i I THE RALEIGH SENTINEL CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL oxrottD, ni a J. J. IL Hoaaaa AT. J. Hobbbb, Principal; , Mr. J. H. Homer ku returned to bli horn at Oxtnri. H. V.. and wtll reonen btr Khool a"ifceBett44sTO ev. T.J4Iotawtll eyeleted HV ' ' Mia m Joint principal and tb school will be . conducted on the mid principle that van , V - formerly o ucceeafu'lly employed la making - good bora and rood acholara.. The price of board and tuition, exclusive af w.tlngd Itgbte, la (litt per eioa of .' Sweaty week. Each ttadent ia to faraUb . hi blanket, sheets, pillow case and towel. : daeSt-tf - . - . , ... n R KENS B OR 0 ' FEME COLLEGE, Tki priif ItuUi if 18?f will ItfU Oa Wedneaday, tha 13th of January, Bad (Continue twenty week. Board (exclusive of washing tad light) F75. Initios ia regular course, - f&. Charge for xtba iToniM moderate. For Catalogue containing particular, apply to nev. i. m. 40NB, rresuirnt. N. H. D. WILSON, Preaideat of Board of Trustees. dee Mm rJUIE 153d SESSION AT THE T73STJ. V illlSITX " ' r ' ' 3STorth Carolina, Will begin oa Thursday, January , 1ST. Hie aaaieearr expense for'ih aeialoa (x- elaalie ef travelling an4 clothing) will tary , iron iiuu to siav. lor Circular apply to CHARLES PHILLIPS, deeSO-Iw Chairaaa, Hillsboro MIlUrAnY ACADEMY, Thla Institution, reeeatly known a "HOR NER AURA? Est' School," wUl hereafter be conducted by R. H. Oaavss a aole Principal, aided, aa beret ifore, by tha accom' turned in tractor,, ileal Mobsob, Ja , A Ma. O. H. HAMU.TOB. The Boring Session of 187S will open oa .(he 17th of January. For circular apply to Mai. D. H. Hamilton until the 6th of Janu ary and afterward to the Principal, dee U-'Aaaw ALE I G II HIGM " SCH0017 AS DOLUS CLASSICAL A aClMTiriO BOaRel'w a ait araoftL rot mis., With Militabt OaoainsaTtoa Attacbsb, The duties ef thl cheol wilt be resumed after Xmaa race oo Jaa. 13th. 1870. Spring Term, or Half Session of 20 week, be (fin Feb. ttth following. Pupil can be entered at either date, with equal advantage. The Principal claim for their School an quality to Scholarship and moral ton with any schools in the Bute. For Circular containing full particular eddreee Principal. RET. J. M. ATKINSON, C. H. S'-OTT. dec IS-dS-we. SELECT BOARDING AND DAT SCHOOL, nillsboro'. IT. 0. The thirty-fourth elon of tha MISSES MAS U MISS KOLLOCK'S School 1U open oa Fridat 4th February, 187B. Boar ad Tuition reduced te 10i. Circa lara forwarded on application. ; dea lS-dAwtd . B OARDLNO HOUSE FOR RENT. 1 wfU rant at a reaaonable price my Rouse, ready furnished and eligibly located on the ornerof Newbera Avenue aa1 Person street, and only two qnarea irom to vapitot. Possession giveo at once. MRS. HENRY W. MILLER. aOARFETUGSI j: rhe largeat atock of Carpeting. Rags. Ac. la tha CUT at lowest Cash D ice. All at ad oougtiT since January. W. b. A R. S. TUCKER. f U8ICAL INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS. i-t-a. aod Trimmings, of ell kinds at . ROVnrgARIETTBfORET" - Holleman Building. Urnd Mamp Utr particular!. Dr. Carl UablaT WaaaMla tl iTins I I TIE LITTLE BltLISC. A Perfect Sewing Machine fer . Light Work. JU8T THE THINO. Bent Free to iy addrea oa receipt' of Three Dollars, FAIKCHILD A Co., 174 Bleeker 8 ., New York City. V. O. Audre, ,Bo Ai!St AGENTS WANTED. act 85-deodwly ht ONLT FOLYTECHN1C . ' SCHOOL. . I HOME IT. CLEMENT'S HALL, fUllcott CltT, near Baltimore, ML . Well eeUblianed ; thorough; upertor teach er. v '. Oeneroua tav le; . inrigoratln climate; ao akkne.' flraduatea rauk blg!i; recelrea only flrtt- elaa boy",v . , Four Court : Claaalcal, liberal, Scleo llfic, Commercial. Bend tamp for Decennial Catalogue. .Tbi Rt. J. Atbbt Bbbfhbbd, D. 1)., ." Head Maater. Chablbb A. Da M. SPBweia, Pb. 1)., Aaaoc Maater. Aag 4 waow ly T -Hie tf t E B R A Ti IC itey. O r y a n aaaba found at r )UOWX'S TAR1ETT STORE, -. Jank-tf HoUemaa BaildiDf . B0 PIEDiTOmiK-LINJ! , RAll :y.,.K WAY. .i Kichmoxiv Jk Damviixk, UrcimoND & DaSvillk B. W X.G. Diviwosr, and Xobtii Westsrit X. 0. U. W. CONDENSED TIME TABLE, In Effect on and after Sunday,' Dee. GOIXG'OHTMir STATIONS. MaiU' Leave Charlotte .. . . 45a at. 35 - an - 10 M 1.84 P. M. 1.4 " It M 0.8S - " Air-Line Juac'n ' .TBallbury....i .;. " ;. iiraenahoro... j ', iWille..... " Dundee , : - Burkeville... ArriT at Richmond OOIXG (SOUTTI. BTAfldB.-t M aiu -'I- Leav Rlchmund". . . . . r- Burkerille..,,,, " Dundee........ Danrllle , ' u Greenaboro.... Baliahur ...... ft.M a. r. 1.43 " 4. 0,54 .51 .15 " . Air-Line Junc'a Arrire at Cbarlatte. GOING EAST. jGOING W, STATIONS. " MaiiVX Mail. Lear Oreencboro. . . , " Co. Shopa..... " Kalelgb Anir at Uotdabwro. II.0TaTm;A tlffiTB ........L. ....... IUOri A.ll 05 " .4or m.L. .au 4 STATIONS t'a Train. Leave Greetieboro . . i " Co. Shop ... Arrive at Raleigh..: Arriv at Uoldaboro. 7 00 p at A. 9.00 A at. L... .oo a ii A. fan p m. lt.l " Uioor b XOUTII WESTERN N. C. R. K. Salem Branch. I-eave Greenaboro 4. 45 P. M. Arrive at Salem 6.45 ' Leave Sakm. 8.1.1A. M.' Arrive at Greenaboro..... 10.33 " Paiaeager Tralna leaving Ral-lgh at 10.05 A. M. conuect at Greenaburo with the South era bound train , making the quickest time to alt Bmtthern citir.- Accommodation Train leaving Kaleich at 7.30 P. M., connect with Northern bouud Train at G eenauoro for Richm nd for all point Kat. I'rlce of Tick etaaame a via other routea. Accominodatlou Train learlug Greenaboro at 7.00 P. M connecU at Uoldalioro with Northern and southern bound train on the Wilmington and Wrldon Railroad. Lynchburg Accom n odatiou leave Rich mond dallv at 0.00 A M., arrive at Burkevillr 1J.SW P. M., leave Burkevllle l.iW P. M., ar rive at Klchmoud 4.H4 f . M. No CHANGE OP CAR8 BETWKEN ClI Alt LOTTE AND RICHMOND, 282 Mil. EM. ' JOHN R. MACMURDO, , General Pauengcr Ajfent, Klchmoud, Va. T. M. R. TALCOTT, . Gen 'I Superintendent. "YT TOMJNG 8EMI-MONTULT 3Li O T T ERY Legalised by the Leglalature Draw on the .ftthand 80th of each month. Ticket (1 rca, for tS. 1 chance in S. 300,000 In asairiac. apl alPrii S50,0UU. Agent Parti u'r, Addrea . M. PATTEE, La- amieltjr Wyoming. AI OUNtAIN RTE. (0 Buahel prim Mountain Rye for a red. apt 1S-U n. lunLM. A FORTUNE IN IT. Every family buy It. Sold by Agent. Addreu, G. 6 n Aib.r.n, a.ne, ra, w. C HANGE IN BU8INE8 S The Old and Well Kaowa Ilouae of J. M. ROSEN.BAJJM, Having concluded to confine iteelf to cer tain apeclaltie, announce that in It mala bualnea it la excluuveiy A CLOTJIIXO STORE of Wgh grade, where every article of Gentle men' and Boy' wear uiually found la a flrat claa eitaMiebment 1 offered OJf-TOE MOSTFAVORABLE TERMS FOB CASH. Buyer need go ao further to beaulted Every claa of cuatomeja can