V- J . - TJlESEMNEIi t." 11 . 1 11 ' " '!" 1 1 . . 1 ! '." j , Baawratki Always Bad fee All (lrrwtaMe, P. DONAN, Bolt Editor' - .TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1875. i j. OUTLVW8 IS itfJXOIsC ''! For fears past southern Illinois bfa "Witnessed, BjiaaSaluatifln niksT MHWM tioo. such a horriW. lumaDtty In Robeioa countjr juiJur Henry Berry towiyi ,Tb raptors, .r , A pplewhite, recently closed the bwk ,ft sssasslna .tloo In Bobsou,ud Um voavlcUa of two of the outlaws p Illinois has dosed ths book In that state. : ; 1 i TVa s we aav to both end nil. " J OF (, f THE xxtebxob. Bents the News as" owned by Limaelf or Jordan Stone, or workingjnen, who are oppoaad to ths txkboewj fhn ' seek to break down ; f ,Newn, , This b a good lick, ami would bring in subsCTiberB if it was not known that our stockholders, CoL CkrtCQl Jlolt, Uajof IkuOiam, ana an oar tocuaoiaera, ;,are, oi pedigree as long M old Sir Archy, and juat m aristooratia, -1 rather not ha ve subscribers to tba Hews than to vim thun by 'having myself repreaontod aa a workingimtn punned by tb ariatooraoy. J The stookholdera of the1 News ere blooded-stock. Turner h4 found! out thai CuL Clark furnished the1 first money ft oar papar. j. He haa alaoj found out that soma men, much inter; ested In the New,' an interested in the, exchange of ten cent for dolhu(,,bond4 with the state treasurer, and thi svbkN to eat prosperity, ,v'i4 Vla'm j I oan tell yon a good juke my boaxdars QQME YE DISCONSOLATE . n ta mrck of FI'ST CLil? r- tli verv LeietfTip of Faidiion, ami j nstiyie tb.it wtu tun uts won S WEIKi:L 8 JSSTABLISlIMKXrr on rsrettertlls Street, ens door South of Om ouiaws M.xfnm uues. - 8ECBETABT mo wm the aecreUrr of the interior I P1 about the printing for the ooni is wu known to au men wh know that aavntiapieaidenl ; It was no less a per- aonagtthan the notorious Delano) rem ed not for his diahonesty; but beoauat It was found out on him to the shame of the administration. Neither. Hester, Deweeae, 'Lafiin' nor Senator "Abbott have been named as suooeesof to Delano, but the man is one Zackffiandler, a re- mdiated Sepublieaav by the Bepubli na of XMMfcLU Worthleaa . must ber th Radical when onignnanjfmdif ate hun. They tried ZaokXccaanator, end his; ftwtnnt drankenneaa. and nn- PFi'JJfJJ'ift''Wa) 4 ,pfeaeW(l diamias him froift, their aervioe and Bo Wttliiiipiii tow a to take him ap exoep h pwaidejrt. ; Hester ia i in the aervk of Qm$, an4whylw waa not eaued to the cabinet man ean toik mon inight .have himreieeted m be did on afonaer onnaainn ' Bamaar must be siatWaatai(tonto.setZskCamdr W uth order. I vention. The bill provided that oo ! "blessed governor ahould pat out the. mstma mokalitt. By the maaonio authoritiee in lows. it ks Jill lists ilstiaiiiliwil ahA4Mfbg in the lodaw room, ia 4 'c tns good ol Juts onut-cjc. . , Tha inaaonk hall in HiQ&boro buj t bjL' money, raised jjy . .tottery aoeae fiftyow- yeese -acev ft The-latal Chief Justtoa Naah, then a ntembat from Orangteoduoed the bill aiithpriiing afe(H e!a9aieJC laOiP .sttssJf r JPflPfJOlf sjt3fti fJaAfls)09 J Webb odtera whose names ws hav foiottwere ,inanager, aa w leant CaWrWI'flfQIFJE .-W flw0fejsji..il,Ojf L.Im. and. Martin-. Hanks-.