V .Itfc":'3i" h.j'W.tfS,'',,',,,l,',": WJf. ! t r t SV VJ' si J THE RAtEIGIl 'fi&NTINfcl ,'BibjiiisUi alwtjtnt-. Cadet AM P. DOITlir Sole-Editor; : TUUKSDA DECEMBEB 2, 1871 A-smash hi crockery, thf JChina mlntotervATerU dcd.' f " - A Virginia man liaa lavenUd sJurthef assussas ismst p . and ample additiooa to allow eemetar ies " Jnay'aa wen1 be laid off 'at onoa.' "r-- Now, if Logan ahould died rheoma - ilea of the akull, wouldn't it took a if 'Jj, Providence '.waa determined to - bring 'i about cfcmoxatie equality In the aenate f ;, Hext 6k Louie whbkyringer trial aet for Dee. IS. ; The people propoae to try i U tha big enminal . of 'all next jekr and the Tertiot will be r "Ooflty back to 0liaa." '"f11 !8wile tli inrnlm '. jhutchor,! lit ben ordered to Madrid for trial. 3Tow, lit jrankeedom haul up McXeiL, Sher man, Beatt Butler, and Hartranfij. the I..- - .1.1 o.. v . Mi i- -rrr i r I i. Wilson, of Louisville, one of Briatow'a f ienda, baa been made chief clerk of the treaaory in plaoa of ATery, who ia kicke 1 oat far being a partner m the weHrknown wbiakr-ruw firni of . Grant Babeoek A MoPonald. , j'r Oh; in too fuimy! .Tneaaylofami af mimta. ban acute rbeamatiim of the 1 brain. Next theVlt be trrina to make , : n beliere be baa a twinge of toothache ot the eonaoianca." ITnen Logan anffen of the old nymn'a "aching rmd.'?. And, : 7 If be ahould ebanee to 'die, in the Ian - TTruege of the great Indian chieftain, hem aarage than hia Snokat aamaaake, Who it there to mourn for Logan Not one!" Puring the year ending ' Sept. 30,' the coon try paid t,589,000 for gorernmeni kindling material in the abape of ton gressional apeooliea, patent-offlce f re - porta,; agricultural essays on doodle - bugs and miscellaneous humbug pub. looh Stand up to the rack,' brethren. ' 91,589,009 A wear, ii fonly 1132,417 a month ; 4,413 a day ; 184 an hour ; in " Bgbt and darkness; rain or shine, aleep- ing or waking, from year's fend to year's end. I Who cares for expenses ? Let riot te unconfined. . , ORGANIZATION. ., - 1 his is the key-note of a ronsbg, Fatr:ot-!o busle-blasr from the Greens boro Patriot, ef Dee. 1. . Hear it: . MIalt not timetUnt aooae stepewere - being taken to organise the party in this state for the coming election. Is it prepos )d to crawl along aa usual until about six weeks before the contest be- gins and .then niake n apasmodio and rain effort to unite our lorcesr vs hare always fought our battles under disadvantage, because we were not ;or- ganlaed, while the enemy always I ir. That we bare wen heretofore occasion ; . ally and not lost every time ia attributa I ble mors to our good ' fortune and the patriotism of the masaea than to any i leadership we could boast of. We" say i this not 1or the purpose of fault-ffndleg, , ; but beeauae it ia true. . , t ' ; ' ' Tha stakes at iaaua now ara of too I much importanee to be put m jeopardy by our own indifference, stupidity or want of action. Hell and earth will be -i moved br tha" administration to eairw thin ante and ten electoral votes, which J may give the -victory to either .f tba contesting parties, and unless we real ize the true condition of aftaira and i prepare to act la unison, we may not only lose this state, but with it the gov ernmentof the republic. Indifference and sluggishness now ara not only de plorable, they are criminal. . .. I - Will our daily papers sound the buzle till out executive committee and , uw i people wake np and go to work ,tlf 'rTHE PARDONING POWEIL. w'l . , OOYEBXOBV BBOODBJf 'a r-im'".