TI1H lULEIGIl sexoteju ipAJLT, UrttlLT ASD iMI-WMKlT 'K - v -1 r - - . - f - - r ,.0'J ,i .AJT-JiaUiuT-illtUlMArir Bairrmi. at thrTotlowt ratoe ia sqnam td i ona laaheraaaiiaMoa liaas ia ntull y)"Z"3 : 0ae-jMs-e a-a-se . gLOO A ,UA STATE PRINTING BINDINC 4 "m;m ESTABLISHMENT. Yivivtiu'insim 1 -Waalt ................. .....0 , bi.V 4 4M(dir Month , avritvi fwtwr- 4r HV -w yrllll- ' A' Mi I-l la mm I w CI r T I "TTSJ ittrt jitiil 4'f I I; till 14 pit SMtt Pits, ill ye kteAraa co..,,w4.aAes wi e woUm hi aalrsace.. .... 4 08 w,tif - ......;!. te -(- th-Mi-af .l....-ae0 Ika (ii I lttnMn a 4H-arad 4a twMWataaCttya.rirte0-aai A VMk. lea rs&niXR WOtXEiTEIiSlIDlE 8AUCK. .' pi M!iMi VL L V. JXatnjftivy, president of she Atiaotie A Korth Carolina Mflimd, Jstg Bond arrirsJ )aterdj after SMaa, K tticnj w bis Cntla oths Warts f the 1. a. ctreuit carat, mw la TMr I toA beneath tMAy V ktiange fatt.td 1 1 t the j 0lWraCi5 At tbt in0" f SuUkjrciUzent, w J lutv aaitwduuod oar Cm "Diamoho IHi 30 ijrm iijir UdGui .ew'ia -. Ptfca 40 rente, law A Oa.' Few high ptkM tarry -roar tofaaeaoto ft Durban war-hot. Beaaal is . . . , K; ...... , aaj Ala MWkaVI Sd fancy Mt fancy wis whaa sold A far Jt aaaabe af delegate jto tilt caadVmtLS r f the Method. Protestant ank, Hii Shi liuii v i$j)el, svani rm&y passe J throogh the ray tus aMOu(. 1 . . .,. ... a. C VeBm, af Fay-ti-ill. 'one of aWttliHrffha)ieatirftiri aWaWfaWiMnUaW M IMW aa M tatrTTnl imptvV-fflellt,' fa fcl thaaaty to ftmllin apoa UmC.& Ms-felt, a-varf ",' tfuwam A, U taafan CXJC, ftlta luaaala flal anlaaV a baaWtiful jaaaiii OITaiy jlal ffaafaaal alal paalltfl. Crmtiui.TU fasml (C UmIIuU Km lk A. 12tkfaA ttiiei U IX IUIUla mSt Ula piaOa " fxOOl tla ataatofe T aW Oaa) J KbpaMr laMafcttOW (TVaaaJ at S aa. tW MaaVbol aabHaatta4taatteai j J akrU) Ut & aihias IS wd costt." Wall Taj W, Mat Vkt, OT j Jbnw 4 Tartar, rfUt.!r m4 JIUo aaa aaKft '' aaaWal a : 'fir ti-m. ait'. ' Vmtmmtt 1 cm 1 uv 8t I IWiall ai kaa Wtivmitjr pvUlnafd IIIKilAlf. . V. ItalMMkbmiM k Wm X. ILlaa,lLa fOBMB, Jg Wafcfaf ttal kXWuf frm Koelf lakaM taaattf J. TaM 5HL UtKkJ faW.'haw4 a Lft. till ; t'KAJ, 4 U a Xrm riAflW ntif 4 If cvia f ravqUv Mtn-eoiTu r-ataM.laM KiC at Bttod aaWif.laTilSiML F. LafiUt, 0 8m Hrw-TJy Caiaa Latg BimVa, UK 0M7 Oriaaaa; fcCffM; ftMat Ttaytii Ml3VaM fc- Awt-4 kaa anr nmtkm bj Sbariff L3. af Cm aaty. fBM tlwito, f Ctaliilwliiwaty. atewa) 10fn,aad IS anaa ul I aaunfaal A aClalta-- ; ". '. ,. rffl A S AinM---T1 "l-kl W9iariaSdaat f A 'Xrta C" at aT fU RVW tMt 3y iwilimiTy aMa4 l MMM laniaa Ml Aaa) BM ml aht aaAilt faaWJ Mab rwt WbJraaJ aWMLBal aal ttV al J 'A ta Maatrf af MrlltIto Hamain ttw IM aMftfMal U aaffkaa). A l.?w-af. A. m4, U a:ff . laW iWWaa iA f"!1 ' kt.a aaJ!a aWSU," WJa mU . fc Ii attataWa, m at ;. I a, rm m l." 1 C )S af li Ji . aU t" aaWiV r .. i k a f .- If " "3 at mm t Ntm av 2.. 