Sa'eaiaBtMiaaata i I linn li ' nt i -in . i. . ...nim m mi in imiiii m0mmmmmmmmlmmmmmmmmimmmmtjfmmmmtmmmmm THE RALEIGH SENTINEL., -TU BiLEIGII ; a3BXINU--i J " rvaLleaan ItllLT.'WIEKLT AND SCUMTUCKLf . . 1 IT IV ft.i.1:.t ' ' UrttiemeiifawlU be loiorted la fkalMUy at ariau. at the followJni? lataa par aquare of .Z. aa aaaa, ee U aHatoajxifi., (. it ,i l j f o JOaaaqaaraaaa Uom ' .. . - L0O f , - 44 eaea aabeeqMDt twaetttaa 1 JeM ttiaa wwaj..,.,,. ti . 1 - I ataath...,...,....,.. e 00 . umcidi urpi m mm wraii-iiy STATE PRINTINO dt BINDING ,K -I '-s1 Dully fanUml 1 year la advance IS 00 n8ti iomiUii la Advance.,,,. ..,v I 00 H .kiv Sentinel ' " Ittl it)-- J"t4 trw IriV. 'u-i i ,1 I I ,, I , I, l! '1 1 Th. Ii.ilt wO be delivered la J IJ a- a. u x Il 00 r ur o "is City t rUtMa Cents week. " . - . nju r t I. X A APEBKINB' I teionaly GBAVIMK woRCST&sniss bauce ,W bad tb p!eMafo-nd thU U no I ,;Th Weldon Nwm, of No. ter6otjrpl ewipepet Jucmality th J U meriUd tribuU to two of I n.1 j)iMart tHlj;: or t tour ; Pwn"e uwm j , ' ve?; 4 jigh Db tnHibl (be Cbirtottoibj a Patriot. ;;A MiMourbui by birtb and an I the Stat Agrlcalturmi MclotvW Maj. I )VWr5?fSS,WW1 rnif W " v aat Lft w nM1n. I nllwlMUc Xorlh Utpllolan bj adopy Jobn ti Wader elected supriotendok .? W met k In gwxl iowjtUoa The City. V .1 j .. . a 1 .1 . H . . .. . . 1 top luimnaiuir. -t llna . t fur Charlotte, . -' I won, no nanrt-oorn aw or awgrajw i uia iwie in I or the gentlemen, are eruiuvtiUy well 1 mlnr Ter? ,OIII11 TOTS , V1 ntil MmmAnvulili uirnuui K1 rti In I tJt IK ftnntUmjiiii am AmlnAHd ...lH.l.. .1. 1. - I , " I -.w .j me neaittt Mietgn w w gooa tbat I awake t. trucat democraUo juuroale tu I m.Doctive cnarvea swiU Hot. infler in .j . st . I aooth: nttfl w are gia4 lo learn to I tlieir bande.'J ?. t . a(,4i1 Ibel Bishop Lyman' Arwixroiirm- Kofi 17, Flat' Elver, Orange eounty. 0ir.,HJanorvt .f.CH r t( or. 30, bauaDurj, itowao county, if toacora, caDarroa couoij.. . Monroe. Unton countr." "lir Dee. ft, Wadeaboro. Aaaon conntn Dec .7(njitocklnghan' BitduBood i The trtenda of the UC Airr narrow j rtid'I liig wedding at Identon Street Ueth- odUtcbureb.Uil treaing. - i Pacua fVirirr. Thi nuwninir tU TU bog oboWa oontinnea to WTIhoa-tUnaWbaJauitei LuMbmai. tue eouinera poruoaj w ioia eoonij. - s -1 Eaato Williauu.' darker. 1l t fry, vlB.ura vn' vrvrM -h- Ljoa. ; Ilatpen. t Co.. 'Pari diamond iiai inta I "nW0k IHea tor. f3,PW.aW.,; A vbeaa club tatto U , orowlaed, bjr I rlewed on tbe cbargo of wblppuig ki r - JMWille'a new1 oily ball, j? on fire Jjwwl "if PyfPPlff0, .... .....J.. V .ii -:;.J LildS -.t'.!' ' witW VAftUrhW t-ft. JWnofdw.oweiiiwrwiUi proHpecta of de- t tbaii loiadnhb, w .-.. . j j Knumm lajrt . i. w A' Tbe Oak ,y W ll- iaer. . prononnoed tb. Jr' Tb tgble k tyM Ikte rW. ifew tffk, hare nearly wady- for bedal Bar finer. Pambeooonntr. liJnr-' . l J.- i -L. 