-H 1 OVfeSTIOX. SIOR or fHI .; : ) . AiiioH;.2r. 'C'Declisls which does Governor Brogden croas in " ' ..I f J, t ail ; V' i J U0T- wmnam. The ring-struck lawyers w.StviiC0Thpwd aT public. iinting to BtonejA , "Justice" on thesubjeajf thafW Uazell, theysald topunkh Turner, be- . doning power-ite sea and abuaea,'' cause ne altfnot eVtor Vance. Tim justice. The communication contains numertus Bhiaatatementa, which, with , your permission, I will praceed to notice. "Justice'' eajrv,MXo governor f Srortb Carolina prevloua to Gov. Hol- en's admioistraUon ever entertained an application for pardon la cases of felony ; Without getting lull lnfbrmatlon: In' re 4 gard to tba Acts rsVonv tbe judge and .solicitor or oneoi toem."' aba tratn ts. trtry sortmar f 4h UU wtrimm to ttaoriaed br the eoostitaOon to pardeahoruc . .f"""8 aimeasageTfrom fciawnir-ibe EttS?2XXLl tSSSe" ' ? The kwa rf ,ri I880-70. reeulatini the manner of an. nlvtow for rntoab'Mr..rirMt rh.t I v r if.-vl. . . klTri ZJZTUIjZZ 1 the judge and solicitor who tried the .ease, but the legislature of 1870-71 re 1t pealed that requirement, at the instance, mJ think, ef Hon. W. U.hipp,tben at- ti.torney fnarnl.f..isi, ..tisi j 1 vj p . A number ef mstaneee of the abnss' . of the pardoning power are cited by M J'astic" andha dwells at soma Lsaaih on the case, of Wm. Elwoodr trtrdTat Charlotte for . the murder : of anAa-d, and says that ,"lwood'a mother bad recently received a fortune of 20,000, ' and nearly half of it was spent in obtain ' bTaijpiatOTeV ft& . . , , lt.9 T" ft uvood.wu prayed by C7v. i.-.i . cozens 01 iieci.'enpurj, Oastoa, ICkaveAcd end Buthmjbrd. Measra. uamuion u. iiones, w. u. Hhinp, Joe. H. Wuaon,R. Pi Wafipf, W. CL Maxwell, 'John E. Drown 0. Dowd, Oeo. E. Wilson, W. W. Jlem tag, T. ILBrem. Jr., J. B. fanes,- f. J. Oaborne, Ik W. Sandtfer land llufna Bairiiiar, inembew ot tha tBtfjWaotio. ing in Chariot, aaid in a petition to tha governor I ,'Wa ara fanuliar with tba beta aa developed on tba trial of Woi. Elwood for the murder or txuuora ana believe there was wrea tlotibt as to tha etivUftiOe of inaUoe In 'the killing;- 1 a tlitl that ia-a aaaarhawttoaaWt administration of. the. Jaw would proba bly wark an ujotieetra- (I hope i that "J patios" doea not mean to cuuu-ga tnat thaabaTajaignatmwa were obtained at tha rata of tan oenta apieoa. , Every member of the Jury who tried thecas anitad u ar petition for pardon, and mt : MWe are firmly of the opinion that aaid Elwood ahould not sufiet death. ' Aa Jural we had aTeeidooU that tha shooting waa , dona; in awjio and ao told the court, bat hit bono in structed its that the Uw" affixed) the maliostyptwaureption, and that it was our duty, to convict the, daepaant, which wediit f But having vmdidated the law we now appeal to joor excel lency for hia pardon.?. (If the signa- tnrea of these jurors were obtained for ten oenta each, - the aoueitor should en quire into the matter.) nut 7- . s, Amontr : thoM j from - If ecklenhnrg Dravinz the pardon of. Elwood I find t i ina nai itew ra i,fu.a.nuuBn jquuruju. Ti . w r1 wart ii: .. f.L.A. I major of Cbarlotte, it. Ji. Alexander, iherlff. T. L. VaiL county eommUaion er, J. R. Erwin, 'clerk . uperior court M. r. regram, cashier, tt. V. wiutiy, late member of the houe of renreaen- tatitea. (If these algnaturei were pro cured Ibr tea' cenja 'eacn, i must J wawryheipi)'- t-t.