- LIU y s-s. m i r- -i .' . - I r"v--, . --h mi 1 II II '. .1 1 ' ra B 1 a I S BYS ' 0 EJ THE HOST USE PUL, EXTENSIVE AND CHEAPEST .'STOCK OP Jil IAS AND NEW YEAR GIFTS ' EVER OPENED IN RALEGH. " CHINA SETS. GLASS SETS, FIXE I CASTORS, HOOXS AND FORKS, LAVPS, VASES, CTJT GLASSWARE MOTTO CUTS ' AS D SAUCEllS, j TEA TH, CUTLtRTr 8PI T I TOOXS, WHILDUEX'S 6ETWJtC&c n a i imn.-s. ET (1 17 II lift. TLEIFALEIGI1 SENTINEL CONSTITUTIONAL MEST. AMEND- 1st Amendment t That sectioo 4, of article 9, bo stricken out and two new sections lx substituted. The section to be stricken out U la regard to land given to tba state by congress and the appropriation of Hoes, penalties, Ac The action to be substituted glvss all lauda a!" proceed of lands, given bythe Uniteu States , to the state, to educational purposes ; .i all awamp land j fines cJ are to be ud iJxu poses or education. 2nd Amendment strikes out section 1 7, article 3, and substitutes a section pro tiding for the establishment of a bu- - .beau of agricultura.lramijtration and sta tistics, and tba protection of sheep husbandry. I' ... 3d Amendment adds to section 25, of article 1, that w secret political societies are dangerous to the liberties of a free people and should not be tolerated." 4th Amends section 10. article 3. by providing that the governor, with the advioeof the senate, shall appoint all v offioea whose appointment are . . not otherwise provided for. 5th Abrogates and amends section 15, n ! 16 and 17, of' article , and allows the general assembly to allot and distribute all judicial power among the several ooontiea exoept that of the supreme court, which is fixed by the constitution ' itself. 6th Strikes oat sections 1 and 2, of article 13. and forbids calhnr a convent t .. tion without first consulting the people at the polls. ,,,.,, ,', , !,, ,,i trw f. . 7th Provides for submitting the amendments to the constitution to the people, at the the polls, Tuesday ' " after the 1st Monday in November, 187L ' The amendments will be ratified or re jected together. Hth Provides for publishing the ord nances for the information of the people. 9th Requires the judge to reudein : the district for which he is elected. and forbids tus holding court' in the same county mare than onoe in four Tears. ; 1 10th Reduces the number of jndges from 12 to 9, aud authorizes the leguiJ- tureto increase or diminuui the number. 11th Provides for the assembling of the legislature in January instead of . November. " 12th Hits civil rights on the head by forbidding white and black children going to the same school, i and providing i that no discrimination, shall be made to the prejudice of either race, . . 13th Fixes the pay of members of the general assembly at $1 a day and 10 cents mileage, and limits the session to 60 days. If the session is prolonged beyond 60 days, members resuive no v pay. " :' 14th Provides that the term of oflke for senators and members of the legis lature shall begin at the time .or their election. . . -. ; r IStb, That section 29, of article 2, is attended to allow the general assembly to change the time ot holding elections for the general assembly.. , . . " IGtb Strikes from the constitution sec tion 4, of article 8, which is the old re publican gerrymander of the senatorial districts in 1868, 17th Reduces the number of supreme fudges from ftve to three, as our lathers had it. i i . t- .' t- 18th Declares the Judicial - power shall be vested m a court lor the trial 1 impeachmenu, a supreme court, su perior courts, courts of JuUce of the peace, and such 'Others inferior to the supreme court as may b established by taw. .. ' - . .. . k 10th Establishea tne supreme - court - In ltaleigh, . until otherwise provided by the general assembly. 