TUB BALEIGU fiENTINEl CVSTITUTIOirAL AMEXP- The; delegate )flrriin Orange, , Ir, " f urner, bat furniaued ns tbt following rynopsls of the !3S; proposed amend menu to the conatitution r 1st Amendment r That aection 4, of irtlcle 0. be stricken oat and two new sections I substituted, Theectiou to beaUwkeu out la In regard to landa jlvcn to the aUte by congress and the ppropnuuon oi nnes, penalties, etc. The , action (to be substitute! glvea all lauJa si" trToceeds of lands, given by the Unitea Statu to the state, to educational purposes J and alt a warn p landa, fines Jfcc, are to be Dud. iv pur poses. 01 tMiucauon. i v,i.a ,:? h tad Amendmentatrikeaeataaetion 17. article 8, and substitutes a aectloa pre vUltng for the estauiiaument or a bu reau uf agriuulUire,lmiultrrallon an J tta tUt'ics, and the protection of sheep hinrjaudrv. ?" f ''f"v 1 3d Amendment add to section 25, Of article 1, that "secret political societies are dangerous to tlie liberties of a free people and ahould not be tolerated." tth Amends section 10, article 3, by providing that the governor, with the adviceof the senate, ahall appoint all of&oem whose, appointmenta axe not otherwise provided for. ' " r V" ' 6th Abrogates and amend aection 15. 16 and 17, of article 4, and allows the general assembly to allot and distribute all jiuUcuU power among ine a counties ezoept that of the anrpreme court, which ia fixed by the eonstitutiun itself. .. Gth Strikes oat sections 1 and J, of article 13, and forbida ealling a convex. tion without flrat consulting the people atthepullAr ffi HimiU H 7th Svridea; ik animating f the amendment ' to the outostitution to (tie people, at the tl polls, Tuesday afu-r the lnt Monday in November, 187(1 The smendniants will be ratified or re- kwtedtoswUuw. .,. 8th Provides for publishing the ordi nance for the inforntsuonoltue people. 'Mix Beqnirea the judge to reside in the district for which be is elected. and forbida bis holding court ia the aazne county mora than onos in four Team. , .... , 10th Bedoocs the number of Judges from 12 to 9, and authorise! the kgiala tnreto increase or diminish the number. 11th Provides for the satembling of the legislature in January instead of November. 12th Hits civil rights on the bead by forbidding .white , and black children going to Ue same school, and providing that no discrimination ahall be made to the prejudice of either race. 13th Fixes the pay of members of the general assembly at $1 a day and 10 cents mileage, and limits the session to 60 days. If the session ia prolonged beyond 60 dare, members receive no pay. 14th Provides that the term of office for acnatora and members of the legis lature ahall begin at the time of their election. 1 . , . 15 th, That aection 29. of article 2, Ia amended to allow the general assembly to t-liange the time of holding clectloua for the general assembly. 1 0th Strikes from the constitution eo tion 4, of article ft, which ia the old re jmblican gerrymander of the senatorial districta in 108. 