0 1 )n HQ; it i 1 ii y 1 l.- M vJ7 1 4 U vj? XJ 1-1 (O) THE HOST USE FUL. EXTENSIVE AND CHEAPEST STOW 07 1 XI! AS AND HE V7 YE AR I GIFTS EVER OPENED IN RALE GH. nninrA'srrs.' glss srrs, fixe castors, rooxs and Fonxs, LA vpS, VASES, CUT GLASSWARE MOTTO CUPS AND SAUCER, TEA BETS, CUTLERY. SPIT TOONS. CHILDREN PETS, c As I 111 i i I f . I I I i i i m TbE EALEIGn SENTINEL CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND- ' MENTj?. 1st Amendment i Tbatseebon 4, of article 9, be stricken out and two new sections be substituted. The section to be stricken out is in regard to lands riven to the state by congresa and the ppropriatIouotJloespenaJtleac The lection to be substituted gives all kids ac' proceeds of lands, given tj the United Ctatet to the state, to educational purposes ; mci ail swamp lands, fine s &c- are to be ned tut pur poses oi education. article 8, and aubstitjite. . scctK. pro - fiuiui iva ui. viiiuuouiuvu, vi wr bean of agrkulture.lmmicration and sta tlstics, and the protection of sheep liuBbandrr.' 8d Amendment adds to section 23, of article 1, that "secret political societies are dangerous to the liberties of free people and should not be tolerated." 4th Amentia section 10, article 8, by providing that tha gorernor, with the drioeof tha SMoate, shall. appoint U ofBoea whoso arTointmenhf - are not aiherwiae prorided for. ' . 6th Abroffatea and amends aecfioa 13. IS and 17, of. article 4, and aQowa the general aasembly to allot and distribute ail Jndiotal power among tua counties except that of tha supreme court, which la fixed by toe constitution itself. ;. ,, . i.r ; " .. 6th Btrikea oat sections 1 and 3, Of article 13, and forbids ealiing a oonvea tion without first consulting tha people at the polls. ' ' 7th Prorideo for aubmitting tha amendmeata to tha aonntitutioa to the people, at the the poiln, TuUy after the 1st Monday in Norember. 1874 Tha amendmeata will bo ratified of re jected together. Km nroridas for puDiianina; tna oral- nanoea for tha information of the people. 0th Requires tha judge to, reside in tha district for which be in' elected, and forbids his holding court in the name county mora than once in four Tears. loth Ttadneaa tha nnmhar rJ hiAinm from 12 to 9, and authorizes toe legiala- tureto teereaaa or Oiminiah toe number. . 11th Proridea for tha aaaembling of the legislature in January instead of Norember. 12th Hits chril rights on the heed by forbidding white and black children going to the same school, and providing tnatno ouavsinunation anaii be to the prejudice of either raoe. 13th Fixes the pay of members of the general assembly at ft a day and 10 oenta mileage, and limits tha session to 60 day If the aeamon is prolonged beyond 60 days. members reooivs no par. ; - ' . , -. 14th Frorldea that the term of oOka for senators and members of the legis lature shall begin at the tuns of their lection. - 15th. That section 29. of article 1 is amended to allow the general assembly to change tna time oi holding elections for tha eeneral assembly, 16th btrikea from the constitution sec tion 4, of article , which te the old re publican gerrymander of the senatorial districts in 1B68. 