'uuuobuvb tarn ijsrw . or dtohwwjjj. Acsaox, fall lllflatrtr bHewa and rw. in ! ' m . . . I umiagi rai ana B . . " I eoenaa attendant? tbe unreal ing of FoVy'a TOf",? U- otLBtarattaetana aaBieh, Ox-1 'Wo adrlaa T-niallT -fliV fbrd orpban aaylnm. T . uadBtMeand'romatt "out of work, ... . .- Bogging u aue repeated tbe offenae. 1 Oifford. aulioitor ewneral i fc I on tbe Padflo ooaac. and capable of bo- tanljr ooonty goW aunea equal to any of CbarlealWJy, darkey, T 0 il to gat profit. f be VfTberf poUoebare mnoe- 1 be board of tounty eontmUalonera I tl. ...eeta tbe tM Monday In Mlt booth; I with Valor K. C, ltadcor tft but erening I oontinnei f oli 'LiJanis and Jm ... . iu:.....Lit in i',nu. Wii... UkiJLL L.7 ' I tt':.'.- ! - i " ' , . ' j I bodL nuutioa atuL riira aa ia aajrtfaat a r. 1 rrr--yvr" :T P . I .W m" "" f faint raimuiian thataom. of tbem iJar a ia arm ran in irani nm laiioiaaaai mi iin - - - - . id to and nproariwniXi 'Andwwn, Jobn Vown byMcHeory-a aantreonwjUk.-, I . f'7(!, with tboae of Alf onao. in oaae of United Kemp P. Battle, of fl ti city; i-rtred Tneaday at the Cjotral hotel Tbefeaainiae fate of gathering au- tamnlearee baa completely aubeided In tieeeparta. Tli work of BMcadamiibig Fajetto vUla o4 Jlartio atmU ba come to a a'ind-atiB " : - rnllam and Jamea MoGflrerr. all while. each contributed ? Una and ti!i5 fafled, to find aW oaete toward ft ;tefng drank' an agency, aa tbo iwotk ia to be by anbaoription, II will have a ale.; I. J i ii; . . .iu.i;i X, ie? MWfla1.: i,., , Kear Oxford. Nor. 10. br Rer. T v aur. x. tu um ana aUiM ruw r k1? CSarobniana todSroU more attention to IZtttffiC" Nor. It by Ber. D. Q:,"1- '- a- tAL .' .11 1W' nf t1i tfontrinV ''"- 1 tli . .lv ninI .livArlrw I 1 In OrfntyT eaw vviuwuvMiJi. 1 Ms am nit aa kmi rKtnalAfrA wKat awaM I I . 1 - hoowna.goodOTe.han Obit, wfuta. tkad iraiirr to tb ebawaw ofbejntf flhuikana diacrdarlr. and waa ritmlftminnt.tflUHi w-l i r rr' s"1 ' now wno owna gooa orercoat naa PllJ7m.BJ.ll jMwia ty.j f. n T fW, .r: H, I Poor Poe may at' taaf hope to to to lt nd watch flay ,nd nlghf wltt aaid tue time waa ample, and jnunedt. I neaoa. Uia nionnment unveilinar took I double-barreled abotua. aatTa taUr of I ST. . ur a: iw. .. ri hum- jamea , a. tnuiu, taor. anu aieij go. up ana uiisted, ba atood not I Putoa at AUtunore yeawruay, , in tae i neuuiain nowiuera. ::. , i Hall, Jar, W. D. Hoot and Mlna ifollia Platte p. Walker reweenUlive, from I upon tbo order of bia .btng,''bni ako- Fe;Boa of a largo crowd. ', Tbe Mecklenburg Hletorical Society MoCraw, and Mr. L. Ji Cooper and Hichmond county, firt? In lb oityv H I daddlod at once, ,vuHh . v. j Blockow, Vaugban Co., bvgo iron I e ueaoy inrening, anu Lrvuraeu' itOOTP- .. . . . . . - - - I aiannfaflbiMra. ImiUl . n luival bvmv ' ft..iuvwi"i uutiaK, Jarra a ! Uolton veompte yeevroaj abaloa.r finaMk.i,. Ir w ..i.u. I HnTr,!!! in tftrt) or I tfer, 8. Wittkowakr, T". IT. Drayton and f ' "'M:i "' Dtaal. The market tonUy waa active at 12 a. d I w . aj.. ' r a,IUM . JS.OUObandaonaooountof tbe depraaaion I Z. B.Vance, aafte execuUre commit-1 i In MecUenbnrw-'.ooonty, Nor, 15, i - .. . mm- w w vwuuiwu a m .....i., ... - .i .... . . . -. t a tan faa novan aaaaiDi i ji- i: i a r.Hi. n a : a a w a . . . a w am Huaw& jvaui I UI HUlWUni, ', fUagDOT Oft WWllM dull " ' t. ati- ZT""IZ " Xlod(SIrittlACrrfflDionth-Wbr ! tMt Monday in Wlbnlouton. Ifta f Jra. Farria. tb aeU-kaown outfe. U at B. I L.u. rZlI". rfTTTlTrTT " F of buliarda ia.M .iiuiinga, tlorenc lmk araa iir tb P. Howwll'a - oattOdiabinent ' -iwtiMiMiuuuiuiifltU. mvarnnm wom i nma uwnuir imiu(nmiiuv'W"ii ar i wiihucuwi iwbuiuk. wuivi. biwbiimii ; T . .. mimrton .atraet. Pur atyliab anita ooll I ..., .k ,.....1-" L , . laimra. the latter aooruur 167 Bointa: "" f to tbe ahoulder and aide. Inflammation rl "MPWir or. lXharlotta on him. W4'ft lo fif-i-n 'i fitaaaVl1-1'! VV 4-ii ..7 X t TimeUeal DaUDaaiar aad Cutter Priilrit ' feiilldlag; '' trnmtetoaf fl.T, IT fU aaOOBKiUyeail' ea ; WanaiUH, tv4aatf . oiVtlMUfUowa,,, ivniM aoeeaiau nawa rariaoa ii -; aMaire4 atwoad ),qcb a '4-..:.i (jaalBawea,'.''''Hf.'iHf-'ls -al lU t ,!aft M-ey.ti..;.tlBnnlwjl . !'.!!"?!) ti i!jjU !!,: 'tm's ir!TTrf' i I fahr wltb a JnH Jtaa at JDBY. GOODS, a (iiiodiitria,mTi8roNfi'e.; rwiul i"1 '- T c" k' 1 "Priaria BufldtoK aalMf - ? n,. BaleHH,K,C Rvmembtw thai b ive for Rale five (5) and well broke mnka. them cheap. - CT S 1 Ier wbiaky toonC Jtc a No, 1 young and 71, f Tboma. Bark. Oranw: 1782. r" 1.' 3 tottoT" TeTtordbTd rffTRwr7k t NEW" ADVERTISEMENTS. 4rwl.aa a. II ai.ll iiiRT win anui a Alexnnder Mulia, OuOford; 178 J taken to Indianailia. u-lKrti tvimAf fcobard OiweU, Lenoir; 1787, Samuel j; Up to lo5$ yuarukoon. JJl eoming In tint to Chanfe.aacendi time. 1;2U. Tbe A few in. re f tho-a wry JobJieton, Clwwan; 1789. , Alexander b tb Odcagto (iiu, Weatoir had WM b. jbb- . tim- 88 ind 53' T a Sctw Mmiubb, for Pnw- mn, uuu.a; 1793, Bicbard Dobba Wf j " The one and a half mile daah waa taken China KNTa, AnM just received at Law Co.'i NKM t'KOCKKHY STOUK, Hi.- U. f. drcuil court open- bboji in UiU c!iy next Mdnday'week, Judaea Brooks and' Bond ro?dinr. Ctiiel JuatUa Walte will not be pruaeul, , ASpeIgbt, Jr., Craren; 17ial,;:'aaMel eow kicked orar the great ftrey ZEa VANCE WHISKY. . ' - . a. ; ' . '," . v . ... I ' TV U TV. vlr a nwnl l,.n. .a. I aW, ,799, , Benjunun W0- Tan ta 1 6 by f name, nioore; inoa, Vamea ,, Turner. I dxfoatinir tl.m with a Liaanf raw .!- Tfroia tbeaumrflle Landmark.1 Wanvn: ISA.'. Vut ll.T,..r. r..V I T..rn .lw....'. ri . tha I I Jemr Black, to Ctiarlotta. oriinnaiA.1 ' . " I - ' "W .WMWm. ' t. . V flWI , IH . . " . n I lenbnrgr 1807, Benjamin Tilliaja. rba whaled lle aoua of , tbe day I Vaiioa . todor wtoaky. Tba IMIuriL i . , . . . i I a . ii w Atiinuwnuw -win. -t , nn u i oenoiinoo inu . aoanmuona nae oi iua i -iiU of .uV M' "rr:i!; Draon'. N C. Almanact, ,. " RaLElGII. ' f v" Pi Ice ptr iZ.t i aor l-tf Moore; . 