TMURAXEIGfl SENTINEL; CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND- The delegate from Orange, Mr. furor t. has fw iiMied ns the following ryuopale of the ,83 proposed amend- m-at ti ibe contiration I ' . let AnieuilMitwli That eecUon 4, of ixUcie v, im utm-Kea out and two new aectioo be substituted, The section to be strkkeu out U In regard to land flven to the elate by congress and the appropriation or nnee, penalties, &o. The ecilon to be aubstltuted gives all lauds as' twoceeds of lands, . given. by tbe unitea OUtee to toe iuu, to educational purposes and all ewamp utnas, nnee etc., are to do meatus pur 2nd Amendment etriket oat lection 17. article 3, and substitutes sectios pre vldinf for tbe estabilahment of a bu reau of agriculturclmmlgratioo and eta liatice, and tbe protection of sheep liubaadrr)'i. ttati W. .'s -, ... 3d Amendment add to section 25, of article I, tbat "secret political societies are dangerous' to tbe' liberties of a free people ana ehould not be tolerated." 4th Amends section 10, articles, by providing that tbe governor, with the advice of tbe senate, aball appoint all office whose appointments are not cdherwieo nrovidou foe ........ 5th Abrogates and amends section 15, 16 and 17, of article 4, and allows tbe general assembly to allot and distribute all judicial power among tbe several eountiee' except tbat of the soprano court, which, ia fixed pj toe constitution itself.'- ;.-' . 6th Strike out sections 1 and 2, of article 13, and forbida calling a eonven tioa without first, consulting,, tbe people attbepoDni?l iCH fh" Tth .Provide J 1 1 of if bmitting 1 , the amendmenu la the S eonstitotiott 5 to thai peopbv at - the tbe polls, Tuesday aner tbe 1st uuoaay w aoveniber, iyti. The amendments will be ratified or re jected together. 8th Provides for publishing the ordi nances for tbe information of the people. 9th Requires tbe judge to reside iu tbe district for which be is elected. and forbids bis holding court in the same county more than once in four years. 10th Beduoea tbe number of judges from 12 to 9, and atithorixe the kgiabv tureto increase or dnminuui tbe number, lltb Provides for the assembling of the" legislature " In January-instead of November. 12th Hits civil righto on the head by forbidding white and black children going to the same school, and providing UiM no qiacrirninaaon anau do uaue to the prejudice of either race. 13th Fixes the pay of members of tbe general assembly at St a day and 10 cents mileage, and hmita tbe session to 60 days. If tbe session is prolonged beyond 69 days, members receive no psy. " 14lh Provides that the terra of office for senators and members of the legis lature aball begin at the time of their election. 15th, That section 29. or article 2, i amended to allow the eeueral assembly to change the time of holding election for the general assembly. ' ' 10th Strikea from the constitution sec tion 4, of article I, which is the old re publican gerrymander of the senatorial districts In 1868. 17th Reducea the number of supreme judges from five to three, as our father had It, . 18th Declares the judicial power shall be vested in a court for the trial I impeachments, a supreme court, su perior courts, courts of justice of the peace, and such other inferior to the supreme court as may be established by !aw. ' v - 19th Establishes the supreme court in Italeigb, until otherwise provided by the general assembly. 