-' I rittsboroheld ticketa bnt drew blanks; The wawonia hall is located on the site where once stood toe house of Ed mund Fanning, who was clerk of Orange court, lawyer anil member of the salon- i lusl legislature, i He was nVoarpetrbag ger froin ew York and a graduatttof Yale in 1757. t He waa annndeof John Wiekhajn, th greet Baohmoiul lawyer, who defended Ban... To theextorton of Fanning and few athsnoould be traoed UM npnaing us people anown aaiintn th Rl!rh KauHhaI - n. kUMi Bisilatori 5 '- y' ' ,A , fa facile anda pointed pan, and is every Mrs. John Essies, who rode horseback I decided . acquisition to the fraternity as pT .. . , . T, . . - t;-.- m m . .. . - 1 ml tnWnitainfftotato look Ur tun husband. lwel, w Vwwcr7HT? P8"! .l . . i four tata. we nesruir wianm nm to oar ranks in which he ha already laaen a ie suing poeiuon, " . , , ; t printing of f the f ordinances to two. papers in each eongressional district Old Brog. would have given it to oar paper, me news, box some iooi uemo erato introduoed a aupplementary bQl taking it from : the governor, and. then my boarders determined not to publish, in any newspaper when the gomnbrhad; not, ths appointing power ' I . had, the amarteet boardstn in tae eonventaon aaul they killed off Turner's plan, not t pay the specjtd tax bonds, If the oonvention haaaatona Osyknger Tnroar woohl kirw trluppad on my boarders on thati onestian. It wQl give yon soma idea' of the power of ' my boarjura when they oouhl slsfeit at .measure, which haa not the support of S00 white men in the nntmi VliU AmT .;.' Our paper got- bit on a oiry spcpvnt, but of that in my next .St . t s t vis If yon think n paper can be abstained In your territory, l oan send yon an edi tor and some type. ' ..i.. In sonias of tuns oar rsuroad will reach to-your country, and we shall need an organ k Dakota as well as in North Carolina and Yhrginia. Toon in stock, I w 5.,; . BLACXNTLL. P. B. Qur peper is one dollar a year, but some of our stockholders ace intacv eeted is ernhawging ten sent far dollar bonds with the state, and Turner 'says that while that goes on fifty oents a year for the paper is too much.. B. JODHNALISTia ; ... " . . . From 1kt Cmeord lUgUitr, V. 83. i Sines Donaa has taken charzo of the Ralehrh Sentinel it haa become lTht Bed Pepper Pod of ths South." - Fm (hi Sktlbf A9nrtkt.tO, Col. P. Donaa Is tusking the Raleigh Sentinel . ona of the treshesL most newsy, spicy and resdabiepapsr of the Fhm lit BridmilUJfmtr Oct. SX Baleioh 8bntinkuCo!. V, Donan. the new editor,- has infused new Ufa tbtmifcTtdpnrofi the test ttnd most utiufsctorv iOU m tlis wsy oibdssuImoi Clotblnt;, Iraai a Weddiag ta a Buslaew Bull, that eaa b toraed out ta Xalclfrh. Tl plitaad jnnag BMW tay K. tba Udlua (Uod was UiiB) nuoras w ana uia enuama cr btct n, ery for Joy whea tbelr revered f dads' Ml season of weinei'tctouiinc. Wetkei takes tbts oecaakm to Mem kb thanks for tea .larce ' snt lib ml pativeafa kentorote nesirva, and respectfully asks for a eoauuuancf u vus tsnMt, , jus smkk ei T '1 ...... f-r ..... ' i ' CABSIXJKHES, 1 ' SVITWG3 sVf. U Biach lanrrr than svef nefaf,' snA eom-j Knws U be LBtew iHovetue l Kyis,' ring bees tecenUy aunhaaed at tow prket iroia TO ALT. i ww n m wn ' .. I ' ... . CUKK 1 rfaakaaaa of ths Park or Limb. 8Ulo VV turot, AUeciloa of tba Kmn.