i. V : . v . as EMINEL CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND- The ilelerate front - Oransoy- Mr, Turntr, ha lurtrihed us the following synopsis of , the 33 proposed, Amend- uieuls to tbeonaUUiUont u t , 4 ,j lit Amendment t That tectum 4, of article 9. M stricken out and two new sections be euUUluted. The section to be stricken out U to regard to lands given to Uie stale by congress and the appropriation of tines, penalties, Ac 'l ite section to be substituted givea all lamia and proceeds of lands, ciren by the United State to the stale, to cihrauonu purpose ; ana ail swamp lauds, Hues &c are to be used lor pur poses ot euueauon. -.-.; n, .ev 2nd Anienoent strikes out section 17, article 3, and substitutes a sectios pro vUling for the establishment of 4 bu reau of agrkulture,lituuiratka and eta titties, ana tne prvtocuon or aheep 3d Amendment, adds id section 25, of article 1, that? secret political societies are dangerous to the ibe rt.ee of a free lieople ana should not be tolerated." ' 4th Amends section' 10; article 3, by providing that the frovernor, with the adnoeof th senate, aiiall appoint all offices whoao eprwintnwata are not otherwise providod te&.f?r!W'?" Mb. Abrogatceand amend section 15, 16 and 17, -ul article 4, aud allows the general easeenbly to allot and distribute all judicial power among tha aevecml counties except' thai of tha supreme court, which, is fixed by the constitution itself, ff,.r a Ai,'H "':'' t 6th Strikes out aoctiona ! and 2, of article 13, and forbids calling a oonven tion without first eonsultmg the people at the polls, t tt"-" "," ' T 7th Provides foe subinitting I the ainendniennv ;to tho eonetatasioat' to the people, at tha the polls, Tuesday after the let Monday in November, 1874 The amendments will be ratified of re jeotedtoeethei;. - ;.; mi'rovidee for publishing the ordt - nonooe for the uuonnauon of the people. Dth Bequires the judgw to reaidein the dintnot for which ho ia elected. and forbids his holding court in the same county mora than once in four Tears, 10th Reduces tho number of Judges from 12 to 9, sad authorizes the fogiid. turuto increase or dimiimh the number. lth Provides for the saa ambling of the legislature in January instead of November. 12th Hits WO rights on the head by forbidding white , and black children going to the same school, and providing that no disnriminatinn shall tie made to the prejudice of either laoa. 13th Fixes the pay of members of tho general awtetnbly at $4 day and 10 oonta miloage, aud limits the sendon to eOdaya. If the session . ia prolonged beyond liO duys, uembera reouive no pay. !' l tth i rovldct that the term of office for euuaUr aud members of. tha legis lature shall begin at the . tiiuo of their elecuon. ' r- s 15ih, That section 29, of articles, is amended to allow the general assembly to change the time of noiding elections lor the genoral assainblyat.lv '1 ' " ; 16th btrikes from the constitution sec tion 4, of article which is the oht re publican gerrymander of too senatorial uistricte in 18W.