ABsaaaaxxaajaasatSaiBBBBMix '"TOE DAILY BENTINEtt-VTOTICE IQ-rigSqpS. HURE TflAT CODOHI CmHtittts tutorial Hiwiorw of Ah 1 A awaTPw'aAtaiViaVV aTtV s a ItttrW BM r.1 aU I mmmmm vutavtta W S JB)SU Vl m ay Ejar.aW. aT" m I I? tTBE, AND ISfitBbcTttAf J' H 3is Beacons ,tVhv 'I ? a' ; wvwy t "t PT : ??i AH Ti .-.7, aov lS4f ,! M .Mf'MLTfcfT t Ths Old sJ Well Knows IUiihm m JV IL RON EN B AtJM, ill; i V:t A f. - .ail .;. I! . v . . : xlnAa4 tn aMflna tiaarf ta til Ula tpeclaltlet, announce tljit J, it ,Oifi 3 Jut' " ' : 4 ' I ' JIT j' clothing STOJtt ; " I i. ,f.,t .). 'I ..!'. of high mill, where every artlel of Gent! m n.i Rir wear uuallv found la a ant ttaas etubllthmeot to offered : I 'A H ... .... i -. --. f; as ox tbs most r AvoRABLinnra, rpi Barer seed so do fwtLr to 1m MUsd trtty cleat of customer cm be ttrppBed. Attached to th etiabushaamt it Depart- Blent for U MM Of J"t CBUIA,CIOCKXBT AHO OL498WAU. Everything h thai lis eta be found of th erst quality eww imvmw Tbs loaf 1 ttabrlbd arater wf thi Boom It S tnfflctent guarantee of IU abOt- ty and detrniaUoa to 4 .what it proausts. UOB't Ial( 10 OAU w. ,t. ! i , i t f . t. H. ROSINS AUM, ' rirttterfllt tad BargettBta. ' ' M ERCHANT TAILORINO OONK , ,f aw waa . SHORTEST NOTJC T CHARLES 1L FARRJS, WITS HlO W E L h Tmtieal DeUneitor. atxT fXur. taMo BaOdtos, Wttategtoa fltreel, rrr, sttu u4 vosku aksbip wi u awpaaNa. i-tfl's . . v .1. rf. . a .1 Warrantol to pfeaat the mort fMtldtooa, CUTTINO Aom at aB Usee for thw wUh- tog . - Jut noetrrd wcoad ttock of i.1 ' f?l ft, - s I. A ikv i i ,1 S Iitauainjra, CROCXRII8, PROT18IOX9, e., Ae. Noa. Mad 0 Wnmlnrto mlrtf. "Prairie BulWiur.'' atUMf " BalelKh.N.C. XfEUSI &IVKR PLANTATION FOB Oa lfomUt the 6th dr of December. 1875, at Uie Court Home door la Ralelgb, andrr aa order of tbe Superior Court of Wake f wui aril at mniHj auctiob, um Taraaoie plaDtatloa oa hlenie Rirer In Wake coaotjr, boat MX Mea Kaw of if lelgn, unowa a' part of tne - - BKT8XT HIXTON LAND, adoinhiK Datld Hinioa, JooathM foete aad other eoatalalBK about 636 Acret with aeeee rj lot pnT menu Ac. Sold la two parcel nearly equal I fii-','W. 'A vnr--t Taam .-One-third cash, remainder la 10 MllMMIffim; ' . litix. of 0. H. WUder sad Com'r. aoTioiiaaaa .. . THE SIJWT flOOTaVBOTEt THAN the Mew Tork Led)(cr--ouljr t&OOa year. Laii ana noecnne. ct 17-11 , f , Raleigh, N,fifl .t : . Mtkae tad chMHW dothew r the bail aM eaeapeet ttyle, onv Hoodwortfe P f. ;: : : ( Hardware of every Jktcrtptitm JUUt LEWIS atO:' 1 tlBHSa JUUTLDIirO, is JUlekh, JU. C. . m 2twS0d I0RD& TAriOR Import en A Dealer la Foreign A .oateeUe JDliy GOODSi WU, owing to their great aneeeat daring tn pat eeaaoiH m niing ornwre iron airfana 01 in unnea waiea, gir ereaier AHenuoa to Ottt-ot-Towa BtMaMat. With aa enlarged UepartaMBt aaa bcreaiea racuitlee, they will all all order, by null with their aeual rYomptaeM, apd, they tnut, with jComple BaUafacUoa. Etac Cobrt Sitkt, Fall n4 Winttr Jfrtt Gwxtt, SAaWr, Cloak, Linens, 'Frintt ftf, , Uambwrit, InteHiom, ' Edging,". Trimmingt, fre. 7'foaa) aad; FT ifoatarw, : Gloee lm brtiUuy. fr,M tek department kf'nf compnett ana rtplete wtut aU IA4 nottUiet t 1 to 6 fomd m tkt bnroptan markets Our tdlM',6ho JpartiBeit eoa tains s ttock fauurpsssed for elegance, dmbUity . sad lowneas of pries Di rection fat aeBBweiBnt . sent oa SppIiCStlon. - ' ;-:' Tf.aeaa-W, Complete assortment of Gents? Fan Ishlng Goods, Shirts, CoIlsrs,Cufla, Ties, Hose, Gloves, tc. Goods sent to any part of tbe country. Shirt measure men ta sent on application. ; ' ; j For tba sccommodaUon of Ladies and Fsntilie who- ar unable to visit the city,' full Hues of samples of sll grades r.nCnV'.' eihatov: a-tUon.