-ys er BUdder, lurolunurf iMmum'fOt, imutary, Ornaral DebUlty, Mrfomai, ijrpi.Ul Laoffaor, Low Hptr to, Oonf unloe ( li eilplUuoa of tba Bent. Ttsldty, Trtnib log, Uiwastsol tight or 441 4dtita, Ol of'lh Head. IhisVVeaM' or kln. AaVtiow ol lb a Ltv r. Lang,-8!oaM4 k or Bowel those terr Mst'Ue dun aiii i from foiltary Habit of Totth iseret and sot ley ry (neuoaasMMwrstilio the r rtrttaoe tha us toog of Ue $jnM to ths Mariaan oJ IN BlJIMgB 11 WAUUQS .BKADQVAKTXR& Is ssual hit fores of Workmen are Ptotted Ma, whose skill sa4abUtty an knows to Ike "dmslng" puWIe. ComoH sad all' to the Enportum of Fuhloo, Wslksl's, ths Merckaat Tailor, for a Sna class Bu.t oi uotnea, oi ant eiaas goods.putapnsrstcUMStjie. nON8TITl?TIOJfAL CONVKNTI - H OF Conmlete la Paotogrspble graas by J. ,W. WATBON. Tin i uIt eomiSete copy is s- Htanes and vill btaold at a moderata orice. tan at nauoa suauvrj, Kaieigo, jn. v. " ON 1W-U - r .4 titbit ft iaa fHttnrtfMri niira J1 , Mrs. J. A. ( HgoM, formerly ef Dmlng- UlTMr, bllifhung ibtlr ii mI billl aol, bopet or ant cipauoB. maennc surnaiw, tuet, iwpoaib:a. aestroymg votn aoay sua una. MsrrlstrsrtO-is, or rouse swa eontcav pHtlog aiairiMifa, tufferma; Iron Urganieaad rayatcai ntitita,. iaa oi r'ocrwiiYt Poir ti. fKpou nif P'oatratloa, KihsaWl VnaUty ' lavoiunury Dkschtrf ex, Men Bree tility, Ustty KBilMioBf, ftlflit'lont of the HrV IKnvbU VkeitobUltr, Uresy of tbs Fbysicsl sd Mentsl fowers, Onacgenest et all tba Vital fcrcM asd S aaeUons Kar toss liability, 'Less af t Maahood tteaeral HHtakraM of tke Utrtna, sod tvary outer SDbappy dltqaaUflcauon, spaedUy rsmovad, aae lauaMBir v tejor reeBweo. ... " Tsasaere soais ef ths sad asd malatxbo! Ir enacts sKdaead bi tarlr hal vis I Wetkaraa of Iks Back fata ia las Jtfaad, Imbmmm et t sbt, Loa of Moacalar fowar, falpiuuoa of the Ueut, Vyauepsta, Msrvoa IrritablUtj, UrraaKS Ml ef the Olsaatlva Vaaeaoaa. tieeeral Vena ty, sratptoBis oi uonaunpUM, ate. MsKauvr. Tbs loarfel enacts oa ths iad are oiab to be dreated-LoM of Jfem- orr. CjBfvfioa of Ideas. DawwMoa of Bplr if, aii ortoodirgv vrt oa w noetcty, rlf-Uttrat. lots ef folltoda, Timldiir. Tsovsaai s of Mtsoas ail taes em sow ludre what Is tba cibmi of tbtlr do'lialng nrai;n. loaiac uit vurr, Deeununa: ws a. pale, aarfoss aad emacisfced. baviaa; a auisw las eppaamae aboat tba tyta, eoagh and t (The Old andWcnpCnowa IlouMof V . BOSEKBAUM, Hariris' concluded to eooflna ttself to eer tarnr ipeclaiuva, anaoBaeas tnat ta It bsumess tt is exclustvaly u i v of ktgk (Tads, where every article of Gentle. mea sea snr wear assaiiy luoua ; in a Brat class eatauiuinient is oneiea , j( -a v, i 't ;, j tt- lit i'i.t , ) OX TBI MOST FAVORABLE TKBMg FOB , : . ,. CASU, Barer need tro no fnrtkor to ks auKed Every class ef customers eaa be supplied. Attached to ths tstablisntaeet is a HerV Deet tor ue sate oi , CH1HA, CROCKIRTc AND jOLASSWAJIS. Everything la that Bne ead tV found' of tke arst quanty ana at reaaooabM pneaa, i ' The loiur , eaUbUsbed cfcaraetsv of tkU House Is s sufficient guarantee of Its abili ty and determination to do what it promises. Don't fall to eaU oa ' ' " i, if. BOSEKBAUM,' Corner FsyetterOte and ITsrgett Bts. ' Oct S-Hn A FORTUNE fit IT. XVIt. sold b A WALKER, Erie, Pa, ' Everv 1 ami! v burs ft. Bold by Aceats. Addnas. O. B. dw. A Speedf Core lVtrrinted tkreesat Diaasss InntsdlsU SaliafNa M rcury. Fersons Ratntae their Health.! Wasting Time with 'gnoraat Fro lender and I Improper Traatmert. Drlvlnr Dbeaaelnto! the ryatew by that Deadly Poison, Mercery, ton, b- o, ened a Brai ckus BojrdI Hoie ZmS, TXZZZvZX, be areommodated Jtosois eomfortablv fura 1 UhedbndUe table Supnlied . WlU the beat the aurket anoads Twias awdomlst i OCt V-U t ,-'r "P HID PAPERS. VARIETTOyrrTUM, awMiseverjisssjBai