1 1 .. 20th Strikes section 8 article 2, from ,' the constitution... This section was the . old republican gerrymander of the ouee of representatives, aud ' the ' eoole can do without u. ' .' ' " ; , 21st Forbids vacating any oiBcf or . term ot ofnee now. existing under the : constitution. - - ! -'! '' 22nd Provider for the 'election 'bf judges of the supreme court aud supe rior court, by general ticket, or vote of ail tne people ; out snows uie general assembly to change the mode ot elect ing superior com t judges from general ticket to district elections ' "c ' ' 23d Requires 12 'months residence , in the state, and 90 days in the county, before a man. can vote, ' and excludes felons, and ex-penitentiary convict from holdin office or voting until re stored to citizenship by due process of I v lawj iThere was two days', debate on this ordinaoce, Messrs. Doekery, Albertooa and' Buxton, with all the negro delegates.epvaking against it and decianng it w s mod at the negro. , . .24th Provldea fo the removal by the legislature of any judge of the suerior court, for menial or physical disability. It also provides for the removal of I clerks of the suweme and suiK-nor courts by the judges of the courts for ...the same reason. Appeal in cacS of removal is aiiowea as iu otutr casoa vi , suits. ; ; ' 25th Provides that article 7 of the con stitution be amended by adding that the "general assembly shall have power to modify, change or abrogate any and all of the provisions of the article, and sub -tifcute others in. theirt place, except sbc tionr 7,9 and 13. This allows the legisla ture to appoint magistrates as under the old constitution. ... - 2Gth Gives jurisdiction to justices of . the pesos over civil actions founded pn contract, when the sum does not exceed $200 : and allows the justices to call in inrr ot mx men in certain cases. . to'29th Authorisna tha employment of convicts on trablio works and highways. 28th Adds the following new section to article 4 : ''In cane the general as sembly shall estabtiidi other inferior .courts, the presiding officers and clerks thereof shall be elected in such manner as the general assembly may prescribe." , 2Jlh Forbids marriage between white and black and all persona of negro do soeut to tlie third Keneration. ; 80th Adds to article 1, seoTKn 121: "Nothing herein contained shall justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons or prevent the legislature from inactinsr penal statute against aide 31st Abolwhes section SI. of articles And provides for filling all vacancies offices provided for by this article by the governor not otherwise provided for. 82d Provides for paying officers and members of the oonveutin-i. ! - 83d Gives power to the supreme court to try issue and qneoti-ms of luct ss tmde uie oia constitution. , CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTI N NORTH CAROLINA OF W75, or Complete la Photographic ST op by i. w, iibu.i. ins nit complete copy nt - istanc sod "111 beeold at a moder.1 price aii si naison Ualivry, Kaieura, . M oct UM OUTHERN