson, best lot fci mutton, 20.,,,,, . .. 1 ; .. ! McKeown wood, Henderson, Znd best lot fat mutton,' 10. t-. 1 McKeown A Wood, Henderson. largest and most meritorious exhibit of sheep, deplpma and w. Bylvester tth, RaklgV best cash- oucx,o. Sylvester cth RAlelghUbest esWh mere ewe, 6. f. t !....t . . " )-- William OruneSL Bsleurk best Eanex OOBT, 1U. William Orimes, Rakigb, best Esaex Ji -- ' -ill. ,T ...I.. I i William Gnmes. Balckh.' beet lot of Essex pigs, la ' - i i Jsmeo Norwood. Hillsboro. best Berk shire boor, MX ''.. 1 yfA.i- ,ytf James Norwood, Hillsboro, best Berk- shin James Norwood. -Hillsboro. best lot Berkshire pigs, 10. '. .;. Sylvester, Smith. Ealeiah. best Ches ter sow, ia ' firpt:l,Z . - William Grimes. Balehrh. best lot Cheatec pigs, t0. ' ih ti . ) i M A O I James Norwood.' Hillsboro. best boar of sny ace or breed,' 10. - f. -t . ..-'l.- ... y-tj . v. 1 . . . . . m uiuua unmea, xuueign, dosisowoi any age or breed, ia ' " " "..' I James Norwood. HUlsboro. best lot of pwia - ' '-j"-...v.. ,;, ui..- r William Griaase, BaWsu best pen of fst kveA la u !.. y. d f- .1 . Jama.' Norwood. Hilkboro." lanrest and most writorious exhibition of swine by the owner, 10,, I . ':; ; DEPARTMENT. D.-CnTcxxxa.4! Hodgings A norton, Raleigh; Lest uno nam vranmas, ,A. McBuia, Fa uis. aavettevilie. best trio dark Bmhinaa, aUAJl. .t-.ji Wyokoir a; Hros, Raleigh, , best tdo buff Cochins, 5. " , ; , ' Wyckoff A iBroa.; doj', best . trio par trhlge Cochins, A. , , ,.,..;. .r i Wyckoff A Bros., do. best trio white Conhina, A"" ' -- - Wyckoff 4 Bros, do, beet trio ciaaamon (4 JimfXe I Ui III l. lis art II Ii ! i.i 1 1 ii i w III unm.t 75 f-fv ). Vl . Tprirr7 r Wmfenft? a 'Dna do.f beat trio white TAaTlaAllal 91 .;) Spanish,'!' " ''-';( WyesaffA Bros; do. best trk 'Hon- j, Wyckoff A Bros, do best trio golden -Wyckoff A Bros,' do. best trio Aoloeb Wyckoff A Bros, do. .beat fcru fioM tan, AJ ; fi?,'i a tff l!-i f.,'" rT;" , W, A. Naah, Fittsboro, best pair game UaSmifs A Horton, Ralmgb, bes pair bhwk breasted red ame. WH" . Hudgings A Hqrton, . do, beet pair BUmatra, 8. j Hadginga A;- Bortos 'do. u best "pelr brown red, A 'is nfl l.'.wiw .y-'t w i .Wyckoff A Bros, -Raleigh beat pair vv-C:,.m. a " Wyckoff A Bws, da beat pair p0a t.1 - W.-Ai .Naob .Itttsboro,' best pan Derby, ti v,!t -..."l-.J'-L - .f.1li .:!! Hudgings A.Hortoo, .Baleigh, beat pair stone-fence, 1.6a - Heraiey uone, stonnope, naairva, besttwir stone-fence. L6a 'u-! l.if:w , . W. A. Nash, Pittaboeo, best pair Jst ychoff iBcatialeyii best 'jpafr oeor uominique, x'" . Wyckoff A Bros, do. bast pair heath- Wyckoff A Bros, do. beat trio black breaet red game bantams, A 1 -" . Wyckoff A Bros, do. beat trie duck- wing, L . J;.vf,, W. A. Nash, Pittsboro. best trio fa den bused Besbrurht L " W. A. Nash, Httsboro, best pair Hsw river greys, A .r- , . t it 'i k 'f Wyckoff Bros, do, beat brio white ban tams, L . " WjttoffBros. da beat trio barn-yard . U. raised, X ." ' " " Wyckoff Bros, do. beat trio Featon ssme. 2. .. . ,J.. WTokoir Hroa. oo. peat tno white Omririans. A'-"- '"- ifi) ' Wyckoff Bros, ,4ai best trio . Irish Wyckoff Braa. da best txio Baltimore top-knots, 1 . a' Wyckoff Bros, da beat trio brown . Wrckoff Broev.do,, host trio. wbU fnwVCA?' NsJin? PlttsbcAcbest 'trio bronne turkeys, o. - " " W. A. Nosh, do. bast tno native tur-r keys, 3y .... .. -.. - W. A. Nash, dow beet, trio buff tur key, A Wyckoff Hros, . lUleighy best pair Bonenducka, a. , , - Hudgings A HorfcMi, Raloujh, host pair Muaoovy, ducks A , ,. ... , , M Wyckoff Bros, Bahiigh, best pair pud dle ducks, A Hudgtegs & Hortou,1 Raleigh, best pair white-created ducks, A ! . ' i ' a urarrott, junoum, best pair jure- nen twtASisar' wmmss!!S. Mrs 8 A Mills, Concert, best trio Aasat-Vateve anw AfKaa rt w4 atw 4 sAaaeavjts bhij VMTOI vauroaji ve H C Parrott, Klnston, best pair of Aylesbury ducks. A, : ,v y. j Q T Stronach, RsieJgh, beat .pair of wild Reese, A ,-.vj,-m .! oi" . O X StronacluIlalslKh. host pair Af- G T Stronacb, Raleigh, best pan- of Qhina geese, ., -v " . W,A Nash, Pittsboro, best trio of American dominique, A - . . e Hudglns A Uorton," Raleigh, best pair Indian red. i - , . ; ,-, ,tvr ' Wyckoff Bros, Raleigh, best pair oi heaviest geese, 3. " "'. .. W A Nash. Pittsboro. best trio' col. ored guineas, 2. 1 ."i.; ':' Wyckoff Bros, Baleigb . , 1 best pair carrier pigeons. 1. . . , " nonter ' 1 - ' - ,B&:"-1;--;: !W :W nwtmla- -t.v .o e.i " tnimpctera ". ' 1., rtmbiff ,f ., J.. 4..... nuns "' ' l. ' , .....Hfatwttnrn f white Jacobins I -T aabine pigeons, L , ,, , ,ua ' Mte trumpters I. ;. , , , ' " colloctlon of pigeons. 3. . i , ,i W A Nash, Pittsboro, heaviest dozen ,w AAasn, xntsporo, peat pair n ye geese, 3. rr , . jv.ij.ii-i' :Wjokoff; Br6itRalekh. ;best and largest display to merit and variety of domestic fowi,'dh)lom and JO, n , .Wyckoff Bros., Raleigh, best display of game fowls, diploma1 and 10, .,i . Wyckoff Bros.. Raleigh, best display , Brahmins. Asiatic and Cochins, diploma and ia : - r-' v. Wyckoff Bros., Raleigh, best pair white rabbits, L .. , , ".' "Tl . u wunams, luaito, beat and Zaueat OpOH0TXOl 2 rt' W A Nsah. Pittsboro, best trioavlk down China fowla, l;; '. " ' , W A Nash, .Kttaboro.bfcst Wo dominique rumples, L ,' . 7 , , W A Nash, Pittsboro, best trio Poland ducks, 2. ' M' """ " " 1 ' AMcBulo, Fsjettovnie, 10 trio light Brahmas, A ii'4 . J''i , . HO Parrott, Kinaton, 1 pair Tfldn ducks, A . ' .r '.. 1 V F DEPARTMENT E. f! M W F Shulta. Salem, sreatcst yftli bf honey Oram one swarm Dees, witn state ment of arrangement protection against moth, Aa, 8 pounds honey to fa axhib ited and duly certified to, la : W F Shults, Salem, best hive Italian bees exposed through glass, ia a " ,.W . . . I . w Shulta, Salem, best hive hybrid bees, A ,"v f ' " 'r, W F Shulta. Salem, best hive common beea A' ' i . r n. It must be irood. for erervbodv recom mends it and tlie doctors nrsaoribo iL We mean Dr. BnlTs Couch Svrnp. Pries 2Sanaa m--n t-.-. Carpet-bair Senator Booth, of tjaliforl nia. Me Just had an enthusiastic reorp- tk at hie old home,. Balem, Indiana, by admiring friends and relative,1' ' t n v Ay v 4 dailt sommr. ir I f,il L . vldvrUMmsi ... rt W. hurfj Hi lh.T).fIv 0BVTTVSX. at tbs foUowing ratef per rmsreof on men, or um nuuum i. $r.6o - r h mbsequeot taseitloa leas taaa a waek sMM."'ii--f 1 ..,Tl Month. .......7v......... f 8 00 - M Mu-h mhi months 1SU1 16 00 7. .. " S3 09 tt'U. ft I'M"' ....... ...... MOO 1 f ln"'f!'Ar echoes:' -u The ;FayettevilW iGazette, Oct St, as a long : account af bur fair by lu special correspondent Boiled down It baa this to say H ' -' jy ' 1 p) Csna with about 700 oUcr eausurslota iata and found the crowd on the ground large despite theilkagreeable weather. In floral llf ereiTtUngjwMrihyfftly, and the art gallery particularly attrac tive. . The display in departments de voted to farmers and nice hanks very good. '"J Machinery excellent ' Live stack not very creditable. Poultry very finavn Trotting vary porv bat running races rood. .The militarv and base balllsts prominent and attractive fea tore. The1 ladies' all prettr and no gtyor old 'Ones la- the-crowds The crowd on Wednesday eattmatedatSOOO; Thursday, 12,000 ; Friday POOO. , Han agement all tliat it should have, been and order gooA' " 'w uui ih ' EXTBAORDINART