1, a (i,!' a. t-afcai wi i l . - .',- t . t ;vi"-:-saw BEAUFORT ' AFIRK I DISASTROUS COWVLAOKATIOITf th)t a Art broke out la Besarort, about CQ clock Uila morning, and at last c csnt aa U11 raging. Tho whole taiincM portion ef Uie town Is to allies. Xvnry building between1 Orange and Ifekcer itreeU, except to dwellings, ha been swept away by the flames. Tbiere Is as yet no estimate of the dam airta. hut aianv . families, are. homeless and, uole.'eiW W pw-iplly eJlWJd, great detitntioR -and eafferlng mutt m.iu hake cask. ad oiu geoiieiuan darned Blchardaon, of Chatham county, nUhiTf "r.flilit lnsCa1Ar stay-at-bome-atlveness. lie ts 7o yeara old, hale hearty and ai-tlre ; has lived In Chatham county, within 40 miles of Raleigh, all his lifo ; and was never here before. He lsesallllut worker in wood and Iron, land 'Is T mora, than ordinary sprlghtliness in conrenation. Is there any other man, who has lived nearljr foorecore yeara,' almost within hearing of the bells of the capital of bia S.au, wlthoet-eeVigUt O U V 1 . -M lP FisTtTAiv-lrand fentlval by the young ladles of Edenton street Metho dist church, at the old "stand of Petty k, Jones, opposite Tucker's Thursday and Friday evening. ; Hall beautifully aiconted. ' Tables loaded' with' Vrery delicacy Of lr; earth and sea, oyttertj Ice, cakes, fruiu and viootifectiens Fairy-like - waitresses, whoso touch, Will sweeten all l-wares --they Vend. X' genuine imported Chaldean ioo'th- sJjTr: first eo tula of th witch of Eador.' mm wiu . startle au .oometa wubi new Saorea- If ash) and gayety will rale the hour. Young men; lUlelgh,; expects efery fellow to do his' duty. Bunt up jam wcwns auu jpn., StC. 8. CtnctntT ttBtl-Mfte court mej At 40! oVK this mptnlngjJudgea Jkmi sad Brooks on tho benchu CWT jibs' criminal docket beiug calledovot i..t..-ii. .3. tha mllowkw caseSi violaUoal of the NvhMri.wera Utsdupj t. s!aMye" to always a Bttle fuddleseno tTT. Bennett nnt off the dftoket iVIT. & vs. James Kirkpatrkk, pttt eXtlte docket; U, 8.,, vs. wm. Britt -and Frauklin nodmoH. twt off the docket. (two easesj J U. .Srs. Jotiii Jonei, Con4 tioaed; U. 8. vs. Aoobcnj Rogers, coos tinoed j U. 8. vs. C. H. Foster, discoo- tbnsd; TJ. 8. vs. Geo. O. Van gum, continued J U. 8. vs. W.C. Smith, con Unued; U. 8. vs A.M. Nelson, the ifendant called and jailed anijudg ot nii, sureties foribItav bond of 390; IT. & vs. W, II. Butler, plea not guilty mid vertlct noi guilt; r,-TX & vs. Jas. B. KIntoa (two" eases), con tinued U. S. vs. J. G. CarrawsyTv de fendant called and failed and Judgment mm, bond forfeited j U. 8. vs. J. J. Powell, continued. .'i'rl-'-W.- Tho caso of the U; 8. vs.JJ. W, aTkecler. charged with delivering to bacco without staropf , occupied the J eoart ap to the hossr of recess, I o'clock, ttd at 4 o'clock tha court resamed its slang aa4 the triaTTied----T" 1T J i ',",7 Ut TTVtTtt : , , . 