'4 i-..f"' . , Til ILR AI.ETOJI ISPXTIN Wcj liAti.Y. WEEKLT AND gEaVWF.IKLT 021cialrTiaioo:ii Carollail U STAT r DDiwTiMn a tsi f.no v.r. i Wllavr. Dai ("entitle! I tear In advans .19 00 Dally (Mx months In advance.. . 4 00 8.1ml Weekly . 5 00 Weaklv Senu nl " Tha DH.r9aTi il ul ba dlird M aay par of tha City at Fifteen Cent a wwav LEA A P K B tt I N 8 '. WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. l"OsT OFFICE DIRECTORY. For the benefit of tha public, we pub llsh the following directory of the post- office of Uiia city : Western mail xloses " " arrives Eastern " closes ; , . ; arrives Chatham 'etoaea 10:30 a. tn 3:49 p. m. 3:30 p. ul ...i. - i n:uo av m. 3:30 p. to. ' arrives U. & O. It. K. mail closes 'J: 4i a. m. 0:30 a. m. " " arrives J: 43 p. in. Through noi tbern via R. & G. 1 R. K. doses C:30 a. m. . Thruueh nortlkera via U. & G t .'( R.:Rarriyil vl riWP p.,m Through northern via oolus boro closes 3:30 p. m. Through northern via Golds tar arrives 11:05 a.m. Office hours for delivering mails from 7:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Money orders are issued and paid from 8:15 a. ro. to 4 p. m. letters can be registered from 8:15 a. m. to 4 p. u. Xo mailt sent or received on Sundays. W. W. UoLDKIf, P. Jf. A gold watch a) to be affled off to morrow night at Harrison & Doran's aaloou. i Cotton dull at 12) for best grade, with most transactions at lit for inferior grades. Brown's Orand : Imperial Japanese Museum. Admission free. Doors open from 8 a. M. till 13 p. M, Go and see. A number of our prominent business men have formed an " and-tobacco society. Sentinel termona are being felt. f T. N. Harrison, one of Halifax couutj't young cavaliers, i doing the city to-day. He is on general pleasure trip over the air aid - ... An excnrrion from Warrenton and other places along the line of the Ral eigh t Gaston railroad, will visit this place Xmas day. Jaa. B. EnniM, of this city, yester day received intelligence of the death ii Petersburg, Virginia, of his uncle, Jaa. H. Enuias, aged 90 years. The Washington Chrouicle, of Tues day, announoea the arrival of Governor Brogden, of New Orleans, at the Ebbitt house in that modern Sodom. At the request of many citizens; we have introduced our fine " Diamond Otu," 80 iegrtrt igerM than jfia town. Price 40 cent. Law A Co. Mighty bowl of egg-nog will grace the counters of the various suloona in tlio city Cluistmas morning, and many christian beads will doubtless ache too ntuoh for ohuroh-gouig Sunday morning. The state treasurer to-day paid CoL T. O. Walton, treasurer of the western iusane asylum, $20,000, a part of the . $50,000 appropriated by the last general assembly for the building of this institu tion at Morganton. We regret to learn that the health of CoL McLeod Turner, a gallant Confed erate officer, and engrossing clerk of our state senate, is worse than for yeais pjwt. He It now under the treatment of Dr. Smith, of Baltimore.; , r f Metro. A. C. Sanders A Go. Um for sale two good mules, one beautiful pony, one new bmggy one aeoond-hand carriage, just repaired and painted, aa good .as sew. Call on them at No. 2, Martin street, for a bargain. ,.' ;t: ; J. E.' O'Hara, the nigger constitution soaker of Halifax county, is to deliver the oration at the nightshade emancipa tion eatawampus here, Jan L Osborn Hunter is to lend dignity to the occasion by presiding, and Robert Johnson will bandU the baton a chiei BwrsbaLt -ft; Toenil Tender county, landed Henry Langston, Henry Wallace, Lawyer Dockery, Caaasr Aiken aud Noab Hioka, prominent blaok-mnd MDblionala the Loyal League boteL All convicted of imitating the leaden of f ieir party on n petty scale and perpetra ting laroeny instead of grand piracy. The WUmingtou.rtar, of Dec 22, eloses u artxle on the