te nana. Oct WW . , , . , Bookaaller e auuoaar. bow. b, SpaadUp Cund. ,..Ut lo Deucacy pivatapplr lis mediately. I i(MUaaUBtp to. aae on swpiy. Aaaret i o Q M P LITE . STOCK. R. es a IbTadtet kave anw eemnletad their pnsebasse h eB daparuaeu of tbr DRY GOODS L(5I,. Ti omtg tntirth few Fall StorHn U VNf Wf snfJTfBF. UdlTUlg C1UWU I Uw , , toour om bujaiom tat winter. ; , i NEW DttXSOODS, '; New, Shades and Colore !';,. " "Heat QuslltT," 1 f Awnal Dw4.at I OF THB BALTIMORI LOtK JVOHPITALk OFFICE. I KO. t, W.U1H FRKDSRICE btbkvt, b ki wkin Baltimore Al blJSO OTRlITe, ' BALTIROKE, KD. June Bl4y -"' SoVEN'ho' BX11X IX DkSelON. ' Everv dav rSundar ezeented ketveen sours of t a. m. and I p. ia. at : f. 1. 4 1. 1. TCCIEl'i Biry Ghoods Store. Just Beceived ths firsat and Cheap k - est Lot or the FH0E9 X captured in SepC 1781, py, JJavU fan ning at HtOaboro, often toil ns that Ed, Fanning was an elegant genUemsA, The Beulatooi dai not think as well I of him sa did Unarrests, for theyearipcj his euegani mww wiuj.-COTiaeay uestroyea I nrored hv the strict neraanal and ins. nan nones ana aaessa aim m ue maaay i ttcai attention rvcenuy given H by Cel. waters of the End. Ji- -Ji -H ' 1 ''"f-' J P. Donan, th' new ;chleredltor. Ws ...(.. iiM.nx . t- Jtops tne nw mntiaget wffl mest witn -.. -.'.i.... w .. . . ,"... i . i wwwHim vcvuituuj ji.wi.cmi ww m- """"vT Bw, o. n jwn waTS loo, fa, ft. T).Uy. SeatineL and Ialand after hs was, whipped ta Orange, are obliged for iU exchange for our UK 1a' , S.t fi' ' rtttn...n 'Sit Muuvl ' - Biazonala. Plahls. and tbs best Black' Alpocai. Remarkable bsrnlui la lloatekeenlns 'ganmv At iAiWi j i-Ti" V; - juts, moots 4XD tmo&t. Cupetlngt of a makes and coiorv GLOVES, ftOljlllXr, Jte' dr. I , 111 .4 , ,1 ,1 . W - Trunks aad ValUea. sod s. Somnlaba stack nt nl. .... . ...... .... I .' AttenUoaof'strsaserssnd wkoleaals deal ers is WTiteo. l! . ,. t' ft .r- a 4- il .. oct 7-U WtU.nB.fJl TtJCKEB.'t t PINING OF FALt 'i ktlUWEBT MRS.' . ANDREWS BOOTS AND Irar kroufkt te tkls etty. Aad bare tnat otwned a KeW Block of the ramous DUKT BUUTS UAJTEIUJ. Customers who have beew waltlns for thaae Boots aad tiaRors are now tefonaad that thev aara coma. 1 r- W B. B. sV TUCKEB. septio-K . ;. Samaritan Nervine, TUB great Verve Coaquerornras Epucp tle Fna,CoBvulaioiia, Bpaams, m. Vlttw, Dance and all Nervous Diseases; the only known positive remedy forEpUeptlcFtts. It kss been tested by thousands and kat never keen to fail la a euurla eaae. Trial naekase free. Eaeloss stamp for Circular giving evuieucow cure, auuiwbb, 1 rw a a DTmunvn octl5-13m '"" BorT41,8t. Joseph, Mo." A L! 0 O A. L III QUMPUMrriUM CUHKU. . Te the Editor of Hbhtisba, Es earned Friend : Will i on Dluasa liifoi vonr readers that I asvta positive n:v.H ' .mi CVX FOS VOASVMTTKUt and all tiisorssrsofth Throat and Lunfra, aad that, bv Ita Was in mi nraeUra. t have curst, hsaarede of canes, slid will give , H,ao,iio. ,. y tor s caw it will not ttoBtlk Indeed, ae street la na faith i will Send ataaiDbjLfraw. to any saacrar uldmatn me. Please ahow thie letter to u awM ana knew who ia tntferinjr from these steases. ooupBt ; sMusraiiy sswra. DiLT.F. liLUT. ap tl-6m 9 WILLIAM Bl N. T XTOW IS THE TIME TO BUT 1X1 YOUH SCHOOL BOOKS aa IS the nlace voa eaabavaaMBaaalan other store hi the etty -call and see ma tie- lore purchasing elsewhere. 