V lrc -v,, r-nmmmu:. r- v. Draaioa' W. CY AlmanECi, . ualeigh. Friooper IOO$3.04 "Unquestionably the Uwt Sustained rok t , , IU kind la tbe WorfcL,'' ;, v Harper; K8mIv ILLUSTRATED! ' M .1 ti t ' f ' r The Trlneras!o(r cb ealstb-B of thU fx eelleot woau.ly prove tu eoi.ttiined adspte. Uoa to popnlar dsslres snA seed. Jadsed, when ws think l to bow many home It psne tratse every month, we snnst eooldr t on ot t edsrato is a well ea entertainer of tk pnMIe salad, for- ho vt popalaritj bubnii wo i by po appeal to eboptd pre Bdlcs or depraved last a ifcstesi Gieo. Ths ebaraetcr which this Mscaslne poaico for vertetv, svtsrprWa, ertlstie . walla and literary cm I tun that baa kept pees with, If It has not led ths timee, should eaaaa lb coadiclura to l! It with Jastiaabte com placurcr. It also entitles them to area) el Aim (on tbe public jrratitnda The Mag alar baa done Rood a4 not avl) all to deyi of tta Ufa.-Jrwo AVighg t. - Ptg tree k a'l Bab criber In Ua Mai led elates. Harp b's at AOasraa, owe year. . . .B4.0S. St UO Includes prepaymeut of U, 8. post age by Ua Publishers. Vabscriptlone toHsrper's UgislBe,Week'l and Nvr, to one sudrcae for una year, lib. 00; or two of-Horpar'a Period Icsls, to a address for on )tu, $7 Oil ; poslajre f rta. An JCxtra Copjr of either Ua Msgaxrne, Weekly, or Basur will bu aaphai gratis for every Club of Five Sabserlbersat sack, In obs remlttaooot or, MUt Copies for, I8U.I4, wlthuat attra copy ; porta tree. Back Number can to supplied ataayttaa A ComplUe Ml of ttarpcr'i AtafaaiBr. bow ompristug 4V Volants, in seat cloth blnd Idc, wUI ba sent by ex rTees, freight el ex b 'bm of rwrcbaaar, trw SS per -Lorain. U ig-la TJlnrae. by wail. .popaid. (.t4L Cl )U eaaea, for binding, H ceata, by BialL pMtpakt; --', '.;! ;'. '. -f'- A Complete Analytical ? Iftde to tbalrt Fifty Volumea of lUrper'a IfagaHne ba jmt been pnbltaba; aandartn AlU(lto' ra te renca the aat and rariad wealth, of hihr matlon which conatltatoa tbh) period leal -perfeot Ulnatrata4 Itterary CTclopedia. Mr, Cloth, ; Half Calf, Ksl iSent pottage prepaid. Aeerfc of paper under the tlUa of Tb4 Firat Centnry of tba BepuWIc," cOnti-Rmtej by the moat eminent American publlciata, la now beittf pubUehed ni Harpart Majtaaloa. ThU aerlea of oyer twenty paper eirea a comprehenaiTa rerleW of frogreat daring the century now eloalng, la every departmout of ouf aatkmalllte. .. .tr.- v. . J Newapapera are not to copy Utia adartia ment wttkoat tbe eipre order of Ilnrptr at .Addreea HARPER A BROTHIRS, " bot 8Mf i j; i r? few Mot? A S L F R K i .Jt 1, IMPROVED IJOUBLB , : Turbine Water Whee POOLS BUNT. BALTMoiia ktaoofactama for tba Boutk and South wart. Nearly 7006 bow in oaa, working under beads Tarring from B to 240 feet I Mtiaea,ftomftMto 98 inches. Tba most powerful Wheel In tba Market And moat economical in nas of Water. Largs Qlnatrated Pamphlet sent poet Ire T MAHUVACrCBKBS, ALSO, OF Portable and Stationary Rteam Engine and Boilers, Babcock it Wiloox Patent Tubnlous Boiler, Ebiugh's Crasher for Miiwrals, , Saw aud Grist Mills, Flouring Mill Machinery. Machinery for White Lead Works and Oil Mills, Shaft ing f alleys and Hangers. MEND FOH CIRCULARS.! rTlC OT THK 8BCRITAHT V Waaraan H. C. Ineaxs Avtlok, XoaoAimm, N. C, Nov. 8, IST5. 8KALXD PBOF08AU WILL BE BE celved at thle offlea to bo preaaated on or beforj tbe VWh -., 18T5, for one bandied thousand feet of White Oak Lumber all heart or tbe same quantity of all heart Fine. The said lumber la required to be aawed before tba 1th March next, and aultably piled and atock wben delivered at tbe alte of tba Asylum. 