-? TOE tULEIGII SENTINEL' rv bi.i"iii . ' DAILT, WESKtl A.Nil SEUs-WFEKLT STATE PRINTING Sc. BINDING 1Ll1 ESTABLISHMENT, - ; m o aiaarTFTiow. "'' Dslly AeotlBet I yr m advance.. ...,... M 'fZsuWeekiy . " ; Weklv Kemtiiel !.'..... SO Tns batir Sewn -ST. will be 4Uverd id . a v r f tb Cit y t ri rtjrtawjU L E A & P E R tt f ST "8 V' j Ufciiily OKUIKK j ft (ikoRCiyrntsniua j s:vcjtf , THEtOITY.'iH judge. 1LW Watts is in th city.,,,,! j rm w bu ui oecomt cm uognu.su scaoo. r.i rf , f . ( .Tbni mora msjTiagta;se.jreporUJ Road overseer should be looked Alter J' Tie Jw, 6 'coynty commltfouer 'meetm ow elty next Hoauy,i..v-!'i A .r.1. Wokwrjirifi ft Co.. dealer W z, grain. Com peclalty. ' ';lCjwberBj lCP'i;r3,'rci;eulMr9, is In, 4V. .ft In i(An4onMiinnn tri ftiinramW ."! '"" "'"! 1 " ' ! The regular n&IyTtoerttBj of tJld board of Aldermen Uke frtjfc Tridaj .."vening. ' '7:Vi!r'7j I . Cotton market qutefe 'Middling 2lj ;good oruTnAryjllJ cIeArtlB 10 J deep (Ataln S J J J.1. ,i ;i ws XT Thia cltf needVl chain-canx hr JEha ieneflt thi croa!? eww it tj oj lice cerw - ' V - T1m abDca of Col. Dooan, editor of ' Uii paper, explain the difflIencte of 'Ilhe Met eeki' ;''" ';,-,VHi:iJ. fn Orv)in' !a Voon trt be ttn dered in this ettjr tjf a Brat-ciaa -SSw Manteo lodge, No; 8, will tneetUite . ereains at T a'clock. 'Visiting brethren , mm invited to attend.'.' .,',t."'il' ''4 i0 1 There ia to be a ho at lire' BkUr'f dancing hall over Alloott e atore, Fay etteyille etwC Thursday eteuing. J, 1 Woodft. pine At f. 60; eeaeqne4 oai at "$400; field piue at g3 00. Call no J. 'Tnitker Bear Cituem Bank r for enpr ' ItllllBj 'ir--' !. imttvt : ' , .. ., ... . .-j, , -i, The editor of (he Friend, of Tem petimce b dlatrewed hecauie he don't Atreet is redolent with - thefrAgrantitf of coramcrclal fertllixert. ' borne people eem to like .lksc-'i---- I i We are glad to lee that the bridge prt - i'the :E611eoiABV' i?aAort'dita eootheajt Of tbia city, ha been repair , I:Ad.s It aadly Bteded. i.V. : vi j nuaibertof .'worVraea n beea diKharjted from ftfftffntfii.jt!jii.di iug, and. other put pa in their Head. PollUq.'Rai1Mil!!1lle,C JJOtmechan. ? ; .TA' eountrymao laU.yekterday aftert - noon : lost - a .' pocket-book. conUlnlnit 8W,, pa jffargetr Atreet, but ra fvr toBcte enough to tai it just when it had 1 been dropped. : - -i. ; Ei H. Poena i Co. iH haVe their 'first grand apecuj sale of Leaf Tobaooo ; at Webb' Warehouse" Billaboro, oa the 8th and 9thf ;PebVuaryi They elaini that Billaboro is at present the beat marf koiforaDirradca " d9t. j "7iX It Wkifl,i repreacnlitoi Blgetow 4 Co., nrous maButortiirer,! Newark, N.' T,i 1 ik the,city. ; MrV H. tepreseot aa ohl and reliable house, and those who wish arlioh in hi luie,.irUlido well to - consult niio. v '- ,u - 5' ' Wt Again.' eaflWe, ,ne6tlbit Of tli Memorial Society to tl'ie condition of thf 'leaa-bodVto the'oldicr' gram la - the Confederate eemetsry.; Many of a m. 1 t. Mnff mA Javk ftncl An fllAftt nf ' them the Inscription' Are becoming so taint a to he carcely Wfilble.'