17th Ecducea the number of supreme judges from five to three, as our lathers had it. -'- 18th Declares the Judicial power shall be vested in a court for the trial oi impeachments, a supreme court, su perior courts,' courts of justice of the peace, and such others inferior to the supreme court a may be established by !aw. v t '-,r- . ft ' " - 19th Establishes the supreme court in ltaleigh, until, otherwise provided by the general assembly. M. . . w 20th Strikes section 8 article 2, from the conttituUon. 'This section was the old republican gerrymander- of tha use of .representative, ; and the , eoplc can do without It. . 21st Forbida vacating any office' or term of office now existing under the constitution. 22ud Provides for the election of Judges of the supreme court aud supe rior court, by general ticket, or vote of all the people hut allow the general assembly to change the mode of elect ing fuperior court Judge from general ticket to district election ".; " 23d ltequires 12 rooDlhs' roidence in the alate, and SW day in tha county, before a man can vote, and excludes felons and ex-peniteutiary convicts from holding office or voting unul re stored to ctiisenihip by due woces of law r There was two days' debate o thia ordinance, Messrs. Dotkery, All)rtoon .and Diixton, with all the negro (e)egateit.fi H king against tt and declaring It wu aimed at the negro. 24th Provide for the removal by the legislature of auy Judge of the aurierior court, for mental or tihvslcal disability. It also provide for tlie removal of clerk of the supreme and euperior couru by the Judge of the court for tlie me reason. Appeal la cate of removal la allowed as in otutr cases or auiu. .-. ,. . ,v. ,. lth Prorules tliat article 7 of the con stitution be amended by adding that the general assembly shall bare power to modify, change or abrogate any and all of the provisions of the article, and sub stitute others in their place, except seo tkmr 7,9endl3. This allows the legisla. tare to appoint magistrate as under the old eonstitutioni.'i v. r.r.m itr 20th Gives jurisdiction to Juauces of the peace over civd action founded on contract, when the earn does not exceed t-200 f and allows the histieee to call ia a jury of six men is certain cases. : t . f 2iHh Authorizes the employment of convict on pnblio work ana Highways, 28th Adds the following new aection tt article 4 : "Ia cane the general as sembly shall " eatabliith other iuferior courts, the preaiding officers and clerks thereof ahall be elected in such, manner sS the general assembly may prescribe. " 21tth Forbids marriage between white and black and all persons of negro de scent to the third generation, , v . , ' 80th' Adds to article 1, section ' 24: "jnouunjr bemn eontumed shall justify the praetios of t carrying couoealed weapons or prevent the legiidature from naoting penal ' statutes against said actioe. , ..;;.'. w,":-,.- Slut Abolishes aection SI - f artif 1 4 &d provides for filling all vacancies in J oflloei provided 'for fry thiA article by tlie governor not otherwise provi Jod for. 82d Provide for payina; oiBoeraand members of tli coaveiiiioi. , :. , " 83d Oives power to tba snpreme court to try issues and! questious of fact as under the old constitution, t Oohbtitutional" 'conventi m vr w .