1808, Darid Stone, Bertie; 1810, At tbe re tuet-t of many dnen, we I Banjajma Bmitb, Brnnawick; 1811, WO-1 Tbe 8t- L10'8 wluaky frond triala are I Aame,' and intimatee that if be doea not lure tot Kwed our lino "Diamond bam llawkiniC IVarreji; lSi: J(1l, UU exrfUng attention all rrer the ooun- tempmnoe people and the aober o,.r,J. vJZviw&wJ! tflSSSte. fofttZ lik-e 40rentf, ww t0.y , Surryj 1821, Oabriel Hoi myi, jjauipsou; ganwally paid to tbe ring, eonaiattogol hiatory, and our aenaiblo and clerar OorerDorBrogdeU arrired k( Wit 1824, Hchiort Burton, Halifax: 1827. McIJonaid, Joyoe, Arery and otbera. fiUnd ought to Jnwt known if that mington Tuy ereni Jam., IredeCl.owan , ; 1828. Jobn lSTtStf annual meeting oi ue atoranoiera of I uweo, jsiadea ; if JO. Mumrord Stoke, IBeTOfiuo Agent ITmhenc,' " I fdM noptiety of putting bim under a I TXTCNSIVK AKO ATTBACT1VI tne u uoiiuhwu wei.ion raurqiua i wiiko ; iras. Vayld U Swain, Bun- ,. A v, v : Poi J BK A N S O N ' H0RIHCAE0LIHA1LIAHAC3 xfrici Per lPO 8i $100, nor 17-tf lid to kaen the twam araa OYavalv . I FT . . 7 ' a-MU- m . u . ., ... I r . . . . . . . . . - . which waaheldtolb dtyje-terday. lcwnboi 183J "7 ntinen.ia.' vanoo waa m , .V Pr. ar iu5ou Bpoignx, A RxiiaJULABLB . PbovxsnoxaIi . Boo-1 absent f ' romj bom attending 'h one h Tlla. AnMnOna kf TaaUI tl aa Ka KBW I CrmTeil. 1 A avtoansw Ilia KAaV.t,1. ! 1 I a b'i Lli. Ll A 1 . " 7L'L I V A FURNITURE BALE. yomjf queatioti. Our anUionticifi atuvnld Rab-Ubia not be-JCren. ' cnsa.-Among tbe notmble profeetnonal of Hi4 'oonrta when the idea inouba- 8ATtRDAtx JS'OtEMBSR ,20, 1875, anUiontiefi'abiviildl . Tm gprtsrnora elected by the1 pnopla men of tbUoowitiywbA bave . w ' TC4arW4, tha' tlvn;naB ixl nowW tladopUuta of the iwnaUtoUcn; S?0 X-1 linking ba waa raging to naindea.of . tbe ticklinfr bia ranitrin done, he sends around to keg of the nlo atnff la- mky cira ns a call Prompt aanitary I Aanoer f JohniM. Jdore-1 rejwhed through strirtly legitimole meana I beled in big redkitera, "Zeb, Vanee p -erantitn bould La biken at once. " nau, vnmoraL t9, William A; Ura-1 " mereiore, ue ueaerrea uie i wniaay. bo inoenaea waa JUra. vanoe as -eewi eoesuung in pan or i , . . . - - f" I . ' ' 'n' . . a '. ' . ... . Imivialila rtmntaiinn whlpli ha Miinn I UaW M Ik, aJ Wl. 1,1 ik. W J MliUtl liimr. at Urn. I Im yean M1. Ml imme MJofin Hunter. I, ' C,"T r 7. " ? I ."T!8" au jmpav wnwr. taacoeamenome. uo waa I tneCotuga Bedataada. with Ita raii.f n.lwuv' aealnw 'Taj-'atAn.' dra. I mm ' 180 WaMTan W WSIoW, tX Offl- I caning, anu exwnmTe reaa- I maa, DOOaWM no bad aeen lUaet a adrer Bototera and Cttlowa ; A, larga ue remeiuoer eeiog.4ar eion a qr- . . .clo.'.i I inar durtoa-a lomr and nnnsuallr' buva I tianuini in ti- n,.r1ta lTth BoisUn aad PUlo-Tti goon "paailng great North rav.iltilLutL .vniJ.. .r ' wl l!?V?