'Bpeclncationa of alM, Ac, 'of tba lumber Buy be obtained oa sapUoatton to lue oeonuj. Approved nd executed boalS remifred tq be fled wltk the proposal to the full amount of the Md. Proposals Should be sealed, marked "Pro- . poaabt for Lumber.: of the Weatero Xnaaot A) lam of North Carolina, "and addressed to T. U. WALTON, ' Bee' of W. N. C. Atjlum . hot T-nBd . Commltalon. lillRfllTAFLII R Impcrters'dt IWers'ln Foreign d) Domestle WOL owing to their great success' durlm the aaet seaaoet, to filling ordera from all parte or tna unnea Btaiee. a renter Attention to Ont-of-Town bfMinea. With an enlarged Department and fnereaafd Factlltlea, they will Sll all orders by mail with their waoal Promptneaa, and, they trust, with 1 Cotnpieta Satkfactloa. .(..,.,. Bhch nd OAortd Silk, FU and Winter Drut Good, ShawU, Cloaki, JAntnift frinti A-v AUY Uimhurgi, 1 inert wt, r.agg lrtmmngi, ae. i'MMs smks i anew onsry, trios, . Urn brtUmm Ire. i. eck dtvmitmnt bit complete end rtpUt smU mil f noeWftes m M fesuta m uu auropia wutrteu ' t , OuriLadiea 6bo Depttrtment eon- nuns a twex unsurpaMea ror aiegmnce, durabilitY ' and lownesa of price. ; Di rections tor aeu-measaremeat sent on application. vM : a - ,.: : .. Coaplete assortmeiit of Gents' Ftrn ishlng Goods, Shirta, Collara,Cufla, Ties, Hose, Gloves, Ac Goods sent to any part . of tba country. Shirt measure ments aent oa application. ' , " Forlhe acconimodation of Ladles and Families who are unable to visit the city, full lines of samples of all grades ttjkf Goods will be sent, and order? ty mau filled with the greatest possible care. " .:,.i-.-i-, - iiwi JJHOABWAT AVD TWISTIXTH STBJOR ; jjsw yobk. ONLY 1 FOtYTtCIlNIO ' UOM SCHOOL. -AT. CtKMINrS HALL, " -, i i CUhtott atT. near Baltimore, Md. ' Wall eetablUhed ; tkoroagb; aapertor teack- era. Generoj lekncMu " Gradual "MaESJ ran Rbt. J. liui euarnanD. D. 1 liead Matter. CaABUM A. Da M. BrnacBB, fa. DH l Aaaoe. Maater. klg 4 weow ly jyIRCnANT TAILORING DON j . AT TBI ay O It I KS T NOT! C h j CHARLES M. FARMS, practical Dellceator and Co ter, Trairia Building, Wilmington Street, ' RALEHJH.N. C. FIT, 8TTLE and WORKMANSHIP can't le aurpaaatd. Warranted to pleaae the moat faatldloua, CVTtlNa done at all time for tbte wlh 1 Jnat received aecondatork ot tloth together with a f uU Una of DRT GOODS, No. 59 and DO Wtlmingtoo atreet, . L"l'raine uuuame." o 15-tf Ralelxb. N. C. Graham an I TUouia U rah a at of btrdiaaan County V'B'i "" 'her SVHMona roa kauav aao Pititioh t.) t klaxa Vbai. r a'Aia tum itkiaiviflAl uiiLVU I'Aiinttvl ! To tkt SKerlfvfJoAndon County OrtMngl Tob are Mrai'V ommaiidet to amnion William Orabm. Fradrrjik Wayne and ne mtu Martha V. Wa M, WidaBt Wa;ne aad ha wlfr U. V. Wayne, Bright (Jr. bam, Thowta Graham. Mary Hiaha and Aatlier faham the dnfeai'anU abv naraed: Wihi y be ioaod within tonr county 'o appear ai lUei nice of tlwClrik o tue ruirerior onrt for tbav hmsmix eAJobatn. wtthtoffOiJ T -Itrir'n"!''l oa UrtnXif tfrVT'a.f the. and Bwa. tW eo.illnt. mpv of tiirh ia m rVed with thle umn ob aud li them lak aice,ihc they Nik to answer tke said cgjBPkki wlrkta Ua(Uiaatb (lain Id wl I appiy to tba Ooart f or tha n lief dSniaiidrd In le eomplaiat. II. reef fail not, ratloi thiauma n male da return. ivtn uorr my tinad an4 r1'u( said Com t, this etb an, oi May. l-75 . , , . J. H. ABSLL , t'., Johnston Cu AjU, DOOKS A BLIMli- Oaurrnnind tkoroujM Season ei AT SOCK BOTTOM r&lCXS. Lmrgt Owat asOir flaat) .io juuvs ucwa co. F OR KENT. A well-arranired two atorr STORE HOU8E will be rented on good term. ppiyo i , ,N, R. W. BEST, novlm r- lllllboro8trect. "NT?CE! "3 viad iiivf ,j,:i'S' On Wedneadar, the 15th December next. . will atl1 at the Court Home door In Baleurh the following nropertv to forecloae a mort gsget OnwSne Eojflhh TVri6,7actiiVe. aasda) in London, eott to00 In gold; one English Barometer cost SRiiV. Theae .articlea ran be en at my ttnre; alto one' wrge fieritthtre sow. (Terms made known on sale day. Sale at IS o'clock M. P. J. ELLIS, hut. itii, mm iti, limsuoro iireisv. m i..