THE IULEIGU HKVTfNKL rvi.inri DAILT, WIEKLT AND 6EMI-WEEKLT . Official CnaaofKortt Carolina. STATE PRINTING & BINDING Zl. ESTABLISHMENT. - r. jmvmv t- t - kdiion. - 7 titn or ewwwiwvtom. n.lW BonMnel I mw In dvn 8 00 Dll mi moninfio aaTicc..... ...... Dll mi 4 UU -.m! Weekly i 1 .. oo Wrekly 8eoilil 8 00 Th. niLT8tTI Bl. -Ill be aitTei4 ' tny rrt of tho City at f tftwi Cent week. WEEK.LT1 ADVERTISING RATE. - . .. . . . . i r . j fntci It m Cm 6.; 1 Inch, 1 00 I 8 00 1 8 00 15 00 25 00 1 s 4 S 00 8 oo! . 6 UK 15 Oo) M Wtl WJ 8 oo1 so on as oo w oo 10 W i 00, 45 00 BO (10 15 001 87 Oil HO OW 80 27 0o! f0 00 I 0 00 1TO 00 4 00 oo 10 00 I fViUUUIptl W AO WjlOl) OOjlt&OO 3U0 QU Special boUii ctirn4 i) cent p line. j LEA P E R II t 2i 8 ' 1 I lthonly GK'IJIN: WORCESTERSHIRE' SAUCE TOST OFFICE DIRECTORY. For the benefit of the public we pub - Ikk the following directory of the post ffice af this city 1 1 -!'. ,- lU Western mall donee ' ; 10:0 a, ro. " " arrive ! . 3:49 p. u. Eastern - cloae -s 41:30 p. tu. " arrive Xl:iS a. m. Chatham u cloeea - 3:30 p, m. " arrive 9:41 a. ro. R. & O. R. R. wail cleee , 9: A) a. m. " ' ". arrive 3: 15 p. in. Through northern via R. & G. - . R. B. clone ' 9:30a.m. Through northern via R. A O. ; R. li. arrive ; 3:45 p. m Through northern via Gold- . " ' boro cloee 3:30 p. m. Through northern via Gold boro arrive 11:05 a. en. OlUce boor for delivering mail from 7:30 a. m. to 6:W p. m.. j L' ;.:, ! Money orders are issued and paid from 8:15 a. ro. to 4 p. m. . Letter can be registered from F:15 a. m. to 4 p. ni. - No mails sent or received on Sundays. W. W. llOLDBM, P, . n .'. Y-;, . SSffSW J " i-r A new bop dub is to be organized. Bute Treasurer Jeukio i in the city. Look out for Josh Billing at Tucker ball Friday evening. 1 i f',',"';,' v? A couple of deer were killed In Cedar Fork township last week. The high wind last night played havoc with fence, store lgu, &c. ; ; - ' In cwequence of the cold, work wa asp; aded to-day on th goverumetit building. ; ; The Raleigh Typographical. Union meet at 7 o'clock this evening at the court bouse. J v Weather thi morning stinging cold. Ice everywhere, bnt gloriously bright sunshine and cloudless skies. , ', a Cotton market' very quiet. Mid dling 11 J good ordinary lOjall ; clean atoina 911 i j deep stain &d). . ' Jordan Stone, of the ".Akhevllle Citl aen, U in the city. The ClUreni now a handsome eight-page paper. Ht yon want a comfortable, nice fitting sailer call at C IX Heartt' and exam- ine the Centennial.' They are the best 1 . out. ' ' -. ' Woods' pine at$3.C.'; seaaoned oak at $4.00; field pine at $3 (MX Cell on J. D. Wbitaker near Citizens Bank .for np- plies. " . t"' -' ChleV of Police Lee to-day lot 5 15.50 out of bia vest pocket. A liberal re ward will be paid for the return of the Let all corn buyer ak for corn that has been fanned and cleaned i-t the City Granary expressly for thi market . " febMw. A poor man in Jhl city tell u con--" fidentially, that as a mean f illumina tion kerosene oil I cheaper than light wood knots. . i'y "' f it is retiorled to-us that the daily dis charge of fire-arm at "dead-fall just in rear of the old fair grounds, anuo the resident la that nelghboi hood. A "' nlsger ,by tbe ,oame of Aaron White, or Oak Grove township, tbjs - county,1id,hi liead split open ytr. da by a brother African witu a fence- raiL If yon want to be sure to double your crop of cotton- corn, wheat, tubaooo. 