- ? ' , .:-is - 17th Kedueea the number of supreme judges from five to three, as our lathers had it. .'s'kV ; .:, 18th v Declares the Judicial' power shall be rested in a court for the trial ot impeachments, a supreme court, su perior courts, courts of justice of the peace, and such others lufarior to the supremo court as may be established by law, 'w'-'''' '' ' " v' . -t ' ! '' l'Jth EstablWies tha lirprems !onrt in ltaleigh, until othenrbM provided by the general assembly. ' 20th Strikes section 8, article 2, 'from the eoiistitutlon. .This acetlou was the old ifblicwl terrjmfindersof the houMt If. teitafcttUBfesl ad the pcoiJSeau do wltUwUit..1 X MM 'X 21st Forbids vacating any like or term of office now, existing under the COnSlitUiiOOv.. ( ...u; . 22nd Frovidoa- for, the election of Judges of the supreme court end supe rior court, by general ticket,' or rote of all the people but allows the general assembly to change the mode of elect ing superior court judges from general ticket to district elections. ; . 1 23d llequires 12 months' residence in the state, and W days in the county, betore a nun can vote, and excludes feloua and ex-penitentiary, convicts lrom holding oin or votingnntil Jte stored to ciiixenship by dae process of ITaw.There wiilwo days!; debate on this ' ordinance, , ilcssrs. Barringer, -I)ecker7Al))ertsov and Bnxtonv with all the negro de legate sji peaking against it and dcclanng U was aimed at the negro,? : .wjssi-nwr.i 24th Provides for the re moral by the legislature of any Judge of the superior court, for mental or physical disability. It also provides for the removal of clerks of the sspreme and superior courts by the Judges of the courts for the same reason. Appeal in case of removal is allowed as in othtr cases or suits. ,,. if .vte 25U rrovides thsi article 7of the eon stituUon be amended by rfVWg that the general assembly shall have power to modify, change or abrogate any and all of the provisions of the article, and sub. stitute others in their place, except see tiour 7,9 and 13. This auowsthe fegiahv ture to appoint magistrates as undue the old constitution. i - - ;-,,i.i . . 20th Grveajarisdiction to justices of the peace over civil actions founded on contract, when the sum does not exceed 9200; and allows the jueoces to call in jury of six men in certain oanos. ' " . IWth Authorises the employment of convicts on public works and highways, 28th Adds the following new section to article 4 1 'In ease the general as sembly shall establish other inferior courts, the presiding officers and clerks thereof shall be eleetnd in anon manner as the general assembly may prescribe.'' 2!th Forbids marriage between white and black and all persona of negro de cent to the third generstaon, -'- 80th , Adds to article 1, aection 241 "Nothing herein contained ahaU justify the practice ' of carrying conocalea weapon or prevent the legislature from enacting penal r . statutes against practioe,'' . . - j . ' Slst AboUahea aection 8i; of article, andprovidesforfilling.au Taosnoieaiu offloes provided for by this article by the governor not otherwise provided for, 82d Provide' for paying officers and memoera of tnS eonventton. , - '- 83d dives power to tha mipreroe oourt to try issaes' and qaeetious of fact as unoerine ow constitution. ( " A OINT8H0 ILKQANT OILCIIROM08 XV. monnted, alae Vxll, for U MoveltkM sod CUromoa la verv dawripUoa. KltlOVAL Cusuno, Co., f hlU, I'a. w. Pi P K A OAT guaraotoed ttilnc oar KU VAcosa & Diuixa. ioQ a eoutb paid t rood Areata. Auger book frs , JUi acw vow, ot. vtnua, no. AQEMTI WANTED I atedals