TEE IlALEIQn BEXTINEtti Gnwud4o Uk.Uik$ whiaky;, lltrf mill . I A 44 TC3arlotUOberver ia pnblirfun dolriei essayo oa IlaePoweU ie suDrjosedta illustrate taatexti "MT' " in : I r1,.t.ir...M Jvua "A loor-t-teNl jsrreenrtnJlonty .i.i.LnIliA4'.MftML Mrma ia the. way 4aBy jwWas!i??We to Senator Jerry, ; .,,;.., ; -w.il I lOS I I I I . Il ' The Sentinel ia the only paper in North Carolina tbml publlahed Orant'a meinp in full. ' But we are not Tery prou( of, jJf.nX T! 7n?1 fydty whether we should tiraf or apologize. Aa ti) reeot ol. iua peregrinations ia Ynkaeddlian, h Load Houghton think tha AmericaA tutioaal cliarecter iflUwareimpudeneeand iiiuIgestioB." He dropped a ton of llLnetaretl good- aenieb thai obarrraiioa, ' and vent in a hough. . . . off An attempt wan aaade yerterday to burn the Universallt chnroh at Prince ton, Mr L with 800 people in it B their eonrfortable no-hell, doctrine is ooiteot, hejr would simply haw played Elijah at wholenle gone np ia an om nil.iu of flames, instead of a baggy. 1 r-K" ' ' mm .""' " The papers are bugging oat their eyes .ad babbljBOyer.: a Virginia family whose same is epeUed "Enronty" and prononnoed "Darby. (toe of Eobeaon county delegates in our late eon. eon. spoils hia , name;, JJoEaohin , and 'pro nounces it MeCann. Darby haugs oar challenge to beat it who (Mc)Ceun. . , i ..- i .. We published yesterday a paragraph from brother BhotwelV of the Charlotte Southern librae, deriding our benighted ness in spelling "equipped'' with "two p's." Will he render nahia'n till death, i and three days after if (he weather's cool enough) to ke tha eoras-yby aw-aine ting the dictionary in which he' finds the authority for. spelling it wjth one f , Governor Tom Reynolds, whom Grant wanted u assistant . counsel in the 8t. Louis whkky-thtef prosecutions, was a Confederate during the war, and was one of Price's Mexican colony In l8ft5-o. ' lie has always been tegarded aa a patriot and gentleman, and we can't imagine' what he has done to Incur the obloquy of presidential favor. V i ri ill i it" The Indictment and imprisonment of all his cherished friends, and two weeks' proximity to a democratic congress, hare proved too much for the delicate nerves of our noble presidential tanyard porter, So he and hia eabinetal chain-gang launch out Friday, for a dead-beat, free. lnnch and ftefrwlialy excursion to the centennial gioande at rhiladelphia, Hs very. lpproptaW3y,;eleot" !;Wniga day for bi visit to Hartranft Old Vanderbili is laboring vigorously to ruse tlui mortgage Beelzebub has on him. He has just given another $100,- 000 to his namesake nniversiry at Hash" rille, making $700,000 in aa IT we were ,Sftan wVd" gtdBj sell 'onr interest in hinv though it covered every sinew of his body, fibre of hi eonl aad threhd of his tonrerr. for-naif the' money. ' We don't think .he's worth, more, than, that, for any ooaoairabto purpose, in heaven above, or earth beneath, or halif ax under the earth. - , t,: (! .v , , , , ' ' i An American named Thomas has been arrested at Bremen, charged with caus ing the late terrible dynamite explosion 1 by whieh 4 57 r persona -were killed and nearly 5p frre ! 44fM 11 id U had arranged it to explode when , the Mosel had reached mid-ocean, so as to get a heavy insurance lie had on her. If true,' h srtght to e rammed full of nitroJjaarjyjf and torneJlja'i'Mtfjth a alow-matoh stuck In him, a million miles from land. " Tha old adage used to say : "There's a woman at the bottom of very deTiltry.,A Now, its an American at both top and bottom, ; Our brethren of the Biblical Recorder, the able and influential organ of North Carolina Baptists, in their- issue of to diy, pour, tremendous broadside of moral, political and theological thunder, shot,, shell, red-hot meat-axss and cross-cut saWs, tnto the- pirate craft of Bishop Haven and bis North Methodist Infidels and blasphemers. They enum erate U few bf th4 InfkmleS of the white cravsttod emissaries of Xankeedom's basemen-itoryi the doctor f divlnlr. Who mrged the killing of all Southern Methodist preacher)!, at the iorcat road to peace ; Haven's lies in regard to tha souttw and his adroency of