THE DAILY , SENTINEL. BAIL- T IEDM ONT AIR-LINE BlCHHOlTD A DABTIIXS, RICHMOND . ft Dawtuxb R. W N.C Division, "and North Worn N. U. B. W. CONDENSED TIME TABLE, In Effect on' and after Sunday, Dee. i U,1875. going nobtii. 85 TO O Praay. Jffeatt WanV r V-' Mb,, working popl ot botk i 14. anak ssor snoaef at tkelr owa toearUe, during their a, yoang ud ora lorn, as PUT I meat, or 1 11 the lint, tbaa at any thiEi-ela. Wa offer employment thai will pay bead-1 omoly far awry fcoar'a work. Fall partica kr, trm, A., teat f rr. trod a toar ad 4rM at me. Poa't delay. Now la tba time Uou't k-ok tor work r baamaae lwkr, ui j-ot save Maraaa du woor m. . o , Fortlaad, Mala. r I T7ULL GOODS, WINTER GOODS I . . - 1875. J08. P.CUtLBiy FATBTTBTTLUt BtRKKT AND SOUTH ; EXCHAHOB PLACE, e a lex a n A I L ( MRS. V."T B I S STATIONS. , M. Leave Charlotte ... ; Air-uoajaaa n: Baliabury Greeniboro..,. - " Danville....... M ' Dundee........ " Burkevtllo Arrive at Richmond..! Mao. 5454 K. 3.8a ; , 8.80 10.69 - l.M r. m. 1.40 " , .51 9.85 N Offen lotha public t complete sianrtment of Black Alpaca, baat,at price to defy eo ta pe 1 1 Uoa. ., -. . t .,. ,., AUentfoa It called to oar Cloth Depart' meat of N. C. aad Va Cawlineree, and our New Tort Ctty aaade Whit ftkir for Oaa tlIT S.1 tama. Ka Mflirm a I inwrowaa warn M.wug, IIU H RWd OTTO BE UNDERSOLD IN QUAUTf r ",kel """V- nira nnoa u. i - " Uake aad aiaaaa elotkaa ki tka bant, aa abampaai atyla, oa Bloodwortk Bt. , dee Ma a d. BtABrrs. GOING SOUTH. STATIONS, -i. Uao. ' Lear lUcbiaaBd..... . BurkerUla.i,,. . v t.L. ,i ,Mt, Dundee.;. l.p. M.- ' , . DaaTtll 1.43 , ereeMboro.... 4.W " BlUbrT ...... .M " - - Alr-UoaJoM'a M - , Arrtr at Charlotte. .71 9.15 - ."' t ooaA8T.;i:' e ' oowo w. TATIDH6V ' J Maiu ruiOT lMa Qiwnabora.... 1L0)a . A. A IS in. " Co. 8liopa...t J. " Balrlrt.VL.... A49 f M A.U.W -Arrtrat0dboro.. IMraLLW BOABDIMQ flOCSB FOB BJEXT. - -I will real at a rauonable price my Boom, I ready furnhhed. and aiiglbly located oa tka earser oi newoera ATeaaa jm raraoaatraat Ianu vnij lira aquBrai iron IN UIDIIOI. Until rantad ft UI ha ktnt aa a mnalaa- an a raw Boaraara caa oa afleoawo. dated at prat t. rotaaatloa rlvca at oaea. MBA HKNBT W. MILLIB. TJtT TOlf IHO BXMMIONTMtT LOTTERY Ir iraUaaa by tba I tola are biaolk Utk aad 80th ol aek noula TlckU II arck, for taV. 1 cbnae. la t'AJO.Oua la caaa prisaa. , apttal Prta a 150 Oua Ajraabi waoiav rarUcslara. Adira i. At FATTXK. La. raaslaltj Wyoaalaj. - FLANNELS, 11081 KKr. . FBI NTS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, - EDOINOB, 1N8BBTIKQ8 Ae.. oa hand AMOUAT8. u tliek Ikm ud Boats uit lsi ror Mea, Ladlea, Mkaea, Chndrett, Bora, Tooth , Few pair Edwin il Burt' Ladle Shoaa for aala cheap. Hare Vila, and Ztegler'i ajaka. Hara Mile' Genu' Boota and Gaiter au - uraaaa. . in lamou Bart' Boot, and abora all, tba tamoaa, pretty and mod Borden Oattara for 'gentlemen. Mj own brand Genu' bwkiinumm' mom that I warrant to be food, or another pair riven free. - s CLOTU1NU ANb OVCBCOATA My