and Dip A awe Awarded f or Holnaa'a Ne v Pi CI RSAL BIBLES, 1900 lllattratfona. Addrma ror sew circulars, A. 6. UULMAas CO. ftk) Arch etreet. Phis. J ' M1 IND BIADIMO. P8TCHOMANCY. , Vaaetnattoa. Soul CharsBinr. ateaaas rtorn, and llarrtara tialde. howtnr kov enner hi nay laaciaaw ssa gam us loveaae sffettloa of any peraoa thev ehoaas MMantlv, tulpuM. ByauOiaOeto. Uaat0o.. DM) ana St., raus.,? -- - Q1 A TO m to Wall Street oftra ti Vv to forMiae. A It imbt bookeatiUed uMea sad Idioms ot Wall tttreet," explaia tnr rrarrihlnir, gent Free. JOHN hiCK L1NU CO., Baaksrs tad Brokara, tt Broadway, Hw xora, . . THE 5tO00BOI'AMZA; 15 to SOUvsated ta Wall M.. eftea leada ! a Fortaae. Fail parucalani aeot free. Aiiuraas uiitrose KSAD: ou wau aueet, sw ion. 11IB BALTIMOBS HOMCEOPATU1C PHARMACY UeaioTl(Mi Beptanbar lat tha anackMU autre at No. 13 Waat rayetu St., where tha proprietors will be plaaaadt m their old fries d aad patroaa. A com- Diet atoek of furs and KeltabU Homwo- pathia Madtetaaa as waU as Book a, for ray atdaos aad family aaa, coaataatiy kept ia stock. Orden pr mail promptly atttidtt to. Aaareaa nosaicsa a lArmty iaa rrvat rayene omet, naiumore. WITEinJI.IDER19, BT ANX ZLIZA T0UKG, BRIO BAM TOUNQ'fl HXBZLUOVS Will, i tar Tha only eompleto Kspose of aB Us Seuivts of Brham,s Uaram aver written Bora m atormoulaai. Abb KUss aow expoaes Is Hi world, aa ma olhar wotnaa caa the aaereU, myatariea and Crimea of tha horrible aynem or roirgamy, iron u very ucgio- VBtAi nlnr. Nearly lilaatraUoas beautify us work, usut new sausig book pnuwn. 10.0110 am men and womaa caa save em- purBMnt and ake from H toSlO dally. All lla Aanta are wrtUnr for lUnetrated Ulrco- lara ua Larpre Terraa. Beat rrae. uo not Har ford, (X, Chicago, III, or CinctanaU, umo. w, a A rents tor the - beat selling Prist XXPackars la Uie world. It eoaUlaa 1& aheaU paper, IS earelopca. fan,. Pea Holder, Pencil, patented Yard Meaeoiv, and s piece or jewelry. BUigie package ua eis rant Prise, poatpald, SSo. Circular Xroa. Bbids A Co., WO Broadway, N. Y. itVf fill Bin Ia Ul nllto, Circular sow $19 to f 800 fnraated in Stock Privlletree, has paid and will pay Um Praltai BallrMdtBtorki. Bono and Hold bouKht OB Martrlnev Intereat BU Per Cent, allowed oa depoalU aabject to eight draft. Buekwalter k Cow, Banker aad Brokers, No. lav wau ntretn Mew xera, r. ia. eassau.) POM COUGHS, COLDS, HOAB8ENKS8, and all throat dlieaaaa, oae wKLUP CABBOUC TABLETS, pat up only ta bine boi. A tried aad sura remedy. For sal by Drnggfata generally, and JonaeT w, Hob Lewsx l Co., Philadelphia, Pa. r . A H OUTFIT JTBIki. r Wa want soma one m everv count to taks order and deliver gooda for the old and orig inal V. U. U. nouae. uurge eaaa wagea. Splendid ehasts ha every neighborhood for the right peraoa of either sax, toang or old. Sampkia, new liata, circulars, tanna. etc a romplete outfit seat fret sad poet paid. Bend for It at one and make money atyoorboaie. Address. U. J. 11 all CO- uowara Street, BalUsiore, Md, i,-- ; . , j .- , rpHK BBOUX WATIB ING1NI- Priet 4 1-2 Horn Tweet 1300.00 1 S " - 250.00 pith -it) r r .f . v ! ut Sample Engine to be tern at our 6 tore. Write for Circalerr. . - UUU8 LKWI' 4 CO., sy 18-tf ' : Bole Areata. ABU, DOORS A BLINDS. 