- JiOKTU CAUOUMA 0 1875, Complrt In rhotographle group by J. W, In The oul aomDlals eonr IbUdm and will bt sold at a modert pries. Call Wstaoa'i uallery, JUlolga, M, V. ;. c,.,r -4-1. aMi w 1 -ipt-i VITI3IJUI.lbbKl9 I AXK IUZAI0CSa,..lU0UAll f " TOUKO'I BIBELLI0U8 Vntt -' t"Th enlr eompeta Expose of all the 8ecrott of Brlffhani's Uaiwm ever Written Bora la IforsKwItm. Aaa Elba now expose to the world, a so other woman can the aaents, mvstwtts sad erbass oi the sorrlUe snttaot jMynmy, from the vary begin ning, ineeny aw luuMianoos neauiuy rie 'Work. It Is Uw asst seUInf sook pablirted. lO.UUU nors me and wonca eas savs eav- I'oiment sad asks from Hlonv daur. Ail iva Arrata ara ritlnc for Ulnatratad Ltmt- ian ana utrmTarsM. seat rrea. vo not delay, bat addms Dcstis, Uilmaw sj Co., Hartard, Ct. Chlcsgav UL, or CmclaoaU, Ubla. 4w. A UENT8I HO ELKUANT O1LCHK0MO4 id moneted, use vxll, lor U Moveliie sad ChroraosissverydeaeripUoa. MatiomsIi uuauao, vu, raiia., ra.iv.. gOUimCBX POUCT-HOLDIB. ia hsnrasea Joaiasl devoted to tha Inter. est ot Polley-holdera. Cuntain all the m- aaraace llteratart of in day. Only Ininr aan Pper ia North Carolina. Treal of both uu ana its intunuice, expoains wu eompaalee and eommeadlnr tha atroas to u people of North Carolina, U paper forthoM tatemted hi iMuranc 7 i ; SubocrtpUon ts.00 In advance. ldvertla bum maerteu at reaaosaw rate. Address, ' ' ' "T". ' W0I.0.HUT8OW, Editor and Proprietor, , Ualeigh, V. wptt4f ktiLvniat Caarsa, Aaaaaos U Ciams. ATTORMKYb at law, r AsBSvxLLa.il. a 1 fne-kce tefoasprsBM Cowt at Bal bk. tea ' tee But sad federal Cosrta sf Was. wra mu VHVurn , ...(,.. i khas aoll.ewd oa aav eoevtv el ta uta ,. , ., . : , E. B. ST a M r a, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bauneat, N. C ' rrtctire la lis SUta aad Federal Coarta. CallwUmsaadata anv Dart of ttorthCa. Mill a- ,. -v.;-'.' Eureka Washing Ma- chine; falteites 0tL It, 1874. Tk new uivBUoa is a aoBplsts m at vaijiJilnjj troaj a lady's laos Collar ' ; terffie. f tb stoat thoroerh aad 'V" -v). ( - ,lr- anW. 11 "' !,;'..'" ' -" '. rt a lt rasr and laphutjf and Wtthoat JV)f til Clu h .IMI SVU MOMT SAVK0.M' . . T tw i a by a womaa Is ' oae dar it br d.er ike paRantsd tanks In ta rBoera. ': '" " L ' :', "" Prle gia, anh wilrrera.Uchadm ' i. B. f AkBAK, :- ' Muia factum and rimte, Ory, 8. O. AXK8I TAXE8II iTha ondaralgned takes thia method of anla aotUylng all persons owing taxes for the war to eoata forward and tettla tha aaaia, or be will ba com palled to enforce the parment thereof by sal of the property. .Merchants are especially notified to pay taeir parcaua usee, under like penalty la cbmoi failure. eeta0-8w . n ,t B.JL PCHW, Sheriff. E St OTJXAOK BUM! AAlSJU'siaa, rug CASOLUTA HOUSEHOLD MAO A Illustrate ' Xoathlv ot Ckoke Uter ta, b ablitBad ssosttirat eouwBORO, k. a Ii - e rwentifmiU illaa'raUd atspesitefT of Utta Mas f is beeuSBS the Wrest hmtd a to a mr of the ctoatat saora itiMrKBH taratead a-uk the saopWLa tear' uoavauc uia mas sv e. Ss S r tt- th eeeavr. aad for the saaa tMira, tivm Mure ataadlac, Me adTastass ettac ed ehirk tarr talent or capital eas ttt eeaaaaaa ta twadar each lasae aa arras a tad taalra. tiva connadlain of eholee at Vf pnpsiar rawi both boaM mf aaoad , i (ttrMrwv i c tare, tbs aanarv na).