1 BHAMJOU, Booksener. aeptT-tf , . Raleigh, N.C. jtia sane uijuuns. , I have aad win keep a faD supply of. Msr- teu imported French Brandy, Barney Jones' Pine Atiule Brand v Joe Hunter's Bnmlv.ni.1 Cabinet 1888. Sues Mountain Dew. 11m An cle, and Moaaagahela Rye Whlskevm Hi- uians jiroa.. purs oia waeat wnisaer jroreiam m. Oln. BcaanarDe.Gii- ger nranay, and pare I. V. Com Wbtakeys. My liquors are all pure, and bought ef the nrat class uesiers. - R. B. FERRT. angglrBm . . North of Market ; TpALL GOODS, WIXTEtt GQOPS 1875. J08. PJCULLBT, Fa y ettk v i li.b Strkkt akp South XCH ABO l'LACE, QT-4T AWS TO BE BAD. 1, FRIE8 OREATLf REDUCED, i To Make rooas tor our 'VaU purcssaes, ws Will e-ll aa thpy must bs sold i r , ' ouieewNaiuauokalusllttai f i.- Ik ' Orase Cloths, . -j . '' Zebra BuiUu(ra, ' ..." ' Victoria Lawna, Bwlaa, Hull and Organdie naaUss at prices lower than ever effermL W H. R. B. TUCKER. MEMBERS' ET.ECT OF THE VETIOX CON- '(' Whoa Ton tome to Raleigh atop at tke It is beautlfuDp Situated nr. frent ef Capitol Bauaie, Good water no uuaqultoM, and a table surpasses by ae house to the Bute. v -j;, C. B, BnOrVN, sogj2-8t '.- Proprietor. mUE UW$ KEW1N0 MA .. rlf l TSl .'..... . . ,UUAX ... - ' it ,1 - J bi .1' FIESTMAcniNE PATENTED. 1 (" .; ' TA Btft Mackittt ManvfttHfirtd' Two UeM . Is tlto CliCHMal ! The points of superiority lire Simplicity and J'erfecium in Jfc cAanum. . DuraJWhty Will last a lUetiine 1 . Bangs of Work Without Pnrallell ! Perfection of Stitch and Tension I neadquartew for Xorth Carolina at 7 Payette vlllo Street, KALE1G11, X. C. 1EXD fOt CIECCLlReFTEiS k PRICEI. Every Machine is fully warranted I Satisfaction guaranteed, in every case I Sold on easy term . laWshave room for several k1 Agents, and will offer liberal krnm u energetic men. Apply at once to THE 110 WE MACIIIXE CO., JyG-tf 7 FayetteviUe Street, s- lialcigh, N. C. a; RALEIGH, X C From th ClarlotUi ZVmeeraf, Oct: 23. 1TI KALKiail ciBKTINEL''IllS I Respectfully Informs bar mtroos sad friends. Raleigh Sentinel has been much bn- aad the puWte generallj, that ! ia m?w FALL STTLES OVA- I ig as I do, at used' lor Cash, I eaa Weekly. We hope Col. Donan will And his residence In North Carolina pleasant and profitable and especially ngreeniis wun tus cotcmporanea. Heal ThtselV." The Peoi Common Senas Medical Adviser, People's 1 113 , a book i.u I; j If ths spirit ofhe, Begalatqrs prowled in North Gandina , Holdenai. railroad rvandeBts would bav been atriped aa was Tanning, aad toa shnroh eould news made hem respeotabls unttf. they had ! Al.jJ , m'A-.i '-t rf.ivz-flvSfci. 8 ,tn,. t of about 900 paces, illustrated with over inaaona of HOlsboro are bettor, than ths ly sngravlngs land colorpd plates, and ? masons or lows, lor, tney , allow tnsisoid at the exceedingly, low price, of woohs folks of the old town to bars bird S10V MlM 7" bw to vara Catarrb, boart's content, ra.whmilhey.fcaij Jneadw If wm ahall think IIiaw ira nr mnral aad I and Tam DiaaaaNMi t all dlaaasea 'ner'n. I f. havs forgotten' that their " old' masohiu bones were once young. Let the lodge Pnrchatln tbs Oars. lied Asbe. KUU. . (or Urate 1 ui aa ww as eau oe naa or ue var-oaa In Norfolk, freight added. ; In quality and prepantloa, thia-Coal la of the purest aal oleanest-es rood aa Fennsytvaaia afford. Th second Cargo wU be sold, as the Arst, st tne luuowins; pneas tor cass, seuverea iEverv load eorrectlv measured. I ' EUO. (or Orate )f or a short Ton.IS bushels. Siu. torif ion, M BBSDeis, siutu. : i liUTBTHII'F BUI . aVnK