4c call on A. C. Sander A Co. for a pamphlet telling you Low to do it and then buy eome of their guano. ,f ' The Charlotte Southern Home, of Jan. JU-briefly put it thus: "Pleased to have a call from Hon. B. W. Best, of the Ben tineL Be aland at the head of the . pre of the state, being not only Best but biggeet.7 '.. , " " E. IL Poarx 4 Co. will have their first grand special sale of Leaf Tobacco at Webb' Warehouse Ilillaboro, on the 8th and 9t'h of February. They cUim that fcillflboro is at present the best miir ket for all grade. d9t. The Charlotte. Southern Home, ol Jan. 31. savst "Married hi Raleigh Baptist hurchV Wednesday morning. JE. B-Stanip aod Mis Bcttie traBama.. When 'Stamp and wc William' jio together, hfe should be comfortable and flowery." . . ,V F VOL: XXL HALEiatl". X. C ; WaDiVEDAVv Latest fbo thb Swrraosr Oas, A dispatch just received aunounae the close of the preliminary trial of George . Swepaon for Dm killiug of Adolphu Moore, in Alamance county, Upou WMUHlJforlr alia abond of $10,000, Which he gave promptly. Y wti' l77ExxOTivBmnt m Within thepaM few day G pernor Brogden baa made , these , appoiutmouU f ,0. & Ellis, notary publio .a Wilmington ; Neilt Ellington, notary public at Greens boro; Robert F. Robb, commissioner of deed for Vlb Carolina at lUtUburg, FL i'. ( i lUrtm ;.tt v,"i -; v.T . i j'; pi i niin. mi iiwawiiii m i I . . it. Rauaiora Mirnna Last evening, dsepite the indemeuey of the weather, tlie lueetuig at the Salisbury Street Baptist church wa largely attouJod and unch btereat mauifoeted. Pre'. Taylor jr.acUe to-uight, and Rar. Dr. Thomas, of Nurfolk, Va., i mpected to t tarn and occupy the pulpit to-morrow night. .-! f 1 1 i s - BiatrXD Hxx.-Waiiam Patterson, a Bight-shade republican, caun before the mayor this morning 01 a warrant sworu ont by bia fond wJe, who aocased him of beating her. It ' we proved that he bad only slapped ber for eome cause, and the mayor dUmisaod the cake, tell ing Patteraonheahoaid have given her a good spanking. ! ' ' ' ' i Rxoarr. The editor of the Seutinel acknowledge! the courtesy of an invitt tion to attend the aemi-annnal exhibition of the first and second clawes of the Carolina Military Institute, at Charlotte. The entertainment i very highly com plimeiited by, the preea of the groat opera-hoaae city, and oar own knowledge of the excellent priuoip d is naS& i ot to satinfy u that tha enoo Jiia j are do nerved. Alnenoe .from hjn and the state preveutod our attuilanoeor earlier acknowledgment of the invitation. ' " Swxpson Tbuu Thie investigation going on at Grauuin waa adjourned from Saturday to Monday at 3 o'clock. " On Monday two wtiutMsus werd exuuiined. King and Overby. King waa the w.wj ouer apokeu of by the boy witueasea,who paaaed just before the shooting. Overby proved threats made by Moure agoiunt Swepson in 1374. On Tuesday Mrs. Fonville bad just taken her ataud when our ui) or taunt left Mrs. Fouville was the lady at Sepon' when the shooting took place. '' Cupt, fMoore had many warm friend in AUmiuoe, and th fool ing ran high on his aide. , ,t! ' ' 1 EaSTKB.