1 Biim Atwnrs Aim tuoas nnetvu i wrti 'f jstad I amryraatrstioa last aigktv t em the BklunosMl . A v DsanDs trsia ooe&ing frwa JDiarlotto this way. As A rawed CoawonL it wwa bosrdadbv i iimi ii darkiyawLo btalbeem'at aa DlJopasa lunf ta that fasr lUUs baq-, ,TVy swarased into the aJaai'ctiairear, wUoh waooeenpiedby luWaS- fttw (-ataaea sad thras kviiaa, The ight was ould, the stores were hot, the si wao Am aad wewas, the psoas fervetof tWdaaiy hmdwswsslOil ia tbSaaaalo aaj eAtli a haating. A fm piaaw WYaate riaey tieh, thick fogs, U sa.'isjia1gy tho r-"J P1 1 lliwas, Aa XJ.nvMHm ouue Metuc aaavsW arfcTa. aorina4 with which tit afary m I is is that Uow , soft, o'er UW sal laaTiaU-,'auued wool tai laslkwa, teaalidcetasassad aww hety dwiQiSo into sank isaarniA VisJwa w ayv sod gaaping tmm swUnI Idtf eat ivSa tUe dark Sat af ia wsia j tha ataaoattjaie -aestWUdtathe tmaad dowa with Aad at ksat she St4aastM4aa wpua tho ocoer of their ftaaat. VeA U atatet oaos ta the saaaAJng mm, wlACm&m 8ajd pUoafoc tfarsr eaiU iwaaannlatiiia Darkeys tifaofKaat, whiat folks to the rear, is 4 ta! la thta top-y-tarTy nyeiaai li e wvaraa irrasoodroi- rxt U tt s24 la warlnj '.v TfttX, Ppf-S SanOT.--8inee the close" of the w-j,uWskekcountyhs toot ha4 a sheriff that raasl bJlInvi with the taxk" and 'has v been skmned right add li&C i j:mebered all rttf drigbratealinf ? tVojaha arpnbliosa partylow our f&Satft djBf yiecfod Deaa cratle slienff basplaoB4 ue icoaqiy on Bheritr Daon railed no theusUtai lreas ntw and plankr4dowhf 30.800.Joi Give us ah hon'esarflf' fetltbbj'-olBcef pniMr eredhiih fixes when thsy fcel assured ihsy will ho apptiedln &s man nethdjiidlrecfi yoa nave tedsemea we couuy. ,tj v ttr it . mmmA' frit ?l!M-l.'if-A ievffle; is snlflUng wit epi6 Dismal flwamtt canal ' hotls a "fall handT of nkty.W "Jm 4 if' tnison cimV haif a;w 'fmee eoutoa ia.eWorfaw mceaakkaoas SlatOMKnoWBIovoVTeara. H...tisX , a AA t;M,'iArut ariitir hunting- pa-tV Jfe- B .17 . -' eenuy iaa-wi a a-i f.?-w-f !-, I Wtieadorof arsapVaarodnls leeovenas; nam ass geceaa mnrwa i . fit 'l-.ii U( It., b-.-lr T";'S)4'.-'?W Amateur ooneerta . sgrssshly knock thnadev out of tho awnotoay of Moaeoe. endersonians dldbl tnsnksgfee much. eooonnt oi mo tumme ueonoa auu iLMn . derc-aW last k, to 68 beeves ing-- abeep, and 2 deer. ftCtty'fblu befora letA h1ns.der!ls hsvedis- aimearod t befowi legloAs lot? blno-flsV which aha is shipping north. lost withta a month by diptiieria, Urt irraottuj. 'round imimgtouk The ahanghaii market it ohwA stoeo eonftereaoo meU r r The state gsaago ol.2rU Carolina meets Feb. 15, just a week beore W4thttgtrwas born -to hatcle-and - m Is reported that work will iooa be Wto nul' from Danvifie; Virginia, via Vft Ioatoo, to btatesvlllo. k.v.; ,v u 1 i f t ntM rvmAt i i -"I - Ut a fellow pats a white possum with red eve en hka for a Eruine-pig. MBou I vrmuaiuccui pcnncwij w u- - yr This morning's telegraphio dispatches rSoort that Hon. F. E. Bhober. of Sal iaburv. seeretarr of the demooratio cott' foeauonar eominitteo.