THE RALEIGH SENTINEL - ' " rVBLUBCD 'iTaTlTt WEEKLY AND BKMI-WEEKLY . OfflcialMiiorKortoolifla. STTPHDBSifcfflP.?IM0 atm o strawrmrrrtoa. Dallr Pentloel 1 yrsr In advance. ..18 00 Kail till mnniDin iutuis,.mi i vu -.. . a a n. ;inl weesiy ..... wi Weeklr Sentinel " ............. 9 00 ThetHH.T8Ttfc tn be delivered la any part of the City a Fifteen CenU a week. L E A A P E R It I N 1 Is the only GEMIINK WOJICESTERSUIRB SAUCE. TUB TOST OFFICE DIRECTORY. Foathe benefit ef the public, we pub lisli the following directory of the post- office of this city i f Western mail closes , ' " arrives Eastern " clones " " arrives Chatham t loses - ' " arrives IL & G. It. R. mail closes " " arrives 10:30 a. m, ; 3:49 p. m 3:30 p. m, 11:05 a. m. 3:30 p. m 0:45 a. m 9:30 a. m, 3:45 p. m. Throueh northern via R. & G. - R.R. closes .'' 9:30 a. m. Through northern Tia R. k 6. R. It. arrives " 3:45 p.m Tiirougn nortnern via uoius boro closes . 3:30 p. m. Througn northern via Gelds boro arrives. 11:05 a, ro. Office hour for delivering mails from 7:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Money orders are issued and paid from :15 a. in. to 4 p. ro Letters can be registered from 8:13 a. m. to 4 p. m. No mails sent or received on Sundays. w. w. holdm, r. r. By setting Zeigler's clears you will not be deceived. All he asks is a trial The Raleigh light Infantry have their regular monthly parade Friday after noon. , Zeljjler's Raleigh favorite cigar store Is the place to get the best and the purest cigars In the city. All interested in the graded school will put in an appearance this evening at.tho Metropolitan hall meeting. Don't forget that on Friday next, 14th inst., the citizens of Raleigh will vote on the subject of ftindingjbe city debt. The finest ctock of chewing and smoking tobacco, pipe, &c, at Zcijr ler's. next door to the Ycrborough Heu-e. ". . - A beautiful cottage residence on Hal ifax street, with alljnodern improve mcnts for saieXAjatHUanner's drug-store. The direotors of the Citizen's National bank met yesterday, aud re-elected W." E. Anderson president, and P. A. , Wiley cashier P. D. W.lker, member of the house of representatives from '" Richmond county, is in the city attending the supreme court. , At the request of many citizens, we have introduced our fine " Diamond On.," 30 dtgrert higher tut than any in Hkh. Price 40 cents. Law k Co. Don't forget that en Friday next, J4th inst., the citizens of Raleigh will vrM: on the subject of f unding the city uebt. The mayor this morning bad a light tfitniuat docket. Mary Jordan, a white female, and Crawford Morse, a daubing buck nigger, were arraigned for disorder ly conduct, and flned $5 each. - - V Messrs. A C. Sanders k Co. have for salo two good muled, one beautiful pony, one new buggy and one second-hand good as new. Call on them at So. 2, Martin street, for a bargain. - Don't forget hat on Friday next, 14th inst, the citiaena of Raleigh will vote on the subject of funding tie eity debt. Julius Lewis & Coi propose to dispel the darkness in which our city Is en- shroudedwheu the moon don't "come out at night, by illuminating it with astral oil. The city dads, are consider ing the proposition. C Don't forget that on Friday next, 14th inst'. the citizens of Raleigh will vote on the subject of funding the city debt. John M, Robinson, the youngest wholesale railroad president in America, is in the city. Inoluding our Raleigh A Gaston road, he, js, president of four im "pcrtant fBihrtrtriffleiflid one.jineof steamers comprising -twoH&oore vessels, in.i i bardly forty yearsold yel There is complaint, long and loud, of the meat furnhhed In our market, epe' ciallv the beef. -It Is not meet that our meat should meet such condemnation, Let us have a market inspector to pre vent the tale of anything that Is not ail tur fancy pictures as what ought to be. - ritALiro-r NsTKWAir Bahx, The aa. ' nual meeting of the stockholders of this bank was held