-of .aay nsreo. The, v. " - - - " . By mau Uia wiui tie iicat jveaiui Sboabwat aw Twentieth Stbsei . -tj ,.v - rv 1 . v EJf XOBK. , ; , . , JippiJ WUUU M if 'I , l. Hu ami Lot la the Cttr of Raltltf liidiiln a Kinni and I Arree of Laid, aowrMloa rtr Immedlatrlr. Wm.H.Maaoa p new hi pnaaeenlon and will real ti In my tbameetoaay one wbblng to rent for the yrar mm. j ' BOTWtf R. K. FIRRIIX. 1 LJ I I U r .11 f & Daxviixe B. N.C. Division, and North Westers X. U. B. W. COXDEXSED TIME TABLE, Efftrt m aai Ker Sunday, Ne. . 2cVA, 1873. 3 -' OOIXG SOUTH. 6TATI0KA Vaiu I EXPRESS. Leave Richmond. 1,'MP.M. 8.WA. M. fu BarkerUle. 4H DanUfe....T!. ifliai l.M Ureeaaboro. " SaUtburv . " Air-UneJunc'n Arrive at Cbartoet NOBTII WESTEBX X. tJ. R. U. Ull 1 STATIONS. Mail. EXPRESS. UatCha)aur..r.i f IS P M. r .6.46 A. U. " DanTille M " l.liP. M. u Dundee.. ......i .! . l.l u BurkerUle 11I.8S " 6.07 " ArHre at Klrhmoad.. a. p. n. 8. P. n. 1w.w am. tm. v r 6 83 " ! 6.IS " I at aan aw! BLal n 750 " 8.85 " i."ba.ii.i ra-ri STATIONS. Mail. Ma.il. Co. Sbopa 4.H0 " L.l.ao " " Ralelgh.V. I 8.88 " L. A10 Arrlre at UoUUboro. .11.30 A. w.'L. 6.WP. M. BafT- 'Arrive at Salem 6.18 " Leave BaWa 8.40 A.M. Arrive at (irflemboro..... 10.88 w VuBn THln. ..-- B.l.l.rk .II1DP M. eoaneftat ttreenahoro wilh tbe Northern beand train aukiac theeatrkat ttmaal Northern cltire. Prke of TK-kctttame aa vU other routee. fTraine to and from notoU Eaat of Greene. oero connect at ureeaaBora wna atau 1 rami to or from point! North or coath. Two Treine dallT both wart. Lmcbbanr Aeroma odatiba leave Rich mond daily at 8.09 A M.,arrhrea at BorkerUle 1186 P. M., leave BarkvTille 11.20 P. at , ar-1 riTeaaancrunn4.84tVM4 ftt I f Ho eg AJIOKAV A.ARS K fTUCiUfo imr axo Kichmoxd. 22 Miles. JOHN R. MACMURDO, .. f .tjcncrarPaateegeff Agr at. RhttiSJd.TVa. I .At 1 T. M. R. TALC0TT, Uen'l Saperlntendeot. FALL OO0D3, TTNTEBItOODS 1875. JOS. r. (iCEtiil, In. I FaYETTRVILLK STRKBTJkJll EOUTH Exchakqk Place, I B A L EIM, N V C . , Offer to the nahlle a.camulatunrtniant of Black Alpacat, bett,at price to defr com petltioa. Atienuoa i eaiiea 10 our not a Depart ent of N. C. and Va Canalmerea. ami oar New Tork City made White Mur a for Oea tlemea. prettiett, beet ottlaa;. and aa rood ahlrt aa It aold In any market for th money. LADIES' 8nAWLS. FLANNELS H08IEKY, PRINTS, UtO'V WHBtlhS. -1 HiW Arm t- u LOVES, EWSISG9, INHKHTIVria ' ltd tillU )lld nV eVfUowba?U 1 "V . erwi. w . jw I Tat Men, Ladle, Miaiet, Children, Bo MS. Tooth Few pair Ed win ' Burt Shoe for ealeeheap. Have Mile and ZleKter'a make. Have MUea' OenU' B00U and Oaitert all Oradeiu, Jha-tamoaa Burt 'a. Boot, and! aboetldh, tiii ftniaa, pratrsd1 fftod P Syn fteftera for gytrttemen. Jtf own brand (leaU'l H00U tad Ladle' Shoe that 1 warrant to be good, or another pair given free. viaji ninu a v jikuuats. 