-Eater will fall thi year on the 16th rather ttmu oo the 9ih or April, because ater Day I rrgu'.ated n-t by a o!ar, but by a luuar cj Wie the cycle that, regulate the Uol.lea Number. Now,' by a aolar calculation a day always .begins, at midnight; but by luuar calculati n it begmt at nooo. If, therefore, the Paschal moon tills on a Saturday alter li M., it lacoauud a tailing ou unday, ,J and then Faster Day ia, uuder the' rule iu the prayer book, the Sunday f.rflowlug1. ";ThU Is wht happens hi the preeut year. The Panchal lull moon lalla .. oa.,..tiatur day. A.rd 8, at&43 P. M. It is theref.r counted as udtinjz ou Sunday, April 9. and Easter Day is the nday tollow ing 4. . "Apiil 1C It . may be added that should the fall moon I all on March 21 before 12 fiat full moon (count ed a iallmg on March i0) would nt regulate Easter Day,' but tde eue fol lowing. . Thi happeuued iu 1319. .. . ' Jcsr Necxtt. Henry Smith, of Rham katte, waa the old man w followed to the eourt-houM door yesterday ' and failed to tret bis name. We met him in th afternoon oa hU way hm afoot, or rathpt .a, crut.Aest, year ago by Bald Atkin iu a light. The great day of hi Ufa waTseeing Col. Poli welooiae Lafayette in 1822. ' He remembers when this oity wan no thi ng more tau a crosa-rodt plaon, and deer WerekiUfd where the capitol now Bamda. lie mentioned Qeu. David aud Edmund Lose) as great huntsman " iu 1 tunir day. He re mom bora wiieu tUq ol'i Oourt-house waa where George Cook' hotel now stand. Jacob SUuly, c jlored, moved the old oonrt-houas and all the houaee at that day. Ha the building of the bid state home. ; John, n J Rhode Adkiuawere among the" boss workmen on it. The ' wr of 1813 wa well remembered by the old mm. He bad two chance to be drafted. He wa on the muster roll in St. Matthews aa well as Marks district, having bred in both. He drew "no go" M4 tim CoL John Bell oommandel the regiment Hia camp was west of town about the Boylan boUM. He came to town to aee tbem o(L They marched about 3 o'clock ou the road where DariJ Hliiioa-iiow Uvea. He does not know a man now br ing who wa in the war of 18H - li' Good Txhtla TUuu.- W learn tliat a propoeiUon is Wore HU kmatt lodge of Oool Templara, to create a ainh iug fund for tha purpose of building a ball in tbi city worthy of the strength and character of the order. Thi fund is to be raised by monthly aseaameuta upon member?.' ; '1; ' t . , ' ' ' j, . Afpbat. Frank Bryant and Sunly, a ctaip'e of n'gijer, got into a dlsi ute over a p'ece' of leather tnia (norning at 'Peck' lorncr Wilmington atraet, wh cb resulted in F ank , tilling S anlyover with a rock, hi flic-ting an figty pidr6vefiie r right MiDptfl. The mavoc Invesngn'ted tlw ma'ter a'td sent Frank' on t court In a bond of 0aud fini-d Biatdy and cob U fof dUoruerly COndUcC . , . ' ,. , . ,:; I' MEETIXG OF THE STATE DEMO-CBAT1O-C0N4ERVATIVE EXEO UriVECJMMIfTEE. Koowa or thb Dbit. Co. Ex. fon. ; Raidtioa, N. O , Jan. 29, 1875. f Ai a meeting of the Exeoutive Oommittee of tu Dmourati-Caor-vstive party thi day held,' it . waa re solved that a meeting of th Stata Exec ntive CommittMi be called t.i assemble In the city of Raleigh on Wedneidiiy.tu 13th day of March, 1873. '. The objeot of the meetiug Is to dooiJo npja the time and place of holding the State Conven tion iof the Deniaoratio-Ooueervativ party and to exmaider suob other matter before the Committde. ',' '. "' ', f."1 ' . Each member of the Committee is earnestly requested to be present, ':. r.