- . j". " a. . JBo. ' JOS.P.CCWBli, Fa ykttkvillr Street andBodth LXCHANUK 1 LACE, i Offer to tbe nubile a comolete assortment oi DiacK Alpaca, Deal, at prices to derr com petition. 1 , nbn'a I Attention is called to our Cloth Depart ment oi n. m. sua vs. Uaaalmeroa, and our Sew Tork City made Whit Shir s for Gen- semen, prettiest, nest nttmg. and a good fiDI FLANNELS, HOSIEKT, PRINTS, RIBBONS, . GLOVES, la ,S;V 'A UNtsERtlNis S.. a. m AND HATS. fUIMlH FoT'Men, LB'Msnek, 'OlIldBoya, Youth Few nalrEilwin II R.iHt'a Bboes for sale cheap. Have Mile and Z ieglers . 1 T, .1.1 t . . .. . . . wue. nin awr uenia- noou ana uaitere all Gradea. The famous Burt's Boot, and above all, tbenunoas, nreMy sal geodBtiyden Halters lor gentlemen. My own brand Uenta' 0OOU ana iaies' tSboee UmS I warrant tn ha good, or another pair given free. CLOTHINtt AND OVERCOATS. - -Mr Clothing Ctnartment n sUlr. Is r J com jr ring all tbe Styles and Grades for Menl Boys. Toatfas aod aaSdimu at jwh that eantbsbeat. I will Open In a vert few dara adenarlmmt for the sale oi Frank Lealle's, "Ladle' Jour nal," Cat Paper Patterns ; comprising sll the latest aovelUes of the season for ladle, hmra anw Tvwiaa n avwrr vpsenMSMI'Of ( sresai Pabllc la vised to bsILti vr i oJ.f Sale men I R. C Redford, of Waka County; , C. HaamleV 'ef Ctwtham 'Ooantv! W. t Chamhlee, of Franklin County; Job. P. vatt. ol wax lountvt -A. C JTavea. of Wake County t A. L. Moore, of Alabama.'- l - il JtespestfwJly.'s t to b; aOTinf eumave; w 1.1 II. -If .1.1 Li Headeraon O'.hana. dreM. auauul BrWbf rttUKE'TIIAT COUGH! tM I f))i WfiM ! I' !i;-,.tf i !a itfli annew MA w t , aUVUM .3 .iA -UA Till at Lal IX.XIJE ;- , t'iuvs u a. , ' uvitM.n. TiOaaAT Hotrnuaji JIsmsd ,k !;? '!; '. t'OSrsOaVTIOaT. '! r.j - ; J '!. a Fr C b t olaa. Sore Throat, Boars. ta and al Lung Dicait a pec la ly reo ranxadad as a Family Medicine lor t hildren u-at arnwte at race every symptom . uf nap, or attacks of i ia, such a children re avhkctto, paiticn arly lo lbs relief wf Vthoopisr' Cough, 'its combination? wits soarat anaT'otberlrgred'ante atakee It nut un pleasant to the tat te, sad ne daa 'whatever -I w- - - - " . r td eoeb, and at ihi -whan yon Ua down. II acta snenron toe nvraneyv ana too kfatJ'"''-',: "' ' "" J r- ' ' Manafaetttred and In Id Whol!c and Re tail by the rToprieton Uarbam, W. 4V Lib eral eUOonat to. wbO M dealerv (Urdara aolieltad. I im: a. MoMANsrN, Menrral Baatuaaa Agvat. A . ti i , , ! "GoidaooArrc i A ftnr orndliin- ekrktara aioaUitla a ton la- am eiiniuta to rratote my Lunge. I gave up to dpih ' and eama boma to die with my thildrca la oldfcoro, N. C. W nil there I oWaine.i a box of Dr McMaaaaa'a Tar Mtx tora. Ita Brat eff et waa to anabla ma to iep; my atrcairtb began to rtUnw hope trriva; a yeougn waTe wajAnju-a k holea. waa raaun-eerto neaita now SUrh lo ib i owe my nje to iam mixnrae, Iowa tltJetothlathU' and wUh W pubUL4 to the Worlif lit- itprj f,kOBimN. - i f w'- fi).Mt iuicUd wlikatongh fee thirty 4 have t n afflicted vlthatokAV veara. I have nsad all the mnoier r tor counts. I have m-ver found aaytbina: to remain on the etomsek ofKtve any relief, until I used Dr kcMannen'a Amwiaean Tar aiuiarv. ia wm amurav wnwy ww.. m lung have regained their etreagtlf, and 1 Six myaelt entlreTf free froas a dktraming edugb that attack 1 tue w the njomlng. I aia rapidly recov rinw. ' Jt.koafASCHJL. i Wy Lai g gava w Vetera hy circuit. I was fore, a w ro ire and bad ksi itlle hope ot reooverv. 