-... . ! .'t)UDllftV ' eftrehe miij'e of the iesaion.'Hej is hm br h'1 totli$t ."wihr. 7wio A ktleleut3eaiaia 'WW 7 horough V chip of th old block.' . - j J! Our etreet lamp' are' Uiag fixed to u.m wlthailraroar'Wiaa getf beyond fle mean it tie dty treasury. we kurpoao tlie adrlce bf the Raleigh Go Light Company will be lollowed.and Ilghtwood.knoU will dmpel the oo- turoaL slackness 4f the rtyt In tb' ' city the wealth of the average Inhabitant ' a eUraated by illunjinatioo-f-the neb ni; those la medium circum- . stance oil, while ' the orhave their choice btween Uilp Mttdle; 'Tightwood-knoU and outer darkneg , J rBOTWCTro Mj-KTisa-Laet night rproteAoted meeting commenced at the ajitibury 8troet Baptist tb Jch. Bar. Dr. Thomas, of Njrfolk. Vs., preached. The mooting will continued tbroug tie week. Dr. Tbon.s Wt for home this morning, being summoned there by A telegram requesting Lim U offirat at ft fnneral of one of ho "u member of hi jngre(.at on. in wui, however, return in a fe oya. , 1 TuA-Aetran. teacher, J, M. LoTejoy, lotcned. hi hol with ori70 procpect of reaching juy it 1H. iVye't -M-'' I I'll 1 . i , ) .,'.,ii..',I I t' f ! j . , i, . '-..- '5 li'i f 1 i . . . , - 1 " . j ' i "' 1 1 , t men Patkb. Mr, L. jDiibney, of Norwatod fotoffioe, SUnly county; sendA g3 (or tho entiafL 'pot ilsfo mei-j tio& VlTether he wanU A dafly' semil weekiy r weekly. We start hiii ihA scml-weekly tu tit further :ieard from, ."l', V "'' '."ll"'4l J t'' FBfrrtt-ThiA 'iDdivklnsT 'air4 bimseli bwst'. ;'eVwg at ", looker; hall iit the role of s rpnatigisMr aad a laTkb girer away el sundry "elegant, fUlAi umtal tn tltia cirywlth moch clap-trJi Mttoernat th bousi was crowded wito people' f who fsuicy .beiog bumbugse4 when 'it' is iiieaply 4one4hfj. 'dou't mhaj; taTMiih)g;25 ceftt la ,11 occRlon dlyj ' The olily square thiftg ttbout tie concern' as in the andounoemcst if t'je perfonnr that h wes tha fjMaoe t,i tundra. Cis gifi ew" frauduleot few-and-frbet weens, aiod ;th ftw tk ulitiou of kgerdemtnnoam bio ogae long before th flood. s-. y Y' ', f -t 1 .jtfjcttJW.-Seeing an old man, with lean, tnmbliBgt Umba, going into, the court. houVw aeked hi age end' township Bo said he was TOT- 'Did you ' see Lav. fayefta when 4 fit m f?M' Vjat j I casM'to town to see him." - We promf ised to call at the court-house and inter iewth old gentleman; Irat when, wej did he haj gone, and we are without LiA bam. . While writing this, Mr Goorgj Norwood cam in to renew his subscrip tion to th Sentinel, and he told all M knew about old people, in Wake. Ed ward CLaiml is 88 and a constant reader of the Sentinel j John JB.Moore Is 90 Mrs, Fowlec, on CrabtrM,- iJ 9? J olia Hanter, colored, 1 HO ; an old oolerad woman, at Roloerillo, is lit, ' Ml'. ori wood saya ' Tptae, "Sot wood4 enlaced man of . hist aoqusintanee, had it c&il dren'and four waa, L.C f.:f, ! ..;"' 'I '." ,:,' r 1 l"'" ' iU.