POLICT-HOLDER. As Insurance Journal devoted to the Inter I Of Folicv-boldera. Coulalna all the In- auranee literature of th dav. Onlv Insur anc paper la North Carolina. Treat of botb Life and Firs lusurauce, exposing wild-cat companies sad commending the string one to the people of North Vmro ins, Uie paper tor those Interested In Insurance , . Subscription 13 00 is advance. Advertlae- meot la.erted at eaaonble rates. ,.,'( ,, : AdUrv, , f "iso. c nuTsox, , i, luUlur aud Proprietor, septHf i , Baleign, M. UslvisB Caarsa, "; Aassvoi L. Caavss CAHT K It At C,A 1 1 1 J ATfOKNKTS AT LAW, t : ( Asasvnxa, N. 0 '! Fracties I tbs-esue-SM Court at Kal kk ad is Ue State sad federal Cuane of Wee "1 ..I'll! M(V1II . t ktit'S eolleclKd no sny "r "f avtkv aui ss Eureka, Waisliiiig Ma- r 'I chine 'i-o' ' rilldtei Set. II, iSIL Tbis sS iGTecUoa la a .eon4et Washes e-erUilng tron a lady's lacs Collar s CoaBterpaua, I the ssoat tboroagh and -nrnttde stTls." ! Works alts eass Sad rspldit; sad wlthoat ojary to tbe elota . ' ' ' " ; IlMt A.VDMONIT SAVED. Tf Mfah'u dte by a womsa Is ees day w b due ht he patented Kareka b, 'Are kvars,. , ? .'! -" - Price 1S, with wilrget s lacbed A3& "' '".'. '-r W,'j' J. B. FAUBAK, ' Muii Ixclurrr and FatteiiUr.Cxry, N. 0. THK vAROLWA IJnCiiSlIOLD Aa lllastrau afoaUdv of Choice UUr tare, Ja pahllahed tson'tir at ... ... UOUDbBORO, M Cv ; j v. i.'. t it. ... .it . . , r i . : iv ii a aeaoiunu mumtg nepoeuery oi Ut'rainre. oeaufied to tw to tw.na ths Ureal Eo at bold Itaicanne of ha SouUtt horoeghlv MttaiiSed With ths people ia the' -cial and Doan stie Liio thaa at ' iirsle in lb. countrv. and for the aun irke. tlvea Mora Kwdiaav Mo advanlag. ovf itcted which either talent or capital eaa aa eommaua to rtaoar eaua isa aa srres Ms ssdlnatrattivs compendium of caolo eaa ss. r uouuuu wnwe, sou some am abroad,, ... ,,,, ..(!;.-?' ,y : ITS riCTtlBS eaUJUT. . las otoet auraetiv f'tarev lh aaar aambt r oeaise a Ills I he porualt of Et o i n. v.Dca, a- a tKMrraibka asetea to It followd in es h aaniOtr wiih photo itu h ot oth' r prouinant statesmen, (lvlset ONLT R DO A TEA it. fo-tsirs rras. and each ubcrltr eas snak a ebotca of h ee n oi beanuful, large KnKn.vt at; sisi -me rinuinj .01 he Barlorin the 'lrnile.' 'The MadoLDS.1 nd "KUk tar Defying tba Bt'M-iu,", for- aS'di-d on reoetl ot tha sabacripiios price. Either oi. the cnervvitcs U aoita sonbie be price arkid for the Majtaiiue Ad oa -Hidlrs a Club of flve will receive aa extra abscrlption fee. 8 rale copies W cents rlptlc Mx montbs snbt.lpdot aithont the Kn raving ll.Oo. i gisW Wanted Everywhere '' J JUtlUS k, BtjNlTZ. PnlOiafcer; ., : Jan ffl-tf ; toldboro, S. C. : il i ,4 ii ii i ill l I i A GINT8! 90 ELEGANT OltCIIROMOB r monnted, else Vxll. for Iu Aorelties and Cnrumoa In every deacrlpUoa. JJ ATios.i, t'aaoMo, Co., f hiU., Fa. dw..--; ' i . ,. i . ..?'V v v ;. FOR RENT ; n - , v r.-, '-'f -' . ! f The Front Store on Favetteville atreet. one of tne beat stands ttt the Lit of Raielgh PoMetrloa given the first da; of January, 1876. . .i- - .- ' - i det9-lW JA8. H. TOWLES. T0 TOfJ - WANT A NEW 8TTLI L:Gcnt,iPat.csaaJJj! 2YJ dec 8 8m . 'X D. HEARTTS, OR RENT. . ' ; :! i i ! :f f Tor the year 1870. The House i snd Lot oe BUUboro' , Street oppoaile ths kxebange rtotei, known aa t s utchibgi property. 