OPPORTUNITY J FOB THE RELIEF OP 'THE' AF- ; The surgeons of the National Surgical Inetitote, I located at Indianopolis, In diona, have finally yielded to the many nrgent appeals to vnut the BouUu Three wlncro bf the euTgeona1 wm be atthe Pavilion Hotel, Charleston, B. C., No vember 3, 4, 5 and ,' 1875V ' ' :; J They will have wim them a great amount of surgicsl apparatus, appliances, etcv', and eompetenl smtstants and work men to ehaage; fit and mske such appa ratus as may be required' They will come espexaaHy prepared to treat all sur gicsl cases : ParaJjsia,"oIl kinds of De formities ol JJaoe, Sp and Limbs, DaawosBil uiJojnoyi DtaeaaaA. Eyee, Ca tarrh,' Prlvaw piseoaes,;! etc. On, scoounf of the greitt expense attending such trip,' Uiey will net moke another ; theref orel who wish to avail themstrree of ihe sdvontoges of the In stitute, without the long, journey to Bt. diaoapulis, must do so at Una time. , No eases win be undertaken without a fair bops;of reUet' It s-neetSeer w my thai the Institution is e&thxly respenav ble,audthe largest and moat popular of the kind in America, caring thousands annually Remember the time and phre-, aaulemoe earlyju JoT" Send tathelaeli tute for cirouiar. . .. ' s ' - ., .; oct 12-d oct 21, 23, 20, 28, 30, 81, nov. t O, V W W UK 4 Harried. ' In Yatlkin county, October 5, W. B. Glenn and Mis Same Matthews. '"Trf'aaatottiottn Thompson and Miss Alice V Peterson. In Halifax county,'' Oct1 20, Matt Phillips and Miss 1'attis Exum, . b-la Nash county, Oct 21 W. O. Dunn and Miss Battle failings, ' At Hickory, Oct. 21. L. J. Moore and Miss Bettie Terry, . tg , v In Iredell county-'OctTT. H. B. Bute. a&dMlia Jwe Ei.Morrison; J'; . - 1 WM6rgahtn,0ct 20,!ff. P.'Erwb' and Misa Cora Avery. " ' li u ; -Jl ln Caldwell county; Oct4' 20, Huch Souttiarland and Miss Kate Mobley. tv'.':'4i,i:lle)d'i48' i:mj MtnM ? In Charlotte. October i 21 Essie. daughter of W. M. and SaUie A. Wilson ageiilyears, .. . In Mecklenburg county, October ,19,, Mrs. Codella Henderson, aged 30 years In'MeckUnburg couniyVOctobcr 12, Devora Ella, daughter of J. 1 H. "and Mary A Neel, aged I years, ; ,, Ia Monroe county. October' IA W. WHsrt aged 61 years. , v. i Ia Mecklenburff eountr. Oct 15.? S. Um Elliott aged fjjeara,. In UtJon countv. Oct 11. Mrs. Eliz abeth Mltchum, aged 39 years. ,u, . In Goldsboro, Oct 20, Mrs. Katie Robinson, aged 29 years.' iW ' ' In 'Alamance' crantr -Aadrow-agedyearsWi.v- Lln Burke ceunry; tBcliaror SpnngiTIoa- years, . i, ,j . ' At Beatios Ford. Cabarraa countv. Oct 19, Edmund OIlTe. .,.i;,'-t In Wilmlnirton. Oct 7. Anna Man.l. daughter of E. p. and L. A- Covington, agedSyears. " '.: ; . . ',. ; In Wilmlnirton. " Oct If tiulie. daughter of E. P. and Liui.' Coving ton, aged 1 year and 10 months. In FayettcvuTe. Oct lA'John Gnrv, aged. 2G. yawavi tmmt j no In Warren countv. , OcL 13. Miss rpUy Moore, .aged, W yeam,ui! ,,H .MW-. adveetisements. rpiJI8.rtAXtir m i jiI .!! r The, undersigned takes tbia Staked- ot airain notifying all penona owing taxca for the year 1975, te eona forwaiw and Settle thr same, or ko will bs soupallo4 to satoreaths' pavmcBt tbareof by sale of ths property. : afsrefaaat ate especially seUOed to eaf I . Oct -sw , i wia aV ML DUXV, gosHAV t Xjt&ijA MI, AiJsE..' I wiU tell to h blgbeat bidder st , . m ,,APiX, M, C. ?. ; . . MWlVer Dediabls .Tew LoU-three of . Which are Improveo. WU1 aUo sell, oa ths, saws day, Two TracU of land within one1 . ?' AfPx " Xnc soataudss: JO. sens, and ihe other 271 acres. Sale will berla at ' i Termfhatf tskajroAaadAaaaatae4 ettilw- I,Mvr?ElJctQJtti I f r K-l. -r.'J fv - - -- - - 1 ', ..:' . i ft v 4- f fr: J: V