- -f.t 3 I . rirr rkm b - Court. The court met this morning1 at ' lli 'oltex, all th j tice pre sunt. , Tha following eaScl Wr disposed of: k ,t. V A " -VndiTer Teaue n, W. 8. e toe Tsogue, ' executor, 1 froiu Alexail4er Argued by M. L McCorkle for siute ABdL R, F. Aruiae1dAud Johnt6i Jones for defendants. V": j E; 0. EllloW il fe. J.Bbardanet. aL, from CaUwba, Argued by R. F, Aralleld,,!Jo!in.na" Jooeif anJ W H Uld well for plaintiff and M. L McCoft kla for defendants. ' I Statet Ian)e'rXe0nlcei f dell, (2 case, 'numbers 21 and til.) The fh,t ff waU6d gf, Attorney GeneraTUargrove for tate and Scott CldeUfor,defeQdantir. In the second case the appeal was dismissed on motion of Atloiiiey-(aernl Hargrove, ", I " WilllArn ClArTXUWagft'e at al., from Iredell. 'Argued by M. L McCorkle Jehnstone Jones and R. FV Armfleld Tor plaintiff And Scott Cald U Sp46J . -J, I l ! , Court adjourned until to-morrow at 10 A'clocluwt.. fu! j , .... mm ' ' ' . ' ;-- i Marriaoks ' fob Jasdaby. The appended list 1 B correct statement of the matrimonial market in this Count; ' during the month of January i '-. " 3 no N Allen and Candsce- II Olre, i Willing Browh and BetUe Wajkb, U B Barker and C H Atkin. i -JAtdrijeh Bakeir and Matilda Chop- ton. - '., VL' L Edwards and Isabella Roger, j B I Franklin and Emeliue Go!dinan'r Jasper Faison and Amanda Falson. Henry Gay and Martha PearcT ! .WAJoaeaand ' AnnGower. j Bufu Mooneyham and Lizzie IIobbH, i Jobs L Marcam and Soaaa O'Neal. ' 'Junius P Moore and E 0 Boddia?; ; Lynn Bhodes and Sarah Amtin. 1 F J Baari and F J toung.' Mv i Jno A Simpson and Narois J Du- ."f-j l .ra, pree. .. , ,t A, 4 E B Btamps and ButtieY Wiliiam. Burton Wilder and Louisa Crocker. , ;,T H Wiggins and LJ Waid'." William Parrish aa.l Martha J MeOeev f-r t ipojyBaix ' Char lea Alston and Lottie TjmpsteadL Anthony Allen and Rachael Moor. - Richard Brown and Penny Beid. ' Allen Ooode and Matilda Cotton. Joe Hiii ton and Martha Prioe. ' 14- Addison Horton and Lucinila Smith. W Own Howard and Cherry Rowland Richard Jones and Esther Fort. Fab. Johnson and Corinna Jones, - ureen joruan ana jciuwueui orowa. Zach. Munay and LMie Banks,' - - ' Richard Jordan' and Fidelia Page, j "EJ. Scarboro and Hawkins Jones, j June Smith and GeorgianA WiLkri I lifn, Thompson and Cora Rag era." ! ""Louis Trice and DU"Xrwo olTj"! , Win. Whitakee and Mary Feltotu Peyton Washington and Harriet Hia ton.. ;-'.-- I k'tt. rardue and Anna; Hawklnt. 3 , Madiaon Pewce and KetU Todd. MEETINQ OF THE, STAT K. DEMO , CHATlC-CONiEBVATiyfi EXECj TJTIVE OJMMI rTEE '! V ' 'H ' '"' ' ' " '-' ! Eooiw or raa Dsi. Cox.' Ex. Tost. ) I, Bauioh, N. C, Jan. 29,. 