TUB HALEIOTl FTINEthf&oMpmldfbrb7i!ugtrMb7tli . I t ) ' 4 I evyrernor not otherwise troridil fur. i ,- - .. 1 i'f.-ij Tha deleesl ; from OingVlfrH Tim.. Iiaa furiiUlMwl u tha futlowfnff vncrs of U'Sl 'opa4 aMn4- w.i- U tha eWfamttiM f V I ' tA 1 1' let Amendment! That eectwn 4, -of artlclo 9, tw atrtckm out and twrf uetr Im) tuickc out la la .regard to laud glvea to Um itata by congreaa and ( tba .projiriatioti" of llnea, peflaltlta,' &e Tita ajclioav, to b aubatlmtcd. glTM all lautla and procaedi of latMla, gkraa lij tha Vaitad BUtea to Uia atata, to etluratiotial Wnroaef f and 'all tvamp tanda, Aoea ara tM nted jor puf iMraaa of oducatloa. , .nt ;', .. . a a . tt . .i Zna Aaacnamnii anuao oa aocuon w. articlt 3, and tabatl Ultra rultof fur tba MtablUbn abaUtutca aftttoa m uiitillakmaHf a Kn.1 re au of aarkoItaro.tiinalraUoa and st tutka, ao4 tba proteotioa of t abaep hubaadry.a",w.'J. k jiJ1'' 3d Amendment adds to aectTon 83, of artkle L, Uiat "accrtt political I ocieUea ara dtngaroua to tba liberta of a frea lcot)la and aboold not ba toleratad,' ' 4th Amanda aeotioa 10, article 3, fry pronding that tha gorernot , aitb tba advioeof tha aonata, abaU appoint all (mwa vboaa appointmoata ara; aot utJiorwiao provided tve.' '! V otb Araogataa ana amenua eecuoo is, 16 and 17, of articla a, and 'allova tba general aaagaably to allot om diatribata all jndicial power amoog- too aaeoral coautaaa oxoept that of tha anprexne conrt, which ia fixed bj tha eonatitotioa itaelf. v ; ... 6th Strikaa oat aeotiona 1 and 3, of articla 13, and forbida eallinff a oootbd tiun without firat oonaolting tha people at thepoUa,; i,--Uw -t-'n t y i- . 7th .fkowidea for anbanitttng, tha amendmanta to tha oonatitntioa ' to the people, at the the jUa, Tueaday afU the lat Moada in Korvaabar, 187& Tha amendmanta will bo ratified or re jeeted together. ','; .;' ;; KUi iTonuea for pabitabinfi tna erdi nanoaa for tha farina matina of tha people. 9th Requiree tha jade to teaidain tha diatnet for which ha to 1 elected, and forbida hia ' holding coort in tba aame eoonr mora than onoe in four yeara, iJf :-jieri!i u r 10th Bednoea tba number of Jndgaa from 12 to 9, and antboriane the legiala- tnreto increaae or oimmwit tna nnmner. 11th Pro-idea for tha aeaaai tiling the lgialahira in Jannarw uatead 12th Him drfl rigntaon tha laid by forbidding whita and bUck obildran I going to tha aame eehool, and proraung I that no diaerimination abaU ba made I to the prejudice of either meo. r' 13th Fixea the pay of manibera of tbe general aaaembly at fi t a day and 10 wuta mileage, and limita tba aeaaioavio eOdaya. If tha at-aaion aa prolonged beyoiul 60 days, membera reoeire no " ,i - w :- 1 1 I 14th Provide that tna term of office tor eenatore and membera 01 Uie lesia-1 latum abaU Wnia at the, trma of il)! election.