-t ulsa s nislk portcalt of Kx m a . var, B'a Diograpnwai saewa, tt''s'er'erir' asaibat h pheta ! h .. ..is. r rtjasuMal atatsaaass, divines S1T WW A TKAK, rOBtBK FrSS, ' a. aeb aM!rttMie ess maka S choice ot t m i- or' hraual, larre Ensravl' ra, sua fi a, baa. vlai "lbs rinduur of , V e ti . Bi4e,V "The Madonna," 4 ! Kit 1 U ar Defying;, the Storm," for w taetiM uf uta aabaertpuoa pnea. be svvitn Is worth doable kf i-rta-. 'i t fr tha Maraslne. Any eas Mint- e!ab a- Iva will reeatv aa extra M. rlfUvi I a a rgi copies sv esnis. NX uiot.Ua suliH.-ipttoi wilboat tae mm. mm si. at gisbi Wanted Everywhere, ''4'r WiKTTZ Kbltober, Jas sva oldoro X. O. GrliTO rFEBI vrat ',; l.i-.f ; i.i:'a t(. s.-V Horace Waters A Pod. 481 Broadway, N. ill- ul,ixac mtv Orient a aaa tmeiia a Irt (Uxiikini, "stlodirr Watera, at ex In airly low priera for earh, darinf thia uBla. r irt . eaan, aaa Datanaa is aaiau scaiblj ixivrntv. Tit km to Mil " vva ttnf hew rrak fUco ar the beat nude. .It tmicb tlkst e, aud a flno sintlnf tons, xnerin,. iintv and eiaa. Waters' Concerto UfBba abut n axcclkdla ton or baantv; u) drf) i ant:iioa. . The CoaearW atop a Btw in.U'MH oi ine nnman imcm. iKeais waai t llbaral diacoaat to teaca a. - tow r . rsrra. aesooia, irajre. eve rede: "o nvMtta lotba trad a, lUnatrated atk. w BVihd ' ',;;.'....: r..-"- !i'a f . a a ;V .f f 7 "M tULCQB, If. a t, ..... . -l peetsJ atUntloa glvea to Saving of Borne ti ad a, la vltw of the late dedrna af tae Sa me Coin of tha Vailed BUI s en toe ao sI s-daww.- .t'e : f rs. n ', ; ' 1 17th Edition. ... - ( PRACTICAL OBStoVATIOXU,, 'h : :iioti IZEIllil.' : , .' ..: i-'., Aum a , :'V. I : ' tnysicAt KiHAUSTioXt . ' r . . ff- L.k t MA -A . 9 l , IV WUICB wug , .. .. ' Alt' XSSAY Olf MABJUAGE, With Iraportant eaaptera ea ' Disorders of las Ke product! re Oraaa, Being a syaopsls of i :':; y'WttVH or amatomt;.1 BtrBBirers rUhter tba etty, aheald sot fall worn uiw rraat ouuacuoB, paiag tas largest la the world. -. . iM,w; 807 CaasTstrf .. omsrra CosTrsxarraL l tioTst, raiLansLrauu. - Copies of lectures sent oa receipt of 18 cents. 'm, lm rujMn riuadeiplua, BOIS-COTTOMOINS. One BO and at AD Raw nf flM N1trir Pant Rib Uin In Store, and wul be sold at reduced nriea. Tha ara laid trt elnn battar. (ria faster and last longer than any ether gin , daassFSM vasej antr nnw sTarvaruu Uavssu AaiB JAMES M. TOwXES. AlraA Hsi til l.a. J V.Si "" " aspt 18to if t a t i Agent, fOOTICB. . . Tae cttv uraiDBMS reiatincte Hon mine . . , r.. . ... " . - " . twnra wui o sniurceu iroas aaa artar eaiur- eayaeps. liu, awt. '.'-- ' .... 1 w.ua septMt ".T" AetgCTilefPouce. 0 H i) I X A N G S I ORDINANCE 8 ! ! ORDINANGflSt ! or THR CONVBN TIftN ! --. . -- '"IMdUnmBt INVENTION!! "it CONVENTION !! 'i t THIS' OFFICM. ti t tr Single Copies ! -it 10 eta. tier hundred t 4.00 Per Uiooaand 35.001 Bend in your order at once. ! Address? SENTINEL, ' 1 , Baldgn,ir.a u it . it ' aa t n v a u a i n tat w . n r f a rt a ATTOBMET AT UW, ' v Room Bo. 1 rirrt Tloor, Law Budding, rayetteniis Btreet, RALEIQH. N. C. Attends sli tha Coarta ta Rama and rav- ettevllle. . Claims collected ia all parts of N. a Kefers to Hon. B. M. Pearsoe, Chief J Ba ilee or 0. c; Hon. at. w. KaBeom, v. B. Senator Cltlzena Xat Bank. W. Ui B. K Tucker, Wtlliama Haywood, Raleigh: rarettevill Mat. a s, BtercnaaU' i t of Pavettevtlle: Bank ef New