1873. J At a meeting of the Central Executive CvmtnitU of the 'Deinocratic-Couserj VsUye party His dy Md. ' ".' aoi red that S meeting U the 8Ute E ntiveCommiUee- be ealled ii ssemWf la tii city of Raleigh on Wedtjesdsy.ths 13th day of M4reh, W&, The object of the aieetingUU decide upon the time And place of holding the Stat Conven lion, of tt Demoiyario-CanserTatiT party and to eonaider such other matters bof ore tha, Committee. "'-i 1 Each sSember of -ihe Committee ip eaneafl reo,aUd 'to W present ' ' ' ;',' ' ;,Vt, KTB.COX.C.'st.i J. J. Lrcbtobd, Ssc'ty l ' '4 ''' ' THE UETUODXSr CENTENNIAL. - ' -.''y' , - ! . it Thef commlttoe Appointed at ' th re cent coitleriftce at WdinlngtOii ti lu an addra j w'jthi;M4th(JitA ,of ,.lh stat ia regard to ; tbe rwoIal coler tiratioa id .' thl( dtyMai-ch 1, 1876, con-lUng aTli O; Burton, Wm Clees.aod N U. P. Wilson, har ful QUed thai duty, and publish their rd dres lu the cjhritIanJAfvoca(e., ' W should lik to p'lih it in, full, butfiud it lo lengthy to give mora than "an ei' tract:' J ' " ' A' - i ' ' .!'"'( 'it ,Wa can but belief that th number, and trieiid o( the sletoodist;fauuly, umubvrlug about A0.U0U w the state as fmbracau k the Nrtu Carolina,. -Vtr. giuia and , llolstoo coutoreaoes,. nr raiy to cvmiueuioruta this great CTtmt uf olivine rovHbmoe by off r ug praise aud UiauksgiriMg to God, Ui,04-t i4U4 vhrtt oar L rd, lor tbe cvuutlt-ss ble's lay, tlowng fr.Hu Hits form uf religion, a uxprhaud tn the dovtnnvs and uoaget of JttrtiiiidUiu. The memory add olioutMMt of great eeenta- w indi vid eai,ocmi,nHH.nrfl and religious hiatary hae happHy aud deeply affected; men lu all ages - Wljua , we staud at the maUnoWuut hC lhn great and good who have pAsced awayj and left u- a legacy of wealth of cliarswter and Influence, how aadly, aud yet bow foody, ious memory Wave I over the past and gather th '(fewer that regale and the "Iruita which fcaxt tlieiKifl, a their bright deed dune on their, path way fioia uianhood to the totubl . , " t . " On the 21st of March next, at Raleigh, we prooos to bold a mass meeUng be gibutugoU' thai, the ecu tenuis! day aud, with adoring gratitude to Ood, re count his goodueas to us as a people. We invite and urge you to attend, or send from the. tliuVraut ohargee, some represMntatirea. We urge yoa to honor the occasion. Show that the spirit of consecration still lives and that the spirit of self-denial abides with you in pristine vigor, Unite with your bish ops and nuuister and laity aud apeak of what Uod hits wrought. ' We urge fai ther on you tha celebration of this event everywhere in . the state under the guuUnoe of your pastors, and that yoa lay as a tnauk ollering on the altar of tuankagiving the amount asked by con feronoa. . n ' - ; Ftually, allow', u lo axhort yon to coiiatderhow ardently ooT great foun der John i Wesley, loyed learning, aud bow much yoit are indebted to it for the influence God Bas given you. We nope the review yoa will take of the paat oan tury will greatly snimst your hopes. eularge your, stearsa,. auo deepei Aumiiity, enliven your seal And it . aud deei your efficiency. ' AUy the God, of raoe bless von, , and ' 'make you a .thousand times ao many as you be." . 