- , ' - J Ui, That ecUoo 23, or artklaS. la amended to allow the general assembly to c iani;e tha tima ot holdioa- alactlaiu i . j 1 c 1 loui ouiku u om the conetitnuon ae tiou ot wttlol S, Wkab ialhe ki re- i!vj ft t6061 17th flextoceaf ha ittmiei or aJpriLe judge from fire to three, aaoar Jatbers had it. ' " . - IHttav Daclaraa tke jadiokl power hall ba vested lot a court :tur tba trial ot impeachments, a tupreaao coart, au perior eoorUM eoarts of Jaattoa of .tha Iieace, and end other inferior ta 4ba uprema court aa aaay be eatabliabed by law. ! .ttiwxt .t sttf.HJ.RM iia j fjY 19th EeUbliahe the auprauo court in lUleigh, ttil' OUanwta prorlded 1V tha treoeral aeeenibljUU ' to t 20th Strtkea aaetlda t taticla & sVwa the conatlUiUea. Tbtaaavtioawaa tba old republican srrjiaaederiiof. the hooaeeef tpteaonutrraal'oaitae lf.pltf'ea do without ibt ituiio A . lt Forbids raeating aay anV-e a term of office bow axlaUag ondcr 'the coDntiintlon ?.-. 2Jnd Fro vide, for "the eleotlosi ef judgea at' Uie Vuprt me coart an wrpei nor court; by geuerat rkket, !er vote of is t. - . a - m m abl i a ... jry y "'lJ,'Jl I ' nnnciMuij tmD iw mwuw ui ui rev i ticket to district -11 V u lMO B.I 3d Iteqallf mdBthsraacaMBtoonlSU In the statey and VOdayaln tba county I' Approred aad moated bead to tba fun iwiore a roan can rota, ana czciuue lulon and 'ex-penltanUaiy conTtcUi trom hrtfiHn offlrO AT wotlnV until w irora nonnnr omce or Toung nut re- urea to ciuaensnrp ny one process- or i oaw -iiiera was na BayaBeDato'; on 1 tnia iruiaaiM-t Meaara, lXx-Kery, Albertsop; gp JJfltton, -ltlr mt! the negro delcgites.'speaklng agalnsf K and declaring It 'was aimed at the negro. ? 24th Provides for tba removal bt tba legislature of any Judge of the superior court, for mental or phyalcal disability' It also prevWe' for tha removal of clerk of tlie ' supreme and, snperlor couru by tba Judges of tba courts (or Uie same raesoaw-Appeal fa case of removal is allowed as (o pthtr cases or suits. : .:",.v:..;; 23tl Provides that artkle To thooon atituticm be amended by adOing that the genrt assembly liuSL. bare power to modif r. ebanira oxabrotmSa nanAaUL0FUl,l,,d: ...... . .... nf Uuinnnini k-;.Z-tTZ.ZZiZ I twto "" nb" t atitnte others in tbcor place, except aee tionr T,9 and 18. This allows (be legist tiire to appoint niagistrftte a nndar the old constitution. .? w , 5 aoth Gives juriadiction to joatioeaof the peeos over civil ictioo founded on contract, wba tb sqm does not exceed $300 ; and allow tha iaaltaea to eafl fa) jury of aix men in osrtaia esaes. " 29Ui Antboriseo the employment of eonvicte on public work end bigbwaya. 