THE EALEIGfl SENTINEL. G- ATTIS & JONES FJEEX) STORE We tak thU method of k.jnnlng tit people Of Raleigh and vicinity that we Rave funned a partnership for conducting this business, and hop by trlct attaUoo to busts to avarit t liberal bi(of patronage. Wo re.pectfuUj solicit all Uiom la need of Moil, ' . riour, . .. . Mill food, v, Bran, . Com, " '. - Oat, Hay. l ' Fodder, - Shacks, and on zmd of " ' - Horse end Cow Food. to giro m con. W wfll sot bo andertold. T OATTI8 J0K8, r Adams Building, Wllmlngtoa street. W. A' Gattis, I 'j - i. A. JosBS. I Order for wood And coat received bT J. A. Jones at aa p. Ace. The third cargo of Cool bow arriving. lystf N OBFOLK. WE8TFRS AND .1 RAN8- 'be followine tnwIi have been pot upon this line t Lire Doul. ed will be folluwrd - by other, our Intention beine; lo keep oee or bmvw tnip iwy upon me bene i Ship RHINE, 1,0113 Tout. AN TAKT10 1.254 Ton. -" OREGON, 1,433 " - " KLNBURX, I,li5 " " KATE PRINt E. 1 800 Tom. Arrang- ment here beta node by which through b'Ui lading cob be signed at interior point, and the good wtt be re-hipped at Aonoia ire or any cnarg wnatcver. BAY NOLJJS BRuT KRS, jaaA-lm Agent, Norfolk, Va. QENTENNIAL YEAR 1876 la Commencing business for the year we return our thanks for the LIBERAL PATRONAGE Extended our Firm the past year. " " f ' . OUR PLAN OF CONDUCTING BUSINESS, THE CASH PLAN, has beaa a success, and wo are more than gratified at ft remits. Our Customers appro? It. Bead i of families appro? it and the CASH BUTINQ PUBLIC arejabOsat over the CASH SYSTEM adopt ad by a on year ago. Why! Beesna they hare bo iabob bill presented to them at the clot of the seasons, aad bectott 1 1 mall bBl is easier paid than a targe one aad because Tucker Bros, can and do 611 Cheaper for the cash -a they male bo BA1 DEBTS. The eh customer does aot pay aay part of the price necessary to be charged oa goods sold bad ot doubtful debtors. - THE CASH FLAN - Bat el bber, Saras trouble, Save mlsuaderataad togs, - SaTee money . - ; BecauM yom hp.f cbeP.. Our (lock will always bo kept FULL and FBESH-wlth all the sew and delrble 8TTLXS and QUAUTIIS and will be BOLD CHEAP. 1 7, , -. , ; , "Tbe best goods at the lowest caih Prices." W. aB. S. TUCKER. Jea S14f CT. Hall, N. L. Zona. A UCTIOXJUEJiS - - AID , rxArsra BcrLDnta WrucntaTos Stbbbt WUl sell Merchaodl-ieTPr Kluc, Stocks, leal Kstata, Ao. iHiiigaaMmt 4kited. . Refer to i. G. Willi im, Preaident 8tte Kaiiunal Bank. B. V. Manly, Ma)r of al- wtvn, w. u. a. o. lacker, U. n. DlackDail, I aruorout n uoom. - Jaa 14-lm. - - 18 BOR9E POWER STEAM EN VT OlN FUK SALE. Oa th 15' h day of February. 1878. I thai! sell at pubiie aautm m the orkhp of Mer. Met All Wyckofl A O. oe bmreU ana wrt niwu la u citr uf (Ulrica o 19 k jT puwr mmm B(f'i, butler and Sa turn coupiele, Bbieaa tout privately before the day, th property of K. V Cagl to t lay certain ilea upon th aue. '1 arm f le, twelve BKWitfa credit asrored by two Bote wl h g-ud ecrtty le the x- peasee 01 1 nd cowmbiub. - J.J.UTWHFO'D, Tnutee. jaa IS-tda. T pot imt, X cotctottaM Howae, containing room, tronvenleot tu BpUeta female Bemiua.y and free institute, on oluunt street. Cijr; A. W. 1AWXIXCX. EAIL- Richmosd & Damville, Richmond & Da nvillb R. W.. N.C. Division, and Nohth Westes N. C. It. W. CONDENSED TIME TABLE, In Effect on mud after Sunday, Dee, 19A. 1875. GOING XOBTIL PIEDMUKT Ain-LISE WAV. STATIONS. . MaiU LeTeChrlrtU.... S45a m. " Alr-Uua Juue ti S -6 " k BIMrary..., ' " Orpatxiro.. 