tecent meeting of the university trustees with this deprecatory observation "We regret tltat he trustees at their recent nteeting did not see fit to allow the publication of more facts In regard to tha progress made In restoring the university. Great and general Interest Is felt in the work." The Richmond, Dispatch say r "Col onel Nathaniel K. Roan, of this city, - yho' is now lakinj an r vtmrtaiUtaMri through le western porticf onis detcrhiined to" wati ft'lSifilil aj to?'' Carolina, will; visit the now almost , world-renowned Raid Mountain, and make a scientific tnvtstlcftioa of the caine of the runiblinjTtiowe tome t!mf ago heard in tfcrvJcinity.'f .... -an'-wl VOL; XXL RALEIG-H, N, O., THURSDAY DECEMBER ,23, 1875. N0..U6. ' Fia at HNDaso. Monday night the store of Bobbitt A Nash, in Hender son, caught fire, and the counters, shelves and 1,200 yards of cloth were destroyed before the flames were sub-' dned. ' The origin of the fire Is uot known.' r : . . C ; " JvouEb'.This morning William Robertson, nightsliads . repubUcan aspirant for. congressional heuors, was before the major for ateallng an ovor coat from brother ' of the same race and political predilection. In default of a $100 bail bond, he was jugged., ' Ralkioh Chaiteb, No. 10. Tues day evening Raleigh Chapter, No, 10, elected as officers' for the ensuing ma onto year t High Priest, John Nicluls ; King, A. 8. Jee ; Scribe, F. H. BuHbee; Captain of the Host, J. Jl. N'eathery ; Principal Sojourner, W. J. Hicks; Royal Arch Captain, W. P. Wetherell ; 0. M. 3d Vail, T. W. Blake ; G. M. 2d Vail, J. C. Brewster ; G. M. 1st Vail, Jno. Whitehead ; Treasurer, M. Gftns roan ; Secretary, D. W. Bain. r MASOSIC DSDICATIOX AXO IN8TAUA tiom CsHOMowm. Monday evening the new masonio hall in the Fiaher building will be dedicated. Deputy-Grand Master Griaaom will officiate aud F. H. Bnsbee delivers the oration. At the same time and place, the officers elect of the city lodges will be installed. The public is cordially invited to attend and witness the interesting and august ceremouio. The butting William-goat is locked-up for the evening, so that even the ladies need have no fears about gratifying their curi osity Oiat is if they have any. Earthquake. Some of our citizen, who hapened to be awake at 18 minutes after 12 o'clock last bight, were startled by two sbnrp earthquake shocks. The shaky wiiTo.teemg4.ttt .more from cart to west Windows and crockery ware rattled, and some buildings are said to have swayed perceptibly. We don't want tltat sort of thing to become too numer ous around here. It's one of the mani festations of omnipotence which compels even ihe touirhest fellow to feel his utter ictplen mi csi! AM Cabbage Thikk Hhouoiit to Grikp. For some time past J. M. White, residing near Tuppcr's college, had been micsing fine larc cabbages from his garden, but could not get on the track of the caUbager. last night another raid was made on him, and this morning ho displayed hit detective in genuity by digging up the stalks from which the cabbages had been cut, and taking them to the market-home suc ceeded in fitting several perfectly. The theft was by this meant fastened on James Moore, a muddy republican, who waa returned to the next term of the Wake superior court in a bond of flCO. Cbbb Ruhvivus. Since Ceburn L. Harris was ao completely routed in his mayoralty aspirations by Capt. W. IL Harrison, and out-generaled by I key Young in hie effort to obtain the collec- shlp of thu district, he has been appa rently slumbering sweetly and quietly in the shades of private life, a ost for gotten by his Jfellow men. Now he comes to the front again with hit appe tite for office rendered doubly keen by a long enforced abstinence; and It en deavoring to oust Manager Ilearne as superintendent , of . the ' government building now being erected in this city. Cebe it so de-Cebe-in dat dejlebil wouldn't beliebe hfm ; but fl's possible ho Jtoight make a .superintendent of other men's work,, as. he won't work himself. ..