- THE TliirtGin SENTINEL " " "" " rrsu"i - " -4IAILT. VTEE ELT AND 6 EMI-WEE ELT nfflcial flrran ofKartli Carolina. " STATEElIisNl?MEDIN0 n ini nf HTMriTmAI. tolly Vratinet I y"-r hi dfnrt.. M Hml Weekly " " - 00 HSmSS1 I fall v nil monuuin umnoc.... LEA PEKBI lathenly GEtUINH WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. THE OITTr. FOST OFFICE DIRECTORY. , For th benefit of tbe public, w rub Hsh the following directory of tb post- offlce or Wis city I " Western wail close , ; v 10:30 a. m. " arrive . J:49 p. m Eastern w clones - - 3:30 p. m " ' arrive : 11:05 a. m. Chatham M clone ; 3:30 p. m. " " arrive , . , v:4ia.m R. A G. R. E. mail cleee 9:30 a. m. " arrive 5 3r p. m. Throueft northern via K. a u. R.U. ctoes " ' 9:30 a.m. Through northern via B. & G,: : : ;,: i R. XL arrivf 3MS p.m jTnrougn northern via uoias- boro close r,. ' 3:30 p. m. Through northern via Gold - bora arrive " :11:05 a.m. Office hours for delivering mail from 7:30 a. m to o:30 n. m. Money orders are Issued and paid from 8:15 a. m. lo 4 p. m. Letters can be registered from 8:15 a. m. to 4 d. n: ' ' - 1 v- No mails sent or received on Sunday i. W. W. HOLDS, 1. , . - Ym. G, Lodge meets this evening. ,By getting Zeigler' cigar you will not be deceived. All e askj Is a trial. J'.'J. WourawDKir & Co,, dealem.In grain., ' Com A specialty.;' ,:, Newbern, i D. Reagan, of Jameetewn, X. Y., i going to 'establish a furniture factory In is city. - .:.- -.... fi Up to our pro hour, 2 40 o'clock p. m, the dockej of the polio xurt wa minus a case. ' Cotton market quiet.' . Middlings 12J; low middling! 1U t clean stain 10) ; deep stains 6a8. -. ? Th farm, of I. Bsbcock,; ner this city, 20 acres, was soI4 Uiw morning to J. CL Blake for t2 200. VA f Zeigler1 Raleigh favorite cigar ttoro - it the place to . get the best and the purest cigars in the city. r J .": f, ' Th finest stock of chewlug and smoking tobacco, pipes, c, at Zeig lor's. next door' to the f Yarborough Houte. ; i - - Engineer Ciojd, at Greensboro, ha been telegraphed by our city authorities to come here and consult about the establishment of gas-works. , We think that our city dad had better rive, their attention to aupplying the city with water and let the gaa question m bv for tha oresenL . Th firnt is a -0 neoessity and the other a luxury. " Think of ir.-rMr. J. I. Whitaker offers good wood's pine wood delivered for $3.00 per cord. Toa can find him in rear of Cltixen's Xatlonal bank. Attkctioh. L O, O. f , The mem ber ofSeaton Galas lodge No. 64, L a O. F., will meet at their hall to-morrow aftomoon at 3 o'clock sharp, for the pur puse of attending the funeral, of onr de parted brother A, Sternberg. Sister lodge are cordially invited to partici pate.' ' ' ' - ' 4 V- ' . ' "V rmi. Thiuc, P. G" , , ; janl 26 It - Secretary. ' Mabbied. Thl morning, at the Salisbury Street Baptist church, E. B. Stamps and Mis Bettie Williams, both of this city, were united in mar riage by the pastor, ReT. Dr. Fritchard. After the ceremonv the contracting par tie, accompanied by a large number of friends, proceeded to the depot aud Ue parted on a nortliern tour, carrying with them the best wishes of a larg circle of sincere friends. , , . - ' - ' ' '. Thb Mooim-SwEWox FbaCa. Late yesterday afternoon, long after our press hour, intelligence was received in thi city that A G. Moore, of Alamance, and George W. Swepson, of thi city, had a collision at Haw Biver, which