10 V - - Danville I.S4 p. M. Dundee 1.4V BurkrTill 6l - Arrirert Kh bmmd.. t 14 OOIXQ SOUTH. STATIONS. Maiu ' Leaw Rlchmuod..... S.SO a. M. 1 " BurkeTHIe.... V.OO , IHwoee...,. 1.SVP, M. Daanlle 143 - tireenehxKO.... 4 " - &tllbarr 64 " - Alr-UneJqnc'n M " ArHTet herlotu... V.16 " GOING EAST. : GOING W. STATIONS. Man. Maou Leave Oree"boro . . . -i)n 8bpe... " Kaiei(rhf.... ArrlT at OJil-boro. 11.0 A.M. A. 4.18 a.m. Lr...... 4.1105 U .) 8 49 P M M0 m STATIONS , t'n Train. Lrare Grneneboro... " Co Shop,... ArrlT at RaieWb.... A rrir at Gatd buru. . TOOpMj . 6.00 AM. L...., 6.00 am A. T 80 P M, 11.16 jLrlOOPM NOUT11 WESTEUN N. V. B. R. 7 Salem Krarch.1 Lnti Gnrannboro 4.45 P. Jt, Arrive at Sakua.... ...... 6.46 Lee BuJa 8.16 A. U. Arrfare at Urmaiburo...l0.aS - . . Paeaenger Trelna lea ring Raleigh at 10.06 A. at. ouuiMCt at Ureeuohuro triia ti.e ouuUi era bimod train , making the quk-keet time to au Buainern Clllr. Ave tnmuaatlun irein toavia Kaielirh at 7.30 P. At., cudovcU witb Nortliern ixmnd Train at G etibro for Kit hin ad for all noinu Kaat. Price of Tick eusauie aa via otber ruute. . t A con uodalion Train leaving Greewboro at I.0U P. eonuecU at (i..ldboro wllh Northern and utbra bound trai.. on t. H UnUnatov and Wrldoo KaUroaO. Lyuvbbure; Aecumo odalion leavea Rl mood dll at (I.UU A M., arrive at BarkevUI r. M.. leavee HurkevUle 1.W f. Jl.. ar- nvee at Mieumuna r. at. No chamok up Cam between Chab JLOTTK AND KlCHMOXD, 2X2 MlI.ES. JOHN R. MACML'KDO, General Pa'.aer Aarent, . RiuhmiMiil. Va. T. M. R. TALCOTT, . . Uen'l baperintandent. Q03TT FAIL TO CALL AT aCrown'i Variety Store FOR TOUR NEW YE Alt 8 PllESENTS. Great bargain can bow be bad. NAT. L BROWN," Ilolleman Building. FavetuvUe street, Raleigh. . a elilM 0ORI SATUNG, ATTORNEYS AT LAW RALXIGH,!t.a " State aad Faderel Ooane a 4 the Coart l aM Hk JndietaJ Utatrl' , anvtl.t POAKDING HOUSE. . Mr. Beckw'.th baa ooeaed a flnt claa Boardlnt; Huuaeat the t urner nf Martin aad WUmlnirtoa Street, in the re.tdm.-e fonnerlj oecnuled by tna lata Or. U Ale hie. . Sh b prepared to aocommodat permanent a well aa trntnt boarder. The table I elway (applied with th very best the market nuru, aoa u room aept neat ana coa- lururDie. i BUT UMJT QLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCTaippXj, 5 OXFORD, jir.C. .. I' J. H. HjBNaa A T. V. Haaaea,- Principals. Mr. t. H. Horaar has returned to hi borne at Oxford, . V., and will reopen hi tchuol there the lat Monday In January Beat . ev, T. 4. will ..a, aaaociatad Ith him aa Joint principal and th choo will be ronuueiea on tue aame pri net plea that Wrr formerly o ut-ceaafullv emplojed in making good boy and nod Kboiara. -Th iirtee of bo d and tnltioa, exelatlve oi w tninitana llgitta, la fist per Maeion of twenty wi-ra. Kach in rat la lo furntth au oia .Keta, aecta, pulow-aeaad tuwela. . oeexo-u QUE E N.S B O R O :1PALS COLLEGE, QUE EysBQRO, aV. C. iki pr dj Sculoi if 187S will Bc$ti a WedBOdy, th 13th of January, and ottlbB twenty freekX Board feicladv of washing and Hshta) '75 uuioa in regular eourae, . . fo. t banrea for XT a STunian modrraUi. Fur