17th Reduces tha number of supreme judges from firs to three, as our fathers Aadlt. I8ih Declares the Judicial power snail be Tsaaad in a court for tna trial i impeachments, a supreme court, su perior courts, courts of justice of the peace, and such others Inferior to the supremo court as may be established by . law.. . - ,. .,. ,19th EsUblishes the supreme court in lUlelgh,- ontil ouierwias provided Of tns general assembly. 20th Strikes section 8 article 2, from the constitution.' This section was the , eld republican, gerrymander pf: the use of represenutiTes, and the ,soplecan do without It, J " " h 31st x orbids Vacating any office or torn of office no v axlaUng under the ""oDsumtioa.-: ; . . . . . . 22nd Provides for' the election of ' Judees of t!ie supreme court sud supe rior court, by general ticket, or vote of I , ail the people ; but allows the general Assembly to changs tha mode of elect ing superior court Judges from general Vcket to district elections - -: 23d Requires" 12 months' residence ' In the state, and 90 days hi the county. before a man can vote, and excludes felons and ex-penitentiary convicts from holdioz office or voting until re stored to ciuzenship by due process of I law. There was two days' debate on this ordinance, sisaars. iMcaery, AiberUon and Buxton, with all the negro delegates.tpeaking against it and ' declaring it was a med at the negro. 24th Provides for the removal by the legislature of any judge of the superior court for mental or physical disability. It also, provides for the removal of clerks of the enpreme and superior courts by the judges of the cour a for the same reason. Appeal hi ass of I removal i sulowed as iu other eases or suits. 25th Provides tliat article 7 of the con stitution be amended by adding that the general aaeembly ahull have power to modify, change or abrogate any and all of the provisions of the article, and sub stitute othera in their place, except seo- tiour 7,J and 13, Thia allowa (he fegWa . fare to appoint mgitraraa as under the old constitution. - 26th OiTes jurisdiction to justioeaof the peace over cmi acuooa lounded on contract, when the earn does not exceed $200 : and allows tha just toes to call in a iurv of six men in certain cases. toXfth Authorizes the employment of eonricta on public works and xughwaya. 28th Adda the following new section - ' to article 4 ' "la case the general as sembly shall establish other inferior eourta, the "preaiding oJSoers aud clerks i ihereof shall be aiectHj in such maruu? j as tre pawaraj aasatubly may praacriba.' 23tb Forbids marram between white and black and all .persons' of negro de scent to the third generation, sutu Adda to article I. section zt : "Nothing- herein contained shall Justify the practice of tarrying eoncmaled weapons or prevent tue legislature from martins; penal statutes against suae enaction." 81st Aboiixhea section 81, of articles And provides lot nliinar ail Taoancies offices provided for by this article by the KOTonwr not otnerwise provided lor. &2d lroridee for peyins: officers and members oi too oonenunn. 