miscegena tion t and the dabbling of them all in the foulest puddles of political bate and intermeddling and wind ap with the declaration i "The are a Jeiuitical as the Jesuits, and a thousand times more fanatical than tha ltoman Catho lics, with far less conscience, senee or piety." U rani and Blaine have 'raised tbe cry af -the daog' of llomanlsra, but if we era to have either Northern Meth o Jiim llomanism; give us Koman Ism." And the Hentinel pokes out Its -hand to the Biblical Recorder, and (ays, Itmen, aiaenl ,,4 , . v. - ' '-. " '.. i ii I ' BAD COMTANT. ' It is a script oral say is j and worthy of taeptatkm, ;tbat "il mraunifc. tiona corrupt good rnaunrrayand nuke oad onee worse. Th antique fable, whose "lesson has become a carif dal tenet of every : oModox. socW .'eroed, telll m in pathetic phraw of the suffur ings of j oar Tray, not for any moral ob liquity of hia own, but solely on account WUgTopa. That&Jn old 11 la rather startlingly Jiirfly shown in the appended opy of an agetained document,' which reposes among the archives of our supe ff " f t , 4 Ji, - i 4 f J i " . 4 Va , , j I - a . s I rior; court derl's offlpe j In the.tweirih -vr sr or tua (eigll oi par, 8oterelw lord, Csofffi 111.' lu Ute iorge-lll,' nrovlncs of North Carolina, in the Tear of Our Lord 1772, w the. County of Wake : at the Court Houxe In Mourns btrrv (now RaleichV au Inferior Court and flirS I neio, ra tne nioum or juuo and on lliursdsy the 1st day of said month Hia Msjesty'e Justices Jol Laos James Martin and Abraham Hill beisg present and presiding the follow log uiinnte Of the proccediugs of that day appears io-ww r r " "Brought Into Court William Allen Ma nersoa- beina chaored of belnr a va grant and upon proof being made to "Court and bia failing to giva bail, it la Morkred that us be hound our, Tor one M year as the Law Irfrccte unto Nathan M Grimes for the sum of. 15 n annum. kThe Prisoasr-being then charged as Man Idle,, disorderly person, having in "his possession a Quantity of Counter fuit Money, And it appearing to the 44 Court that be is a person of Evil fame. "Aeniijr nociaUd with had eumjxuty It "a ordered that he be remanded back "td Jaol, until next Court, then to be "committed U no Jaol; of .the. ,upr Court of .this District,".. , . Behold the heaviest offence of Wm. Allen, in the eyes of , our griin old an cestors, the .suou-to-be Moes, pC Cam den. the Cownelia and Ooilfordl'-'lle 44as80c"ated:With bad company;1 which rendered htm 'a person of evil fame" Judged by this standard, tried by the high tribunal which sold Win. Allen on the, auctioneer's block, what must we think of Ulysses Grant, the president offlie United States f''W,ColuTObia, bright gem of the ocean, draw up your scanty apron over your1 face, and out blush a ten-acre patch of blood-red beets! Run over the long, shameful list of our chief tbaMstnle'sassaciltas and friends In ieipen ieatt ficinevif ben a gentleman among them. To-day, west ern peniteniarics are being filled with them. Who arc they, who have they been? Listen, while every' Dame is a sabre-elroke of ditcrace to one who feels himself . ao American, , Jim Fiek and Jay Gould who,1 for his aid in the monstrous villainies which cul minated in "BJock .Friday' of 18(K, and 'precipitated the wide spread bankruptcy, and ruin of 1873-5, paid his wife 25,000 in a check drawn by Flsk and signed by Gould. Tom Murphy who, for an.j appointmept with unlimited stealage facilities, presented h'un a cottage at Long Branch. Butter- field, who raised; Jiim a 100,000 testl moolai, as a quid pro quo for an assistant treasTirerjihliJ whtcty paid JIOOO a year witlr -'5d,000 of leakage' perquisites. Brother-in-law Cramer, whose vne knaveries and debaucheries as minister to Denmark, turned the stout stomachs of the melancholy Panes wrong-side-out with loathing. Brother-in-law Casey, whose piracies have gone far to complete the desolation of the Crescent City and her fair domain of lauds whose riches eoukl ooly have neon exhausted by Beelzebub and Yankeedoodle, link ad together Siamese-twin fashion in the j j dynasty of Ulysses-kin. Butler, Mor ion, L'pmeron and unandier, a