be aupplled. - Attiched to the ettaUUhmentla a Depart ment lor toe Mia oi CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Everything In that Una can be found of tha first quality and at reaaonable price, Tha long established character, of thla House la a sufficient guarantee of Its abili ty and determination to do what it promise. Don't fail to call on J. M. R08ENBAUM, Corner Fayette ville and Ilargett fits. ozt 6-3m X c -- mi BEST LIQUORS. ' I have and will keep'a full supply of Mar tell' imported French Brandy, Barney Jones' Pine Apple Brandy.Joe Hunter' Brandy, Old Cabinet 1, Slat'ij Mountain Dew, Plue Ap ple, and Monvtigahela Rye W hiskers; N than Biw.rtmre-W-bert WhhtttyFori-ljrn 1 V ..1 II I . I .. .n . ' tn fi,.hd.nn. lln- . , C. Corn Whiskey. My liquors are all pure, and bought of the Brit clasa dealers. KB. PERRT, aug31-3m' . ' . ' North of Market Joliiifcjtoii'rJ ones " Attorney At Law( ".RALEIOB, K.-a-' OT Practice ia all the ftt ConrU, a.apecll attention riven la matter! COB aactod with recent fiUU Leglslatioa. (Otnc;H dooraaboT larboro Uooaa.) I It ... jRxlti-; MJ2S. & A. 'M0WTt L Wakaa nil .Uku I. (V. va eheapeat styla, ea Blood wort St. JJ1AIX GOODS, WIXTER GOODS "v ; ' 1873. . - . ' JOS. P. (it'lLBY, FATETTETUXB STBKKt ANDSOUTH . Eachakbb Iack, , ., n aui o n , N . C ., Offur to tha tmhltca comuUita aaaortmant of BlacK' Alpacas, beat,at price to defveom petltloa. Auentton called to our Cloth Depart ment of N. C. and Va Caaalnierea, and our New York City made White Vbtr a for Gen tlemeBr prettiest, beat fitting, and a good shirt as aold to any market for the money. FLANNELS, 7"; . HOSIERY, i . ' - . PRINTS, : 1 ; j ,. : , j RIBBONS, . GLOVES, ; EDGINGS . 1N8ERTINGS Ae., on hand XSO IIATS. Oar Iteck Ihtfiiod Botli tu t ki iir- ..." "piutil . For Men, Ladles, Hisses, Children, Bort, Youth Few pair Edwin ' Burt' Ladlea Shoe for sale cheap. Have Mile, and Z teller's make. Have Miles' Genta' BooU and Galtera all Grade. The famoua Burt' B.Jota, and above all, the famous, pretty and good Boyden Gaiter for gentlemen. My own brand Gent' Boot and Ladle' Shoe that 1 warrant to ba good, or another pair given free. CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS. My Clothing Department up etaln i full, romunain U1 Hie Style and Urade forJHen, Boyr-Youtha- and -ehUdrenjat -price thai can't be beat. BrECIAL. I will open In a very few days a department for the aale of Frank Leslie's, "Ladle' Jour nal,' Cut raper rattern ; comprising all ta latest novelties of tha season for ladies, boy and youth, of every dlacrlptlon of dress. Public tavlted to call. Salesmen t R. C. Bedford, of Wake County; t . C Hamlet, of Chathain County ; W. T. Chamblee, of Franklin County : Job. - P. Wyatt, of Wake t ouny; A. C, Hayes, of taka county ; A. 1.. Moore, oi Alabama, Respectfully, . ' oet 8l-tf 1. P. PULLEY. j OARDING HOUSE. . . Mr. Beckwith baa opened a flrt claa Boarding House st the Corner of Martin and Wilmington Streets, In the residence formerly occupied by the late Dr. . II. McKee. Sh 4 prepared taeeomuwdat permanwnt as well a transient boarder. The table ia always supplied with Hit; very beat the market affords, and the rooms kept neat and con furtuble. t nov 15-tf u JJENRY CLAY RICHARDSON, ATTOUSEY AT LAW, D OKU AM, XONTH CAHOLI.X may 13-tf - . c o a l . No use to order from