83d OiTes power to the enpreme eoort to try issues and questions of lacs as under tut old constitution. . . . , CONSTITUTIONAL CoNVENTl ! KUHTU ClkOUMl ft If 1H7S. . Of ComjiMe bt Pnotormphle r up by J. 1 XZL"C"cV naiou.i. inn air com plate copy as I oct IfcHI CjOUTimUt POUCI-HOLDXK. Aa Imnranee Journal dtroted to the inter- i it of rolk-j-noldera. Cunuioi nil tbela- (Drnnce Uteratura of tha day. Onl lnenr anoe paper In Vonb Carolina. Treata of both Life and Fire inmirnnce, ipoalnir Ud-cat I rompanipa and eomntrnulnr Lb troec i to Ui iieonle of North C'aro Inn. til Dauar for ttaoae hitereated In Inauranc i BuDaerlptton 12.00 In adrauoe. Adrartlae- Saent uuerted at reaaonabni ralaa. ' AddrMea, .. , jNj.cmrrsojf, dltor snd Proprietor.' Raleigh, M. septt-tf MMLnm m. OaJtraa, Aaaaaos U Caaraa CAKT : Ai, CAll 1 At X ATTOKHCYd AT LAW, ;- Aaaumua, M.O .- ' r rraetlee la tha-capreate Ceart nt Ral irk ad la tae Btaia nad redaral Goane at We 'ra Murta UaroUna Liata eeuectad ea ana t th- A. HLU la TO AVAKT HOLD. .(uvea Eureka Wasliins Ma- --cMno.' Tbia sew Invention Is a apMte i aah as everyttimg from a tody's toes Collar a Coeatsrpaae, la the ssost taereegh and i paste styls. roths wttk ease sad rapidity and wit boat injury to the slots. TIMS AMD MOKIT IATIQ. Ta Tt'ashlag due by a womaa fat sea lay m he doae M the pnttaatad Karska la tare boars, ' - .. -7 r""7r'-"'- Price $13, with wrli grr s lathed US, J.aflaJA, MaBafaetsrer and fatten te, Ory, H. a JJIW't'l l BE OA ROUS A BOUSKUCLD MAOAZ1SS, Aa mnstmu Monthly at Csoiee tare, Is pabllabed mon'tlrat eoLDuBoao, . a It is a hssntlrnilv Dlssiratod Bsnositerv of Llteratnm. deatined te beetase the ttrsnt Hosebold Maraalne of the Sooth; morel ihoroeghly tdeailded with ths people la tbat- noeuu ana vosxsue uin una ay Maraaine la th eonntry. sad for the i price, ! More Kaading. lie adraatac aea-iceted which either talent e eapilal eaa eaa command to reader each leans aa agree- I able and tnetrertive eomusadlnnx of choieal readtna. by pops tar writers, both boms ear read tna;, abroad. ' its ricTuas eaixnr. la a Bftoat attractive fratara. The anaan somber eontalna a lifs-l ke portrait of Xs tOV Z B. Tuwa and biue'raubleal akateh. to be followed In sack anmber with photo I grapue vi vuirr urvouDeoa wviflBB, ainnea tC - OHLT IT0P A TXAK. Poatsae Irae. - sad each sobaciiber eaa mak a cboioa of tb'ae meet beautiful, large Enicr.! re, slat n eern m inensa, vist -is rinding Of AeBa1ormtbelmpla,, Ths Madotna," 'aunc Mar Uarrinc tha Btorm." lof wardrd on reoeipt of Uie snbecription prtea. Klther of 1be Kncnvuifa In worts aonbM the prtee scktd for the Msgaalna Anyone a-Bdirg a elnb of fls will receive nn extra nbeeriptlos Iran. Single eopiee W eenta. lx months sabsirlpUot wlthowt tha Ka rravtejr li ft), i gtnte yrsnkd everywhere. A'lflreae JVLlLi A. BOHITI. PablUher ' )aa IVtf . nioldabore) M. C. AGENTS! 90 ELEGANT OILCHKOMOS monnted. sise xll. forSL Novelties I and Chromoa In every deaerlptioa. NaTloau, I Laaoaus vov, rsii., rn. i w. . rroit BENT I . The Front Store oa PsretUvflls street, ons oi us oesi sianua in m city oi Kaieica roeealoa glTea ths, flrst day of January, lsra. decXV-lw JAB. M. TOWLES.. DO TOCT WANT Gent's Hat, call at A KEW 8TTLI G. D. HEABTTS. d isa OK RENT. Tor ths year 1878. Ths Hons snd Lot oa Hinboror Street opposite tha ppoeiie taa acbann hotel, known as V e ti utchlur property. The Mouae contains eurni eomiortabio roumee I Kitchen euntalnlnc four rooms. Two Office rooms la yard all la good order. Outalde pantry and wood boose. M ell of good water in yard, pomp attach d. roe terms app y to - ti w. 1. HU lCtllOB. "gt., orto.B.UUlCHlMiS, FtTettevuie at., onposite Tucaer lis I deaautf . I APIkA, MiaoEi A-NP CHILDREN, IF