resulted in the former gentleman receiving a se vere piatol-sliot woudJ. We Iiavb liiit been able to learn the particulars of the unfortunate affair, but hear it rumored that ill-will had long existed between them. - i The rumor obtained in thi city late in the evening that Mr. Moore was dead, but it was afterwards aso tained that the wound i not mortal, but very painfuL . , P. a Two conflicting rumors reached us about the fight since the above was sot up. One is that Mr. Moore attacked Swepson in his, 8wepw n'a, house. Another is that Mr. Moore waa passing with a gentle man on a hunting expedition, when a negro at Swopson' gate waa insolent te Liin. Mr. Moore started for tne ne (rro who retreated t the i yard, Moore following him, when Swepsou ap peared and shot hiin with a Sharps rifle. . ----'--t:- . . , - . i i,.. European governments will reserve their replies 4o the American-Cuban n-te until hey consult eaph other In regard to It. -' ": i . ' ' ' ' ' " ' : ' - H . , . ... v .. . . VOL. XXIV V BALEIQH, P., WEDNESDAY, jANUARY-SQrlSyerrNo;! Mom BAmxmas. In addition to the marriage celebrated at the Baptist church in this city this mornipg, w re cord the triumphs of Cupid and Hymen in another quarter. Early this morning a pleasant party assembled at the real' denee of Mr. Alfred Jon . at "Wood land," . about eight mile from thk city, to witness the nuptials of Rev. J. P. Moore, of the N. G. conference and Presiding Elder ef the Raleigh district, and Mis E, Cornelia BodJie. of thi county, a lady whose good qualities are, like her friends, innumerable, The la teresting ceremony waa performed by Bev. J. & BobbitL of this city.. The attepdanU were Mia Boddie and Mr. Alfred Jouus; Mies Nannie Man gum and Mr. N. P. Jones, and Mia Nannie F. Junes and ,. Bev. W. CI Norman, After - the marriage the party preeecd ed to the depot at Neuse where the wed ded pair embarked for Warren ton. the borne of the bridegroom, , , ltl N. C. Hoxa (Fibk) Irscrakcb CoHi'Anr'We have been favored with an exhibit -of the operaUoos of this excellent borne company of this city. From It w learn that the company ha issued, since It Incorporation, over 8,200 policies, on all clawea of insurable property, and. that it . ha paid out on lose or damage by fire, with scrupulous fidelity, over 1150,000 to Ju' patron in the i state. It has Utigated but few claims, and only then on ground fit high duty to it stockholder and to the public ; It ha, throughout maintained a ateady growth of assets,' and t to day on a firm and sure has!, enjoying the' confidence of all our peope. Among Its stockholder are many .of our most honored citizen and enter prising business men, and It manage baent ha been in prudent and energetic hands. A th "Home enter upon a new businex year, we commend it heartily to insurer of property in the state. , ' Published by request i TO THE FBEEDMEN OF NORTH 7 v:ri--t CAROLINA : : ' I desire to eall vour attention to tha fact that among our people crime ie on the increase ; stealing, rubbery, mnrder, and crime in all its hideous forma, seem to have taken possession of our people aud it must be stopped. The pen itentiary if tilled to overflowing, the jails and work-houiea are no sooner emptied than they are filled again. Fellow-countrymen, you must awake to this dreadful state of aflUir aud gird on your armor and battle against crime in all it form. Ministers of the gospel. deacons and class-leader, go