Vliftoiv sta aw cw, ucr sjii smnsnrfi. , r -; -- CUMBERLAND fSmitb). ner.teo. BIB. Or ... a....... ....... J .. I JA MBluiakJ - " " oiw reapocuuuy mvnes s eau, ana natters I r . , , u.i J - W0 f J I " 1 Oak, per cord, delivered, 4.00 1XMUUAU. A'XXaK & CU. I These prices will bold for October, after .! ' i ' hlpJi Uai mav ha a ellirht ailrniM ia final. vmou in utuens' Hank BuUdinr. wttb . A. Leach Co., and at Tard at front ef Bettor AiieaC.Bhop..K.u . -it Offers to tke nubile s comitate ssaortment of Black Alpacas, bestU prioes to defy com .IssdqusrtefBj by I patmoa. supply the best I Attention U called to ) sad Ckestnut I meat of N. C and Va. C , FRENCH PATTEBN WSaBBOir. herself that shs eaa please hi' 8TTLE, QCALTTT AXO RICE. septa-Lai -t i,- ont Cloth Dctart- Caatlmerea. and our New Tork City maJa White Bhlna for Oen- tiun ss is soia u sny maijiLei tor ins mouey. LADIES' BHAwLB. FLANNELS' HOSIERY. PRINTb. RIBBfTNB, .!!('. OLOVE8,:?:! 7. , . , EDGINGS, i 1N8KRT1NG8 4 t .'; r'. . sjM) nn ssatuts ' - ANDIUXS. ipUNBTON A EVANS, tllto-UJUSS JSHOJiOLOUlSlTS. r Cor, Cabarrus and McDowell Bts., , ; : BALEIQn, N. C, are prepared to farnlah the best Gentlemen's Boots that eau bs obtained in the market, at the very lowest prices.' A good fit guaranteed sad aU work warranted. : Thankful for past uatrooare. we hone to merit and receive an Incresse of the same. Cobbans neatly done and on rettooalilt terms, all lor cash. GALL and subscribe tor Ike New York Daily papers only 80 eenU per week. Sept,l4-tf. Ualelgb, N. C. JJ-ERCTIANT TAILORING DOSK AT THB BUICKLATZRi r AND PLASTERER8, . Corner Jones and Dawson II., Z'jl RALEIGH, V..O.CJ'-'. :4 and Lung Dkeaees t alt diseases ' wcu liar to-wrom qcwaJ moat other thronte j as well ss acute disorders. It contains I tmtwkrtant InfnrMtAtinn fv flta-vmtner keep open its doors for the bird uppers tn4 femal siflgla and mar aud the merry danoa. I ried, nowhere else, to be found. )en '. aia I suu wuroeu, uiarriou uuu sinzio. , srs ' TAnnoRO Hocsn, Oct 23, 1873. tempted to ask . tteir amuy physicun Gov. PnwHiitaTOMt " ' uiouaawus w quesuuiis, on .ueHcam. . i , , , i tonicji. ixit are deterred rrnm amna an V...1 ij.. r j w:..i . xr.. I . , i. . . ' i- "frY-. t" y WTO f ! v I or tneir modesty. Tnis worR answers see, my.desr fellow I keep op my; or Must such questions so fully raid plainly titoirraDhT of Yarboro Uoom ns spelt ? doubt., Jt U sold Keen 6a land cattatantlv full stock srroeeries. ' ... i Chickens, Ihitter and EfTPft a'spotatty. r TOnH W. H IN 8 DALE, ATTOHNBT AT XAWx. Boom ratlaens of Raleigh wUhlng anvthlng hi thai arroeerv una wooia aa weu to emu on tnem. rBricklaytag aad plastering dorie lathe best nyie, oj ptweueai woramea. n. t AuoruaiviorworK wiurwpwivw HHBsaiaie attention. i i .ate. rfona BTrum, saienman.. woald be pleassd te see kU friawda- from tke eountry uacuy. -'"jo-ti. on my buss, upon which i painted my pktnre,4t plctnrs I say Carl-Brown : cannot bentjM I cars nothing about the cridcUms made on the lulling of my house on my ownbuas by ths SentmeL ; The Duke of Marlboro could not spell, Gen. Jackson made poor out tt spel lag or Wriong, - so Tom Benton ' says, 4 fat4 ol4Tpm. say he wroUhUj address r to the miHthv 4f T wesaosi vrttiMt; ', WM tkqUd Qtkmi ))S wkvsW which poaiUon gsvs him command at New Orleans msch, Governor, ibrspell- mg and reading too." Burr uss good spelling was tbs sxclusln : log Of S dunCO.' a p hi: Governor, we