-rf . Ah ,49d, oon grses. ts loremoss m turn aoraninMi inr the oWkship ei ths honaav, ,Wi: . u J The Male eooneHiof the Friends of Temperance which recently convenaa W-T t. 11 . O ..H f Wyche, chaplain ; Bev. U. U. wm ta ker, secretary; J. . Garrett, treasur er: Mr. Sanders, conductor; ur. ura ham, sentinel j Rev. G R. Wetmore, ax-puent.,tyASj , Faox. nts Soots i-rCL Ey Sslvich-1 mond, Ta.; says he has sold greet deal f of Wanuar'a nxs'iin vomduu VSiso i- aars "it taken weu ana gives gem-rat Wusetion.'' It purines the "Wood, enres " couirhB. oolds diptheria. throat, weak hjnga, asthma and catarrh, and destroys consumption t Arthur, a i li-Tcarlinit' son of, Lieu tenant Curry, 4th U. b. artillery, acci dentally shot himself through the heart, me Other day aaar" Fortress Monroe The third death oT the kind In this ft, fly during the hut six months. Really It must be very dis-Curry-ging to the taddwarkd patantor.v,.",, I The eonmusaioneiahip of Iudiaa af avira ia going begging I and wocannot Bderataod why, for it has always been I ffaad samlssy ttohW The tost indi idaal to whew st has been offered is W. E. Upson, Of Ohio. ".iH'"5' '.'' Tbe Wst' and rhespesf m the world. Dr. uull's Cougn tyrup only coats yoa x5 cents, and if It does not cure, your cough yoa caa gat year money back. . - r Kfarrleel, - ' ia Wavao coantv. Nov. 28, by Ret. A. J. Finlayson, Mr, W. 1. Slaylock and Miaa Marv L. nrcin. 81 is should hmva the armle of hia eve. " J A' H , , r , . ! la Hickory, Ver. , by Iter. J. 0. Ilartwll, Mr. T. E.- Fields and Mias Lithe (X Witoea.- i"i-. a.?, r.n ! "latsyettwville. Kov. St, by Rey.lfr. Ttentun, Mr. V?. if. IVQcksmV and Mta m -a w a ' Manna . f000 j ; ' Ia Fasrraaaauk oonnty, Kor. 1L by Rev. J. Kaaraaa, Mr. R. If. targaaaad Miao Martha V. Whitehnrst , , tr-,-- ; - -; '" "H Ia Mosgsaton. Xov. ' JJ, Rea. Joseph xerreu, .i f . .-m -ji t u.-- Ia Koldeboro, Xov 24, Mr$. lka- beth Bisainger, aged 0 years. r V, ; At tha eoovemt of tha Baored Hesit, rooririon, Pera, Sept tt, Madame Marrvtt E. BJcrant, , dsnrhter of the late Tbcoua E. Elcnnt, ( WsaMnton) North Carolina, and for many years kJy I iA lAimberton, naa apieasant aesawm. i Y"" Zt7i t. Ihe officers elected for the ensuing year department of gcrefumentsi piracy It r k v WmL o nrealdeat s Ei H. I 'fdl' toko frosher aad gnsdtor thieves to ' i : r '' I al.'f!' Mil -loA.m il it l.i -tuibletf in Ta HadMta rfrat rVoasa aa. ijio,' w"0. flt- f-vm.t .iK fcwiffot SF.x4iflBainr Ira Harris Vert- ill - At Albanyi' i-U'ie .i ,oiniu iJ tb ," ftordis MUariaaippi, W a pail of niggers last JTrlday. ' raiysis'oi- t sComti'whatV . Havens eelabratol Alfonso's birthday I VMdhy.s;Aa wayT..J t (V ii' -dMrees Ibcuow aero' at MiUord. Pewisylauia. T)Iond; y Peter' KeUy found dead ia : had at Baraam hote iwomora, mss xmaay. Dg-ha burned yesterday, ousting Wgfela- Booth England had a general , aoow- storm iyeatarday. Awignt, mua aaa beautiful in Carolina."! -1 ; WBM'lliaariaaW treasurer-elect of utdo, p nu tno vaoani shoea of aefui)4 Welch, .j. s1,.j K Of E." J. (ont., a prominent lawyer) of Westminster, Maryland, fall deed In the eoort-room a few days ago. r -KJ H vtmVESBtfSGXaniS' Sitter cold, Thermometer Sunday Usldng tho bcwj torn out at, from 4 to 23 below aero, : 'J The'U.f ftf oonrt at IndlanaDolls to snatching,' the Hdosier v whisky-rmger Driends ofUio.prsttaeat DAiO-nea.a. , Hoaton turned bui a lore crowd Mon day to .welooma, Wilson dead.. Rails toiled sad aannoa flrod sll thsoagh Kow Engtsnd.' V' ' H"t- mfia tn-i'i-in