to work, impress npon your people the danger of entering into the patha of crime, which sooner or later, if thi continues, will engulf our entire raee. - - Thi is no exaggerated appeal t ro to the eonrt-housee and look at th dock ets; go to the jail and yoa wUlae them filled ; go to the penitentiary, to tue railroads and public work and yon will see Hundreds at our race, in striped suits, toiling and working aa a punish ment for crimes committed beoana they were too lazy to work before, i Poring the January term of Wake county court over thirty colored person were eon- vioted of stealing; only about five were acquitted, and only three white men were convicted ; is , not hum ft aad reflection upon our race 1 Colored men and women, go to work, stop stealing, stop going to the court-house f btop atesung and lying and cneating and fro to work, and we will be a happy and prosperous people. Here are some oi tne cases to our ust court : one man sentenced to the penitentiary for stead ing a goose ; one for, stealing a now ; one old. rrav-beaded woman and her lswo sons fur stealing a bog and a aheep. Father andiuother. make your chil dren work; don't encourage idleness, for if you do, you encourage crime. Idleness is the tatlier of crime Colored people Of North Carolina, you bait arouse to the necessity ef doing see thing to put a stop to this thing, or we are a ruined people.' Keep it betoi e th people, talk to tltem, preach to inem, exhort tliera by every lawful means, to live bonestlvand In tne tear or uod. In your curcbes, at homc,lu the school house, every where, keep alive; the-tact that crime must be stopped. In the name- of . Heaven. I-itnplora - vry preacher, and every mad Otiafiucnee, to go to work and do something to put a stop to crime among our people. dautitets In time, lor. yoa know not how soon you will see one of your be loved one being led in shsckle and handcuff to the felon's cell. Think of it in time, and God will bless and re ward you for it. I am an old man and i write this ia the hope that I may aiou-e vat people to the importance of taking some steps to put a check to crime which ia stalk ing Shroud in our land, and cutting on in tne prime or nie so many or our tome preacners oi ruiein, ana to the' preacher all over the atate, I especially look to for some good work. Let inem preach, every Sunday and let them take their text Iroui the criminal docket of their county. They will find plenty of canes which will 'furnish abundant material for a powerful ser mon. Bring this matter to the atten tion of the people, so tliat they may think and pouder over It and reolve to belter their wyi . ; Fbipat Joxes, " , .' . , , . . t i , i Do yeara ow. METHODIST CENTESSUL. Tfrrm Fbom Rsv. L. PlZBOa , AXP ! s Bishop Wwbtmabv r -n Bev. L. 8. Bnrkbeaa, pastof of the Edenton Street Methodist ehurch of thi city, and one of! th. committee of ar rangement for th approaching Melho. dist centenaial celebration ia this eiry, imblishe the appended communication in th Christian Advocate of to-day i I have Mtsaived letter from . Dr. L. Pieroe, Bi hop Wightmaa and Bishop Murvin. in reference to out oentennial eelelmttioa ia Raleigh, N. a, March 21. 1874. 