- ' Hon. Josiah Turnhk. This gen tleman returned yesterday aflernoon, from a month's campaigning trip in the eastern part of the state. Ho spoke In twelve or fifteen counties, and every where received an enthusiastic welcome. He came buck loa led dowu with wild ducks and geese, a swnn and one deer horn. Ha carries in hit pocket 19 thiug'e-nail, taken from llio craw of a goose killed a few days ago, by Mr Williams, of Camden. He bat fish, stories big as any old whaler's and a new theory of the solar system which he derived from Prof. E. 8. Proctor, of Elizabeth City, who is writing a book on it In fact he has collected such a vast amount of curious knowledge that, knowing he must blow off or blow up, the preaent editor of the Sentinel, being soewlM.t Iwdisposed phyeieallyrble rial dunce-block to i?iu durttia"Cbri-tt- niis week, .We'll holiday and re$(ipft Awhile he'll edit and tell -all the marvels he nat learned. ' - . RALEIGH FEMAtE SEMINARY, THB 0:iA5CU tODOl OX A TOim OlJ H'- srec-rion. i In the libli.l Reevrderof Dec. It, a correspondent furniwhes this sketch of the recent vinlt of the masonic grand lodge to the Bnptiat female aeminary of this city: : The graml lotlge of masoas were Invited during their recent session in Ralrifrh, to psy a visit of inspection to the Baptist female somiasry of this city. They were received in the beautiful chapel of the sclux4 by the principal, teachers and pupils. ' Prof. Ilobgood annonneed aa the order, of the entertainment, first, a short pro gramme of muHie; then aa inspection of the recitation and uiuaic rooms, the philosophical sud chemical apparatus, geological cabinet, pianos, Ac ; thirdly, au intpectlon of the jMintings and draw ings of the pupils; and, lastly, the cutis thenic exercises of the young hulks. Of the music it is unnecessary to speak suffice it to say that we have never heard better from school girls, anl Unit we have never seen a more interested audience. Prof. Agthe has impressed himself on eur community aa a christian gentleman ami unusually succesfnl teacher. The muaio over, the inspection of the lecture rooms, apparatus, Ac, was made. The lecture rooms are cheerful, comfortable aud inviting, supplied with every facility for successful teaching. In the muaio rooms we found new and first class instruments for use both of teachers and pupils.. The drawings and paintings, which have been noticed be fore, were next inspected. Then came the calisthenio exercise, which I will try to describe, as but few of your readers, doubtless, have seen it : A urge room, with the positions painted on the floor, in which the performers are to stand, is appropriated to this beau tiful exercise. The audience on this occasion took the places assigned them, and the young ladies came in dress ed in loose suits of uniform made for the purpose of excrctae, the teacher also dressed in uniform, and took their positions. The order waa given, ''First aeries of free gymnas tics," the piano sounded, all eyes were fHtOTcd"TOhew7Cflny,iari front twice went twenty-four right arms, then twice twenty-four left, then right and left twice alternately, then together twice, then above the heads in the same order as iu front, then by the tides, &c- This over, then conies the shoulder exercise, then the neck, then the chest, then the back. All this Hie fHanrt". Tree gyiuuantics over, the command is given, " Get your dumb bells." The piano sounds a march, the young ladies step oil' oo the left foot, march to one corner of the room, where the dumb bells are kept, select two