28th Adda1 the following nW aecUon to article d : "In caae the general, as. aemblyaball-eatabliah-'OtW iofarwr eonrta, the praaiding offloera and olerka Uiereoi anali oa elected ia each manner r 1 eww gj-'hvswaw eat n ummnj mmj ym naLaiua, ui i oruuu tnarnaga betweea white and black and all paraona of beffrbde scent to tbe third ganeratioii. - 80th Adda to article 1, aection 11: "XotLing herein contained shall Jurtify the practice of, canyiug concealed weapon or prevent jthe logulatura frpra - nacting penal .at&totea. agtiaat aaid . actioe." n'inut ,...) , . Slat Aboliahe avvffon 81, of article 4, nd provide for filling U vacaucia in B3d Oivee pom la the nuw court try iosnee end cmeetijoe of fact m ider the old epnatihtUon, i. n, . i I K tJEEAT lUEDICAL' EOOK, I ' lW'? Ws eAdlae tad 3l (lenU. Sent, tree lot two riiapt, Adilrate. t ; nr. JvtaraMBuicALlrrrmrra run cLp lONBTITtfTIONAL 'CONFINTI U VI NORTH CAROLINA 4F MiB, nnlete m raotorrtnhle rrjtin b j. w YLr 1 tiutu VtAj. T l WAT a.B ltt" leatoce tnd will hetiiia at a mfxlerite price. Van at wataoo'4 Uellery, ReUtgb, a. C, ' .:-;::'J.lil r' ! I Uardvnr an mint .DacrtDtto a i ,, - .. . J,-.7i.. .. a ip- in i " rin 4m ?a! TAiTfirwnaiMiai W Ml M UUf WOT th.r.rOT.MM MliMaiillRlPUIIWU')! X.twtVMrt aa "a. tui ma, mm tie umi iiunt . PtrftH Jitwinf, rTjaTatwirai c.iairt,; VvST "THK THUtUi. H (14a Seat Free to aa; addrtas oa receipt of Hi rat Dollar. FA IRC MILD 4 Co.. 17 Blocker ., Kv Tort City. F. O. Addrcaa, Box U' AGKKTS WAXTKD. . gdaodwly ASH, DOORS BUHD6V Oaarawtaia' tkotemgliw Etmmi AT MOCK BOTTOM UC f Vw -FWr a ar vjm yf w ja VUj EUSK KITZR PLANTATION FOB I i ba Moaday to ta day af Seraeabaa, ltTS. a the Court IIobm door la KaielKb, aader 1 aa ardtr ot h aattarior vornn af wake I wuiaan at rwut Aaauoa,' tha aajaaaia pauwanaoea) urn war m waa aoaaty. aaoatala mOe (act 1 RaWira. fcaowa ii an 3' -:, inii ( -1 aaom il: SaT' Off 1 "'' of tna ". -iMut n .1 JolaMK David Hlotoa. oaatkan Foala aad omara aoaiaiaiwn anoat aaa Acraa wtta tlikuTTf ",5 !" f Taana t-Oaatblrd eaak, laaiaMer la M moae aaa two 7 j' k -4, 4 Bwotkai f ' . ",il.t. Kxtr'X. of O. IL Wudar aivt ilnai'i. '4 Al ACTOBT HANDS' WAMTItV QA8TONIA OOTTOX IQIXS. ,, rias paataf prt4 to aire mcnt to a awga a amber 01 jtaa w I syiSJER, SKKLERS. AND . WABFER8 Ualtraaiiad.' (V- w u rBiiieawiu a varauba) was froaa aoaaaa, . . ., . ...j . .-" : .. uav Doaramw nonMa nil lama animi noarq .aaurT aaaiioy. water eaadM-at. "r araatlaat aad frM f aatwaTUa Factor ia attaaUid ea Ua Bontb Fork Hirer. Brmard'a BUtfoik C'4 C. R. Gaatoaia HUttoa, B A A. Alr I L a. a. aaa imum a IL u ;-:i'.' I'm Ue dminng employmmt wfn Mdrca .1: net ST-lm TqBOWTOrTOBftliipjj aaaatBMaa rot taaa uta fattar aad aatka! Aaaat -FFICB OF TBI SKCKBTABT -r waaraaa n. v. imui abtlith. , I -. . " lOlllilTOI. t n Im Sealed propwal will b YMwlred onica, iq b prataataa oa or before Jek. 1, 1 176, for tba faytaif of two aad a half mil Uoaa of Brick, mora or teat, aeeordn to t perineal loo pf the, Archttec, (or.lhe fona da tarn Calla of Jheilcfi TV iTJf&IIJ' I