'Mr L loth tne Lenartment an atain ai full. cempntlua all the otyle and Grade for Men, Boy. Toutb and children, at price that I cant ue oeat. i SPECIAL. II will aoea m a verv few dava aderjartment ir tne aaie 01 rrana LetiW', "Ladlea' Jour naLt CwV PaiMr Isltremiaemniawunn all the lteat aoveltiet of the eeaaoS for ladle, boy aad youth, of every dlacrlpuoa of . drea. I Public Invited to call. Sale men 1 R. C. Redfnrd, of Wake County; a C Hamlet, of Cteet Count j ; W. T. Chamblee. of Franklin Count r : Job. P. Wyatt, of Wake lonntr; A. C. Haye,' of I vraae voonry ; a. a aoora, 01 A la Da ma. oet H. F LB M H I N O ATT0RXXT AT LAW. ta .Slf, twn Tl-tv A L S 1 J U . Office Soata of Coeit Hoaoe r the tv.tf'i La , ft l.'tft slow HA v- tfA80KIC.-1 New Matonlc M ork. . LiJ ilA nr and highly important Vend for complete cat Hvue, Agenu W anted. REUUINO CO., PublUbera of Standard al atonic Work, T91 Broadway, New Tork. BOV Wtft T PSraiOMANCT,orSOULCBARMINO How either enx but feactaaUi sad rala rum. uuiuiut.i i i aimiHji. i nmui ..h. onlrviMltt all rm - - -- Ka m. II I t T . .7" . r U5c toaetaer kh a aurriaee rulue.Krvntma. I to Oracle. Dream, UlaU to Labile, M ddiag-1 i Nicht Shirt. Ac A queer book, Addreas I . I I W1XUA313 Co.. rb.. phlla. - 1 1 lNaTjiaK?r XJ BE r ahT W'frtiiai 'nirutdr rot (.pwatrMfitflR, ! lokl.aehf. lakla.loM Throki. lioaiai aeea ad all LaaK .XtarttL aoclal rw oawianded aa a FaaiUy JUekda lor 1 hldera asatf aialU at fe iTary yaBloni i Croup, or attack of tMla, each af abUdnea ere anoicct 10, paiuen ariy to is Miter Ifhoouias 4rOBKhv IU eoaabinaUo with 'fixar anev 01 rx ir urea eitu my 11 oi aa iileaMniMtneui la lu hm Takm i vooarwt at a t'ae wheaeer tse U (U 4tlot eoerH, nt at aiittrt ' whea fjitm h dow.It atu finely Mite aVldinrta4le ..a9l j t U lit K'- ,t.r u.... I ahatra mne al1rWbolel and Rd (aB by the rVoprMAr.'VWkaaa, M.V"'Ub eral dta.ewat to-whoW1 tfealari Urdort T JSa A. MckfAOTtJf. TESTlXOMIAUs t '-J' 1 . -r- ..OaldabON. If. Qt I A1W (pending ebrlrtert amatha la a tost era cilmau h ravo-niy f awtra ; an I epair, was-eaai'iai ie or wna aa blldrea la Uoldxboro. H. C While there btataeil a be of Or' MeMaaaeu't Tar Mta tara-.lUtrat fft wn toeaabl aa 4 iP; atreaa-U begaa o reiara; hope reriv.a; a y eonga gare way.- aiwr aukoc bt boira. , waa restored to health 1 aow aV-ch 140 tot 1 owe bit nre 10 una auxMre, and wUh UlaMbUabtd I U have t f aejrmrwar fhlrtt rear 1 fart nil tea rauiar maaauM I let coUfcLt. I hare a. far Jejnd aatthi w to raaia on tta alo.. aAVee kte.i9 aeiief, aattl I seed lt. lavcMaMta- Ajaerisa Tar aiiiiara. - ae esam aaw.au iieau weu aj langa i e iUiea their alrrMfAt and 1 and aayaaU mUrely fre froatadlatraaaiaii edugb that a. krd bm la tba fjernlas. 1 rldlfAdCHAU I Mr La. gi r ' ' t wbU oa bit circuit. I wU forced - aay work, aad had bhi little a ' in.) t 1 uedone boi o Dr.Meiw T, Htar, By eoah laproTd. Bay su ' vaed, aad 1 aa aaoa able to raauw . 1 recomatena H to all who aare aj. , or wak Hmga. M. d. UDMT. tJltfla weafwaaUb Darhtm. Ntt kit all the mcdicln yon have taken, the T at are b the oaiy thing Uut hat done fid ( ( -t if'jr j'liOrlEiN. , yoa gooa.,4 1 t To berUtt sad. Dnrbaai If . 0L iVaa'tatea wMhi awrnmar eowch r waa fa eful -at tt rekwltt tuffeivu f wmdI of leew. ' I eaf xm bow vl ibe Jtaer.eanTir atUtare. fr- at the Crutday I aed t I felt ttacood efleeta. I tiept aoand, and n; 4enKl(VUi aaed; a fw wa ka aajiydtf Agaia. I eaa cooMMintionaly recommend ti 15. aU, who art afllic'ed ith,.opmjiyipf i)dl Ii fl'iiiiDarkaai Hi 0. 