THE RALEIGH SENTJNEL1 rUBLISBSD "Ml DAILY, WCEKLT AMD 8EMI-Wmf . ' Official to of KorUCaroliii. STATE PRINTING & BIND1N ESTABLISHMENT., r " t crfifo. I llaltv Seat knot t 'yer In utruct.&.u eg M D.iily Hn months in advance... . .,.. Muuil Weekly t ..... , 80 SOU 00 WfxKl; SsnUnal J " ...,.....i.4 Ttw Duly Sknti. si will b delivered lu nv art uf tlieC'hy at ftftseaCeat a week. LEA PBRRIN S ttbeenly GE!tVlrfIi2 ' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE The City. SUto Treasurer Jenkins has returned to tho city. . . ' The Skiff & (Jajlml troupe will ttoi ul the National Clara Wfldumn is bill! for Tucker hull next Monday evening. -,' y- An elegant hair wreath ia for raffle at Tim Lee'a saloon. Call nl get a clianc. ' ' " 1 ., I j W. A. Davis, the talented young ed itor of the Oxford Torchlight," is lu (he city; on hts way to Atlanta, . 11 S.t.i Cotton receipts Saturday, 322 bales. Market to day dull at 123. Ordeta verylght Trade generally dull. E. D. Watson, of Louisburg, agent of the Wheeler A Wilson sewing machine company, is registered at the Yarbrougb, Remember that A. C. Banders 4 Co. hare for sale fire (5) a No. 1 young and and well broke mules. They will sell them cheap. . 'Vtl -(,.. 'ini Capt. W. F, Arery, late or the Char lotte Observer, and ono of the , most pipular newspaper men In tlie state, is in the city i-.-y ' Fan ahead at lacker kdL . Skill A Gsylord's tronpe of burnt cork artists aro billed for this place Thm-mlay and Friday evenings. - Jos. B. Jones, at the city market. baa just recelvod a lot of lendid beef, which can be obtained at bis stall to. morrow morning. ; Neat Sunday is the first anniversary oi i the Swain Htreet Baptist ehnrch. programme of the exercises of the oooa sinn will aoon appear. , . . . j J. XL Heck, J. & Alien and John X ichols returned to the city yesterday J from Shelby, where they bad been to attend tho Baptist state eon ren turn. j The white-nigger Newbera Times, of Nor. I J, exclaims t " llogorra, Faddy, I hardly kuowed ye whin I sawjer name in the Siutinel as Patroclua Dorian, Och hone !" t ' ' . I E, J. Parish, the great Farmer's Warehouse man of Durluun, was in the city to-day. lie ia one of tho most hb ernl advertisers in the ' state, and a thorongli-going business man. : '... ' ...... ''. ...,..'r. ".!. .'r.. .J !'..-.'": t.-v j Wilh an elegant graoo pecu-liar-ly its, own. Hie radical Newbera Times of November 13, 1 says The Sentine reports the hog cholera as prevailing In the Raleigh section. That paper Is itill issued, as the epidemic has not reached that office yet," . . : Laud Eutrim. Persons who have made entries of stale land have only unt'l Decemlter 31, in which to obtain; grants from the secretary of tate. The general assembly ha been In the habit of extending tho Urns to such persons,' but as the legislature will wot be In ses sion this winter, they most obtain their grants by that Uiuo or lose their rights under the law. . . Haw or VaUjabu Pmpebtt. -To-ibty the property of C. B. Harrison, sit uated just beyond the northern limits of the city, was sold at publio suction. Tim residence and two acres of ground wore'purohaned by B. P. Arringtoo, of s Peteriirg, fold, Ten naall oontignons building lots were sold at an average prion of $250 apiece, Gen. Hoke, W. W. Yeas and CoL Sam. B iffin, of Alabama, being the pnrchssorr. Kquaectj. Slieriff Wyatt, ofAllcgha ny county, called on the auditor .. to dty, and paid over to the state 11,250, 57. That 57 cents Is only tacked on to show the minuteness of state and coun ty accuracy... ; ' . v i Kbcriff Beclon, of Lenoir, was around to j and Inflated the finances of the cojimonwealth 5,391 worth. V ;i And Sheriu Long, of Richmond, ad ded 5,3ri.Sl to the state pocket-book, S .::,.','(''.;' Focmo. The Sentinel did it i with ita little notion. Moses Bemme bad mi grated from Uerman y thirty years ago. All trace of him was lost. A fortune was loft him, and he waa aeed4 ia the Fatherhmd. A. Orerbaoh, of aome jaw breaking Dutch town, wrote to Governor Brogden about it. His esoelleney, know ing where to put an item to do most good, furnubed it to the Sentinel, The whole state press copied it at once. And the long lost sheop of the bouss of Bemme,' it seems, is found. ' The Statee rille Landmark, of Nov. 13, after copy ing the Sentinel paragraph, adds: ' "It's our little Mones at Wallace Bros, na was shipped yesterday by Wooten's Express to Wilnuiipton, where he v. iU embark for Oermany. 