1 need one box of Di. KOinum-h'eTar-A Jf my eooich Improved, my strength rettmaud, Snd I a oon bie to rauise ma wa' 1 rsooanaea II o all who bav-WouffvovwiaB mfa. . m. i. nuBii-'- N. C. Uouaraaye. ! ' i'i , . . i Durham. V(L tf ull tbe medicine you have taken, the Tar Mixture I the on y thing that has done Ton j Tgood. . - . r hU&i.R.GKEICX, , ,t 41 4..! . ; MaaKwtntl iDurtfsp.,!tt; la''!; I was I taken with an alarmitg eoukrh'j Was fo.rful of it result! tutlercd I r wantol tieep.. I used ae box tf tMi Amertcaa J Mlxlurw. n US firat day 1 uaed it, I fait Its ged , eflocUv 1 slept ousd. aod mj. strength ircr ased ; k rw e x 1 waa rurwlf again. I can ronHCtentinnalf remeimend it lO ail wboarr. iffllc'ed tth eonRiuiuUve yuptom or wasa JunaU','U rl it . It. 8TIK'. I !,. !: i" . ' ! .' '-; ! r. -. ... Ilurk.,.' K I' lAavauardi'r. V.T. McMsnneh's .aiutklrssi Tit Mtxtra myaalf, auJ h) ni iamuvT ! do net nit ui ni' hi-i u u a a n iu&w ml ! uaediall 4Se:' vi ooi ...C id, now n I . Li ' .J : .-Jl ' Ayrwi;'rarta ..miff jiance . i .11 1. Flk KIT ,f ibuoatedaof !) f;Iaaiial coi 4 br otared. , Taken at all UineaitDo Uobiof ksll aieaaoruaaiai it inaa. nnuiir , oaicvor. ; mi. VTTt i . A J AiAO W UmJUglULk Star. ' ' ' t 1 SSIABLISHED ONLY SIX YEARS I 'DAIIjYstak: 1 A B the largest clrca'atlon of any Dailv Newspaper In the rtate,'and aeireula- a ta WUmlngtpa' n-arly twice a; large u :AI the new of th day will be found in It, cendenaed when nnimuorlant. at lenirth when of moment, aub always Siassntod la a clear lutrlllgent and Interest! mi manner. ! f aUBclClilPTllttiladianeaH . . ObsTaar.,,. ....S7 Months ,.,.., S inrae awwtwi.. .,.. a . PKIOS BJf0DCBO.r u The Wnklti btur la now combined wlut'th Cwwrfaaa Jwiiwr. and Is one vf toe eh-annai - pspara in ui country, ai m loiiown iu HKDUCED KATKe: iiieot-iBe yariiw.v.'n. Wv..'i'iti.St Sll' ' i ot. la months... l uf i lift'lut ftMH t'Jubnr tu lOionevusr, Si (8 p- uuv vnt,hlbSTi H.ore, ri,vear, oaij -. . I . iiy si w il J. ..! .J. ,-. ,.-ir pwVwMa ppilc-aUi.u.. i ' , jdr''; V H rlKltrr,'. ;: r.iw th'm.tt :.f r T3RJS0 IN ANOPHEJt HOItSBt lui vw1 v Vi M. Sorriell, late with C. D. ChrlstohCrs, lias purchssed iisennre rrH'!i(.-'."j i,. -.., ic STOCK OF GROCERIES ,U- -. ' . from F r C,'CHXisTOMis, W r owned In the old Rock building. No. 4 North Market Street, where he) will keeps full Hue of choice I , fAWL yGRO mtoKS fresh from tbe Northern- market, consisting of everything usually kept in a First Cuss I Grocerv Store; ' Also ran sto a or tae celebrated brands of ' -C'lr." . 1 t:!ff .I'M TOBACCO heretofore kept by V. C. Christophers. vonaignnMnia oi country proauce solicited. Prompt returns and satisf sctory prices guar- nlul No. ST, fWSdAw9, i.jv fK4Mlrr, PORTLAND CEMENT. " dfc va f f w - 'j 1- V ' B I Also. Romsa.Keene's and Parian. for walka. clatnn, owadlioaS ssAoles,eeUara, Badges, reasrvoirs, Ac Remit six cents nosUure for practleftl treatise cements. 8. L. MEJfr uiam ;ocu..ToutaBt., sswiork. aojrvVaod3m r , oabdino aocBi m'mtfK " I Till rent at a reaaonabli prW; Hoaee, ready farwinbed and eilKibiy , located on. the eomar'of Mawbam'ATeuuc aalPenoaf atreet; and only two aquaree from tbtt Capitol. . - Until rented k will fjoj kept na a Boarding House, nod a few boarder caa be aoeomroo dated at preaenU ua . 