abroad when you can get the liST liLD ASH, - FromJ. A. JONES by the t ' ' TO. N as low as it will cost you by the Car Load Freight added. Oakwood Pine wood, delivered. r nov 4-tf t4.00 per cord. 3.50 J. A. JONES. F O R R N. J My House and Lot in the City of Raleigh, containing S Rooms and 9 Acres of Land, possession given Immediately. Win. S. Mason is now In possession and will rent It in my absence to any one wishing to runt forth year inio. novDOtf R. K. FERRELL. JpORTLAND CEMENT. Also, Roman, Koene' and Parian, for walk, cistern, foundation, (tables, cellars, bridge, waffrrolra. e Uemlt six cent Dostaire for practical treatise on cements. 8. L. MER CHANT A CO., 70 south BU, New ion. aug6-eoU3u . -pEPPER'S WHITE FRONT. The subscriber hereby gives notice to hi old friends and customers that the Whlto Front MAnHmina r, nfV tfa tiBimt attraellnna. male- .Wwtijy v..vw -. - - - - , ing it the most popular resort ki the city of naieign. The OYSTER SEASON is Just opened. . ' Ovstera will be served in all styles and at all hours. AH other delicacies of the season will be furnished. - r: Th beat of -LIQUORS and -WINEB and taBB can it. jt vail ai. tuc naiw ivu. aept7-tf ; -- W.-R. PEPPER; 0W IS THE TIME TO BUY your scu00l books . abb' 'Branson's Is the place yon can buy as cheap a at any other store in the city call and see me be fore purchasing elsewhpre. ,. BRANSON, Bookseller, -I sept 7-tf ..' Raleigh, N. C. B. t. MOORB '.' " - TJORAVcTOATLIWO, ATTOBN2T i J RALEIGH, N. C. BUte and Federal Cooru ah t u - U of the lt and 6th Judicial Ui-trie . aovii-tf ADIESMIS8ES ANDCHILDRENIF you aut a. Boot or Gaiter to fit like a glove, g to - tieea-ain. -c?. it. ittAttt i o-. JMPORTANT BALE ! On Salnrdav. January ISth. 13 o'Cldbk M.. at the.courlJiuuBfi Uoul in ilaJcljjli; will sola ' : .' ONE HUNDRED AND NISETT ACRES OF - LAND, near Mllhumie, six mile from Baleigh,at the eallofNente. - Trms: tne.two and three y eara, with inter H from date. The purchaser can. pay. . rcba 1 money in aa ante st a discount 01 I 'vk can per annum. , DAN L 0. F0WI.E. Trea t Jsa, l.-eodtd. Neus Msnufg Co. mplete Pictorial Hittpry of the I." "ThAbetti tkeepttt, and : Tiinei.",iTkAbe$t,- theapeef. asotf tuccettful Family Paper ' IB ia unio? Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. ' ! SMm efAviVsss. ariier' Weekly , tle ablest and publiHhed in Uii country... It edttoriaU ...l.ttl.A.J in l,iM 1 - llnrittk I axis atliolitrly aod cooviucing, and carrj miicU weight, lu U lustra ttona of cur ren events are full tnd freab, and are prepared by tnir best designer. - Vith a circulation of lid.CKK), the Weekly i read by at lcat hair a million persons. ami it influence as an - organ of opin ion! simply tre mendous, 'ine Wefckiy maintains a positive poxilion, and ei preaHCS decided views on 'political and social problems. Louisville Courier Journal, "ijb ,; I ts articles are models of bigb-loned tliauaga small lorce. H. V. Examuier avi ChronicleiT ' - 7" 1U papers upon existent ques and its inimitable cartoons be tf mould the sentiments of the country. ltttKburc Commercial. Harjxr's Weekly stands at the head of illustrated journals In . the United Stated, in circulation, editorial ability, and pictorial Illustrations, Ladies' Re poKitory, Cincinnati, TEftMS : POSTAQK FKEB TO ALL BIBSCRIBSRS IN THK t'NItED STATES. Tiarer's