each, and march back in perfect order to their former places. The piano sound again, and oh, with what ease and energy the girls can swing the dumb bells. The audience cannot restrain themselves, and applaud heartily. After this comes the wand exercise. They handle their wands with great dex terity, occasionally causing a laugh by making some of Uie audience dodge for fear of being struck on the bead. Then they march and put up their wands, just aa they did the dumb bells, and take their rings. One young lady holds one of these in each hand, her partner grasps it also, they pull against each other, twist their arms now this way, now that, then in an instant they turn their backs to each other with their hands still grasp ing the rings ; and in this position they perform interesting feats. This over, comes the marching in single file, double file and four abreast. The exercise concluded, Orand Mas ter Blount called on Mr. E. 8. Martin to return the thanks of the grand lodge to the school, which he did eloquently. One of the members -said he wished to make a speech detracting a little from the merits of the exercise. " My objec tion," said he, "is tht you teach them in inarching to put the foot down ao heavily that I am afraid they will exemplify it in after life." Parents in attendance were delighted with the exercise for the health and vigor it gives ; the unmarried gentlemen were equally delighted for the grace of movement it Imparts, , Baowit'a Mcbecm. Among the most elegant establishments in the city Is Brown's museum, in the Holloman building, Fayette ville street, where such a collection of toys is to be found as was never before seen by Juvenile Raleigh optica. . Everything - you want from a ellpplng-jock up to the newest and most costly specimens of mechanical Ingenuity in thlt line can be obtained. All kinds of musical in struments are to be had from a penny whistle up to a grand and full-toned organ, speaking of organs, reminds ns that Mr. Brown is the general agent for this state for the celebrated Estey organ, of which the famous Anton Ru binstein, director of the Imperial con servatory and the muicnl society at Moscow, Russia, says : "It give me great pleasure to give due praise to Messieurs J. Efctey & Co,, for their really splendid organ. The tone of these Instruments full, no- t'pleaslng-iBpivatmg-the ear. To these artistic qualities must be added that they are of silid workman ship and of the roott elegaut finish, and I doubt not their having an extraordi nary i access In Russia." Th eo. , RAMBAY.-Our Ramsay bos Just got home from a grand sctllyhoop In the temperance cause, ,' Spoke In Clinton, Wilmington, Goldsboro, White ville, Elizabcthtown, " Abbottsburg, Luiuberton, ' SVadesboro, Antonville, Red Hill, Monroa and Carthage. Took In cords of new recruits, and had a roaring time. Going over to Carthage Wednesday night, be got a little too much of his favorite theme cold water. His driver, drunk, upset the hack in a crcvk, and spilled Ramsay out In any quantity of "water, pure water, cold water, my-oh." He had to drag his upsettcr out by the nap of Uie oec, to save him Iron, drowning. His ardor la the cawe Isn't dampened a bit, and be t pouts In Wilson Chi i Unas evening, aud iu Tucker ball, this city, next Monday. TAR DROPS. Wilmlngtonian Germans boll it, Jan. r . . Concord shipped 380 bales of cotton last week. Halifax county has a grand fox-hunt Christmas morning. Hon. Burton Craige, of Salisbury, has been seriously ill at Concord. Pender county superior court is in session, Judge McKoy presiding. The Traders' National bank, of Char lotte, is authorised to open shop with $100,000 capital The ladies of Wilmington have formed a Lee Mausoleum Association, with Mrs. Geo. Davis as president. Concord niggers have a big bloviation Jan. 1, In honor of emancipation and Abrabamus Africanus. A little daughter of Mrs. Faulcon, of Garysburg, was crushed to death last Sunday, by a falling mantel-piece. Randolph Fulton, the Cabarrus county radical burglar who is to pendulate Jan. 21, attempted to etcape Saturday. The masons and grangers of Hur roll's storeneighboA have an orphan -benefit enter'toinmeut De3. 