20th btrlkee section S article 2, from mo COUIUUIUVU. l uil icvuuu wan mo old rcpuhlicau gerrymander of tbe ouse of representatives, aud the ( eoplc ciut do without it. 21tt lorbld vacating any office or term of office now ex'wtiug under the constitution. J22nd Provides ,for the. election of judges of tbe uietuo court and aupe nor court, by general ticket, or vote of all the people ; but allows tbe general ansetnbly to change tbe mode TelecU ingsuperiur court Jigee from general ticket to district sktioas - ' - . . i3'l Kequi es 12 mootha' residence in iii-"iut'arwl Xki Hjtilo the Tountv: before a mn can vote, llld 'excludes I. ..... ..t..l ttttnttr Mn.dit lrom holding office" or"f 6tlbgTOtil' stored to utueoship by due process - of law. Thorn was two daya' debate on this ordinance, . Messrs. Dockery, Alberuon and' Buxton with all the negro delcgntes.ipeaking against It and declaring it was aimud as the negro. ,, 24th lrovidea for-the removal by tlie legislature of any judge of ths superior court, for mental or physical disability. It also provides for tbe removal of clerks or the - supreme and superior courts by the Judges of the courts for the tame reason. Appeal hi case of removal is allowed as In otter eases or suits. ,- 25th Provides tbat article 1 of the coo atitution be amended by adding that tbe general assembly shall have power to modify, change or abrogate any and all of the provisions of tbe article, and sub stitute others in their pine, except see. tionr 7,9 aad 13. . This allows the legieh. tureto appoint magistratea as under the old eoBaMattasv ,nr 4 . i-i v- 25th Gives jurisdiction to jwstiose of tbe peace over , civil ectioos fosmded on contract, when tbe earn does not exceed S200 ; and allows tbe iostioes to call in a jury of six men in certain easee.i tt1f:C. 29th Authorises the employment of convicts on public works ana highway. 28th Adds. tbe following new section i article A : "In case tbe general as sembly sbajl 'ontAblish other inferior oonrtis' the presiding ofltoers and oleypi thereof shall be elected in soon manner as the general assembly msy prescribe." 29th Forbida marriage between white and blaak and all persons of negro do scent to tbe third generation. ". SOth Adds to article 1," eection 24 : "Nothing herein contained shall justify the practice of carrying eonoealed weapons or prevent tbe legislature from nacting penal ; etatute against said , glat AboQshes section 51, oX article t, i cd provides for filling all vacancies hi offices provided for by this article by tbe governor not otherwise provided for, : $2d Provides for paying officers and members of the eonventim. , , ' 93d Gives power to the snpteme eouri to try kwnea and questions of fact as under the old constitution. ' i CONSTITUTION ALi OONVENTI N OF r kuktu cakouna or vm, Complete la Paotorrsphle giMvp by t. W WAisun. Tba i eompiata copy la tataues sue will be sold at a aioderate prke. est int.. .. VJ1TD I1UI.IDEH 19, bx Aaa .xuzA iounq, uciaaAJi 1 1 YOUNG'4 RKBkXUOUfl WITX 7Tbs only eaaipleta Expose of all the Becrets of Brigbaia's ilaresi ever written Bora la MormuuUm. Asa ElUa bow axpoaes to the world, as So other woman eaa the aterets, mysterta sod crimes of the konibl system of Polygamy, from tha very begin- aiac. jieariy aw iui Unsumtfons beautify rs work. It Is U bwt seUtof book publUbed. lu.UUU mors men and women eaa bare tm- ri'ojrment and make from s to io euily. All ivs ArcnUare writlog (or lUustntad Llrcu- Un wkd l4tnre Terms. Heat Free. Do aot delay, bat addrem Pusria. Gilmas Co. Hr (urd. Ct . Cblearo, llL. or CtaeiaaaU. unio. 4W. AOENT61 90 ELEUANT OILCilKOMOS ' moDjited.sUaxll. forth NoveltlM and Cbromoaia every daaeriptioa. NaTioaAfc CanoMO, Co., FnlU., ra. 4w. CjOUTHERN