--4. 'Among thoM from ClcaTeUndooantjr wbe naked Elwood'e pardon 'I find Dr, J.i W. Tracy. Mat.. U. D. Lee, Rate ij.' n. iikt. aui.'b-ui ji I nnrhAm. J. V. Gklnev Mat. U.llabl niaa, Mai Jewe JankkMi aenator iHth diatrict, B- sJ Durham, register! of wobate iudae. Beuben McBrayer.iW. 1 F, Hoke, (Xone p(.wboae ilguatirei 1 were probably obtained, for ten cent.) i Anwar uw names oreni ttuiuenora notice - Martin Walker, aenator, I Ell WhlsnanLirepresenlative. 6. N. White side, lata senator, M. U. pickerton, dark sanarka- aourb " lit FCtiurthilt. Gen. CV UwenUirtfM JlMUt' J. K. McFarUnd, wherifit imd otherl; . 1 mnflemcft as those named above iuld uweraur urvzuen dvubtcu uhi bmu 1 not make a false statement, fedd there- lore granwa mc puruoa iwim ou- suiting the JuOrto:aollcUoVEHa cer tainly had the right to pardon without the content "or Judge or solicitor, una would hare been open to censure if be had refused to listen to ae laree a tarn- bar of the roost reapevUhle ciUMni of tbe etaie.'- ' 'q n.T.'x,r " H ARMORY JlT . CPXTD( ' ' ' Hillbbobo. Novi 30.' 187eU e Our party Bewspapera art beginning to cry out ' harmony- at the center." When President Buford setep Manager Bearne with his p iper, the Caroluiian, certain lawyers, laderar and editors cried aloud, r barmony at the center.' Hearna . would offer to buy out jihe r eotinel, and being refused, would tall ii "thlf "mtrl and all ikHv some leaders, lawyers and d tore, would err attain for "harniont at tne center.", xurner, tuey would soy. IS tOO TiOICnt. ( . Lawyers in the legislature, sought to dve Manager II earne's railroad ortfan the puhlio printing,1: and failing hi It tneyputuup lo w lowest hidoerj i bldclog agauut Buford, i llearne 4nd Tom bootU ; Ifaaafrer- Hearae Sold but the Uaroliniaa to Managers Stone and uneu, and the paper was vailed the Kale'sb wa,, .i(,,..ii .j Ueame bad nothing to sell and Stone . . t ..tl m- i T . a l t. i aod Uxaell nothing with - which- to bhy. Uyeeident Buford, a before sUted,;fur- I msned Uearne with money, .while a I stockholder in thsi thieving conwratioa. I tbe Chatham railroad, furnished money toJBttatiid Uwlt. 'X-'"Z V ' iee, uoiuen'a radical aberifftor wake, talks, with certain leaders of both par ties, and thay agree to add 33 1-3 pet cent, upon the price I had received; ana again renisutg to caucus, a com mittee was "appointed," who save the printing to Stone and Uzzeli for their military service, when the names' of neither could be or can be found on the muster, rolls by i Adjutant General Gorman, and one of tbem, Stone, i is registered in. the memory ; of the 11th Virginia regiment as cook ror com pany B. ' x Vance and aferrimon have a contest ror the senatorsbipi each charges the other with , longing 'fix radical vote a. I took stock in neither, but preferred Lee aavs "this Is a lie, for he and othsrs had anansed to sriva tha nrtntirio' tn Am xiewa oeiore vance was nominated. ' Then went up the cry of 'harmony at tbe center. Turner la disloyal to die party." ' "Stone CazeU are the most accomrjlished editors at tha , flntit), and neither of the accomplished editors, I am informed, have jet written an