1T TFT! eUVI DM'tof faota. U r XV I1- ill dtaK-i on. Wnatlua fae4J Book. ,witk CbKxuoa.1 Bi4 tjnp iU.lt, Jfii UlJUB., nirw naoioru, rnaaa. GKANU, 4UAK jSIO umuUT Pjanos f - Haire rwlve pwarda;.;jDiT.FirTT ST PHEMIUM8. and are am-ng th.s t aow naaO. u: Every teatruoKbt nil! I wtrrtntfd for re years," Prices at lw ai I a.,J Ih ntrul-l u.SlKrlk hiUb maltjll ft h IT SJUU IUV iB7iv iiiimiMn.i ninmvn"-u' " ! permit. Tba prtaci pal pia nits aui pars, att'dl Hie- piano-ponttiatiiig pub x of;the'fmth epcially, unite' In" tb noahltna verdict of the sapcuority nf tbsrUitfl PiD.. Tfct Porabiiitv Ui li:tiumetit la ful!v mLbJiaheJ by ) irrt ecHoor snd Colleges in the 8 otb otlng vr SfOof oar Pihnis,.;; '., iiie WBdifMilS Agents for teversl ol tbt pritiCipar niiiufHttOT.' uf Cl)iott aad Parlttf Orgss-; jirlce irom IW to -fOOO A liiril flMfOtt'it to Uxgyw.H Snd r! balh rkh.-l. V A lartf t a''iiO-nt ol susotid-hand PiSntw, at pi ici a rangitu' -r m f7.1 tt $300, always on huud. Hinii hr Illus rattU CV.itlague, cn taiumg the name of jvrr 2,000 Soptb tfDir. who hare bought :rd art using tbe MtiefT Piano OAS. M. dTlEKF, Wsraroomi.j Jio. V Sixth Liii-rM B. Fs tone. 84 A 8A t-. .!! St.. v.. 4f 47 Vn v St. rlMA I LJMKII UMK I I t Horn receiving from Depot, d'.rwct f ro u tht kiln, car loao of N-. 1, Kock Lime which a III be sold cheaper than the chea ret to dealers and contractors in lance quantities, flu. 1, Indian Kock Lime at i.oj No. 1, Hivrrton beat In tbe market 17 Abo kert cons' eiiUv on hand hound: l.v inaouc ueoent, vaicmea tnn uBd r u-i 1dgcaltursl Lime at kwoat catty frl td. i JAMJUlM. D ft .IIBTCLAfflQEOLOG i j Cor. Cabarrua and McDowell 8U., RALEIGH, N. C, ait prepared to furniah the beat Gentlemen Boots that can be obtained In the market, a tbe very loweit prices. A good fit guaranteed and all work warranted. ,, Thankful for paat patronage, we hope t merit and receive an Increaae of the same. Cobbling neatly done and on reaaonablt terms, all for cash. AND FOR SALE. Will be sold st Public Auction. Tburaday 9th December next, at eelma, J oh niton Co. the tract of bind on which Kverard Mall re cently lived, containing 819 acree. A portion of the land I good Neuae River bottom ; It ia well timbered, with a large dwelling bouse and neceuary outlioute. 7 Stilt front Princeton Depot. i ft A tSisU1 aornon of U nurcbae .taoaoy cash, balance on loeg time, with Bperc.nt, Intereat from day of sale. The land can be divided If dcilred. . W. II. JOXE8. . t Treasurer Rex llonpital Board. Nov23-wts. -- OCMPT.ON CUkkI. Vf To the Editor of tiHT uri, f.i eemod Friend ; Will sou I'Jeaoe riim our reader that I have a po.'fnve' ' ; cujtsrus cossuitrrioy i and til diorierof the Throat ai.d Luol'S, and that, by it use in my pn.eiirr, l hiv- cbi. nanarea oi cae, and u. give H.iiOO.iu lor a care it win not bemnt. I mined. o atront is my faith. I will stud a t-aw pie, free, M any tonerer aaresine me. Pleuse show tbls letter to any one you niav know who la (tillering fram theae ,dicses. ana ooitre, - I idtniniry ionre, ' ' DR.T.F. BURT, sp 21-6a 89 WILLIAM M, N Y "jfTALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. : On Monday, the SOtb of November, 18.5, 1 will offer for sale, at public auction, a very valuable tract of 13a acres, four mile from Kaleleh and lea than one mile of Mill-Brook. About 80 acres cleared. Good house with two rooms. A considerable portion Is origi nal growth. Lies between the R. Sc O.K. K. and the forest vllle count v road. Sale at the Oourthouae dear In. Raleigh, at U o'clock. Termasaayl V KttslApl BATTLE. T I nov 13'awna I "1ALLV snd subecribe for the NewTork : Daily papers only 80 cent per week. T. . . - L..BRANSON. Eept, 14-tf. Raleigh, N. C. $250 A HONTII-.Aaenta wanted r.ea where. BushieH lionoratil and Aral elau. Part irn Ian sent free. Adilresa t.nvmustu.ii, Leala.Mo Iqhange in business (i( The Old and Well Known House of X M. ROS EN RSA UM, j . ' .:.. ' ; i ' ' ',. '.4 ; Having concluded to confine itself to cer tain specialties, announces that In it main business it ia exclusively . r , . , i . A CLQTWNQ STOKE I r . it of high grade, where every srtlcle of Gentle i , ... men s. soa Boy' wear usually round In s nrst cisss esaoiitnmens is enerea ON THS MOST FAVORABLE TERMS FOR -.