Cataloffiiea couta-niiiir particular. apply to Kev. I. M. jo rresMt-nt. n. u.u. wiL.'V."', Prorident of Board of Tmetea. dec 63m APatln6l '. , ( ' The ianeat toek of CarpattBf. Raca, Ae. B tie i i'y t WW t Caeh p ice. All bow and bought atpee Jasaary W UJ Tt't-RKH. , orklnr people of both ', your. a old, axk more BtOBey at work for aa ir heir owa lecaittea, aoriag tbeir aparo mo HH-Bta. orrll tb liase, thaa at rv 'hlcrclM wo Ber catplotmewt that will pay molr lor orv boar' wora Fall kw'ica- are, term, Ac, -eat frro ead a t oar d l'a a oae Dot 't rlav. New ia tbo time Oon't I- ok tnr work r baaiaeea e)Miwbr. til TO have learned what we oiler. Q. Tioa A C.tPortlaa4, Mala. - jqpALL GOODS, WINTEH GOODS - 1875. . J08.P.GULLBY, Fatxttrviixs Bntnr akdSocth Ejcchakqi rLACI, RALEIOn, N. 0 - Offer to the vabtte a eomplaf aaortuint of Black Alpaca, et,at price to defy com- peuuoa. AMentloala called to oor . Cloth Depart ment of N. C. and Va Casalmeree. and our New York City made White rhir a for Urw tlemea, prettiest, boat fitting: and a good abirt a m oia u any market tor im money. LADIE8 SHAWLS. FLANNEUI, iUeiEKT. .-r PK1ATS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, EDGINGS, 1NHKKTINGS . . Ac. on hand ANDUATA OU-liOCl IhOCl IBd.lOOtA Ul'l be IU paued For Men. Ladies. Mlaee. Children. Bora, Tooth FawoairEdwia i Burt t' Udie Shoe for (ale cheap. Have Mflea and Zlealer' Biak. Have Milee' Gento' Boou andbaltora all Grade. The fatuous Burt' Boom, and above all, thafamo .a, pretty and good Hoyden uaiiora I or ganuemen. aty own arano uenta Buot aad Ladle' hhoea that 1 warrant to be good, or another pair given free. CLU1U1NU Abb OVERCOATS. ; Mr Llothlnir LeDartinent an stain la fu'l com 4 ria au the Stylo and Gradea for Men, Boy. Youth and children, at price that SPECIAL. I will open la a very few day a department for the aale of Frank Leslie'. "Ladle' Jour nal,' Cut Paper Patterna ; comprising ail the ntieat eoveiue oi tn aeaaoa lur iwaitt, oot and youtba, of every diacrlptloo of drea. Public lavttod to ealL " Salesmen i R. C Redford, of Wake County'; C. C Hamlet, of Chatham County: W. T. Chamblee. ot Franklin County; Job. P. Wyatt, of Wake tountv; A C. Hay, of Wake County ; A. U Moore, oi Aiaoauta. Kecpectfully, -pet Sl-tf J. r. GULLET. TtfU8ICAL INSTRUMENTS. BT KING A 1U and Trimming, of all kiod at - - BROWN'S VARIETY STORE, HoUetnaa Building. 2 AM! OF VALTJAB f . T0WNPRO- O PERTY. Oa Saturday, 6th day of Febtaarv, 1878. at boob, a attorney for the own- re, 1 wil aell on ine preniirea mat va mania ioi, in tne CHJ of Kalelah. adtomlnc tbe mnda of Gully 4 bmith on tb west, of M. A. Bledoe oa the eoutb, and aa alley on tbe eat 1 b lot front US feet ob llollemin road and rua tiae SfH feet. It la at prraent occupied by Hen'y Gorman, wh will (how perton do- aiiniK miormatioa ovor in premiae. term om-third eaxh ; one-third in nine montha; and ituldne ia twenty month from day of ale. 1 he deferred Payment to o ariutereet. line rooa. lanlO-dta. UUN O TLING. 