1 1, .. i. ..,- ' Liahop Marvin acoepta the invitation or tli "commiuee ei arrsngemouk., mru win ba with m. Ths Theme a signed the Butbop by the committee : "Methodism it renval history," ia n interertiuff one. Who. that ha ever heard Biah Marvia preach, will not be anxious to hear him on this grand theme? We shall ! expect nun to pre sen tor - . v ' - - '' '' , ; , , . BIT. U F11BCB, P. P. ' We ereutlv desired to bav thi ven erable servant of God with aa Our people generally, hsd rather ee and bear Dr. Pierce than any other man in tha church. The Doctor write n a lnf four rjaa-e letter, filled with the pint of christian lov and affection; bnt . . . . . . . . . u . L ne cannot oe wun ns. o says:: i taas it for granted my N. C. friends did sot anow a ua w. wj seldom able even to pray in the family." " "I nave made nut one out standing appointment in two yeara; ' bnt filled other men' place nearly every Sabbath." " "And ; now, as to N. a How gUd I would be, to be to it, at this Centennial Jubilee. I was bora in Halifax county, N. C, near Roanoke river, March 2Uh, 1784. So, yoa see, my 92d birth day will eome off the last day of your Oeoteoni d celebra tion. I was removed to & a when a child. Waa raised in Barnwell District Heard my 1 first Matoodts sermon ia August 1801, by James Jenkins was awakened under tt, and converted ia August 1803. Admitted a a travelling preacher in the B. a Conference to Charleston,: Christina week, 1804; and traveled Great Pee Dee and Lynch' Creek circuit in 1805. That waa the nearest I ever got to N. C, although half of it waa ia my conference. They tuck me dowa in Georgia a a young p. E. in 1809. So I have given 67 yeara out of my 71 in tha wluUtry to my dear old GeoiKia. S. U. got ltkiti aud 1808. And AUUma, tu Moutgotnery 18(2, and In Mobile. 1843 All the balance n-re. They still keep ins on th effective list the greatest Honor or my we. u is for what I have been and not what I am now. My dear native state baa only got a lew picked op sermons. KsieiKU, I tninx, got one or two smaii efforts in 184a But I can hope, by the time her second oentennial cornea round he will be all MeiuodUts. , I a u now netting afraid of tiling that ar high. Si and night 1 traveling badly cannot take care of myself. But I am bent upon fulfilling my place next May as en or your fraternal messenger to the M. E. C. General Conference at Baltimore." . .., .... . , .:. n Grand old man 1 , May Ood spare his life, and enable hint to be at Baltimore . text May!.';,. . ,' , " '.rii!A. i ' . BISHOP WIQHTMAB, u. P. . . Th bixhoo . sav i . ' On returninz from the Florida conference, I find your tote of tlie 7th in-t Inviting me to at- tend your centennial of X. C Meuod- ir-ra la Raleigh. 1 feel the kindness and the compliment of this Invitation, it would afford me mytvlal gratification to be present on an occasion of so much interest, and to contribute anything in my power to th eou7CTn'empL ted. liut being unaware or tne ume, or place. or programme, 1 nave made aireauy, my arrangement fir meetings. In .live different conference belonging to my t-Dls. district extending, with only a brief interval between, from February to July, These arrangements ars fixed and the parties notified, and I cannot disappoint them.. ,; t- h l atnoereiy wun tnat your eeieDrauon . may be a great, success inaugurating a oentnry of evangelical labors and tri- ampba in th Via jiortn riUte, nnparat leled in the past over Which posterity and eteriuity itself shall utter loftiest praise to Uod, .v .....a ir f; . . . ... . V) ord nuy spoken. . w regret tnat our dear Biauop YYightman annot bo with us. ill letter anow lum to a "working biHhop." . Meeting in five conferences I " We thank ths bishop for his good wishes. Let us try to make our centennial celebration what the bish op wishes it to be. , May the great head of the church help ua I ' . r . ; . n i U B, itUBKHBAD, . . 