1 bar need Dr. CT. MeMutaea'a Ameilcan Tat litarainjaelfadln aa faioUy. i de not hiealuie to raccui meed U aa a ruaedy U be aaed la all raeea of Covglu CHila, (ok inroni, uoara nee ana A.aBg aneaeea la of other .Tofllmnnialt eoa a be oftamu, Tak at .11 Ume. U norUoaaof aaU a teaapoontnl or lata, , $0 danger whatever. BOARDINO IIOCSK.- ! ' ' " Ur. ! Beekwithi bae leweawdla firak 4dam Roardiae lloote at tba Corner of Martin and Wilmington Btreett, lu.tae reiiaenre lormeriy oecnpled by the late Dr. H. McKee. She l prepared to accommodate 'permanent at well aa trantient boarder. Tbe table always Mkplted with tbe very beat tbe market anortu, ana toe room Kept nrai ana cou- TjlOR RENT. i I will rent m honw and; lot for th com big year. Th boute ha tla room; the ranlea 1 In a bljch Ute 01 cuiuvation. Two tcrr of land go with the, honne if de afced. There la a good ttand of clover and orchard rrat oti the Und, and til cwellent ttrawberrv ted. rowctMoa grven now If t rcwRT frr.AT eichaktmon. .'-ATTOBNZr' AT .LAW, if , I ', I VHflMlt. Jv" b 9 Tft OA SO Lt fi. .l'-4iS tiJfl " i e.l .fl :MI t t tee THIRD NEW STOCK THIS SEASON, f j,ri,niXooilAB4jrBia. a A .i . ti eitl lfl, iu rtiMil tt t -ii ut til- J .vi smsit .jtiwiTi t vt' These PrinU are newtnu tbe handsomct of th Icuon. - NEW AKfi .r3h'l -a o I Jti1n ki i line jfffl Reeelveddany by e4pr.,4.(ae,.IlkeB e icV department fill ana eompieta. 'Cd a i active bntiaet s altraya krepx up with t ic timet. ' line 4iji ..ij i.iii-if!V I bay IhtOood and aeH them at price ttatwm guarantee ttl a. ""-.: .1 " f I bolet tad carry the flaf that nral ahead ;' by fa tleyl fair dealing and representing feodt 'al Ifcf YjT-J .M.w -V r..1-i It I Ctrell known fact that CREtCR'8 la the elaea to tay.Dry .Goods.. . I ; . i i r i j j i I ' " -Cuitomera look to roar tnterett and cota - .t i tee met ' 1 dee id t.S! tbe world m r r an iii.Aaiafvaf - :js a 10 Jii-JSTfASH ! Harpcr'a Weekly i the ablest and most poweifuliUtitniUid4wriodH; publiMhed in ihla country. Its el itorwi are cholarlrand'eoHtltieTiig', a'n firri'' nw fitWit," (td 'iiiuiriohittft ml rent aveui are.luU iSm) i frwfc,, jwd ar. prepared Ly our beet dealncr. Witli a ciiculaikiri of' I'AOwr; iitf Weekly V read by 'nt1iaat'nair at million persona,, and lis Iutlu(;uceaa an organ of ppin ioult. niniply U4meuduit.iTh WackLv ISiintuiria a poalifve pooitipD, aud t preasea decided views on political and social problem. LouUville Courier- JViurusl. , , its article are models or ulifh-tonea discuitaiou, sud its pictorial illuetratioua are often corroboralire arguineuts of no amal) force. X. Y. Examiner and Ljliroukle. - I Its jira upon exiateut qurt'iont ahd i tomiuble-tartans bephu mould the Stiirimehrs W flivrtottrrtry. nitb"ir) t'oinmirclal. i lianHii'a Weekly atauda at the head of Ulualrated journals in the Uuited States, in circulation, editorial ability, god pictorial llluatrationa. Latliea' lie poaitory, C'iuclnuati. TEUMS: 1-06TA1JE 1'UKK TO U ! brrak tfctif k iarpcr Wectlyje St 00 Includea nrenarmont postage by the imblixbera. i 8utcription to Harpcr'a Magazine, Weekly, and linzar, to one addreae lor 1 ' - : ------ -. one year, f 10 00 ; or two or Harper's leriodicala, to one addreta for one year, 80 00 ; postage free. An