yoa want a Boot or Ualtcr to St like a (love, ga to aeoa-am. v-uomsu a ACCORDEONS, FLUTINAS, TIOLINS, Gotta m, Btfnioe, FluWe. Fifes, Flarolets, Tambormea, llarmottlcatta, Drama. Vio- tonceiioe, exmee, viDeta regs. Violin Bows, Chin Pieces, Tail Ptrere, Bridicea, Bow Hair, , Roein, Jftitv, Tri, . aogiea, Drumb Cord -sod heads In fact, most aimhinr arnertalnlnc to tbs anoatcai line eaa t bad si jikuw m o vansij r . . -.. ., it .x an Duuaisg, iLaie'a, ft. v. jQU BOISB COTTON GINS. - r . One 80 end one 00 Sew of thro celebrated Banc klb Ulna to Store, and will be sold at n-dured price They are Mid to clean butler, gn faster sad bet Wo gar tbes any other fta Also, Oae 80 saw Second band Ear. JAMAS M. TOWLES, aeptlS-Sm Agent. 0 R DIN AN 0 S ! ORDINANCE3!! URDINA.CB8M TUB C0H YD H-T-I ON! COSVENTIONII COH VENTIOJN ttt AT TIIIS OFFICE. Single Copies lOeav - : r t pec hundred Per tbxmaand S7 Send hi your orders at ease, ; Addresaf 6E5TTNEL, Raleigh, N. a i a LAW OJkTFTOE, On Court flout $$usr RALnQH, K. a oeelsl sttentloa alvea to Savins of Borne, Strads, la view of tie late deelnoa of the Se pema Coert of the UaltodAtet at oa the eab rert, - i may Mw eVstf QAiH, DOORS dt BLLiDi QamrmntttilkorougX iSaaaonad ITMOCX BOTTOM tJUCMX mtW Sfaas JULIUS LXWM A CO. - y a rVTS mrj( iTirniM j? UUA UiAJlia, Uardwart of entry Description J UldUS L.JSWIS dt Fishxb BuiLDiao, Baleiiih, N. C rut ' . -BawSOd ' : uaKAT OtFRdl Hones Waters A Soaa. 481 Broidwa. M. T , will dUpose of 1 0 fian.4 and nans Of rt clars n akrra. Ineloding Waiara, si es-1 iremeiy ww pneen lor eaaa, eannr u-S nvoath, of part eaah, and balance la small tcoa hly payment. Tbe aerne u Itst unf New Scale rianee, are the bret nude Tha toe eh elastic, nad n flee staving tone. powcrfal, pan and even. Waters' C-reno Organs cannot be excelhd In tone ar bnot; uey oiy r"(-iii. iDe oacetlt etop 1 Is a Sna Im.laUoa of ths bursa voice. I Areola waateu. n-Ilberel diseosat to teat b. era, niiniu r, churcbaa, acboola, hxleea. etc. ilc'.al tiidacments to the trade, liloatratad I aaleJOKaes muwS. . AaatiaTaau aaaa, OHISA JO If IS, .V .ttirtcr'a At Law. .' XAUIGH.V.G. OBAGTICB la the Supreme Ooart I X state, tha Circalt sad District Onrteofl toe United HUtee ud the several Courts ef I tie eiavndlclal District. iwuee oa reyettovilla. BC, eppaelte tae U taeet national Hank. Dp stairs. D I It If I 8 O S FiTfltT IfllrTWa TAOA lOrnrTwe Bandrad Millions have Ibsen aaed w.tala the part 10 rears. itQuni complaint of loaa by Tear baeomlnn seiacnee. ibit nn moan aauaaLS ton Aajoae Corron Jtaus vnaa an Ta oa. AU aipraaaUompai esaaelhea. ' osld by frmiera and ttaUaen reerrwaera. I . ri an annnea ... MTJ( r. ItLSG, Of KOKTB CAROLINA, IJOINSON, SUTTON A CO. I Nos. 298 BsJUasors snd 1 Forte. Liberty Bta. 3. X. K. Caaasa. I u J. Joansoa. I IT U.. We Jalttwra Zl BALTIVORE, sept 17-aa c OiU. IK DLSCOXbOLATE I MM B) search of TIRHT-CLAfl nnnDfl. the very Latest Tip of FssbJoa, and pat np la a styls that wul suit the most tastkUoos ante, goto WE1KEU8 ESTABLISHMENT, .... . on rayettevtn Street, oae door South of the laouibarn upress Office. It Is a Conceded Fact that Wefkal esn put up tha best snd most eal la factory JOB in the wav of fine salts of Clothing, from a Wedding to a Business Suit, that eaa be tamed oat In Raleigh. The oia ana younf men say It, tae ladles (Uol bless them) endorse It snd the children ery I over H. cr for In W( aa their riwmnA "ilaita" pat on s suit of elkel's elothins:. Weikel takes this occasion to r tarn his thanks for the large snd liberal patronage heretofore received, and resDectful asks for n coa un nance ox me same, ms stoca w CLOTBS, VASSIXERES, TWEEDS. SUITINGS. se. Is much largrr thsa srer before, snd com prises ail me Latest woveities m style, balpg been recently purchased at low prices from . ,' - ' .