1 be House contali elebt comfortable io mca Kitchen eonulning fur roomi. Two Oltlct rooms In yard-al5'. good order. Outeide pantry ana wood house. en oi gooa water in yard, pump stavh d. i,.,. , j - . ;- , ' i or terms app y to - n h i lit ,rw n i. C W. U. ML ICIIIAti.l, ' , or to . & 11 M f CUIM.S, ! Farettevtue St.. opiiosite Tucker 11a IT ADIKS, M1&E3 AND CHILD R EN, 1 F yotl want a Boot or (jailer to St like a aec a-itm. uuiuuniio, ; ACCORDEON3, FLUTINAS, V10LINH, YSnlUra, Banjo, FluUs, Fifes, Flaoleta, Tsmbonnea, -Harinonicans, urum. vio : lonccnos, noner ontnets res, t Violin Bow, Chin Piece, Tall ! . . Piecra. Bridcea, Bow llair, ' Koatn, Je sharpie, Tri , augl, Drumb Cord ;: j, ,'' . ' sod Meads In fact, most aoytning appertaining to the mu,ui line can be had at BKOWN'B Variety Store, Vollemaa Building, Raleigh, N. C, ' BOISE COTTON GINS. One 80 and one M Saw cf these celebrated flang Kib Q!nt.ln Store, snd will be sold at educed prk-e. Tbrv are said U clean butter, ria faster and last longer thaa sny other gia in ue. Also, One 90 Saw Second hand Ear. E8. sept 18-Sm ' Agent, 0 It 0 1 N A NOES! ORDINANOEB t ! ORDINAAOES! ! or THE CONVENTION! CONVENTION 1 1 CONVENTION I ! ! AT TIIIS OFFICE. Single Copies 10 cts. il. Per hundred 6.00 Per thousand 85.00 tsST Send In your orders at onoe. Addresea 'no SENTINEL, Ealeigh, N. Cw . L S W I I Q Court Mou$$ 8a Mart 7 .RUJKd-:'' 4 ' peelal attenUoa aivsa to Savins; of Hoaa raas, is view ot tns late dtdfloa of us Ba ms Court of ths United Btei at oa ths sub- tort. . .. aw v-dtvAwtf QA.O, DOORS oV WLIND- Qauranietd tkorovgkhi Saosoaad IT BOCK BOTTOM PBICKH. 'jUUUS LKW18 CO. PAINTS, OILS, C0L0H3, , Hard wart of every Description, JUUUS LEWIS r . , FlSUEB BCILDIKO, n... . . ; .RaleuibuN. C. i r-- Sawitod 1 --acr-r' 'UaEAT OrFEdl Borace Waters A Poos. 481 Brotdwav. N. T , will oisposc of I'O Cianos and rkas of tret class Bakers, including W aier, a'rx- rrmtly low prices , for cash aurfnr tb S month. r psrt eaab. ad balance ia small n: on hi J payment. Tit asm to lef I- rs ew erale ruaoa. are the beat sua f be tnurh elael e, snd a Ins stntini; tone. iowr;ul. pure snd ee. . War' C iww o Oicars cBoot be ei'elUd In tone or b ant; tbey dtj f a)tition. Tb Ouocw t atop a a ane ub miiob vi in tumax rotra. t je;s waoie.i. l liberal diseuaai ti ti r rs, n isuvr-, enurcna, scoooia, kxu e. ate. paclal itaocxaMOta to u irso. luostratM atalojoesBiiMd- j - Va. W.Jons, Aaaurraaorfoaa. I 'OH 18 a JO NIB. Iters f 'a At Law,, . ; ; BALXI0U,.a PRACTICE la ths Sanrsms Cosrt f ths cut, tha Circuit sad District Court of tns United Mates and tea several Courts of tbe Sth Judicial District. Office on raettaula St.. onnealte lb U iaeos National iiaak. Up auua. law D I N N I 8 O FATENT BaiPPlNO TAOS. Over Two Hundred Millions have ben aaed w.tuia ths pa 1 10 teare. lUioat complaint oi anas y laaj'Owaoniuui tetachad. Taas aaa aoa aauasLS aaaxiae Corrus BaLaa rui aar Tie I a All Expreas Corapaiiies theav OS id bf Printers sad ttatt aare erywhr nr ivMioMS , JQ4 F. KINU, OF KORTIi CAROLINA, !.;.... k i wm S i J0HN80N, SUTTOK ft CO. ; BUY GOODS. No. 284 Baltimore sad 1 Forth Liberty BU. T W. JoBxaoN, R. M. StTTTOH, sept 17-8m ' j J. E. R. Caaasa. Q J. Joanso. BALT1VORE. sept 17-am G OME YEllSCONSOLATE! Mm ia Search of FIRST-CLASS GOODS. the varr Latest Tip of Fashion, and put up I to s style that wUl suit ths moat fastidious taste, goto WEIKEVS ESTABLISHMENT, os Fayettfrfll Street, one door South of the southern txpres Uuice. - It g ft