edi torial for the New. In the mean time, and before Stone & Uxaell are sapplled with money by the president 'Ind a di- kn ff-1 PPW of tending ton. L7e is MeSpoU dSkTio 1 I-TVlr'J rZ. uautci Boar- . VTr TTV .w 1 wenoner ana money, and thle was my offense to teadinr lawvera m tna pany 1 sow or (hf-a , brindle HUia, woo qmj 1 did net taaa aides until after the whits men and tbe SenUnel bad we the Yktorj fa I7th TheNewawasaa expenalve neoer. Thav heaa alitv r. ceived 92,500 a year. AgrnU oa en ginee and agents on bom-back rode over the country, and tbe result was a loss of (25,000, ao 8tone ft Uzzeli said. stockholders of the Chatham , road fur nished most of this money though Jim Uxxeil. the brotherof ona nf th. firm or Stone &VzzeIl, says a leading law yer put tlO.fKV) -the Kee, ajitrte men. j civ.a f o.a Ton TwJ't Tarn-c--.rj tx U";ir Vc.' .',.-.1 s:ifrom ecitain lawyers and editors we hear the cry of "harmony at tne center.", mere la "harmony at the center and peace in the partT," If you will allow the Chat ham railroad to run newspapers and steal from the state by exchanging ten cent bonds lor dollar bondu otherwiw all h discord and dissension. Stockhol der Blacknall, of the News, Is the main man at the "center." Us is estab lished by the - ring,' and - then tie . ratabllsbea others, such . at tobert ivrurmh.t ( tf ; th x tAsher A1.t'"n,UI J", rnoV ib, -pay Mrs. IIapier, a widow lady, a hundred dollars for tba rent of her old hotel at Weldon, which he occupied be fore taking charge of the Yarborough House. ', I do not mention title to reproach him for U may be his misfor tune. , Jut he baa paid or secured to be paid far the Yarborough house some 15,000, not to mention 22.000 for new furniture for the bouse, and 1,800 to set up Uobert Furman with the Citizen. 'All tola we are satisfied is done by and through the ring which epeut 25,000 on tbe llRioigt. .News, we omy paper, white or block, ao far as I know, which delmula the Hawkius. Littlefleld. Swep- son exobanm of Rood for worthless bonds between the state treasurer and a Capt. Woodson, of the News, j has said Jo. Turner can prove all he has saidbv him. Hitherto. I have ' looked upon Woodson as a sealed volume, but If he is a mind to spit it out, " m tne uui gunge of ratrick Henry I repeat "let It come. " for the people shall no longer endure a bold brazen coalition of 'gen tlemen, tavern-keepers, brindle tau law yers, railroad corporations, Bwepson-s old ring with Its big branch at Charlotte and Wan street gentry, wnoroitoea, un der Halden. in their efforts to ruin the conservative party. ' It, ' " ' ,', - " Jo iahTcbmeb, xroataas rLalM AMD WUORItO. By US bale, toaia, er sirs tall.' triaffle Uaauoocks. M aea. sent ' oa ' Neaipt of VAHHOCU atoaev. For whole-Is priest. sddMMAW.ftlmejoasfeeaa. OakftaUn Boaioa, Mass.' Batata, salts. aiUttao ooiU an - sagilta. I 1 fisrs AOIKWTebsrs,a adsala, 1UUU ssaaai waawa. waated U Sail CencBsUl 6Mttoar et tas U. B, Bbowi traad rarvlu of KM Tsai tV area A whole Library, Betoa bloW-Not a lanry, hat a ee saitr. tap4Maar sauiac aooa ra)iaaa ioa pv. rty-waa waa. aaw la rwrww i!itt af l'LOOQ. AMI VO.fl (.0 KUT; riiDaa.pata, Ira, 'Ql f flOa Of TH ItCtlf ART ' ' Vani Y P. turn ATI.im. ' M hWiaaAWTOa. M. C.Nov.a. 1871. 