Weekly, one year, t 00. II OO includes prepaj nient of U. S. poatago by thc-imWit-ners. HuW-rmtion to lrariicr'a" Macaziue, Weekly, and liazar, to one address for one year, S10 U0; or two -or Harper's 1'erifHlu.ttls, to one addrea for one year, (6 00 ; postage, free. . An extra copy of either the Maga zine Weekly, or Vmm will be supplied gratis for every club of five-subscribers at It 00 each, lu one- remittance or six copies for tutt 00, without extra copy ) postage' free. Hack numbers can le supplied at any litnCy . ; ' : . . The aiVnuiil voniiiiea of llariter'a Weekly, in neat cloth binding, wilt be Ht-ut by expresn, free ot txpeuse, for 47 00 eah, A dompU te set compris ing nineteen volumes, sent on receipt of casb at the rate oi l) 25 jcr volume,'' l'reiiit at expense of purchaser. l'rnmiueut atteution' will be given in Ilariier Weekly to the 4Hutralion o the Centennial International KxpOHi tiou. , " XefWiiers are not to copy tliiH ad vei ttMemcnt without the express order of Harper Brothers, Addrew HARPER & BROTHERS, ni 27-tf Kew Y'ork.; HE HOWE SEWING MA CIIIXE. FIKST MACHINi; PATENTED, The But Machine" Manufactured The Beat le tlio Cltenpest - The points of superiority are Simplicity and Perfection in Me . cAanumi. Durability Will last a lifetime I Range of Work Without Parallell I Perfection of Stitch and Tension I -'t Headquarter Jur the South at.,,, 42 N. CI1A11LES ST., : Baltimore, Md. SEND Ul CltCl'LUS OF TEM54 F KICEI SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH FUB- . . ' CHASERS'. . A liberal discount to, Club of Ave or more. Every Machine to warranted and eallafac tlon gauranteed. The HOWE atACniNE I for aale In RALEIGH at No. 13, FayettevUle St. July ft-tf JO HH W. HINBDALE, ATTOHN T AT LAW, . Room No. 3. First Floor, Law ''Building, ,- FayettevlUe Street, IULEIGH, N. C, Attenda all the Courts tu Raleigh and Fay cttevillc.CJalin8 collected in all parts of VZT defers to Hon. R. M. .Pearson, thitf ius tice of N. C; Hon., M. W. Ransom, U. 8. Senator ; Citizens' Nat. Bank, W. H. k K.-8. Tucker, Williams A Haywood, Kalelgb : Fajetteville Nat. B'k, ilerrhauts! B'k ul FayettevUle; Bank of New Hanover, V) 11 mlnptorr, N. C. ; Morton, Bliss A Co., Piielp DiHljje A .Co., 11. K. llmrlwr A Co., II. B ClatlinACo.j N. Y. ; Landreth Co., 1'hila.. ti. W. Gall & Ax, Bait. , , . He ha formed a. connection , with Messrs. Me ae A Broadfoot of FayeWetllle, N. C; with r fere uce only to Ais future buiduess at tlntt point All coniuiunicatious siilresed to J. v . Hlnsdalp. care of McKae jf Broarfoot"; FayeUeVOle, N. C, will receive prompt at tention.' : - oct 13-U- - 4 genta tor the best selling Frist J Pa ksge : In the world. It eontaiai 16 sheet paper, 15 envelopes, Fen, Pet' Holder, Pencil, patented Yard Mt-Mureano a piece of Jewelrv. ' Stogie package withal gant PtUBj ".postpaid, x.Vv Circular free Bridb A Co., 'oj Broadway, N. f. - ' " 1 j ; OTTO BETSTJERSOLD IN QUAUTl ll and pile at ' dee ISm C. D. HEARTT'l. A Comi " A EEPOeiTOET OF FASHlOW, PLEAS- cb, ANtriXaTBUcrioK." ,; f ' Harper's Bazar, ILLUSTRATE!. HOTlceBlOF THK PRESS. ' The Bazar is edited with a combina tion of Jact and talent that we seldom .. .. , : - r 41. l I'l - kw-lf l-tle-ofgau- cUUf groat-jrwUtT rashioo-JIMston U reveller, ; The Baxar commends luelf to every member of the household to the' tbil dren by