-::B.; Vance, i B'""" i"-s suncomoei isou. w. W. Uoldaa. ora. ahould exaiutbe' tbe 'extenMve -eaUll IrWonal, Wake j IWOi Jonathan Worth, . I 1 Ba 1 - - 1. - a ..a aa a . . . ' WlU M sold wltboat reserra at Towlea' Aee- tioa and Ooeaminloa Sums ua H UatluKtoa fjtreet- nle to eommeaea at 11 ' o'clock, a tarn eolleetloa ot In faniltare end hoaas bold srtlbUa, well preserred and aeariy nod epienara Buieani. Folding and a SUad t aalrMaUnM. qasntlty of niaaaeia, V". I AJs n..W..i : ' B-.t I dunng a loner and unusually larce 1 tiaenimt to thai Charlott Mlng thla place during tla) I Tl arassaj, . praotio, hkh : enablod him to Should be .ke bia aboWun and ahoot 1 8herta and Ooanterpaaeat. Sofas and Cane w, ,1 Paraoo 4861. Ileory T. Clark," e ofllt I profeanional btwtbren. ?. Deroatoaj bia aW 1 should or wild he do I Ilia good wife Lad Olsia-Vare. AelTtee.' Vaar nw. I . " f ., .. "'JAW aor lo-at tentioa to eertoin aneoaJoea or tne aoi I a annai in ii.a n..i..n v.. n.. enoe be baa ao carefully toreabated, ha Qor. Vance," aba said, "I know that has been rewarded in a remarkable degree, TOuare oue of the few busbandawho IT.TH3,,altie,iT,,ii,be?'m,'w do not drink-away from homo. - But cogmaed leader. Not a few of the rem- .-.1.1 TO .er be tomnted. never do fz1!, .V7 bimnu rLM-MrVMWTiiaky.Mt CClTUITripTrpn.4 been adopted and preaonbad by pbyai-1 Treat tbifi WwtbkaTfellowWitb con. SWWS H CHIH?W V? tne Ulsss Vases, Piotnras, Lamps,: Crook vy. JAS. at.T6WLi:9'.i!l ' i-in- . ((. Auctloaear. .-, OLESALE iCASU m UJEbV ,W , laa.a.1 . A. LI- A iat . 1 namnW- .nl li, wnrt. t.oin'Ka-n I Wli Jf"" -'""lT -UU your T .T . ,r I name. iei u do nnderaiood that auch TiflU flagrant outrage npoo decency and ; i V.r.t - Market fyptn.-- "WTWIT; w any hs -ya r I a, j I work, beoanae of mowgeneral appboa-1 fnl,nw.j .irtuuymZSTtl Good ordinarr. . . llali un i uul nni'H in v miiPA'a nrraairin rm 'i itaa ukikhai. market. lUhmeot of Law A Co.. Their HKr PlWfii7!W; Holden est ami neweat atylea of goodi fn then f Burke J" W74, ttkrtf . lhwgden. ex iin- :;?l?!:r .-t I afna!ba.H'ariier"--- ? Houm . bibtfiota iudirUaal ' ' amnaad I NawlUtLaoAB PUftnoi.f-Th9 Cbar- himaelf U;nigbty. raising .'A jroWjat I lotto tbe front doora of aereral private rest- eapti d'sneea to Ward Na 1 If ilia repeated, I Proro rwKabU uamuwiflaiM ia ilia v.Tina uri 1 1 ,a in. Miia .111 wu. i;i . uv uaiinu uuuuuu 1 n ' . . ...... u r . . yoked, :-.fcu.!.'!l ' F' Se?f wwtMtotto dicn..ln(r swarf father; Iol-17a30.': whM i'r. i-riHJuara go noma snis "J; """Tf" . . . I and bomna from nanT aotunfla. and aa. I npomu-1 'nw cour morning from . week', attendance at Jka n the- M tha Urd SaolmUae KZSl V"ce lTtha proper tbiaUntawaUUa ,a7iii. P,," I ErZi 3 i.iSnl Un!? I If brother bVtaker vuy. i aaa -.-BKippaaf a u.wxu naia o Dwje, ana wonniaw. u I ;.. .- ' " . 