v " -v ( Jf-. - A r3 ri T. fo.'n It! kl .7 THE'UOST USE CHINA SETS, . GLASS SETS, FIXE COXSTIT U T 1 0 2 A L A M E K D- Jst Amendment: That section '4, "of article 0, be stricken out and two new sections be substituted. The section to be stricken out is in regard to lands riyen to the state by con cress and the appropriation of fines, penalties,' Ac Th section ' to be sub? titnted gires 'alt lauds aD procee ds of lands, given by the United SUtu to the state, to educational purposes ; tad all swamp lands, fines Ac., are to be u.ed hm-purposes of education. 2nd Amendment strikes out section 17, article J, and substitutes a section pro- tiding for the establishment of a bu beauof agriculture,immiration and sta tu tics, and the protection of sheep husbandrr. . ' i - 3d Amendment adds to section 25, of article 1, that "secret political societies are dangerous to the liberties of a free people and should not be tolerated." ' 4th Amends section 10, 'article 3, by providing that the governor, with th adrioeof the senate, shall appoint all offices whose appointments are ' not otherwise provided for. 6th Abrogates and amends sanction 15, 16 and 17, of article 4, and allows the ' geoersl aasembly to allot and distribute all " indicia! power among the several eonntiea except that of the supreme Court, which is fixed by the constitution . Itself. .. 6th Strikes ont sections 1 and 8, of article 13, and forbids calling a conven- tion without first consul ting the people ..jatithepoUa. ' : 7th lrovidcs for submitting the nnipmta to the constitution to the people, at the the polls, ' Tuesday after the 1st Monday in Xovomber. 187b. The amendments will be ratified, pr re jected togetitar. . - 8th Provides for publishing1 the ordi nanoe for the information of the people. wth Ramnree- tbr- fadga to rwija the dintnct for which he is'- elected, - ami fiwMiiaJMs same county mora tlian once iu four rears. , ,' : -: ; lOtbBeduoes the number of judge from 12 to 9, sad authorises the ioguhv Jtureto increase or diminish the number. 11th Provides for the assembling of "thflpgislflture la Jantwry-ttiatead of November. 12th Hita civil rights on the head by forbidding white and black children A going to tlie same w'huol iiid psiwTtlifig 1 110 aiBcnouiuuiua biuuj in : uiuuu to the prejudice of .either race, ' 13th Fixes the pay of members of the ' general assembly at $4 a day and 10 cents mileage, and limits the session to . 60 days. If the arssion is prolonged beyond .60 days, members reiv-o pay. UtETrovides that the term of oflioe for senators and members of the legis lature shall begin at the time of their lection. ' - 15th, That section 29, of article 1 is amended to allow the general assembly to changs the time tf holding elections for the general assembly; ? s ! - 1 6th Strikes from the constitution sec tion 4, of article 1, which is the old re - publican gerrymander of the senatorial districts in 1868. 17th Reduces the number of supreme judges from five to three, as our lathers Lad It. 18th Declares . the judicial power shall be vested In a court for the trial 1 impeachments, a supreme court, su perior courts, courts of justice of the peace, and such others inferior to the . supreme court as may be established by taw. 19th Establishes the supreme court la ltsleigh, until oUierwisejrovided by the general assembly, r 20th Strikes section o article 2, from the Constitution: This section was the old republican gerrymander of the oue -of -reireenutivei:: and : the .eoplecan do without it. - . 