Chitbuia; Depart meat np Utn I fuIL "A Comnlttt Pictorial Uittorv of tit W i . aSBaWAWJB if" ' -" ' Harper's Weekly. , ILLUSTRATED. - -narper't Weekly ta Uie ablort aud moot powerful illustrated periodical publiHlied la this couutry. Iu editorial! art Kliolarly ktHl convincing, and carry much weight. Iu Illustration, of cur rent event are lull and Treat), ami art prepared by our beat deainier. With a circulation of 1&0.000, the Weekly i read by at leant half a million peraona. and it influence aa an organ of opin tonis aimpiy ucmcnaou. The weekly maintains a positive position, and ex presses decided views oa political and social problem. Louisville Courier- Journal. Its articles are models of tileh-tocel discussion, and its pictorial illustt c na are oflea corroborative annunent r small force. N. Y. Examiner arJ vnroucie. Its papers upon existent ques and Its inimitable cartoons heln r mould the sentiments of the country Ilttsbure Commercial. Harper's Weekly stands at the head oi uiustratea journals in the United Mates, in circulation, editorial ability, and pictorial illustrations. Ladies' lie- pository, Cincinnati. A BKPOSrTORT Of FAsmox, PLEAS-1 17BB, AKD INSTBCCTION." Hamper's Bazar. f ILL VSTRJi TED, ,27 Six ' TOU SHOULD INSTJRB .Years Old. Reasons Whv i 7 NOTICES OF TBI PBK8S. The Bazar Is edited with a onmhina. tion of tact and talent that we seldom And In any iournal i ami th Uaelf U the organ of the great world of fashion. Boston Traveller, ' The Baar eommeoda Itself to everv member of the householdto tha Inf. areo by droll and pretty pictures, to the young ladies by its fashion-plates in endless variety, to the provident matron by Its patterns for too children's clothes, to paterfamilias by Its tasteful designs for embroidered alltyrwra and liimrinna dreaslng-gowns. But the reading-matter of the Basar is uniform) v of creat excellence The nater haa aAnuiivH a wide popularity for the fireside enjoy ment it affords. X. Y. Evening Fost, In its wavuthere. la nothlntf Men It Fresh and trustworty as a fashion guide. w awnes ana easava. its nntrw and quibs, are all invls-oraUns' to the m'-nd. Chicago Evening Journal. oxo. a. vwnct a. oa " Off BBS t- MelodeoHa. . T OalaaVlawslaal bloat Ferfeet laetorj u us unit's Sum. I S1, mmjm ana uraaaa lor Man, Bor. Touth and cbildran, at price that IT STATIONS , Lsave Oraeaeboro ... " Co. Shops.... Arrive U Balelfh.... Arir at Goldabore.. ,s at' t Train. -rwrsil OtwAai, 1LU LtMiK A.ff.S0tBL Lvx-oorsLi 54.000 NORTH WESTERN JT. B Salbm Bbamch. lava (ifeeaibora...... 4.(5 P.M. Antra at Salata.... 6.45 Laaw Saleta... .......... ai A. M. , Arrlra at OraBro iaa - Faatangar TrabM laarkMr KaJeirk at 10.05 A.M.oaaastat Oraanaboro wltk tnaSontk ara bonad tram , araklaf tke qalckeat tjaM to U Boathera eltie. Aceommodatloa Train leavng Balaiffh at T JO F. M., eonaaet with Norther bound Train at Oreenaboro for Richmond lor ejl pcJoUKaet. Fricaof Tick U auaa aa rla ether route. ... Aeeoajaaadatloa Train loavteg Greenabore at T.00 F. M.. eonnacU at Guldibora with North era aad Soathera konnd train oa ta WUmlnfrton and Weldoa Railroad. Lynckbwrg Aceoata odation leaves Rich mond dally at 9.00 A M., arrives at Burke-Ill HB F. M.. laavaa BarkerlUa LSO F. riTeatBJchjnond4.84P. M. No chahob of Cabs betwkek Chab- LOTTB AND RICHMOND, 282 MlLBS. ' JOHN B. MAClfUBDO. ..