extra copy of cither the Maa tbe, (Veekly, or Bw will be supplied gratia for every club of five aubaenbera at It 00 each, in one remittance; or atx copies for $20 00, without extra copy ; pontage free. I llack numuera can De supplied at any time. i The annual volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat' cloth binding, will be aent sy express, tree of e xpenae, for $7f00Hvjry tfc epmpk?tfet foiwtr innfwtlfn JroIiAjieaf iaettt of) atceqA of cas'j at tlic rate of $5 29 per volume, freight lit exueuae of purchaser. L J ltminent attention will be given in lllarl)er'g Weekly to the illustration oi LL KURSCKJRKRS fAli rJerl,V00( or r. s. Mthe Centennial International Exposi tion. . Jfewtpapers are not to copy this ad vertisement without the expreaa order or llarpea lirothere. Address HAlflR AOaflUmiERS, noq27-tr Hew York. fpUE HOWE SEWING 'J- CHINE. MA- Wish .-'' 1 FIRST MACHINE PATENTED. I fir Bett t Macint Manufactured : The ".'Beat li the h9Nlet Th polnU of aaperlorKy are Simplicity and Perfection Jl cnatium. Durability Will last a lifetime I lungs or work wituout i-araneii i - Perfection of Stitch aud Tension I -i W . K'hl...l "iS ueautunru:ni tor uiv ovum 42. CllAliLES ST., BaltimoMd ft t i' w a ; iexi foi ei.ccUki or teusi piicei SPECIAL INDl'CtMENTS TO CASH PVK C tlABSKS'. . J A libenl-AcAmi te? Mb M rW Ar mora. Everv Machine la warranted and satisfac- tlon cauranteed. ..... v 1 V ' 9 I l a ' r ? The HOWE MACHINE i for ula Id EALEIOH at No. 18. Fayettevillt 8t. (JulyO-tf .3 .14 .liotAJA.! rrjW X h!W, eB A. , . "uB 1:) -rrr n ,t4 -nit ! f T ai Jf4 Wis;iJmW!.y oMa- No,iF"irt Floor, Law Baudlne. J .'1 Z X A Fayettevalef 8lreef H i t f , Attenda aUtltv Oonrts' far RatetrVsndv Far- ttevillo. Claim collected in ailparU of N. C Refer to Hon. R. M, Pearson, Chief iita. McS sf N. dt Hon.'M.W. Ransom, IT, S. SenaWiCHlMna' Nat. Bank, W.HAH.J Tucker, HlllUmt' ft Haywood,' Rleigh; FayetteTflto' Nat B'k,'' MerchAr.U' B'k of FayettevUle; Bank- of New lltnorer. WU V. A , A MM I irtl -SJBf, wa V CUfllB A to. ' Sr. T. t Landreth io.. Phlla.. . W. Qafi A AxT Bart. ; ' T, ,' " He haa formed i connection trftn KeST Me ae dt Broadfoot of FayettevUle, N. C, with r ffrene only to Ai future boalne.ia al ht point '' An eommnnlcttlout addressed U i. . lunstaie. care Of McKae A Bros root, fsveftcvlllc." N. C..'. will recelre prompt at oct 18-tf " " ' , v i iTiH AITTLI BUUIwerf t Pkrfeei Siring llachin fa r Light Work. f' JCST 'TtJt THISQ.'f." ii y r ! Sent Free to any aMrei on receipt of Thret Dollar. FAIUCtilLD fc Co., 174 Bleefctt S .. tw Terk. Cite, .P. O. .Addreta. Boa X(4 AfiEKTSWAETED. 7 et4en4wlFa(, a t s j -K The Basal I edited with a eombina- ion of tact and talent that ws seldom hid In snr tournat t and ths loitrnal itelf h lbs organ of tlir frretaV world of TthloDlJoaioti TravsUotV Wv ' Tbe Bszaf commend Itself (lo every taembeit of the household to the- chif drn bt droll and pretty picture, to'tbe youtljf' ladli'fby it(Jrathion! plates In endlcas variety, td the provident msihm by its pattern for the children's clothed, fid paterfamilias by Hi tajtu tnl dealgnt vk uutiiuiuuivu wniyyin uu, iuauj iuu, droing-fon;',' Bit "hw teAdlng-inat tst of UiO Bazar 'la na 'brmly oi irreat ekc Ih-nce. : The paixir has acquired A wiye iH)pu;anty ior, tue ureaiue eniuyf il i. a . i ... Jl I. jj nint It aoordt. a,, r. tvenlnj It ftffordi CntM roat. In its war there la noililna like' it. FVati and truttworty as athion guide. ita ttoilrs M s,lui ,Uitrji and 4uifcV are .sJl, iny ijpraving (to,Uie m:iiL 'bieago iveniujj JouFaaVos) (-!'