't Scnuura Owai-T .A following opiin ions wer filed by toe justice on yeaier day:- " ' .i . i 1 '. A -Br Pxabsox, O, J. , Horner c Graves vs. Joseph . H. Ba ker, from Edgecombe, i Error. Venire d4ubTO.;VT,.,r"l Vrn.V I' .u '' f 1 Thoilui Gray et - al. 7 ta. James A.: Gaither, executor, from, Davie, Error. Bt Rkadi. J. " ' ' i V M.Udan:u-;a;'md"juv' Reves, froin Davidwn.' ' RemASded and nsw trialordored- Each,' party pay his kW Mtlit'tKIa nn ! J ; il , ! ii t . William Davis vs. Commissioners of Stoke oanty.' Petition ! , to ' reheaiv Decision heretofore f eadoftid " la 7 a Brnmu; : ' - ',? V-V 1 Br Bowcin, J. , ' . - ! "RUeigh Augustn Air-Line Railroad. Company vs. J. J. Wicker et si, from Moure. -Error. Venire de novo. State vs.. Bid. Ritketts, from Rich mond. Judgment afllrmed. 1 CJTBETTtA, i. '. t ' John R. Mercer va. James Wiggin. adinin.strator, from Edgecombe. Judg uiont uffirmed. . - , . , Wm. J. Exum vs. Danid CoglclJ et aL, frum Wayne. Judgment aftiruied. 7 . ... ! ' , . "PriirrrAr.Li th Hixob or Brsi kiawa.", Iu - familiea where Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is kept there ia nev, a ease ef Sbnenoe from schools or busim ss on account of ' Coughs,' Colls or Sore Throat , - ;' ' . ;i' " :t I - Sunday of hut wees a Burger woman. living near Bath, Beaufort xounty, left iter in tan t at borne, and when she came lisM-k found that Its ahes had mingled , aim those or tne noue, rT-'r " TAR DBOPS.1' 4 ' 4 t s-' t I Revenue aent are raiding in Burk , Pea.it tree ar blooming about Lexi btgtAO--j ,...)-'; r j ii-: 4. i- fai i j Ware & Froncbcrger of btelby, haV4 failed.' r fvr"- .' - j As!ieVCle laVry' proud of her'ner foundry. TT losbero is sooa to hav a firstf claaa hotel, U.T,'' ; iVii Wilmiogtou bitiU troubled with pool try thieve,. : .- iu-h-j j ' Inoir, ; Caldwell county; Is wi hav A tobacco nvotory ;;o!fif.ti,- t Tti.cn are budding a&4 ' blossomiBg aoout umingtoa. ' . - i The pe w Buncombe county oourt-housA is nearly .oompfoWd, ; ij- J-Ti V J The question ef sbeep raising is being discussed in the west b A big revival 1 going on In th Metb odiat church at Tarboro. : ;Mu- j : .' Work on tiie Western Insane Asylum KJhubM vltforowly pushed .Dr.Tho G. Ilugbe ha been re Steeled major of Reidsvill.