-., ' General Paeorer Afeat. J a t.i i .. . Richmond. Va. T. BT. t. TALCOTT, , TT , , ' Gael Superintendent, : " ' : CTiUsborQ. naunAjxt aoadeot, IllLLSBO&V X. C. Tab) tastltdtloa, reoently known aa "HOR NER A GRAVES' School," will hereafter be conducted by B. IL Gbavbs sa sola Principal, aided, aa heretofore, by tka aeeomnlUhrd In tractor. Hues Moaaos, Js , A Maj. D. H. UAMaron. Th Bprinf Saatloa ot 187S will open oa tka 17tk of January. For circular apply to afaj. D. H. Hamilton nntfl tka 5 th of Jann- ary aad artetwardaWtbe FriadpaL daeU-iKaaw Mawtaea. otter Maataal Iaatraw ut tna eaaM ropalarity. tsT Saad fo Price ). BSdra 11 tf rpAXVmck Tka law reoulra aia to na tka tana dua the eoaoty, oa the let Monday bt January, lSTD, and te do so I meat collect them. TbU sj therefor to notify the people ot Waka county, that ae they arttl by the lit day of January, 1878, roU will be added. ' . . AM DUNN. rdaamd Shcrtff of Wh County, VXTAIICODNTT-IN TBI SUPERIOR I v v vuvnr. : Boaftjo roa Baxiar. X. O. Ifaev Adair, at Ramnal daa'd, tdalnuaiMf 8ill. Haywood, H. Haywcody tllia Tribaad, Waak. Crarea, Jaaaas Uvkilisa Rlr, kla wife, Jerry Wuh Inrtoa.UrlnU Wablngton,Cnaa. H to ton and Emily Hintoo. kiawlfe. Jnn Waahinvt.. b. S . ... a . . r . . . wubbu owh aou waa, waauinnoo two infanta, defeaUaota. STATS OF NORTH CAROLINA, i ft Ot Shmrlftf Wok QmmiOrwHng: Toa are karebr Commanded to ummoo Saliis Haywood, W. H. Haywood, Eliza Trto band, Watb. CraTen, Jatnes Rix. Xliaa Bis, hia wife, Jerry WMhlnaton, Lavinla WaabinK- wbi hn vu uvoer ueienoania a DOT named.. If . W k. uLl . . ' uoj wm iwin wuuu jour coomy, 10 appear at tba offlc of the clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Waka within twenty daya, attar the aarriea of this mamon on inem, ezrinaiT oi ine oay of uch aerriee, and answer tba complaint, a copy of which e of the I cant b beat. SPECIAL. V. 1 7Lm PJ"JI JW7 hw jt department for the aale of Frank Laelie'i, "LadiW Jour nal." Cut rauer Pat term mnnri.ln. .11 k Utae noreltios of th aeaaoa for ladies, boy and youth, of everv dlacrintlon of tnA Poblktortted toeaU. SaJaamea itn KJitnrA r nr.w r I C. C Hanlat. of nathara f..n,. . ur thamblea, of fraokUn County Job. P. Hyatt, ot Waka County; 4. d, Hayea. of Wake Cottaty ; A. L. MotaVAlabSnV. , . oeapecuuiiy, octM-tf1 , 3 p OUIXET. JOARDINQ H0DS1. Mr. Beckwith hmm nu . au. S""'"!! mweoni in voroer or Martin and WilminKton Btraeta. In tho rmiA.. l-i. ccopied by tka Ute Dr. W. H. McKea. She la prepared to accommodate twrmanent aa well aa traaalent boarder. The Uble 1 al waya mpplled with tka very beat the market afford, aad tba nvma fct ... ... foruwe. , : nov 15-tx TERMS: JJENKT CLAT RICHARDSON, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, DUMB AM, NORTH CAROL! Jf A. , may l-f - 0 A L Mo M to order from abr ad when you can .retina BEST RED ASH, From J. A. JONES by the ton ; as low as it wOl coat yon by the Car Load POSTAGE FBEB TO ALL SLB8CRI BIBS , IN TUB UNITED STATES. Harper's Weekly, one year, l 00. 