-. - FA8HI0X fiXADQUASTZBS. As usual his fores of Workmen an Picked Men, whose skill and ability are known to ths dressing'' public Come ens and all to ths Emporium of Paabli n, elkel's, the Merchant Tailor, for a arat sues bu i oi utotnes, oi arst I goods, put op in first class style. act o-e v 6 WAM80TTA MU8LIX SHIBTS WITH RICHABDSON'S ROUND THREAD UNIX BOSOMS AND CUffS FOR ONLT SCSQ. 12 WAMSUTTA MUStlN. SHIRTS .WITH RICHARDSON'S ROUND THREAP LINEN BOSOMS AND CUm TOR ONLT snoo. I NhAUL T JihAD Y MADJL ORDERS PROM FT LT FILLED. Thi Greatest Bargain of thi2ge W. H. A R. 8. TUCKER, . Leaders of Low Prices snd Best Goods. Raleigh, Nov. 35, 1875-tf. REAL ESTaVTE iau. -- TAKBOnOUOH QOUSK. ALL KINDS OF FROPEKTT BOUGHT and sold oa Commiaaioa by ; . . tea tear a, KINGSLAND. Wku W. Joans, II 1 JL r 8.00 jjjjll jjjjl ) b At l K a h JOB. OFFICE. JO R. ORK Uaving refitte4 onr J . ( H r . - ...... Job Office, And aocured the aerrioei rf it We are bow prepared to execute all rinds of PlaAIN .AND PAHCY Job Work. . - All person tUTing Bill Heals, Lett) r Heads. - Busiacat Cardt, Tisitiai Osrds, 1 Wsddlst Oarda, . Olrealara, , Postata, aba. Torint,jrIll lufe ltieip'vyork ex ecated in the ven best style by , m " '' a6; -k i (;. t ' aending it to the Conticol 0ics. We are" also r jprepareole do all kinds ot Book "Work In the very beet style, at All work: aent to xu will be done urjnlckljand cheaply as at any other PRDmNO HOUSI W THX BOUTH H O III S"A H D-M V IrlA To nrrivs In a few dsrs, Elgbty Kentucky Horses and Mules. Prices to suit any one. samlne them deose-Dw . - as w. wi ansae JUltA AniaOft, :-. ;- B O O K B I V D S ft - Ajr BLANK BOOK MANURACTURiR, crn a. a aooajrona, . A L B I H. . H c;. JMIE MODEL FARM. fOB SALE. TbU weU inovn farm U located In the Toonebin of Uiirh Point two mile from the l,k eont' 191 acret; and excepUnc about Macrae of nna v Is all ander a hkrh itata' nt eatUv.n thoroughly nndnrdralned to' well set in elorer, timothy snd orchard graaa, will carry 2ft head of cattle and ss a. an thee p. TUB BOUSE ASD BARX ' . : f's-'ti a f- .... a .f -'f srs new sad built la the most thorough aiaa arr, snd with all modern eoorea eaoea. A nsvar fAIUSiaSfUlNO, sapplles pare water to house and barn.raleMl h llHr...n. b.H Good society, schools and churches and tha on the -eonthient. brtn elevated om it. nbove tide-water. View the ptvmteee, and ontain su aeeaea Information from Win. Pet erson, and for price, address eVwrll rVrlow, Ulgb Folnt. Aidea aawpson. So W. d street, Mi w fork or W. i. fcautpeon, 14 Wsshlngtoa Avenue K, hlUiDeapolla, lan-lm. - " '- , . yy AJUau. . . , arm aiva anaraeUa wLa aa ' Busunss vaar wuxPat froo a a aa m oy, eaa be panned la roar own relgbbor hood,andls strteUy hoaoraila Paruealars fran, or samples worta savers! dollars that will enable yon to to to Work at once, wljl be -nsnt om reeelpt