-vwrR.'m. '".J. J, LrrcBroao, Sec'ty. , ..i-. i. ScVreme Cocbt.' The ' court met thi nioriihis at 10. o'clock, all the Jus tice preM'ut. The fulloeuigawe fere dmiiOM-d ef :e . . ,v -. iJ . Jarae Cailoway eU el. vs. Ore Knob Company, from A-he. Argued by M. L.! McCVkle fr plaintiff tind Arniticld & Folk aud JoiiUittone Joue for de foudanu 'i"- -a' -:!'...".-,-s:;t !' A. Y. Austin v. It. E. Miller, fre-n Caldwell. A'gned by Artnlletd A Folk and Johnxtone'Jone f,r plaintiff and n couu -el for de:tndahC -'".J" ', U. S. Edwards v. Thomas Jarvia, from . Al ehaoy. . Argu-d by M L. cVorklefof defendant, ue counsel for pia:utir. '' t.t-' cz ' "' 'rrrr.'' L. I). Triplet, and wife vs. W." P. WUheirpoon 'et al. , from ; Caldwell, Argued by R- F. Armfield and John- slooei Jones for pluiutilf aad G. X. Folk fr defendant.'' ;,r;;.''': Court adjourned notil to morrow at It) O'clock. 'I , n ..; .. ,:3 . ., ; THE j SWEl-SOX-MOORE v . H0MI- i i,a .t, cidis. . 'i; BOMB rCRTHXg HllfOB tX KTICUI. A BB. (.) i- f 1 (i i tia f in. -. -1 Gbahait, N. C, Jan. 31, 187C. " lou Dokax :"TiiIs 'little ' vtllayre 'was thrown iuU1 irrat rxclli'mentlant week h-n Mr. (Mli-N rd up at a ghllop and called for a phiciau. eav- mt, "CapU Mht ia aliol rr. fciwrp- son shot him." Aa .Mr. eep on had ens eut -loewaengera in variu dirw tions who reported that the htinu was dona in ' aeir-deumce. and Mr. Moore' friend beheved that he had bern aliot in a cowardly niauuer from a t-oocealed polUon, the air wh soon full of rumors. The trial betore the magistrate' court, ah'oh is now tn scc- slou. aill pro naii ly clrar up matters. Tle, h"Ue of Mr. Swt pMn is only about a quarter of a mile from Haw River depot andb"tit the ame di tance frm th" ollloe of Cait.' Adolphus U Moore. Mr. wep-on' h u w in built by (Jen. Ren , Trollnger aud oi co oiel br him a a reaideuce for aeveral yi ar. . The big road paw wiihia a few ate of thi door. CapL Moore waa In the i! road a little past the frout i. ate when the fatal l ul'ei pa-aed utof Mr. hweson'aHindow friila bia Sharp inf.. The ball parsed thntuh a pUuk paling about one inch thick Deioie It tirucx iioore. , .' t THB FIRST FIB KISSED., The ball struck the plank and went through. Moore did not lire nt all ilia gi-n w.i vvrktl, I hr. but ,lit4lh way he nsnally carriea it when ouutinir, Moore'a lif-J waa iiftured for tn ihou- saud dollars. H- mule a will which wua witnessed aftr he was shot He gave hi diamond ring which oust aev erl bnndred dol Ur, to bis nieoe, lie suid be wh tnortally wounded from the first. "Oo," aaid be to the little boy Manama near him wiiea ho was shot. "and tell CvL Holt I in a dead man. He was pcrfeet'y aana all the time. He TALKED FBBXLT ' for one in bis condition. He did not nay aa unkind woM thntl hare heard of alrout any one aftr he waa shot. ; Ho had been rttmnir Borne that eveuiuu. He prayed very humbly, aud ekwl bta pliyioiiais to talk to mm about rehrioo. lloa rt-port is all bettrsa. I beard once he mle a proleasion of religion. Iben I beard that waa a mistake, kev. A. I'nrrie, of the Prel tehaa ohuroh. waa with him most oi the time : 1t. D A. Loiitt, of Ihe -CliriaUan churchr w thnrA .hirt tiitwi T litcun1 Ka... I I 7 what MJ write when the Uiid ia over. . Z. ! ' 1 v ....... r ; T? F "R R U A R T 2 TAU DROPA Rocky Mount hn a new hotel. There are .70 ttudenu at Chapel JIH. Wllniinton'cnt shjjtors fiud ample I torU ,i .e.t la ,- j. 