yMterday. After a pro longed session Edwin O. Reade, D. M. Carter, W. II. Battle, W. N. EL Smithy W. a. Upchurchrw. H. Bagley and W. J. -Hawkins were elected directors. . This is the same old directory" with - the ex ception of W. H. Bagley who was elec ted in the place of W. H. Willard. The directors were in session to-day in order to elect officers at the hour of putting this iFsue to press. ' j .... I rl I VVY vCS ; rTWM Y I ATAIAY r-TYV VOL. XXI. RALEIGH, N. C, Wit DNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1876; Cm Codb. City Attorney Fab. Bus bee has codified all the ordinances and their amendments, enacted du ring the last u-half-dosea years, and indexed them in convenient form for reference. The board of aldermen. last evening, ordered the printing el bis work at a cost of $125. . r Surexjca CotraTr The court met this morning at 10 o'clock, all the justices present These cases were argued : John McRae, ei aL va. mmmiasioners of New Hanorer county, from New Han over. Mr. London for Dlaintifls and D. L. Russell and W. 8. k D. J. Devane for defendants. W. A French et al vs. commissioners of New Hanover. Mr. Loudon for plaintiffs and W. & A D. J. Derane for defendantv " M)un adjourned nntu to-morrow morn , .... ...........A.v.- ing at 10 o'clock. CiTisENa' National Bakc The shareholders of this bank met in their office yesterday and elected a directors wLE. Anderson, A. B. Andrews, K. P. Battle,' A. P. C Bryan and XT. J. Hawkins. P, A. Wiley declined re election as a director. At a subsequent meeting of the directors, W. E. Ander. son was re-elected president, and P. A. Wiley cashier. Both of these gentle jnen possess the implicit confidence of the community as gentlemen of unim peachable Integrity, and as business men nave no superiors, mere is no change in Uie other ofliccs of the bank. Scpesiob Coubt Divorces. Yes- terday afternoon this court granted divorces in the cases of D. W. Fann vs. Angeline Fanu and Hattie J. Wolfe vs. Wm. O. WolfeTo-day the court un tied the matrimonial knot between Julius Bridgers and Henrietta Uridgers, a sable Couple, the wife being charged ith professional adultery. The case of Thomas Rice, charged with murder, set for to-day, was con tinued until to-morrow. A number of cases of petty larceny and fornication and adultery were taken up and dispos ed of. To-morrow motions for new trials will be argued. Mobs Co.ttict Labor. lh board of directors of the penitentiary met yes terday morning t that institution, and again, in the evening at the National hotel. The prominent feature of the proceedings was the Allowance of addi tional convict labor for the. Spartanburg Asheville and the Western North Carolina railroads. The latter road has been graded and prepared for iron up Malone's store, 8 miles beyond Old Fort, the present terminus. The iron needed for this distsnoe baa been dona ted and forwarded by the citiaena of Wilmington. 250 convicts are now at work on the road and grading and tun neling in the mountain beyond are being vigorously pushed. It is hoped that the road will be completed to Ducktown, 68 miles from Old Fort, in two years. ; MiKTora or ths Y. M. C A. - Lest evening the Young Men's Christian Aasoc ciation hslJ a meeting in their hall in theBriggs building. The annual' elec tion of officers wss postponed until the meeting next Tuesday evening. It was announced that many liberal citisens had already applied for the privilege of contributing to the fund of the associa tion.' Messrs. J. N. Richardson, John ArmBtrongVW. WTHoldeii" and A7M. MoPheeters were appointed a committee to solicit contributions. It was asserted that an unusual amount of destitution exists in the city and appeals for relief come frequently. The association re cently distributed 56 cords of wood and 100 rations. We hope our. people will respond promptly and liberally to the call of the association in order that mnch suffering in on midst may be al leviated