1 lealaA proposals wm bs reeelred at this afllca. t as awiswtsi oa or befors Feb. 1 I TS. for the Urine f two aad a half mil lima of Brick, mm or laaa. aceordmr tpectdcatloot of tea Architect, for Iha fbaa- as we wsusor ua - , , ; ij. The said propoMUS nut contala aids for tha work, both vita and wftboat the east of sap pMac LIbm sod Comaal. la aceordaaea with U prtatea ipactaoauoaa. , im .worn m bagta oa er after May tba tat , aast, aad to be eompleted oa or befora December let, 1870. The work shsll b ttrletlv andar tba diree tioa aod saperrialoa of rack penoa as tbe noara 01 uommusioaers atay appoiai. Comes of the SDaeUcaUoaa I ta oc Will be farnhhed by addresilng the Saeretary at bU office. f r Approved sad executed, beads to the full amount 01 ia dm, are reauraa u do aiea with tha nmnoaala. ' rropoaall tbeuld be fteslrd, marked MPra poatu ror kirmr urn tor toe w. it. v. ts sane A ylaai of sBd addrreaed to ; : , . 4 ; T. GEO. WALTON,- . CommlMloe. 1 I I BKRZBT BEO TO IKTTMATE THAT tba sals by Arcnoaoi say, HOPE FAKaf aa 13th last will be poetpoeed till further ootlce. I shall however be glad to treat pri vately, ror pert or wbois or toe aoove, vim aay party aetinng 10 parensee. " -- aov llt ;. -iMruMWIlX'XaCOTT. worklasr people , of both ssse. roacr sad eld, make atott moar at work for ta taair own loealtte-, dttteg -their tir feta menia. orruiae naia, uaaa as any isiaa aus. Wa eOer eaplovmeat that jwiJi paw h aoaalr tor mry hoar's work., fall par'lca hra, ternu, Ae.. teat free. , read as toar ad draaa st one. Doa't delav. Mow Is tits tiloe Don't look for work t,r aaataa alMwaara, aaui yoa asve isarasa waas weouer, 1 w. Tuisoa m Co., rorllsad, Malaa. TpARMERS' WAUEIIOUSE, J-.'-j. I-' I' tS VSB :it"jiivai:v ( i or ' NOIITII CAHOLItfA. ...... ( . .. ?! t - if .P. I'-' "'" locreased, sale of Leaf Tobacco last year aver i'"vear Before met.'' r " ' t - 1 ' .1 . rfi.fi I 1 "il V Fonr(eca jEtoi; Itfliiaaii Founds krtiltwf ',.3i" "... ., I' '- (Short Crop si tbatO''?-''1 . I " ., a't,Jv(t: , . - .tj-u j PKOPOSK TO SELL FITS KILLIOSS POUNDS FAUKNT TOBACCO TEAR. X&rk pm pMkag pUta m4 girm IsU iMlraetloiii safl1, wd yoa wttl receive prosipl ratarM by check or ssprees.' .4 BOLD 17S LOTS LAST TBIDAT i tad paid of la a aslantes after Sale. Beat time ever aiade rath State. Look oat Pro., Luck. ""'.'"' "SJ - . ''4 E. J.TATJ3H, .':! ... .: x ., BMift Bovl9-wlml ' Froprlctor, TO ALT. MEN A BrEEDT i ' i . I 4 " ' 8 J'r - ! WsaasM of the ack vt lAmb; Bert tans, AUecUon of Ui K'MJ t ir Bl dds-, l -vol'-aurv Dltcas r' InPs t, Qm l De UUy, N rain.-, lyppfi Laaa-'or- low t! It ta, Conf'don of d f Multai oa of TlilUty, Tnalr sg, IM p'fH., i' -s l l h- Ue ; .h' a , o , or kis, an"iiviw Lvt iwt s er btwcl m'W l-o " torn .(,.. ktv t,l y tST",, ry i tl- ae' . .u. ra';tipiUns vt m o i's ". loth Mirluvtial TJ1 . tliuuit fHft-iref 1 1 a epai or ant tpaJoa. rwlriB iu.rrn.rv (nr.. IssposdaJai tifHfiBg aoU BkIt aud Mind. ' t SXarTifsge. if urUif tna ul or vouor atvn coskm rbfMcal Ws. kL-,, Lom e( KtoerMtivs P.. It mi r MlnlUMk. XbtHd Vita l . I tvoluaUry Discbtrras. Siu Krae. tillt. HMty twltuumr, r.ljHa'k at ot Ik Hart, Jtrtvua IxeiUbUil. u( us Phjslcal and llonlal town, JteraufMMat Of ailias ViUI f prM mid f bkuuh nir- mmmm DtfcUtr. Low Of JtSbo4 tak(.ass of tb Uiasas, and evart akaar asbavpy dkqaauflcatioa, spesdily rewTMr aad fall Msalf rigor restore. t . .4 . I, ..Ts T4MUBI" Tbsbb are aom ot the ssd sad aieUnebot ly efloets prodoetd by earl bsbtta of toata, Ki Weeknre of the back end Dub. Psla U us Aread, Dlmnaas 01 m rut, una i Musenlar Power, Falpluuoa eTu A-art, DeaMDala. Mervoas Irrltsbuitv. lra.e meat wt tb'OlreUV FaBSvloaai Ueaeral Debit tv. Htmoioms of OueaiiaPt-. sie. liaaauvv. Ta foarfal tMtt o the mlad are mark to be rratr Loaa of Vvm- ary, O jafsaida of IdeaDj,stoB v Br tu, Kvl1-. onbodtif, Avnoa V Ifwty, . , 1 ... ... . 