The democratic caucus meets in tha hall of the hoots of representatives, Washington, at two o'clock next Batur, nay Atsiaoosa ,u.u h t ii-(t.v A ltvtuV. did aale went acaRvboobintf ' Along the- "mUnx and sock-bound ecaa? of yanseeuom sionaay, ana anooc up tldngAeoaaiderably. ""'"' !ne outraseouslv insolehC conduct of con, r5tofto,i:uref starr to um gypt hesdiikffiotfisihinI all thoUmcaa officers out of his service. - - , iHombni activitt in all the itov-yarda. A hsJMoao-i flrst-clsM Bpaiuw-iranc elads could sink our tost tub jand sweep too cosstnom Uaino to Msryland. , General Hsacockv Admiral Rowan And Governor Hlden, with- thehf foil staffs, " reviewed the - vice-presidential corpse, aa it passed through ew York. , Ths report of Chas. CCoEnor's death to pronounced ulse. ' We thongbt ho died when he headed Blantoa Dnn- can's mob oonrentiua ' in iLenisvilto fOberlln, Ohiol'bad a 45,000 blsxe vesterdaT. Our eves wouldn't ' have spilled more flian a tin-cnp of tears, tf the whole puce And the ground it stands oo had gone. ;"'' :.v '.;-f ) Old Zack Chandler to whacking off t S J aA... M aL 91. Zackly sait so poederons a vlllauu .w .j n ' The trial of v ahUyringcr. Avery, ai HtXouia, has brought out . a vast num ber of diapatches between Wsshingtoa ofl3cuilfl' and the thieves And Grant's pet Ana ' partner' ia" villainy, ' Babcock, f Tkesa are ths ebntesto heibre the Br ooming hdass of reprssentatives I Fb toy1 vs Walls, off Fksridat Bromberg val Haralson, i Alabama j v Hpencec. vs. Moray and Breux vs. Darrall, Louto iaaa i Zm "VA. Ralney, Boaih 'Ossoliaat Platte va. Goods, Virginia. K - ;; iadly siawe4. ee -rery, dirty JU P V J fl iv liwmiiKivi:il A . y- a tleaned itamcdor ordlMarV-iOall Good ordinary, vr .VoJO i'o-b tlala lAwaxiddllng.'"-- .ps.v-.,?. 14 L.K u aKaaaAi, vauvvv t -Hither, sole. 47sSo. ' ' 1 v ' " llides, green. Safi "I allow. Me. ii.f r Ragging domestio 2t 8:.Vard it 1-S Cotton ties, Alaeto. r .-4 1 1 .-. vz Flour, North Carolina, A6a7 1 Com, WtoLIOu.:"' ' t?" Racon, If, C hog round, ..ISsJ. hams lotalT. '. ::-'lear,nb)4.4J .' suf S elioldera. 10allsa.;,,iv Fodder, new 11.00. !' .'""? .. Hat. 2T bsJe good, Mal.W.- Butter, V C,30aU j K Y, 4050. " ' Beeswax, xsa."':',:" rT- ' i :i Reef; on foot, CaA. sa-eesssA tanme. eall. " '') Heavy copper, pei pound, X'J": Ugh Cobea prune Rio, tbiW H good,t3. ' A common, tlaza.' . . Svnrp, Molaaaes, Chik "M.T i"T3jl3'.i;'t I,i4 A Kslto, on basle for 0d, H.00. " i sasAr,'AllAl2.' ..-dY-'. a s'ssas -jissaaassm nw insi nnaea ira ajiai snmain j f fACVAAIUs 81VMOSUI THIltoaV iootManos oi. . ruimaa. uetngi are yearv horns on ths swift current. of disease down to the grave, lust because they do not " possess a ' sumdent ' knowledge" of Ibsntssl ves. ' A Anaa raeess his neighbar,' and-i tho i first salutation 4s, 4 How ate yonf' or,"IIowyour health ?' ,;The kbIv freouentlv la. "OK I ani Well. wijh kcepnonj,a'-)old.' "!Most persons lightly regard a cokL i Reader do you know, that, a oold la one of , the most dangerous ot maladies K cold not only clogs op ths pores of the entire