if not prevented. t T--. PEOF. Tripp's Lectures. This "gent good audience last evening to hear his lecture on Maximilian and Carlotta. The third of the course will be given at the Y. M. C. AV hall, Friday evening, on the Franco-Prussian war, its causes, conduct and result. As the lecturer was an eye-witness of many . of the scenes lie portrays, it will doubtless prove instructive and interesting. Our female colleges have arranged to have the lectures given in their respective chapels. . . " ; The editor of the Sentinel is indebted to Prof. Tripp for a copy of his, book, "Crests from the Ocean World, "con tailing many en tertaining sketches and reminiscences of travel on land and sea, life in England, France and Bel gium, noted scenes, buildings and incidents. Th Guaho Ncuaitcrv Three thousand citizens were belat stunk to death, and fifteen thousand more were mildly smitten when the wind bliw fair and free. All West Raleigh, with pinch ers oa its nose, was sick at the stomach and pale about the gills. Tenants were notifying . their v landlords that they would have to give op their houses, and move toUss-areinatic- rPgraiili; One poor old lady two squares from the warehouse depository of steocbes, had a puking spree every time the breeze set toward her house, and the doctors pronounced her life in danger. The Sentinel sounded the bugle-note of war on the suuk-pcddlers. - Petitions to the city dads, impUxint--relief frees the odoriferous abomination, or a full sup ply of nose-holders, anti-vomito pi ters and grave-diggers at the public expense, were put in circulation and signed by myriads of stunk-out suffer ers, with compressed nostril and twisty faces. And lo I the hour of redemption draweth nigh. Alter a stormy discus stun hut evening, the board of alder men adopted this ordinance i ' Be it ordain sd, that the. ordinance passed Nov. 15, 1874, in reference to the storage or guauo be repealed. Be it further ordained, that every con signee of guano or ether manure or ar ticle oSenaive to the smell or detrimen tal to the public health ahull within Ave davs after notice in any manner of its arrival at either of the railroad depots of the city, remove the same, and shall, if retained within the city, store it in such manner as not to be offensive to the neighborhood or detrimental to its health : Provided, that if such eonsiraee is a resident of, or has a place of buai neas in, the city, it shall be prima facie evidence mat b nas notice as aforeseidV Any person violating this seetiaajmall. after five days' notice from the mayor tnrougu a pouoeman, pay a penalty of twenty dollars for every day the nuisance shall exist, , . Be it ordained, that this ordinance shall not take effect until Feb. 1, next Gentlemen, if twere done when 'tis done, 'twere well 'twere donrqntckty, la the name of the thousands of out rttged olfactories, in whose behalf ws appealed to you for redress, we thank you for your prompt action. We pour out to you the gratitude of one who has himself been a victim. If you think we overdo the business, go feel what we bare felt, go smell what we have smelt: and you will be ready, while you hold i hartshorn bottle or a chunk of asasfet ida to your august collective proboicis, 1 J 14 11 A 1 J . -' i ! 1 , u -aiumi uuu wo uava armwu it miiu. Dsath op a Prominent Citiikx. O. F. Gilbert, of Edenton, writes of the death of his father-in-law, R. D. Simpson, which occurred In Chowan county, Thursday, Jan. 6. Mr. Simp son had gone rabbit-hunting, after having eaten a hearty .breakfast, and apparently In robust health. lie had not proceeded far when he sickened. Calling at the house of a negro, he asksd the woman to allow him to sit in the piazza for a few moments, and as he took his seat fell over and expired. Apoplexy Is assigned as the cause of his death. He . was about 62 years of age. Mr. Simpson had represented Chowan in tbe loweriiotisrrjrT;hrjgen eral assembly, and waa very popular in his county. . . Light Wasted. Gas, that Is the il luminating kind, has beea shut off in Metropolitan hall and- the various city offices." There: is : plenty of the other sort left. The fitful kerossne now sheds its flickering half-gloom upon our mu nicipal ssnhedrima, Oct good coal-oil and lamps, and the saving in money, eye-sight and profanity will be beyond the reach of ordinary arithmetic to com pute. ' : - .