1 00 Includes prepayment of U. S. potwge by the publishers. Subscription to llarner's ALurai-in. Weekly, and Bazar, to one address lor one year, f 10 OQj or two of Harper's itnuuium, io one auuress icr one year. 16 00 ; postage free. An extra copy of either the Maim- ne, tveexiy, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of Ave subscribers at I 00 each, in one remittance ; or ilxcoples for 20 00, without extra copy; postage free. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The annual volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7 00 es'h. A complete set compris ing nineteen volumes, sent on receipt oi cami ai we rata oi ss a) per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Prominent attention will be given in Harper's Weekly to the illustration oi the Centennial International Exposi tion. Newspapers are not to copy this ad vertisement without the express order oi iiarper urotners. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. . noq 27-tf New York. THE HOWE SEWING MA-CHINE. wUI be deposited in the office the Superior Court foraald WAl vnttrnwc tv n R. Bold by Acenta. ALEJm,Erie,Pa, family bur u. Bt 4w. Iveryfaml Address, HAMOI IN BUSINIS I lerk of rrelgbt added. IJOUnt. Wllhln 10 day from tka data of thl namnM ami muiemiaBa nonee mm u tneyfafl toaa iwer to the wld complaint within that time, tba plaintiff will apply to tka Court for th relief demanded la the complaint. Hereof fail not, aad of thl summons make do return. . Given under my band and seal of said Court, title Oik day of Nov.. 1875. J. N. BUNTING, Clerk of tk Superior Court . of Wake County. Gao. H. Snow, PltfT Att'y. ' v, cruwvw Oak wood. Pine wood delivered. aov4-tf $4.00 per cord. S.50 " J. A JONES. V-v k Y' ."'V 'v .r r F N The Old sad Well Known House of J. M. B 6 8 EN B A U If, Having eoaeloded to eonfla Haelf to cer tain apaelaltlea, anaonnoea that ta it buiraeee B Is exclusively A CLOTmSQ STORE of klgh grade, wlire every article of Orati- aeaa ana ooy- wear mwaajij loono m SI am cisss attaoJtihment kv oared , ON THB MOST f AV0B4BU TXBJU FOB .- CASH. . I SL V. HOOKS) JM. aVAMB M IjUOORB A tUTUNG, lATTUnfl ll fi A T L A ' ' - aUJUaeH,ILO. UtasadretUtalOosrts aad tk Govts of tkelat aad tfc Jad clal UtauietT My House and Lot In the nt of RaUiirh wuwiuiii auuma anu a Acre oi lana, poaeeetlongrvea Immediately. Wm. 8. Maaoa la now la poweaiioB and will rent tt In my aojenea to any oa wishing to rent for tk year 1870. ) nov sow B. K. TERRELL. 7 TERMS s Pottagtfrt to all Subscribers in tht United States. Harper's Bazar, one year, 4 00 $4.00 includes pretmrmcnt of U. 8. postage py tne publishers. Subscriptions to IJarrjer's Mairszine. Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for wu jciu, tiuwj vi , n in aurptsr a Periodicals, to one address for one year, 17.00: postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine. Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of Ave subscribers at $4.00 each, in one remittance ; or, sis copies for $20.00, without extra copy ; postage free. Back numbers can be supplied at anv time. The Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar, ro neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7.00 each. A complete set,v comprising eight volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $3.2) per vol., freight at expense of purchaser. rrominent attention will be aiven In Harper's Bazar to such illustrations of the Centennial International Exposition as may be peculiarlr appropriate to ifr columns. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, . New York. 'Unquestionably the beat swlalned wrok of u. aina in tne world." llns-pera jriiaKMSie)) illustrated; 1 ke eTer-lncreaaln; cli caution of thi ez eellant aionti.iy rova IU eontlnned adaptr tion to popular desire an need, indeed, when we think I to bow many hone It cn tratasiverr month, we nut eonilder it a on of t t ada atcra aa well a cctertalaer of the public mind, . for it vaat plarlt baa bt-o won by ro appeal to stopld pre Tbcbarae;r ahieh tbia wrcsn poae a a for varlet;. bbruru, rtutic w. aiih and literary cu'ture thi ha- koj.t ac a lth if It ba not led tbe Uii.ed, aiion d e one it conductors to nirrrd it m J -iltJ.ui. com placet'cy. It ainc utitir- .be-in n tfra claim aiou the pnbiU Kmtlti,d lb Mca slae bi done rood a ' no' V l th yt of If lit.-Brooklyn MtfU. tM CHESTNUT STRIFT, 1st. BswattMiti one o th.- oi.'.n Com panic is th OnuDtry, aad pa.i n day ot experiments, v . Sod. Because every poliry-LM ! member ol the Company, er ,( .,. . ( advantasc and pnvntgt, 'mviofc i jt to VP" i a'l ehrw- lor trailer, .r bus bae o IrfliwH oc S u inaiiagoment. Srd. Bc- a u large a peroent ageofaaref liabilities as any 11 'a Id tcrance Cor try in th Oiontrv. 4th. Bernuw b e-r-B trirt.1 maaago v ent, its ratio of cxpersrs t total locom kt Isr bel-w the vt;-. o Lfe Com pan is. (8c Offlctal Iounnoe Rr ports.) Stfc. iJreaose It Ld Herlsrcd m4 dlvHend Is numr- . nn-! of a Larger Overawe rVretatage, t-io my Crmintty is tbe United (Hate ' ror ample: polyy No 16, for fa.Ctt tta been paid to win,i w of a Pl.llr!; phia M rrh"i, op winch twfnty-tlree iividei'd- i Imi ier ar-' r r filtyV- N"e-ri H Ihm irivVtK.a, uere uard ' purr:ha ad u i . as to rhia Policy, $1,04A snore .uld bavr bes re is !, n.sking -he Policj worth 11, SO. . 6th. riecaniK it is liberal io it mans gntn-ai, prosipt in iUati:ll.-OK-iiU, . i! yond eoDtinveuev. and it r'(i rr it low a any flrktaa OompHny e th Orioutry. PkiacirAL PaaiTjaas.-tnal espraerw, lr..:tt.