quartet whose names stink to creation's farthest bounds' with f very foul and festering poUulion that heart of man or demon ever devised. Shepherd and Barring ton, convicted burglars, one of whom he pardoned out of prison to welcome in his parlors. Jay and Jlenry Cooke, whose gigantic swindles beggared thou sends, but whose friendship swelled his hoards. Sickles, the adulterer and murderer ; and Schenck, the poker essayist, Emma MUM; 4y ttgejo. for eign claims broker and miscellaneous and assorted thief and scoundrel. McDonald and Joyce who, with rings off their fingers and stripes on their clothes, now droche tthlrd termthrougly Mk scMrlitatMl&i. BabflpcK private secretary, nearest and dearest bosom-friend, and frontispiece partner in very Joint-stock presidential swindle- speculation, now mulcted as a whiskey ring robber, of tha treasury. Delano, Leet, Stocking, Kellogg, . Longstreet, Sharps and a hundred other leser rogues such are and have been the associates of the successor of Wsshington, Jeffer son and Andrew Jackson t Villains all. Not one gleam of decency to illumine tha whole dark cfitulomie. RecrMnrv and erimer have hecfw thJoniy pateata of loyalty. Favor has been in precise proportion to rascality and its profits. To prove a man a scoundrel has been to ensure hia prompt sad speedy promo tion, Bussards of a feather tear 'the earrjoa together. . I'.t omttiimt L'nm Like men, "like master. And mis is uw cresiure, - urn (Nanop uuoert Haven proclaimed the savior of tbe re public, tbe rival l Him who died oa Calvary, and nominated for a third term, wuue xou outer Aorta juetiiodutaposuee of perdition shouted "halleluiah, amen 1" - - . ax orsf Laxrr1 fbom a kqbtb obouka 'AffU,rO a PKMOCBATlO COKIJUIB THS (HOAHTIO UNrXSTIOATUlO ASP ; ii CLCAXSIMa WOBK TO ; DONS-- ' ur. ao entrx 6. isc apm oy, avail THocoa HsssraKuiDSXT -or ma united statks. ' ' I AHRKNTU. , J.s MSV Vt lOiO. I Errron Sestikxi, s That we are a na- Z.i,,TZtZZ.. . V,,.. bar naUon, is likewise generally con eeded. ' The queetion srisea. What is our tostinctive national cluiractoristic f; Our moVier objintry was stigmatuted by the OobJc -jBarper aa "a nation of shop- i a in a a ; keenera." Hue retorts br callinonia nk (on of fops ami tnaeoaronis, -;Ia 4o risiba of their paoeent pretensions and efftle grandeur, the Spauiarda have been styfed a nation .of grindetm, We read of patTons pf n-eers,, root-dtgkers and; nr-worshii).V What, " thon, shall bhr title be ia the mouths of other peo- liles r Are we a natioa oc void wor ihipera, or ineommoa parlance U V ' J f,: 'iVAWow' br toovxal The question Is propounded in all aeri- Susneaa. Assurodly the cumulative evi enee of Increasing and wide-spread cor ruption in our midst, official and indi vidual, gives color of trntb to the1 epv BTamatio diet am of the1 eanatid Wslpole, that every man1 has bis "price." ' Still thU mighUM regarded as .av Vlanis and impuseni eonoiasson, ' weiw u uoi ior the; faoility with ! which crime, ia douiBdy and criminal tolerated, ays and honored. True, this toleration extends not to "small operators,' -smch as your horse-thieves ud liog-fiiieves,' SLhop- Iiftem and , nctnrnat .ocHton-plckera, Oh J in i fur ahilat under tbe stimulus of high eiufle, eveu tbia fp.llr brood of peuy apprupnaiors vaa .wf.fiseu a wouaand per cent in thnoa as many daya,' Justice J) lot su sncn inexora ble, and she ie sotalndtbewn bV imb- he aentbnea.t''4 14 w'--4-.."?! 1? v. Tha lesson U psdeni e Steel year mil lion; car man, and take it boldly, and the cbaioss are ywd take il with impe- aity. Dteal rroos las gowermaent, na tiouat, state munkapaL, I Steal . from .front ; the. tnammotn rau- bcrttfaaoiseved BMuraates to the illage savings Leokivlifire are hoarded henenmes of wiiiowsaaa orpusna; but bu-in mukl the, caution, v. ..k a steal Totra itttiaW,,''l or at all events no Yulgsr fraotioa thsreof. If such is not tha temper of the times. and the sad, sad leesoaof the lionr,vWe have read its teachings to but httle pur pose. ' O times, O msaners ! eiohums mej deroairinf moralist, and well may he fXohumi" For when tha laws become cfbwebsr, aa defined by tbe old Greek, to eateh the weak but permit the strong to break through and escape, God save the commonwealth, for then has ' the national decline set in. Then may the good despond, the bad emit ;. tbe pa triot groan and tbe satirist aneen In eue sense, it is tbe solden age, for gold is then tbe god. Bnt that Wee metal has yet to be unearthed, which will give name and character to it in all other re spects. When the heroic virtues of state nrida and tmblifl dutv well nerfonned. give place to greed of gain and honor lor the gamer, "tne end. ia not lar on," BS the'- an;i;l" -!i-r.