-. North Cabolha fJosci Fire In surance Company. The stockholders of this company met la their office to day. 1,303 shares out of the 1,500 were represented. The directors elected are II, Battle, Jr., C B. Root, R. B. Haywood, John Nichols, W. E.-Andfer- nss, K B M. Carter, E. C. Yeilowly, L Hyatt, K. P. Battle, W. O. Lewis, W, H. Bagley, A. W. t-haffer and Peterson Dunn. A dividend of 5 per cent, on the, par value of stock was declared. At subsequent meeting of the di rectors these officers were elected : It, H. Battle1, Jr., president ; C. B. Eoot, vice-presjclcnt ; 8eaton Gale sci rctary aud treasurer ; P. Cowper, supervisor. Messrs. R, II. Battle, C B. Root and R. B. Haywood were " elsctid the' ex ecutive committee. J Yesterday William Grimes purchased thi large .tore of Williamson, Upehurch k Thomas, on Fayetteville street, for 122,500 cssh. The rumor of the dis solution of the firm is incorrect. It is si active and prosperous as ever. TAR DRbra f Dr, Geo, J, Moore, of Goldsboro, is no more. , . " - ' The Robesouian has completed Its wx volume. B. F. Bynum Is to put up tobacco- lacwry avianou. ,..'. C Li Corpeaing Is building a fine house in Magnolia. Greensboro Is shipping ax-handles direct to England. , 41 vessels were snchored in Wilming ton naroor last r nosy. t- t - Work is progressing on the Spartan Burg e. Asnsviiia raiiroaa. ' Christmas added a half-dozen to the Ja U-birds of Davidson county. The Goldsboro Record has moved to Magnolia, its old stamping-ground, , Wilmington isdies are viirorouslv canvassing tor ine Lt mausoleum. -I . ".a m Greensboronians, by a majoritv of 46, decline to extend their corporate iimiu. i : One of the hand at CanL Shaw's coiton-rlo, in Beaufort, county, misses one of bib hands. J. B. Quick's workshop, in Pamlico county, quickly Vanished in flame and emoks a lew days since. The prisoners in the Buncombe county lad made a lively strike for out side atmosphere tlie other night, but lauea. . . - A Wilminirton street-car. the other day, ran over the wrist of little Herbert Borden, and didn't break it. Light car or tougo urcuin.. The Toisnot tournamenters. lineal descendants of Ivanhoe and Uodfrey de uouiiioo, bad a Jolly time poking poles at martingale nogs. Little Tommio Gray, of fertio county. will never stick that hand in bis father's cotton-gin again. It only takes ous mitten to do htm now. The Medical Association of Granville county is flourishing. Its next saw bones and plll-bazger pow-wow is to be held In Oxford, Tuesday, Feb. 13. James" BallatSceT f WdodYille. con gratulates himself that ths balance of bis e.tawiahment-didn't go when bis kitchen burnt down a few nights ago. Thomas Mcllbeny, of Wilmiiiirton, recently went into the involuntary circus business. His first somerset from bis buggy has ended in his retire ment for ao indefinite period. Old Aunt Nellie Tick, of Wayne county, may well exclaim, '0 death, where is tny Vick-tory ratine's a 120-year-old night-blooming cereus, and looks like she might lat till another centennial. James Mcrnam's saloon, in Washing ton, was robbed the other night, of liquors, cigars and other articles which gentlemen call for, when they dodge out to " see a friend " between the acta at a theater, ..3..,!3 10,860 bales of cotton. 