Hanover. WU mtnrton, M. u I Morton, auaa m Co., nelna Uodir!Ca. H. ILTburterA Co- U. k CUnin A Co., M. T.I Laadreth Cow, PlUla.; U. W. USU AX, Bait. Be haa formed a eonnectloa wfth Meaara, Mo ae A Broadfoot of FavettevUle, N.C, with r fereaee only to Ma future bnalnras at that point AU eommunfc-stlona addreaaedto it . Ulnadale. care of McRae t Bros foot. FavettevUle, M. C, wUl reed re prompt at teuuoo. : -rRAN80H RORTHCAROLwil Aimsnse's for 197U wl 1 aoos be ready. uruer woat jot want, and 1 wui save your imprint pat on them. If a many as 900 wtth oat extra char. Thia la much the cheap est M. C Almanac published and a accural as any otnsr. -" - - - l. DUnBU.il Hooaaeiier. a W. Jonas, ' : AaaiTBaS)JSas, ltrerya t tar, 'I'. BALOU,H.tt Wj. PBACTIOB rs th SapraaM Oewrt ef the euta. the Circuit sod District Cesrts ef Uaitsd Htetaa and the sararal Courts of tus Sth Jadicial DUtrict. t)fflea on astavilis at; optealt lb Unm waeneal nans. up staara " - raw a,w , i DIMNIS0 rATEUT BHirriMO TAOs. . 11 ltrrer iwe aBnorse aiiiuoas aara ly yoeas eaad wUlds th part 10 years, wiUtoBt eoapialBt ef lea bi Tae beeosuss detached. Taar aaa aoaa aauaai.s roa aiaaaiae Correa Batea as asv Tae I Sob, All Express Com oaia of rnaiars aae IB. F',UIt0 0F KOBrH CAROUVA, JOIIN80N, 8UTT0X CO. I kDZ17 dOODO, Ko. S90 Baltimore aaj 1 Korta Liberty Bit. T. W. Josssos, .J.E.B.CsaBaa.1 a. M. BVTTOB, , ,U J. Juaasoa. sj ii -am , $32ws llALTHIOBE. ISSP.174B - OMfi YE DUSCOXtjOLATKl - ( . ..... . ! Mas ta search of riRST-CLASS GOODS. the very Latest Tip of Fashioa, sad pntap lasatjristaa wiu suit us moat xaatuuou I tsaie,gote -: t.t WBIKEV9 ESTABLISHMENT, I on Tayetterme Street, one door Sooth of th I rjotttaers axpraa umce. , , . : . ; . It !b a Conceded Fact that Walks! ran pst wp the best and moat sausTsetorv ub m tne war x sne sens at raaiJa old and voans: men aav It. the ladies (God bless them) endone tt and tae children ery I ammm M mrm In n whaa lhllrMM Mdada' I not on a salt bf Wefkel'a clothlnr. WeUtel takes thia occasion to rrtara hb tBaake for the larre and liberal pexrrauun heretofore iwcelved, and retpeetfullr ask for I la continuance of the same. Hit ateck of I-.-.- CLOTHS, . " VASSUIEIIUS, TWEKDS. i ,.4 . - &UIT1NG3. i-e. I mnch Isnrrr than ever before, and eon I pnaea an tbs Latest novelties ta Btv havipg bees recentlj purchased at low 1 WW .1 r AsmoN headquaeters. ' A steal hi foree ef Workmen ara Pleked Men, whose eklll aad sbiltty are known to the tirsaunr" DUDiie. . v fnm. im. and all fyi i thji famKun A I Fashloa, aaikel'a,ths Merehtnt TaUor, for a arst class Ban of Uotbes, OI Srst rai sti a rod, put an xs arst class tyie. .j , w (i) f Oa Thursdav the tSth dsv of lfovembsr. I W I wUl aeU at Public Aactioa UXW Aerie of Land la tracts of 50 and 100 Acres.' This land Ilea within a few hundred lyard of Oafrood, a growteg tows on the Baletgh A Aairntta Alr-Lmb Railroad and hasoa H ite orlKtoat growth Saw MUI timber es the same la excepted.' Bale will take place ta umrooa si 1 1 o ciocb b. m. Tbbms: Half Caah. Dalanoe B and 0 montba urn. 