droll and pretty pictures, to the young ladies by its fashion-plates In endless variety, to the provident matron by Its pattern jo the children's clothes, to paterfamilias by He tasteful deaigns lor embroidered slippers and luxurious dreaslng-gowna. But the reading-matter of the Baaar is uniformly ot great excellence, The paper has acquired a iW Donularitr ibr the fireside enloy- Bistir.itCttrtle In its way there" Is "nothing ilktTlt, Freeh and trustworty at a fashion guide, t ttorks and easays, Itr poetry and quiba, arsv all invigorating to the m:nd.-CbJcago Evening J ournal. , ; TERMS: ' ' Pottage free to all Subteribert in tie ,. United Statu. . J . T Harper'a Uazar, one year, ' tJ 11.00 includes prepaymisnt "of UTS. poi-tage.by tlie publishers. - - Subscrlptione to Ilarper'e Magazine, Weekly, and Burar, to one-a.ddrea lor one year, 110.00; or, two of-Harper'a PeritHltcalB, to one address for one year, 17.00 : postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of five subscribers at 14.00 each, in one remittance ; or, six copies for $20.00, without extra ctipy; postage free. 1 Back numbers jean be supplied at any time. ; . ; The Annual Volumes of HariKsr'e Bitzar, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, tree of expene, for $7.00 each. A complete act,- comprising eight volumes, sent on rectui't of cob I at tlia rate of 43 2j. per voLJ're igh t M exiense of jnircha-er. l'roinlneut attention will be given in Harper's Bazar to such illustrations of the Centeunial International Exposition as may be peiuliiuij appropriate to itr columns, t. Addrew HAItrER A BROTHERS, ' - Scvr York. 'Ubiiuestlonably the best sustained arok of tLe kiud in the World." Ilurpers siKHXtite ILLCBTKATED. 1 hf ever Increasing cltcolatli'n of thl. ex celleLt nonti iy 'proves. Its roi.tii.n-d adapt tion.tc 1 ovular de-Ires and need indeed a hep we think 1. to how msnylio- v It 1 ene trat very un-fitb, we Bat-ioutier H a one of t r flu ate rs as Well s- etilsrtainer f the public m.ca, for I'. vast opalarlt Las b tu won by ro appeal -to stupid pre ud.cec or Uipraved tastts Hotto (Jioto. The character hlch tbls tturasine poaae s for variety , 'nterprlse, srtisllc wealth ud literary culture that l.a kept (.- a ilh If It baa d( led the li'j.es, suon'd cause lU rondirtora to Regard it with J i IHabit com i Ikwc). It also ruiitla tbeia to a area cl iu a,iOu the public maUtude 1 h Maga aio- bs done crood and not evil all the dayt of , It life. ia-wiitrw KayU.- TtRUl! Fo t'ge f r r to td tfubsciibera la the Hal ted BUte. j . Haar a's ttioatia. oik )ear . ft 00 4 0U Inclaaee prepaaiiit t U, A. pott sgK tiy tha i'Ubllshers. . -, , eahacn-Hioaa tn Harper'a Magaain, Week'y and Hssar, to one audrea for 00 year, $10 CO; 01 tao of Harper'a .Periodicals, to oar audrea for one year, S1.00; poataare tree. AaSxtrat:opy of either-tha Magaain, Weekly, or Raatr will Bm sanpliai graU for every Unb of Five Subaeribaraat S. BJ each la on remittao-e 5 orvJBl Copies for 9u.o without extra copy ( postage free. . Back Nambera eaa be aai'plied atany Uebb, A Complete Met of Harperi Magaaiw. bow tomprlain: Volume, I Kft cloth bind ing, will be cent by ex pre, freight at ex panse ot ruruhaaer, lor ti & per volume. Bl ogle fdlamosv, by wall, postpaid. . Cloth case, for binding,. M cents, by maDL pMtpald. . 