'vtu'lli ii'Ui Wilmlngtoa i euding forlb tound par i i .-: ,!;, U '' tw:i .... , ... . Ia-apyearccli-TItJa "are aUfhs rg tn : Cbalrlvtus'.. ;j, .tt" Blind Tom kicked op a :urer$ ia (ioldaboro. '; tt : e'vi- Me-ar'sl'AW i'.EIJdick;, ofEuileld. have Jailed., i f...,,, v't-I, Gctu E. Johnilon w la Uoldsboro t Thi Good' Temii!:ir have' orsti!zed at Fhut llil acdeury, ; - r ' . Racing ' vloe:deB a e now a Wil- adugto atreetav traction. ,R ! Jacob Lota, of Catawba, fell from hia wajon the othtsr Uy aud brwke bis a m. Tlie centennial anniverarv of the itile ol Moore'a oreek oecQ'S Feb. 21. Ctiarlitte had barely $ over Booth before the performing bear cam along. .FoB'whit aad four nWor couple marrieu iai wees. u ,w nummn Dr. Thoma Powell, of Rocky Mount, lowl, recovering from bia iujurut iu being Unewa Irom hi buggy. T Joe Thorubt?r, arrested a few day Bo at thariotta ror crooaeu niy ilealmgH, ha bet-n released on a l,50 I'A coutile of nearo highwaymen re cently relieved dd M.S. lltnkle, ol l'W Ureek lo u hip, Meckiennurg coun ty, of ; iu ca.u,;..:- i . Alired W irt.iu, of Wilmluglou, lias a pot trait vt Ueueral Waahiug urn iuteu b OiO r oi llie jarqut uo u rsyvito, Snd it to tue eti UjuuiuL , . f The atore of J. !. Beigerj of Golda boro, wm robb. d a lew ttigbta eyo. ih bursar ad led iuu t to n.jury b Mr. tiorgcr tiowu- i ut A greedy Wilmington boi the oilier daj ae U' the aide "f a uiger chilu' lace. At lat account 1 bo thud was liviiig, but It wlis tin ul.tit would die. T. IV. Au tin, 'of Oermautou,' Friday uighi blew tUk. tliw k iu Ida loom in .he Purcellli ue, WumUitou, and t ie uvxi moiu.u waa loinid dead iu h. beu of aipixia.;,r i . The Charlotte ioutiiern Home ay : Frdy Jnuv, coioretl, jji1 6ti, Issues io tiie frot (1 nen i f Mortn Caiulina an iiplcai 10 top 'Vie ut.u, fl'iiiitig auU ouuivhig, and Lthave tiieuiiirUea, or .hetl wlt-lt they ha l. ' li is a tight gn.d piece, but, alas! "woiila, lua wow.',' ' ' ' V- "," '"''.' i ' As a rell iblo and cheap remedy fir the vartttu iifJVct on ol t, e thiout and huigi.'.ae luaitJy, ri-cpuimeiid ' Dr." liu.i's I oiuju -J - upV f fcinail 5, and targe. bottle 5U.eiiU. v .. ij ,.,,.;j, 'X' "giutuitqus" .advice; This specie of advice ia not always accept, ble, but doubtlesa ia many m atanoes much benefit would be derived were it promptly acted npon. - No sec tion of the country ia exempt from dia eavaud mauy region bae lta "ills that 0ah ia beir: to." - To know the . beat means of : combatting this common enemy with the least injury to our pock et and tastea, ii eertaiuly a Kreat ad vantage. At this swisoa we must expct torpid liver, congealed aplceu, .: vitiated biloand iuactive bowels, and prudent ptrr-ious should supply theiaulvt-t with iutt'a liver I'llls, ahiuh will stiumlate the hver, relieve the engorged spleen, dxlermiue a hcaltliy flow of bilo, , thus regulating the bowels and .canning all unhealthy secretioue to puaa