- rrj-;. , j The new'wbrthouio'of Xew nanover county Is nearly completed; 1 ' f ' j ''Sum farmer in t Caldwell county driv a brisk trad in muskrat skin..y j . A "stranger in the city" was 'robbed1 in Wilmington, Wednesday, of $30v r.A soldiers stonn merit is to be placed in, in federal cemetery at. Salisbury...' ' John M. SberwoodMot Martin County, lort his heuss by tire Sunday of last week.' - - ' - ' ' Last Friday Thomas Collins, of Hen demon, accidentally. put a pUtot bullet turougn'hia luuuL(.kM ' il ' -i-U H. Stragen, of MorgantoB, . is build ing sv- Urge hotel Jtslonew Store, Buucomb county. -i'M-;. -i.w s A wbit woman and child were picked np on the atreet to'. Wilmington, Thurs day, in A starving condition. ,y . ?,. .; "Joe Rkhards, John-Washington and bant Uoborne, atl niggers were arresusd al Wasuiugiou for robbing th mail. '- ' The houae of Daniel Melvtn, Blade A county, was burned Tuesday muruing. l'bw origin of th fire was accidental. : : Mrs. Kirby, a widow lady of 1 aid well county: recently lost eight children by uiptl'eria in such quick succession that four were buried together. '- ' ! KEWS AND NOTES. - j Judson Brothers. New Haven pork packers, nave failed for 300,000. . , j r Count Audrassy 'a note ha been ceuidiuuicaieU u sua cubume forte. ' ifce rrench republicaB Journal at all coiiflueut of a majority in the sen ate.; ;- v..;;" 'J"V- 1 ' The treasurer of the St Lawrence Couipauy. at ' WAtertowB, N. baa deusuiteu for ,ww. ; ' The xtoaioa Daily News has suspend ded. it is said that $2tW,0p0 were sunk ui. trying to estabusu . Another Turkish defeat by th insur- genu is reportea aa bavs taken place Duwlay at Uradaia. ( 7 ) j The suBoedsiou of die Seamiest CloUr- uig 4iauutctuilug Coujpiuiy has thrown; out ui employ meuu v S ' ! j Artuur.P. DtyUn,. th anti-Catholic lecturer was unven ott Ui ptattunu at BMtoefotd, Mn by a uwib t t : i: f The Japanese commission to the oetv- teuuial, consist uig of g gentlemen, ar nvea lueeUay at ban Fmuouoo. : j As toon as Spain finishes bp tha Car- list war she "is going . to work upou Cuba with a vimv '. Due ; mo pes - to euu th Carlist war within a month. i n illiaiA rfmith. A Well-known London lawyer,' has beu arrested for'SteaUug WoO,uuO trom euenw. Oh for English justice ui Aorth CWolina. " ; j The Chines art reported aa aeenucR moxa poaoel ally dispasea towards tor ingnera. 1'ue govariiment has UeciUeu to parUcipat in tn oentwuiiai. 'the Catholic Nan'cio"'at Madrid has been instructed ' to' withdraw if the Cortes approves 'the clause in the eon stituttou relative to the liberty of wor ship, ' 'f r-' .i f " ' j ..itcKee'a.,coqricCion bas increased the eppreueusiobfl ot BabcoVk1 Irienda, aud the retual of a new trials at In dianapolis caused' dismay in Avery's circle.,' " v ".'"." t---- ,v 1 MEW TORS MARKET ' V 1 '"'" ittctr york iuvtamu' i ; . Kk ' YohiC,' Feb, , .Cotton dull ; sales of 291 hales J uplands 13 i Ull; I 14 11.' ? , April IS ll&2(iiiiii May 13 0-l6a ... .a .. 13 ; June vial 13-16; July 13 41-311-, .j "-.'.".. 