-I Buyers need go no further to he suited Every class of customer can bs supplied. . ? -t .-) s-f iji.ni fcoi'i i f-v, r..v .,tu,..... I l !'' .J . ffV' '!' .vvi ,!). ; ., J ,u .... ,i .6 .It .if. i, . i j. .-, . Ar&ched to (be establishment Is a Depart ment for the sale of " CHINA; CROCULST ,:A20 GLASSWARE. rt .h . v. 'r-rr . (' ;'". -t -A Everything fn that Uae can, bex found of Us first quality and at reasouabU prices, ,, . ., The long "establtohed etarscter of this Honsilsa saffldent gnsrsntcs of Its Abili ty snd detsnnlnstion to do what It promises, Doa'(sUtocUoa n . i. i.rt,. . j fi'rH .i,'''MBOSINBACM,' Corner FayetteTtU snd Bargett 84. V - " ' - -.', . ' ft "... ririNTSo or vall 'MrLinntRT I MBS.. W. ANDREWS :'. RaipeetaWry mforms har astraaw aad frlsnds, j and the) pqlMie (eoerally, that she M BOW I nsay tojxmwtser , f , ,M ':-.jt w i e - t : i j a t i jf CU PATTEBN BONKETSk ; Tftnouu) ItotTMO Hats, Ao, f She reapectfully luvttes s call, and Setters! lerwii uuu. ana can pteaaa lo . U1NOLE8 AND LATHS. O .... i i The Csrv rblugle Co., Is now prepsredfo rurnbh shli.gl snd Isths In soy quantities ; 4"ired. ; i hesf sniogies are wia neat in ins market. . , Addr a. , t 1 CART BntNGH C.. mat IT If ' , fjarr, iVake Co.. II. 1 L ft K B S. MItS. 8. A. MO WT. Make and dean clothes hi the ba eheapeat atykxoa Blood worth St. MOUNTAIN RTE. ax - . . 10 Boshels pr: ' Sept 18-tX kfounUIn Rye fof Wil. VT O T I C E . AN ;..! ' JKI: -On Monday the 15th day of November, 1 wgl sell at Public Anrtloa. at the atora lately 1 occupied by W. U. Hunch oa Wilmington airee, sos 01 urooerlrs, wniageys, etc Levied on a the property of W. H. Bunch to tati(y EaecuUoa In my kanda In favor of Lieacanroa., and others.- . .. Time of sale 111 o'clock BL ' ) aov ll-dtt 8. M. DUNN, Sheriff. w AN'fKU. vve win give energaue man and w.met Bosinbssvbutwim. PaT from St to s per any, can. neparanaa in )our own reizbhor. hood, and is itrictly honorai le Particular, frea, or aamplos worth aevvrat aoilkca thai UI enable yoa Wgo V work atoaea, w.'l Ik- j -ent on receipt of fifty cents. Hdiiri-s ' J. LATH t All. uptS tf 'itnj WaahlnaTton St,Boaton, M COMPLKTE SET Of yitlH Carolina Report for aalu. I offer for sale a complete act of the North Carolina Report in nrsi rate orw r. ror lerma, auare, W. II. BAILET, Agent, nov 2) St Charlotte, N. C. ,u iilTiiua ,r,l tu lininarvritu snii sll throat disease, use M ELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, put up only in blue iuxc. A tried sud aure remedy. Kor sal by Druggists generally, and Joiinst , Hol- wT st Co., Philadelphia, Pa. jEAjyTiii&v1 -"- Jiiht stetived 3 OtO yard pUi 'r ped and plaid cKuxxeaaV at to co U i sail worth 2.1 i'(in'. I RKKI H ARE COUXTT IN T11E Sl PERfOR, . CQCBT.. , Sl-mmoss roa RxLixr. E. O. Macy, Admr. of Emma Cannon, Decd, atfatntl Adeline Felton, David Cannon, lirnry brown and Tamer Brown nla wile. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. To the Nherifvf Hake VmntyOreeiiy. Yea) are hereby Commanded to summon Adeline Kelton, David Cannon, Henry Brown and Tamer Brown his wife, the defendant above named, It they be found within your county, to appear at the oHice of the Clerk of the superior court lor tlie county or wake, within twenty day after the service of thl summon on them, exclusive of the day of such service, snd snswer ths complsiut, s coprof which will bs deposited In the office ol tbe Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, within 10 daya from the date of thl summons, aud let tnem take Botice that If they fail to snswer to tbe ssld complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the relief demanded in toe com plaint. 