'HOMAS STANLT, NEWBERX, X. C, Dealer in all kind ot GRAIN CORN A SPECIALTY Xewbern, Jan. 14 lm. INGWOOD WINK COMPANY keep eonttaatly oa hand - SCUPPERNONG WINK.Imperial brand. WHITE AND RED CONCOR WINE. rUKJC BLVrYtHXOXQ BRANDT, very superior for medicinal purpose, equal ia in flavor to the best French. SCUPPERNONG VINEGAR a new article, very fine, - The articles are manufactured by the ua- deralgned from Grape grown on their owa vineyard, and are warranted free from any liijurlon adulteration whatever. Address, & W. GARRETT A CO,, Rlnawood, " dee 83-d4m. Halifax cou ty N. C IW SToRX! NEW GOODS 1 1 MRS. J, T. WA TTS, MARTIN STREET, Okb Door From ' Barit Obob, RALEIQH.N.C. Mre. Wato to a practical Milliner a d Wo ker la Straw Gooda. Alters, remodels. and preaae Straw Bod Fait hata, Bonne'. akea and n model every iecriptkiu of Lad e' Men' or Childmo' Hat. Ulv ber a call and voa mav ret th Uteat tyiea to rana or xtew I ora. jaa ie-aa ... - OA 8 A L X . ... That new aad beautiful fotta?e Hon or Rallfas 8k eootalnlB: ix fine room, pan try. eluteta, mid bath room, aod all ueeawMtry out Douaaa, wiib a gooa well wi wa rr, wita a No 1 force Damn. The huiuae la new aad una of tb beet m the City, aad flnibed la tne bet aad moat modem at)le. For further parucuiara eau oa or auore , Ma. cakxilk, at urug store. i MtkYL.CAR.AR." TTt A JTD O Fe N I N G I llavlnt- rennted tbe apaeloaa hod elegant B1LUAKD BALOOM OI oi j. r. rrarie. at ai Faveitevlilo .rve, 1 take thi occaaloa o In . rm my (rieud and th public generally, that I ahall opeu th rame on Mood , ituu .y th 18th: Aa excellen Fifteen Bail Pool Tab p ia attached alio. Give me a rail. JauL-Iw, . . TOM f Aa-bLxa. OR SALE CR EXCHANGE, 108 ACRES OF VALUABLE MINERAL LANl for (ale. or will cxebaug fortlTI fKOPERTT. Th land m tteh la thi beat iron ore, ab at 70 aere ia original r oath, a it bin to milea of the Chatham nulroad. For further infonnatloB appl tn . Uulleman BuIldinK v taa-ftt r Raleigh, N. C. jtAOTttERLOT Nice Country Butter at P. f. CnRrSTOr Pu ARS A CU8. at 25 eenU per pouni. ' Go of the and Time." "Th butt, ehovett most twcej'ul family I'oper in th rKt." r Harpor's Weekly. . ILLUSTRATED. Ilarper's Weekly i the ablest and mot powerful iilutrated periodical putlUhed in tfaia couutryr'Ita ediwriaU ar stlielaily and coni'iBclnfj, and carry much weUht, It illutrati.D of cur rent rvenu are full and fresh, and are prepared hy our let designer. With a circulation or 1 Ml, 000, ti.e Weekly ia read by at h-at half a million peraonai and it iutliience a art or? a of opin Ionia aimly lit meniLm-. The Weekly nuintalna a positive itoiiioo, and pre axes dec dud views on political and so Ul problems. Louiat Ilia Courier Journal. . ; Ita articles are model of hiith-toned discuftaion, and It pictorial illuati ; us are often corroborative argument o malt force. N. Y. Examiner a Chronfcler"-" T- Ita papers upon existent quea and Ita inimitable cartoons help'. mould the aeutimema of the country.' Plifc-buiy Commercial. Harper's Weekly atanda at tbe bead of illustrated Journals In the Untied States, ia circulation, editorial ability, aud pictor al illustrations. Ladies' Re pository, Clacinuati. TERMS POSTAGI FREE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS IN TH) VHITED STATES..' Harper's Weekly, one year 1 1 00. 4 00 includes prepayment of TJ. 8. postage by the pulH-br8. 