1.;-:. :( Flour quiet and unchanged. . Wheat steady. Corn quiet And steady. Pork' qultt muss tHnzi.a, Lt1 quiet steam It 14 lv Coffee dull and heavy. Sug.u- uuebauged at 8J ; fair to good reliulng b. Ei!iits Turpentine heavrat 3Cla37. Rosin unchanged at l,GOs67i for strain ed, r reignu stemiy. ; a , s Stocks active and unsettled Money 5 per cetiC Gold LiL Exchange, loug. G; short 4.691. GovernmenU dull and strong. , bute bonds quiet and steady. .. , ...... ,'.,, . . ' ...v ,C0TTO MAJtKlis..t ' ... ! ' Norfolk, Feb. L Cetton very dull ; WtLMtNQTOX, Feb, 1. Cotton dull; middlings 12J. . ..' . ... ; Baltikoka, Feb 1. Cotton dull nd easier ; mLddlings 12. f : s'.i a. A" tAnn: u. -i Tn wis srW suffeiug frem tks -'amir sod tadiscwtioasof yonta,Asrves4 wsaknsss, eariy deeay, loss ef nuudxxx, wu, I wllleea4 a reeipe that wilt cure yen, if EX &. Of CHARGE. Thli peat remedy was dUcoversJ by A mlMloutr ta South' America. ' ad self-addresssd eerelopsto (hs Bev. JossrA I. iBMAii, bUtim JO, JHiiHus,' Jhtk LiNEWiAD VERTIBEM ENTS. B3 fP' ""' g "- -' aj' ' - - ;;" j T T . W ATT t,S Auctioneer 'if ASO Promo ittonUosr wuf be IrtveA te' alt ehaadlss or ProAae seat te s 'tor sale. Particular sttentkm .will bo ctvoa to tha - tmutloa and sale of Machinery wad Fana- toruteasus siiMtouissocuoa. -Bones sod mules sold every Saturday at 10 o'ek.- . '-r.--. .".L" Tt . 1,000 buhei he7 hite Seed Oats for sal at' ' i i F;C. CHBI8TnHllS AOO.'Svi . W llmlngtoa stivet, nesr Cy Scales. The Star. Anncmtci ii i f I8OL0BLE PHOSPHATE .'fty ' s,. i ! -I ',' i'i'i .,; ' ;.- J ... . . . v. i k.M'wrinea L ! I i ill wn n" j "" - . uuftMiiMlA. ictasl sbservsiiOB, uu mej 17 Vw" ' .. . 1 , .--.' "hlr Drier are mutb lower than ctners, no so " - fair trial wtth anything sold lath South. , ...iwi tu.fi nor Fsosphates R. lVET.Wsks County. ' , wl H. WHITAKEH, Waks.Coeaty U, XL BORTON,'; ' ."(''i(,,:: CT i. v. ui... '.' : f ;.-.;t - ,-: r-.i COL. E. STEWART, Harnett County. ., JAMF4 jLJOBSSON,';':!,' D. kfe. McRAT - " - " ft .'t.u tt sit . ,1(3 j 3 ,1.1 .lu 1 1 1 ,1,1 M.j t ii .' '"i'iie .n-t f''1 'Tj f"--yt fiJl .'! j : m i ' r I J Ci '4.,.:.'!.,li- -'hl iiiAU Q.! ' l .'J.'irril.:'! I,'''"!f 'r"'"v ' ' tiSES&m'1- ''iv"'- aiW.p( 11 ,i sUTTi iit...l j ,s M, CD . j fj'cf. ij i'li'. CO LuM ' 1 id ili .iCs" ! 1 1 ir. it' .'j'j.V .( ; if .i. 1 i-i U.' IJ; ' -w l'4'l:ljQ ':.ivCD 1 .,"1 . ij CO "-'1 - . - '.' : r IJ II .i CT i 2 i .!... j .'' ""'.' -i' a ,;'-fjit,L2-v Ay' ' ." ?Si LJLJ .is JZTi j '.!t-vi -J . f i ai" -Kt4 CD,, ..2r,r,,vSU Tiir nrcT mnTiiiiin lllri 1)151 iLlIllLIjLl ' IvWf And msoy other whj wIU gladly give ftetoetperienc. A.. O. SANDE RS & Co;, I'-.rS' , . JaaStf THE- KALEIUU SENTINEU v' ft-.. AdvcrUsoments will klorrf-l lntl Uauv AsiTiK.t. st Uia fallowinc imcs per njuara of a aea, or Ua snlnloa Itass - One musts aoe ttma --v t1.09 - "i .soeii suboeuueot hsnAeaicu Masthsaa w a 1.... . -r. -r... n 1 aonmrtt. 1 wmJc A 1 . . aoovh.4.i.i..t.....i,-' S StoDliftS. t r " so oo .i'i .iiv.f '.r-jK ,r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS W ii t ii d i ii , i On ni.ni 0 iJ, ' l i.'nii.a i CpoBulbls tpr so pmjr o. bHstCootfaolsd iiiTBsmsey any pxrsuu, eic4 spun a wrlna artirt tnm m, tuir.wlll . 