Conceded Fact that Welkel can pat op ths beat' sod most satisfactory JOB in the way bf fine snita of Lioininir, irora a wedding to a Huslnesa Suit, that can be tamed out In Raleiuh. The oia ana young men say it, tb ladles (Uou Dleas them) endorse It and the children cry over it. en for In an Umlrnmnil dad'' put oa s suit ox eisei's clothing. Wrikel tokes this occasion to r turn his thanks forth larg and liberal patronage heretofore received, snd respectfully asks for a eoounuanc ot ins same. Ml sioca oi CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, , TWEEDS, . SVIT1XGS. fe. srgM prises su tns Latest novelties to Style, bsrirg been recentlv purchased st low Diicee Ironi - FASHIOJf HEADQUARTERS. As usual his force of Workmen are Picked Men, whose skill and ability are known to the -dressing - puouc. Come on and all to the Emporium of Fashi n, eikel's, the Merchant Tailor, for Drat class BU t of Cl.Jthcs. or nrsl class (oods, ptitupln first class style. - oei o- ., 1 - 6 WAMSCTTA MUSUS sniRTS WITH RICHARDSON'S ROUND THREAD LINEN BOSOMS AND CUFFS FOR ONLT fAM. 12 WAMSUTTA ; MU8L1 N SHIRTS WITH RICHARDSON'S ROUND THREAD LINEN BOSOMS AND CUFFS FOR ONLT 113.00.. Nttnzr-itt&D r ma deA ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. The Greatest Bargain cftft Age " . v - W. H. A R. 8. TUCKER, Leaders of Low Prices sad Best Goods. Raleigh, Nov. 85, 1875 tf. REAL ESTATE Bureau, i YAXROKOUGH BOO-nt LL EINDfl OF FROPERTT BOUGHT a-d so I o Coouaiastoa by fab 10 U A. TP9 11 iwt So it '-W . IEurioacryri 11V f aiV r J I ' y aUSfjSLAND 6iai In ti OF PIC E E1MDU OF J 0 R-W-O R K Having refitted onr Job Office, And lecared tba aervioer oi - FULST-CLASS JOB M We are now prepared to exeuutt all kinds ot PLAIN AND FANCY Job Work. ........ .. n . ..... All persorui haying Bill Ilea It, Letb r Heada t a Dual boss Cards, . . - Visiting Cards. Woddias; Cards Cr.ultr. " ' ' 1 Pniiti-ni,1 fee. io pnntv wiu bare their worr ei ecntedin the very beet style bt ending it to the.w ... . 'Soniinol OfUce. We are also prepared to do al kinds ot In the very best'atyle, a 5 ' " ' J All work aent to nr will be done as quickly and cheaply as at any other ' ' 1 1 PRINTING HOUSE IN THE , 80UTU O R 8 E S AN D ML L I 8. To arrive m a few dava. Eighty Kentucky Horse and Mule, frkc to suit any one. Examine them declv-xw 9. w.'Wi.(io. OitJi AaiaOAi, . , i , B O O K B IN D E R BLANK BOOK KANURACTTUKR, oveb . c. avaToaa, ALEX O U. B C. " j 'JIUE MODEL FARM FOR BALE. This Well known Farm ia Inrabul hi tha To nshlp of High P4ut tao miles from the sU bma, aootam 101 seres, snd excepting about 40 acre of an ... THRIFTS' WOODLAND, ! I all under atSfcli sUte'of cultlrstlyn. I thoroughly andrdralned t well act ia clover, timothy and orchard grasa, will carry 24 head of cattle and as a an sheep. THE liOl'SE 'AXD MAUN J srs new and built la the most thorough man ner, and wiih all modern couveacuces. A sever FAILI NO SPal 0. suoolles our water to hotia a-t bam, raised by Hydraulic Ram. Ciood society, schools and churches and th BK1T CLIMATE t A.,. on . the eont ne it, Mng levaed 930 feet above til-a.rr. Viev the uremiaea. aad ontala ail seeded iulonn allot from Wm. rat craon. . and for-tirm-. . addrcsa AwkI I Y rtow. llisb Point. Aidnn faiunxm. ms W. -M Hunt, N.w- fort or W. A. Sampsoa, 314 Washington Avtnu N. Kinneanolia. tna. . " ' )aas-!m."" ' " ' I ' w astau. We will glv argetle mm aad tusrasss