1S I !, YOL. XXL RALEIGH, 0., MON p TJNIVERSm - OF i NORTH CARO . 5- i , - , UNA. - I ..ft (' ti ! J. ' BEaoi'ncEs am) scnscnirnoNS. ,' It ia source of gratification to all who Lave a proper, state pride, sud fuel at ail. interested in education, that the work of resuscitating our nob , old nni vermty progresses so favorably. Al ready 65 students have nwtrioulated, and tho prospect Is fair foe at least 250 next year. The university was assured an indisptt kbls income of 7,600 a year, at the last session of the general assembly, which is 6 per cent, on the ' 125,00d of land scrip donated come time before the war by congresi fur the establish went of one or more agricultural colleges in the slate. This, together with the in con: derived from students and liberal contributions from the alumni 'and friends of the institution, roudars its success almost a certainty. Of the trus tees elected by the general assembly. B. F. Moore, W. A. Graham, P. C. Cameron and John Msnning were ap pointed to take charge of the funds raised by privsto eontributions, and they now make this report of amounts anbscribedi ., B F Moore, il.000: Wra H Battle. $1,000: PC Cameron, $1,000; Jno Gat- ling, $500: S F Phillips, $500: K P Battle, $500 ; B L ratterson, $500 Fred riuuipa. raou; -ueo uoward. Kiwi Julian SOarr. $500 : W 8 Battle 500: WG Lewis, $100 ; Uobt Austin, $100 j B li ilatUe, Jr., f5U0 ; iuaem a battle, $250: JnoS Doner. $230: JWB Wot- aon, ouu ; w iU Aippm, muu ; jno nor fleet, $500 ; Wm Grimes, $500 ; W C AbOA - WV m tfO I-- A 4 . r Kerr. 500 : W A Graham. fcWO : Lontf A Norwood, $100: J W Fries, $100; it R Brldiren. $500 : ' James Grant S500 . T M Holt, r200 ; Geo Laws, $100 ; Jno w urartam, fZM ; X a ilngnes, BoO ; Jones Watson, $50; D M Carter, $500 ; J Turner Morehead, $100 ; Rufua Bar- ringer, $250; M W Ransom, $500; B B Peebles, $500; L W Barringer. $100: John Arrington A Hons, $200 : 8 E Westrr, $100 : W A Guthrie, $100: Geo M Rose, $50: G W Brsdfoot, $50; J H Myrover, $50; JohaDWUiiams $50; 1 McAuley, 100 O H Blocker, 50; T D Haigh, 50 ; W C Troy, $50 ; Ju C McRae, $50; Geo V Strong. 50 1 Tboa H ikiirzs. 100; FU Cameron, $50; Julius Lewis, 50 ; a v itadger, 3U ; Jno o Wake, .50 1 A P Bryan, 50; Jno G Williams, $100; K M Holt, IC0; Wright & SUdojsn, 500; J R.Thigpcn, 100 1 Ellas Carr, 100; J M Jenkins, 100 ; J M Heck, 250 ; L bhober, $100 ; Wm J Hicks, 8100; W. A A Van Wyck, $100 ; It. P. Howell, $100 ; BF Ar rington, 100 ; Fab H Busbee, 50 ; A W jAwrence, $50 ; James JlcKee, 30 : W H Johnson, 250 ; Bradley T. John- ion, 100 ; D A Jenkins, 50 ; W T Falrcloth. 100 i W N H Smith. 100: Jno W Cunningham, 100; Cyrus L Alexander, $Hr; not U Means, $250; W H ft B 8 Tucker. 100 : Jno W Kerr. 100; 8 M Borbee, Jr., 75 ; A Mickle, 30; Beaton Gales, 50: 8 A Ashe, 50; W P Mallett, 50 r Wm uusker. ' 10 1 Tbos V Thomn- aon, $250 ; Bryan Grimes, $250; B U liSwis, $J2oO ; It J Jt'oweU, iuu ; u U Griffith. S100 : H A London, Jr.. $50 : John Maiming, $280 ; James H Parker, f WO Uyman, tancy Vo., fAJU : it a vanoa, iuu ; ti v Jones, iuu ; j u Morehead. 4100 : B D Graham. $100 : A FRedd,$50;BPBiuloo. $50; Rnfns. Atwater, $25 ; James Tyson, $5 ; Thos Pnnston, $5 ; Sam Morphia, $5 ; Geo dries. 5 : John Ward, $20: H B Guth rie, $20 : Luther J Weaver, $10 ; Adley Andrews, $3 ; H A Davis, $1 Sidney Tilley $5 ; Henry Lloyd, $5 ; Matthew McCnley.