21st Forbids .vacating any office er term of office now existing under the ' nnatltntlrm. ' : ' 22nd Provides for the election of 1ik1l's of the tuiireme court and supe nor court, bf general ticket, or vote of ail the people ; Dut snows me general assembly to change the mode of elect log superior court judges iron! general - ticket to district elections 23d Requires 12 months' residence in the state, and 90 days in the county, before a man can vote, and excludes felons and ex-penitentiary convicts from holding office or voting untd re- 't stored to citiaenship by due process of law. There was two days' debate on this ordinance, Messrs. Dockery, Albertson nd Buxton, with all the negro delegates.speaking against it and declaring it was aimed at the negro.'" 2-uh Provides for the removal by the legislature of any judge of the superior rnurt. for mental or DbTsicaLdisabilitT. - It alio nrevidea for the removal of Bf ilBfthe sutneme and ettperjtn courts bv the lodges of the courts for tlsaraejreaBon. Appeal in-caee of removal is allowed as in otner cases or ' suits, v ' '" .-' , t ' 25th Provides that article 7 of the con stitution be amended br adding that, the general assembly shall have power to tuoculy, cnange or anrogate any auu nu of the proviaiona of the article, imd sub- ate others in tmnr piaee, -vxcrpt w tionr 7.9 and 13. This allows the Iwrwla. t ire to appoint magistrates as under the old constitution. - r'"; :7"T;'" i 26th Gives jurisdiction to justices of ' the peace over civil actions founded on contract, when the sum does not exceed A2U0 : and allows the justices to cull in a iiirv of six men in certain cases. , : 4o29th Authorizes the-temployment of . convicts on publio works and., hign ways. 28th Adds the following new section - to article 4 1 - "in . case tne srenenu ' ' "i scmblv shall establish other inferior i courts, the presiding officers and clerks ' thereof shall be elected in such manner ' as the goners! aasembly us prescribe. PUL, EXTENSIVE AND CASTORS M'OONS AND FOHKS, " 20th Forbids marriage between white ana wans auu au iKisous. vi , n'-a. scent to ute uiira genrrauou. . . t 80th' Adds to article 1. section 24 ; "Kothinff herein contained shall justify the practice of carrying ' concealed weapons or prevent the legislature from inactin' tienal statutes against side sAsetfoe."''-' x: " ihl f 81st Abolishes section 31, of articles And provides for tilling all vacancies offices provided for by this article by the bwmvnor not otherwise provided foe. , 82d Provides far paying officers and members ox tne convenMan. . 83d Oives power to the enpreme eonrt to try issues , apd qnesu-jus oi tact as under the old constitution. ' " . . QiOX8TITUTIONA LCONVENTI'N t) ' NOKTU CAROLINA OF J875, Comnletau PhotogTsphle rr xip by w WATSON. Tbe al; eumuleU eoiy la s IsUdc ) will be toltlt s moder.t price. ail at wauoa's UkUem Kalelica, A. v octllW . , yOCTHERW POUCT HOLDM. j As Incarance Journal dtvotcd to the hilCT- est of Pulk-y-boldrn. Coutalne all the Id earance literature of the di;. Only Ineur ance paper Id North Carolina. "Trvat ef both Lite and ttr Insurance, eipontng -wtld-cat' compaiuea sou romowniiinf lae eirooK one to the people of North Carolina, the paper tor these InK-reoU-d In luauranre - sabecrinMon Si U0 In idvaaoe. Ailmtiw- meat hvcited at rraaoaable fates. Addrra, " . , JNO.C. nt'TSOX, . i' ' Editor aad Proprietor, septtHf i Kaleifc'h.