- eituri y, trg retnrn oremiuma, nT,.ol f loa mn(1 iberslil tr, Wn- d. S tMI'ICI. HUET, Prarideet. A fd L 4 1 OB M. Vs-frea toet, H, IfPH. r.M Var tX fcM-.V uitai, nr'T ,rtn!sL i.rew. EUW. Jt. . aui ( 1dal KlamlBHT A.U FJNCM.Wwerai wai.w J,H t'SiU B JON it, ATTORNEY KALKIH, Aagia f AT LAW, N . a. JJIOBSALEOB BENT. A desirable Hoaea and L t In tk towa of Cary. Tba Houae eoolaiaa fix room, with all tk modern convenience, wltk all noeee aary oatbouae. Tba aardea contain i acre, an orchard of 160 choice fruit tree adjoining. Th whole premiae constating of S acre. PoaaeasioB given Brat of January, U7o. Apply to , WILLIAM E. PELL, octS-tf Cary, N. O, JglNGIIAM, PAYNE & CO. anocr.ns, BRICKLAYERS AND PLA8TERERI Comer Joue and DawaonSt., " RALEIGH. X. C. Keep on hand eonitantly a full Mock ot groceriea. Chicken, Butter and Eire a ip'dalty. Citizen of Kalehrh wlnhiug ant thiug in the grocery line would do well to caQ on them. Nricklaylui; and platertnn; done lo the beat tyle, by practical workmen. All order for work will receive immediate attention. Mr. John Brrnm. aaleaman. would b pleased to iee bis friendi from the country I0BTLAND CIMINT. JpAUMERS' WAREHOUSE, DTJZtZXAla7, XV. O.. Alan, Roman. Keena' and Parlan.fnr waitra eJataraa, foundjOJona, aUblea, cellars, bridges, reaerrotra, Ate. Remit tlx cenU posUre for pracucai iraatis on cement. B. u MER- vnaui i s w., to DOUU St., ew York. ngod8ca ' pIPPIR'S WHITI FRONT. Ta aubacriber hereby gives aotice to his I old friesds aad customer that th Wbito Front ; ts na Kvary elaasof go ao fnrthav to be ratted eaa be supplied. BM1R Attacked to the attsMuhtawat I a TparVl awwaaapff' mMsE Kary snwF VS r'4 T cuNi,cuxnBiY and ousbwajul tvetylhtaf ta Owt uns caa he" fooa4 ot the Snt otuOity and at naaonabl rlc, 1 - i The long estsWIiheS ekaraeter of this Boas 1st nulctaat rutawtaa f Bs abfi ty and determmatloa to do what tt promliea. vwai bh e eau ea . t:.-ui J. M. EOSK1TBAUN, . Coraef rajrtOsvflls and BamttSta. Wf. I .r,.r w or eontlnnes to offer its umal attraction, mak MBtUasoct popular resort In the cityoi aoinjn. .The OT8TER SEASON k taat onanad. ,f l ft' I .Oyater will be (erred In all trie and at hi Hvuim, au outer aeucacw oi ta aeaaoa wut w larnjeaeu. - v Tna beat or LionoRa ai4 vnrwa saoaa nana. , Call at tha-Whlts Front. Py V. W. R. PEPPER. TVIOW IS THE TIME TO BUY IUUK oCxlUUli HOOKS NOnTItCAllOHXA. al of Li Tobacco last year over year before last, rpHX 1X8T UQU0RS. . . 7? hav and wffl keep a fall eapply of Var- JbtU'a ImtmMa Vw.C ta . Il' I Pin Apple Brandy, Jo Hunter' Brandy, Old Oauiaei lM, Stars; Monntala Daw, Fin A p. iaana Bros., par old wheat WhlikeT.Tor.lm aad NaUv laea, Baas, Gin, BcaBMrrs.Giaw I gar oraaay, aa par t. tt Corn Wbkkeya. mj nqaon are au pare, na soagitt ot us ateladfs. . .. . ; "a -$; (Fciirlecr Hiiilrei taaii Poim& .1 (Short Crop at that) . i ; u. PR0P08I TO BELL FIVE MILLIONS FOUNDS PRESENT TOBACCO TEAR, w a tii -NotMarart Mark yowr packagea pbtm sod giv fuB I lostractloos by stsfl and yoa wUI recelr Joliiis tori J ones -i h i. Attoraey At Lawi . FBT Prictlce in all Ui 0Ua Courts. -' iUpeeiaJ atteatioa givaa taw w attars ami aacted wlU raoent Stat Leirtalatios. (Offleei S 4oorbor Tar