$I0, ' , ; -stonewall'jackson. i We understand tint the well-known publishing house tf D. Arrurros ft Co., New York, have nearly ready for publication the Lira or SfoirawAU. J ACkaoji, f uDy fflnstratod by views and portraita, , including the orations and nee attendmg the unveiling of Foley s Statue of Stonewall Jackson at Rich mond. We advise aU," eqejkuy dis abled soldiers and women out of work, to write to the publishers at once and secure as agency, as the work is to be aold by subscription. It wm have a large aalev i t " nov 15 d4w2t , ,' ' . , .. , . - TAR DROPS. Duplin court bogina'to-dny. Typhoid fever is raging in Cabarrus county? ,-vt s 'i" '- , Wilmington had a heavy frost last Friday morning. . :. 100 bales of .cotton sold in Newbera last Friday, at 12 and 12 i cents. Nick Lonjr. of Halifax county, had a 2,300-pound ox at the Wilmington fair. At a recent assurnee's sale in Guilford county, corn sold at S3 and 83 cents a bnsheL-. . i .'. . . - A' dozen' Emrliah and Irish prise- fighters passed through Charlotte Satnr dy, for a mill at Savannah. ' ' Henry BeU. of Hende wonvillsriras (brawn from his horse a few days ago,. and sruitalned injuries of wntcn be baa since lkd. . . V ! A nirer benedict recently walked 800 miles to see his wife, who is a cook at Concord.- That's conjugal affection worthy of imitation. The average spouse would rather travel 300 miles in the op posite direction. J , THE CHURCHES .YESTERDAY,! ' st. iohh's. .' .'.. " Tliongh tlte day was threatening, St John's (Catholic) church had ' ita usual congregation. Rev. Father Retlly,' af ter communion, gave bis hearers short bnt poiatod diseoirrse upon their obliga tions tampon? ai'id apu-ituoi V Ue spoke of the pa-srive," Inert and thoughtless way u which hiaiiy neglected their da ties toward their children, dependents and neighbors, and warned them of the evils and unavailing regret which woujd flow from auch, example and neglect. He urged 'all to come np to the full maaanre of duty and show by something more than the mere outward semblance of religion, that they hod ft Just concep tion' of, the reapouaibiUtiee h devolving upon them. In regard to spiritual un ties, Father RtCly , cited the parable of the talents, going to show that as God had given us many and rich ad vantages, he would require much of us and would fearfully punish a slothful and faithless stewardship. . God was constantly clust ering upon us his beneficent gifts and ahiolding us from manifold dangers de spite our aina, but if we eontinued to repay him with only Bp-gratitude, the glory of paradise would never, be ours. He urged his hearer to lift np their hearts in constant praise to God for his mercies and goodness, and to show by their acts a oontrition for past errort, and determination of future amend ment In the afternoon vespers were snug, after which the benediction of the blessed sacrament was pronounced. paean rrriUAjf aavwm, Ber. Dr. Vanghan preached at the FresbyterioA church fn ' the morning a most masterly aermon from the text Hebrews iii : fi : "Coimider the Apos tle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jeans." . The subject wss the priesthood of Christ, The sinner, had only peace oi mind in tue intervals wnea he forgot his sin. What was needed was a priest to rid kiit of sin and give him a olid peace. Be would be worse than' a lunatic raving in moonlight frenzy to trust his soul to shaman priest Jesus Gbsriat was the divine priest, higher than the heavens, appointed by the oath of God who swore by himself because there was none greater. He sat at the right hand of the King in the courts of heaven, and not a prayer went direct to the ears of God, bnt first stopped with Jesus who was our high priest to lay it before God and make intercession for us. He was the go-betwoen between man and God. Some prayed to a woman be cause a woman's heart was sweeter than a man's, and they could got fuller sym pathy for their dirty aina, but be wanted no woman between him and God, the heart of Jesus was sweeter than