-II. MslvuiB Caavaa,. sasswos 1 Casrsa CAItTKIt AlCAKII 1. AT roitNSYiJ AT LAW, Asarrnxa, M. U Fraetlee In ttis'srwme Ci ort at Ral brb vd ia the &ia' end rvderal O-erie of Wet " I''.h c.rvtlis . . il- f,i in 'tit '. nf i'W t t 'ft ,( . . J . " 5 , ...Mi, ' , U:'i '. M , , , f trtwvttwrr Uvi.l. i - felureka Washing Ma . chine. Pitlf itesf OrfTTX, 1874. Tl'i lBerta ls-a eeeaplef i Waa' et everrttitBg froa a lady's laes Collar s cunteri ana. t the mo tboronjh and rj Iwb atyle.-- : . , ' -; . .. Vtit( wit' ft asd rapidity and wlthtat JO'f i" lb el'Xtt'- ' ' Vt- Wa:. ti( s bt wxveB la onr jgj ttut; . , tie tieuteU aar.l, h e "' :-' ""' ' . Hrr :! vith ett t'n a tached ISA ' i. b. rakiAB, : Kii nlctuiif end .r'ft,l! ry, M. 0. Ca (ignTg g.MlKtira. 0M10L1NA IIOUSSnOLD MAQAZ1VS, As llloitrau Mootilr of Ubolcs Liter tare, la ;ablishd sionti;!? at , , i OOLMBOKO, M. a It s beantlfoil Ulaa rau-d liepeeltor of Literal are, tteetiDed to bra 'Be the Great Uooabold Maaaaloe or hs South store dioroofblf Identified with the people la the) eaa inviue u um dt MalaaiiM la th- country, and -for ths saas plee, 01 ree Mors fending. Mo advaataire arnec'ed which eltber talent or capital eaa caa eooimaod te reader each lease aa ems tile snd loatrnctlve eoBpeodloni ef choie eadmc, by pxpalar wntra, boU koae aaf broad. - ITS riCTTjaS eaiXKBT. Is a most suraetlvo fiatnre. 1 he Jafiarj Btroitmr evBtalae s life 1 ke porumtt or Sl ot Z H. Vn-e, at Wofrarkeai aaeica, U M followed la ea'h asmber with photo ,irt hi of oth'f romiDeBt eUUsaea, dlvtses He. , . DMLT W 00 A 11A rt, Foe tags Free, snd each subscriber can make a choice of b o DOft twanUfal, large SBicrevt n, sue f wb 84aJ imbea. visi "the Finding of be Saloc m Ui nn4a.'Te Madouia," and- "Rimr IdrarrUefrlB 4evw,'1 foe we'd' d on rccetp! Cither t f the Ei va-d' d on receipt ol ths aabMtiptloa price. ft te worm oonoie for the Mafraaina Aayone -.edlcas clabo' Se IU reoeire aa extra ubat rlptifO I 'ee. Stiigle copies eeots. iis uouLte eabM.-lpuif. wtthoyV the Ka ririnrll.Ol txate Wanted KWxjwnere. A d.-rae ; Jar . , -.. bvld-boro M. C. , W Btiatatoas roa Saxtar.- - ) X. O. Macy, Adtnr. of Kmma Canian, Vce'd, fjatnM Adeline Eelton, David Cannon, HcnrSf Brown and Tamer Brown hia wife. BTAirE OF NttKTH CAROLINA, T IM SUriff f Wakt CoiHtyOnmg: Tim in hireliT Lommardeil to' anmmon Adeline Felton, UI4 Cannon, Uenrt Brown and Tamer Brown hia wife, the defendant ftUm nnvrd. If the be found Within Tour eoanty to npear at the ouiee of the Clerk of Ute aupertor lourt lor toe eounij o " ec, within tntr Sara fltr the aerrlce of tbi aummon on them, exclutive of the day of auch aenrica. ad anawer the complaint, a copy of which will be depoalicd In the offlee ot the Clerk f tbe superior Court for eaid Ciiiintv. within 10 dari from the date of this iUUltuOflii,- suit htt tUeta Ue notice that f they fail to anawer to tbe raid complalat within that Um. the. Plaintiff WU1 a P to the Court for the relief demanded In the tern plaint, , y , , -, , i 1 . i v i i v Hereof fail not, sad of this ummont make 4uit Mum. 1 ilyen under my hand snd seal , of aald Court, this 8th day ol ',.,5,3? . ', " ' (3erk of the Buprrior Court J of Wake County. s H. 8of , PlUT AWi t TBOT-lawW . - .'