vsat wiu. Far from t to (9 pet ay, aaa be pureaed la roar owa reurbbor uood, and 1 atnctly hooorai 1 Particulars . or aample aorta several dollars that ill enable yoa to go to work at one, will h ni oa receipt of arty eenta . aouraea 4. LtlUMi anotftf m Waahlmrtoat..RotoB.a!s J. LL KLUJUMl ATTORNEY AT LAW R A L I I O H N fEea Soatfe of tb Court Boas aar ' aenUsal Uflee. w- t-tf R. STa M ATTORNEY AT LAW. Raluob, N. C. Practices la the rtsta and Federal rviarta Co:l aunaadeln any part of JNOrthCar ui'ia . wawh " - --- h Th thirty-third ses on of tb Misses Nssh A Miss bollock's School wUl opea oa Friday, 3d July. Circulars sent ea application. July lo-BUlm H E C E L E B B A T D EftteyOrga n caa be found at BROWN'S VARIETTBTORE, Jan -tf Hollerato Budding QUKE THAT UUGU! Dr, O. T, MoMoniieu's AMEIjJML Till MIXTUE'l PRICK ONE DOLLAR. TT--:. ro Ths Oseat Borrraxaa Rxinoy CoifsuiarTiiiir. F; d'Ogbr. aloa,Rore ThrosC Boarsa- neasaadal Lang Diaca.es; eapecla ly ree-T ammi aded aa a ramilj atrdicio) far bildren i it arrests at ere every rmptom rt ronp. or ai tacks ef Col Is. ar ch a children r subject to. paiUcB.arly loth relief of AbooLiing Congh. its combination with ugar and o her it grid ant make it not an pleasant to th tarte, snd no-daniter whatever r It se. Taken in por.lona ot half s tea spoon al at a t me whenever the' la s dlsio- sition to coub, and at night when yoa 11 down. It acta finely oa Lb kidneys aad th t, ver. Man a rae tared and auld wholeraleaad Re tail bv Uie Proprietor. Irarhatn, N. C Lib eral dia'-ount to wholes' dealers. Orders olksiled. ...... JNO. A. MoMANNEN. i tieneral Bualnaa Agent. TESTIMONIALS; - Ooldboro. N. C Aftar spending etirbtara us -tilba In a aonta- era Ciimate to restO'S my tangs I gsvaup a deapair. and earn romc to die wits my Sildren la i.oiafbo. 5. U. - w bile taer I btaini a bs of Dr McManaen' lar Mix tar. It first eff ct was to enable me to sleep; my trraglh began to return ( bop IV d: aycougs gave way. Altar as. Ix boira, waa restored to- health 1 aow ah 140 lbs 1 owe my lit to tat mixture. aad wish this published t to world Bj m. KUOIBUn. 1 bav brea afflicted with s cough for thirty yeara 1 save aaea au u popular rrmeoie . fur eouhha 1 have a ver found antthli g to DIM I ensis ob th ' ecb r niv any relief, until I aaed Dr VcMi.usd's American Tar aflnure its eeDabia as ttep well; i v lunes hve leraiced their atrength, and " TPhJgjwraBaifeiy fre from aBimieasuig- eeugh Uiat atUck d me In th morning. I i rapidly rcov nng at ita. ni l i TER PASCHAL. af v Lai gs gave war whl! oa my circuit. 1 Vu forced to re lire from my work, aad bad bu little bop of roRivarv 1 aaed on box of Dr. Mcalanncb's Tar Mixture, my ecoh Improved, ray itrengta returned, and I was ooaabi to iom my work. I recommend it to all who bar a conga, uv wak 'ur.ts., St. ntfll, Conforetc. Darham. N . C t Of hU ths medicln voubav takea. the Tsr Ulxtare U the on y thing that ha don say good. '."- mm . n, unaan, To ber tinst sad. Durham. If C. I bav aaed Dr. C.T. MeMatinen' Amartraa Tar Mixtore myself, and ia my family. I do aol Doiiaie to reeov asaira khi remeay V. BedlaJI ra-ea of Coaab. CSda,eoM Thrt, Huarscae sad Lung dlmasss -; t. m rAkair-H. HBDore)s of athesr Ta imortials eoa d be oSarad. Taaea at eLrUmee it portion of half a taaapooaf al or lass. Mo danger whatever. i a X - it'. i' iv r . v. I - J

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