27. A branch railroad from Durham to Chapel Hill is again dismissed. The last attempt cost the stata $200,000 of swindle-money. Burglars, Beast Butler disciples re cently made an nnsuooenafid raid on the tl4MO -ef ---ut.-lI.Voo (i4Mlm) ill Wilmington. Doakoy Link, a Caswell county night blooming oerens, got seriously burnt a few days ago, by an accidental combus tication of her apparel. A Yanoeyville niggereaa, tho other day, locked up her pieanuiny in the house, and went off to work. When she came back, by carefully raking the sab.es, she found bones enough for a funeral. Hot drinks should be avoided in day time during cold weather, as they have a tendency to weaken the lungs and affect the throat. Take Dr. Bull's Cough Hyrnp for all cases of coughs, oolila aud hoarseness. Where Doka it a ll t one From f Pints and quarts of filthy Catarrhal dis charges. V here does it all come from f The uiucous membrane which lines the chambers of the nose, and iu little glands are diseased, so that they dmw From the blood its liquid, and exposure to the air changes it into corruption. This life-liquid is needed to build up the system, but it is extracted, and the sys tem is weakened by tho loss. To cure, gain flesh and strength by using Dr. tierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which also acts directly upon these glands, correcting them, and apply Dr. Cage's Catarrh Remedy w ith Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche, the only method of reaching the upper cavities, where the discharge accumulates and comes from. Tho instrument and both medicines sold by druggists and dealers in medicines. SPECIAL NOTICE. CtRD. To all who are suffering from the errors sod Indiscretions of youth, nerroas weakness, early decay, loat of manhood, &c, I will tend a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. Thlt great remedy was discovered by a mlulonary Id South America. Sends aell-eddreated envelope to the Rev. Jottra T. Station D, SUM Ooum, Am York City. dot lMeod&wflm TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, aa old physician, retired from active practice, bavins; bad placed In bit band by in fast India Mksljnaiy the for mula of t simple Vegetable Remedy, for the speedy and permanent Cure of Consumption, BronchHtt, Catarrh, asthma, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a Positive and Radical Curs for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Coim. lalnls, after having thoroughly tested Its wonderful eurattvs powers in thousands of cases, feels It bit doty to make It known to bis suftertug fallows. Actuated by tbls motive, sad a conscientious desire to a tttt Uf 1 chare), to all who desire It, Uls recti e, with full directions for preparing and Meeeasfuhy ating. Sent by return mall by addrenlnf i ,. : ,r Da. W. C. STEVENS, l , btanroa Block, Syracuse, N. Tf . ' aHrrwij, v '.