'zrz'TZZi 'jr.LLj . ri-iwv aicv. uunuiux c? M P L'K T X .1 IOCK W. H. A R. B Tucker have now eomnleted weir parcBBsos ia au eepanmenu oi tae OB Y GOODS LINK, Tkt only eutirtt Kern Fait Stock ta lJU i vug or Kaivgh, navlng closed ut i their old business last winter. NEW DRESS GOODS. v New Shades and Colors,! h ' wrai nuaillT, V I Lowest lTk.ea, Camels Hair, uaanmere, au wool terge, XlJlagonaU, 1'lalda. ' Jl'lk and Col red Silks and the boat Black Alpacas. t nemarmauie osrgaina u uoeaeaeepiBg Mrs booth axj) suets. ' ' Carietlnga ot all make and colors, t DIOrSSi HOS1KHT, Am., 4. ' 1 ranks and YaUsee, sad a eoaaplete stock of men'a wear. Attentloa of at ran reel and aheleaala daaL, era la invited. . . 1 net T-tf w: IL A E. a TtCIIR. UUSt BOOKSL'ST RECTmED AT A . - .. . L IJttA.VSU.N'U au ITT a er (t 1 . u ana t) ' fsd ''a..A 1 l?BBttaes9Slt . I -i- ; T' ?epaaMws,.t ae..temaiasnie,w, w,aii I ' PaSCaulotnaarwbraraal. We eia4 Blelfihi H- CV SENT 1 V t, t'Vi; t f fJ i.v tl ! itiK" i'f '.. l.aU,KUMttri .! I. . is M- 'r.ar Tnn fnnmnn JUDfUlTM. lot 'j ill t -ti SJORvW.ORR !' -:: 'I. ...ia . a a . 1 Divine rsfittdd onr ' Job Office, And secured tha gerrlccr f - mm b W art now twwpared to execut tU kind, of :; j seseint UAlaV m aUAIW . . All persohj hawing Bill Heads, s' " 1 Letter H-ade, fiUaHks CUtitx, (" ' Tiatting Oarda Wedding ' Card. Oireolsr. . , Poster, I ! o print, will hare their work ex leentod in the TtTJ beet stjle i . i. .. iding tt to tha Qontinol Qffico.l J et S ',, t i t ara also prepared do all kinds o . ,!.IV J- t I i.l Iv Book :Wbrk ...!! In the very best style, at ki.i 4 iviV .. - ji,-.. AU work sent te ui wOl be done M fjuicklt and cheaply as at any 1, I , , J "J! . ' t . 1 A it- . " I i FBIHTINa E0UBK IN THE lf.ai.BOTJTH i-ii ' irh'.'l'ifll'.;' H tBAUtem PATENT fnTAKPTOW RArKfl t. buiblissad BMrathsaatnirdof a Cestary, 4 REDUCED Uf PRICE v Also two handred tecond-hnd Bates lot sis sttarj low prices. Inland' ' KB Sit D WW WWU ffV BUV4UA1 Ui, UULWS. f f '1 -' r i ' '-n ? "Bwwia.jsatiohand of thlaJnaUfi. fiERRLXQ dk 0d- ' - i fclebrBta4 Al.bama fiia. TbS tsstuaoay s v. .. , , . . ?,-,.., . snaaiAtoa that they ttis faster sadaukesl t5t BwAnwAVlH a A., .i . A - f i vuicaj a BunraaDOTB aarwurowaaa.1 , f J ohiistOa'iries J. RALEIGH, N. vV ' t rraetleea la all the Mate Courts. ' Bapreist attenuoa elves law nattsrsl sos saeled with recent Stat LafrtalaUoa, ., ,..rll , X. ....',.'' . f rt FBUYIT ON, 1100. Invested la 1 ZUUBtockPriTileirealnVlaU aUreat. dnu.ll I Book aad circulars telltnir, "Mow 'Usdoea,' east free. Address 'AXTEB A Cv hunk era, Wall Bt, New Tors. - A ;.j . 4w, JOilH KMSTBOMt), (jk'm B O O B O I;H V I K ..a. ; k '. AMD' ' jV-4... :: BLANK BOOK KANUlUCTUUXil, 't,' "-r0VB, .'xWaaTOBaj '" Qto. a. pEmci tt oa' tuiir ft'; Kelodeont Tb Oldest, Larireat and If oat Psrfset ataaa. UWEMHJ US Hta VB1MBB WHII I . t Be other Mseca! isstrsmast ever ei - the same ropslsmr. Bar seas lor rnes usie. Aedrass aov ll-tf , , , pifTEB'S WBTTB FR0KT. Ta cntMcnbar hereby gives seuee to u I old trtends and customart tliat th . . ' T -t a VTbito Front roetlnnes to offer Its asnal attraetloaa, stak Inr it tba swat popular resort ta the ejtyof Baletgh. - . H tbsuxbtkh BKASoa Hjat epaaes. Ovstars Witt be aerved ka all atrlos and at" all fionrs. AU other aeUeacU Of the aeaaoe wm be faralshed. - - Thabeatef I.IOnOM and WTVCS and I tavm Baaa, ' . mir,t Call at the WTilte Front ' ' ' cpt7-tf ' w. K. raTrXB.' a r. boobs ,, waAiua 0O&B A QATLHrtV ' " a t t ty n n at x srivt ; z. vir,. J a4i Itrt aad radaral Coarta aad tha Comrts M SMisiaeaistadaaielBlMatrMts, ..