1 I For committee of arrangements. J. J. LUchford wm appointed., to, thi position of inside, guardian In Manteo lodge,. New . last night Mr. Lttch- ford Is the efficient grand secretary of the grand lodge of Odd-Fellows of this state, and a member whose zeal never alack ns. He sets an example to tbe members of Manteo lodge by accepting the position of one of It guardian. Every Odd-Fellow seeking admission into the lodge room may rest assured that hi qualifications for entrance will be rigidly scrutinized by this vigilant office . ' A MkdicaIi Btcoxxt DaoWszB, F. W. MoCorUe, ef Newton, N. a, a med ical student at the Maryland University, was drowned on Ssturdsy night by fall ing in Jones FslI ,at the foot of Plow man street, in Baltimore, - ' ; . ' - -J. ? TAR DROPA ,11 s Salem ha four saw-bones. Newbern 1 Indulging in leap year parties. ' Northampton superior court wa ia session last wee a. Candler College, aear Asheville, open- ea wun so smaeuts. ; Th i Reldsvill - municipal 1 lection take place Jan. X7. - i; h.-b I " 1 1 ' Mouut Pleaaant,' Cabarrus ' eountj. rejoices in a imaing lame , All Cabarrus county Is In a blaze of excueuieui em a 7 puna turnip. Tlte Newbern gas company indig nantly deny that they are about to su The steam Vln-houie of ' 3. G. lisy, of Nsah county, waa burned Friday nigtit.. - f- (- ; m";:, 7 BhcruT IlatL'.of' ijecklngham county, lest 10.W0 pound of pork by , warm woalner.,4., b .:ui j.r . .,3 . - The Newbern militarv companies paraded in honor of Ueuersl R. E. Lee's teruwiaj,,, t ,,r. , ,i The young men of Salem and Wins ton are about to branch wit into a dra- outleclub. At u--''t Th dwelling hous of Wm. Bay, Of Yancey county, wa; burgianxeiurew nigntsago. , . 'XaL Crowder. mall carrier between Salem and HunUville, had his foot mshed one day ia4 week by.bi horse topping On IU,-j n Th. ' Rose,"' of Cabarrus county,' had his hand badly injured the other day by the kick of a mule. ' - ' ' ' State Senator W.! T.R.' BelL ofCa; teret county, ha moved hi residence to King' Mountain. ' X', 8. F. Terry ha been ousted out of tbe Ksldsvliie vostotnee to make room tor K. II. Wray, another ultbiui one. The citizens of Wentworth recently forwaroVd to the Oxiord orphan asluui 20.50 and a package of inercuandise. Chaa. Bnehanan.' a Mitchell county k"fcl, baa been pardoned out of the Albany penitentiary and is now at noma. Bunrlar havs been at work at Mill Biver. Buncombe county. They made an attempt the other night to break into the store of Rollins k Porter, , ;7 ; - There waa a row a few day ago at a sfeootingtaatoh in Yancey county. Wes ley tuggine was bacuy nun by rocks thrown by John aud Tboma Edge, . ' A Xash county married man and a divorced woman eloped a few day ago. Tbe worn so took her 8 children with her, but the man left bis 6 at home - TAR DROPS ENOUGH. We found the local of the Sentinel mikinr "tir droDs" f or the naoer. and aaked if we could not drop in a drop or two. The fellow aaid ne woum ratner not, wa would drop eomethiug about the ring that would hurt tbe party. ..We told the local wo could bod onr own tar and make onr own "drops," and here they are s ,- r :- - - - rr rT,- Tar Drop No. , L The president of the