8ubcripUon to Uarper'a Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one addresa lor one year. $10 00; or two of Harper's Periodicals, to one addrea for one year, Id 00 ; pctage free. -VWUtfi&prti the Maga xlne, vVefkly, or Bazar will be supplied gratia for every club of Bve subscribers at 11 00 each, In one remittance; or six copies for 120 00r without extra copy; postage free. back numbers can be aupplled at any Urn -, . Tbe annual volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of xpeuae, for $7 00 earn. 9 A complete) set ct.mprla inz nineteen volumes, sent on receipt of caab at the rat ol 3 25 per volume, freight nt expenoa of imrchaaer. Prominent atti-niion will be given In Uarper'a Weekly to the lllustmtioa o, the C'entenulal International Exposl tion. Newapaprrs are not to copy this ad vet tisenieut without the exrisa order ol Harppr RrotluM. Addreea HARPEUA BROTHERS, Dq 27 tf New York. . TUE HOWE SEWING MA CHINE. riRSTMACHINr PATENTED. Tkt But Mackin Manufadurtd ' Tbe Bet la the Cltenpeai Th point of superiority art Simplicity and Perfection in Iff- cnamm. Durability Will last a lifetime I Range of Work Without Parallell ! Perfection of Stitch and Tension I Headquarters for the South at 42 W. CUARLE8 ST., Baltimore. Md aBJJaBSBSBBBI mi rot citctiLiii or tkum rucKi SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PUR- CHAOAKa . A liberal diacoant to Clubs of Ave ormore. Everv Machine ia warranted aad aatia (ac tion gaaranteeo. The ROwl MACHINE la for sal ia RaLKIOH at No. 18, FaycttevUle St. H N W. HINSDALE ATTORN AY AT LAW, Room No. 1 First Floor, Law BnUdlng, rsyeiieviu eirvet, RAJLtlOH. N. C Attend all the Courta la Kaletirh and Fay ettevllla. Claim eolleoted la all paru of li. tic of N. C; rioa. M. W. Kan torn. U. b Senator : Citiseo' Nat. Bank. W. R A R. 8 Tucker, William A Uaywoud, Raleigh; ratettevllle at. I I, Atennauu' O k ol Fayettevllle bank of bew Hauorer. WU miiiirton, N. C. i Morton, Bllaa A Co., Pbtrip Dodire A Co., H. K. 'Iburber A Co., 11. b Clatliu Ato., N. Y. ; Laudrelh .o., Phlte. . W. UaU A Ax, Bait. He haa formed a connection with Meaera Mc a A Broadfoot of FayetUviUe, N. t . with r f erence only to Afe future buatneaa a that point Ad communication addreaaedt J. , Hlnadaie, care uf Mckae Broa fow I'areuirUj. b, C wlU recel.' prompt a teiitlon. ...... . ' - ectLaVtg L1"'- 100 Darren no. l Lime at depot at lowex rate. , JAMAS M. lOMLKO. Jy4-lw. I ONT FORGET THAT THE PLACL to buy any thine and ererjth'ng appsrtalnln to a lint claM Fancy Store la at "A Compkte PUforial . l'vstory a , M '7:1 -A BBOirX'ti VARIETY STORE, HOLLBMAH BCILDIXf. I "A REPOSITORY OP FASHION, PLEAS- IKE, AKO 1S8TRCCTION." ; Harper's JBazar, ILLUSTRATED. KOTICES OP THE PRESS. Tbe Bazar i edited with i cmb'na tion of tact and latent that we ldim find in any Journal : and the Journal lUt If i the organ of ti great world of utanion. Uoiou i raveiier. ' The Bazar commends itaelf to every member of the household to the t bif dren by di oil and pretty pictures, iotbe young indie by its tat-hioo plates in eudlesa variety, to the provident matron by it patterna for tbe children's ciotbra, to vaterfumUiat by its taatt-ful deatsraa lor embroidered slipper and luxurious dreraing-gowna, , But the readiiig-mal-ter of the Busar is ULii'ormly of grt-at excellence. The paper nas ai-quireo wide popularity lor the fireside enjoy ment it ati'ordav N. Y, Evening 1'oat. In its way there la nothing liko it. Freh and tnwtwortyaa a iBuhion guide,' to atoriea and