-.- " OHOSTS Of A THOPSAXD DEAD BTATK8 can testifv. , Poblio sentiment is then sapped, snd heaves help the state when that deolorable noint is reached. ' Is there no remedy for this depraved public sentiment t is tree government dying, or is it a delusion f If tha abasement of forty millions of people ' in sackcloth and ashes for forty daya would avert the! catastrophe, we would consent to ilnii nnn fevmnrmw if thrr. traa t ohauce in twenty ' of the1 fashion being fallowed?""'' i T It ia a sad prospect truly, and one little calculated to inspire tope, when we see everv deoartment of Irovernment reeking with rottenness, and the people looking on the filthy thing, as oo a dead dotf. with stoic comDoenre. and without houlirig'the aoae. ' u the mischief ex tended no farther than to vote-selling legislators and "gnMalnng" presidents, the lookout were not quite so gloomy. Bui added to these "that grestost curse which! an offended Deity can impose on fallen roan, a corrupt jndScbry, and a caltona people, and agato we say; ctoa lave the state, for trulr Would it eeem none other can. Nevertheless it ia bb viotaalv every man s duty to do what he eari. rest or fancied, to put on the brakes and rohelr theidownward-speel-?e have a therapeutical theory for the cure oi tue evu, wnicu u, t&at KSXT TO TBI OAtliOWS TBSB and whipping-post and pillory, lucre is no each effective curs as withering acorn and ' honest denunciation of official ooiactlreliim, if all hoaeet men would but "turn'i-urstors. 'As an tdjunct to tnati' we nave anotner t to prevent, tne spread of aorof ula to tbe parts, strike at tie bead, r The last Is no "new school" nnboev,1 It'e the old Boman mode of treatment aa aldastbe"e't' Tanxia?' and that grand old rock tells to-day how well t worked' lot mgeei npoa 'agea. Convert mat unfinished obelisk which bears the name of him who oould nc ue ana euaiu aw steal orrtaxe its, 7) to the same clonooa use. and if oaeeuy, carried out, we. will sirreeto dispense with all additional amendment to the constitution for ., tbe next thou sand yenrs. Nay more, we might be in duced for such a consideration to give up a few abady engrafted.'' But to re turn to the text. . n'a"Boari. We propose not to deal with them in the abstract. 'The field is too extensive for oae day. Nor with tbe municipal rogue. who. under , the rogue i alaag term of Boas" steals a city, and dates and winea and patronises a herd of cringing, fawning, syoophantie amaller rogues, hob-nobs with "royalty" and has free incrreas to tha kinir'a nalace.. Nor vnt with the ring rogne,wbo "lis 4 friend at court,'' sad . denes, and, laughs at ths law. TrVmnst even excuse ourselves for alighting that branch of the brother hood known aa the carpet-baggers, ' end their baser-all iee of native arowth and home production, wbo dutch' St atate treasaries and 'annihilate State credit. These are odd fbtfi but ahallow-pated, and whilst they thiuk they swim in deep waters, are apt to run on shoals, and soon or late are sure to strand them selves. Let them sport until they do. We drop no pin hook in the und puddle of polit- ( ioal inkigne for Ud pules or pollywogs. Ic-tUv .we ','bob for whales," at least for those "marina tox-colleotors" known as sharks, Tbe ru of the lust is so abundant that it is fiilUdult to decide where to throw in. I Inch off tbe three brancliea of the government so tuems with the monsters that oue esu scarcely geamiss. But droi)pbAj roetMpncjri let us ran a parallel betveea jtlia prosLt and preterite tense of the '- n Time was, and wiyJiin the reeol!cclion of