Chatham road dropped $100,000 into tbepocket of . Little tield for using radical hand in dropping, in ' 18G8, 2,0u0,000 into th treasury of the Chat ham road. ' ;'' V - ' Tsr droD No. 2. The same president procured the convention of 1868 to drop toe locks and dam 01 ueep river on tne turning table of tne Ubatnam road, and then the road turned it round and over to Hawkins, Heck, Littlefieldand Swep son. ;,.,.; . ;r 'i Te drop Na 8The Chatham road nroonred an exchange of bond with the state by which the mad give tea eent for dolUr bond to the. amount of $1,200,000. - -i ..' .) Tar drop No. Tne ex-prestdent 01 that road and other stockholders in it are known to have furnished near $2V 000 to run the Raleigh News. h Tar drop No. .bWIa dr . treason to the party to make such drop f If so, ss Patrick Henry aid,, "make the moat of it," for we ehall continue to boil auch tar and make sucn drop . long as Hawkins rnna a newspaper, whether it be in Raleigh Of Asheville. These tar drops ars rotten, . -t .r , Tbeie tar aropsPBtoags, . Bat Ooe knows tbess sre tar drops snougb. P. 8, These tar drops create "discord at th center." '. Tcbsbb. . ApponmrxjTTS or Rt.Rsv.'T. B. Lima. .'jji. L-i;. m-v .Friday Feb. 18, p. m Littleton. Sunday, Feb. 20, Bingwood. Monday, Feb. 21. p. at., Enfield. ' "Wednesday, Feb. 23, IlolSlEjeUDirt Thursday, Feb. 24, p. m., Toisnot, Friday, Feb. 83, Wilson. -Sunday, Feb. 27, Clinton. ! ;' Sunday,' March 3, "GolJsbbro. V, " ' .. Collection ia each congregation for diocesan missions. - ' ' ' ," OriiuoN or a Bai.timoreaw. I have uted Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for some time m my lamily, and found it th best remedy for Cold. Coughs, Ac., I ever tried. Louis Bruning, 26 Caro line street. , . '-if 'iC, .!. ,V; 1 . . The Elmwood collar ia made so that lb, corner, cannot turn up It hold I. shsp under ail circumstance i - i ' i 1 The result of the French senatorial election is still In doubt. Tbe prime minister ha the return but will not let the paper publish them, and it is sop-, posed by thi that U is not favorable to the government. If II. I I V II 'An engineering feat of stupendon proportions I under couUleratin, being no less than the drainage of the Zuyder Zee, making that InUud ulf. in extent two hundred and old' miles by about sixty, once Indeed what; says the Lon don Iron, it will probably agnia be. fruitfbl plain doited alih aroillinsr vil loses. The Haarlem Lake, the bed ol which wa overwhelmed by an eruption or tne sea in tne sixteenth, century. wa drained not many year ago by a com pany of English engineers. The Zuyder Zee nates nora about the time worn Earl Godwin' lands became a ireach- erous sandbank sn epoch remarkable for extensive inroad of the sea along tnrwnoie southeru coast or tbe uerman ocean. The addition which the drain age of the Zuyder Zee would make to Holland Would be nearly equal to 'X per cent of the whole present area of mat country. t , . . . , . ' M. WaUon.