1 , m t;; Giwmsboro yeBterday. and tied tbe mat-1 to wathe apeav Alt tbo eon-1 THR CAREER OF ANDE1W JOHK80M. rirnonial beaa-kncit for our young towna- man, H. Wurtoa. -; r Kufua E. Best, of tbe eitciislv cloth- iig house of Henry Sonnebora A C,. Baltimore, baa been circulating aiu'iog bit rrienua and patrons to this city to- ,1 fp U O K E R ' H All fc'ii.vt .iM.ii .jTfi- : ,iif,'( (j i. r-i TWO NIGHTS ONLY l; ' ' , ..;4leawaV-'iAi .tf!. fct-n Cngsgfd expressly fortidr awa tpeehdlly,''1 rw vn thetrretara Irani CsHfoiwJa. with an entlr aaw Conpanr. . . ,, . , . . I AdaOaaloa U sad 60 cents. Reserved seats p cents, for sale st Canew' ItawgBtore,' -. j aor l7-3t ;j tu ..i... Vi -a-x. v . . , ... I On'Monaay. the th oi ;VoreaTb,io7iL if'' til offer for aale. at-pM! aaetioe.'a Tarr : faloable tract of 2a acrs,. font aiilss frow. aleig b and less Uuui on mtU of MUl-Brook. About 80 acres cleared. Uood a two rooms. -. A eonslderabla nertloi aal growth. Lb between the R. , a ad the rarsstrfUe coantr road. M Ceurtbonae door In luleleh, at M o'clock svIUf r. B r eras easy. or lo-satwta. I On IATTLK. '-i -gi f Vk-V ICTE HiygR ; 1 PLAJfTAtlON0 tOR ' On Uoodar tba 6th da ai Ttieaml ar. 1875 t tbe Court House door ia Balelxb, under ' an order of tba napsrtor OoarVof Wake I WBl sell at P-blJe Auction, that . falnable plantation on Meuse Hirer In Wake county, about six Bules Eait of Rslegb,. kaowa ar pan VI uw . - , . .. :;'... BETSEY LAND.' ' . ' ' 4 adjoining Dald Hlnton, Jonstbsn Poole and Others containing about Hi Aeres with aeeeaJ i ar; improTetneot Jtc tfokt in two parcels nearly equal I '.' ' ,i ' xasas : ma-unra essh,, reaaslnder- to 10 ' outts and.two years. . .... v SARAH 15. tfTLER, ' ' w. Exttl. of U. U. WlUler ana Oiai'r.. . . noTldlUkast , t ... , ... O H i.,W,v;l II 1JC DAL B .aTar-la v .a. .:. Btiwanni ainan. Itoom No. S, First Floor, Law Bunding.. " FareUertUe Btreet, " j alALEIOBv KK.t'Ct,lw-i. W ade all tba Cowls la Raleurb and Far-, etterllle. Oslms collected In an parte Of X. Refer to Uoav R. If. Peanoa. Chief Jna. ' ttce of N. V.; Boo. If. W. Ransom, U, , Benetor ; Cltlsena Nat. Bank, W. H. A R. tl! ' Tucker, 1 WUIisau . b lUywood, Ralelch il Fayettertlla bat. B k. MerchaaU' R'k of FsyeUernie; Bstik ' of New nsnerei'.' Wn-t tatagtnn, N.C., Mwtna, Bliss A Ox, Phslps llodn A !Co., IL K. Tharhar A CJ H. B. Ualfln ft Co.. N. T.t Landretk t:. ' Wfcfla. i i.W.sU Am, Halt. 1 fir t 1 m ass formed coiiaeetloa wnh, Measra. Mcoae ft Broad foot of T wrtterOle, M. C., wa r ferenee eahr to .ita taiaiiaiat that point All comauaa-atloas addressed to . w. uinsasis. rare at McKae ft Breaifoot. FaeUerHlei at-O. W0I taeetra awoaaiit at Oct 18-11" '""'''-ifc IE!?. . UT siSi v a,""'! X-Sf U ;AJRiw JOHNBOir. ..Zeb, Vance Wbtiky" In Charlott. rjiMMfc rtoto la the penitentiary of ? ew are I Thia atatesman and patriot ha pasaed I Got. Vance miht take the Friend' Corn meal. Wal.l to faa ammoafff tA tliia nrrand work- (hair