are obliged to get clear of our leading editor. ' He is not in ac cord, with the people be is lot free 1- w aw v wr ww wrwajw warwsajrwsv,, w nan pswss by Agents, or sent . by mall (postpaid) nn receipt or price, Auuresa tne au- tnor. At. v. llerce, U. , u.t world's IIS LITTLE IlILISB, ftred Stwing ' ilackwt fori Jstgni none. ;jcBT;TBV.THisa.t Bent Free to any address ea receipt of Three I DoUsra. FAIRCHlLDdc Co., 179 Bleaker a . w..wMk .ntM 9 : n. .. i.i. . J ' AOKNTB.WAHTKUt i . ct5-deodwly if, 11 ,n , . - ,w nisnhi'-" -in i ' . at aavaa taw waimnih " ctifu ItBt RECEIVED, CHEAP AND, -T 1 ri n":' e- xcluslri bless O oooa, . , nV7TlZa'?$ . . oct90-tf Raleigh, Jf. C 1 VAiAm.m iliwaHaiii. No. 9, First Floor, Lew . Building, I -Tt- FayettdrBle fitreet, ; i :,lt "- i i ,,," Attends aB ths Courts In Kalelgk Sad Fat ettevlUe. Claims aoUeetad in all narta of H 0. Refers to Hon. R. M. Pearson. Chief Jan. I ties of N. C; Hon. M. W. Ransom, U. 8. Mnator $ CiHsens' Nab Bank, W. U. k K. B. T..lr ILIlll.nta li i U.muJ V.l.fk . f-aretteviiie at. n'k, MerchanU' B'k of FavettevUle: Bank of New Hanover. Wil mington, n. v. ; Jtorton, nuas luo ineips Dodge CO., H. K. Thurber dc fx! H. B. ClaAln A Co.. N. T. t Lsndretk As Co.. Phfla.: jt lap srss aw a w ' i. i . . T I Ua Tf e VU B AI sWI --w ' ,. ,fc . ' He ktv formed otiDctkm trlth M Unalan Ai Rswailf7nns a V.mm1I1. sJT sTl aw afivwuivvs wa S7 mjvtwwT Ultra Aw Vsa I wfl.H IVtMrsiflMi nnlv fti-V Afn riatnaan IttaailMaaassi ak I !A:i.,t.TT,,,0,w,tow ' " ' ' I thst point. AU Communications sddressed to r estaiw ! .- .,..,ii . --' I J, v. Hinsdale, care of McBae Broadfoot, X ALEIOII A GA8TO.N RAlUtOADCOi?- ,K,If!teTUU' N' wiu rco,T P"! a jaasjawjr--1 Ji ACJif- fti-ftfcM "i w-iai"" f t : OaaL FABSsifosm A Ttcnff Dbmsym as auMuen, ft. v.. Ueh si. liffa. . For tke aeeon modsUoa bf wtsitara ta tha Virginia State Fair,- Round Trip Tickets to Richmond will be oa sale Oct. 25. as. 87 and . .L-.ll .... . I . I Raleigh to Richmond atid1 retort! 1100.1 nates irom way stations will be la the ssme ! pronoruon r ( ' si u iicksu wui as respected m return paaaan wnui, ana mciaaiog jnoouav, nor, l, iaa.. 1 UUSAS VAlMiltll, Onr Stock tkoet ind Boots paucd For Hen, Ladies ' Misses, ChUdren; Boys, Youths. Few oslr Edwin a Burt's Ladtea Shoes for sale eheaD. Have Mflea and Zlesier'a I make. Have Mile' Genu' Boots and Gaiters I all tirades. The famous Burt's Boots, sad above all, the famous, pretty and good Boyden GaUan for irenUemM. ..If wn tnad anta Boots and Ladles' Shoes that I .warrant to be good, or snotaer pah- given free. CL0THIKQ ASD OVERCOATS. My Clothing Department np stairs Is full,' r si tacomee awaeee soraien, liB't 'ktlir 8 HO n TEST 'NOTICE CUAJtLES M. FA lililS, ; ti,. . WITB OR RENT IN MORGANTON. " i Thenousesnd Lot, known as tie Y ; . rTrrrwW pr.im''i w-' .i . , if ".tur en octlS-tf CALK OFJB0U8SIIQLD FUBN1TCRE. On WefWrMA-Y n3xL STtk tntUnL, lanrd Bud ?aHed lot of Furultar wlil be told Ui , as . a . a I ITU VaWBU ft w fftu uiaaiv w aas . wv srrns e money, whetier sfa Jnteen per J tbehlgbeet bidder, at aiy residence oa NeM mtoWV for reep.TbT7. the man who borrows, e are playing s I wfli amanrBtlt e'rioek, A. BL1-1 ood rune now. Our man. Woodson. I rmim waudngto hoy ptlvatsl eaa do so is out ploying Cheap John. JJa fepre- IF ort-n' vV'i'ViKI. & W. KU4EB, s SITUATION AB TEACHEa WANTED. A roung ladvwho kas bad somssznerlenoa as a teacher, desires a