POUCT-fiOLDXB. Aa Iaearaaee Touraal devoted to tbe ia tar sal of Wiey-boldem. Coo tains all the tax saraaes Utaratnr of the day. - Only Insur ance paper In North Carolina. Treats of both Late aad Fire' lam ranee, expoasne) Wild -eat companies and eommeading tiw strong ease to the people of North Carolina, the paper tor i nose mieraawa m insauaneo Bubacrlption txW ia advaaee. AdTettlse- ment averted at naeonabU rales. Address, JNO.C. HCTSON, Editor and Pnmrietor. SeptS-tf JUleh, N. Mkltib K. Caaraav AaaanosloCaaraa. cart Kit a cahteh ATTOHNEY8 AT LAW, Asaavuxa, K.O. PiMiUea In tbeaprama Coart at lal lea. nn in tas But sad Federal Courts ef Wes t's i Worts Utfooca ' olwa eoll-ctad oa say ewnai ef tbe dwu-. E. B. T aft, ATTOKKatY AT LAW. Rtuuen, N. C i ITwtires la b Vtate aad Federal C carta. Di IWiJ(HiSM4am any artOf KorthOar- nM Bl.Ee INO TO HOLD. EVEBT HUCtB Eureka Washing Ma chine- - Pattented Oct. IS, 1S74. Th', l ew Uivantloa Is s '.eomplets Wa rrytiiiaii frasx a lady's mes Collar nnk-nnna,! th meat thorough and t -ii w and apldlty aad without ' ) h 1UL AM' hlO.NET tA?EOi . si.ii 4 bj a woman In oa df i.d. . .ha iatleatsd Barekala ri v alth wilicrr a tached tl J. B. FAkBAB, Mkimfwturcr and r-aXettUt.Ory, N. (7. T AXES! TAXES!! The underalmed takes this method of again notifying all persons owing taxes for the year W3, to-come forward and settle tbe asm, or be will be compelled to enforce tbe pavment thereof by sal ef tb property. Mercnsnis are especially nouuea o pay their parchase taxes, under llks penalty in eaasoi i; failure. cetao-aw 8. at. DUNS, Sheriff.. ta'Rrtl'E UOMB tXULUXImUUL. ..... UK CAROLINA HOUBMBOUt MAGAZINE, i- AaUlaatraie Moetblv of ciolee' Liter ' ta", u pabiiabed moatily at - (K)LIBOBO,lr.O. It t a brantifoilj lilnet rated Beeoattery of Ul rm t eUed"to beeome tbe Orsat Ue hnM MagaatBe 4 tbe Seathl wore botHaiiiy .Maiiad wits the people la taer r and Dom-stM Llf tkaa ay ail. i'v a r reantrv. ead for tie sasas ' il..UTef .f Keallnr. Me advaatagsi .iKi er :..ei. wate etuier mien napnat eaa a etMnanae lo reader esea awa aa agree" it '.d ilrm Me eumveadlnm ef chute eeJtp.iBlar wnw jJtosaeaa, i-ad.M '- " rrs ncTtmt aixny. at' srraetiv fester. Tb Janaary asaVitf t e- tt'n a llfs I k portrait of Ms- Z v. Vfnce, ai a oiof rapaieaj aaeiea, ih ait re eat h aamber wita paoto uU,7 ; rominent ttamsmea, eivaes i i M.Y ri iw A TEAK, Pottair Free, a" . eh rahtcrlber eaa task a eboiee of - avu. Uiaatifal. lergs BarBVl ra, alas )t . I its f o.U Ttat ,M lhs Finding of " - lnr 'mple, Tt Madosna,' i '' Klrt Lar Dcfyta th Btena," for a. u a- epi el the aabserlption pries, Ei he. i I Eutrvur la worth eeajMe i.t -tr 4 fv tbe Magasue. Aayoae e liaa ah tv will resstve aa extra UbM-rtpu I. as of I eoptea eeata. I u.or'la sab-- P'b wttboat tb Ea .ivrfie -r gtaW Waatod Ewsy aete. t WiA drks k r ' "JLi J,': ' J1 Id bOKITl Fabllaber, jsa 4-U Hv OeW'bore U.O. t i ' Q.JUTO'rXBI ,i H-.rao Waters A Font, 481 Broadway, N. T , ! ol-eon orients andtTaau r 1 rl kk ra, 'aclvdirg Water, at ex m no; low pnere for caah, darlar this lu bU. r ,ari eaab, and balaae ia small tu b!; r veet-T' Ibe same to 1st' ura' w rrale FutO", are tha beatBWd. ti ark .Uai ; and a da Siaring tone, . 6r a ,- vts- ead even. - Watera Concerto i (im ..aot be exeelhd la boa er beauty. Uev -f mpctitioa. Th Concerto atop I a' I'm im talioa of th hamaa vole. AKt eaa dberal diseoaat to teach t ,a iniat r , rbiireh-, schools, lodges, ete. ( weSa. t. da ma. la to ibe uada. lUustratad pitnlu at -4 .- ..- V - v'W. ornciv ;? 8y war t 1 iuJi.