7 GowraafMd tkorongkl SaueMi AT MOCK BOTTOM fAJCaW jrvuvs LXW13 4 Wk . pALNTS, OILS, tOLOliii, ( , Uardxoart of every Decripi;on JULIUS LEWIS COh ' FlBHBB InntDTKO,V . Blelgh,N. C. m f . 72sv30J . , j , UAKHKY'8 BItltiCT.'oBUCmJ,' rsrntaeatty Cares all Olaassai of the . BUDLTJtR; KlbWlYS, AKD bRdP8t thMhwhr Mw. Wersea and Ofcl'drew rjT NO MAT! KB WHAT TUJ AG' Prot. Bteale ssre s "Owr be.tlle.ot. Kewr aeyt Fluid Bztraet Bnehs is worth wwrathas all other Baeba eOBblned."': - t j s Fries, One Dollar par awsuai' or six eouua tor Five Dollars. .. ,..,r i Depot, 104 Dtune Sl, New Tork. v A Psyilelaa la attaadaaee to saawar avrraS' paadaaee sad give adlee aratla. i - -T"' -iff Vkmrf Jm JLdvim eart QwaaBofiaat fta J B Drovr. gradnats of JeBer a Med leal CollKt FUuadelphla, author ef several valBable wursa, caa ne eonanitea on aii ua S tea ot U s Pmual or Urinary Ortoba. (which a ba aaade an eepoclal atndy) elUinr lo ma' or lemalt , ao matter from what eane o gii atlB or of how king atandlng. A ' enables him to treat divee with aaeeeaa. s Carea guaranteed. ' Charrae fre aonable. Thoaa at a diaUaeS eaa lorararS letter eaaeribhie synrptosts and eneioemg to prepay poatage. ; md tor ths OnUtUlMUk Trios 10a WANTED LORDWAFL'fl'R Wortsr4 A ltaelsnlatory I linn r'iif.m'M'A ivj- Will, ewtitg wUielr great surma daring the peat aeaaoa, ta ailing orders f ivnall parte f the UriKed blaiaay gi rreaaes Attention to Oat-of-Towa baalneaaw With aaieaOsrged DeparlBMnt aad. Inoreaaed FaoillUe, they win ail all orders hp mall wna Jtnir aaual Pronptaawe, and, they trait, wtth Canple oaanuaouoa. ti .n j.nKs-m Black end CvlorM m,' Faff end winttr Drui Good. BhaU;"Vtoati JiuttiivH, HJginat,, friMmingt,' y, i'feia) ana) iWw .2Mry, . 6'feeet, Lm ktlUuv ft." ' :eatk 4(partnt esaaf eomptrU oiff WpMe eitt off (A nottltia A;Kf w-l'irM .Unit l iiieifiiH H-tU i viw . I Our ' Ladles : Kbott Debartmenl eon talti a stock imsurwtscd for eleinnce, durability and lowneas of price JXr recnone Hie aeu-rueewurament sent on aritiHratlnn. 4 . ' ' Complete aaWtiiiunt ofGents'Tarah . A i4 . bhing uoods, Shirts, fJJlara,fJuaa, Ties, Uose, Gloves, Ac ' Goods aent to nay part or the 000007. ' ishirt aaes mnnra aiwit nrt armlL arinH'. t"uu . for the accontniodallon of tAdleif and Faanllios jviio are sataUe j to visit, the cityi full lines of aamplcs of ell grades of vrf (loodiwltl IwwnV and order by man inied wun the pv&vuit possible liaeOABWAT AKB TWBTTIKTM tmaBKt MEW"TTOKlC,1' roay 22Hs3m i. A." vii l L J o'" ". Makes aad eleaM clothe si tha baat aaai aaaapssi style, oa JUoodworUi K, " -rrt- N0T1CZ. U itvm (l ' lit h'i The Cttw Ordlnauee relanatt Host rota at large wUI be aaafoiajod froai aad after Satur day Bafa, ilta,tss,'.-a -nn,"' .i w U aeptS-dt ArtCaiatreoee. SkXKCT BOAKDLNO DAT BCUOOL, HJI.IJUtUJiV X.tL The thlrtv-thtrd seaslae of tha Mlaiea Mash A Mis Koiloek's School wUI open oa Friday o tfiur. . vweajars asas a July 10-SUwlas .n ; "Beautiful I" feautlfal I" .: CharmlBg," "Oh, how lyl" "What sr they worth," A7 Such ibe exclamatlona of Uiim who see the lover. are large, elegant aew chrome prod need bv the European and American Chrocao Co. Everv one will want them. , It requires no talking to ecu us picture, uey apraa lor uwaeiTea. Canvaaaers. asania. and ladle aad tentleaaea 11 ana tai u neat orjealna ever ouerea to Biaksaaouer, ror roll parucuiar aena lump iot connueniuu circu lar. Atldrre P. ULKAeON A C0.78H, WaHi- ngtoa St, BoatoBi Maaa v . Sep 18-4 mKHk sv td1i'tlJTlUh ja c um t y a oa Ijnsi em a MOUTH OAUOLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPASI Taietloaiuanv eonttaaea to write Fotiet at tab rates, on all elaases of Uwabl prof srty. . ; .. AO losses are protnpuy tcr"iraa ana paw. The "HOME" Wiraptavy jrrowingla paaUs ivor. aad appeala with eonfljeuce, to lasarsrs of pro party ia all parUot North Carolina, AgeaMiaaupsmestMitaien .- . R. H. tuna Jr., rYsatdsaU O. B. Boor, Vtos Fraaidsa" 1 1 Saarosi Oaus, Secretary. Puiam Cowraa, aVaparrUor. Jaaesa-tf,- 9 j, it, A y 1 jsf."i tv, GRAN Di flQUAKl AXO T PRIGHT. ' Have 'received upwards' T'oi TTlFTT 11 RoT PREMIUM B, aad areaateag the best nosf made. Every lerwomeat fullj warranted for five year. a Prices at low ss the excloslvs vse 1 f the very best materials and tbe most Moroughwerkpanshipiwill petmit The principal pianisu and com pnrers, and the plao-pejcbaklBrf ptWe of (be Booth: eVpeciallr ' unite is ;Uit a tan into as vtrdict of the superiority " oi the stieS. Piano. The Durability ol out ioattautants Is fuUv"'eUbtiahd by aver 6itrf Ecfroou end College In tbt South nstng over 800 of our Pianos. ' Hole wnoiesaif Agents wr seweM ot tn rodpsl..psjnKtiueriof Cabinet and Palor Organs; prices from 30 to 600. A liberal dlsrenot to Clergymen and Sab. bath BcftMola.'i j ' ,:,'i,, '- A Urin : assortment of . seoosd-haad Plaaoa. at ' prices 'ranging from 78 to 1800, always on hand. " ', ;l:":i: XZ Bend ; lor. wustratea . cntaiogaa, en- kt....'lk nl ATUt Onalk. erner who haver bought tad art asmg ths Stkff Piaoa " . ' . . v. .M.Jfc CAfcV Mi BTlKrT, 1 Warerriouia, Kov North Liberty Be. .'. FaotorW; 84 A fmde SVand ti 47.JWJ Ht,n wUM lovTT-'i ml I MPOKT AMI TO MILLO WMXaX sr 3 J. A. McMaxuBcnv c3iefaU DCPBOTKD 8MTJT ADD SCBKKNDfG , - MACHiBNR;if ,.,-"j-;' .'Tbree'tbouaaad Aire' hasdred ,'of tbssa llachinwa are Sow raaaisa? ta W. C and the adjoining States sad after S TimiTT i BAHa r!tMH If iprtwentci d.' by the beat milt wrighis and miart m the Huts to be uH.rli, to o Jthat , b baa yet ofitfed fo ibe pulMic I km', being mhv reprhetWtad lf pnriica onetiSg Jfacbbtss in imitaM. ' '' e' I offer them, dc hr twf best 'inrrialsnd war rsated fit Svs r lot 76.V 1.. . . , Pis tha nit twelve amnibt . persom wiebiag r purobaaBi aiacblae or renew oldi- a will flrd It to ibrtr interest ia eTMy'-cat to addras me before tbej pur chaMwiaewhera. I challenge all othaf mscbloea, sapanaJt? the Eorekav'J'-'' , JOHKA,McMAJlNIII,ifr- ' I t ' T3 & A'Kl 0 N VOBTl! eifcOUSA -A- Almanac' for 1876 wl 1 aooa ha ready. Order what you want, sad I will hare your Imprint put oa them. If as many aa SU0 with out ettra rnerge. 1TI at bum s jm en ot Jg. H Alutause, pahUabed ju4 ss sccuj ss soy other. L, BRANSON. Bookaeller, i. V. J ok a. "-h 'AlUllaVaa Joaraa, :('nvf4;oi(l8, -kir.Wli.!