.--t-' ; ' a nteXT! 30 tLEGAVf otLCIIROMOB J monnted, aise ill, for tl. Noreltie and Chromoe In erery deacrtptlon National. Chaoiio, COs, f hiU, fa. w. ! the rrout Store os rarettTikla atrret, on of the beat ataodi Id tlie Oty ot Raieiph poiaeuion glreaAbf 8rt day of January, de38-iw v iAS. hi, TOw'LK. $250 A WA'T'riAevifte wentrlr kere. Hu,lnru vxiof ile 4l Arm rtriirnitn rnt ire. Auirw WOKIat CO- Sk Leia.at. CHEAPEST STOCK OF LAVrS, VASES, CUT GTASSW ARE1 TD B0UE COTT0J1 01SA 4 - One &0 an4a.e aVtw-ot tUea eelcuratol 1 fwn( Kib bins la Btore, and will be aois s reduced price. Thry are' aald te cleaa octter, a laatar and laet lougor was any gue aw 1 nee. ' . , Also, On 80 Saw Second hand Ear. J SeptlBta ,, , ,. ..; . '. ,'agBt; o R D IN A NO 8 I ORDINANCES I ! oiiDiN.meg!! OS TBaS ' ' . ; , : , , i 4 ' h j ' OONTBNTIOX! " . -t COJTVENTIONff CONVENTION! it . r .,-Kik .1 r ' a . AT TIIIS OFFICII Single Copies . lOcts. Whondred J I LOO Per thousand 5.00 MsT Bend in you orders at ones. Addrsasf ' -T Tt SENTINEL,- - ... Raieigh n. a: I 4. ' . O.n. Vpurt Uouk'i Sg rt ralkioh, n. a : , fecial att'VtloBslvaatoBsvtncof Bom- tt- ad. In view of the lata dednoa of the Bn- 1- m uoart or ta unitea Bati a oa u tan "L mat S-dawAwtl TVO TOP WAST A KXW 8TTLI XJ Oent'e Hat, can at " -d8m CO. BEARTT'B. - - -' rv an. rwtnne A Itr rvrw.-'- ' '" a. fcrW.VW V ....... ft-T- AT MOCK BOTTOM miCXX " tmfi Aedk ntflhi AaW jrvttxm lmwis s co. JpAINTS, OILS, COLORS, Hardware of event PeteriptM JTJUKS LEWIS k CO- Ualeisb, N. C. in 3aw30d .We aar for sals I young and walk, broke la coo dl tion. '. ' . - Apply sooa to .doe -t , ArrA5DERSCO. t " 1 ; i XII AS AND NE W YEAR MOTTO ' tTIS AND - SAUCERS, v , tt r 1 ej's At Laiw f PBACTICS ts 1b Bnprema Oosrt f the fetaaa ka fteaM aeul IViafStVc .lMt4a Ai tM VmiUA Htattstt m4 thm ml Courto su wka ay usviai aasia t .iffij rvaa V.aluinaa. ' alt Aftnanatltal fcat. -al ' 1 SB k. ff7T a 1 fUnla rwsAUUsaaVI awSanSa. . V afaMrs j TAOS. ha year. neeootiaf detached. Test aaa Moaa aauast.s roe absims Con Bala tssb ast Ta '8 ana. All Iipr- CompaMass" taesm. aio or rnwji-r ni rteu "wywi ltf.n4So . -f. .r. . ''!" t. B, t. KLNU, OF NORraCAKOUSA, JONOXt SUTTON A CO. TJIIY GOODS, : Kot. ZM BalUntor aad 1 Porta Liberty Bu. T W. Josiiaos," r 3. K. R. Cbassb. K. K. Bt'TTOa, U, 4. 40BVOB. ept x-wa , 332 W. Balteia SL BALTIMORE V sept 17-Bnt iOMK YE iI?CO'SOLATEi n.i' 1 1 Mm In search of FIRST-CLASS OO0D8, the Very Latest Tip of Faahlon, and put ap a at vie mat will suit uu nioei jaauuioui taete, so to ' '; WEJKETS-ESTA BUSHIEST?- . V.awtwfll1A BSeA AW4SI jliWas ftUltl. ftf ftnadfe Suutbern iprM OdSc. ,v tt la Conceded Fct j that Weikel ran put p the set sdA fcuwt aatftfartory JOB in the way of flneeafcevf t lotblnr, from ttTeddinK to Butbiea Butt, that can be turned out In Raleifrh. Th old and young men aay It, the ladie (Gou Mm Umbi eadfrtt and U children ory orer It, cry for Joy w en their revered "dad" put on a autt of " etaei e etouting. .. Wetkel Uke thi occaaioa to r turn hh thank! forth tare and liberal patronage heretofore received, and reepectf ully aik for continual c of th same, uia atoca 01 t - CL0TIIS, - .. ,, , CISSIMERES, fll '-.A,.