11 . 1 .J , " i.4 arc av aie ui ui v. h- ivuiot. - Tboosami s of ireoB 01 all ssre e.B bow fodca what ta He cae of lutir derl alag heal b Io1bk tbe r vwn, beevsalBr we k pale, aarvoas sad emacia'ed, baviaa s Mora Ut appearance abuat - tba s, c agtt sad jBtpiuae of oatampuoa. ' - . . A Speedjr Cure Warranted la recent Disease Immediate ftellif 1 M Marv. Ptraoaa Kalalaa tkcic Health Wastisa; Tim aith 'eBoraut Prateiider aae Improper Trattmeut, . IMtg Deaia: .ito tha avatem bv (h Deadlr rolaew:' Meresr eaaalns! Fatal Aaeelloae ot the U a1. Thr-.t Hoa or (tie, Urer, Lbbm, BdbkI w HewtW, Speedily Carrd. Ut 10 Uellcaej DreraatBDPK immssiatair. - lae'oa ttampto aa ob Rviilv. Addrra ".'A. v Dr, Johnston, OF THK BALTIKORK u LOt.Siro?PtTAL.0rFiCI. HO. T, UH rSKDaRICK STRIRf, BE'lWkEN BALTIMO RE ,fc..fs. lALTIMO1?!, MIX ua.tl ly . a' .-' rpEE BROOK WAl EH esq ne Prtet 4 J-2 Horn rmr - 300.00 M ' " .". . 250.00 Sample Engine to be sna at our ft ir Write for CtrcBlarr. 1 v i 'A;.-, 1 VUUt'Ut' A CO.. ay lS-tf Mm Agents. OPIDtl ' mast Mtfriaw rtabtt sibkfatianOw m afsratily eiat4. Patntowi MpsjWkii nania ror Mnicwiarm. ur. sjsu 17 VV .hiui4l4k s4CsU43B lit. TIE L1TTH BlILlXe. ' Perert Sevlng Michine for Light Work. JUST THK THING. Seat Free to ss; iv afldreaa oa receipt or Three Dollar. FAIKOHILD A Co., 176 Bleeker S, New York City. F. 0. Addreu, Box AGENTS WANTED. aettVdeodwIy JjJ-OTICE TO FARMERS. We have for Bale S voting tad well broke MULES ' ' .H ' i . In good condition. .. f , Apply soon to ; i aovS-tf A. C 8ANDEBS A CO. THE BEST WATER POWER IN MIDDLE NOKTH CAROLINA FOR SALE. - Tbe Neae ' Manafactarlnr Uompanr will sell oa . Wednesday. Dee. W, at theCoart bonas door la Raleigh at li o'eloclt, 1U msRaiaoem water 'power eaiy ttx muet irora Ralelch. U.. -C-..aa th Tarboro- Road, with SIS acre of mod, IU Mill Dam, Urtetand Saw mm, Btora Uooees, kis-ds Hoasea lor oiiera Urea, two haras and ttablea, Blacksmith shop, rocn lonnaauon apoa waicn tne 01 a iaetori stood, aad stack flitv feet hlrh. ballt of brick, With the property will be aoid the francblte of the Neaae Maaafaeturlng Company, ao that an ineorporatea uompany can oe iuruieu aioooe. TsBHS-oOne-fourth cash ; the balance oa a aredlt ot oae, two aad three years with la terett at a per cent, rrora aate or sale, , . . Prealdent Neat Masutacturiog Cft nor St-dUwAwtda EORGIA AND FLORIDA. Parties waattag mioratauoa about fleorrta or Florida, ahould eubecribe Neway pabUahed at Bavam 10 ; Weekly 14 par anoaa. for tba Morning AdwtLenTd aaveruaera ae airuir enitomera in the State, ahould ur tu eolnmna.; It la the best paper Soatbeaat. Specimen eoplea lent oa receipt of ft cents. Address J. H. E8T1LL. Savannah. Ga. . sag mUt.nitif. i,... ..-,!'