bora Hoes.) ' PLAID PAPERS', VARIETT OF 8TYLZS, tawvvrylatast Joist to band. ' IMl Bookseller A Stationer. ISOLD 173 LOW LAST FBIDAY sod paid off ta SS minute after sale. Urn ever mad mth SUto. Look out Bro, Lack. : : , f ;-'" " .'" :.,y E.J.rABISH, nov JS-wtaj 1 froprtator. AXO Branson's I to place yoa can buy as eheap a at any other (tor ta th city cali and e an b? w BBicnaaing eiaewnere. . . E. BRANSON, Bookseller. WT- BaJeigh, N.C. WAKE COUNTT-IN THI SUPERIOR COURT. i Scmtoss voa Rsxttr. K. 0. MaCr. Admr rj f Dee'd, maaaat Adeline Felton, David Cannon. Heaorown and Tamer Brown hU wle. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ' amyi or niM lutUfUrtttina: loo are hereby Commanded to summon Adeline Felton, David Cannon, Henry Browa and Tamer Browa ki wife. th. h.? ....... above named. If they be found cofAnty, to appear at the otnee of th Clerk at th Superior Court for th county of Wake, within twenty day after the aarvtra of thl; summon oa them, cxcluiir of the day of rack Mrvice, and anawar tba naki.i . Copy Of Which Will ba danoailad la ,k. I tCLtloO. ot the Clerk of the 8uDer1or Court l u oct lS-tf County, within 10 day from the data of thi eammooe, -aad let them tak aotic that if " - "" latnua wui apply le theCoort for tna relief demanded ta tka coa Hereof fall not, and of this summon snake 3ue retura. . . Given under my hand and seal of ald Court, -this btk day ot Nov., 187S, . d.N. BUNTINO, L Oerk of the Buperior Court ' Gso, H. Snow, PlUT. Att. gUttBt'' FIRST MACHINE PATENTED. Tht Best Machine Manufactured' Tke Best 'ts tke Cheapest The point of superiority r Simplicity and Perfection in Mt cianma. Durability Will last a lifetime! Range of Work Without Parallel! 1 -r Perfection of Stitch and Tension I Headqnartar for tk Soutk at . 42 zV. CHARLES ST., Baltimore, Md. tm fll CIICCLUI OF TElISft fllCEI SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CA8H FUR- CHAflltKa', A libsrsl discount to Club of lm Ar MAM Every Machine Is warranted snd satisfac- uon gauranieea. .??S.w..Mf.c5IN fo' sale ta aae-iuiiaixto, w.rareltevllleot. July S-tf I JOHN W.HINSDALE 1 . . ATTOBNT AT LAW, ? -oont e. a, Flmt Floot ;,Ut BuUdiag, BALEIGH, N. C xiuiuin vouna in jiaieign ana Fav ettevlile. Claims collected In all Dart of N w. weni 10 no, n. n. rearson, umer Jua wx a. tion. m. n. tunaom, U. B. Senator 1 Cltlaen.' Nat, Bank, W. H. A R. B. Tucker, Williams ds Haywood, Raleish: rayeuonu Kak Bit, Merchanta' B'k of xajcusTiii.; oana or ew itsoorer, W0- rTT J. "P' Co., Phelps Dodged; Co., H. K. Tburber Co.. H. k ,W?..Vi' ?iT-JBLM -o., Phita.; He ks formed a connection with Messr. c ' Broadfoot of Fayettevtlle, N. C. wltn r ferenee onlv to Ku ftr that point All communications iddreaaed to I utpllea at any ums rpsr'i Magnate, now TKKMa Po Upefrf to a l c u-Jcrlb- In the Uni ted SUtea. HaartB'S MaeAjina. -ear . f 4 00 44 OU Include preavmeM ,.f J, are by tba pnbliabera. BnOKripUoD Wlirpe.' Mrairs Week! and Hasar.vto one iuOivm for on tear, f 10. 