olf iu a nat . nr.d mauuer. Remember Oiat "an ouuee of pri'Venth eis worth more than a pound of cure." jan2D-2w bPEOUL NOTICE. rv ';";' to coss0ptives. ; , Tlie advertiser, .an old pbymVlan, rettrku from active jMractkr, baviDg bad piaved hi hand by aa tast India HiwiobaiT I be tor biui ut s iipila Vrcetahle Kcmrdj, fur lb pt cdjr and (wraiaiicul Cureuf Cou umptUm. Ilmnchltu, Ca'arrh, Amlira, aud ill Throat and Xanit Affecttonn, alro a PokKItv and tuulieal Ciara for Nrrvou Ueblllty and U Nervoo tom Uluta, afier having tho-oURhly tpn'rd It udei(ul curative miwct I th"Und of dm, fei'l it hi duty I Bk tt known to M n.Tertnc; fe'low. Actuated bj thi mo'lve, mt conixli-tiliiinn rte-tm to relinvq bumau urTmlae. he will roa (free of lHawy4 tn !f- rttft dwwa-,iWMel)- ltd full dlreetio for tMTiarti' ul eoeMfelly eslnt. Hent by return mi lb nMrp-inr Ila. W C oTEVENS, - -nT Monro block, eyiweusc,N. B0V't3-Vljr ; Ai ' t ir ..I... 1 T8 rt whi w mifti rlug hum iha errer and lndlMreiloDot jouth, neiroiU'WHtkncM, rljr acy, luu o mauibnod, dc, I atll lend recipe that will cum you, FRES OF CIIABUE. Tbh f rmtt remedv ou dUeoere Of a mUaluoar; In ttMilh America. . tjiC (. Mir-di)rMwfld nYelnpe to the Kct.' Joeira T. In 5j jtariwr D, ZHftir Home, JIVw Tor NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD IS QCALlTT nd p ice t-r - - . ,irtMo a i CD. BKARTT'8. R. T. GriT. . E. fiL 8 tamp. QUAY & STAMPS, . . - ' - ' ,AtirnfjM-t Law RALEIGH, X. C. L Praclicr Ja Ijie fi'ate nd Frdenl Court . Fif -r. Kr. elr. til ibe buoi. m mo tT tTJS jn ai-d3. .'I t 1, r . tu V-a., J 1 fi 70 ' 5 ' No. 140 f , KE W A U V EKTlEM EN TS. - T . . . W iA -T! fid, b e,i U ' -0 Auctioneer -.'": - ' n , - . commission; ubucij: kt,1; Pmmpt ttrtlan will be cieaa te U Mer- ehnll or l'rdu!e tent tn m for Ml, t'snlcularstttutloq will b given to the ia tmd rctloo and ml "f Maebl'ry aad Frm log uWo-Uai ul v4 to I h t wx'tlo y; . i lli.rxa sod aiule sold trry eaiuruay at SELECT BOARHINQ AND DAT,: SGHOOE, v. !..,( 1 . IU , 1 1 . . The thlHy fourth Miwlon of th MTSSK8 NAS b A UitiS KOUAH'K 8 SeBoot aUt ojHmna Friil 4th tei"Vrv, 1(T6. Boar nd Tuition n in ed to elOS. -KHrea lam forwatd.d oa spl.e t:loa. 1 ; -! ,' deaUd&wtd $10 to 25 per lirrvaSJSS! !Miil'Uiiartirl,aTArLBMCOrrtfK,trir Aaa.M-TUXCBMisaMAjucot.iMu,aw Sen an J The Star'aAinmoiiiatoi' Mi t i ff " i v.-; ' Tf' ": '" f '-! n- CD :'; 6 1,'sw I u...;.-.t3wr ?t srct'"f- t ' rl t Mfc-ji fj"s.-? v CSBfcw Jfl'' it v " .'i.l -. J ;.; t - "'ffl ' u: '; l . - ...1 '';' ui r. rt- TJ1 i V.y-l. O , ;:i.bn4 ' "iCCV '"' 1 WW li'T t-" I -t. :t If' ( 1 I 1 f " - ' i H SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE - I A fc We tare fonnd by everal xeat ttperleoct in selllrg (be above Fe nfllun, well u by eteal oborf llon, that they have BO superior, If any equal amtng Commercial Manrra. ijpr prfa- are roueh lower than c there, pot to unlvernl j populr, and that have jrov a oneqa d In tealt, upon iworn UWmenU from fair trial with anything told la the South- ... . ". ( - ' i t n ! experience, who have ned our JPbosphate R. JVET, Wake Couoty. W. It. E1TAKE ', WKe Connty. ST. IT. HORTOM, " M. CUTLET,, , ' . , COL; K. STEWART, Harnett County. JAMES A. JOHS.SON, " j M ' And ain other who will gladty give their ; iy- . .' f '; '' ' 2 ; It 1- ! TUE iRAlEWU, 5ENTINEL.X i AdrrtjMimMrt wftl bnnr'ed lathe Uuf kiiTitL t lh folbiaint rate pertawaof ne Mk, I minion liu. 1 On (tirr on ttiiHi ; i----i-. $1,00 l.