the heart of Mary or the hearta of all women. CHURCH OK TUB GOOD BHEniKBP. Rev. E. R. Rich, the rector, occu pied the pulpit of the free church of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal), morning and evening. Tho text of the morning sermon was taken from 1st John 111:2: "Beloved, now are we tho sons of God, audit doth not yet appear what wo shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him ; for we shall seo him as he Is." The expo sition of the text was, that though the Urea of christians may be hidden, here upon earth, and subject to trials and sorrows, still as "sons of God" they are "joint heirs with Jesus Christ,' and shall in due time have their rnaniresta- tfprUo!ljtorieLpf hwywhero seeing him as he m," they shall be liko him and dwell forever In his pres ence. In the evening,' the text was from 1st Corinthians xiv:15 and 40: "What Is it then f I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the under standing also : will f ag with the spirit, and I will aing - with the under standing also. . Let all things be done decently and In order," .The discourse set forth the beauty, and propriety of the form of Common prayer and the analogy of the prayer book with human life. . ..-..j ,-; .-iiVi- Pi--'. ; christ cirtmcn. : Rev. Dr. Marshall,: the rector, preached an able and impressive ser mon at Christ church, from Proverbs xlv: IU ..''The backslider In heart , shall be filled with his own ways; and a good man shall bo satisfied from himself." The learned doctor amujied with power the cause, evidences and cure of this "backsliding in heart,'' and vividly and feelingly portrayed the satisfaction and reward of the "good man" who perse veres, m this world and the world to BALlStM'KT 8TBEBT BAPTIST. ' The church was filled In the morning, to hear Bar. W. R-Atklnson, of Peace Institute, who occupied the pulpit In ihe absence of Dr. Prltchard. 1 The choir onenad' Ilia servtees with a new kr- k W - .- mm -"J M W " W M ' r - M'm ft ri 1 1 AyfVO: AY it NOVEMBER 15,1875;;? v? No.?87j rsngeinsnt of "Great Is the Lord,'' which was admirably rendcredV'ltt Ws ante-sermoa prayer, Mr. Atkinsoa de pnrted from the regular, set styles In fervent little 'petition for the press of the country. He took aa 'the founda tion of his remarks Joshua b 0,- "Have not I commanded thee ? Be strong and of good courage i for the Lord thy God Is with thee whithersoever thou goest-J" The aermon was an earnest, practical appeal , to christians for courage and faltiuulness in the warfare of life. Every argument was Invoksd, every thu'hiatlh the Lord' employed to stint nlate the bearers to new and higher re solves. Every sweet promise to the faithful, persevering saint who triumphs over temptations and trials, was quoted wUh tiie ancuon of ft soul fired with tho mart) v spirit wlikb it wished to enkin die in others. It waa a sermon calctt lated to do good, and held the rapt at tention of the audience - to the close. Mr. Atkinson preached in the evening to another large crowd. , Eoaxroir aramrf KaraoDurr. For bis rooming sermon. Rev. It. Burkbead selected his text from the gospel according to St John iii : 3 "Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, Frily,, ,I aay nolo tbee except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." As an introduction, the character of Nicodemus as a believer hi Christ and betraying an ignorance of the plan of salvation, was contrasted with the position of mankind who aeseut to the truth of the Messiahahip of Jesus, but who live in ignorance Of his doc trines and teaching. The 'nature of regeneration was ably discussed, .Bo- generation is not the creation of any new faculty of mind or heart; bnt a complete transformation of the spiritual nature of u. i This point was illustrated by the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, 4 )egen- erotion is not the renunctatlon of the world aa an object of hope or happiness. Under; this head the duties