Tdctl riot yet entitled ryeaft tlie1 sewsHofiatoga.aJien Miiilfsaaaea.iln , ellUe was the rare , exception and not the rule. Even thoe boyScan remem ber what a sensation was produced when four members of tbe 34th con gress were charged, arraigned and two or Uwee of them expelled tha bouae by aq almost unanimous vote for conn pira cy to influence f rauilulent leglklatioo in a little railroad land grant, , The coun- !ryj was incredulous and asked with ted breath; "can such things be rVJor hitherto they had net been. Tbe names of Mathesoo, Gilbert, Edward and Wejich, It was thought, would "point a moral and adorn a tale" for all future congresses, and stand out as cautionary signals to; wara, others similarly evil bent. Simple-minded creatures ! What must they have thought when vft'-' "CHEDIT MOHIMER" cams along, implicating so many In both houses in tbe devious ways of the lobby as to turn investigation into a force f Time wa, and not long since gone, when it was thought a mathematical problem akin to the quadrature, of tha circle, for a president to save a. millkm out of a hundred- thousand, or , Jer sub enlinates to do the same on a minor scale, lu those simple times, it was considered more reputable for a man to come out of high otlk-e with lesa world ly gear than be carried lute it." Aris tides was buried by charity. In those good old days, an honest man was pot sfraid to be a receiving or disbursing oScer of too government on account of the suspicion which now. attaches to opportunity. There are soma who now aiK Ouir diplomatic senice was In keeping with other department.' For eign mlulster,'lt Is true, had not the ! capacity, br It so, bad not th? ambitton to write learned dissertations ou "draw poker" for the edification of tbe nobil ity of the lands 'to which they were tent. As an offset for stick deficiencies however, tbev were never charged with lending then sanction o their offioial name to wild-eat mining stock ' !- FO A CONSIDERATION in order "to bull " the foreign market. Neither were they charged with taking disreputable women to court balls. Nor yet were they tabooed good society or blackballed tbe clubs in the capitals to which tltev were accredited. But best of atl in those grand old days (most truly grand, but yet not so very old,) the reputation oi the judi clary was as immaculate as the eriuioe it was supposed to wear. There a ss no pandcrinu to power, no fawning to "the people" there. JSusoicioa even of crooked ways scarce ever attached to a federal judge of the inferior courts, and never that we can recall to one of the supreme court Most certain that an gust tribunal was never packed for the express purpose of reversing a decision obnoxious to me executive, and uia it Let It suffice to say, that such things rr not. It were a platitude, daily and hourly repeated In every hamlet ana neighborhood in the laud, to add that such things art, or at least bv com mon consent are supposed to be. Take every department and avenue of the government, and it is safe to assert that never before in the world's history has there been such -rapid 'eorraption, such , i BWIFf DESCEfclj tX IXFAMY. With other states like progress has Men reached alter the lapse or ages But we are a fust people, and would not " A thousand years scarce irrre to form , State, An bear may Hy It fa ths dust." ' Such Is the Augeaa stable that calls for cleansing.' ''The attempt to do it were "enough to appal even Lim who contracted lor the original job, which in comparison was as sweet and savory as a iauy'f boudoir. It devolves upon the present house of representatives to earn tha title of the second Hercules. ' It Is Its proud prerogative to: resolve Itself Into court Inquisitorial, and after taking a calm retrospect over the field of otnclal misdoiugs for the past few years, to expose at lesst, if wet to pun ish, em doers, r jtye . it to Its privlUge to do whit its predecessof dared not do, for lear or seit-cnmraauon, to make In vestlgatlon a stern reality instead of a oraseasiiara. j is u,m a word, its elo- fipus privilege, if R dares deserve It, to gO down to posterity as " the investiga Wg,'j the fraud exposing," ' r' THE " RtKJCE ABRAIUXIXO , HOUSE." Let its members set themselVca to work in right earnest to earn these proud ap pellatives, and we the people " will be content ..'to. dispense with our usual supply oi eioquenuai pan ana Jotaerot for the present session at least. , Let them do less, and we bold then) basely recreant.. It should tQ a eearchJng, sift. mst, au-pcnjwuiiimQUiaiuon. especially in ,As jrptr aphtrtti and, where crim inality ia established, ths motto should be t "Off with the head ef Buckinsham.'