'Hereof fall not, and of thl summons make Jue return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this Mb day ot Nov., 175, J. N. BUNTING. ! Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County. t.Eo. ii. bkow, run Att'y. nov a3-laSs l ARE COUNTY If THE SUPERIOR V T ' COCKT. , Simsios roa RxLixr. 'E. O. Macy, Admr. of Samuel Haywood, dee'd, plaintiff tyakut Sallie Haywood, W. II. Haywood, Kits TrUband, Waab. Craven. James Rix, Ellxa Rix, bis wife, Jerry Wash ington, t-avinia wasningtonxbas. itinton and EmUy Hintoa, his wife, Jno Wssblngton in- fsnt snd Susan sacf Wm. v Washington Isst I two lntMUt defendants. STATE OF NORTH CAROLI N A, ! 7b the JSherWvf Jft'aki jVwidy: Greet iiuj: " 'Tea are hereby Commanded to aummoa SalUe Harwood. W. H. Havwood. Elixa Tria- band, W ash. Cravsa. James Rix, , Elixa Rix, his wife, Jerry Wssblngton, Larinia M ashing ten and the other defendants shove named, If they as loo no wtthla your eounty, to appear at the offlee of ths clerk of the Superior Court fee the Count of -Wake within, twant v aaye, axter me semcav ox uus. suiamons on them, exclusive of tbe day of such service, and answer ths complaint, a eopv of which will liedtpastted ta the office of the clerk of ; the Superior Cjurt for said County, within 10 dava from the date of. this summons, snd 1st them take notice that if they fail to an swer to ice said compiaiut wimin mat time. tbe plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint Hereof fail not, snd of this summons mske due return. Given under mr hsnd and seal oi said Court, this eth day of Nov.. 1875. " , if . Clerk of the Superior Court . ,- - of Wake County. , uao. iu oaow, run Att'y. nov 2S-law6w B-j? AN S O N ! KOETH CiEOLIKA ALIABACS 1876. ; rrire Ter 100 Cn'j (100. aov 17-tf AIMS NO W IS THK Tilth ... --- I Just received 1,000 yards Pacific Lawns at A. CREECH'd ia short lengths, at IS )-l cents per yvd. U ' A GREAT JOB, Thrat lawna sranew and good styles. and are worth so cents .per yard every- nert. hee the customers dally going to ukekcu'0 to nay goods. , . They are ae aibls to the teat. LAfD PLAtTII and Agrirarinral Lima, Just rciveds lanra sspplv of Lime aad Plaster, aad will be sole at Depot at 1OW04 posaioie rates. --". . tlvr. Tlmotht: Orchard and Boras i sees in store. JAMX BL TOWLES,' I . j . I :tiv Local aad Distriet Arerte wbh dttect contracts for tba Pern. Mutunl 1 s IarnrHnee O.of Philadelphia, fm N 0. Uesr.., , W K. FIN' H. h(f W-ufn ,, ,,, wi1 T Hirer ",PI O L O B S A L G O L D SHEAF SEED V- WHEAT. Tbe attention of Farmers 1 specially li ita proline Invited to this sew cereal, which for irom aieeaae. perbaj outrtvals all other ac climated varieties, . it perfect adaptation to every variety of sou and climate make it fMCullar-favorite wHh both American and Brltiah Farwank. , ., trnT" It lataree fas shout twenty days leas time than oau.J It 1 S remarkable grain to aland severs dredslit" ' ' ' , It yield from 40 to 00 busbeis per acre, " The beads will average tea Inche w length. ' (Wf will eo4 aampls apeclmen heads to Farmers on receipt of ten edit, by mall, which wilt be a life evidence of the cnormou Sswtk of the wheat. 