200 barrels of rosin, 1.001 casks of spirits ef turpen tine, 675 barrels of crude turpentine and 260 barrels of tar went over the the Carolina Central railway to Wil mlogton during December. The local dotter of the Wilmington Star is puDishmir his readers with dia bolically punning braggadocia over a turuip that measures lui Inches around the waist, Miotwell,' ot the Southern Home, beat that turnip all to squash long sgo. Dry up. , . .t Didn't know it was loaded, ef course 1 and that's how Sullivan llarrell, of Bor tie county came to put a chunk of lead Into Oeorge Bond, the other day. The wound ts net quite extensive enoujrh to ensure Bond's release from the bondage ef earth and life and sin. Fetner. the- drunken enirlneer who caused .the bite sodden t and aiaughter on the Ufcarlotte. (Jotambia A Ao trusts railroad, was arrested by two brother railroaders, Viokers and Sidebottom, who agreed to shar the- 500 reward offered for his capture. Sidebottom wont to Columbia, rot the noon and sloped, leaving Vickers to whistle and ease hie f250's worth. How to Scatter a Crowd. In Case our quiet and orderly city should ever be visited by a mob, a fireman's riot or any other tumultuous ajsemblsge, we give our mayor the benefit of a Utile incident, which shows how to disperse them at short notice. Two Italians came into one of our hotels la t even ing, and began io draw exquisite music intestines, under the Impassioned titil lations of the capillary integuments of the equine quadruped, poured forth a flood of melodious caterwauls, operatic and hope ra tic, ,a large crowd assembled aud additions were rapidly flocking in. riiddenly one of the swartdescebdants of the Ca'ss'rs paused Inhli harmonious labors, and passed around his cap for nickels. A& the snow melts Jefore the simoom's blast, as the ' morninz miats vanish before the rosy rising' sun, that -multitude disappeared,, miszled, vamoosed, absquatulated, were non fit Invent ibiia, to a moment, in the twink ling ef a deceased Soulhdown's caudal appendage. They remembered that they had business up the street and around tbecornerandevery-which-away. They went, and stood not on the order of their wenting. , . NEWSPA FERIAL, The Phiadelphia Times,' MeClure's snappy independent republican paper, genUy aays of the New York World, s radical-edited organ of boadltoTaer and gold-gambler democracy,, that "so in veterate a liar i entitled to no cousid eration. ... The Tarboro Southerner, one of the vim-iMtt papers In the state, has iust en tered its 54th year under the able edito rial management of Dossey Battle, Ao, that won't do; Dossey Battle haa just entered his 64th Tut, tut, worse and worse. The Southerner and Dossey Battle have entered their. 54th. W give it up. We wanted to give it and him a staving send-on, but the thing get mixed every time. We know the paper is ensuring us otw year ot usefulness, honor and profit : and we know Buttle h its editor, and he's young, dark-haired and handsome, will somebody nn tangle all this and tell us what so me in? BraozBT Calarad Ouerahd for. Af lyicitfi rvpt&ncamnm, JLxeauthur, I lotit, PUriyium. Tumors or polyp u in the ear, nose and eye, removed ; en larged tonsils, watery eyee and sore eves cured ; discharges from the ears and deafuesa cured ; hare-lip operated for ; dub feet made straight ; croaed eyes arraigntened in old snd young, ana the sight made perfect. All delicate and difficult surgical operations performed off-hand by Dr. Jones. Diseates of the throat and lungs cured by bia sew method ef iubalinK. which directs the remedies to tbe snot the only- aurer quick and pbamnt way of reaching that insidious snd heretofore fatal disea-o by Dr. Jonew, now practicing at the Humphrey House, Goldsboro, N. C., where he remains untd rep. 2 1776 iirn 1876. What clianires bsve taken place tin that period In none have they been more radical than in the treatment of diseases. In the olden time, nature, prostrate with-pain and suffering, was attacked with the lancet, calomel, blisters, starvation snd thirst. All this waa done with honest intention, but with terrible results. It is a pleas ing fact that tbe enlightened pubho of the present day have discarded surb medication. The