.. BOARD1NO HOUSE. MN. Beckwlth hat onened a Srat els s Boarding iiooae at Ue Corner of MarUa sad WUmioRtoa ttreeU, la tbe rwidenee former! npled br the late Dr. W. H. McKee. She prepared to accommodate permanent aa I as transient boarder. The table ts si wars snpiriied wltb the Terr beat the market affords, aad the rooms kept Beat aad eoo foriable. aov Wt s . t f , . - HENRT CLAT aUCBAJtDSOjr, ATTOKSraY.AT LAW. j ; DVMBAM, MOMTB 0AMOUVJL may U-u J. n. i: f. L E i M !1 I NU ATTtRMCV Jtt.LASf. A L I ! W ; B ,f- M . . " C . i Ot&es Boath af thl Coart Boaa. Bear the aaaUBat umsa. ; JusT-U - a . C. BANDERS & CO., f f f 7 ! . Acrm fob Mi A 1 SOLtiBLE.i'HOSniATE A WD MAPES HITEOGEHIZED SUPER ' PHOSPHATE ATiJODKALias IX GROCERIES. If yoa bare cotton for tale, carrjr or tend It to them as they buy largely on Now Tort orders snd pty high prices. . norS-Am F OR SALE OR RENT. A deelrabla Hooae aad V t In the town of Cary. The Hoaee eootaina aix room, with au tne modern convenience, wun 111 nncea sary out hn met. Tha gardea contain acre, an orcnara of lov cnotce trait tree adjoining, ire wnoie premisee eontitiiDa; 01 s aerea. FoMeeaioo glrea Srat of January, 1878, Apply to j WILLIAM E. PELL, oetB-tf . Cary. N. C, Bamaritan Nervine. tub. grest new Conqueror, .enree EiVllrotlc FlU.CoDTuUiooj, Spaama. Bt. Vltne. Di all Newent Dleeaiet j tbe only kkaowa pofttlv remedy for pt ricptlcFlta. It ha been teeted bt -1 lawmwi aao naa aerer Deea ksowa to fail ia a ifturle a rw 11 mm iiwitKB 1 rrc Bjictoac Circular firing crl- lence 01 cures. Addi ' ' DR. 8. A. RICHMOND.' aet 15-lSss Boa 741, SU Jotrpb, Mo fTlHE HOWE SEWING MA CHINE. FIRST MACHINE PATENTED. TJU JfocAtM MMfaetrt4t The Jv Bet la the djheapeaA ( n The poiata of sapsitortty srs ".. f , Simplicity and Perfection in Ji- Durability Will last a lifetime ! Range of Workn-WIUwut Parallel! ! Perfection of Stitch and Tension I Headquarters for North Carolina as 7 Fayottc villo Gtrcot, ; . i liALJUlUlI, xv . C V SESD FOB CllCCHI OFTIl-I I PUCIt Every Uachina ; ia full , warranted I ! Satisfaction iraara&teed in every ease I iSU a 'aawylevaM . ' BWe have room Ibr several gocd Agents, and will offer J beral Isrma te energetic men. 'V.',, V: 1; . Apply at once to AfU.:iH .'..'"' '; " ' THE HOWE UACHJXE CO, ijr l:'! r 7 Fayettovaie Street, : jydHf n r Balelgh, N. C.; D 1WT18TET. 1 - . f The anderetgnad having permanently loca d m Raleigh, reapectfaDy tewlert hit pro- loaal temeat aa sae praeue ot ueBuecrv (both operative aad BMchaoical)totheelUsent MeaaaataepaDneienenwr. 1 'Oitlce reoaia oeer Toekar'a itor aaai as recently accepted by Dr. Arrlnrtoa. - . septlHIu. 1 v. Juavaturr, A " TOKTl'.Nt IN IT. Every family tnrrs J tt, rold bv Agents. AdJreM. O. h A; 7 m ia i- m-. 1L-J 1 1 5 1 1 a J VAU.IB, Erie, Pa, iw. INGHAM', PAVNE4 CO BRICKIATCBI AND PLA8TkkKKfl, ; v Coreer Joe sod Dawaou au. v KALUGA N. U. Esep oa head roaatut'y a full aux-k ..f Cbkkeoe, Butter and Egge a ap 1L.I1 1 CIUatMOI HaJelga WWUmg all) tbliia I lu 111 grocery Im would do ell W call oa tbrm. jMnduayifag aau inaeterma; eoue in tbe tM Style, by (irac Ileal workmen. . , . Ail ordera tor work will reeelre Imuirillatr ttumtioa. t ,y i & ;( . Mr. Joha.Bmim, aaleemaa, would br pleaaed So tee his trteads froaj the country .'rftih'-tl kfy'f, -,r,i - 15Mt AUEMTS WANTED I Mbdals sbd Dim o bus Awtapse for HOLMAN'B i,sew v ricToiitL bible 1300 Iu-cminom. Addrcea for new clr eulars, A. A. UOLMAN A 0., tdU Arch street, Phil. - PBTCUOMANCT,orSOULCHARMIN(l.' How sltber aex amy faaeiaate and gain the love and affecUone of any pertoa