- Minister of Pubiioln struction in France, ha ordered the res toration of the Cathedral at Bheims. at eost oifuu,uuu. ' SPECIAL JiOTIfJE, Te all who are suffering from the errors aad mdJseretfoosef youth, aervoas wsskesss, ssrly deesy, loss of msiiheod, I wois4 a recipe tkat wfil ears yoa. FRI8 Of ITIillG t JbU great rsaisdy wss diMovsref by a tolssloosry ro Bsuth America. Senut self-sddresssd envelops to the Sev. Josira T. tsasa, btmthm D, BOM Uoum, Xtm Turk aov ldeodw6si - " '? , 94 tl- TO COMBUMPTmS. " The advertiser,' sa old pbystcisa, rettis from setlve pnsotiee, asvlDg aad placed la hit baad by sa st I Bills Hlsiioasry the fur- Ibuls of s slmpls VegeUMs Keasedy, for the peedy and permsaset Carsof ConwmpUi Brobcblttr; Caturb, Astbms, sod all Tbros and Lung AffecUons, slto a Positive and Bsdfcal Cam for Nervous Debility and all Xerruu Oom UtnU, sflar aaviBg tboeoaghlj tested Its wosderfui earativ puwers tkoosand of caws, feels It bis duty to msks tt knows to his sufferuig fellows.? Aetusted b) this motive, snd S fconsclentloas delre to relieve human suffering, he will seed (."res of rbs ge), to all who deslrs It, this red e, wKb full directions for prrpartuf snd Skceesafull uitng.: Bent by return mall by sddreeshig Da. W CBTEVENS, Munroe Block, Syracuis, N. T. Bov JS-wly , . ' -..sejWWBesjaw ss 1 j 1 Dr. "William Xittl 1 " " ... , - v, uHnuinnn and Newbern arenas. rfsn 14-W. . . . " J T . W AT T S '7 Auctioneer r COMMISSION 7 MIECHAHT, BLEICU, N. C Tmmnt sttentioii wm be Uvea t5 .TT Hrr ehandiie or Produce enl 10 Bit fur ssie. PsrticaUr attention will be , given 10 lbs la. treduction aad ssie of Machinery sad Farm InirateB.Uii al'ed to this sectioB. , Hre snd males sold every Sstardsy st 10 .. i , pirTlBt rEITI f BONT. , f' , Tb subscriber hereby gives bo tics to bit old friends sad eustosssrs tbst tbe - tX7filtA Prnnt eontinnes to offer Bs osasl sttrsetions, msk- in uis BKwt popuisf rwort ss to cay 01 fUlelgh. Tke OTSTKR BEASOIf Is Jn opened. Ontera will ha m mil In .11 rfiU anil mt sll boars. All otbar delicacies of ths seasoa will be fomUbed. . Th. hM at I rriT'nnii .. vivm .. Laosb Bebk. Call st the Wafts Promt. " t natit 1-tl - . . W. R. WEPPBB. M OUNTAIJt BTl 60 Batbels pr.me HoanUin Rt for eeed. Ieptl8-tf JattOWLES. HI, QNLT POLTTECHNIC ' DOME SCHOOL. ' ., 6T. CLEMENTS HALX, - EUlcott'citv, near Baltimore, ltd. WsU sstabli&bed ; tborouKb; superior teacb- rs. ' " 1 Oenerous tai'le; tavunrstui: ennwte; no SicklMM, ura da .tee rank bhrtit racetves otuv arst- elaas boys, f 1 . four Courses Clssslesl, Liberal, Bcles lifle, Commercial. BfMl atamp for Decennial Catalnrue. las asr. j. ATBai easiaaarn u. Head ilaater, Chabuu A Ds M. SnucBa, Pa. D., .., r Aaaoe. Master. Ag4weowly , ' ,,. . , . a BAUD OPENING I Having renoted the ipaeinna and elegant BILLIARD BALLON of i. P. frarie. at 311 Fai etterlile sfriefj I iak thl occasion o In fii-'m my friend and the fuli(c generally, that I ahull open the wm on Mutida , Janu ary tine IHtl. An exeellen rifteen Bail Pool Tl!e is attached slto. Uivr me s call. Jan lS-l r. TUX FkoLS. -JJtOtt, bALE OR EXCHANGE. IM ACRES OF VALUBI.E MINERAL LAND for aale,nrwlll exebange for CITY PROPERTT. The land Is rich hi tb bet Iron ore, about TO acres In orliflntl rrowlh, within to mile of tbe Chatham railroad. For farther tofermatlon appli te t ' ' 4, . Uollemaa Bui:dlnr. RalelRh, M.C, . aa-gtf. XUE E aLEIG II d N Tl N K L Ad vertlswaeou wffl be msertsd is ths iMiiy biaTi.ai.at tbe folloeinc rates persqaarssf oae acta, or tea mtaloa lines. " i On square one time . ' $L0 " each aubaeqnent InssrUoa ' -lent than e weak i........ 1 M 1 square, 1 weK 1 month .... .. . w M Booths........ tlOO 4 ..WOO :-( .; u oo " " ............ v..... CO jy m -; sano . t ... MM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 51 OMK FERTILI2EK. ' Bend to G. B Alford, at Apex, for a elrca 1 v. tarn ton doilara be ell I es4 7a Ike ebem eala by which )uB make a tea vi good en llixer lo rotl-io, eora, tobacco or any tbar crop. Taia ia tbs ebeapest and beat frr lllii-r yet Send to the farwri Mr. Al ford's Miliihuors bar tried to with marked uccaa, ,, . . ,r . ... ,-. - i,- s Tbs foliowlns: gentlemea as testlllej to as good qsaiiua i - A. It. t kmeata. PHer Kaurbt. Raffle aa tl burr. Akey Vrerm.B krv. t. T. Mocvra. OMfb rttadmaa, BrV A. D. black wuod, Ka. Johnston uilve. Alvia OUra. u. U. at. ford, Albert Nrris, T. A. CooncU, Airta aisuM, Kobart wuiisms. - ' -i K T. Gbst, , , B. Braar. f- 4 A f emr j-at-Law r BALEIQH, N. C:; '-'-1 Practlea In lbs B sis sad Eederal ConHr Refr. weusiaiv. to tb beslBvss aiea of iUlrl.h, Tirtmtu, fairia aad KiiMtaa , ; , . I olie"n prompt J ItteuOtj to, Jaa 8dw8t ' - - i , -r: HUM AS BTAKLT, " ' "; vi ,- i'.:V'..- . e-;,':9 9.- v '' ll-'r- KIWBEB3T, K. C, ' Dealer la all kinds of O R A I KT . - ; CORN A BPEC1ALTT. 4 ; Newberm, Jaa, 14 lab ; ;..(..': fllNQWOOD WINE COM PANT. '.i 1 keep constantly oo band BCUFPESNOMO WINE,-Imperlal brand. WHITE ASD BED CONCOg WLN'E. ! PUBS BCUPPEBX0N0 BRANDT, very superior for medicinal purposes, qosl la fat flavor to the best French. BCLPPERNONO VINEGAR s new srtlcle,- very Inc. : '''' -s- - These artlclet ars manufactured by the un dersigned from Grapes groan oa their ewe vineyard, aad ars ws ranted tree from say Injurious sdulterBtion whatever. T ' Addreas, C. W. GABRETT Jk CO., " Kinrwood,"' dM29-44m. BsUfaxconty K. C. . ' E W STjKE ! NEW GOODS I ! At ItS. J. T. WA TTS, MARTIN STREET,. Okb Dooa FaoK , Baptist Gbovb, ' - . RALEIGH, N. C. . , Mrs. Ws'te is a nactical Milliner a-d Wo ker In Btrsw Uonis. Alters, remodels. snd prewea Bww snd Felt itata, Bonnets. ' Viakna ana n models, every cacripUun of ' Lades' Men's or CbildreM's llats. Givs her a call and ram ma ret tba lateat style Paris or Nsw lurk. . ; , jan tvon . ; That sew and beautiful rattara Heaas ea : HaliUi St. cooiainiua six flnc roomit. pas try, ekiSHs, and batb ruoui, and al neeeaMry out ', buusea, wtb a govd well wa r, With a No 1 force pump. Tee bouaa u uew aud one of tbe beat built ib tbe e ty, and Ini.bed la tha bt and moat modern atyle. For further particular call en or addreas aa. vAJUtkH, st imir etors. ' aal9-4w. MakTL.tAK.kR. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YUUli bCUOOL BOOKS ABB Branson's , . Is the Dlae von ca bov sa ebese as at ui ' other store in the city call and see ms be- fore purchasing eleewbere. r i - ifc HKAABUXI, BOOKSeller, sept T-tf ;yil i - Balelgb, M. & M EKCHANT TAILORING DOME :.,-r ATTB V:A . , SHORTEST NOTIC Ji CHARLES M. FARRIS, . , ' WITS -' 7" . r B . 'P; - H O ff E It L Practical DelliiSstor snd Ca ter, Pralria Building, WUmingtoa, Street, RALEIGH, N.C. i t FIT, 8TTLE aad " ORKMAN8HIP can't be sorpaaaea. .- Warranted to plesss tbe most faatidloos, CUTTING done st all times for those with- i - . : Ing It. Just received second stock of Cloths, ,J Csulmeres, ' -.- , Jeans. ' ' "' . Notices, together with a fan line of DRT GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ae., etc. ' " Nca. t9 sad 40 WUmlnfrtoB street, . "Pr.irie BuDdlnr" ao lft-ti - Ralei.h,K& .TIXD READING," PSTCHOMANcT" ,IV1 Faaetnatloe Bonl Cbarmlnir, Meeiaer, t lro, snd MarriaestinldcTSBoetn bow either f-x wiay faacloate snd gala ths lvs and stfecttoa of any pereon they ehoo blatantly, . paeee. Bv ms 1 60 eta. Hunt Co., y. -. Jth Bt., PhllB, Ps. -a r -