. 3 i4 n !ti rf VKif ' .fi.tIii.i. VfW." it As ! TERSls: " iM.i . Aefs im AWii XkriUr-i tkt nrt Bazar,' one year;1 r 4 00 L00 Inclules preirttyment of-H 8. nnfal.'ii li ths TSiblMhera. " " . r; "t7, '"1 I ; ' ,r. . V' ; 8obacHtHioua to Harper 's Alaauiie, Weekly and Bazar, to address ior bfjeyesr. flO.00; or. two or Bar per' mWJals,to oao adJcesa for one year, If. 00 1 postage free. ' An eslrtcopy of flther th Magarfne!. Wecklr. or Lotm will I" bd aupplled gtatis lor every dub of five aobecrtbsrs st t.0l faeh, hi oao remittsaos t or, tlx conies 'for S20.00. withoot extra cuy ; postage tree. ' j Back numbers can do stn.)piiea ar any tlllMW ,tf M: i f. . - j rmr-. l The Annual Volumes ! of -Harper's Buxar. In neat cloth bindiun. will U sent by exprcHt, free of expense, for $7.00 cleft. ' A sonaotete set, etniirt)ux tight tolumes, sent oa receipt of cash at the late or Zl per, voi.r ireigat at efpenasi iwclia-e,,,, ., j 1 1'ramiaent attention will be Kivett in Harper's Bawtr to aoch niustratiooa of Ibe Centennial IntemnUonSt KXpoaiiion at may be peculiarly appropriate to k columns. Addrcb HAKL'Ei: & BBOTHEKfs ; Kvw York. 'i'ruestbaaUyeljeit-tastained wrok of tl.t kind in tbe World.'' ' ... llarpera ntBtxlue ' ' illustrated: 7hee-er IticreaaieiriiicuUilonof tbiaex I eelletitwoDU.ly proves its coutinned adapV I tlon t )opolr desire and need, indeed when we think 1 to how many home It pene I brate ever- month, we mnet consider It ar one of ti edovator at well aa enUrtaner of lha public mind, for lu vast popalarit) baa b en won by ro appeal to ttnpid pre ! adlcet or depraved UsU Mm CHoot. ! The chtneter which thlt Macaaln posses tt for varletj, enterprise, artisUC wealth and literary culture thit bat kept pace with it it haa nut ted the timet, tbouM ctnae id conductor to regard it with Justifiable com placeticy. It alto entitles them to a area dlm apon the public gratitude The Mags tine As dona good and sot evU til tae oayi Of IU lt,-BrooVynKagU. TEEMS t Potre fr to ail Sabacrtbert In the Uni ted dtaie. Hasp a'a MseAaias onejesr ...S4 0U 84 00 Includes prepayment of Jt S. post age tv the pnbllaher. oabciKUon u Hsrie' Hip, Week and rlaaar, to one todrt fur one year, tin. 00: or tao of Warper's Periodical, to oar snores for one year, It 00; pottage frt. ' ' Aa kX'r Copy uf eiitisr the Magasina, Weekly, or rUnr Witl be n tplM graUa toi every Club of Five Bnbscriber at l 0j etcb la ne remittsaos i or, Six Copies for 190.01. without extra copy; putag tree. Back NambVrseaMtai'pUedaAaBytliaa : A Complete Mjt of Harpert Magsaiae. now comprising 48 Volume, la heat cloth bind ing, will b sunt by ezprers, freight at ex ponas of rnrc baser, for 14 tS per voinme Single volume, by sail, pur I paid. $(, Cloth csaea, for tlndlag, OS cents, by mall, Dwtpaid. i X Compfete Analytical Index' to' the Bnrt : riny v oiuuies oi Harper a ttagatine naa jiui been published, rendering available for re ference tb vast sad varied wealth of tnfor matloo ablch conctltutea this erlodicai a perfect lUtwlratrd: literary rvclopedU. 