1 irecognlM aor receipt fr mo tie,; due tp ('Xiai ssjr trie,, at AO 6b Is touiortsod to rive" ie p s la asy am; jjii ju j rRAJKJfJ ,1 tS.1;8 m if w'-l '' Jtia bU.03 1 . T?'jatn'cxitttJ3'''r,fi .'. . 51,..,, ! ft',I H,fl ,U ,X.t i j:-ii-t ift t)il.r 8 AO i OP-ojPOD USE, ik 0frf r.j i,tia t-i tHhl -tntWl 1. Friday 'Eveuj(o,v FjebkuaJt 4tA ' 1 as ari aaa eniy urns m "smikA .MS-ias- , .JjyMOBOTyS BEADINQS, rult A melange of Wrr, WisDOiir iBd Ft. ' Hocssast epeu' At .Canberra: drag-stors rebmarylst. :., f ... . Wlrj- Drssseircl sad orchMtn, reserted f seats, s m ; r hm ,imi( to tSats Mmlulna A ' . SAM . .i.l lt4 ill I ,.i , i, a,'! .v.. LUNSEItl i.UJtJUUll JUU i.'.i,i.rt Orders filled lor all kind of Umb4 at the lowest lees bv . . -Jitii ,y. C.tHRI8T0PBE$lCO., - '-' ' :" J '. uintagtoa sueeC tvTwo bonnes en' Wflmir fon Itrett cOb vnteot ta SulifteaS pariiif tows. . . .- i . Jas)lAMw...,..r.,vr JOttHOATUXO, A KOTHKR CAB tOAb OF FU?a, aV flrat hand, f wis t Saisll fradU, f . C. CHtUSTUPHf R3 A Oil. '8.' r; . , i j k j.ii w Omlagksi sUeet. w OODl( WOOD I - t !.'a sou v;oras lor h- biiitide prices, st s ; rnkiHT.ipninui . to ! 1? Wdsungtea strati. 1 i' j ' ' ' "' .pACOJflBACOJtl;,,,, lnt m.t4 10,000 MDi1t WUra bsWin. tkntlcrkft. K. f -aa t ka af.aaB . I 'at II SkSkaft i iams alwirii.liaaal aV A news is tl S1 Wai fAf JUiah A F t'. C11K18TUPHERS CU '8, ' . " WumlngUMi atiaet, avar City Scale. ' 1 AFTIST FEMALE SEMINARY, al ", f ' t q v 1 .,-.' r f, f The Fall Term of this School rioted oa Jsb. l, aad the Spring Term will opeaea loesday f eh, L 18TA. ,'.,'t jsa , F. f. UOBGOOD, Prtnctpal. JIOBSES! HORSES ! 1"' 5S I'lw ' Eight gr4 Borre for ssle. ' ' all and see u. si F, CUKISTOPU KS UU.'lh . . , ; , , , S) hmiputoa street. rp U C K ! E K - H A L b . dJil.t-I 19'1' t iii lii M M 1 IU.'. va 8V!l'.JsiT,'i.5i"':l i ;i f)L).tf ';lF .I;d,i ,"i-ll a-?.-? ,)i'r rV?t (UWI-'S THE MUSICAL' PR0DIG V. ! !'!'- - vt.-w ,,;. ,';tfj ,i , ONE NIGHT OKLt, FEB Tin. 07 ' ' !1 ! i fi 'ii Doors opts st T o'clock r. at. . , , , Reserve seats, 75 cents ; Gallery. SO cents. sa ?' , , , ' ' 111 lfapetss Nitrcgenizcd 1 supEK.hiospiiATE a; ? t i ,. "... ,,,t tn kalllcr the Sbov Fertfllsers. s well s bv - , - I - it ... Mtial iuh PntBlnirtUl W . . n r. ,', " . : - .11. ."... vi Jill sniTerw f". mtii We refer te the folio wink tentleoi' of large for several rears 1. i . 4. ')t. ia at . ' a JOHN A VERA, JohBitoB County. ; " ' w. u. ba ji uitu, 1 J ( j ( DAVID AD IMS, ' ' 1 1 ji iswra Pirfi Ctfaik. Podiitv. J - F : . " ' ! .! .. i ; wr u rnnvit t 1 f R. H, WILSOJI, ii ij EtlASHAIXES,' ,1 fv" ;, Ttr"i..-..f', For Sals ky. ! .'-" J l AGENTS, u ipi TP in ft vi IV 11' .i'.i"i l : - IT ' . , V , STTMC0B7CG 1 '3" ' ' ' teas it '7"v' '! " . On " I , . , l , .,..1