disorders that sap the powers of We are now expelled by rem edial agents, that brace up the vita) strength, while running its cunso. The qualities are found in an eminent do firee in Dr. Tern's EarritLB Liver Ptllm. They have become eetebrabHl over wide extent of the globe as the safest and gentlest remedial agent ever offered to suffering humanity, and it ix not tne result 01 newspaper putnng. but by the great merit of the medicine itself, Personal. Should tlji meet the eye of the individual who cn atd a distutb- anee in church last Sunday by his con tinned coughing, be will cjuIit a favor on the congregation Ly procuring a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, which will cure him. Our friend, L. Q. Washington, s well known newspaper man in his name sake city, has been made clerk of the congressional committee on r I roads We am clad of it and only hone the august position iapeaos Uttie v. or and big pay. The Fayetteville k Gold .boro rail road company isn't at all particular. It is willing to consolidate with ths Fay etteville A Florence, the Atlantic Coast, the Atlantic & North Carolina, or any other railway company at Goldsboro. or some point beyond Goldsboro, as may hereafter be agreed upon, on whatever terms will secure a continuous route. TO CONSUMPTIVE.- ' ' ' The sdvsrUaer, aa old phydcian, retin. from acttrs practice, havhi g- had placed -far bis hand by aa -kaat India Mlaaiuaary the for mula of S simple Vtgstabls Remrij, for the speedy and permanent Cur of CouHimptioOf Bronchitis, Catarrh, Aithma, snd all Tbroa and Lung Affections, alo a Poaittv and Radical Cure for Nervous DebflRy aad all Nervous Com latnti, after baring thoroughly tested Its wenderfuP curative powers In thousands of cases, feel It bis duty To make it known to bts suffering fellow. Actuated by tht motive, and s- eenselntloe delr te relieve boman sufferlnic. ai wlU fend (free of rha re), to all who deslrs It, this recti a, with full directions for preparluir sud succeMfuIlt using. Sent by retnrn aiall by idrtreMfng ws. w. v. Bra.vs.wo, ' Munroe Block, SjracuM, N. T. aov tS-wly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 876. Cur IsiTisi ul Our Dead 1816. A MAGAZINE OF 128 TAGES, Dttottd to SortX Carol intSfr pa, t, h rprmrni ana her future. . Tebms$3 ren- tkab, Postaob Pb-jaid. . Ealelfih, N. C. .V Thote to wbom bills bare been seat Ut please remit. Two Year for Onlj 45. . Havtoe s few complete 01 t of Oca Lima KU Oci DliD for lti5nn hind, we will fur- sl-h that year and the eutire jear li.OJor T.tWff lt6cltk-in srd rli-torteal-iBoeh ties would do well to ante this. JT 1st 8d asd Sd YoluiiH- hndomeiy bourd library Mjleforninhed at 18. SO per lol- ume, or li -n ut man. . . r. pool,- aa 13-tf Raleigh, C. MIND Kt ADINO. PSTCuOMANCT Fanelaatloa Soul Charming, Mre-aer, Um, and Marriaire Ouidt, ilRkwinv bow either set BUT fax-lnate and ftn the love ana atTeetioa of aoy penmn they choooe Instantly am na.M ttw mfl Ml eta. Hunt At Co.. l9 . 7ta St., Ph'luw, Pa. . Advertisement will be hieied In ths Daily BcaTisBb-atllie. following rates pernnarof on inch, or ten'minlon line. One squars oos Uids . ' . - L00 . ; .'""eacb auUequent intertioa ,. less tbaaa week ., 80- 1 square, 1 wk .................... ISO month.,.,,, 8 0S months .......... IS 00 'eaeceae.eee)ee IS 00 eeee-e 90 00 - ...... ....... s vw 2SC0 M 1'.- . . 'MM - ....7rr..;v.'t....... o F1 That sew and beautiful Cot tare Hoots oa Ballfai Ht. eontainlna- ix flue r.ooAs,paatry-." clayw-u, and bath rooss, aad all aseeiMry out bouse, with a good well of wa er, with a No. 1 force pump. The house I new and one uf the best bulk fn the eftr. and flnh-hed la the bet asd most modern styto. Tor further parut'Biara rau no or aaidrea . . . ik. lAKHlK, at Drag more. " JaaW-tw. MaKY L. CAR aER. rt'Arrxuxivt OF NEW BOOKS Ot free. BICK.NKIXe.tO, BuUdlns-fi J7 Warren lit., N. I. DO TOU Male or female, Send yoor ad- i,, ure ana KM sometlili c that wlU MONET orl, Tott ' bonorably over klJ) a month sure, tW INVENTORS' UNION, 175 tireenwkh Bk, New fork. P8TCBOMANCT.OR BOCLrHaRMlAO. How ettnrr sea mav f-scio.te and rala tha love and affection uf any person tbev ebooM Instantly. This almple, meals! ac quirement ail eaa possew, free, by mail, for -c,tuber wlfta a marrlacw Suide, Esjp tian Uracls, llrtam-, Hints to Ladies, Wed-dinir-Mirht thln Ae, A queer book. Address . WILLIAM CO., fill. Pbila. 