I 1,1. .I...J. .:n 11... ... .1 . I.jt. .. . .. n. . I Hklss. wtmsL. i I Imrmlilln 1 ha -aiimi. iuimiuj1 k flA. I m j . one. To prove It, Tallow, 6a. , 4. . , Jf ..u , Were aa hunirrr for I Ascolnir.' lnnMaiLt Ik. Van! is 1.9 a drink a the fellow at our elbow. It I I Oottnn ties, stanie. .vi,,tt. . hj. e; doubtful wbertwrh fouWitod a gill of I Flomv North Carolina, 6a? 0 W - da. iia i. a I the iron howo ai i' - "wn vi. uiir auwusinau. I. . , . . . : . . hobart 7 R.iT" a-1 1 rr .u H i. 1 00t agiuii ana again ia our nooert w. Beat, and is one of the molt I niotuitain aolitudea. i AH- tUa fraght pormart commercial"' tourists" ; that I from tbe sreat -maras of tba rweat. St . . . . .. . ... . .1, I T m ' m . i peregrniate in Uta soctloo. rtn mm . . t p t. . p, ii T! . i -miiio inn win. auvico aua puouciy aenounco itiacK. Bacon. jN. U. boo. rounds 15aI7. , i aiimoa being obefrom the atate at What a tommentary is lot fame on the But what would be accomplished there- . ' ?.P!iirU "T n7iT anUgpranAmericaucltlaenf Un- by? It would giro Black soma notori-.i.a'- Wiii clear Hb 'dea; i4 1- " ' ' r? T111 the fettered and onalded,telytagtorK)n Mm. ety-dwrtb., Abi wky, rbapa, -r lit" ri!"holdel SIIS cir ha advanced atepfcy .step from WhlTtbbV dlSualX fjldflr, LwlM , , - Opoe ni begin to s raenty the lowest sUtion in life, to the Ughest man and deroted patrkit, JeflV Davis. Um J?C baliireod JrOaAUlo ! dawnrngor-r our; land,- The shriek Of nmA s the ff!ft of the American nennl.: .,.l. w-j ..I rTT. ihyS'i-'' .l Ik. nf ,. .la.rt.1 .. ..7 . ' ::.iT. . . --- i -r - j... j . M-- viucaciiB, invwu, avai. . I AI .Ul. WM V. Hiaiur I llllf UUr 1UTDT1UI BMUftr JM 1 fa via r IMI Louia, diioago, Aa. will rjaatbrough dear old Nortb Oavlina Not only will - A Ml ureenaooro rWll Lsl KoVj 17. I tha aimud ataiJnn on Mia Ttlank ha hana. taya: "We bad tbe pleasure of a cnQ last I Btediby tlua grand and ooaaummato ar- Saturday ftom Mr. R. W. 1W t-l. I rangemani of our legiaiatare, but it wdi -Ina- a .i ' .a bo a aouwe of ImrnenM 1 wealth to our , "i l T . yi xne I Mtiy rtate, ' God bleaa old North Oar- . Jtaleigh Seubuel, which la acLWing a I olina, may aba in one hand hold wealth wide reputaUon under to management I power and rtcnea, and in the other. of ColoneTDonan, one tt e readiest and "J"" P ""W'i'BV UOSt brilliant kvitan In '.! H I 111 " ' , - ,,rZ Dr. Bull's CWrb Svmn has U. Ka Law A Or, ' the erockery men, are I fore tbe pnblie 1 ot reara. and ia nro- poahtog their burfneea. They offer' nouficed by , tbouaanda anperior to all ,good articlea at reaaonable prioee, and other artielea for tbe cure of Congha, are rapidly gaining friend in our city Coble, Influenza and all Pulmonary B All ,1 .... . r mgmicgTiiy, uauuuess courage, ana i rneud la too sound ana sensible a paper j persevering irocarcni jy uie cxer I not to ace wiicre iu adrico would load ia ortneeo pnncipio, it m in iiitpow-1 