system, and retards circolatioh, but It Is urodociive of CatarrhV which to owlU Apt to lead ta Consumption. - Oh," you say, t'Uu aethmg but ai-ew ia my bead." True, bat (sf -eeM is really a mild form of catarrh, and if not anastod in its courso will become chronic Ca tarrh la on of ttis most dtegrseahle, otfoaslra arbction to (ho eatalogqa of diseases Tha jassage to the nose is o la true ted. the aenss of smell Impaired, and there it A disagreeable sensation of pressure ta tM besov la Oiemar ad vanced stages, there to a discharge having an offensive odor. If the diseaae be allowed totutlnua, ta its course, thick,, hard LncnuUtions will farm In the he Ad, the hoaea of which sometimes tacofao rseaened s And, break away ,ln nieceani-aVhT will persons continue to tuSer from such an annoying, disgusting disease, when-! they can Just as well be ouredef it! - Dal os'sCAtarrhBsmadj fit Mir tka anwi fci iJ Hatarrk in fact it tothe esilvsurs and saferemedv which has yet been offered to the public Many hank, irritating preparations may, tor a utae, nuovo itaei urgency at tne syhrptoma,' bnt they io mot care, the disesae Db' rags's-Catarrh Remedy is soothing and healing ia its affects, aad Heft ' need ' With ' Dr. Pierce's Haftal Douche,' according to directions, does ait fell to effect A core. Bold byaU Drewists. i-n ' A- MnrrALLDia-TliU Is a sad fact' had R behooves -wf to be prepared to do right when the time comes. Few of hs expect R until old age overtake Aad admonishes us with grey hairs that the time had arrived when we most die; Then ve look around to, find out the best wAyTWA wffl tell you. ! Use no other dye ihan Dr.Tntt's, and yoa will e right,' iiour grey mur wiu aisapf ar hke: magic; and In thlri places yen have' glossy, black whlers,mous- tAchA and balr-r-a J)erfet imitation ot balnra, so. natural that; It can not be detected, and . your ,' dyeing cxpeostl Will bO but POO dollar. , ... . i Surry county is stripping her . tobacco CfOp. ' r . .. , v: -.-rrr,,; . , -i i Charlotte Is howling Cur letter-car rfera..; ; . SPECIAL NOTICE. " A CARD. to all who ars .tattering from the arrow aad BidlMroUoaa of JonUl, nrroi weakacta, early 4sy. toss of auuihooif, Ac., I will send a' rsdps that ,riH eure yoa, rKKS Of CHABGI. This great remedy waa dlseoveied by a rnliihwiary Jta, Bouth, AmerUau 'bead A ettf-aAdnwet eavelopeto the lev..-JosBra TTisaiW, Sartoii p; Bm'Bjm AVw TiHt 'T- UHUA ''J ...a. . A it fc lli aov lMeodAst-Ont -- In, Td CONSUMPTIVES. The sdvsruasr aa old phjttcUn. retirel heal aettve praettes, havug had plaeeda aa bjaad by aa Xaat toAia MlMloaary the for Amla ef A almpU VafetaMe RaMy, for las tpsedy aad pema&aSt Caiwof CoanaMaUa, aroachltla, i Vatarrs, Asuma, soa au ibpoi and Lnag AffeetiuBS, also a Positive and Kadtoal Cnre f or Nervowe Jletautr and aU Kervoaa CoaioUlnU. after brinir thorouchly leated Ha wonderful emrathre- pafr"la Uioaaaada of eaata, laela H hlstaty to awks a knowa to klasuffutac' fellowa.' .Actaatad Ay this moUre, and s coo Miration Amir to relieve heataa awCartag, he win aaad (free of