situation In a Private family, or aa as Aieiatant In a BckooL ghe can teach the rudiments of the Lathi ami French langnagea with Nuale on ths Piano, and the Kniiltnh branches, including Arlthmetie end eieineniarj, ueumeuy, ana Aignora. , , naureaa r. v., nog m, naivign, a, V. .i aept B-st, : Geo, r.Illlcr A Co., FEODTJCE COMMISSION , M EEC HANTS, -tontnseAinOF ; Wool, Southern Black-Eyed rest; Pea 'Nuts, inea rruits, r lour, urain, rrovuioan, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Cotton, . . t No. Si BROAD ST., NEW TORE. , All kinds ef Country Produce sold on Com Station, on the most favorable terms. Lib-1 wsl advaaess made eat eoaetgiMaeBts, and rompt sales and quick returns guaranteed. joniignments.suu eorrespouuencs soucuea. JoHNBTONE 40X13, ' ;,.':,?. T ' A tTORlYE T U T''ZA wt AuglB-tf ' ' is as saw mi aamvssa l Boye, . Youths and children, at prices that cau-t ve neat. SPECIAL, I Will eoea in a varv few davs a derurtnieat lor tne aaie oi i rana leene t. --uMues' Jour nal." Cut Paper Patterns t eomnrlsine all the latest novelties ef the season for lad ks, boys ana youths, oi evsry atscriiiuon or areas. Public mvtted to call. Salesmen t k. U. Kedf ord. of Wake Conntv: & a IlaadeL of Chatham County: W. 1. 1 Chamblee, of Franklin County; Job. r. Wyatt, of Wake County A. C. Hayes, of wsae county ; a. u. moo re, oi Aiaoama. nespecuuiiT, . . .- octSl-tf J. P. , GULLET. LAND PLASTER and Agricultural Lima, Jest received a large supply of Luna lowest possiDis rarea. - Clasv. Timothy. Orchard aad Herds Qrasa seta m store, - . - 4 , . JAJUB Sb 1UWUU. tebf7-lm -t' ii .'.a rTrscUosl DeHncatoT and Cutler.' Pralrfe Building, Wllmlndon Street, RALEIGH, N. C. I FIT, STTLE and WORKMANSHIP esn't he ,S surpaaawi. , , . . Warranted te please the most fatltlioas. CUTTING dotie at an time for (hone hi: ' !,. hig Bt AIpm s full line of i ALE OF LAND. CLOTHS, UABNIMKKKB, -, r ' - JEANS, v, ; ,,. , i TltlMMINGS, . CALKXJE8, i . ....... NOTIONS. AC. Ac. slwsys on hand and sold CHEAP to suit t h- thaw. ... - . ' ,.!. Be sure to call before yon bny. Oct XL -Li n. r. llnti.l. JBANSON'S CIKCVLAT1NO LIBRARY CaU and SBlieeribr. Ton can provide tour self with reading for the whole year at a mall coot at ' ' ' - L BRANSON'S Bookstore. septl6-tf lialcigh. NC. Bv virtue of a atortirsaw deed dulv exsented to me on the, day of January,. 1874, ad reeletered In the omea of Keglater oi ileeaa for Wake Couaty m Book 87, and page 156) by Paul Lincke and wife, I will at the Court Uouae door in ute etty oi itaietgn, . . , ON MONDAY, THE 25TH DAY OF ; , , OCTOBJE1L, 1875, , Ernoae to nubue sale for cash, all the right. title, Interest and estate of the said Lincke l and wife, in and to that lot of land aituated in the city of Raleigh, lying on the eaat side of I Blount street, extenuea soum townraa uiea soe's old siluenee, and particularly described m said deed. Tbs lot ts ss present occupied ny soul varver, tw, ' ' Oct 13-tds , . - Orrtca or TatAntiigii N.t'ABotniA AoaicVLTtnttt. BoriErr, , -., . Rauu as, N. t,'., Oct 23, iS. TO HOLDERS OF BONDS OF KOKT1I Carolina Agricultural Society : 1 lie Coupons on the bonds of the Society will Ipc nald on oreaentatlon on FIRST NOYEldlli "IS. at ClUxeus' Kstlonsl Bank. .... . , . r A wil.KT, set S3 slA(3t l-t . ' Treasurer. HENBT CLAT RICHARDSON, 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, 9 VMS AM, WOMTB OAMQll KA. nay ia-u - - - Sg"-y f pnii- - pViHaa''