WBSTXXN DflASC ABTL1TW. . Tbetatd propcaate meat toaUla atda for tta work, both with and without the eoat of up plylag Lime aad CeaMet, bt aerardaac wtth tba priatad tpoelflcaUoot, Tba work to bagia oa or altar May tba !' Seat, aad to be campiotaa oa or Mlare UeeeeilMr let, 187b. Tba work aBau aa itilatly aada the dawn I ttoa aaa aupenrldoB of luck panoa U) CooWcf tha laeolflektiuBa ofha ivaitrari ramouoioi u wa, ara required to b died I ilIf9!""!! , . ..n., I ' rropotala aboald be1 eraled, Jnarbed "Pro or u.inir Brkk . w. jj. c. mm a yium of N. c aad addweid to t ; ; fjr , ., , heu. wlton,. of W. N. C. At1b noTB-t'J 4 tfrf v.CommlasVm. FFIOB Of Til B IKCBKTABY :V WaaTtaa B. 0L latiaa Aariew. a. v HoaaAHToa. N. C k'ov. a IM7A 1 SBALXD PROPOSALS WILL BI Bt eeired a tbla offlca to ba praeeatad oa or brfor tha 1Mb Dec, 1875, for oa kdadrad taouiaad feat of WhHa Oak Laaibpr all heart or the tame quantity of all heart Fine. 1 Ta aaia lumber m raajnirea to o tawed brfore the 1 th alarcb nexL and auitaMy piled and ataek wbea dell taeraa 1 a tea ait of the Atria. SpecUtcatloaa af alae. ykc, af the laaiher may be oteined oa tppliaiaqe to th Seerctanr. U .! 1 . t T 1 Approved and tHecuted boad taunirad to be died with lhMOitalt to tb full aaioual rropoaata 10001a o aeaiea. aaantad "rrt potaU' tor Lumber of th U'eetaraJjuAiie Ajluei,e ofUCarollae,"tnd addretatd U t , T. U. WALTUM, , g, t7iranur.iDEiii9f IT AN 11X17 TOI'SaBaUaaAJl I 'totven liBixLious wirt t! , I teVTbe oaly eompleta Bxpoaa of ail ttia Seerata of Brhaai'a lit ma aver written Bora ia Moraiooltoi, Abb Ellia now axpoe to tba world, tt ao otber woajan' eeu tb i eeereU) myeterte end ctimee of Ui korribla yttem of PoiTirtmy. from tba vary begia alng. Nearly tu0 lllaatratloaa baaatifr . tha Wor.- it le tee beet aelllna book oubll .... " v iiaaea. ermat aad nake front St to Hi danr, lire Aarnta are writing for lllattrated iirew lar itu Larn Term. Seat Kraa. Do not delay, but addreea Durrm, OitMaa Co., Her ford, Ct., Chicago, IlL or CinciimaU, Ohla 4w. AGENTS! K F-LKlANT OILCITROMOS monated. tlie Hill, for SI. horeHiee and Cbromoe In erery detcrtpUon. National CaaoMO, Co., Ptalla., Fa. w, ' I'ilB f 3,00UBONANZA; ii to frUluTeetod ia W aU ot., oftea teailt to a Fonuaa. Full ttrtleulnra emit free. Addreea a.iH.tTON n ao, U Wall Slirctj'Kew fork. 5 v M Frfee 4 car aaw and tmnnmrtatioB. i "' 't'iMU at. wainr.M art a.fe . td , . ' ,J i ? . "', .., , i, ) J'4ii i tportar A Daakrthr Fertlga S-fMaMta' 01 ' 1 vh in. awtnr to f W araai wi f aai artnf o tba rjnd (Hatotu flva i-rfwtor AtUnrkm toOut-ef-Towa aanfatMa. 'WHa aa t)lafrd lnrtmm and hiriwuml1 rriiitlM i ll r. til illlU (Mrdma W wll w4ih tkM. i.. tlMlW nomrAnt. and. 'tbtiv tnM. with mjm-m aVittuactlea. ' ,':r-.-f.'.v;i.