4 JK rthur'm U.CSTBATKB OMS MaOAII a, "Tb Doutehold Masrasine of America." Two ferial 8 orle in ls.6. "EAULEdLLIFFE," by Mrs. Julia C. B. floor; and "MIKIAM," bf T. 8. Arthur. BCTTEKICK'8 Newest Pattern in every nam tar. Tskus W JO per rear ; s eimle lor I.M Fpiemlid Book (I ra aud rrtm.uma. HiMcitHeii nairiber 10 erntt. 8. ARTHUR A SON., Pbuad'a., Pa. 4w - FOR - fililiT B6'ieei,-ni ill Tiro. It irsMi, IBK frllt' Parboil T.slftt, PUT CP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. For sale by Drmnrlato generally, and JOUASIUN, UOLUiWAV A CO.. - ' PbUadelphia, Pa. Great Offer !l We wilt daring the IIOLID T dispose Of HPUN;Sif'OK6AM os fl t class ma ker, Iirtlutinn ATEK8' n lower prices than ever bef ie offered Monthly toaiall meuM ieceivel running fr rn (uMmi nit. arratiu a lor a year, e -una Hand in-I'nim-nu at rxtrrnielv t-w kihcts fur cash. lUntlratuX Oil .luffuu Mailed. Aytnit tcanted. sirroom44l hroa 'way, N. T Ug.RACl. WATEK8 & HONS. 4w i inincriT hllfll.ills.lg I IODIDE OF AMMONIA "UILtV lolllDB OF AMMOSIA :. Ill IDT Judgment, tbe best remedy fr netiraigtiever put ot-rote tbe public. 1 have be n ainicted with tliisdlseae for 8J years, snd never until 1 fell uixm Mr. title remedy did 1 And any assured relk-f. I take uleaeure lussriiiir lliii. Inasmuch as I decira always to b a beu-t (actor of tbe human fanillv. WM. P. CORBIT. Clim'n of the Methodist Church Extension." Sold by all Druggist. Depot 451 Sixth1 Avenue, N. Y. Ouh 50 cent and II a bottle. For sale by PESCUD, LEE A CO., Janl2-dwAw4w. Raleigh, N. C. O A T. . No 0 te order from abroad whsa yes eaa get lb BESTULD ASH, From i. A. JONES by taa.., , ... TON - ss low as it wUl cost y by Iks Car Lead Freight added. " Oak wood - - KOt ssr sera. Fins wood delivered. 3. A J0NE3. aevd'-sf. 'HE BEST UQUORS. eeo a foil sarrnlv of HiN Ull's lmorted French Brandy, Bamey Jones Pin Apple Brandy loe Hunter' brandy, Old Cabinet .HCN, 8tagg Mountain Dew, flue Ap- pie, and Monvngahrla Rye Whisker; Na- tl . - ..... . I I . I, LI .1 V . u.ii. vnm.. piu oiu nra r nwaejfroreiKS and Native Winet, Rom. (Jin. Schanapps.Uin ger Brandy, and pars N..C. Cora U hUkeys. My liquor are all pure, and bought of the trst da dealers. " ' R. 8. PERRY, sag 81-8m North of Market Homoeopathic FAMILY MtUIClXk: CASKS AN. BOOKS, giving plain dlreettobi for their use. are a uec.t-.sity in very well revulated house-. Mil. rsoi oi.iv wm m timely uoe oi me in- cated llime.ipthlc remeuy oftesr cut short serious attack I sickness, but tbeconscions- of being able, in an emeenry, t-iaffml prompt relief, til more than repay tbe out lay. For 11 uttrated Trice Lists, send Mams to ROKRK KE A TAKEI., - BaLTIVIO-KS HOMOIIIPATHIC Pa BUACV, oc i -4w, 1A West ta veil t bltttl. IS JORFOLK, WE8TF.RN AND TRANS-. A11AM1C LJMU. be 'following vessels have been nut u dob Ibis line fr Lire pool, ami will be fullowed by others, our Intention being to keep oa or nio'e ulilii aiwsrs upon the berth r . blirp liUIMi, J.TO3 lot S. ANTKTI01.2r.'2TonS. " OREGON, 1,433 ltr!t:.SM triS " , , KATE PKISCE. 1.300 Tons. Arrant mc-nt have been made by vhlrh thmugli bill laillinrcan be (t'iedst iuterit r dime, ana ine goout wu ne re.nippca st orfolk freeuf nyrhrire wliateTer, Kt i Jl-iS ttlttjT ' ERS, js 4-lnr- Agents, Norfolk, Vs. "ON'T FORGET THAT THE PLACE' .- - bay any thing and ererjtb'ng appertabllng s first .!aTancf blora is at , fa,,. BROWS' d VARIETY STORE, UOU.BMAK BUILMX, -. - 4 i "y.f

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