-: 1 1 JfEWS ASDSOTES. Louisville is to embark In huge Hard! Graa fooleries. Teams crossed the Ht. lAwreoce Monday, on the Ice. ; Bpaln still talking about reinforcing her Coban tlanghter-pens. ) Orange county, titw York, hut year fed 18.000 tramps. This year, they workhouse 'em. John A. FUlier has been appointwl re ceiver of the Atlantic Air-Line railroad instead of Bufor1. , COO Mexicans have crossed the Call fornla border, and General h'choAeld is ordering cavalry to the front. ... ! Joseph II. Dickey, of Liberty, Kew York, ssught liberty by shooting his wife aaduttiog his own throat. A lightning mall line has been In augurated from New York, via Wash ington, Lynchburg and Knoxvllle, to New Orleans. ' Win. Rose, for 40 years editor of the Baltimore American, baa been trans planted to bloom in the blissful flower pots of the radical paradise Over Yonder. Anarchy, revolution and general high old deviltry in Bonora, Mexico. Indians revolting. Heavy levies being made. Business at an end. And raids of banditti everywhere. Thoa. B. Long, of Salisbury, has been reappointed special postal agent, and we are glad of it. He Is a faithful official and a good fellow anyhow, in spite of his politics. Six descendants of the Pilgrim Dads were killed in Boston yesterday by the explosion of a gas pipe. Explosions of Bostonian gas-pipes have done much toward slaying the whole republic. The Khedive mutt intend to move to North Carolina. He's selling out all Egypt and putting traveling money in his pocket The last of the Sues canal stock ia up now, and 9,000,000 bid. All Virginia and North Carolina were shaken up by Wednesday night's earth quake. It created a wild panic In Rich mond, especially about Uie newspaper ofUecs. These fellows know what they dCBTTfT""" "" " lady left in the cabin an elegant wreath, inscribed with ".Itk40ii's dyiug words' and a Boston artist contributed a magnificent portrait of Old Stonewall. Verily, verily, the teipor do mutnnfnr and not also in illit uioht marvelously multimur. Ihaliark'StQuaaTaUJar'kBnii.'Lwhich. was recently launched at Boeton, in tho presence of an immense crowd, sailed for Norfolk, to-day. 8,000 people visited her, cannon fired and a grand ovation generally was given her, as she sailed out, A Boston MARKETS DV TELEGRAPH. NIW TOBX MARKETS. Nsw York, Dec. 23. Cotton qnfet, sales of 820 bales ; uplands lftf ; Or leans 13 7-16. Futures closed quiet : December 3i 1-32; January 13 M64l3 3 32; Febru ary 13 5-8t4l3 5-16; March 1313I ; April 13i13 20-813; May 14 3-32b 141; June 14 6-16; July 14 7-16($14 15-32 ; August 1414 17-32. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull. Corn quiet and firm. Pork quiet mess at 821.4O350. Lard steady ; steam 13 1-10. Coffee dull and heavy. Sugar unchanged at 8 ; fair lb good refining 8J. Spirit turpentine quiet at 36)a37. Rosin dull at 1.70a77) for strained. Freights firm. . Money active at C7 per cent, Sterling quiet. Gold strong at 1.13i& 1.13 J. Governments dull and steady : new fives 1.10 ; States quiet aud nominal. BALTIMORE MARKETS. Baltimore, Dec 23.--Flour dull ; W heat llrnier. Pennsylvania red 1.3,1 1.48; Maryland' red 1.10(1.43; amber 1.45150 ; white 1.20(a,1.50. Corn quiet ; southern white, old, 70 ; new, 6058; vellow, old, 70C74; new, 50 60. OOTTO MARKETS. Norfolk, Dec. middling 12. Balttmorb, Dec. 23-Cotton dulLj 2a Cotton dull ; middlings 12i&13. . Wilmwoton, Dec, 23. Cotton quiet and nominal ; middlings 12;. The best collars ever made are Uie Warwick and Eluiwood. Try tbem. Any furnishing store can supply tlietn. ' married, la Rowan oonnty. Deo. lfl. byRav. H. M. Brown, Mr. John W. Walker and Miss Sallie L. Thomason. NEW ADYERTISEMENTS, Q LASSICAL; ,AND . itATIUMATICaS SCHOOL, OXFORD, jr. c. i. ILBoassa AT. J. Uoaasn, Principals. Mr. 3. H. Horner bat returned to bla bome at Oxford, H. C, and will reopen bit school tbeee the last Monday hi January next. tta. T. J. Horner will na uuvlit hk tlin.st Jp1bHHikUJ and .1 ha aahoml mill b cunaucsea on us tame .trlnclplea that fjrnerlr ao taeecwfullT employed la makiBf good Nva and mod arholara . The brie of board aid tuition, exclusive of wishing and llfrbta, Is 1.84 yv.