8vo, Cloth, 83.00 ; Half Calf, 6.2A. bent poataga prepaid.. ... . . ,. i ' A aerie or paper under the title or 'Tbe First Oentnry of tb Republic,'' cwtrtbated by tbe most eminent American publicists, U now Adtg pa Wished Is Alarperfa Mairatine. Thia terle of over twenty, paper give a comprehensive review of Progress during tbe century now closing, Is ever) derjartsaeatef our auonaiHi,' " ' i Newpaper are- not t sotrr thit (dvertise- meat wusoat tb easr ovder of iiarpcr B'ybaea.iaV .L-Jjr . 'V?. , AOOte - ,, UAJtr jut ku tn Ktu, ., - nor ffrtf . j , . M .'r b c ; New pCUNiy CEMENT. f'.ft .Jft I Atio.'Somatt.lCeehe'l aria Tarfan.forwalka eitternt, fenndatkns, subles, cellar, bridges, reservoirs, 419. neinil nx xvins posMge ior practical treatise on cements. ST L. MER CHANT A CO.; 76 Sooth St., ?fcw Tor. aug6-ecd8oi 1 i l ilit.li.nl i. Si. I' 1. in!" aEOaSIA AND FLORIDA. -. , uw . A lo Juni-KK s. l s!.s a w .Vii j Pkrtiea waattng mforatatios about Geargu or ilorida, thoald as ascribe for ths- Mooting Xawa.. published at Sarunah, Ua.. Dally, f 10 ; Weekly $4 per annum. Advertiser de siring eaatotsers nt thaa etstst, should ast as eoiamaa. It la the boat pap r riouUiaasL 8peetmea eoptoa sent oa reeelpa-of A cento. Asdras J. B. ESTILL) Savansah, ft, f j Stlg--; 84-tf i ' t I - iQ -t ., 1 AFOUTCNE IN tT.' Every f'amilyliyi ' IL- Sold by Agents. Addreta, 0. A WALAi.Erle.Pa,, , . b ,.4 B. I U A N j K0BrH IB0LINA ALlAMilCS j .-.-'Jl,s X8rQlg,i.:if) ; rrirc Per 109 IVj 1100. aov 17-tf WANTEUX We will xtv enerireUe'. me aad women ttmaaettBAT will Pay from St to 88 per .ay. caa beparseed ia -)tV'ewa-r.eiKbbor HMMt, and ia s ttictiy bonvrsl le Paruculirs res, or sample worth several dollar that '01 enable yoa to go to Work at one, will bt !mt m receipt ot ifty cent. Addreet j 'LATH tH AO., " " ept4U mWatUngtCttLlBoatoa,Xl , i t..i . ;v - , i in oi ..I ! lat. l a-s'ise H la one . 0 Ttf eHee Jt'StT.f "'.Voontfy, j.jqj j.t ti e 1 T4i(nmsBta.,. ., ... 3 ' -j 8nd. Kecaoaf tfjtMWy Dnfifi U member ' the .u pic-.y cut yt u adrantnr-f asd 1 1 vi.tgot 'vmi" ngt.' d si all sJas.nas' Aon ,mauav si-1 sue baa o Isfiosues ! oisuaeuasc , tii a. B e.U h-;W,'Brg a percent asofsatf4 1 liabilities at soy d' Iv tarahce Ctt'jsWyw the Coosrry.-' ; ; ! -1 J iH.' Bscaase by eOrianmicsJ mknsge stent,' ftt ratio of expense to total iaew U tar belrw iha average of Lr Coape as. (Sea Official Insurnnos Kepotts. ' StB: Because it has deckued avsv djndt-ada tar nambef, and ofaLargrr ivrrnpt Pereemace, thaa .sy Ubtapeey It tbe United Wate. 'J ' jlV example 1 Pslk-y No. 16, foe tt,0UC bat bees paid (0 tb stdow of a FhUsdai -pbia M.ul.sot. up- a ahlch twsaty-ibrra djvMertdV l.wl Uen decarA.; AvefagiuS filty-aevrn pts csbt. B -d ttxse dividesds 10 purchase ad irttnas U this 04 S more wrmld : bavw twl,ad.-- -making the Pv.icj worth 11 8tb. Becsase it ia l:berl ta its aiana gemvat, prompt in nasettW rpwete. iele 0nd 4 eoatieariKiv, sod it a- jilw as aay fl'U-e aaa Jomua) n ostry. ----- PIm nAi. Ft-ATnitas. riiali txo na. , vpeSi.s ictnty, Urge r nrn pi-iam.' , pftmiii p)uiooi sxsia, and liOt-ralHt te tl ".r l S.MIIBI. t MCEV, Peiwieo-t. d At i. r, d K V evi-r-re , JA"T,R Hti?N en. . Ugv f-f)0 .ei., j. Rlv U 'Cats..: H 'N A H. i- ll.A.k RY 1 ,s -- liek t el L a l u 1 y t 1 L-s" s a ilk and tOUi o ili mtth . t en. 1 1 ot i t r 1 e ' 1 8 rluir"!. al P -a waiisd j r Mi n ra. Ad 1 - J. ( jranx. t V y. mil fSuSv Axou . AT ' t . L - A tf 6BKEY A T HV! EU5H,'. H, AaiV f TJIOBSAU.ORJtET.,, , , , , A desirable Ffoose and L t la tbe town f ' Cary. '- The Hoasa contains tlx room, with all th modern conveniences with all neves sry outhouses. Tbe garden costal u acre, an orchard of 160 choice fruit tree sd joining. Tbe whole premier consisting of 8 seres. ( Possetslou given tret of January, 187s. Apply to " .. ,. WILLIAM E. PELL, oct ft-tl Cary, N. C, gINGHAM, I'AYNE & CO. BRICKLAYEBi AND PLA8TEREK8, Corner Joiie and Dawton 8U. HA LEIGH X. C. Keep on hand constantly a fall ttock of groceries. Cbickeus, Butter aad Eggs a tp eislty. Cltlxtu of Raleigh wishing n thing In tl the grocery line would do wen to can on inem. j Brioklaylbg and plastering dune ia th best ivle, by practical workmen. 1 All order for work will receive Immediate attention. - . Mr. John Byrum, talesman, would be pleased to tee bit friend from the country and city. ' 'iJ T OR RENT. A well arranged two story STORE-UOUsf. W il be rented on good terms. tstfln j . . lUlUboeostnel. AKlECbCNri-iNTHE 8UPERIOR COURT. BcMMoas fob Rauar. , E. O. Maey,- Adm. Emms Cannon, Dec'd, again Adellu Felkm, David Cannon, Hesrv Brown aud Tamer Brown hi wile. STAfR OF NiiRTU CAROLINA, ' Tow raiergr tf wmu use wry vwri. Ted are berenv Commanded to asasniou AdslUeFetton,DaTMtoaon, Ucnry Brown and Tamer Brown his wife, the defendants above named, if they be found Within your enonty, to appear at the omce of tbe Clerk of thS Superior Court for the eoairry ed-ih?v Within twenty dsyt after tne aervke of Ibis auoamoo oa Iheia, exclusive of .Ue day of auch lenrlce, and anwer the coaiplali.T. a eopv ot which will he depostied ta the ofore of th Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, within 10 day from th dale of this auraesoe, and let tbem Uk aotks that II they fail to ner lo tbe said complaint within that time,1 th Plaintiff will a ply t the Court for the teltef demanded In the com plaint. 7 , Ilereof fafl not; and Of tblt sammont make lawiatants iIm -. . t liiveu under my hand and era! of saul Court, (bit 8lb day Of Nov , 1H7." ' i ; Cltrk-e lb euperior Curt ...,., i,.t. .... of VVske Coutity. Ga II.Unow. run Att y, twIawt'-- wi' -j tifmd 4..' thif-, i--"- j a ,Cpa'LTrE;,;sfc' otr&vum JLJLtT ritt i vti i ' Carolina tV-porU for sale. ,1 offer for aoic a omphiteaet of 'he North Carolina Rejoit lii flrtt rite ordW; to 1 teeJs, adores, i W, H. BAlLLl, Afriit, aavSSU l.u , i Charlotte, N.C. JJOtntTAWRTl.' " ''"' i 50 Bunnell pr me MounUin Rve for si-ed. faeptlSAf i. r, itI,sMTOLEo. Arthur's I LLL'STBATEDIIOMEMAOAZINE. "Tl I HnnitfhnM Mimlne of Amerhs." T "The Sertil Stories te' l7. EAOLESCLIrl r' by Urt. Julia ti it Dorr ; and "MlKI , by T. S. Arthur. BL'TfEKlCK'd Ne" PalUrn is tveiy number. Term Sl'' year j i coph t for lO.ao. Bpienaia pni offer nd Premium. Specimen number io i i i-.J. S. AHTIICH BO.I. rmiaa a., ra eigent "for' ths- best ' aeIng - pita -VPt kace la. the world. U It SDUUtUf-: ' 15 sheeU par, 13 eutkpe, Pee, IVo Holder. . Pencil. Patented Taid Measure, and a plote of Jewelry.,. Slugle package w lib ele- trant rnre, posrpaia, aoc. yt Daros Co., TCtf Broadway, V. I, Prlxe. postpaid, 6c Clrmlsr free. - - ' - i V

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