-. rill .11 lMar Xraaa Caada. Xkoml7 aataoot-iWiriMv( . THmmumB,', W I aW;aVaW':-atrM tV.a faibt fmtmd im tin Emnptmm wmriutt - I , i . I- i 11J L ... i ! .h., darabllitr and lowneaa 16f pt'ee. 4 JH. """ iwr aawowiaannmant asu as appUeaooOv w u-.'a $ !.. h,. Oompleta aaaortaient af Gents' Fara mhJngOooda,'fc1ilrta; tnata,Cn2a,Tlea, Uoaa, G1ot,c. , Goods Mat to, any pwa a eotaary iun rrttba,aomodatloflofUdlMand FamaU abu to7uit;tiia cUy, fuU line of aamplek of ail gradaa pi jry voeawiir um aaataM ardeap by tna Med WlUi tha 'greateaf poasibU BwAWATiro1ai fers&ir . j n.' JEW YUUX. ' r - !u-'at"Ll-.'' . t -.!! n m9 aa J WM , ,.l,f. y f.,(J. ,,. . ... - MJ& iLlA. MO WT Maka aad aitaaa' clotkaa m ta lM a - A 1 J . 1. k. - j 'f ',' '! " " 111,1 I I I jl 1 . i1.?! V a?e6e4ln-a aad after W! I w7 "pkiiiav bhw aejpiMtH tt3dafFo4 Polka." D N N 0 X 8:1 . Si w. 1 1 4, f 4. j t. i ORDINANOEQl! r .r :,S if.. lllvi OllDINAMiyMlr. ) .a oi THn; i . . vmit ) Ivn.'irt.b wih ' if i ,.!":) ju Oil t UA i I j -Hs.; V;IA1 IAUi'..V.l ,W)t.t.A i:(!i'lv'llffl 1 Jj-li.ii i t....i 1 1.. j l laiM ( lua ivie a. m.i!4 i I .,.- J'H I.I IliM t'lt m: J A:4f! iVMl 1 ! 1 6.i.4 n 1; 1. .i 4 1 j ; ! 1 JXIJL . i J aliU r r! ! i i! ! yj'ttj w""1 wo' dUw nu.t .1 .1 f. )u atJ ta C ,aa at if '.u oui Mx 4 u. U3J nutt eti't' ei i (on tat if Ijui('j.i oj iel ,T ,vl PT.l 4Ar "a; at .autui " -v t eu8v biA, ti 4ri t-fca 1ii'J t1il iJ it! J -4JX.-U-J I l' lHVm in t,;I.J iJr.U ! (,!? a i . . :r ,li . . J '1 . I .... 11 I r- i nf '' -i M'-!"! Inn hi 1 4-U ,1 iaf, .4 s'.ii 4 -4 -ci e viuj'ik J- U h . a;, a jf,i ij .I - ' if (i .j'f t mi font! 4 iwlxJj J i! i.t)i-,.!ia enl V) tvb inli : l'W I 1 1 ihi 1' . I ,7 ,r -1 r I . . I f Ji-H xf ; 1) j,t jfco '.Tittail .at -tit .K .-i j Mk 1 -i ,1J ."r? .1,1 J 1 1 i. 1 r, Single" Copiwij" 1 y' rt j I !. v?.ti V.i 'ti t iJ 1 ferbttmlred , i i k a n ij .j Tjr .1 "I .tiui IwT't -.Sii'if !j 1; I,.-;.-m ! 'iit tli It,"! a, it vi VirJsjfw) s8l wl tl ea m ! "ft-TOf Por tiionnand " ' . SfiT Send in yoar nrdere at one. r-.i-l I'm l.a'i!iHor n ,?' ,!e ,'tt ; : ' '".-i'. 4u!vi'vt.t "IbUeigb.'F.C' 1.1 TTEliBY CLAI RlCHARDSOJt. k i .i 1 may U-tfiS? w r.iiir,- !.; ? ,,ri i ow 8 k onrn cisotm uiautc'i (or 1876 i I toon ba remtlr. bl roe want, aad I will hare rout I 1 an print put kaprlnl put aa them, If m duuit a M wuav om arire energ. xnie it nieca Hi eaeap i art fX Ahaaaaa'biiUt.M aad a ecearaij airate U OKAHBUn. BOOBWIIflr, RalelKh. N. C. w f ar y Tyr "rnn;-f. 1 itii iii. k.. "flMDJIt, t MUatrawra At .4 i. it I Paot-' nalwaBMOrartaftka 71 CaltadMaMaad tha aararal artaaf In Jam Waii, UmmkrVfttSZT' ! t , hi .' -14 mat o iiTciiT act r wii'f k oa" Hi Over Two Baaibwd ItilOana aaa aiaaiaa Cortwa Kavaa ffaaai aat Ta t u t-ipnm ,omfMm aw m , pi vj rnwn Ha ram awianjaBaB Ji' F. KOJO, OF MOirR CABOUVA, dpnifSOX 8UTT0N CO. J "DTLTt QQOTlTl 1 -f -.MVW' - v no, awe DaiaaMra aaa 1 Vorm iAatty tpu. t.AoBBiiaa, 4oJ. X aV iCaaaa I . awroa, .u.jj,!