ebe'g)t ta au wso eeaue u, lata rera t wi.a tag diMStioee ler prepariK aad aawa-afa"y eng. Oea dj mare aaau DJ aaarrMmc 1 '" J' '" 'Mara-M Block. BT-aeaaa, N. T.''r I A ssuu. auusu vi in nuuu t--Wot Tntataaaoi tbs.ralVerdty of North CrtritD. The Aaatwl St eeUne of SfeS Boara ef Tietees of Uiet'aletaaltyel Korth ar Inr. vUt be AwBA St the KaecaUra oBe W -r Awn Awm wrr.iji vnaaiLK. ffr ror sal aiy Mint,-rtoanac, corn Ctrenlae Saw. and Cotton fifas Atoot (a Buckhorn lowasble UarneU Couatv. ,Tbey- sre located aa a aerer tailing Stream sod the aeighkerhood to very heaiUiyv harlag eAoal iU. water. I lU aha aall au; hvad with thmav .TheMOIs aad.lhe Ola aoloyaaex eelleat reoutatloa tad hare a lance cestom. Kor fttrthar tntormaUoa address aa at tAalk Levet. Har-raU Coeaty, N CL ereaU an at MBBWMiilalw Miiut Till evifii-wt ti'i : jtoi A-wfitei vv. . v.-, w. fgpftg.., i v ' , -V rjt I ..iVa-i-'yito:;'.! i.: "Itl ,'(T A(V nj'-li i I I! nt "-. hie ate to ewer from wrosa wsn yoa caa ret' ths' "f-S TtoiW fal '1 l'''ficl- .fi .'i"i-i " 'uj ui j .. n j . ftititU t ti. -'-- V .'...jiV "i .1-ht ' .4iKJ; iUi I ' SttA3d.;etiJ T O jrMJariniSitjwf a tew a It Wm seat yen Vy the Car Lead 'm ij It hu.nl Jii;!?. .il'i.-Ji ajkA 'adaad. l.vI. 1'm vfT .?:rO tikewAed'.: ft:'ifii d-diMred.' '.'St':ii 'f '"fl ? I .yxu t.aii a Chalmaau" I aUMrP,BAnuBasretery.:.t !(! An . ! WarrSOOwtd,! - ;;y- It )! i ,I'!.i-Vt r-it i- rrm:J5 g i , . 2-' ' V 'r vr.Vs-a ot i1 a. jo .,ja 'UuiiCiCCi.lALlu Aw Ad aui ,- ' A :f..,..l,.f .r.j;..v wi i i i i Til : o R K E-. -r ' t': X'i. Mr Boaai and tat IK Ahai CttVaf Balateh. ' eoatelDlnc 0, Kooom and Aetas ot Land, , Masaasiueglwa inuaedlately. Wat. A. Maaoa ' " a a la aassssHon aad wOl faata aa ssr h f alisaafs te aar ene wkbwg so -eat Aor the . ear IMA. .,. ,.iilj oravu 1 "tii'- i ussi.tj. - i aiaiiiiw-i IIEDMQXT AJR-UM RJUIr , w"-tiw a rid sis ai sh hrt:;:' H . 4.- -f iw t B4 u4 hmosd A DaXVIIXE, RiCAUCfidta- DasviiXa B. ' wVSf.C Dmatosv . And Korth Wawtksv X. C1L W. XxyJCDESSEDTIMETAa ff- U Efferf ea &f&.gC' It 1 1 wi; StStA, ailaW' V:r---- t I C.01GOBTW. i ' M ... . re Mail. tXTAZSA. LsarsCDsrlotta i All r aJ r,AAawaV- . .aaa AM . .T lOAA luaa ..",. aot'"'" . AOl . aVi a.' Atr-l laa laaaaf aJafc. f Bittifcan 1111 I f . OrawHbora.... All A. a. , fDaa1Ua.n M.J AOS - f , Udaa...J A18 - I . ' BarkarUU.... .111.83 Arrive as suahasoaaW.i AAA p at OOTXG 80UTTJ.S r inlisin in I it i .j' u' 9 j. jii-aw ,miim!,v Mivi) -' , - -' ; '-" i ll I INI, i an i I ' Uavs Rkh--4,.. 1.88 f. . A.09A.a, , BttrkerUle.!.r. 4 6AT- ABA ' ' Duadoa........ 100BI - t.t4r. SV-i h DaarUlen...v 10,,- ..1.IT t , i f r-iisboro!.?!:.OOa:a. ',tM"4 f Baltebary ...... B.r - 6.15 1 fvt Alr-Uaelwae T.AO AJa".t AWve at Charlettt. T AO A. W. o.4 -, , ., i ' "'oourfi Eiiifl l- oowof Wf b ; Mt fes I.l!rtr. ' !T ,-r"rtil i I4avs Greensboro.. A.09A.M. A. '1.8Sa.M. it" Co. Shops. .... 