-r stMioa of twenty werks. ich t)admt w to furnish bla, blanketa, aheets, pillow-cases and toweb. AitaartlUntftMta t . th UaU 8BMVMai.attha tolluwfar rs liuare' one tach, w tew nilalea Iwce - vm sint ene time r " i u " each nilweqnent hiarrtioa r lea than t week : ......vlv....i BO I aqMora, 1 wk ........ ...J, SMI 1 i " : ; t mom.;ii..Ui((...... 1 - 1 4 ' ' ...w.. ............. W CO - B M CO - ' a ,w.t M oo i T " ..i.'... ....... W 00 S " .....m.m... ,..... as oa NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. avevW R IMOVAL ! REMOVAL! , NAT. L BROWN has r moved Us VA. R1KTT aTOKK to the Bel maa Bulldlngi a few door south of the Kalelh Nationa Bank, where he keep the irget and best sasortment of OluriBtmas and Holidaj Presents ver brought to this market Headquarters for Bants Claun. Don't forget tba place HoDeaiaa Building. -'' - CniLDREN'8 CARRIAOEfl. ' HOBBY Horses, Shoo-Fly Horssa, H agona, Carts. Propellers, Doll Carriages and Tojs of all kinds, at " :' , HAT. L. BROWN'", . Holleman'a Building. TIOLIN8, BANJOS, Cit'ITARS. FLUTES V Filet, Drnms.Aecordenria.Fiddle 8(rin(f at BROWN'i 'Variety BtAre, Hollcnian Building. - ' ' - D ON'T FORGET THE PLACE TOBt Y your Christmas and Holiday Presents I at Brown'g Variety Store!. UOLLIMAN'S BUILDlNd. BUT ANTSTET ORGAN TOR TOUR wife, daughter or sweetheart of Brown's. Variety Store for a Christinas present.. They want one. Remember the Holleman Building. 3ANTA CLAU8 HAS HIS HRADQUAR t tera at BROWN'S Variety Store to supply all kinds of Toys, Fancy Good, Ac, tor the little ones at well at for the old. M U8ICAL-1N8TRUMENTS, STRINGS and Trimmings, for all Instrument, at NAT. L. BROWN'S, HoUeman't Building. GO TO BROWN'S VARIETY. STORE for all kinds of Christmas and Holiday Presents. You will find the Celebrated Estey Organs, Gultan, Violins, Banjos. FhiUnas Accordeons, Flfef, Flntes, Piecoloe Work Boxes. China Goods of all kinds, Dolls and Dolls' Carriages, Children' Carriage, Wheel barrow. Wagon, Hobby, and' Bboo-Fly Horse, In fact, everything appertaining to a Hnt-clas Fancy Store, at prices to suit everybody. NAT. L. BROWN. HoUeman't Building, FavattavDle Street, dec ifci-tf Raleigh. rjt AX NOTICE. The law requires me to pay the taxes dts the eountv, on the 1st Monday In Januarv, 18TO. and 'to do so I moot collect them. This Is therefore to notify t.he people of Wake day of January, 187B costa will be added. a t titivu dec 23-td 6hcrlff of Wake County. COAL I Tlie third Carjfo this season will be here In a few dara. Send your orders to be ttllrl uitou arrival. Will let von have a little to fUerp jiu untiii Miliywten-ne-fmty mpplleor- WOOD. Received every tiny or two at J. Av JONES' (,'nal aud Wood Yard, Front of Betta and Allen's Shop. Jff"Orders may he left at W. A. Gatll.V Co. 'a Feed Store, Wilmingtoa attcet. Dec. 23 tf. 6 WAMSCTTA Ml'sil.lN SHIRTS WITH RICHARDSON'8 ROt'ND THREAD LINEN BOSOMS AND CUFFS FOR ONLY S6.M. WAMSUTTA MUSLIN SHIRTS WITH RICHARDSON'S ROUND THREAD LINEN BOSOMS AND CVFFg TOR ONLY 18.0K ' ' NEAliL y UK ADY MA D. ORDERS PROMPTLY t fLI.EP. ' Tht Greatest JiargaiAstf.ike Age4 ' ' ' . , w. n. A R. W tucker)' Leader of Low Prices aa4 Bat Goodf . RalelL'b, Nov. 25, 1873 U. ' ' GREAT OFFER I - ' Horace Waters A Sons. 481 Broad way, M. T , wlU dUpoa of He fUnus aad raans of rtt elaet makers, Including Waters, u ex tremely low price for cash, coriDf this oath, or part eaah, aad beJanea la sasall ttoa'bly paytMBta. Thssatae. w lev Va V rs' Mw Seals Fiaaoa, ar U beatstads. Jba top A slatJf4.aaqBiia;toiv. powerful, par aad even. W'rrrConcruj urgaas caaaot M Meaned ta tons or beaatyt Uiey defy competition. Taw Concert) atop is a Ins IraiUUoa of tb bamao voice. Ajfonu wanttxi. a liberal diseowt to Virt srs, mmittrrr, cbnrcbaa, choola, todrss. etc. SpeeUl isdaaaBU to lb tnUa, Llustratsd eatrlogaoE milted. fWI WTW W tH VaV W aTaWl iHfl'laTat a 111 1 1 1 II II 1 1 1 il 111 I 1 I I V r1 r s V