-f RALiciaa.x.c ealal alteatina riven to 8a Wax of a sb ads, m view of the late dceiftoa of tha Ba pr me Coart ef toe Waited Stsl m oa tb Mb- VW -v . .. , .. . SlfHwt, '1 -.7- 17th Edition, rEACTHAL OBSERVATIONS, .iitiocijnniTi; rmrsicAL KjHdusnoy, . To wbkk madded AS IBUI OH HAJUUAwK.1 , I With Important chapter aa Disorder ef tb KeprodocUr Orraa-, Betsf B syaopaia sf iHina aminrev at weir , - i MUSEUM OFAXATOMT.' - aWrets vtsittnrtbe etty, saoaM wot fall toaeetiila great eollctloa, belar the largest la ta worid. . , . . . so? Cunrrao St., wiosna Coarmaavu. I i BOTBI. FBlLXOBLrSIU. Copies of lecture sent ea receipt ef tdeonta. , aauim, um. usujab variaua. f lttm Foaaav nr., Philadelphia. dngtl-dly ti .. (Ti. . TV BOISE COTTON OIKS. One B0 and ea SO 8a e the celebrated aagBibCiaa m Mora, aad will be aoldat reaueea price, i aey an aaia to clean our, gU) faster aad last longer thaa aay other gla Also, On 80 Saw Second bead Eag. JAMES U. TOWLES, septl8-am AgenC N OTICE. Tba Cltv Ordlnaae relatlar to Hon romr aiwrg wui d aiorcea iron nae aner aator. . r.. . - . - . - . day Sept. 11th, inat. i. W. LEE, Act'g Chief rolio. tepta-ct G R U 1 N A N G S I ORDINANCES!! 1)11 Dl NAN' GG8! 1 or thu GONVBNTI ON! CONVENTION I ! CONVENTION!!! AT TIIIS OFFICE. Hingis Copire 10 ota. Per hundred i 5.00 Per thousand 35.00 Send in your orders at once. Addren; SENTINEL, Baleigb,N.a O H N, W HINSDALE, ATTOBNET AT LAV, Boos No. S, First Floor, Uv rsvettevUl Street. Banding, RALEIGH. N. C Attends all tbe Conrta to Ralelrb and Fsy- ettevlll. Claims collected ta ail pan ef N. C Refrra to Hon. K, M. Peanoe, Chief Jiu lice of N. C; Hon. 11. W. Baasom, V. 8. eoe!o CltUena' Nsa, Bank, W. U.A B, S. Tucker, Williams A liaywood, Baleixb; Fayetterill Nat, B'k, MerchaaU' B'k of FayeUevUl; Bank of New Hanover, WU mlnrtoa, N. C : Mortnn, Bliss A Co., Fbelpa vodga -co.. M. h. Tharoer fJo.. n. a. CtaainAC., N. Y.t Laadfwth Co.- Fhfla.1 O. W. Call dl Ax, Bait. 'Be has formed a eonaeextoa with Messrs. Ve u A Broadfootof Fayetteriila, N.C. with r fercare only to Aw tutor bnatnee at that point AH coaawlrattoassddreaeedte J. . Uinadale, ear of MeRa Bros, toot, Fayetievitt, N. (X, Will rweir prompt si toatlon. t, H..a"' - .,; -. . tTJ9t TWUfSaED, ; B SANSON'S NORTH CAROLINA Almanac's for 187 wl I soon be ready. Order what you waat, and I will bare your unpen pat on toem. a as many a sow wua out tra charge. This Is muck tbe cheap est N, 0. Almanac puhUshed aad as aecarate a any waer. - - - .1 - X. BBANSON. BookatDer, " , septT-tf -r:- ' Balelgb.N.a u W. eWna, LAaauvaadoaaa, E 8 A J O N.I S srmcybA At LteTr ;;: PkBACTICK tstks spremsCtart eftbe . Stat, to CWealt aW Dtstrict Courts ef to Usllad Htata aad to aavetej Ooerts of te CUJadietal Di.irtev Oaic ua eitUM SU. optelt 01 tlcal San" Fp etalr. - i .lee s-ltf : we . .' ' Taai ana mona Voa waMUse Ooirrea sua rs an TiS isj Ss. ail Express Companies a tneaa. e4 b rMntars aad Ctatiuaers trefywmert F. KINO, OF KOBTH CAROLINA, JOHNSON, BUTTON CO. DXIY aooDo, Np. SM Baltimore and 1 Berth Liberty Sta. T. W. ioaaaoa. i. E. R. CaAiaa. R. at. Sdttost, O J. Joas so a. pti7-at BALTmORX, sept 17-8m 0MS YE DISCONSOLATE I Men la anarch of FIRST-CLASS GOODS, tiw very Latest Tip of Fashion, aad pat up In a style that will suit tb most fastidious fast, goto WEIKEUS ESTABLISHMENT, oa Fayettevula Street, on door Booth of the Southern Express Office. It is b Conceded Fact that Weflcel can put np the best aad most satisfactory JOB in tbe way of Soe salts of uotuiag, irom a weaainr, u a ansinoaa Salt, that eaa be turaed oat fat Raleigh. Tbe old and young men say tt, tb ladies (Ood bless them) endorse It