eaaava, iu poetry and -quiba, are all invigorating to tbe nind. Chicago Evening Journal. . : ' TERMS: " Pottagt frt h uU tiubicriberi im tt ' Uitti Slate. ' Harper's Bazar, one year. ' $4 00 11.00 includes prepayment of U. 8. po-tage by tiie publisher. - ; Subacrtplions to Uarper'a Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one addresa for one year, 810.00; or, two oi Harper'a Perlodii als, to one addresa for one year, 87.UUI postage iree. An extra cpy of eitlier the Magaz;ne, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratia br every club of five subscribers at t.w each, in one , remitiance or. six copioa for SJ0.00, without extra copy t postaga tree. Back numbers can be aupplied at any time. . . The Annua! Volumee of Ilamer's Bazar, In noat cloth binding will be bent by expresa, free of expeuaev for 87-iK) eacn. a complete aet, comprbmg eight volume, sent on receipt of caab at the rate of 3 per Vol., freight at expense of rxnena-er. i Pruaiineut attention will be given la Harper'a Bazar to such illuntratiooa t.f ? tiie UeoteuulaJ International Axpoaltlun aa may oe pecui.arij appropriate to it coiuutna. Addreaa - HARPER ft BROTHERS, ew Vork, Taqaearhmabty the beat eaalained wrok of il kind in th world." ri : aaam " z ' ' . Ilavrpepa flMsaazine ILLUSTr'ATXD. ' t b aver iaeraina rlieulatioa ol thlarx e! lent oau.iy provea It coi ttaned adapt tion to popnlar deolre aad Deed indeed whenwethlukl to how maoy bu'i etll (n trataa Very month, wa mut con.Mrr It av one of t eda atom aa well aa eatertalaer of th pubiie wind, tor ii at opa'arii baa b woa by ro appeal to stupid pre ndice or depraved taste Dotttm Woo. Th character which this Maa-as aa poM S s for vartot), eatrrorUe, artutt wraith and literary caltur that ha kept pace wile If It haa aot led th Urn, uoa'd eue it conductor to rearrd it with justifiable eon plaeency. It alio enUtle. tbem to a area el Im aia tb public rratltode Th- Mar sin haa done rood and not evil all the day. of It life. Za-oa&yw Aayis, TERMS t '' Po t r fn-e to i eahac libera in th Uni ted Stat. Hahp b's Maeaxurs, one year. ...84 00 84 00 laclades pmpaymant of C, a. post Sfc ty th i ablUher. eauacri itioo V liar per1 Wanal Week and hasar, to one audrta for on year, 111' 00; or two of Harper" Periodica!, to oa aodrea for on j ear, 87 00 ; poataara frt. Aa xra Copy of either th Magaain Weekly, or Batf will b- an -pit ' gru fo every Club of Ptv Sabterlbors at $ So Met ia on rmlttaatt or, six Copt for 8u.Uf without extre copy ; pottac Iron. Bach Numbers can be (applied t any Urn A Compki Net of Usrper'f Magasiat, bo compriinc 4V Volamea, la aeat cloth Mad lBa, by iptaa, fralght at a pas of ruKhaser, tor 6a per vomm. blngl volnmea, by wall. fMwtpatd. aa.t Cloth eases, for binding, 66 eeats, by mall partpaid..' -..-r, rV - A Complete Analytical Index to th Srat Fifty Volume of Hrper'Magaslne ha uat been publlabed, readering avallaol fur ra lerence tb aat and varied wealth of Infor mation which constitute this periodical a perfect llluitrated literary cyclopedia. 