-. ; t TWEEDS, t ' S11TIXG3 aat 1 much largr than ever before, an4 om rlaM sU the Utest , NoveltU In ' Btyla, at Ire been recently parchaaed at low price f ABHION E1ADQU ART1BS. ! j As sraal his fore of Workmen are Picked Men, whoa aklll and ability ar known to th dreeatng puDllc Come on and all to the Emporium of Faahloa, " lkel'e, th Merchant T0or, for a tint class 8a t of Clothe, of lrt elaa good, put ap la first claas styla , . . - oct 0- 0 WAMS(7TTA MrsXIJt 8H1RT8 WITH RICHARDSON'S ROUND THREAD LIS EN BOB0M3 AND CUFFS FOR O.NLT 10.50. ; ;- -it ". f- H Q WAM8UTTA J ML BUN 8IIIKT8 WITH RICHARDSOS'S RotxD THREAD LINEN BOSOMS AND CUFFS FOR ONLT 1100. NEARLY '-JIHAD YnrjDh, ORDERS P10MrTLT FILLED, i : .l-!t T, th GrtaUti Bargain tftht Agt t i, W4 H, .& A, ,TUCa:ER Leaders of Low frice and Best Good. lUtVov; g,-rsltf!..- .:'u REAIX'ESTATE TAHBOlMrtJOH '-POP-. VlL RIHtrs OF fCOfEtTt. B'Tw" a'a. Vd eotd fB Co'S'f !' e VI . T V j . Zsb '.I H 1 sUwLANP 1 . j . 1 - - - ' 1 1 111 1. Wat.W. Joxaa, " Aajsisreasrfwnaa, fTt 1 if i tt eV fr'l'- l j t. T-rt(.BH1,I 8 1 1 1 1 ' FATIHT BflirriNO I K Ml lOver Two Handrod Million II I'M U ban ied w;thla the iMt 10 ithoet eompU l of loe by Tag , lltBtleanryJ 1 K I i k -;....;''; '",-. It . r.k "'" - r-y- I P 111! Ji EVER 'OPENED TEA V SETV, : CTJTLERT. , SPIT ...1 . ' U AiA. EIMDS OF JOB ,V0RK U sriog refitted onx . 1 V.i Job Office,, And secured the services ot We Brw bow prepared to esevute aUJ kinds ol mm "Mb PAHct " f eJob : - Work." .... n, k, ) j ' 11. Bill Beets, - Lett r Beads.' 1 jV; f. ft . y. .; ; ?.!. ;. ' Basis Cards, ! ' ' Tisitiag Cards, a , ! '- v Waddisf Ca.Mt, 1 Or!-, 1 To print, will have their work ei ecoted lir- tht-very -'-bwt -stjlelSit lending it to th y :: Oonilndl Office. W bx aiso prepared U de a'l kinds of obliritJW:oisk- la the Wry beet style, at AD work sent to n will-be done : ; t i: i 1 , ii - u quickly and cheaply as at any tbr , ::. . . .,. ... . L'.r-.. PR1TMS0 TlOCSf IN. THE t-60UTU H T 0 It t t .A X D M V L II t;. fe- Taarrrrefa a fw dara, Xfrrhty KentScky norae and Mule. ' Price to auft any one. iataw!Ii"r.V w. wiaxx acq. OffTS - -. ; j.-"iw a; 7T' v-i-. rfH.i.;''- M 'UO-r:v.-'Ci . i-rale:g&, . t . . . .... . T00XS,CHILDItEX'S5ETS, tf Ac a. at. . , . .. , t'nlVlO'MftWP' fnVAnL- flstawrSl t4st4fanaTjaB: snU.,. i weautihatj.ad4reangr . .-f-mj uecavtw . , . r. U. JtUA, " ' I1 .. ... A GREAT OFFERI ' 4 Horace Water A Boa. 481 Broad war. M. ' T . will StauoM of HePlanoa and ra-aa of Bret east ataJirra, tacluding Waiara, at ex tremely tow price for eaah. dans; the atoata,4prt eaah, aad baJaac ht email. on my pay-newt. . Tba aaat to lea w. tor Mw Seal Fataoa. ar the beat made The toe eh tiaatte, aad a fln aburlnf ton, CwriBl, pwr aad eve. Water' Cooeerto " tgan aaot b naailrd la toaaer aosnty; . tAcy defy comietilloa. The Uoneart aton ts vfD ana4oa ( th.kaauu vote. acenuiwaatoa. liberal 6iacoat to teach, era, mlnlaW-ra, ehorcb, aehoola, kodf. etc. Spatial naioto to the trad, iUoalratad -atalorae attiied. .