and the children cry over It, cry for Joy when thelrrevered "dada" pat oa a suit of elkel's clothing. Weikel takes tola occaaioa to rrtara his thank forth large and liberal patronage heretofore received, and respectfully ask lor continuance ol the same, ills stora ot CL0TBS, CASSIMSRES, T WEEDS, SUITINGS, . I much larger than ver before, aad com prises all th Latest Novelties la Style, baring been recently purchased at low price from FASHION HEADQUARTERS. Aa naual hla force of Workmen are Picked If en, whose skill and ablUty are know to the areasing" panne. Come one and all to the Emporium of Fashion, Heikel'a, the Merchant Tailor, for a first class Butt of Clothes, of first class goods, put up in first class style. oct e-e If I ORTANT SALE. bo Thursday the SStb day of November, 1875. 1 will sell at Public Auction 1.000 Aeres of Land In tracts of 80 and 100 Acres. This land lie wlthla a ft hundred yard of Osgood, a growler towa on th Raleigh dk August Air-Lin Railroad aad bason lilts original growth Sew Mill Umber on tb tame ia exeepiea. new wut tax piace m Osgood at 11 o'clock a. m. . Tsajfs: Half Caa. balanc S aad moot us BOV IW1-' . MeCs mUHQTV2U esttr ansso, St Baev lrn tiaisi, N. T. ; FaB Calalryaw raaa by matt. ; 0 OMPLETE STOCK W. IL A R. S. Tucker have now com Dieted their purchases la all department of tb DRY GOODS LINE, Th on, tuiirtlm New Full Stork ta tht si - r r, i i t i .... vwjr vr Asueiya, oavwycioaeu u their old business Inst winter. NEW PRESS GOODS. New Hliades and Colore, "Beat quality," Lowest Price, Camel Hair, , Cashmere, All wool Perge, ' . Diagonals, Plaids. fi'lk and Col red Bilks and the best Black Alpacas. , Remarkable bargains ta lloaaekeepiag goods. . HATS, SOOTS AXD SUCKS. Carpetlaga of all make aad eolora, OL0TXS, JtOHlEBT, St)';'. t lmakssad Valises, aad a eomplat stock of aaen's wear. Attention of strangers aad aheasaal deal er I Invited. ..'.. . oct T-tf rJ W. H. At & A TUCXEE, 1 D LANK' BOOKS, K&t RICEmo'lT Jkm ' ... .-' .. .-, -, i UKAaou-vn. c37-tl fWtigb.M.C.'" IllLX fATENT SE1ITINO TAflS. IMIil lOvsrTwe Bandrad JfUltoas tove gi Mlfaswa asd Uila u part is years, wiUieat cootplaiai of toe by Tag basnmlai 7lmfto?sryc5li I gDxlaSj j I w k i . A ! i 'it fj ALL KIND Of JOB WORK Having refitted our Job Office, And secured th Swxrioet of s We are bow prepared to execute all kinds of PLAIN AND FAHCY Job Work, All persond b mg Bill Hsada, Letter B(Is. Bnsiatu- .'arda. witiag Oarda. Weddisg Cards. Circular, Posters, Aa b print, will hare their work ex seated in the very best style by ending ft to the Oontinol Office, We are also prepared to do ail kinds of Book "Work la the very best style, st AH work sent to nt will be done M quickly sad cheaply es st snj ntDTiiiro housi : w the aEEEUi'B . c ! .,i . ,-..1 PATXZtT CHAMPiafil SAFES Eftablkdted! ithaaeedrdof a Cautery 4 , RIDUCID 13 PBICZ Aho two knndred sscoad-haad lafss ale at very low pramM - SSI and I3S llnoAnw At, JSw Tork, ' S ead SO BtnwtntT W Bnatot kib leod-ta, 5; ry.. ',8 HIST 1 i : hi , ' :i .-!- , .S ntn fit, i t i , I ' , fJoliiistoTi d ones I JaVCtorney AiLw v PALmOH.Tr.fX PiWm all raaMas Coart. r . J neprrlal atteatioa rlvea lewtbaOera eoa- Beted with recent Plat Legislatloa. Ufflee i s door above lataore Hoaet.1 -4 O ArrROrIT ON SlOa Inrestedla 1 ZUt 'Stock Privileges m all Street. Books and clrrulars telling, "1'ow tlsdona," eat free. Address AXTER 4k C'J Bank- ra, Wall St, Nw Tork. w. JOnE ARMSTE0M9, B O O E B I N D X R BLANK BOOK MAOTBACTTIRER, ovan m. a nooxrroa, A L B I a H, ' W C GEO. A. PBIlfCE CO. Organs A Melodeooj. deat, Lai faetety In ta Ualted State. 