00: or two! Har(,'. Perlodicala, toon aadree for Boa ar, 7 OU; poataire frte. AakxtraCopy of ei hi it MaKasma, Weekly, or Bastr Will b-- an pile aratU fur vary Club of Flv Bubacrlbcr . 0j ech, ta on remittance ; or. Six Copies for taU.OS, .. .. WVJ t puauuni ire. oaca xtnmner can M 1 A llniatnl.Ja Mut Umw compriaing 4V Volumea, in noat cloth bind ing, will be seat by axprM, freight at ex panas of pnrchaaar, tor UM per voinaav Blngl volamea, by wall, poatpald. tt.i Cloth eases, fur bindlajr. BS centa. b man. psatpsld. ' A Complete Analytical Index to the Aral 111.7 votumea 01 uarpers Magazine has Just kaH nuahalla .Jt -M f 1 i . m iuuuaiiou, iraueruig Bvaiiaute 1 or r. lensnue uie vast anu varied wealth of Infor mation which constitute thi periodical a perfect illustrated literary cyclopedia, ttro. pal ' vaix, f u. 0. . Dent postage A aertoa of paper under the title of "Tk First Century of th Republic," contributed by the mot eminent American publlclata, la now being published in Harper's Magaame. Thl series of over twnty papers give a eomprehemlv review of Proareaa dnrfaia- tba century now closing, la every department of our aauonal life. . Newspaper are not to copy thl advertise ment without tba prss order of Harper di Addrv HARPER At BROTHERS, : Bov87-tf S,w Yo?. jhXRCHANT TAILORING DONI AT TBI SHORTEST HO TIG E CHARLES M.FARRIS, and city. 15-tf. T A L K ABOUT IVmsMffa ShM$, BUT C. D. HEARTT BEATS'EM ALL ON GENTS' HATS, Gents', LalieiT and Misse.', Gaiters. FSUtflH LOT OF GENTS' LADIES'. AND MISSES' BOOTS, SHOES AND 0AITES dee BSia AT C D. HEARTTS. H EA D QUARTERS FOR wira WOOD Ai COAF. B J. V .Hinsdale, car of McBa A Bro foot, FayetterUle, N. C, will receir promptat A fBi ' tot the best elllng Print . uie world. It coataint J..,V"np:r' "ctope. Pen, Pea "tieu, pattniea xardMeaaura: and aptace of Jewelry. Single pack aire with elo- t pnaipaia, sae, Ureular free. BMioa t Co., TOM Broadway, N.T. , P . H O W;E L L v Practical DaUseator aa) Cu tcr, Prslris Building, WDnttagtca .Street, RALEIGH, N. a FIT, 8TTLE sad WORKMANSHIP can't h urpaaaM. Warranted to please th most fa Ud loos, CUTTING don at all time for tboas wlah. .... lngB, . Ju. received Mcond stock of Cloth. Caaalmerea, Jeans, AT M OUNTAU RTt V " prime MonnUln Rye for seed. M IVnLu. kotionr, . Trimmln)rv Collars, together with s fun Hue of Dim GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ac, Ac. No. 19 aad M Wflmlnrton street, Prairie Biilldin- aoU-tf Ralakh.N.C QLATES JC8TRECEIVED, CHEAP AND s uwu, L. BRtvsnv -. J. A. JONES' YARD, " IN FRONT OF BETTi ALLEN'S 8IIOP. Bend 00 your Cash, f t your fuel and keep comfbrtsb. It Is best to let u know Just before you ar oat, that you may be iur to get B in tiro. oejlHf JPOR RENT. A wn arranged two t.ry ef ORE-HOUSR Will be rented oa good Urin. . , Apply to - , R. W. BE8T, BOV4-lm HUUboruStreet. 1ADIES, ayou amii a glove, ro to deee&n, , MI98E8 AND CHILDREN, IF Hoot or Uailer to Ot Ilk a oct SO-tf Ralciirn. it. C - C. D. HEARTT' 8.

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