.' It is notorioas that the names of many hiidi m authoritv have been counled be common rumor. If not by.irreiVagable prool, wiui some oi tne most Stupendous swindles or, modern, .tiroes. T. Xuere are vice-presidents, and senators, cabinet ministers and army and navy oiUcers, coogressmenand collectors, net to speak of one higher still-4for it micht be tor tured into treason in this good land of ours, to Intimate that the kin can do wrong,") whose good names still rest under a cloud of unresolved doubt. The. evidence against -many of these worthies is not to te detpiaed. It is sufficient to justify inquiry and ff estab lished, even in part, to subject the owners to exposure and load them with ETERTf AL OHIXJCV. Yea, gentlemen of " the lower house," It Ie yours to inquire, it layonrs to prosecute and if the high court of im- pcachment is deaf to facts which in an ordinary case would Justify a grand Jury presentment. We trust it is your privi- e?e and province to publish - a black list of all implicated dcliuouenta. There ara certain subjects which hohest tari- -wjare especi ally curious ebiM Ul Y"t us to cull a few from the thek V '.aweet scented benqiMof oxlous wed There are 4CieU Mobili.f," tapd. llCm msll lubsiillesvBliick trklay and Little J-:moi:( Si!noi:a,i$ou jandrVeeduii-b'a llLfeBi)I,n jIauotnlntrts and ;Bng " of aif sorts, not'4orgeltru 'crooked whisky. Plato country folk would like to. know all alout these funny things, and have sent you to headquarters to payert and mdlgr? TteSrmSrbl ptBo?nfieT -alPS TP mentality deter, you. - Public servants have no right to'grtcn sickness or'sent meatality, Let no - paltry consid eration of party polh'4; or "'pollil.-sl expediency divert you from the trail. As desirable as tbe overthrow of that party, may be under whose ' auspices these monstrous acts hate 'been perpe trated, we1 hold evett' that subordinate in Importunes to the rooting out, expo sure, and ; punishment, of. wrong and roguery.; We 'are fof preventing the recarrence of these things by force of fear., Let your investigations begin at the top of the. laddor.r If tbe.,pgUah matlm, "the king can do no wrong," has Hot been engrafted id our tm written lair, - the king Is entitled to precedence in this, as in other matters. . if po wore grievous charge, can be laid to his ac count than , his miraculous success ,ln sclertrng rogues and rowdies" for ''high official position, evea Uiat aheold eat tie him to.thia priority, t But unlese prima facie evidence is most wofully at tkutt,' his claims to tills distinction rest eo a higher basis 'still. - We allude to plS DilHUiegea -m, 1 "HiU vi. pwputtdixcBiojvMaTtti i Etna 1 aa, H.'t i Wl'tr j . If. , li-- to debase) the eurreney of hi Country and to., defraud it or its revenue, bis apisuness or, royalty, uisreirard oirue cency, absence from poet of duty and wonderfully acquired wealths Bat above all, let hlra explain the why and wherefore or hia brotner-m-iaw toroin boifig one of the triple alliance" on Black Friday and the reason why that trio paid over VmSxn to aa immediate mem ber of his family on that eve ntl'ul morn Ing, as was alleged at tbe time and never disavowed that we recollect When the connection of his confidential secretary with the, whisky ring is investigated, not by a whitewashing board, but by aconv miotee or the house, he niiiit be Inter rotated as to the considerations for such connection and the amount and kind of ervice rendered, ii it should be shown that the VKKSJUENT OF TILE UNITED STATES was implicated in these or either of these two abominations, we say it, and with the fear of God