4.SO " U H K-tahHgh B.aAu.H Ut AVIO , Amre at UoU1boron ll. igw. L, V00 NOETIC WEjSTEQ iUB. Salem Bsamch. Hl.ft. Ist Greensboro... ArrlvAatWJ-atXJJa.JA4av. iUT ticaro uivcuouwruif tt e w.w m. jsb ri9P. M. Leare Aaleai Aw A. M. Arrl-a UUre-asbore.,., 10.38 . Paasenrer Trains leaviaa Baleirh at a 10 P hL- eoaiml at Oreeasiierb with the Northern bound train ; nuklag the nnlrkest time to all Morthera rkfes. Price ef TtcheUtaaae'ss via esharfeates. ... t '..--..vi I .... i Trains to and Tram points Kut of Grain- . bore sonnect at Orasnsb are With Matt Tralaa te or from points North orttoatb. , , , , Two Trains dan- both wars. ' Lrncntmnr Aecoaa odatioa laavae Bhih- raood dally at 8.00 A M., arrives at BorkarUle rl-asrtlthA-no-4.MI'. ht, ; i : i ... 2To cramob o Cabs Betwbt Chah lOTTK A Jf D RlCmfOKB, 2?21flI.lS.' JOHX R. MiCifVItlK), " ; '' Oaae-al Paasaeaiir Agent JU u-ei- I itMa I anpanutaasani.' " mUCKERiIJ(ALLlli:il4,.1.j -dais ft.. I .-!t iH.-r!fn -nn OAJrt) lTAljrAlf OPEBA.' dT vix-.fij -j.ii i v.- j-M'n l.i i. i:ima nCotnpMytprMfcathltwg-IO, Wi,.Bgnor BLOANIKL v -all""! .-J ft iTMnnr TAlllJAriRTBA. . j f t tUgpu BAABEKIS snaOCATEUX. 1 WEDNESDA T EVEXIXG, DEC lef. win WnMenfe4 with appropriate cott awes, ' Ae.rJkiaatai'apnvcui( iy.. .Ii- ' ,. t ! qvBABBEILOE SEVILLE, .i n. .... AaafxftaaaMtiAir. a. Ia1na.'i Ir.ToM Kanu ss , . Count Alma-ira. . Csm-t, ioriTWrrhi-arrt. -ngna,. iav. Baecaaxii SS h. .'hi Do-er Bartolo.,, lir. LooATsxii, as , ItonBssUio. it(t;rw---tfwf-U-.. nen Btw. 1. iOraad Casedd G-fASar uiw taM Dk-faW .11 -I8lr. AJTOMAALs AdralaaaM Alt Ratrrred -Uf BlO, and A3; cordlnr to location. To aala will ton- Ins to location. Tb sale WU1 awore Aatendar1 ntonimg at Ctwer'Drag - ' rvl ,;-r.i il f ii i-,f"tn,i f fl. MOKTU CAKOIXXA FUK nULAV'tf'v. riraas MaDnfartarlnr (Company wul 4 Wedn-odsr: Iae. i' satheOonrW' donr As iWrfaxh mt IS o'clock, m. a . pierniAcvnt water power only aiz miles from )taiearhvX.'e4aa that Taaanro lUntt. waas Alt acrenof land, JtahUU iauntUri-Saad B. Mill, Store Uouws, Eight Monsee for' opera' ttea, two barn end siabaii, Blaakenilik ntiof rf rocs loundsuoa. pon wnk-i toad, and ateck Afty feat Mr rock tonndatlon-npon wbk-h the ohl factory , blrlLbnlKM artek.' Whh the prorastv wlUhe a(a4thwraManot the Meatc Maoofseturing Coaipanjr, so that ea , ueorpn-atad Company aau be fosaatd atone. I -Taana i Uaafuwrth nh( the- balnnos ea a i credit of one, two and thrt rrar with in terest at- epateent. frota Sat of al4i"., Frehnt Menae MsnnUctnrliir Co. . ''aovAt-dUwAwtda. 4.: Hlti.', rUOBOIA AXD FLORIDA. ."Wit ,th i.f i ia ; " . ,'.f.)fi L-.' , f Part tea wan tint mfor-naUon aboat ueorgla or riorida, sboald anbarrlbe foe Uta Mnraing Kfwa, i-abUsbt-i nk Ba-saaah, tieu UaBy, tit ikitkij Sa-par aannm A4rnaw- da--fclag taaiuunrttn the Btalen, ehonldaa Hs eula-aaa. It Is tha brt paprr Boalbraat. Apt Lhasa plta ataiS ' On SisiipS of A cent. IL. F LE U It I 21 Qf ATTGIl.ATLAW, yiftrrwl 1 - QOsa, Iws Aiaiaur,rHiLU.ixrs, (. , t ij Mi MATILDA PUILLU'i'i .. ' " , ; Mia VIOLITTA COLVILLtV ' 1 J.rAlgnorlnaWMBaUtTI. j ! - Air. TOM KARL. -M'ST .H -.un t tS!Aaul iJa Erasa, pound? V& Tnmt j '1--Il !H'';A.''OJE3-r; t j, not 4-tf K i .'!-,...-a 'f.m

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