('i PALEiattt.C.' ' U BAUTICE la ths Supreme Co art oi I he E ' etata, ths Circuit and Dwtrlet Cwerts ef bit Uaitadniete aad the sevoral CanrU ef t MhwadletalUiatrict Udlee oa Cayettevtlie SL appeal ta .the i U Jfi Ul Jl 4 -Uw'V - 1 PATENT SUIPPINO TAAaV , 4i tovarTwo naBorea siunoaa nan II &jfWoaaaaedw;uUatiMlMMeaw, eithoat complaint of lot bi Tag aaaaaaaar tench d. Taat aaa itowa naiAaau ewa aaAciaa Corroa Baua eaan aav Tae a All ExprM Cocapaaiat a UMaa- vin t mniar ana rinwaer -Teri - ert aVoxdltin 1 JJ P. KING, OP NOBTH CAB0U5A, .1(1" wire JOIINSONV1 BUTTON A CO ' DRYf O0OD0. - .."tfjse- .?.ir rtt-u Ko. WO BJtUBoi 1 Voitk UtMfty BU. T. W. Jonasoa,. .. , J. E. B. Catenst B.M. Bottom,; U J.Joaaaoa. sapt ii-am . . l 4. . , f GO TO f. lIOWEUe ' . Vanety Store, iaiai ajtijujuajw, vr ir-mimwja ara Far year Groceries. aVovtafon. Goaatre Vav dnee, Ctothiag, Hate, Cape, Dry (rood, Cww ftettoneiie. Cigars, TehaTeea, SW, Aft AladdJa Bseurity OH warranted nt ta ex plooreeoamiiaded by tbe feadlag Fbw Cbanv sanaai aaa cnemuu. vray u eenis s gmuoek Bweroeene vm owy sv reau agsnoa a . - . Jrtw. . R. p. HO ELL'S, Prairie BniMmg, Wumlngto 8C sapta. .... -,,, M ,,... DEMTUTBT. f . , in-t ,1- i 1';. The wadertlned havmr perm anew try locav ted at Raletgh, reepeetrully taaden his pre feaatoaalaarrleeala the praotice of Oeatiatry (both aperaUve aad aaecbanlcal) to the enlaces naiel ga aad the pobbemierallr. tTOlnee roen over Tacker's stars samt at reeentlv snaalad brDr. Afriartoa. ineeauve atptedtf.. ........ if, ikariu iii" JlJOUJTTAUf BTE. Hi Bnhel prime MouaUtn Rye for seed. teptltUf J M TO WLS8, 332.We4BsltoOTfiU'i. BALTIMORE, septl7-m IOWN! DOWNII Bottom Pell Out ! I7CTOADH -"-t. POH THIRTY UATO. Look at tho PrfCftB vet Cash. rm,j.wi '.? ' r!3.U!M . ' ".('HLS-.T t.500 Tarda Snrlnr end Bommar rrmta at Sl-4eenta ner vard Net Caah. 409 Yard LaU Btyle Spring aad Bnaaanar Print at T eeata act Caah. .ao9 Tarda Mew sad Haadaoaa Prints and taat color at I eenta per yard net Caah. soa Yard Linen Uwn (aad not Uree foarths Cotton) at SO eants par rsrd, BOTTOM STILL OUT. NET CAS 3. IMO Tarda SouiTColortd Suttlor at 11 eanwper yanov- la fact a general cleaning oat of aetagi Geed a flaaHlai ' r " " 1 -rn-'ir h'i i " r 1 have ao eartaar m I am the saaa to auks Price. Bo tooh tar rear nil rami In nirmjM li . r i " ... j.u . . . " . ., , mMme BOTTOM AMD COBB PLAJiTEBB. T have la stars sad t arrivi I halted aaoT her of the eeiebrated Georgia DowLawOot ton Planter and . (inaae iMatribatort and Baith'e eoaiaroa veaet rTohrtn( Cotton mater, K-a aaa taaea tae premmm at oar Ists Fairs, The chMUat and moat hnnrovsd El an tare, aad caa aevtr fall to tlr aatlafaa loa. AUo 8inclklrv Smith's and Casdl will's eeiebrated t era Phtater. (ns aaaS aad aetaeeaa do all the piatlng OS tha farm wtth store regularity andeatlatBty U a knad paaUng. Order solicited ra time to aneart mm ... , - James M. towles, , , athaOew-'' Agat. Maaatsctarara.. riBAUt CKADLES .' GRASS SCTTHS net iwodved t aaptily of Slaelalrs CaUbratad eonUMni Cradle. TnS barr ra raa Mamut. warreaiea w rtr aauaracuoe. tit , , .'iu Jt. . ij w laa, Agaai BMVVBtW, D 0 BOl CUTTUB 1 V )B at Saw Ola. laat ta hand ef this taaUv aalebraud Alabama iiln ; The taaUaamiy a suaoiaMMM that thaj m taatar and aaaheal batter aaaapla tana aa) other ever am da rnce a ! aaw ana IranaportaUon, " : i FOE SALE 0B BENT, r A eoarrahle Honas aad Lit ta the Iowa of Cary. The Hoeee contains six room a, with all the modern emvealenee. with all aacia, aary oatbonaea. The garden eontalo t acre, aa orchard of 160 choice trait tree adjoining. The Whole Bfetntaee eooewtlag at S nrrea. ( roawaaioa pru am ol -January, 1870, , a. .. .- .. - - V i -f-KW S' r'"' ''Jfc1 Vsvlr .. Kf ilv f Mhrmf'" fa A )! ,'.Ai f JOG ' .W.ttlWail .TK"JU A SJ'Wl 'r.Jf 1 JW ll-ji-d SfiJ d CJ'ii.-t:'! ilP? ir IT fir J fil Cv'k t'1"' n J if.C t? t Jtil ga.iw i.j.iJ , ,19 i 'el S r"i,f-4i.' IS to ,o? it , -;-v"""i J-ORIWORK la ! f. I Vf X ' s J'l ,'''' I I i .,")!! Ijjs twltr! ef wJi t i. -4, 5 is 9Jlt a Having Fofittad oar. jl ,t c ! , . o. i. J jli J .A )l .Tnh 0ffip.fi. fli r.v , t x .. li . 'AlJ And secured tho serrlcof of 4 ii 'k 4 -iji'iii ri .i I TABT.i9 -'iniis I aw J 5i-Oi i n wi 4 i , ,t its- r U I W sr now preptrod ta zi all ttads ol-u ' ' ' ot e.tv PLAIN Alii) FAWCT 1 . v.. ..J . I Job Worlci I ( Si A I il AD persohd DAT1U2 Bill i 1 1 it . Letter B'sule,' .. 1 t iHi -S. -itlw Cards, ThnUtCraa()f;,()j :B7l.'0ar4v 1 laio CSreulart, If! Posters, e '0 print, wM hats their work ex Uiii ..u i..-. ..' id. I )H i.1:. . ra ',!i ni":i(t seated in ttie rerj beet stjle b oxldillg itto'tbei .2.,, I ihai' A vuost 10 K 1 v 1 I f i .1. I . ,if) l.l.iii . 1 -tin. 1. iiiri coztinQi-omcOi i 1 t X Hi ,yttw.M .iV .....'Vil 'H k r 1 1 "i . I I !!- ! I I ' Wit Are alo: prepared to do s i iam now ! 4fat w hw. ii.jJ hl. li ! l i'.. ... .')! . l!-;Vi,l it 'It'. ( I! a ci Book Work,1 ! T:r I ft- I Ot 5 . - -t V 11.1 - 1 i lit .1 ! "r- In the very boat style, si ',! 4 . o hi ( T A AH Work sent to ni will be dene u caicklv end'. dtesply . ss At snj other I j .111,1 jus e'- rf. SOUTH HKEBIMa'B ' 1 J PiTrST frTT AlIPTfiW RArKft ktnblUbed store that a thirl Of A Ceatary, -.j 4t.ig .' .'I ' REDUCXO IN PRICK Alto twe hosdred seenad-haad faftt for - - Atls at ten hw price, f - tSl aad ISS Bboapwat, Navy Tork, , SS so 4 to 8OTBVBT 8t . Boston, .fV.r Attorney At Lawi r f ; fli t ,'; :v:-RALtXaB.Jf.a ; FBT Pnetteaa la all ths IAateOMirts.Tf APcle! stUadoa glvca law wattatS: SecuM pitn raceni ru'A MK'auiuoa. tapl f Ottee 4ooraboa Jfb(irolisa.$ ., "1 6 InftWtoFrT 6!f Slti'vUeafn 1 av vvy Stock Privilege hi WaU Street. Book sad elreulart "jL f hhowHhdon" ent free. AU.IrearAIItB A CJ. Bank. era, Wall Ba few Tory 1! -taw. J0M''AtBTroti,-i-W3!K.r B O O K BI'K 'tB1 - r,ri:As:,ii'f',l! oyif5i.3a BLAKE BOOK MAKUBACTUUER, ; Um-n trnmm Va awoawrmtfa, u B ,A . .,!,. , 1 .,Jtf i,yn,'$-i TEXTUAL HOTEL, : "M V, .ayMj n Hifc -tB i .n!K;wt waV-rT The Central H 6teI.M eorner of Wil- tnlngton end tiargett streets fonnerly the Carolina Ilouae. hat been thoroughly repaired anil refitted, and in all respects made entirely new,A and navlng been newly Airnished in the handsomest style is now ready Jor (ha aocowmodaUon ot ViaitOrSi K,S tim.l ir-i-rMn l.nl A rraupeBienta have heeei ' mads (far Aft Omnibus andCajTiages to .'meet' the travtuling tnibiic on each' arrival of tbe trains, and polite end gentlemanly Por ters will nttoaVLu U 6 6 At tii-1. f J 4, The tare and Acconunodations at this House Will bet be surpassed, by any in the City..! ;ltM.U'i''MjL I.;lrt.-4' J!l -i-Terms, tier daav v it '.'S2.00. A liberal share of bubllc twtrOnasre Is j,d,mAjiltTII01aA8,,.A je 0-tr ; AToprtetor. - O AVPEIITCI AC0.JI T " ,i OrgA&s ft Kelodeoms, Ths Old, UrgeetaaS Moat rerfeck Msaa factory ta tho United States. savi -." ,0.00- Mow la ass. dT81 arSaaAlorFratsUita. . ,t Addrats, v,,.,, BUFFALO, M. T, "Trrt snhtsrlhareby VvifJilce to hi oMrrteadssnSnttomerailitltW eonrhmes "to Offer tts tatatl tttraCUona, auk tagtttbj1tnojatpr90Jsv.r1aortaa.tJM city of naleigh. ? ...ifmi ifha OTaTEB SEASON M Just Aoeeaetw 1 , Oyster will h served la alt styles an4 at all hours. All outer delicacies 01 Viti will he taralthstUit u The beatof L1Q001U and WINES and LaaaaBssa.' --n! ifc-ri .! Call at the White Front, -- A a iwidw a nifttaii1' J" ftVoiiliyAvwTwy, n , wmm mm wm mi raw. 1P BALIIOH,M.a .41 1 Swmenw F4WOorts eae 'w4(airts et IstaWaMAJadielatOktrka. S7 Z'.'