before our eyes, that Since the day when an ijuthsh king, tbe third and basest of tbe Lace, bouae t f btuart, under the lure oi a ranch courtesan, sold himself and l a ! his name duly enrolled on the pension list of a foreign potentate with proiuixe aud pledge to Uo the dirty bchesU ot bis master, the world has never seen such depths of degradation in the executive head of a grent people If innocent, it is his right as it is our right to let the world know it. So by all means begin at the White House. W. J. U. JOURNALISTIC, from ths I'iiicvllMMo.) Sews, Dec . Through the kindness of a subsciber, wp have been shown a copy of the Sen tinel, published j at Baleigh,' X. 0. by P. Donan. It in a pungent democratic paper, and shoots hot shot iuto the camp of lSoss urnnt. (live em fits. TO ' t ' ALL MEN A CURE. SPEEt)Y T(realiaM a t be faek or IftuM, Strie V V .lares, AUecUon oX ttia Kurnera or Blulder, IbTolontar Dlicha'Ke), Impotenry, Ckarsl Debility, iKt-rvenaaea,' itypeoiU, Lasjrnor, tow 8ulr U, Confadoq ot lda, rslpiUt oa of Ike Heut. Tlald ty, Tremb Inf, LNmaetf ot aiaator fiiaaiBsas, Ute-ase of lhi Bead; .1 hrca', Now, or f kin, A fled ton ol tee Livr, Langa, BtooMcb or BtJimli IhoM terrji,LiUod rt arte eg irora eeUtary Habit of Tooth secret and aol ta ry (ractieea-sorefatsl to' tbe r rtctltas than Ua sosg e' Ate jr9e to th Marinsrs ot Ulyssea, blighting ibeir most billl anl hope or ant IpaUin, r-4la-ia aarrtira ie,, J..lMl.iMi, tl. . . n.l Ul-,1 lltnVllfV, ..liv,n .vim WN HU : Sarx-iae, Jfurial CerunL or raae Owa eoatain. pltlloK matruiKS, intTefiog icon Organic and toyatcaJ Weikcew.i Loca e( Krotnative Power, IaspoU ncy, rotralloa, KabiaaU-l Vitality, lavoluatarjr DiMbargsa, Woe Erec tUity, 6aaty Eskksloas, Palplisaeas of tae Hdri sterveaa eltouy, ijaj oi tbe Pbrsical and Minlal Powers,-Derangeiaeat of idltta V.U1 roress aal aacneasMss Toai IleblUtn Loss ef ktsahood Ueaeral Weakness of ths Urnas, and ever other ansappy enseaiincawpav apesouy ass ibu jtanif riarasHrsa...;t ( ! "r i " , To tosai Bea. ..:' '''faasaareaoaaa at tka aad aaa irilnrhol. ly tueeu tnaHea4 bjr eariv habit of rooia. via weaKsete oi ins Baca ana uraos, Pain at tbe if aad, Dhnoess ef tlgbt, hew ef ItwcBJar fowaa, P.lpitatioa oI Um MamX, uraepsta, nervoas im'eomtr, lraii rant ef tbe mgwuve raseUoes, Oeeersi Uebll ty, Bjraiwoms oi UoaanainLea. la. K an ALRT. 'The' f cartel effects oa the IdS areaatMae se-rtneiWi Lessef M ort. CiMif aaioa of Ideas. De'jr-aoloa of Buir. iu. .tii- onooau-ga, ah n oi vf oociety, tMr-aM.tsast, U eve ef eem-da, Timtdity, ta, srasoaeof Ui prodaced. Taorsan s ot iisons ot all ares eB bow lades what Istbeaiateel tWlr at-Hiatee heal h loting tber vUrot, beeumivg w-k. vww, vw whw W - .pi hw. m nil,. arpearaites abi.st it j the ys. r oghvand ayaipiuofi o: vonan la rsccat Dis-aw Immediate .Belief No M renry. FerrODs' Kainlag their Health. W.Jtwa Time with gnerant Prrtsador aad laUTDpet 1 rat tneak-dlriin Difaaae rnta harjt.w byibtt Detdly Poitoa, M-reury, r.ai-uua r-ui AJiacuoiii of tns i-ad, Thrvat, Nun or ttia. Liver, Langa, B'omaeh or bowtlf. fti-edilr Cnrrd. Let to Delicac pnrtappJ imtneliateiy.- v , iueoee lamp to at on A-plj. Andres y OP.THH BALTIMORB -; l-O K 2i"0?PlTAL. orriCE. tt T. M.TJIH FBkDARiCK 9TT. BriWfttNBALTIWUtt Af PTRIETd, BALTIMORE, Ma ifira 81 It A NNX'AL MEITIMO Of THE BOARD ea of tha I nlreml'T of orth of Trs -Ui ot tha Ctrf.ltna. The Annual Meeting of the Board of Trutj of ibsL'nivaraltypf North Caro lina wht be held at tha Esemtlva oflire in tbe city of KaMgh if Thwraeay, 10th D eember. 1874, at 10 o'clock A. M. . i . III . M U. PlWUVftil. UUT , KSmp V. BATTLi, DrcreUry. . i f....i t i l.t ! iv. Tk'AsiSCTTA Ml'ULIM 8111 HTS WITH lit htnn,,i;t Hi .s i i irir. t.. i mil ' " V. I II Jl.