thry ebooea Inttantly. This tlmple, mental noire men t all eaa potaais, fre. by mail, for foe, together with a marriage gnlileJCgyptUn Oracle, Dreamt, Hint to Lad ten, Weddlni; Night Shirt, Ae. A queer book, Addrettl. WILLIAMS Co., rub.., fhlla. ' A reaU for the beet telling Prln, J Package ta the world. It contain. IS abeeU paper, IS rneelopet. Pea, IV n Holder, Pencil, patented Yard Mearare, ami s place of Jewelry. Single package wli I, de- cant Bairj mse. poetpaia, sac. llrc-olar frrr. bjdb ds CO., 70y Broadway, N. Y , , ,,v.- 'OR ' Csorhv CaUs, BsiruBfi', 11J ,! , , Tlroat Jiuattt, f tilt' Cuba iilableii, , PUT UP ONLT W BLUE BOXES AfTIHED AND SUBE ltEMEDY. For sale by Draggled generally, and JOIl8TuS, MOLLftWAY 4 CO., Pblladelpbia, Pa. OUTFIT FREE We want some oas in every county to take orders aad deliver good for the old and orig Inal C. O. D. Home. Large caah wtgo. 8 plead td ebanee ta every neighborhood for the right pertoa of either tea, young or old. Saraplet, new lleta, drculara, termt. etc., a complete outfit tent free and poet paid. Send for It at once snd make money at your hornet Addreea, H. 1. Hall A Co., 6 N. Ilowaro Street, Baltimore, Md. Arthur's ILLUSTRATED HOME MAGAZINE. "Ti e Houtebold Magatiae of America." Two Serial Sterlet la 171 " EAGLE 8CLIFFK," by Mr. Julia C. R. Dorr t and "MIRIAM," by T. S. Arthur. BUTTERICE'S Newest Pattern! In ereiy number. Termt 'S.50 prr year ; 3 copiet for Ifl.aO. Bpleudid Book offer and rremlumt. Specimen number 10 cent. T. 8. ARTHUR 4 SON. Phllad'a., Pa. It r ASOMC.-S New Maaonlc Workt. Cnl ITX que and highly Important. Send fur complete eatloau. Anott anted REDDING ft CO.. PubUabert of Standard )4 atonic Workt, 7S1 Broadway, New York. nor tv-u jh EU8E RIVER PLANTATION FOR SALE 1 On Monday tbe 6th day of December. IS75, st the Court Houae door to Raleigh, antler an ordef of the Superior Court of Vt akr 1 will aell at Public Auction, that valuable plantation on heue Klrer to Wake county, bout aix mile Et of Raleigh, know a part of tbe naiBKi uiAtua utnu. adjoining Da Id Hlnton, Jooathaa Poole and other con taint n about 6H5 Acrea with oet'o tary tmprorements dec Sold to two prct l nearly equal t Taait : One-third cash, remainder In IU montct and two reart - A.m.. .. vvn - Eitr'x. of 4. II. WUder aud Coui'r BOVldltAwtt , 6 WAMSCTTA MUSLIN SHIRTS WITH RICHARDSON'S ROUND THREAD LINES BOSOMS AND CUFFS FOE ONLY t .5ti. if - . . - . WAM8UTTA MUSLIN SHIRTS "Wnrj BICn A RDBOTS'TtOrND TH RE A D LINEN BOSOMS ASD Cl'FFS FOR ONLY $18.00. NEARLY HEADY MADh ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. The OreaUrt Bargain of (he Ay .' vf 4 ?) -r "' . & - ' , 'w,H . S. TUCKER, Leaden of Low Price snd Beit Ooodt. Raleigh, Nov. 85, 1875-tf. ."-.. GEEAT MEDICAL BOOK. and Secrets for Ladles sad Genu, .f 'Sent free f or two atampt, Addreea. 1 Sr. Juaara MuicLltTiTfT, 8U Joeeph, Mo. out 1LATE8 JUST RECEIVED, CHEAP A Nil ) - . GOOD. , h, BRANSON, n eetKMI.; . , , , : eigb, N. C. I will test mrhoate tad lot lor the eom tog year. Tha houae bat ill rooma; the tardea If m a high ttato of eoRlvatlon. Two acretef lasd go with th kaoaa If de ilred. There la a rood atsad of clover and orckard graas oa th Itad, an aa excellent ttrawberry bed, rottetatoa fflrfm wow if dealred. J.t.B. KISS. BOSl-tf ' B iwr.- an

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