1 Agents to whom we ve sent speeimea-hesds an making enor mous profits, showing the head to their neigh bors, snd taking orders.) The ttslk is sufficiently strong to tup port the head and prevent Its lodging. The grain for stbek food la aotwrf, If not mtperiar, to In disn corn, i , Jt ripens while tbe (talk la yet peen. We have tretcd Its superiority sa far North a Ontario and Quebec, snd as far South as New Mexico, proving It ptrfect adaptation to every variety of soli and climate of North America. . taf Terms, Caen. Ne C. O. D. packagee teal out. . , - ' Sample paiksges sent postage paid, fur S1.W by mall. One bushel, by Exprriw, m. Ten buihel by Expreaa, t'2X fiend money l, Registered Letter, at our rtk. Addreas tibSlAVLD l.lAUafcl A CO., Aug. 9-lil mo, UolntuD, a. t27 Y e.ii (;id. Six Reasons Whr YOU HUOULDiNfUHK IN Wi CBWTUCT BTRErT, 1st. Eesause it I one oi tl. it ().. Compsoies In the Conotry, and pni ti e day of eipcflmen',' Znd.' Bwauiw tVerj p-wicy-hciluer k- ror fd bet of the (nipalijt'ei',fM to ailt sdTauteges soti privileges, bavinp s r g to vote at all elections lor trustees, ar. that lias ri influeoce iu its uiaiiageaicoi. 3rd. , ly-" it has ss large s per, ent sgeolawr' liabilities as any H - lo uraoce Ccv . iny in the Country , 4th. Heceuee by econootlckl uiaiiasre. - menf. it ratio of expense to total iDftine is tar below tbesversgsof L ft: Com pan es. (Bee umcuu snsursnon Hepoftt.) 6th, Because It bss declaied uii dividends in number, and oi a Lrga Average Peiceutnge, thun ..ny Oniony in tbe Uui'ed State. For example: P.hm No. 10, for i.VlHiC has been paid to tbe widow of s DiiUloi pbia lb renvnt, npn srliirb twenty-three iliviiiti.il Lad Un docUred. Averaging dlt-vv. n percent. U il tbese .lividetida. wii uwl pnn-iiuae sd litmus to this 1'i.l rv, $6,)4S aanre would have ij&t rehiiz C, a.k.aicg ibe f. licy worth 111. toO. 6th. Because it is liberal in it rpU" geuivnt, pmuipt in itarttienieuU, sale le yond h conupgei c. so I its rates are as low as any lii-c aaa Company n tLt Oouolry. Principal rxAxcaxs. Mnali expcnsui abaoiute rvcurity. Urge return prvmiaius, pttimpt pay incut ol lowct, and liberality to tbe insured. SAMUEL U HUIT, President SAM'L It. STOKES, Vtce-Pres dent, It. 8.STKPHE r, Id Vicn President JA1 WKIR MAfMtN, Actnary, HEXKT AC8I1E, nscrstexK EI1W. UAkTsHOKNE, I ,, EUW. A. PAGE, f stesiisaM shammers W. 11. FINCH. Gaearal Manatee. y VUM1NG BEMl-MOMTnLY L O T TERY L galisca by tbe Lelsl ure lia ou the 15th snd Suth of each month. Tickets SI eich, for 15. 1 cbaao In 8 SAJ0.OUO in cat i irises., apttal Prta a SfiO.OUI. Axenta wanted ParUcnlara, Address J. M. P ATT EE, Is ramie ity. Wyoming;. NCO KMg HOM E INST1TI THINo StCVRITy AOAIIfSl rHA THE NOliXlI CAUOLINA HOME INSURANCE CO MP AN I BALEJQH, X. a This Com pan eontlnses to write Polka at fair rates, on all classes of lnsv-sble prop. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOME Urark.rr enrwlnsrla nnhlU flavor, and appeals, with confidence, to Insurers Of property In ail ports of North Carolina. Agenia in eu jiarts oi ths suta R. H. Battls. Jt.. President. U. B. Root. Ties PraaideaV Ssarow sjixas. Secretary. FouAxi Oowrwm, wperrlaor. Jaae aft-U, , JuUNSTONE JONES, A TTORIfS Y AT LAW, BALEIGH. If. C AagM-tf . . QARPETINGS I be lanrest stock of Camstinn. Eturs. Ac. la tba Ciy at lowest Cask pi loss. All aaw snd bought since January. w. m. s n. n. Tuunxn. THE BUNNY SOUTH, BETTER THAN tbe New York Ledger-only 8.00a year. Call and subscribe. j L. BKAABON, octZUf Raleigb, N. C. pADTTS, OILS, COLOBS, Hardware of every 'Description . wn W m aajsja . am - . JULdUS ur. IY 13 tfn , Fishes Bcildino, Balelsa. S. C. iur.2aw30d m.liion i ft mir 8TWXP: At inMuf actures nrteaa. on time or taonthly tastalaiaats, '' AND TWENTT-FTTE PER CIT. BELOW MANUFACTURER PRICM Ivft .: . .- (.ABU. . If parchasai direst frown this sffioa, or say rn tte local aireats. U UtTH STREET, sUebwoad, Vs., a 'das JAaV M. A. tiinoB, J rtO-tf 9. T -GCtUT. fchff-lia

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