-i i x ! BOSOMS ASViCtrtlirWKttXl'- M l- -1)7 "d'AUWl lTvrw f 1 WAM8UTi:iMlrlfcniRT Wfla WCHAJBDtWSa JIOUiQ Tfl RKA1 ' J. ,. " ... . , , AiuU l i .T.:-J';l3' hu'I T" - i ttt;iMM t'tW.. i't . . H i ' . ' OKDEIti 6rrVl tlf.lKTJ: mjni " )!i?i ., ., Tfif GrectUM Batgain of the Age , he s t-ff- ' ; V" W. H. i R. 8. TtCKEK, '' Leaden of Low Prlce ami Beit itxnU. Biigfa, Jfos. at, lsl&-tf.. llrllllll 4 lUni lur panioilm. Dr. C' $250 A aOHni-lmili miI4 Km wlirrc. HuitiiM hoiMiriklil a.nd rlri claM. ParitrnlaraftrntrrM. AdlreM . i. wuhtii a au auit.iiu. T P ' 1 1 ' !!' if. I! IGtJfTt WANTED t MspALSASDaiw.9 MIS Awabdsd for llDLMAAB , t l-Ji--ffWS nmiiiLi sles 1300 fii.rrtBAtio. Adrrl' for aw efr culara, A. 4. HOLMAN V WA arJO Arch Btrtt, Phila. , - CkJfFICE Or Til E 8ECRTABiV ' .Wbstssb-N. G Ixsias Asvlcw, .-.rjjii4 .MoaeawrovMy Oj.Aiov. ? W7 8t4d propoaala will, be rvaeifad . at.thU , eflle, to he preaeuted on or before Feb. .1, 1 -for the faW A twe t a haU aiu- nooa or J5tcK, nuire or loiA-ccortlui? to PKlflcadom oi me Ainmm, iot inr loan- da Ion walla of the WESTERN 1N8AE ASTHJVtJ. . . The laid propoaala must contain bids for the work, both wMi-ee4wtthoattneco of (ap plying Link and AJemeat, k acoordaoca with the printed tpet'iacationa. . Tbe work to begin oa or after May the let iteit, end to be completed on or brfora Oecevber lat, JKTti. Tbe work tbail be rtrictly under tbe diree " Uoo aadanearviakHi'of aeb pvraon ia tha Cbplea of tbe upeviflcatfoni of tbe contr will be furnlthed by eddre'i&lhg the Seem noara oi V"ramrT)ooer may appotut. ar at hit office. Approved and execnted bond to tbe full amsuut of tbe bid, are required to be Uied with tha propoaala. ' u n .!..-. - lYoposali khould be (ealod, marked 'jPrc posal for laying Briok tor the W. N. C. In ane A ylum of N. C, i"nTi (lreei to 4.1 1 T. 1EU. WALTrrN, Smtmn at vk . M. ' Aitl.m r' pot 6-15 Vonuiil.Ioii. OEFI' E OF THE 8E RETAHY, WcHTsan N. C. I.vsaxI Abvli m, 1 Mono aft rob, N. C, Nov. A, lT5. SEALED PROPOSAL WILL. BE RE- ' eelted at thla office to be nreaented on or haford the 1Mb le., 1S7S, for one hundred Uxmaand faat of While Oak Lamtwr all heari of the same quantity fit 1) heart Piss. The' aald lumber la required to be i4wel before the l.tt). Mateh aext.aad euiuMy pled and stuck when delivered at the lte of IheAsylaca. - 8pec4aeaUVa of (tZes-0., of the lumber nay bf obioed on ppllMUiu i. the Secretary. Approved and eseented bonds vequlred i be lied with the proueealt to the full amount ef the bid. , , . Propoaal tooald be Sealed, atarkel MP- poaala fur Lamber oi tne w festera lanane Anylum of North Carolina, "and addreaacd to -ii,i " - t. .nor "iM .in -T . WALTU, ' 8scef WKMrfC Aayloia Coainiiwhin. 0 1 O A L : 2io ute to order from abroad when ron can . Ibe run ii ! t) jC mi! nil ;t I , i .llitjiui ,U .A. V - I. :t '. BEST RAD ASII, "' Frami. A. roE8e the 1 !.!.. ttf'trf't - !! llli asbwasitwatcoat.yoa by the Car Load i .-,-liii h i) f 4. ...-.; ... T it i,3' tf-n- 'reighi tedded,. i i"!'j una -!.' !.,' patwood ' "-' I Iff i t.w per corn. Pbewood V i dsliveetd. i i y !u . i inoraf .1 - ft .1 .amarit&n NeTria,.i. v r it f tbouaandi and haa aevrr been KIM I known wa to" faff bra sbigle'cnce. J paeksfra frae KnrloM up for Circulars ciTlrr evi' A4diwe: : iw'-i " a- fc" Trial Of cure. oc2iM2av DR. a, A. RICHMOND, . Box 741, bU Jowpb, Mo $10 to 23 per Day mi M trh mm tittle 1 BTA nf m COrrw B. tt rrm oot. hi Iwt w nnp'. rv-t Farnevil rvmm, A imimm TaSCta taiiaiAVOOM. tM, At- THE BE8T WATER POWER IN MIDDLE NORTH CABOUNA FOB SALE. Tbe Neoae Mauafauturllie ComNHiV wai n-11 on Wedaeaday, lieo at, at Uie Court, house door in Kalelich at l'i o'clot-k, m. its ma (mill cent nratcr power enly alx aiile freai ' R&k-iirh. N. C. on the Tarboro Road, wiih 15 acre of land. Ha Mill tomOrlatand Saw XIU, Biora llonara, kigbt. lluatealo opera; Urea, two bama and stable. Klarkaroitb rock foundation opon whk-b the old fat-tory atood, and suck flfty feet high, built of Wriii. , With tht prnpr-rty will be sold the franchl-of the Neusa Msnaiaetertng Com pan v, sot hat incorporated Comjiany can be formed atone. Tsniia Ona-fourth cash ; tha tiaianc on s credit ot ens, two snd tan years with hi- term at 0 per cent, from data or sale. , . ' i - '' DANIEL O. FOWI.K, '- nwsMsnt Ileeae Maasfartertng . a Utb . n, THE ir Necva Coaqqeror, . . Acuroa EpiiepttrFlUtConrulaiona, VA Vepastaa; u Vltua; Baaea mU i V aU Nwvoua l)aeaaes; the only , I (kkaown pofRive remedy for Epi- L leptieFlta. It haa beee leated W fLcr. U 1 ' novx-dJawwws,