to. er or any poor ana irteoaieaa boy to I . . In . i. . . J ...... I. . I T .will mi. wiu, gmuu rcuiw a ue rhiib uccea i auainabia in tn commercial I r. i world a to the political, aa- ta ' pro r en FEoixrificEr CKI. Te all who are 'raftering from' tbe errors I Coffee,, prime Rio, 3321, Ej&a. 20a2Z Buitor,! N CS04S5 j N V,40a50. :s:ui BewajjaaJ.B Miiii Mi f dreessed prune, 8all. ' i a-mw Heary copper, per pound, 10c light nr W )i.h lgoV -l i In the case of Dr Tuu'a Standardprcp- arauon. ue. couscious oi weir raiue. i i -- . . -.. ... - . " a aa .a .a . - j. m i i ar mil. avi. it labored Mtientlr.' and to oaf nomedi-l ''wwwoijouiB,BMTrosweaa;nes,i .ui ot -'LZZ ta . t:tr p etna baa taken . Irnt a public eatimatioH a his Liver Pll la. rrtmmnn (Ho holt cn! the I earl decay, loss of aansaod.aVIwiUsend I t..n 'a TI rt -- i Su1 kiM (. r - " I -'jaB W M WW - - av al.. at.. A - f.k. KA . I - MVIIaaVajBy VUUf UV' iVt la mnlna ik.t lll ..... vow Vvte I UA aaau J nha- ULi !..- '..I,'.', u a I hey stand on tha dopmeat round or Uie r ' -pj - " o0jt.varaKaia avt - healing lmWer;" ' ,i;iuri CtMMaVTMaiayM 5TAS7,a,' h- " :"J'?H!,'ivi kS 'inlanJ'iOiUa JTilliV lhiOir, lljkl r''i1 : T mmimrm sAnowt.vlffa dial flifl Stll-addreaj-d ehrelopeto the Her.' ImferW tiiTar. A lllall . . . , cclltf made are tbo Ehnwood and War-1 t.Xuvkii' tlotA 'J, "IWi fbtirXt Tpi " ' extra C. ll.,'' i -J i .M I CLATFJ jrrsTrtr.rKIVID, CHEAr Ab w1c4ayon.bavo.sotixM.tb ' - -UOOO. B - cow.1, : ' " I norlSdcodAaOia " 'i.'ti I .Bntaa. twr Dound. 10c." 4 a4'k-''"'? r"JJ.,''ifttf "t ;'" LiR ANSOJf.r ; QOMOitrnoa cvrro, imU : T the Mltor f ItirriawL, aWavaMd Frwadf WU1 roa nlcaaa iutm m oar malnr. AAstibsTeapuaitwa "...iT and tsasVby Its al 'Ui; aiy raeUra, Ajar' cnrai.baadrada of, iam,aad wui rive. , t, . .'H'''r''gir'!iaitfA) ...'1. L ... .1 ...... . i-r'.' lora raae win TO DCBeav. ' laaee. so twoaaas m; fartb; I wU asad aasajptfraa. ayuw BamaawsaauMjii -.J uiw . I'leaM show tbts Isiter ta aa oaa vus aaas aow .WboJa saffering from tbea dlaeaaat. mil u uui ia' es . ar aval u : n m w w asniiBi. . . . J ' - i J - 0 TTrW!ts. il- '" ' WILLIAM HTNT. Yl ii ' . inwiiMia .luun'ii ewjj ii JiT.-hi.'i l.-a cNn LMr.d i No use to Older Irtan sbroadV waea yaweisj tthVJl'"" 3w" Ili t ri4hr'iiitMj aTsValaiaHiirlr iiaU Wt(' v . J.iu, ,,ii,f, ,vi.r-.r.a Sv, fiEdlMmD HSU, Mil oi iiir'it 3ii l.HIi i.(j , U!U .ifii.'br J !l f'tiutiiiviwiiiil Mtuhat.m Anvumi t'l fdUiia. ii'i 1 TVNf,itiii vdr.V From J1A. ioNKfl 'by the'd, W .ii il -Ji ill. Jji.U SUlL.iithrj. 4'bitJ it u f jf UifcUrjiS'a.i "-l)'tJr(lf- M.f iiJiVl rf'W,wii.i as law as it a HI eeat you by i tba Ca Lead fr4lga'-a1deArt -?SA- Vt. .kl .wis .rfriirt'i; Jivvafrq T it .rj fI ii tl.fti i Lfi dAaA?: lui ! . -. . . -'n dei:rijrcdlvt'''s '5I, t ar wh;i .i iii;S ru,ti iMii.j . rlne wo ....... 7 iu " I'ini:ti.l.s . rwrxr I ' 1 ti!:.: ' ,;.. f;.K . ,.iw,',,w 11 t V r i; 1 1 I?