8vo, Cloth, 88.00 J Half Calf, A2l bent poatag prepaid. - A aerie of papers under tbe titl of "The Fitt Ceutury of th Kepubllc," contributed by tb auoM eminent Auerlcaa pubilciat-, I ihiw being published in Harper'a Magazine. Thi rle of over twenty paper give a eoiaprcuruelve review of Proaree-during the century oow closing, la every department of our atioual life. Newppera are aot to copy thi dvcrtlM mml without th express order of Harper dt Brothsra, Address HARPER A BROTHERS, Bov27-tf . hw Yor.,; y-ALUABLX LOTS FOR BALE. Oa Monday, th 7th d of February, 1S7, by virtu of a judgment of tb Superior coqrt of to aka euuuty, i will exiHe to pub lie aale ob tb p-ein art, thoae valuable Mf la tb northern part ol tb city of Kaietgh, on Puraon street adjoining the tut of Mrs, Win. C rwkeTJ Ti.oDi Badger and other: containing about a ace; tbe lot of about on acre at tne mteiveetloa or reae and f eroa street, b iutnina mt of J. M. Heck and S F, Moruecsi, aud several lots on tb aatera aide of raraon fereet, lying aurth o Mr. a vrdecal'a lot and along aaid ttaet aa extended, all beioa fog to tbe ca J(l of i he lata Henry Murdw aL ' th lot will be Mud In several parcel to ait purehaia, for on -"bird carb, remainder V aud ill month, with Interest v MaRiUa MviKDECAI, jaaS-lm Kxecuvrx. R A L E I 0 II HIGH SCHOOL. AS CICLISH CLlfKICAl AS fCIEXTinO BOiRPIStt A DAI nCIIOOL FOB BOTH. ith MiUTaar 004K(Z4Tow Attach a p. The dutle( of thl( .ch'l Will b frsqined Icr Xma reeeaa on Jaa. 12th, 1870. Bprtug e m, or Haif Be ton uf ZO week, begiua b. Vth following. Pupil caa be entered at .ther data, witb equal advantag. - -Thd friucipala claim for their School an ,ualit; lu Kb.darahlp. and BMiral kNjemith iy M'hKil( In the State. For Circular eotitaiulng fuH particcUra drea triuvipal. REV.J. M. ATriNSON, CU.rJOrT.- T INGHAM. PAYNE & CO a no c Ens, lEICEUTERd AND PLASTERERi Corner Jone and Dwon Su., RALEIGH N. C. Keep on hand constantly a full dock el gyweile.. CbH-ken, Butter and Ejrg sp elalty. - Clltavn uf iiaielKh wlahiug antthlnir in tb grooet ua wouta oo u w call oa mem. Bil klayi and piaaienn dun lathe beat"1 tyle. by practical wurkiuoa. i All order for work wiU receiv Immediat Sttentloa. Mr. Juba Byram, saleamaa. Would b pleaaed to e bl( frtind from tb country aud city. U-tf. JhJ.VO T I 0 E . TrIosIi'o Oo'd HinA For S.le. By virtu of aa order ot th Superior Court for L'Biu 1 ooaty N. C, at totutiig me eommiaaioner to aell tb Real Eatat of W. J. Cure too, deceased, I will aell at public auction to the (upbeat bidder at tbe Cart I Himae door ta Afoar , N. C-, oa tb 6th day of March It 8, theCelrbraidHuwierStock tna Uoid Mlne,wrlb f-tK) acres of lai d binrln Cnloa county apoa , wbicB aald.mln l ituaied. For terms aad eiber particular addre, J H. UAV10, Cum Car T, V. McCavlbt Att'y at Law, aaS7-wtd. Monro, N. C. it 0 T I C E ! Hr virtue of an order of tbe Superior Court of Wake Uunty, to m directed, licendng and cmpuwering t t a AdwrnbitraUw of Cm ma - sun and 4'mmbiober, to aril th real ea'ate of Emma Cannon, deceased, to make aaaet with which to pay debt and charge ot Admit Utrato. , I wlU, oa , t MONDAY, THE 6tb DAT MARCH, lS7f, aell n andH.ied half Interest In th f llow.ingdeacribed realette, to-wlt: Houae an 1 Lot situate tn the ci y of KaU tgb, on Lo kout (trntt, bounded aa follow i the North by th land o' tbe lata Gov, Cbariee Manly, oa tb K:-l by aarah Bullock, oa tba HtNith by LNkout atreet. aad ob the West by . Ji-rdaa Halt, fronting oa Lookout atreet about 00 feel and running Back about 100 