-.-...(, aevaVtf ' . I is REAL ESTATE '14, Bureani YARBOROUOn 2XOU8X. A U KIVDS Or rROPEBTT BOU0BT and aoi oa uomnuaaios by .)...,. ti fabW-tf B, sUHGBXAjrD. pLAJD PAPEBB. VARIETY. Of STILES, i A., ta very uueat lust to aano.' - 1 . .... . ' - L. BsUKSOH, .. - .. eotaO-tf a... . - Bookaeller steUoeer. : VT ORTIT CAROLINA ALMANACS AT LLt SS.OU per huadred a oet87-U L BEANBOW'S, I MPORTAST TO MILL OWBEEB. J. A. fflcHannem's Celebrate) IM PROVED SMUT AND SCREJENIKO Three thouand firs bnndred of the . Htchines r now tanning U K Ct aadj the adjoining Bute aad after a TaiaTf. I saaa l ssr is pronounced by tb best mill wrlght and millers la the Btsts to -be rrtor to any that ba bsea yeti offered to the pnblie, a I am being saJs represented by parties eBerisg Machlaes lb rmitattos ot mine, I now offer tbem' aid of the very beit materia! aad war ranted fur Are tiara for $71 M ) : rr tne u'.xt twelve months pertce wiahing to perchta msoblrjas or isasw :! old ones will find it.' to their interest in every ease to sddret me before they pur. . chase elsewhere. I challeoge all other eiacuin, especially the Enrcka. inim a w.uitraaw Mviui a. twauinaii) ..1 wiarMtf Durham, If. GL', NOW 13 THE TIME TO . BUV T0CU W1IOOL BOOKS aSB Branson's I .Hi lit the Dlaea va Can btrv as enean aa at anv other store in the dty-eaU aad see saessv for purchasing elsewnere. .-..- -.. L. BRANSON. BeokaeTler. ' ' sept 7-tf v ( , .Balslga, W. C. THX BEST LIQUORS. 11 ,4-.vzm I nave and will keen a fall inrmlv of liar ' teU'a Imported French Brandy, Barney Jones' Pine Apple Braadv.Joe Hunter's Braadv.Oid Cabinet im, Stan MuunUin Dew, Pins Ap piei . aaa, ,atoeeagaaew sty w a tut er; .Na than Bros., pars out wheat Whiskey Joreira -tad Natl re Wines, Rum. din, Bchaoappa,Ula ger Brandy, and pars . GL Cora W hiskeya. at j liquors are au pure, ana seagntoitne first class dealers. . . . i. B.B PERRT. sag Slm ' North ot Market v I jSXKCTBOABDUJQa DAT8CHO0U triTTBBnjrit v ff Tlta IhlrtajUiIrd uul. o k. Uliu.1C.li I di alias Koiiock's School WIS opea oa Friday, ' Md j uly. CtreaiBia asnt oaapphaetloa. j m July ieatawua ... ,,,- fc, vtii.uli j t'ACTOBT r.'.tri,, !,- BANDS WAKT1D. . .QASTONIA COTTON 1IILL&1 ! Tbla Factory Is new completed and pre' red to rive SmDlovment to a lam anrnh Of Men Women andchildrea a'.'t in ;a 8PLNNERS, KEELEK8 AND WARPERS etpeclallv desired. ! ' 0oo4 wsire 'sriTeny Familiea will be fnrntahed with rood bunaaa. ale boanMnr honaes tor those dealrina; board.' Locality healthy, water excellent. 1 Weed abundant and free of charge. This Factory It sHoated on the South Fork River. ' , cviminwu, i hi jut.; iTTjm nreTaru a Duuion, tl C Bi B., Oaatonla Station, K d. A. Air Une Rv R. and Dsllss C, IL - , , , rait let desiring employment wvH address ; tK MOORE, " ' 1 Gaston La. Oaatoa rnnntv N. P ' oct 371m ' "- d AJtid BU TOWLES, (' IWlWWCOTTOMeill. . ---1 L ' - A .TV'.TJ-it rj I w J as B-BBwa- eaasaa ai aaa n Lvn w v M.Ta- i - jajlbs at. ruaTLCa: septavtf iv - Aceai,

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