of church members as to the observance of their church vows, ' and ' the practice of the holy virtue which they enjoin, wexo forcibly commented upon. Tha attrac tions of . the present day Jenominated worldly amasementa," were referred to i 'fruitful caaaos of spiritual '"de- oliae, and in many instancea, loss of the souL, , Christians . were" urged to eschew them in order to maintain invio late their christiaa integrity and preserve their influence far good. ' Regeneration is not a connection with the visible church, although church, affiliation was commended as a religious duty, and as a safeguard against apoetacyl, , The sub ject was discnasoJ as to its relation to church ordinances, the' idea of a strict observance of the ordinances and sacra ments as means of grace and solemn duty being urged, bnt not as carrying with, them spiritual regeneration, The subject was resumed at the evening ser vice, and the point,' "what k regenera tion f was discussed in a lucid manner. ""vVt PXRSQM STSJUrr MSTHODIST. At tlie Person Street Methodist church. the pastor, RvL iX.i MX Jurney, officia ted. In the mbrningTIiwo, members were received into the church by certifi cate. Mr.' Jurney took 'as Us ! text, Revelation iii ; 2 : ''Be watchful and strengthen tlie; things which remain. that are, ready to die t for I have not found thy , works perfect before God." The language of. the text was addressed to the church at Sard is, in which a state of coldness and indiforance, at variance withTbrtruripirirorc isted. - Religion does Tiot "consist, in a mere- out ward show, but i ImWiled in the ; heart The true cbristiar s ever watchful, and by constant prayer and attention to bis religious duties strength ens the spirit of grace that & within him. There is no standing still In religion ; it must be progressive ' or fetrogieasive, f orward or backward. The lif s of a true christian is represented .to the bible ' as that bl a wayfarer ericompassed on every hand by dangers,1 but who goes perae veringly and watchfully forward until the goal is triumphantly reached. In the evening three members' were received into' the churoh. ' The pastor took, bis text from Isaiah xli : 10 "Fear thou not 5 for I am with thee : be not dis mayed i for I anTthy God;'! -will strengthen thee; yea,. I will help thee; yes, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. The prom ises of God ' are always' suited . to the Wants and condition of His people, and He always has rich blsisings in store for them, God's people are subject to doubts and fours ' and 'are' frequr.tly weighed down' by disappointments and sflliotians. Tbis arises from ft lack of faith and a too easy yielding to the sin ful seductions of the world. If we but believe Lis words and strive with all our might to live after his commando, all these tioj promises will te realized It . rr?3 .i ... ., ,-1 uulo us, and death .will be stripped of tii"' fTWAIX STBKXT BAPTMT CUTBCII, , s , The finnday School was well attended, allVeing surprised to see their superii tottdent,. J. S. - AQen, 'and teachers of the, infant class,' Mr, and' MraI 0. Lougee,.who luad,bsea attending.: the eonvention fttfihslsyp sad were not ex pected until Tuesday! The new song book. Crown of Life,w.wss used for the Ant time. I Mr; Abbott, "of Newllamp- uu, oeug preseni, maue a lew remarxr. The supermtendent spoke glowingly cf Ws trip to ths oonveutioQ and said "we have got hard work ahead of ua to keep np our reputation," Bev. Dr; Stone ooonpled the pulpit morning and even ing, u His text in the ' morning ; was Iaaiob xui : 10 : "Is are my . witnesses. saith ths Lord, aud lay servants whom I have chosen. The preacher delivers the word, and the people illustrate it Th; world reeds the bad only in the lives pi christians..; If ths Christina does a -wrong set, the world trumpets , it over ana oyer. Tb ; ungodly Bury be guilty of very mean j things, and but little notice will be taken of It The spiritual