feet. Place of Kaio C uort Uoua door lo the city Of KalelKh. . ": : Tim of Bale-March 8, 18 M o'clock M. ; TenaCol Sale One-third eaah, residue In 6 mouths thereafter with iateraat from day ofaaJe. ' ' " Bond with approved security required. ; , V . . E. O. MA-..Y. Adm'r of Emma Cannon, dee'd, and Commluimier, Gao. H. Snow, Attorney. . Jan. 18, 1870 Sod. i i j .i ... i ii a J HM8TOvR JONFS, A TT0RNE 7 AT LA W, RALEIOH, N7 C. Aagia-tf 'pOR SALE OR RENT. A dealrablr Floora and L t In tbe town f . Cary The Hou e contain fix rooms, with 11 tba modern convenience with all eece mm niilhmti The irurdi-n eontaina a acre. au orchard of 1H0 choice fr.ilt treee ad joining. 11 e wnoie premiat-e couinn! oi. p acrea. PoMeaaiun given Aral uf ury, V86. Apply to " WILLIAM R. PELL, oe -tf Cary, N. C, ifiI6.4nr LiM ana Onr Deal 181 A MAGAZINE OF 128 PAGES, Ik toted to North ' mn!lna her pott, herpretent aad Aery war. Txjuta S3 rzB xxab, PoarAaa Feet aid. Address, S. D. POOL, Raleigh. N. C. tT Those to whom bill have been sent will idea remit. Two Ycar fop Only $5. Havinr s few eomnlet fll of Oca Livtaa abu tm Msad for 1K75ob hand, we will fur 1 that rear aadtbaeatir ier lsJ8 lor Library Association at d Hintorical Bocle tiea would do well to note thi. let 84 and 8d volume handsomely board library au le f urniabed ' at per vol- ame, or ., u eei ay man. Va maal sewmpeM all rwrra, Addrea B. D. POOL, JaalStf Raleigh, N.C Hillsboro riiijrAi:Y academy, UlLLSBOllV JV. a Thla Institution, recently known aa "HOR NER a UKA V Eft' fch.wL" wUI hereafter ba eootiucted by R. Ii. Gaavas aa sols Principal, aided, aa beret .fore, by the accoin liahed In atrucuMra, nuua KOaSon, 4 a , S U. U. IU Tbe Bprlnr Bern km of 1K76 will onen-oa.' ine 1 na 01 January, r or circular, apply to tai. u. n. riamutoa until tna a in 01 Jana- ary and afterwarda to the Priiicipal. aea la waaw OTIC K ... a AoriliratloB will be mad at the office f tb Aorth Carotin Railroad lonipetiy in thirty davs from data, lor iu of a dupli cate of Certificate No. 8318, dat4 February 14, 1H74, for three (hare f atock in said company, the ori)rinal being lost or mislaid Bat rta day or January, itixr r. batilk, Admr. MRS, S. T. bMlTH. QOARDING HOUSE FOR RENT. I wOl rant at a reaonM prtc Jny Rous. ready fuml.bed aad eligibly located on th corner of Nawbera A venae (r t PareoB treat, and only twu square from Uh. JaHtol. roaaeaatoa sive at once, " liKti. UKNRT W. MILLER. 0 ATS t OATS I ,C0O bmhris brsty a kltarSecd Oxnr- sale at " ' ' T. C. CHRIST1 iFHERS A CO.'S, W liinlngloa atreet, near City Scales. $250 A MOXTH-.Arenla warned nm; Witrra. Kual.. Aral ia. raTji. iarriii fre AihlrrM JrWVKXU A COwt.Lwila.Mu. V7a.NT.D A reata for tb - best aelllng Prlai Pa kajre In the world, it cootaia 15 slieeu pat'er, 15 eneioe(, Pen, Pea Holder. tVeiicifi patented Yard Meaaure, and a piece of Jewelry. - Hingie packafre wi.b ele rant Prite, p. mi paid, a&c Circular free. Bkiob A Co., 7ov liroadwayV N. Y. .ARt LARD, T - Horn rendered out of Leaf Fat, also, Nor-bera In all etyhw, at , F. C, CllKlsluf ERa A cu. 8, ' " . Wilmliigtoa (treet. HEE8EI CHEESE I Another lot of that So Gilt Edge Cbeese. Retail at 0 ernta twr pound Iryit. Aa .... F. C. CAtAUSTuP S ACt),'S, niimmgtoa (treei. ia-iy . , for it aa It h nkw and fresh. dee. lS-d3-w.