54.000 Row la m.' , Ho other Masical Instrument s u obtained r the seat Populsrttj. taT Bead for rnc uau Addiws BCF"i.o H.T. nor l-tt -pEFPXB'S WHITE FROST. " . The suhfcrtber hereby gives Botic to hi old Meads and customer that the Whlto Front continues to offer Its usual attractions, mak- tajj VLtbt most popular resort la ue any of in wiBixBBCAOu u)oi openeo. Ovster will be served In all styles and at I an hoar. All other deUcaciee of thsssasoa I wiU be tumlabed. Tha brat of LIQCOBS aad WINES aad LaoBaBsan. CaU at tb Whit Front aept7 tf W.R. PEPPER. a.r. arooaa BROOKE OATUX0, ATTOBMETfl roaearua AT LA W BALEieH, V. 0 ' t' ' SUteaadFedwatCoarta aad tad Coartiet thole aad eta JedMal Duarksta. ' REAL ESTATE Bureau. TARBOROUQH HOUSE. ALL KINDS OF FROPERTT BOUOBT and sold on Commlaaloa b tab 10 tf B. EIBGSLAira PLAID PAPERS, VARIETY OF STYLES, the very latest just to band. oct 30 tf Bookseller dt BUtioaer. X-TORTII CAROLINA ALMANACS AT A.1 .O0perbandredt oct 27-tf I BBANSON'8. MPORT ANT TO MILL OWRERS. M. A. fltllaiineo't Celetrale IMl'BOVED SMUT ND SCREENING JUUHIENS. Tbre thousand flre hundred of these Machines are now tunning in N. C. aad tbe adjoining Btstes and after a Tnrjrnr ( sabs Test is proDooneed by tha beat till wright and miller in tbs State to be Superior to any tbat has been yet nflered to the public, as I am., being mis represented bj parties ofterlng Machines in imitation ol mice, I new offer them, made of tbe very best material sad war ranted fur Are var for $73.., ,' For tbe ntxt twelve tnontbs pertoat wbbing to purchase mscbine or renew old onts will Hod It to their Interest In ever case to sddn m me before they por ch laewhore, I challeere all other matbinr, especially the Eureka, JOHN A MCM AH MEN, marSdtf Derham. W.q NOW IS THE TIME TO BUV YOUK KtllOOL TJOORJ ass Branson's Is the place you can bar a ehaan as at anv other store In the city call and see u be fore purchasing ele where.- - LliiUXWJMkllr, ' sept7-u . naieign, h.u, W BEST LIQUORS. : I hav and will keen a full sumriv of. kar tell's imported French Brandy, barney Jones' Pine Apple Brand v.Joe Hunter's Brandy. Old Cabinet 1K, Stage Mountain Dew, Pin Ap- pie, and Momcgahela Rye Wkhkays; Ma thaas Bros., pure old whest WbMey.ForelKa and Native Wines, Rum, Ola, Schanapps.Oin- i, Hum. uia. Bcbananps.uin pur A, C. Cora W Maker. ! all pure, and bought of the rer nranay. ana My liquors are Srst class dealers. R. 8. PERRY, i North of Market sug81-Sm O ELECT BOARDING A BAI SCHOOL. Tk thirty-third session of the Mis Rash d) Mis Kolloek's School will open oa Friday, SldJaly. Circulars sent oa application. juiy lo-siawtm ., . , . . JACTORY HANDS WANTED. QASTONIA C0TT05 MILLS. ' This Ftetorv Is new completed aad pre pared to gtv employment to a large aamber of Men Women and Children.. V , SPINNERS, REELERS AND WARPERS especially desired. Good wage given. FamSie wUl be famished wfth good boasee, also boarding konses for those desiring board, locality healthy, water excellenb Wood abundant and free of charge. Thi Fartory I situated on tbe South Fork River, equidistant (4 miles) from Brevard' Station, C C. K. R., Osstoam Watkav R A. A Air line R. R. and Dallas C. U. . . raiUvadesn-infrmplorsnent wffladdrrs ,' WIlAON dt MOORE, 1 Gaston la, Castoa Connty, X. C. oct87-lm iv-W( J ,';..? BOl COTTON !. One Saw Gla. teet to hand of this matte salebrated Alabama -fHav-Jbe testlmosy n anaalmoa that they Him faster and awheel batter sample thaa any otnr ever made. Price St par saw and transportation, -. ' ' t ' AJUSM. TOWLES, , I .'entsMf JJ.Ur Va4V ,,