of iftf eeata. ; Addrass - t. LATH A v a, - t Wnsnwatoe atBostoe. Ma'v- J. 1L L M M I h Q ATTORSIT AT LAW. At cr. riles soetit of tha' Court Eoass SaaUaal Uatas, . laneMf . . , las E. b. STAhtra. X- ATT0B5IY AT LAW,. . ,. ItaXBIOB, R. C . Practices la the rtate and PaderaJ Coarta, OoUseUoasaaads tat any part of atorth Car- nllna .., . ' . . , " mareh I yutcr boarding a dai school.: BlLLHBURW K. fl The thlrtv-third aru m of tha Uleaea Xut A Mim Koiiock's School will open on Friday, 3d July. Circulars sent oaaupiloaOon. 7 juiy lo-stawim H B CELEBRATED. Ei toy Orftn eaa be found at 'a u I SBOWN'S VAKlETr STORE, jan-tf Hollemsa BuUdlng. QUKE THAT ULUiUl Dr." O. T. McMannen's AMERICAN Till1 MIXTUBE PRICX O.VK DOLLAR. , Tmb Gbbat Soothim RkbtxdT ro ' COBeCMFriOB. i ' For O agb'. Colas. Sore Throat. Heeree- ! seas snd all Lung Disrates; eepecia'ly rea- ommrnded as a Family Medicine I or hlldrna tit arrests at crce ererr evmctom of Cronp, or a tacks of Col Is, sack a children an eubieel to. psiUcuisrly to ths relief of a, looping Congo, iu aombinntioa with itngsr and oiher Irgred'snu makrs It not an- pleasant te tbe tar te, sad aooaawer whatever . In Its nsa. Taken in pen loan of half a tea spoon i al nt a time whenever them la a diio sluoa to eoa r a, and at sktht wbea yoalln down. It acta Snely on the feidnera and the v vwr. ' '.'. i-.i : , . Maaafaetand and sold Wholerala and Re tail by the Proprietor. Irnrhsm. It. tl Lin. ral diaroant waosale dealara,- Orders . eellelte4.il . 4 - JNO. A. McMANVEN. i r i ,i Qeneral Bnaiaens Agent. TESTIMONIALS; ' Ooldbore,lf.X3. After pending curhtara m- btbs la a sonta araeilmatetoreatois my tnngs I revonp in deapalr, . and eama some to die with my hildrea ia Uoldabero, N. ti. tV bile then I obuine.i a boa of Dr McMtnnen's Isr Mia turn, its Srst eff ct was to enable me te sleep; my strennth began to ret are hope reiv dt ay conga gata way. Attar aalac lx boira, waa restored to health I flew e'gh 140 Ibe ' 1 owe my Ufa to thia mistara, and Fish thiS4abUafaed to tne world . 1 have tx-ea afflicted with a eoort for thirty " rears. I have nsed all the popmlar remedies lor eosfe-ha.- I hare s var fonnd aayUilrg to remain oa tha ro" ecb arniva anyniief. anttl I aaad Dr AcMennea's Asaeriena Tar kf lit are. Ita BS eaabioe sse to -leap well; iit luiiiti BVietlBed tbelr atrenithj and- I Snd mTealf entirely free from a distressing eovgh Ui at attack-d me la the morning. I lam rapidly recovering. ataa. rvi i aa rasvuAL. My Let gs gave way while oa mv ewenlk 1 Was forces to re Jre from my work, and bad ba iltlle hop of reeuverv 1 need one box of Dr. McManneh's Tar Mlrtara, my eoetfh Improved, nay strength reVaraua, and i aa soon abie to rename my work. I recommend U to all who have s eomgn, a w-ak an a. at. i. Htal, '' :' 4 M. C Coafom.ee . " Dnrham. N. d Of all tne medicine yon here taken, the Tar Mlxtan la ths on y Uiing that ana done any good. MJU t. R. GREEN, To her Host and. Darhaas,M a I tire seed Dr. CT. MeMenoen's taerWi Tar Mlxtun myself, and la my family. I do not aeettata teesroe-mene it as s remedy to ba aed la all raaes of Coach. Clda, eore Throat, Uoaietaess sad Lang dlieaan u. , rJtaUll,. Hanores of other Tea'lmoniale eon d be Offered. Taaen at all times It portions of hail n teaapooafal or Mtee, iio danger whsUvar I k I r. i. ii - ..L t 'i: