w'Mikf . mmmmimmmKtmi l'rT; f THE RALEIOn SENTINEL: .-", . - : virBuaaae : . f 1 ft ! 1 1 47 AMvV.LI 1IT i Js?jfiTna:i.iff03 u J 03. a idvsrUsameuU wUI beintrhjlfcUuBaUr. DAILY, WKKLT AND BEMI WMKLT. fleavrawv at the foltowlnr isles perMU one meh. er See erfBtam luiss, 'v' aaredf nmniai nraan u K&rm uars a. :i ,i flnM MjmMkrm tmUM lime-.'-.... -1 11.03 STATE PRINTING & BINDING ......1' iwniMIMIurMT ! ! iei r t -. ft . each uheee.qent nsertloa less teas a weak f.v.li. .!.. 7 tsqusrs, I wek ;.,.T.....",i;n.. jso i .-ll aseiA.vvjJvjAav- .2$ I -: niootlis..... I- i m s S u 4 i v i. 4'. ''' 00 I ' ,. 4. . IS W ' . " Ml IIDLiiOiinwH . ; , , t Vi "It 1 um of sonscamioa. Dully eutlusl 1 year ta advance tncc.....J.t8 i 7 M Dally 8ii month hi adranoe guml Weekly . '(..'. f... ... b will be delivered 100 f u- nti at.a.f. will Kb AmHvmimA VOL. XXL nr part of the City at rifteea Cents a weak. -I i v ; '". .a. - is f t ii t - i r V 1 C 2 .? The City. r LB A PEBBIN8tI . U tk only GEM7INK; WORCESTERSnmE V SAUCB, Sheriff Jonathan Williams, of Hen derson county, to-day, paid Into the treasury 1 2, BG1 . j Bcv. Dr. Stone supplies the pulpit of the Swam Street Daptiat church during tbe absence of Iter. J. D. Hufhaivi? . Among the number of eur cttisena who are visiting the WSlmLajtott' fair are J, P. Prairie and F. If. Borrett.; - Governor Brogdea. will, Issue k pro clamation. In a day or two, appointing Thursday, Nev.!,?aB)aday of thanks giving. , ... Sam. J. FaQ iuut dissolved bis connec tion with the "Spirit of the Aw." It ia owned and conducted wholly and solely :bylwardaAAnnetionf. p The penitentiary hoard of director! m et to-day. It la proposed to farm out 150 convicts to the Asheville ASpar- -tanburjc railroad. The company pro poses to Feed and clothe them. , J The Balelgb Light, Infantry, with 36 muskets, left this morning for the vil- 1 mlnztoa fair. The Oak tit jr brass band accompanied them. The company will return Friday evening. "i -Kerf W Prftchard, Jtev, J. D. Huf- ham, Her. C. T. Bailey, J J. Allen and Cot T. U. Heck left this city last even tug, to attend, the Baptist State Con vention, which meets in r-hjlby to morrow. : ' ; i.,r. .,- " J Cotton receipts yesterday were very light, owing to the Inclemency of the weather only 65 tales. To-day the market was active at 12 with' seme few sales at 12). ' Orders few and light. Trade tenerally dull. ' I The Wilmington Bevlew, of Nov. 6, says : "We were1 "pleased to receive a call till morning from Col. 8. D. Pool, stale superintendent of public instruc tion, and editor and proprietor Of Our Living and Our Dead. "" ( ! Major John Levsrenx, secretary of the Slate Agricultural Society,; com menced to-day paying the premiums awarded at the ; recent lair. .... Persons writing for their premiums are required to enclose a three-cent postage stamp. The "Bpirit of the Age" begins, nest week, the publication of an oration on the life and character of George Wash ington, delivered some fifteen yeans ago by Henry W, Mfller. It has never been published, and ia copyrighted by Ed Wards A Armatrong. ," " ' j For live, fresh local new take the Sentinel. For short, crisp, condensed state news., take the Sentinel. For srjuees-d-out general news of the World, In the fewest words and most iouve Diaut form, taka tho, Bentinel 1 5fd stale1' reprint, no long and bungling communications, no antiquated! cake, sausage and chkkejMholera jrecelpla, 'Small, but (fell' ultra, but civil ;; ,.,Tbe Alamance,, Gleaner, of to-day, saya : "Tlie water question ia agitating the people of Baleigh. They want a snpply of water i ether liquids theyhave. A Mr. Allen, of Baltimore enlightened a recent meeting upon the subject. We are sorry for any one in want ol water, and earnestly hope the' demand Of Bal eigh may be supplied. ' 1 3 Bnuiop Lymaw Atpoistmemts. r Nov. 27, Flat Elver, Orange county. " Nov. 28, HUlshorO, . ' ,M V Nov. 30, Salisbury, Bowan county. J Dee, 1, Concord, Cabarrus county.'' Dee, 8, VIonroe, Union county, ' : Dec. 5, Wadesboro, Anson count, . Dec. 7. , Bockinghanv Blchmond county. , 1 j'- Dubham FiATiOMairi little neighbor city of Durham is all In a flutter of dlHona expectancy, s i Visions of white kida, lavender ailka and pigeon tail eoaie borer before her gladsome eye. A eoent 'ef 5 orange blossoms mingles with the flavor of her vast to-baoco-palaoes. Dame i Burner, long tongued but iniereating. old eewing aooiety sseter as she ia, vhispen of a triple wedding, ' six-fold matrimomol embarkation, to take place about the first of December. Six gentle souls with but a treble thought, six hearts that thump as three, 'perkmsly. the Durham! tes an ticipate three almost simultaneous mar riages ; and all the couples, it la said in confidence, start together to the Wil mington conference. Never train before bore away from one small town anch a freightage of happiness perhaps If you hive a friend with a coagh or cold, tell him to try Dr. Bull's tough Syrup. lie will thank yon for your ad vice. The price Is only ti c.nta. .Mjuiao,lb?gular meeting f the T.' If; '0.' A. 'thla' evening, at! Uieir room ta the: Fisher building.'. A full aiteniauce' ia requested, .y, j.iV I Baleigh Council, No. 127, Frlebda of Temperance will meet tlh evening at 7:30 o'clock In the mayor's, office (There are some 80 applications for mewber- shfp on hasjl. "' ,u " 4; i Z Manteo Lodge, No. 8, I. O. 6vF. meeU te-oight at 7 o'clock In Odd fel lows hall; A rAill , atleadanca Us re quested. " . - It tmember the eitltens meeting at Metropolitan hall, to-morrow evening, toeonsider the taenklpal debt qnisUon. Lct every lax paver, every one thite ested in the wellare and prosperity ef our ueauuiui cuj anena. ' i i Crrx InrrBovaiutsTS. For some time past; our efficient board of aldermen have been talking about wa-worka, and have appointed a committee to coo- aider the maUer. Long ago, the Senti nel urged this matter vpott the aatliori ties and published favorable commnni- eationa from capable engineers aato the feasibility of procuring a comparatively clieap and abujndant snpply of water for the city. . Now our city dads are cau- cmsing abcit the propriety of the 'ty having her own gas-works on account of the rates charged by the present com' paay, . TMs may be all right at the proper time, but the snatter does not rise to the dignity of a necessity like that of water-worki and the paving at least of Fayettevaie, Wilmington and portions of Martin and Barrett Streets. Dnring many week, ia : winter, fheae thoronghlarse ere W condition bad enough to disgrace a rugged moontain village, much leas the .capital of a great state. Let's have the atreeta properly fixed, and a 'aupply of water sufficient at least to preserve the city from destruc tion in case of fire. When these things are done, then it will be time enough to talk about new gaa-irorks. ! si TnaTwo OBPHAm. Wholesale and ia. diaoriminate puffery tathe curse of Ameri- cea newperdom. i Beslabbering with fulsome laudations every quack and hma bug in polities, medicine, sdenee and religion. Blowing hlipntian jackleg lawyers and pot-house politicians into statesmen who would split the molds in Which . wars oaat Detnoathenes and Cicero, Cate, Bacon, Burke, j Web ster, Clay , and Calhoun all combined. Making prodigioas professors of every wheeay hurdyfarty grinder or eora- ataTk fiddle : And laTfiahing terms that would be extiravagansas in regard to Booth's '.theater or the Boyal opera, on ever miserable, vulgar dog show and caravanaary ef stuff ed snakes or eslves, that eomee along;" The Sand' nel does none of it , When it thinks a a . measure or an entertainment worthy of commendation, it bestows it ; when it doesn't, itdoean't and that's the ona ot u. ,.. j., ,-..f,-Vj tii.i i Hall's Gombination ia good the best traveling tronpe that has been in Baleigh ainos w have known the place, ' Tucker hall .was crowded last evening to iee its rendering of ''The ; Two Orphana," a new French aenaational drama ; and the niianiinone aemanaxor a return or ana troupe ahowed the estimate our citizens put , uponi its performance. 'Tie eos- tnmery is new and handsomeL and the, whole play was given in f style that would hare done no discredit to a avjtrOpoliUn stage. Mi., Ada qilman, as the blindi orphan Louise, and Mias Emma Pierce; as the loving foster sister Henrietta, , were impassioned! tender and touching, and in many scenes Incited their . audience to tears, .Mm. J. H. Bogers, ia the detectable ehsracteir of La Frochard, was perhape the incst striking figure in the piece ; she made it grimly: loathsomely. ludicrous ; the perfection of a mother Of cut -Ihrcem wd thieves. Loaia lit James, a Armand, gave an ex cellent idea Of the brave.dnahing French chevalier of , the last century, .in! whose boscthejioWe jimpulsea of the fame gentleman had not been dwarfed by the glare and glitter and diwipation ofPai risian oouit life, tf Harry Leela Pierre the knife-grinder,: crippled, haggard and despised, though occaaionally somewhat overstrained, merited the encore i he re ceived. E. B. Hoboes, as JaoqUee, the handsome, rollicking villain, wa only peasable. F, Chippendale, "ae the Doc tor, ; looked and acted wdL Thomas Whiflm, as Picard, waa the funny man, and kept the house in a roar; but if he was true to the charaoter, it Vas an anomaly j the Uberties he boldly and publicly took with his superiors: would never have been tolerated except in a court fool All the auyperting roles were well maintained, and altogether the performance juetifles ns in recommend' ing our citizena to attend Friday and "Saturday evenings, . when fy . general request, the troupe tettnna. t MxToa's CotrnT. Alderman 8 in the absence of Mayor Manly, ran the municipal 'fasuce-mill this mapung. Nancy Jordan, colored femaWcf iyputa tion very unlike ' what , lira, ,! Ciosar'i should have been, for being drunk And disorderly, "waa fined t$ and oosta, and for lack of the' requiaite raefifaaaees waa sent to, oakbooeal 'shades for the i Tosepli Jenea, not the (toirgia bajor, waa interrogated vpon the charge of e ingdisorddrly, and finally had Ids case eon tinned until Frida." " 1 , 1 fl ( .Thomas Wly a Uronw case of imU. bition, next came under the fire of hiagia- terial frowns for- the same old thing. After hard begging, judgment wan ana pemled on Thomas, and be was allowed to depart the procincta. But in short time he was found by a captain holding on to the ground,: and conducted to Lis old quarters, and the sheriff will have to provide food and lodgings for the ensuing month, v . , ui's &u,f S i;W Ulia Markham, colored, was charged with disorderly conduct and yblenos by the' wife" of his bosom." The gentle dame could not prove her .charge," aaa ' ETlts went trmrK'1 - 4 ' i i a i V, It Will be seen by the foOowing! letter the fust preminm at the late fair : j i'-: N. C Aoucsnroux. Bocrxrr, . Baleigh, V. d, Nov. S, 1875. T. TO. ', Haaio, q., Manager Singer Manufacturing Company : Mf Dtar Sir : On eiawinatinn it ap pears that the gold medal awarded to J. k 3. Johnsonj managers of the WheelerA Wilson manufacturing company tor best sewinc inachine with most useful attach ments, was so entered by a mistake of the reporting committee. . K ; The exeoutive committee have ordered that the medal be awarded to you; and it how stands in your name on the pre mium list ; Bcapectfuuy, 1 J. Davs&KUX, Sec'y. nov GlOtiwlt. GEN. W. B. COX HII LKfTTR BXFOBJI CADXTI, TWB ftOfOHAH MavANXSTOU, N. C, Nov. 8, 1875. , EorroM Sawrnnx : Last FridaV even. ing Gen, W. B. Cox, of Baleishi deliv- eroa m wrt imsnwinr aaa XQSirucUTe wornreoeiore ute papus or tne! JUtng ham school at this place, Hia subject waat "The Bubieotion of Phvmcal Sdenee to the Use of Man." The effort waa an able one, and the theme elabo rately handled in all its details. The lecture was replete with learning, and pleasantly interspersed with apt and humorous bits at the tunes. Hia con clusion waa an eloonent anneal to hia young auditors to give a thoughtful con- sueraaon to ine duties and respo&si Un ties which would devolve apon them from the fact of the high educational advantages they were now enjoying. He urged them to make the most of their fortunate present, in order to fit them aelvea for an honorable future, for the elevated position in life to which thetr scholastic training and a laudable am hi tion would entitle them to asnire. The lecture was heard with rapt attention, and ia likely to produce good ' fruit. Gen; Cox is very; popular in this region, and I hear hia name frequently men tioned in connection with our next gubernatioual nomination. B. W. B. TAB DROPS. Jim Jones, a colored bunrlar or Imllk- tor of B .i Butler, died In the Fayette viilo jail, a few days ago, of throat dis easenot toe hempen variety, i -" J. A. Tayloe has sold the wide-awake little Lexington Central to W. H. Mof- ntt, who surta outai If he meant to keep itnp to its old standard of life and newsiness. i ' Rev. B. J. ToweL a votmsiNorth Carolina Baptist preacheT committed suicide the other day, at Edgefield, 8. C. He leavesg widow and two chili Wm. Walter Williams, an fB-Tetr- old Wilmington bov has been convicted ef wholesale arson, by which a store. church and several other buildings at utue uiver, ooutn Carolina, were des troyed r and he will probably tpend the net of his life in the penitential depart ment of government employ. The New York Sun. the ablest anti- administration paper in Gotham; sayat "The North Carolina convention ahow ed a praiseworthy example of retrench ment in curtailing its own expenses. Instead of .costing from 1300,000 to 500,000, as predicted by the republi cans who were anxious to maintain the carpet-bag constitution, it cost only 31,000 an amount which will be more than saved in one year by the reduction la the pay of members sof the legisla ture,' and by limiting- the' length of the session. ' f Good ScaoESTioir. The Charlotte Democrat, of Nor. 8, says s j A friend at Fayettevllle writes as a communication suggesting as demo era tic candidates for governor and lieu tenant governor. Hon. Jesiah Tomer. of Orange, and lion. Burton Craige, of ftdwan." a a i I'M V''J 9 n ;. u J 0 now wn Looa to a wiaa-awaxii ou-r- ii-t.atjrf i.,n bwA f. I'iJi i1 t i- . yr.t fr:tif Pk ker, of the , newsy btUeAssmanoe Gleanev, waa down here last weekjwiih a pair or eimuie-power green giaaaspeo. taclea on.J'neflowtawuud towlika pauteloooed atreak of',- greased; forked lightning; and here's bow, he italked withstanding the dull, ; hard times we found the people active and doing what UAT t WW) seemea to us a gooaaeaior DUBineas, though they were complaining! .some uttle of eourset In1 going down, time for bmkiast 'was riven at MortUrule. where Mrs. Troy keeps an eating-honee wnose ma or (are; ts universally oompu mented by the traveling public We did not however take breakfast , there. but waited until we got' to Baleigh; where st ' , v1 ' " t TBB VATIOWAIi' HOWttV''' I , - w enjoyed a luxurious breakfast at our ItUDUXH, wiuiuus