.Tr vi . !".r" 'rf1"" OW a BT THE SFASABON' OF mooH a HSA" aast A. Ai !'1 f '''l' -eyrie ' tw Atlantic Hoteli Tad Mffhwrat Of UU' fialria BeaAUe aVworiV' sra, the flneat etreteh ef- uCEAJt SKACH IM TUB WORLD, being from one aif t anUeto a-MHe wide, wtth the set upon awe ltd, aae the beeettfal tonnde and Inlet apoa ths ether, aflordlpg the FINEST SAU 1NO. FUUlNtf AMOMUNMlNOtobefoaad aywaer aa the Atlantic Coeat. , w ThU Bote! Is sltaated directly ti Woet of the lalat, sad U built UVEA THJt WATEM, tha tide ebbing aad Sowlar dally andemeath IV eoasreaeaup there art to FXJfcaVMQ jfUBQUlTOES, and X J DUST. v J OU 8USF BATHING tt the lacst an : safest OM THE COAST. Tsehts. Sail Boats aad Bow Boats can be had at any Uaaa, sad at reasonable rataa. Bathing fbass are attached to the Bote!, where .guests may. baths la the still water raaa or oa Ansa, and laarathe art ef swlna- A CB0QUET FABK U attached to tha A r.riMO TRAPEZE la also eoaseeta with tbe Hotel, for the entertainment of llttl I oik a. - 'lit , "1 OUR NATIVE BANKS FONIEI will be . kept for hire, aad gaeats eaa enjoy a rid apoa oar See roads. Oar Harbor sbomads ta blae Ssa, meeker!, trout, pfaj Bah, aheep head, Sonnderr, -oyttera, dama, -eacollop, -tone crabs, aolt shell crab, cto, Oar Soand are filled with aianhes sad huaads. wheaw wild sees, braat, dock, cnrlew, ' ealpe. aad other varieties ot sea-lowl . abouad, whlcV 6athe Bl large tockrm seaaun neat aad rahw letr yonng. raruaa wisung to onag uatr aorta, eaa be aecoounottated at the Hotel table. , CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS eaa be had at any Railrotd Depot, good for the season. , To those aerklng a bom by the sea, for the summer, BElUFOHT, sad the ATLANTIC HOTEL, oSer . peculiar advaa tages, not found at any other wsteriag place taArSbAU;BAli3 bt!,BIUlfciAf8 eooleat sad largaat In the Soathr Our Bar nuuaro atooma, ttowung Alley a, ana anoo las: Uallery have been, refitted., a4 will be soodncteu aa heretofore.' 1 OUB TABLBuppaa4wl;SBte i,.., leacles ot land and water. , OUB XMPLOTEES art a)C.ulrod tmbe r I lite, atteative sad obliging. , tAT" To tho who aevekevawwWfoi this delghtful reaort, we would urge them.to top wiu e -the coming seaaoa, and they will be eoavfaeed that ours U rss Fiaasf t CaBAras Rsaoa.' I f, - Thi Hotel will be opeoei only to nch vla Itors ss the proprietor may fast iacllaed to hrtrodaee Into bu tamlrrrlr'Uev' , " TERMS OF BOI AO f w ' - Per day for Srt weak ."JJ.U fBSO. Far day for second week.... . XSO. AUband dedartloa U vial torn la July and AngaeUWepecUl ratat'tl-lla and and Monthly Boarders. raa tnt, Ber- vaata, ban lata, half pries, ' "'i.'1' ' 1 w, 5&?- "l l. j-,.,.n. KlllVnil. H l.r,v,-j..l ot hn thJ-f UA."t5UU. ...inti . iAnuyiHJUVmiWfiMIVi.kc A ,LL"klND9 0 TBOrEBTT-BQUUHT and sold 01 tomnuttloa b Z. Ti 51 1 C-i 1- V f-'l I It 'r i 1 ! i i W'. r. Tf. p fa- .. pi 'i eettva . C7, M. ft fsb UVt t. KiNQ&LAXD, "

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