-j. - rb milM)ilea tMeltloB -' h-t tho im 50w Mjuare, 1 e.k . ..,.8 '0,, r moe'B......f...,...i....:- w - 8 ifcotiiL.... . ... 12 0Q. flT - V.v. ...-..'i ...... .Jt- 7 ai o a v .. j. ..i .t ... aa dm. I :KEW ADVERTISEMENTS ! . f N' O T IC S -vfuhtif !-. V aw:. & -ii. ! 1 btht ant!fi'thpbMetlitTwfn not be' f poa-IMe foriior t iy iu. h rs d' fat my aviit J fif prrt i, eice. 0-rfi wrlt'rn nrter fr.ra in, nor win nreognic ' reee'pt lr woi, due avi f on any o , tintoaa ii a 4iufixd to ifl.e r-c-p In , my '. ; r. PRAUIC, - 1 ktblllk ; ,;:f t :-r; i - . - . ..u' -bI wvibat - J BJlfl Vi 'yilteld ' loiji ; - -: f.i,.Tt fu a-jj.! ' 6A0 E OPl i 1 - T . i I i CifJiT ALMS AX, MAKER, i" . afco'.-.... ,,.? . . . ,i Prince of Humorists; Fkipay TZvr.hxai TtnRCkRX 4tu.. f 4" ". f .v-.-''" ; be Ont and only time 14 WaleJUb la hi tble f I .,..,., . p tiling . ..v. vi"')' ' HUMOROUS BEAbfiGS, A melange of Wit. Wisoosf irnf Ft, Boa tuert op at Cariaer' oVagtoret frbruy lt f. , pnwaclrtd and orcl etra, reaerved . - '' mi, ... .vi...75etaf Mlate-kaj to rallrry, -. i:,..JHiH"t ium i i i ...,,.,.......' . V' T UWBEBf Lt'XBXSld Orders RIM lor 'l kind of tkbibtaf tW low. plr by - : " r"il: 'i'- . y. 1. 1 iiKisTorn ' e4 a co., lluiliipoartreet.' ' ,1. .(Tj,, ;n,juf ,.n i Tw- tinu Inh 'DmliVo'i,'B'ret--eoB vealent to budue liun-f uWa. ,;;( J.n -,. t , , .JyUsaATLIN'O. , , j Z-".'" ' ,-'T: ifc-VT , i.-JOl . ! tf ' ATiOTHKR (JAR LOAD OF fU'UR, fwanl flr-i h ds f r mIc i a I probU, at : ; - If. C. fHalSloPfl" b8 C. . ' . j.,.. ,;'.!'. ,.: ; . i M iiinb.(ft. trf ot. . CKJI I ' WOODI 800 C'rd fo' 9tVrk'4.tiktM- 'J', T. "C clTKiSf oPH LKS A 1X V r i ; , ' ,, w ura i.iou ki reek e ifnvi mrnvr -' ' ;.f v--. it...t....iiw.rii- - .'u-i j-ercivd 10,001 t nund W-ter baca,' Ufa n.e rl-e. Cll ai-d gl jour (uplieH. i AimuiI ler Iwtab, t ' ; , . &V.UIKr..PHEItSCM,8, , Vilmiliwu (iroctfii arl tty 8 al.s. 1 APU3T r tMAlE isEMIN.tRT. ; ' ' 'i i'i'i "..- r'(.?ir-: " The Fall Term of ihl, Pchd clo-ed oa Jan. ST., and i he -inu Teim alll ojeu oa' i 1 ear ftb. 1, 18 i r o.iui . .,..)( t jnta.. . t.UCBGOyu, PrlaelptL 4 n ORSESf HORSES f 0;I vf" cht. rnrd Ilorteo for mIs. ill ad (re t em t t, U iHHlSlOPU R8 O.'e, : ..ii .j -., :t i : vbaMNi tcet. rp U 0 K E K II A L L . - - ,r' BLI2J D T OXtl. r THE MUSICAL PRdDIOY: s l.:ut .11 ONS NIGHT PXLT, FEB Jtb. ; .-; ' t i ' i Door open at T o cloca r. tt. Kfwtw M-ata, 73 cenls ; Gallery, SO eenta. . - IS!-' Ill HapVs ' Nilrogciized 1 1 SLTEIl PUOSPUATE ... . ... UKi.lME.,i .(ia ' .- J . many of our best farmers. ' All ws al nnr ..we refer to tha folio liw? gemJemsa of Urj f .... ,i ...... .... j. ....... ...... . 'for teverilyeaiair- j Jrtrjr jy.:JjLi4Si.iiL! JOHN A VERA, Jobnton CoohtyJ ' t.l' W. R. gANUERS, .. , JAMES PA( E," Chthm Conaty, Jl.t . ' - .i 'i W. M. TU0MA3, . i " . R. a W1LBON, ' ELI AS RAIStS, ; i . , experlpae. ;' For fa: hy I.-, 1 ' l f I ; r"; T" ::-r-"'f r . '.U.: l " 'MAPa' '"' teA. naocoiza) i .; is r t . "' i, toe J : 1 Lft7" C. .t? AIST JJlJBF & Co , AOEXTS, -.- i..!r- vv Ti f. r. t.-. , ... V 1 a- . r-. " .V' 4. r -J