- 1 pay a-om ,-.iii,ti.. --u-.t w ifi ,(. -ai - 1"" '' it f ';i 1 1 I 1. 11 pf - 1 tTOraltafiUrr1 BALTTatOBX -- aap lHa OaU YB DtsCOXtiOLATE I the vary LalMt Tip of Fathloa, aad awt aa I a ttyd taat irtu ault tba aioat faalidJoa awaarao ajaai ava a tiw -vataww v wanai I "f J H. us v mi! turn i WE1KEU8 ESTABLISHMENT. ea Fyettein itewt. aaa door floatk of tha aoniaera cxpre vmca. 1 tf- It Is Conceded J! 4 ... it ta .- that Wafkal eta Mt bd tha beat aad meat atnTaeoryua m tna way w aaa aaiia at i Ivwwiwm, nw w wnirai w ' m vwaanwv BatlUataaaM taraed eat ta Ba Ira. TW VBansr. iron -wcaaiaa w m tld and y-wnr bb aay M, ta Miia((iad al tbaai) eadoraeK aadthe calMie r aaar It, cry (or Joy wkaa taHrretaraa Vaea pat oa a aaaai wui'f eiotamg. I thaaka for tat laraw aad Ubarat nrucei wa mm acaauoa to aaratofor teeclred, aad retpartmny aak for a eoaioraaac ox aa taflM. jiwkkbbc, I i : . a u I , 4 i w w U i ( i;.1(j. -ati.' T WEHD&, nyalu Bt i SUITMSS, I sack ltrrnbBa eier 0,' aad aaaa- Chaa all tha Lataet Kereltira la Style, Ttrf beca KCeatly mjrrhtaed at tow prfcve from ." "''.'"":''.., A nana! hk force of Workiea are rVtad Mea, wboae tkOI and ability arakaowa to tba 'dretataa" Dublic iuhbiib m auia aw wnm ai (lit Fatbloe, walkal'a, tba Merebaat Tail lf VwJCet.T'tlor'.yoT ,i? aWiili-Si " , 1 a lodA, pat apaaaatcaMt trle,. m act d , ,,,: t.ijw .j nijm.i IM'J'XM JH T MrOBTAHT BAL i ..u Oa Thundav the SStb daa ef Koreatbaa. 1875, 1 will eD at Fbhlie Aartloa lUO Aeree af Landmtraetoof 60aad lOOAerea. Tbla lead Uea within a few handred yarda ot Otgoad, a (row ita towa on th BaleirbaY Aarnata Air-Lma Railroad aad baton It Kt original (rovta Saw Mill timber OB tee etme ta excepted. Sal win take blare fta ftanvul at II n'rliwk . --- I I - Tiaa: Hall Caaa, btlaaoa SaBSajonib BOVt-lWt a. MCU. KLLIaOTtrll ... iFat , Sf Be1raSrfaTe Jtt..rf. ; fas tniaaajaat taaSaf ut 11 1- "T rri O X PLB TAVuBTOCCVS Vl.i4.t xax)ll I W. H. B. S. Tucker have now aonipleUd I MUcXraa 1 n-i-V ' 1 1 ' i it ,wf of. niweiyA, oavwg cioaeo j j t 1 their old but in aaa Uat wiatarv a i tMi.J y "I -- 1 1 k - .1. f. New Shade and Colore, .t. I, , ii-, "lrat jaalUy;,f'A-'A Camel Hair, .(' "iM iw. AfiwlofcrgiV lhmera Ttt.n.l 1lt. i. fink and X ren M and tlie beat Black Alpacea. , I Remarkable: inwgaki J la . Jloatekaepiag goodaa. . . ,t. .... .tr ,tfo I Bier - annrr il-t'irBi'iiii-'W'15 "ft fWl':lll'H!