itmx u uouw BVRWIi Jbeisure and plenty of time, witnus. are easential to the enjoyment of ai good meal. , At an eaang-bouss by the way- aide, even u . on nave plenty ox tune, you feel burned. The sheriff of our county went down with, us, (we didut go with mm, ws don go with abensa, and settled with the treasurer. lie pafc k t7.800.oa in full of the taxea doe iron this county. He was the sixth sheriff is the state to settle and . would have been the first but for the trouble given him by the B. A D. B;B in the payment of what is; claimed to be an ille tax, but toe ax am waa in tne anena e nana, and there was nothing for him to do but ;coueci.;,ne jJSlKIWf Hi rvar wnw mu iu'wuvi la ttoloa up more rapidly than we ex- twcted.itt ia of native rraaitei mnd will be a substantial and ornamental building, when completed.' Since the war Baleigh hat .developed into an ex tensive cotton market, and it la said that buyers there : buy on so close a margin to New York that prices net toe tanner, as a general, tmng, more than - he would realise hr ahlpplng north. We stepped in to see our friend J. P, Gully, retailer and jobber ladrf aods, , boots and ; shoes, ready! made clothing, Acu but found him too busy. te give tune to oiner man customers. with whom, bis store was crowded He la. one of i,,ut ;J,lt, ,rfi I , TH HOST BCCCESSrCL KERCH ABT9 In Baleigh. Country merchants are rapidly'' and aa we think prudently learn wg to deal witn sucn wnoietaie houses ae Gully's, where they can select bt person and save the cost of a trip north. ' He will do better than dupli cate xiew x ork buu with expenses off, in anch quantities of goods as . are bonxht by country merchants, and by many town merchanta - also. Having business at the court-bouse we stepped into tne clerk's office, and tnero round a Mr. Lewis' hard at work' among old papers.- -He has been employed by the county to arrange and file ra - order old papers of the court which hare got in great coniusion. lie nanaea us some over one " hundred years old. Wake county . kxxds a oouaT-Boun. The present one looks badly, and when the new Dost-ffloe is eomoletedi with that and UieTarborough house fronting and flankiBir. the old bunding will be come aa eye-eore. We all feel ! towards Uatenrn something like it waa oar town. It ia the capital of our state, and we all share in the pride its appearance and erowtn ana improvement excite. Ho build a new court-house or you will cause the whole people of the state to feel badly at the appearanoe of your old one. soxa tntroaruNATa cocimr, whose people have never heard the snort ol aa engine or seen a railread car, out not for Kaleurb and for Wake oountv. The board ef county commissioners were in session, and they were having what occurred to na aa rather a stormy tune. We stood at the ' door awhile, and we thinlrBnout five or six speeches were be inr made. In the evemntf. it beimr verv pleasant, the ladies were out in force, and it does occur to aa that Baleigh has something to boast of in j -.i Bxk ran dacostkbs, , i r-; and from the way they have been mar rying off lately. Others so conclude ae well. It would be a shame for one of theae fair creatures to have to go into anoh a looking court-house to try a breach of promise ease, If such an nnaooountable fool could be found as not to marrr her una could: and in new of the poasi bUit of snob, a contingency, when the old building would be described bv re- a a l a t THJt CAKEKR or .AKDMW JOlCfSOM. xms statesman anu patriot nss passed away, but his deeds will live after him. What a commentary- la his fame on the advantages of an American citizen? Un lettered and unaided, relying upon him self, he advanced step by step from the lowest station In hie, to the highest office