condition of this church hut winter was duo to the bright testimonies made pf Chriat by his people the unconverted were con strained by It We might 'and should always be in sucbi contUUon.10 inc. evening, lbs church was well tilled, and ths new carpets and stoves made everything appear most inviting and comfortable. Ths choir, which is composed partly of pupils from the asylum for the blind, sang a beautiful voluntary, Thou wouldst be saved, why not to-night?" Dr. Stone preached from l Peter, Iv: 18: "And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear P" We must not take the ! word teanxly literally, for there can be no such thing failure about the righteous . being saved. The course of the christian it np stream, and he has a hard time often to stem tho current The ungodly mats no effort to find out God ; have nothing to do! with him ; don't go to h Im will any of their troubles, nor ak his help or guidance.. If they were saved it would be against their wishes as ex pressed in their lives. The lost soul has gone over prayers, sermons, appeals and the wooinga of its own conscience, In order to reach Ita destiny. j CoL John A. Joyce, a bosom friond and confidential sdviser of Ulysse Grant, has been sentenced to the Mis souri penitentiary for three years and a half, as one of the head thieves of the St Louis whisky ring. Well bet a million ; mouldy ' doughnuts against Bencher's interest in Paradise, that he gets out on pneloent'jpatu.' j i " SI i i . i i Ton Arnim's beooming as insufferable nuisance as Sohleswig-Hohitein or TJeecher-Tilton. . We wish some conti nental philanthropist would tie him and Bismarck together by the coat-tails, arm them with a steam reaper and thrasher' spieoe, swing a l,000,O0O-ton mill-stone to their necks, . and toss them into the mlddls of ths Arctic ecea&i I ' Wiimt Holland Tcbkeyp.-Dt. Blacknall, of the Yarborough house, has stocked the poultry-yard of his nice little farm, three mile from this .city, with white Holland turkeys, a . pres ent to Dr. Blacknall from Dr. Columbus Mills, the boss granger of the state. A s atabltffbwithtneat"WtWs tender and sweet, and superior te any other, and as to the size of, the fowl, we read of a pair la Illinois that weigh ed 63 pounds at one year bid, Ihe gobbler pulling down 41 pounds. ; ... Carouxa Central Railway. The New York World, of Nov. 12, contains this item, which will be of in terest to many of our people: i In the suit of Horatio G. Onderdonk strainst the Carolina Central Railway Company an attachment againat all the rporty of the company to bo found lit is atate was granted Wednesday by Judge Barnard, of the New York supreme court, tlie company having defaulted In paying the interest on 143,000 of its bonds held by tho plain- tiff. ' ''";"-; .;;' Bishop Lyman's Apihuntmests. Nov. 27, Flat River, Orange county. 2Coy. 28, Hillsboro, v ; ' " : -Nov. 30, Salisbury, Rowan county. Dec 1, Concord, Cabarrus county. Doc 3, Monroe, Union county, ; . . Dec. S.Wadosboro,' Anson county. ,. Dec, 7. Rockingham, Richmond county... o4..!:W. , ;p; W- : : " . ; -..4 ;;.t l u - ..-asiesi,'.' ;; ' " - I In this city, Monday, 'No 13, Mary F., infant daughter of V. T. and, Bettie Lee, aged 10 .months, , Ths f uueral will taks place from the resile noe t morrow fTneday morning ... at s 10 o'olork. Frinii and aonuainteooas of the family invipd, . v .if ,t: ; 'AdvertlsemenU writ belaMrted ta tbs bwsy SsMTiasb st tbs following rates pat suasse oi oaa inch, or Ua minion Uuea. r Oes sqaare one tiros r" - LO0 ,v.. . sschsusseqassttosfrtlon; lesstasaa week t.. ...... ...... Muare, I week ...'. J ( month r ; .? I months..,. ,.,'...-.. " - s ...........m M I w, A' .................... 90 "'.i a'""' 5 JS s as oo m j ,,., WOO v ft .i ' a oa NEWS AND TfOTEH' '. It has been discovered that ths ship Orpheus collided with tut Pacific, and was wrecked too,;'i;;.v"S,i',Jf Gulbord Is to be burned to-morrow. under guard pf wuwd jwlicemen and the' military,' JL"1'.'