()" : if , Carpellan of all aiekee aad eolora,: ' I eiovKH, uoHixnr, ' Irnektaad Valitat, aad a oooiplete alock f mea't wear. . : Attentlnaof trnger ad wboleea' deal- re la lavtted. . . . . . , . - ; " ' t OHT-tf W.n.AB.S. TUCBIB.ii fisCp'? .A : . uicib, N. c. i I . w. i-''aAHsN f Mr fj ,Jd.4l S 1 in fnrtflV (f,i-nUr ry-rf"r'l 1 1 j0B (MCE. j 1 , J.oa Voiu'wa- . af wv OOOf t. ll-rt Off oj V uj irt o?i(Ur afcvia l-tjV JtUi fJXOt tlNwt(T Jr; 9 .laiaVf if ae:j si iactiinoaao lia ta xnl jIumi It -'Jttmi M)tJaM r 1 11 it rr A. V I it , ii 1. iVjfi4 a'rfvill. .V..." . , , ,i(!ti iaa fi)rl ii!A.rJ,'u'j ;iOi uv.x ! . awtev'ti a f. 1 Ml ALU A.WV V. av. narinr rafittad our 0 aTb VI di jh. a-a y a wna m axt aa-THil te -o i fi'll'. ):1jT- JLbv itcwd tat Mrrieat of av; aioow tiam tsn jilrHit ! ISw a a t at r'i Ail m bt mmm W art Boir prtpared to axscuta au aviaM wk , a r'lii I or awKff a.e M ' I w. .. . ..... .M .. .A ... .. ... .-j tin tti ii. V.?M t)di. i -t err i rib' awMsw .ijn-ad'-a ta t'a" dt . . ..... ... . - - 1 tt AJ BMBosst bsma i out MtoNt bsitir Win if? S'.a .s. i.i' of v i '$ .! j.ia Letter Hada. !'';" hsur a .ui ,i, !(!; ;.. dp. ,Jau af ttxnl 1U t'W f'C .S.-1 tl T.i,.a (tl, jBeaJs-VAH. tit t.i iil uj' j4 r ia I ,ctt .-VadtiaKGardav. OOO 'Wl. 1 at) 'n; fFaddbaf iW4k Jut. t.ijtW -. ?r,',--i(jjtr .J 1. -oll:.! W l.'lv dowawiial 1 ii -pti jo .(.! ;.Sf j4jcilatt to Work'ei U. ! Jll 4iUa , ! ,MIutl a' :i vrt sii unv-ni fjtt W la tU Ftra beat style by K 1 1 ! a ,'A1 ; .jy-S Tir ndiof tttoth .fe .tit. i w.W..i.;." tociizmomcdi i via t tamtw lli ,( b ut wl tS15 rMwiev ara. to a ' ;:fijl iartf e itiTi? .!' ; seat of li5 I.. a tC . w-. sfcu ,'A)iid.'.i tiaoi) jMI 'SC. w..jfc e s Ittl a;ar.aei r..o wo v ml .. i.i;t.. boa evjftiwwi mbU Jtol taot . Binda of ttti J'.dl wail amiJ.'lW ? w v. t 00.01 " Ia the) rtry beJ atjle, al 4 !h' All work aeni to ot will ta dons qulcklj and tlilrply u ii any nuarriaa-iiouai 121 - tub 4iH tea POUTU aaivnX !a(BB BBBBfNeyt -1 HIJ . a .!.: V-t van PATZHT CHAJtriON SAJTEd t Mlehad ator. tbaa a third af k TeatarY Ai'tw!: jBh'I fi('sa-!33.niiii8 x'a" .sJi-'vj 'C;i;-J' 'o'Aj'ALi&tu.wt Jlat-Vr .i 1 Ks.uuu.if ia rtuv 81 i!ri. 1i.'roir two kaadred seeoad- bead t afta Jot -r--i sate at j lo art. . AO. "if A tSt aad S8S iSlaWAVileV.'ttrtt'f oa ana o rnosgav Wt l iaH 10-aOd-, 4 .- .;- - i in Job V ' Tni"rl rH 4r'H- iv rAHftrneirArrB HT" lraet!ee to all the Ma'a '-oarta. . . apreUrattraiioa riTvn twa attar "ena . BacW Wlt reeeat tiUfe 1 ctMba ? . ' 1 1 (Ottemt If aoorriW YrtKifUtt ( t.-fc gat'" f -K " i1"'" f hB6ri W-twl A VVatoek rrivllrgaa ba Book aad clrruUra f Hlnic, "tf c M aU Strart. a."ataw'Udaa." aaatfrtM.' Addrcar AXTEB fc' 0,..'Bak BLANK B A 1 I I 9 K, a a.turr.1 inmliil niiilii.i Wm it wri 1 Tba "Central Hot! corner of WU ' mlnirtoifand 'Uartrett'etraeta fdrmerlf "t tba Carolina Honaa. ba been tborooshlv. 1 repaired and refitted and la all raspactt p r tnada entirely neir and.'baTtng been newly lurnuned in uie nanaaomeat style ; ia now rtyuhr Ibr tba acoooinodaAoa. of flrraemelb)4! aaOaaanbaa and tkrriagea to meat tba v trarelUog pnbllo an aach arrrral af tha 'i tains, aadpolito And gentlemanly PttP1 Im will HnA jTbe Atra and AwomnidYt af tirbO Hojata wUl notba aorpasaed. by nj to tbaaitWjM mit-H mh-mat imnt l-rwi'i n xerma, per oaT.' '4-1 -.i : fZAS ' A liberal share of tmblk tatronare U ' 'Ja 0-tf"' ,du.iafa rUijnoiiatavbt.