in the gift of the American people. All this waa accomplished by unswerv ing integrity, dauntless courage, and persevering research,. By . the i exer cise of these principles, it is In the pow er oi any poor ana menaiese nor . to attain the same grand result. The same success Is attainable in the commercial world aa In the political, as Is proven In the case of Dr Tntt'a tUandard prep aration, lie, conscious of their value, labored patiently, and to day no medi cine has taken so firm a' holt on the public estimation as hia Liver Pills. They stand on tbs dopmost, round of the When begot home if snine . ,A 8 We' went to fce' raySIf Wf V of Baleigh one darl mi .week, aid noi- neaung laauer; jNEWSt AXJNQTES,f. Sl'ifl) in i ft J i"h riM .i -i (. ,r vie ,Tje Juondon suhss; exchange badliumor, ' ',. 'KUsesbytheaea" are said to.be i A r-'-wtivVi lr eu.vi ' . M. Bordeaux. French uoder-eecrotMry -"7-".. ,.,.;,., r;l7r Ml , Von UoUke in the GwaaasL kiarlia- meat U called the '.'great tacuurn.;'.jj - The Great Eastern la being furbUhed 1100,000 ' worth for centennial "excur sions. flu The French and 'Austrian envova at Borne are to be Infiated mid an baesa- The' Congregaluinal'lnlnuuenw .aaso eiauofl has the tieecber case under re view, ft 'f ,r.?.i ;j- vmI i The little Coata-ltlcan half-acre has recalled tu ? fifteen-cent minister from Paris. ; " The steamer Paoifle has " foundered between Portland and Ban Francisco. All on hoard InaL . i . . . ; I . sThe Hertegoviniaa- Mnssnhnen , are said to beprepering fcir a general maa- -S7i; ""Jfj. ,5W-t ' tf j . lYounc nlssers and cottoo-elas are combining' to Illuminate, the. aihtiy auea oi .cwgiai----T ; 4 i:i":The Blch'mond'i'Wh:fgtlunbs! the Elitical outlook la far from being as rand bright aa tt has been.' 1 1 ";. ' Cardinals Mannlnff. Cullen and Mo. Cloekey wttl attend the banquet of the low mayor ot imnun, Tharaday. : j ttjM&'BmA'lm! 4'libel ait on its bands for denouncing the Co- operation Credit Bank as a fraud. Spain is still ouaainir the Washing- ington hea4 jraaouv as to their Cuban intentions,, but gets no satisfaction. " ' vvuwwivn fv . D mm' tio&al bank of Galena are in circulation. Nothing good ever came out of Galena. 1 A steamer has sunk in the ' entrance to the harbor of Boulogne, and estab lished an impromptu but effectual blockade., . 1 u s,- r .'. : Whitehall. New York, had a ffiO.000 fire Sunday night. Insurance 15,000. Chief Enanneer Baker and several fire men were badly injured. V - The New York Times says there- cent elections have made a Democratic administration 1 improbable, If not Im possible, lor four years to come.' r - In next Tear's flrrandaarmral of ham' bug and flunkeriam, the aecond brigade of the New York Guard wfll prance to Philadelphia at the heels of the German crown prince.' jr""" The irigantie St Louis den of whisky ring pirates aft rapidly coining to grief, Omlla Grant, and Gen, Babcock, the eonfldential friend and flunkey, among The r treaanrer of Saratoaa ceuntv. New York, has defaulted to the tfae of gliO.OOa Summex-; association .with presidents, congressmen, oabineters and other . abandoned, cluffacters. was ! his mk M iJ. w j ,.kt f. ' A ROlioTBe-oower'ensrine blew, no at Sistenville, Ontario, hvst Saturday, smsalring every wtedown m toe town. Bat it's an ill boiler that blown no no good to anybody, and the glaziers are hannv. ; ! ' " ' ' "H... c . The Sacoeta or liberal cartv held a pow-wow m Madrid last Saturday, and zu ex-eenators and depnttea were an nounced aa adherents. The boy-ktog. Alfonso, wants te maintain the prlncj- pies 01 leov, wiinaDuses corrected , . The steamer Serapia, with the beastial and worthless Prince of Wales on board. arrived at Bombay, Saturday, uannon roared, noblemen - and soldiera bowed and palavered, 200,000 mobocrats stared and yelled, and the , stupid object of all the absurd hellabelloo grinned benignly at their idioey.",'i,'!:,'i-,', 'J "4 i ". Chsa. J'Connorf 1'promlnei of Concord, New Hampshire, was ar- restsd Satardar.rdnrged with letting fire to hia own atore. ,,- A Utile more of that contraction, prosperity.. Easier to Dumont ana get insurance, inan to sen out and get those supaabiradaut ,gi pen- bacas .we hear of. but never aea, . 