1 - - A Complete Analytical Index to the flrat Fifty Volume of Harper' Matraalne baa just been pnbliahed, readertnj available for re ference the eat and varied wealth of infor mation which constitutes thl periodical a perfect illustrated literary cyclopedia.- bvo, Cloth, $3.00 Half clf, Seut postage prepaid. A serie of papers under the title of "The First Century ot the Republic," contributed by the most eminent Amnricau publicists, ta now befng published tu Harper Mgxine. Ibis seiie ot over twenty papers give a comprehensive review of rrogressduiiug the century now closing, is S cry departmeut of our 1 atiooal life. Newspapers are not to copy thl advertise ment without the express order, of Harper A xsrovnera,' Addrea ' nov 27-tf HARPER A BROTHERS, New Yor ' E11CMANT TAILORING DONE . AT TBI (- IIO i TES T If OTIC h BT CIIAULES M. FARUIS, . . - WITB R P . ; H O W E It. L Practical Dellteator and Cu ter, Fralrie Building, Wilmington Street, RALEIGH, N. C. ' Fit, 8TTLR and WORKMANSHIP can't be - surpaased. Warranted to please the "most fastidious, CUTTING done at all tune for those wisb- , . lug It. Just received second stock of Cloth, . , Cassimercs, Jeans, ; ' -"':' - '- Notions, " " - ' , ' - Trlmmln?, v. ' - : ' " . ' Collar. together will), a full line of DJtt GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ac, Ac Nc. f9 and 60 Wilmington street, .-. I "Frsirie BuUding" ae 15-tf r RaleUh, JT. (J1ATES JUST RECEIVED, CHEAP AND aj " bOOJ; U BRANSON. eetM-tf ' ' Raleigh, X. C: TDIKGnAM, PAYNE & CQ. "BBJCKLATERS AND PLASTERER! .' : Corner iooe and Dawaoa St:, I - RALEIGH N. C. V 'Keep on band eonataurUy a fell' stock t .'chlekiroa, Butter and Egg a specialty. - ' Cltteeneof Raleigh wtabiag ant thing to the entente Vsaii. 4a-ea ta-a JBWi;witt''.-aV a. , . , BtWhlayii g and p'alng none lnliir neit style, by plcal.-ork- - - . Altoraera iorwurav wm attention. :V- ,. v ai. J..k. Bmim. sales man. would b pleased to aee bis friend .frost the country Bad cay.. - l'. . l-tf. T, A L- K A BO U T trmutl 8hlrt; . ..'.' C. D. IIEARTT BEATS'EM ALL 05 0EST3 HATS, Gcnts Ladiet' Mtl Hisses'. Gaiten. t rxxsH lot or GEtiTSr I LA DIES' A XD VISSfiX' BOOTS, 8H0ES AND OUTERS A a D. HEARTT'S. dee X-ca F OR RENT. A well errant-ed two etory STORE-HOl'SF. will be rented oa good terms. Add1vU , ... tfffuprr BOV4-lm ' - llllliburoSiri-et, JOHNSTONS JONES, . ATTORNEY AT LA RALZian, n. a iBgW" IOR SALE OR RENT. A 4...MV.1. tlnnu .ml 1 t ill Ili T.vMTt .if n uv.i .w. - - - - - - Caiyr The Hoase contains tlx rmniH, itb II th nuulmi roneenirnees with ail i i-n aary outhousea. The garden contain t ': an orcnara oi iiw cuoice sreu irc- nu MHHt. The whole premise" consisting" of t . Possession given first of January ,-tSi. Apply vo WJLLIAM E. "F I.I. octe-lf C-.v N, fw At C. SANDERS At i AGENTS FOR THE STAB AMMOxNIATED S O L U B LE PH 0 S P II A J i: AM MAPES' NITB0GEN1ZED SUPFR PHOSPHATE. ALSO DEALtRS I-V If you. have eottoa for aale to carry or send it to theme they buy largely oa'New" Tork or Jen and pay high price. bov t-6tn ' 0SO. A. PRINCE A 00. Orsans 4-MeIodeons. The Oldest, Largest aa I Most Perfect Maaa .factory tn tke fait Statea. Now .In. oae. NooUer atasieal Instrim "t ye' abUUaed ' the f"pa ami. ;. ,.. - m.rm 1 1 -Vf I - Until rented It will be kept as a Boarding House, and s few Boarder, can be accommo dated et rreeat. .