& ?mV5stpbiscs a cxi." Oidaai. Urraat aad Boat Fnrfaet Ifaaa . Saalory a the UaMad Blateay SOOG1:;:.:, f BowlaaM. R ataaMal laatruatet ever ebU&ed I tvrFrto lAvna efe'lIVL aid frtsadd aad ejteaViritbjatlB' f fe,Xm!&lAnlt- eonthiurAte "offer twud attiaetlcai. mak- , bar B the Stoat popular retort ta fh city or" "Oysters win ba aorvedfaelt atyleeandat alkouraj All aUnr eVUcaetue ai lea eaaoa Will be funuthed. fu.auxe il. ' The beat at UQT0X8 and WINKS and usaABnan. -. '...-At ( '. 1 Ceil at the White Front ,wlAM I aaot a- w.Aiim - 111 1 1 n . .in 11 11 1 n ill in ,(r.TiiNo; 1 .sonaatua AT T O B W-iVi A W tttU and Fadaral Ooart and ta ConrU iaf ttatat aa4 ath dndlaaw rteai - Hl. t V . t X O H V. 1 'llt 41 mw Ji-i tinia Ittaf . .kuwuiI euul Hv' i s TAKBOROCaa HOlToX . ;t. - 'AU. BJND8 OF FKOFBBTT BOVBT AA. aad aold oa Ooeanuatloa by) a x -. . 1 1 1 o la-it n. a i mini ia nit., .,,;. LilDPApitRS. TABIETT OFBTTLM.' Aw B&AK80N, ! eeiier at atauoaer. t i A His . ,. . - - - ... roBTAttt to mux Jirirra.mi : ii'" oiPBOYCD smut VsbVciiirafoL , a a MASBIHsi on k Terre thousand Bve baadrad of Ikasa atechieaa are now running Is ft, Q. aad tbe-odjoiaieg State aad ofUr a TauAtT f baas Tan la pronounced by: tt eet ill wriahu and miller la tbe 8tJta-' eftetorj 3rot , ofiered to tbe publiowM J ulng mi.ia lepraaeDUU y aataai ttOatieg atacbine grade of tea very be it marefkl aad war -mated forva iiBCB for 175, Tut the; tattws!re;iM'iAroi: ilanforlopdrctf ga mtcblosAfe aid one will flod , to their interest la Very C4M to AddrH ma beftr tbey per. obeee-eletfheae., LebalUafr dl,ptheiit ajcbleea,epeeiUi tbIork:" v JOHltAl McMAIfNBN. at M tf i. , . trarhaaa. K. tot li4 m m tax; wauai a0 ,aiil .euiiull .IS ! lat 'ttaa. talatdsaa vtom't tZitt w gr-ww .nv araan aaaj a.aaawu eei em a Baaia ether ator nt tbr aity cafl aad job ma be4 tore pnrcnating cieewamti. . BaAJifloift aeoasenea, aft eeet-f a Bahagk, aLOLie . ...... ... . f 1lrllf : .1. 2 ant a . ' W a A i aare ana wui terp a Tun tuppiy or Mar-, I't imported Vrencb Brandv. bernef Jonee" ne Jtppla Brandy Jor Hunter Biand. (Hi tei 118, ettrt Mountain Dew) Fla Ap aad atenenaAhalai Bva Whltkari: xL. ibawa Beat.Lpnaa aid wbea Waiakey.Fareifra -nd NaUr WineeKum. Oln. Bcbantiipe-dlD-rer Brmdy, and pur N. C, Com ' W Bitkeyai f My liqaor are an pure, and boOrbt of tb Bret clae dealer. , J aegSf-Sw- North of Martlet ' jg ILKCT BOABD1NQ DAT SCUp0L I Tba Uilrte-thlrd eeeeiou ot tbe ktieaea NaabP ft Vim K.ollik' PtUool will ojii on Fiidayj Ju!. Circular ecat oat4catiga."" Jlf fewl.rf. rj-itM,'Ju4 1 I I ell 1 1 ' ' i KST, rwi,..feIriiliM li..nnr,l. .1" " 3 . Wim M A. O KU1 A CO. ' r Mii to I .1 A I 4 5