.'- i l! ' A enntl.n. lnf.Ml.1 MV.nlli agent, Is In limbo for complicity In ths St. Louis whisky robberies. " ' ,'t'ouAlunf-U Wba 1 hauled tip's' gala on account "of the appearance or a pamphlet fiercely pitching into WUhelm' anu AilimarcK.. -; j ,Vf. - Carl Schorl's paper, the 8t. ' Louis Westikbe Post, editorially declares tiiat Orville Grant and Gen. Babcoek are members of the St Lo jU whisky-pirate gang. ' " ' J ' " K ' ' ' ' ' The shipments of specie from New York ' for the week ending ' Nov. 13, amounted to 558,000. Imports, t, 000,000, Including 1,528,000 in dry 8d' A.l oi -i ..'.:.'.'..! The bank statement for ths week end ing Nov. 13 exhibits a loan decrease of 12,025,000 ; r- legal tender , decrease, "2,260,000 5 deposit decrease, 3,375, 000 ; and revenue decrease, $nSj0O0 Revenue receipts Kattrraaf amounted to $397,837 ; for month to data, ft,635,- 142: for the , fiscal year to date. tilC3. Custom receipts . Baturdar. $453,006 ; for montb, to date, $3,176,- 053; lor fiscal year to date, sxi,rJ9,- 767.iJ.j..-.i.',i. vat -". Thei federal treasury nowT' conUins $368,150,812 iu bonds toseenr national bsnk circulation, and $18,724,500 to se cure public depositors. The, outstand ing national bank circulation amounts to $385,002,278, of which ' $2,220,000 are notes us ilea to gold banks..- - :J . ii hi ii "I i- Is Your life worth twentv-five cents f If it is do not neglect a cough or cold. Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at once. SPECIAL NOTICE. , , , .; A CARD... To all who are suffering' from the errors sad indlsereuoDS of youtn aervous weakaess, early decay, loss of manhood, ''4c", I will send a rselps that will cure you, , TREK OF . i -. f'v ....... ' CHAEGK. This great remedy was discovered by s missionary, fa South America. Seed a aeU-taddressed envelope to tjjs Bev. Josara T. Ism aw, Wrat), Libit Hour, AV Trk nov 12-dood4w6m , , i . ,. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T3 oaroixo nouet .,.,!-. , Mm nuV(1. AMnA - JImI ,tte. Boarding House st the Corner of Martin sad rupleU br ths lata Dr. W. IL JKcKes. 8he prepared to' sccommodate permanent as weu as transient Hoarders. - Tue table to always supplied with the very best the ataiket siforas. and ths rooms kent neat snd eom- ov 15-tf "rALUABLS LAND t'OttSALK. On Monday, the 9Mk of November. 1878. 1 will tfA ..I. .. ..l.Tt. - - - valuable tract of 183 acres, ' four miles from itaieign and less taaa on aws or MUl-uronK. About SO acres cleared. Good benss with two rooms. . A considerable porttoa ts orlf sal growth. Lies betwseathe R. O.K. E. and the Vorestvllle eonnty road. Sale at the Courthouse door la Raleigh, at IS o'clock. Terms esay. . KKMr r. aovis-ssawto ' ' jyKRCIIANT TAILORING DONE f!t, At Van f?.rtni . UH'..''.!?.! 8 11 0 li TES T A OT2Q&, ar CHARLES M. FARRTS, . ' i'i-f i;. :.-.-- i I' 'J WITS , ' . V.J. . . i j . : ,. - ..... a.! , P. H O W E L it r radical Delineator' and Ca ter, Prairie Buikllag, Wllmtagton Etreet, : Fl T, ST TL S nd ORK MNSlliP can'l v,U i suiysssea jii ns Warranted to please the most fastidious, CtiTTIXG done at all times for thoe wlsh- .i teg It. tnt. received second stock of Cloths, - " . . Cassimcess; t '"J ' Jeans ." '' "!T i.' .: . n,NouoaJ-- , Trtmmlnrt, o,4 ,, U i J;m jCollsrst together with a fuU llns of'pIlT 00008, 0 EOCERIts', PROV ISI ON8 c.,'ie! ; j Mcs. SO and 60 Wnnrinrtoa street, - . "Prairie BuildiEg" f voVCMt Raleigh, . C m U 0 K E R H A IV 1 i, TWO NIGHTS ONLY I i ' '4 NO YKMJElaniM,im. ftmylonTa JttinatrtU ausaf ) Brmm : : BTAZ t'ERFOUMSttX." . Knemc d exbressly for their ewa epselaiitV, now ua their Ntuis from Ckllfurnla, ,tth aa entira new Company. aamissioa aaa so senu. neasrvsu seats TSeenU,for aataat (Janacr'sDiugStere.. orron Mtt sutoffpkMsV Tew.nws I ifardi ly natval. FatntrssM bm vMiblirnr. i aV-kxi lUms MirtMnrewlasts, lr. CaVU: ivsa. tf iuum St,.V ksf Ay, lib.

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