1 .. , a The Egyptian Khedive has applied to England for two financiers to Btrajght- en out his tangled money-matters, , Uh, if he'd only applied to Tankeedom, bow gladly we'd have sent him Beastie Butier , and Boutwell. or Tweed and John Sherman, or Littlefleld and Swep- son, or any other revivihed shades or . flamavitets aTavwtn 1 1 W i.r MlHWHalHasi- MWIaJaW!,! I J) flkt .TBI great Nerve CoooneW, . , -j. cures jCpUeyueritkCoavtHslODs, isms, oi, tiiui, vases see Nervetts Diseases J the only own posiuvs MDMdv for Em- teptlcFUa.- It ass bssa tested bv f knows t fall ia a stosia ease. uoassoos ana sas aaerer Been ,HZ JMsmpfor Clrcnlsrs gtving evl- lenceei: euro. - uui i mi, ; i i 1 f DR. a. A. RidlBIOND. set U-12a i -box m, 6V Voepb,Mo 00S8TITTJTI0NAL CONTENTtlI, Of W MOSTH CAROLINA Of 187. C6mp1et m Photofrraphls rreaB fcy! i. w, WATUON. . The only sasnekto eopy la x btaoes and will bs sold st s sooderaie price. Csll st WaUoa's Gallery, Kalelgh, X. iC OCl 11-11 t , I .! f pAINTS, OILS; C0L0BS m , -! - ... r j , Uardtoare of tvery J)cnjtion JUIiXJSLEWISACO r. . Fish kb Buixdlkgi, ."'. Atalclgh, K,r, .l-VaT I 'sa i id m. . .'2iw3C4 i. k ill, .i a '. : 1 "O weartooixiw"oonditlon of humanity I" How manr wretched homes in our land 1 Hoar many ' be art-broken uus I uie witn many signmee a more onerous exlatenre, -All are aubject to disease, but when beaith is removed the hope Is nearly 0Be(nut. :fcickness Is usually Incurred through exposure or carelessness "Especially la this true with those dlssses peculttrv to 'Sjroman. Threngh ber wwn iin prudence and folly afaetotnadtodraotuanuaerable ex Istence seuroe . of . aaooyance and anxiety to herfriande. , and any thin bu a comiort ana pleasure to nerseu. Expeenre to the cold at times when she should be most prudenV and iovertax ing her body with - lajxuioue , employ uent are both fruitful eausea of many of the' maladies ftem which she suffers. Gradually the blooto lea vet tienAeek, her Upa grow ashy ' white, haw vivacity departs, she continually experiences a feeling of weariness ana general languor and altogether presents a gostly appear ance.' What does ahe need r Should she take aome stimulating drug, which will for tha time make her "feel better." a . 'el ta' or does her entire system demand repa ration frihe requirea something- which not only restore ta health the diseased organs,, bui will,toae and invigorate the system.' Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre ecrlption will do this.- It " impart strength to the ideaeaeed parts, brings back the glow of health; and restores comfort where previously there was on ly anfiering.J w h Every invalid lady should send tor The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," In Which otar fifty pages are devoted to the consideration ofthose deseases peeuliato Women; It will be sent post-paid to any address, for $1,50. Aaaress.it. v. rierce, . it. worws DbpBary CnfltIo;'rY,!Jleiito lwanted to eeU this Taluable work. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rp U O K E B 4' H 'Aj'L L . ' ' TWO NIGHT ONLY I I I. ..... ,. .. .... - ' K , Friday and Saturday, Jforrm- THE EVENT OF THE SEASON. Hall's Opnbmaiion, from the Ualoa Sqaare Theatie, Mew York city. (Mr. T. Aw Ball, Managn.) Tbls bril liant eomblnaUoa of distinguished Dramatic Artists, sain boring SO pevsooa, will appear in enttteatMiI'iJl,CC': BlTyO OBPHASS.'' Prodaeed with new snd" appropriate scenery, rich au4 elegjaat wanlrobe, ntw . SMchsnk-al effects and s cast ot characters unexcelled hi this country, toclodhifr, a it does the names ef accomplUbsd srtists n(L estasushed me tropolitan favoritei. . , . - AdatlMioa 80 and tS cents. - SeserVed scats 1, sow en sale at 1., aW ii, ersser's Drag Store. novV-it o'1 ICI Of TBI iKCBlTABY Wasvaaa M. O, 1MSAVB ASTIXM, IfoaasaTow, . C.,Kov.5, lU. i foaled proposals wfiT be rceetved st this offlcs, to be pressated on or betoes Feb. I, lo76, for the laying of two and a half mil lions ef Brick, mors Sjr less, aeeordinf to specifications of the Archltsotj.fof thefoun daton walls ot the , ,.. ' , v. r WESTEBN IK8AXX ASTttTsf. The said propoMls mast cotiUla aids' for tho work, both with snd without the cost of sup plying Lime and Cement, ia accordance with mis prunea speeiaoauoaa. tm bealn en or aftsrMav tha 1st next. The work to to be Completed os or before December 1st, 187ft. ( Tbs Work shall be ctricUr aader the direc tion snd snpervisioa of .ssich peraoq ss the Board of Commiwioners may appoint, n Ooptesef the perl rlcs Mom ot Uu contract will be furniahedhy tddnmlat the ftecretary athtoofllcer , Approved sad extomtsd bonds tsi tbe fnll amount of the bid, ate required to bo filed wfth the proposals. ' A t frbposals shoaM bs sealed, marked "Pro posals for laying Brick for the W. S. C. In sane A-ylura of N. C, and sddressed to mwr m ;Hsuwuivs, Secretary of, W. H, 0. Asylum 1 ,;tu;J'C0BmlssioB. aevti mi mm f f I C K Or.THsVBSOBXTAK Y WSSTBSM N. C. 1IS1SS ATF.CM. ut MoaoaiTOir. Ml ONov. K. 1875. : eiATED rgoposAxa wuj.:bb ke- eelved at this office to bo presented on or before the 16th Dee.; 187ft, for one hundred thousand feet of Waits Oak lamber all heart or the same quantity of all heart Pine. " ThS said lumber IS required to t sawed . before jrthe lth llarcb next, and. suitably piled and stuck when delivered at the site of thsAsylass. BpedfleaUans ef sum, e., of the lumber may be pbtalaed ps ippltcation to the Secrrtary. ' ' . 5 "r 7"-' Approved ssd executed noSds required to be tiled with the proposals to the fuU amount of the bid. r-3 !S?:t..r? . . Propol should be sealed, asarked "Pro posals for Lumber .of the Western loiaue AsTlum ef Horth Carolina "nd sddresied to T. t. WALTON. . eec'y oi ' of Tf . 5, a Asylum 0'0V T-aM wl ;l ft. ii w i -.t vossnnssion. VTALUABLB MILLS r,r0R - 8ALE.-1 V shall offer for sals my mills across Buf falo, ta JOHNSTON CX)OiTf (known as ON THE 2d SAT of NOfVJ&MBEB, 1875, rt my mflf, to the Wifhest bidder, unless sold prlTatoly before that day.- Mf mills are In good order. The Urhit Mill and Cotton Gin are run by a Blake Turbine Waesi, ail aew. tbs wheel Is forty-two Inchequal to sixteen horse power with plenty ef i at all tunes.: . ,t-,i $m tMsn1 - There Is a Circular saw Mul.Loc Cart. Ac. which I will sell. There is oss acre of laiui so eca elds the mill wMh a stops Uouse and Other good buildings. There Is 'three hun dred seres ef Isnd where- timber eaa be got to repair the mill, a Driilree that will he sold with the same. ' r I shaU sell at the same time end Place a tract of land lying oa Mockersoa Creek (known as the Ilenra Ltgon land) containing one hundrsd and three (108) acres mora or less, well watered and sptsodld farming land for cotton, corn and wheat, aim m nit m Stock ef goods. JL,a i . -i , , W. A- K1IOUC8, : -J'f- Eagle Rock, MTaks Co., X. C. Oetia-wa r. - ... a.,;.' a - A rORTUNB IN IT. 'KvervfaenUvba H. Hold by Agents. Address. O. i nrfllTm n t I- Sam. I'1 s-3 1' 'I' t-slf 1)1 n.vl k'j 1 J

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