- - JOIUI ARaBTBONO, ' B O 0 K B I If D 1 R -..; aro .V BLANK BOOK MANURACTURXR, .- , - OTSBK. aWSwTOBaV""' B A t'B I Q H. "'n. piIE MODEL FARM FOR SALE. This wH kBAwa Farm tt totaled la th Toanihipof Hlich Point two mile from th auiiont, contain 191 acre, and excepting about W acre of fln 1 sp THRIFTS WOODLAND, la all under a htirh etat of eulttvalloa. I thorou flily nnderdralned la well eet la clover, timothy aad orchard it aaa, will carry BS head of catu aad a a-aay abeep. . TJIE JJOVSE JXD BASS' are aw and built in f he moat thorough Ban ner, ana wnn an moaera cooveaace. A never FAILING 8PnIU, upille pur water toiioute and barn, raieed by flydraulie Kant. Ooud aoehrty, cbooU and) churche and th I i i. hp f BsntilMATM X , on th rontioeut, belna; elevated 890 feet akove tide-water, view the premltea, and. obtain all needed information ' from Win. Pat'eraon, and for price,-add res Bewell F.rlow. Hlrh Hotnt. Aides Bampon.865 W. iKtd atreet, N w York or W. A. Bampaon, Sit Waahingtoa Aeenu N. Mlnnaapou, inn. . 1 JanB-lm. ' . AS fit U. W wTfTaTv n arse lie men and" urn in tbat wux Pal froia St to 18 pet lay, eaa betroraeed in yoar lowa rekfnbor- aood.andla itrtctlv honorable Parttenlar. fr, or Sam pie worto several eoliara that win enable yoa to so to work at one, win be eni oa receipt ol any cant. - ... ---r aadre - uint Tn; mt4-tr tot Wubinrtnn rt..Botoa, M at EW ARRIVALS. ,, juat reeaived In addition to my THIRD NEW STOCK, THIS- SEASON, , i 98 Thousand Tarda - - A H -h ' iU 1' LA IPS AND FANCY PIUNTS. Thete Print ar new and ah hand o meat of " ' ' the seaaoa. - t '.- ..... . NEW AND HANDSOME J D a S 3 0 OOODtil Reeelved dally by exprea. Ia fact I keep each department f ijU and complete. I do an actlr bualneaa and alway keep up with th. time. - . " - t , Iboy UieGood sad sell thm at , price that will guarantee al. ' I holit and carry th flag that run ahead J by fair -dealing aad representing good aa - they are. It l a" well known fact that CREECH'S la the plac to buy Dry Goods. Customer look to your lntre ind com" to ice mrr- t. - A, CREECH. dee 4-dJkw Ralcios NiTiosAt Bank or N. C. A DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT ON the Capital Stock of thi Batik (for th laat tlx month) haa been declared payable to the stockholder oa the 5th day of January next. ........ . c. DEWET. . Dec. 30-td. f (.aabler. It L h. l A l ATTtliRNKY AT Vjf RAL B I O H . ' M fc'- . , Offlo South of the tJourt hk ArtfltlBol ' iWf . US t ; ' - E. R. STAMPS ATTOlCfKT AT.LAW. , : BAliKteB, N. C. , . PrsCUce la the flat and federal Conrta. CoiK-eilnnenad Ik anr i art of horth 0 euna meefh S-Sm tELECt BOARDING A DAT SCHOOL. KJ B1LLSMORV X ft The thlrtv-thh-d aeM oa ef the Mlaae Naih A Mia Kothitkwttcbeol.wfll npm on Friday, lajJJuly. Circular aent on apiiUoation. juit iiwnawim . mnA Mrvl. fiw 1 .His. rM.l. Bent free for two stamp. Addreet! , X Br. JueBraMsoiCALl-rriTiT, ; . 8C JoMph, Mo. oct 10-1- $10 to 25 per DaySJSJSj twi to .( aw vtsW eat eTTAPLst e COTF B K. Fsu-sars) awrwi taa caaaaatax oOh auu, a aw I, 1 v.y: Vs.. ? . t;"r 4 1; v: I.: V f '.' '. ' t '. . I 4 -' . 1 1 r 5" t- t- : ri!-r - - . - ' . . . ii-. . -I, ; ." b ' til It . - - v i in y. ...1, -.-.

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